/* input.c - win32 input devices Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "input.h" #include "client.h" #include "vgui_draw.h" #define PRINTSCREEN_ID 1 #define WND_HEADSIZE wnd_caption // some offset #define WND_BORDER 3 // sentinel border in pixels HICON in_mousecursor; qboolean in_mouseactive; // false when not focus app qboolean in_restore_spi; qboolean in_mouseinitialized; int in_mouse_oldbuttonstate; qboolean in_mouse_suspended; qboolean in_mouse_savedpos; int in_mouse_buttons; RECT window_rect, real_rect; POINT in_lastvalidpos; uint in_mouse_wheel; int wnd_caption; static byte scan_to_key[128] = { 0,27,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','=',K_BACKSPACE,9, 'q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i','o','p','[',']', 13 , K_CTRL, 'a','s','d','f','g','h','j','k','l',';','\'','`', K_SHIFT,'\\','z','x','c','v','b','n','m',',','.','/',K_SHIFT, '*',K_ALT,' ',K_CAPSLOCK, K_F1,K_F2,K_F3,K_F4,K_F5,K_F6,K_F7,K_F8,K_F9,K_F10, K_PAUSE,K_SCROLLOCK,K_HOME,K_UPARROW,K_PGUP,K_KP_MINUS,K_LEFTARROW,K_KP_5, K_RIGHTARROW,K_KP_PLUS,K_END,K_DOWNARROW,K_PGDN,K_INS,K_DEL, 0,0,0,K_F11,K_F12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; // extra mouse buttons static int mouse_buttons[] = { MK_LBUTTON, MK_RBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, MK_XBUTTON1, MK_XBUTTON2, MK_XBUTTON3, MK_XBUTTON4, MK_XBUTTON5 }; /* ======= Host_MapKey Map from windows to engine keynums ======= */ static int Host_MapKey( int key ) { int result, modified; qboolean is_extended = false; modified = ( key >> 16 ) & 255; if( modified > 127 ) return 0; if( key & ( 1 << 24 )) is_extended = true; result = scan_to_key[modified]; if( !is_extended ) { switch( result ) { case K_HOME: return K_KP_HOME; case K_UPARROW: return K_KP_UPARROW; case K_PGUP: return K_KP_PGUP; case K_LEFTARROW: return K_KP_LEFTARROW; case K_RIGHTARROW: return K_KP_RIGHTARROW; case K_END: return K_KP_END; case K_DOWNARROW: return K_KP_DOWNARROW; case K_PGDN: return K_KP_PGDN; case K_INS: return K_KP_INS; case K_DEL: return K_KP_DEL; default: return result; } } else { switch( result ) { case K_PAUSE: return K_KP_NUMLOCK; case 0x0D: return K_KP_ENTER; case 0x2F: return K_KP_SLASH; case 0xAF: return K_KP_PLUS; default: return result; } } } /* =========== IN_StartupMouse =========== */ void IN_StartupMouse( void ) { if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) return; if( Sys_CheckParm( "-nomouse" )) return; in_mouse_buttons = 8; in_mouseinitialized = true; in_mouse_wheel = RegisterWindowMessage( "MSWHEEL_ROLLMSG" ); } static qboolean IN_CursorInRect( void ) { POINT curpos; if( !in_mouseinitialized || !in_mouseactive ) return false; // find mouse movement GetCursorPos( &curpos ); if( curpos.x < real_rect.left + WND_BORDER ) return false; if( curpos.x > real_rect.right - WND_BORDER * 3 ) return false; if( curpos.y < real_rect.top + WND_HEADSIZE + WND_BORDER ) return false; if( curpos.y > real_rect.bottom - WND_BORDER * 3 ) return false; return true; } static void IN_ActivateCursor( void ) { if( cls.key_dest == key_menu ) { SetCursor( in_mousecursor ); } } void IN_SetCursor( HICON hCursor ) { in_mousecursor = hCursor; IN_ActivateCursor(); } /* =========== IN_MouseSavePos Save mouse pos before state change e.g. changelevel =========== */ void IN_MouseSavePos( void ) { if( !in_mouseactive ) return; GetCursorPos( &in_lastvalidpos ); in_mouse_savedpos = true; } /* =========== IN_MouseRestorePos Restore right position for background =========== */ void IN_MouseRestorePos( void ) { if( !in_mouse_savedpos ) return; SetCursorPos( in_lastvalidpos.x, in_lastvalidpos.y ); in_mouse_savedpos = false; } /* =========== IN_ToggleClientMouse Called when key_dest is changed =========== */ void IN_ToggleClientMouse( int newstate, int oldstate ) { if( newstate == oldstate ) return; if( oldstate == key_game ) { clgame.dllFuncs.IN_DeactivateMouse(); } else if( newstate == key_game ) { // reset mouse pos, so cancel effect in game SetCursorPos( host.window_center_x, host.window_center_y ); clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ActivateMouse(); } if( newstate == key_menu && ( !CL_IsBackgroundMap() || CL_IsBackgroundDemo( ))) { in_mouseactive = false; ClipCursor( NULL ); ReleaseCapture(); while( ShowCursor( true ) < 0 ); } } /* =========== IN_RecalcCenter Recalc the center of screen =========== */ void IN_RecalcCenter( qboolean setpos ) { int width, height; if( host.status != HOST_FRAME ) return; width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); GetWindowRect( host.hWnd, &window_rect ); if( window_rect.left < 0 ) window_rect.left = 0; if( window_rect.top < 0 ) window_rect.top = 0; if( window_rect.right >= width ) window_rect.right = width - 1; if( window_rect.bottom >= height - 1 ) window_rect.bottom = height - 1; host.window_center_x = (window_rect.right + window_rect.left) / 2; host.window_center_y = (window_rect.top + window_rect.bottom) / 2; if( setpos ) SetCursorPos( host.window_center_x, host.window_center_y ); } /* =========== IN_ActivateMouse Called when the window gains focus or changes in some way =========== */ void IN_ActivateMouse( qboolean force ) { static int oldstate; if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; if( CL_Active() && host.mouse_visible && !force ) return; // VGUI controls if( cls.key_dest == key_menu && !Cvar_VariableInteger( "fullscreen" )) { // check for mouse leave-entering if( !in_mouse_suspended && !UI_MouseInRect( )) in_mouse_suspended = true; if( oldstate != in_mouse_suspended ) { if( in_mouse_suspended ) { ClipCursor( NULL ); ReleaseCapture(); while( ShowCursor( true ) < 0 ); UI_ShowCursor( false ); } } oldstate = in_mouse_suspended; if( in_mouse_suspended && IN_CursorInRect( )) { in_mouse_suspended = false; in_mouseactive = false; // re-initialize mouse UI_ShowCursor( true ); } } if( in_mouseactive ) return; in_mouseactive = true; if( UI_IsVisible( )) return; if( cls.key_dest == key_game ) { clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ActivateMouse(); } IN_RecalcCenter( true ); SetCapture( host.hWnd ); ClipCursor( &window_rect ); while( ShowCursor( false ) >= 0 ); } /* =========== IN_DeactivateMouse Called when the window loses focus =========== */ void IN_DeactivateMouse( void ) { if( !in_mouseinitialized || !in_mouseactive ) return; if( cls.key_dest == key_game ) { clgame.dllFuncs.IN_DeactivateMouse(); } in_mouseactive = false; ClipCursor( NULL ); ReleaseCapture(); while( ShowCursor( true ) < 0 ); } /* ================ IN_MouseMove ================ */ void IN_MouseMove( void ) { POINT current_pos; if( !in_mouseinitialized || !in_mouseactive || !UI_IsVisible( )) return; // find mouse movement GetCursorPos( ¤t_pos ); ScreenToClient( host.hWnd, ¤t_pos ); // if the menu is visible, move the menu cursor UI_MouseMove( current_pos.x, current_pos.y ); IN_ActivateCursor(); } /* =========== IN_MouseEvent =========== */ void IN_MouseEvent( int mstate ) { int i; if( !in_mouseinitialized || !in_mouseactive ) return; if( cls.key_dest == key_game ) { clgame.dllFuncs.IN_MouseEvent( mstate ); return; } // perform button actions for( i = 0; i < in_mouse_buttons; i++ ) { if( FBitSet( mstate, BIT( i )) && !FBitSet( in_mouse_oldbuttonstate, BIT( i ))) { Key_Event( K_MOUSE1 + i, true ); } if( !FBitSet( mstate, BIT( i )) && FBitSet( in_mouse_oldbuttonstate, BIT( i ))) { Key_Event( K_MOUSE1 + i, false ); } } in_mouse_oldbuttonstate = mstate; } /* =========== IN_Shutdown =========== */ void IN_Shutdown( void ) { IN_DeactivateMouse( ); } /* =========== IN_Init =========== */ void IN_Init( void ) { IN_StartupMouse( ); } /* ================== Host_InputFrame Called every frame, even if not generating commands ================== */ void Host_InputFrame( void ) { qboolean shutdownMouse = false; Sys_SendKeyEvents (); if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; if( host.status != HOST_FRAME ) { IN_DeactivateMouse(); return; } // release mouse during pause or console typeing if( cl.paused && cls.key_dest == key_game ) shutdownMouse = true; if( shutdownMouse && !Cvar_VariableInteger( "fullscreen" )) { IN_DeactivateMouse(); return; } IN_ActivateMouse( false ); IN_MouseMove(); } /* ==================== IN_WndProc main window procedure ==================== */ LONG IN_WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT wParam, LONG lParam ) { int i, temp = 0; qboolean fActivate; if( uMsg == in_mouse_wheel ) uMsg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL; VGUI_SurfaceWndProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); switch( uMsg ) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "fullscreen" )) ShowWindow( host.hWnd, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE ); break; case WM_SETCURSOR: IN_ActivateCursor(); break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if( !in_mouseactive ) break; if(( short )HIWORD( wParam ) > 0 ) { Key_Event( K_MWHEELUP, true ); Key_Event( K_MWHEELUP, false ); } else { Key_Event( K_MWHEELDOWN, true ); Key_Event( K_MWHEELDOWN, false ); } break; case WM_CREATE: host.hWnd = hWnd; GetWindowRect( host.hWnd, &real_rect ); RegisterHotKey( host.hWnd, PRINTSCREEN_ID, 0, VK_SNAPSHOT ); break; case WM_CLOSE: Sys_Quit(); break; case WM_ACTIVATE: if( host.status == HOST_SHUTDOWN ) break; // no need to activate if( HIWORD( wParam )) host.status = HOST_SLEEP; else if( LOWORD( wParam ) == WA_INACTIVE ) host.status = HOST_NOFOCUS; else host.status = HOST_FRAME; fActivate = (host.status == HOST_FRAME) ? true : false; wnd_caption = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION ) + WND_BORDER; S_Activate( fActivate, host.hWnd ); IN_ActivateMouse( fActivate ); Key_ClearStates(); IN_RecalcCenter( false ); if( host.status == HOST_FRAME ) { SetForegroundWindow( hWnd ); ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_RESTORE ); } else if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "fullscreen" )) { ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE ); } break; case WM_MOVE: if( !Cvar_VariableInteger( "fullscreen" )) { RECT rect; int xPos, yPos, style; xPos = (short)LOWORD( lParam ); // horizontal position yPos = (short)HIWORD( lParam ); // vertical position rect.left = rect.top = 0; rect.right = rect.bottom = 1; style = GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); AdjustWindowRect( &rect, style, FALSE ); Cvar_SetValue( "_window_xpos", xPos + rect.left ); Cvar_SetValue( "_window_ypos", yPos + rect.top ); GetWindowRect( host.hWnd, &real_rect ); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: case WM_XBUTTONUP: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: for( i = 0; i < in_mouse_buttons; i++ ) { if( wParam & mouse_buttons[i] ) temp |= (1<