/* pm_surface.c - surface tracing Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "pm_local.h" #include "gl_local.h" #define FRAC_EPSILON (1.0f / 32.0f) typedef struct { float fraction; int contents; msurface_t *surface; } linetrace_t; /* ============== fix_coord converts the reletive tex coords to absolute ============== */ static uint fix_coord( vec_t in, uint width ) { if( in > 0 ) return (uint)in % width; return width - ((uint)fabs( in ) % width); } /* ============= SampleMiptex fence texture testing ============= */ int PM_SampleMiptex( const msurface_t *surf, const vec3_t point ) { mextrasurf_t *info = surf->info; mfacebevel_t *fb = info->bevel; int contents; vec_t ds, dt; byte *data; int x, y; mtexinfo_t *tx; texture_t *mt; rgbdata_t *src; // fill the default contents if( fb ) contents = fb->contents; else contents = CONTENTS_SOLID; if( !surf->texinfo || !surf->texinfo->texture ) return contents; tx = surf->texinfo; mt = tx->texture; if( mt->name[0] != '{' ) return contents; src = R_GetTexture( mt->gl_texturenum )->original; if( !src ) return contents; // original doesn't kept ds = DotProduct( point, tx->vecs[0] ) + tx->vecs[0][3]; dt = DotProduct( point, tx->vecs[1] ) + tx->vecs[1][3]; // convert ST to real pixels position x = fix_coord( ds, mt->width - 1 ); y = fix_coord( dt, mt->height - 1 ); ASSERT( x >= 0 && y >= 0 ); data = src->buffer; if( data[(mt->width * y) + x] == 255 ) return CONTENTS_EMPTY; return CONTENTS_SOLID; } /* ================== PM_RecursiveSurfCheck ================== */ msurface_t *PM_RecursiveSurfCheck( model_t *mod, mnode_t *node, vec3_t p1, vec3_t p2 ) { float t1, t2, frac; int i, side; msurface_t *surf; vec3_t mid; loc0: if( node->contents < 0 ) return NULL; t1 = PlaneDiff( p1, node->plane ); t2 = PlaneDiff( p2, node->plane ); if( t1 >= -FRAC_EPSILON && t2 >= -FRAC_EPSILON ) { node = node->children[0]; goto loc0; } if( t1 < FRAC_EPSILON && t2 < FRAC_EPSILON ) { node = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } side = (t1 < 0.0f); frac = t1 / ( t1 - t2 ); frac = bound( 0.0f, frac, 1.0f ); VectorLerp( p1, frac, p2, mid ); if(( surf = PM_RecursiveSurfCheck( mod, node->children[side], p1, mid )) != NULL ) return surf; // walk through real faces for( i = 0; i < node->numsurfaces; i++ ) { msurface_t *surf = &mod->surfaces[node->firstsurface + i]; mextrasurf_t *info = surf->info; mfacebevel_t *fb = info->bevel; int j, contents; vec3_t delta; if( !fb ) continue; // ??? VectorSubtract( mid, fb->origin, delta ); if( DotProduct( delta, delta ) >= fb->radius ) continue; // no intersection for( j = 0; j < fb->numedges; j++ ) { if( PlaneDiff( mid, &fb->edges[j] ) > FRAC_EPSILON ) break; // outside the bounds } if( j != fb->numedges ) continue; // we are outside the bounds of the facet // hit the surface contents = PM_SampleMiptex( surf, mid ); if( contents != CONTENTS_EMPTY ) return surf; return NULL; // through the fence } return PM_RecursiveSurfCheck( mod, node->children[side^1], mid, p2 ); } /* ================== PM_TraceTexture find the face where the traceline hit assume physentity is valid ================== */ msurface_t *PM_TraceSurface( physent_t *pe, vec3_t start, vec3_t end ) { matrix4x4 matrix; model_t *bmodel; hull_t *hull; vec3_t start_l, end_l; vec3_t offset; bmodel = pe->model; if( !bmodel || bmodel->type != mod_brush ) return NULL; hull = &pe->model->hulls[0]; VectorSubtract( hull->clip_mins, vec3_origin, offset ); VectorAdd( offset, pe->origin, offset ); VectorSubtract( start, offset, start_l ); VectorSubtract( end, offset, end_l ); // rotate start and end into the models frame of reference if( !VectorIsNull( pe->angles )) { Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( matrix, pe->angles, offset, 1.0f ); Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, start, start_l ); Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, end, end_l ); } return