/* base_cmd.c - command & cvar hashmap. Insipred by Doom III Copyright (C) 2016 a1batross This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "base_cmd.h" #include "cdll_int.h" // TODO: use another hash function, as COM_HashKey depends on string length #define HASH_SIZE 128 // 128 * 4 * 4 == 2048 bytes static base_command_hashmap_t *hashed_cmds[HASH_SIZE]; /* ============ BaseCmd_FindInBucket Find base command in bucket ============ */ base_command_hashmap_t *BaseCmd_FindInBucket( base_command_hashmap_t *bucket, base_command_type_e type, const char *name ) { base_command_hashmap_t *i = bucket; for( ; i && ( i->type != type || Q_stricmp( name, i->name ) ); // filter out i = i->next ); return i; } /* ============ BaseCmd_GetBucket Get bucket which contain basecmd by given name ============ */ base_command_hashmap_t *BaseCmd_GetBucket( const char *name ) { return hashed_cmds[ COM_HashKey( name, HASH_SIZE ) ]; } /* ============ BaseCmd_Find Find base command in hashmap ============ */ base_command_t *BaseCmd_Find( base_command_type_e type, const char *name ) { base_command_hashmap_t *base = BaseCmd_GetBucket( name ); base_command_hashmap_t *found = BaseCmd_FindInBucket( base, type, name ); if( found ) return found->basecmd; return NULL; } /* ============ BaseCmd_Find Find every type of base command and write into arguments ============ */ void BaseCmd_FindAll(const char *name, base_command_t **cmd, base_command_t **alias, base_command_t **cvar) { base_command_hashmap_t *base = BaseCmd_GetBucket( name ); base_command_hashmap_t *i = base; ASSERT( cmd && alias && cvar ); *cmd = *alias = *cvar = NULL; for( ; i; i = i->next ) { if( !Q_stricmp( i->name, name ) ) { switch( i->type ) { case HM_CMD: *cmd = i->basecmd; break; case HM_CMDALIAS: *alias = i->basecmd; break; case HM_CVAR: *cvar = i->basecmd; break; default: break; } } } } /* ============ BaseCmd_Insert Add new typed base command to hashmap ============ */ void BaseCmd_Insert( base_command_type_e type, base_command_t *basecmd, const char *name ) { uint hash = COM_HashKey( name, HASH_SIZE ); base_command_hashmap_t *elem; elem = Z_Malloc( sizeof( base_command_hashmap_t ) ); elem->basecmd = basecmd; elem->type = type; elem->name = name; elem->next = hashed_cmds[hash]; hashed_cmds[hash] = elem; } /* ============ BaseCmd_Replace Used in case, when basecmd has been registered, but gamedll wants to register it's own ============ */ qboolean BaseCmd_Replace( base_command_type_e type, base_command_t *basecmd, const char *name ) { base_command_hashmap_t *i = BaseCmd_GetBucket( name ); for( ; i && ( i->type != type || Q_stricmp( name, i->name ) ) ; // filter out i = i->next ); if( !i ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "BaseCmd_Replace: couldn't find %s\n", name); return false; } i->basecmd = basecmd; i->name = name; // may be freed after return true; } /* ============ BaseCmd_Remove Remove base command from hashmap ============ */ void BaseCmd_Remove( base_command_type_e type, const char *name ) { uint hash = COM_HashKey( name, HASH_SIZE ); base_command_hashmap_t *i, *prev; for( prev = NULL, i = hashed_cmds[hash]; i && ( Q_strcmp( i->name, name ) || i->type != type); // filter out prev = i, i = i->next ); if( !i ) { MsgDev( D_ERROR, "Couldn't find %s in buckets\n", name ); return; } if( prev ) prev->next = i->next; else hashed_cmds[hash] = i->next; Z_Free( i ); } /* ============ BaseCmd_Init initialize base command hashmap system ============ */ void BaseCmd_Init( void ) { memset( hashed_cmds, 0, sizeof( hashed_cmds ) ); } /* ============ BaseCmd_Stats_f ============ */ void BaseCmd_Stats_f( void ) { int i, minsize = 99999, maxsize = -1, empty = 0; for( i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++ ) { base_command_hashmap_t *hm; int len = 0; // count bucket length for( hm = hashed_cmds[i]; hm; hm = hm->next, len++ ); if( len == 0 ) { empty++; continue; } if( len < minsize ) minsize = len; if( len > maxsize ) maxsize = len; } Con_Printf( "Base command stats:\n"); Con_Printf( "Bucket minimal length: %d\n", minsize ); Con_Printf( "Bucket maximum length: %d\n", maxsize ); Con_Printf( "Empty buckets: %d\n", empty ); } static void BaseCmd_CheckCvars( const char *key, const char *value, void *buffer, void *ptr ) { base_command_t *v = BaseCmd_Find( HM_CVAR, key ); qboolean *invalid = ptr; if( !v ) { Con_Printf( "Cvar %s is missing in basecmd\n", key ); *invalid = true; } } /* ============ BaseCmd_Stats_f testing order matches cbuf execute ============ */ void BaseCmd_Test_f( void ) { void *cmd; cmdalias_t *a; qboolean invalid = false; // Cmd_LookupCmds don't allows to check alias, so just iterate for( a = Cmd_AliasGetList(); a; a = a->next ) { base_command_t *v = BaseCmd_Find( HM_CMDALIAS, a->name ); if( !v ) { Con_Printf( "Alias %s is missing in basecmd\n", a->name ); invalid = true; } } for( cmd = Cmd_GetFirstFunctionHandle(); cmd; cmd = Cmd_GetNextFunctionHandle( cmd ) ) { base_command_t *v = BaseCmd_Find( HM_CMD, Cmd_GetName( cmd ) ); if( !v ) { Con_Printf( "Command %s is missing in basecmd\n", Cmd_GetName( cmd ) ); invalid = true; } } Cvar_LookupVars( 0, NULL, &invalid, BaseCmd_CheckCvars ); if( !invalid ) { Con_Printf( "BaseCmd is valid\n" ); } }