PM_RecursiveSurfCheck( bmodel, &bmodel->nodes[hull->firstclipnode], start_l, end_l ); } /* ================== PM_TraceTexture find the face where the traceline hit assume physentity is valid ================== */ const char *PM_TraceTexture( physent_t *pe, vec3_t start, vec3_t end ) { msurface_t *surf = PM_TraceSurface( pe, start, end ); if( !surf || !surf->texinfo || !surf->texinfo->texture ) return NULL; return surf->texinfo->texture->name; } /* ================== PM_TestLine_r optimized trace for light gathering ================== */ int PM_TestLine_r( model_t *mod, mnode_t *node, vec_t p1f, vec_t p2f, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t stop, linetrace_t *trace ) { float front, back; float frac, midf; int i, r, side; vec3_t mid; loc0: if( node->contents < 0 ) { // water, slime or lava interpret as empty if( node->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID ) return CONTENTS_SOLID; if( node->contents == CONTENTS_SKY ) return CONTENTS_SKY; trace->fraction = 1.0f; return CONTENTS_EMPTY; } front = PlaneDiff( start, node->plane ); back = PlaneDiff( stop, node->plane ); if( front >= -FRAC_EPSILON && back >= -FRAC_EPSILON ) { node = node->children[0]; goto loc0; } if( front < FRAC_EPSILON && back < FRAC_EPSILON ) { node = node->children[1]; goto loc0; } side = (front < 0); frac = front / (front - back); frac = bound( 0.0, frac, 1.0 ); VectorLerp( start, frac, stop, mid ); midf = p1f + ( p2f - p1f ) * frac; r = PM_TestLine_r( mod, node->children[side], p1f, midf, start, mid, trace ); if( r != CONTENTS_EMPTY ) { if( trace->surface == NULL ) trace->fraction = midf; trace->contents = r; return r; } // walk through real faces for( i = 0; i < node->numsurfaces; i++ ) { msurface_t *surf = &mod->surfaces[node->firstsurface + i]; mextrasurf_t *info = surf->info; mfacebevel_t *fb = info->bevel; int j, contents; vec3_t delta; if( !fb ) continue; VectorSubtract( mid, fb->origin, delta ); if( DotProduct( delta, delta ) >= fb->radius ) continue; // no intersection for( j = 0; j < fb->numedges; j++ ) { if( PlaneDiff( mid, &fb->edges[j] ) > FRAC_EPSILON ) break; // outside the bounds } if( j != fb->numedges ) continue; // we are outside the bounds of the facet // hit the surface contents = PM_SampleMiptex( surf, mid ); // fill the trace and out trace->contents = contents; trace->fraction = midf; if( contents != CONTENTS_EMPTY ) trace->surface = surf; return contents; } return PM_TestLine_r( mod, node->children[!side], midf, p2f, mid, stop, trace ); } int PM_TestLineExt( playermove_t *pmove, physent_t *ents, int numents, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int flags ) { linetrace_t trace, trace_bbox; matrix4x4 matrix; hull_t *hull = NULL; vec3_t offset, start_l, end_l; qboolean rotated; physent_t *pe; int i; trace.contents = CONTENTS_EMPTY; trace.fraction = 1.0f; trace.surface = NULL; for( i = 0; i < numents; i++ ) { pe = &ents[i]; if( i != 0 && FBitSet( flags, PM_WORLD_ONLY )) break; if( !pe->model || pe->model->type != mod_brush || pe->solid != SOLID_BSP ) continue; if( FBitSet( flags, PM_GLASS_IGNORE ) && pe->rendermode != kRenderNormal ) continue; hull = &pe->model->hulls[0]; hull = PM_HullForBsp( pe, pmove, offset ); if( pe->solid == SOLID_BSP && !VectorIsNull( pe->angles )) rotated = true; else rotated = false; if( rotated ) { Matrix4x4_CreateFromEntity( matrix, pe->angles, offset, 1.0f ); Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, start, start_l ); Matrix4x4_VectorITransform( matrix, end, end_l ); } else { VectorSubtract( start, pe->origin, start_l ); VectorSubtract( end, pe->origin, end_l ); } trace_bbox.contents = CONTENTS_EMPTY; trace_bbox.fraction = 1.0f; trace_bbox.surface = NULL; PM_TestLine_r( pe->model, &pe->model->nodes[hull->firstclipnode], 0.0f, 1.0f, start_l, end_l, &trace_bbox ); if( trace_bbox.contents != CONTENTS_EMPTY || trace_bbox.fraction < trace.fraction ) { trace = trace_bbox; } } return trace.contents; }