/* vid_dos.c - DOS VGA/VESA driver Copyright (C) 2020 mittorn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "platform/platform.h" #if XASH_VIDEO == VIDEO_DOS #include "input.h" #include "client.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "vid_common.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dos.h> #include <i86.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* ======================== Android_SwapBuffers Update screen. Use native EGL if possible ======================== */ void GL_SwapBuffers( void ) { } static void DOS_GetScreenRes( int *x, int *y ) { *x = 320; *y = 200; } qboolean R_Init_Video( const int type ) { qboolean retval; if( type != REF_SOFTWARE ) return false; /// glide??? if( !(retval = VID_SetMode()) ) { return retval; } host.renderinfo_changed = false; return true; } void R_Free_Video( void ) { // restore text mode union REGS regs; regs.w.ax = 3; int386(0x10,®s,®s); ref.dllFuncs.GL_ClearExtensions(); } qboolean VID_SetMode( void ) { R_ChangeDisplaySettings( 0, 0, WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN ); // width and height are ignored anyway return true; } rserr_t R_ChangeDisplaySettings( int width, int height, window_mode_t window_mode ) { int render_w, render_h; uint rotate = vid_rotate->value; DOS_GetScreenRes( &width, &height ); render_w = width; render_h = height; Con_Reportf( "R_ChangeDisplaySettings: forced resolution to %dx%d)\n", width, height ); if( ref.dllFuncs.R_SetDisplayTransform( rotate, 0, 0, vid_scale->value, vid_scale->value ) ) { if( rotate & 1 ) { int swap = render_w; render_w = render_h; render_h = swap; } render_h /= vid_scale->value; render_w /= vid_scale->value; } else { Con_Printf( S_WARN "failed to setup screen transform\n" ); } R_SaveVideoMode( width, height, render_w, render_h ); return rserr_ok; } int GL_SetAttribute( int attr, int val ) { return 0; } int GL_GetAttribute( int attr, int *val ) { return 0; } int R_MaxVideoModes( void ) { return 0; } vidmode_t* R_GetVideoMode( int num ) { return NULL; } void* GL_GetProcAddress( const char *name ) // RenderAPI requirement { return NULL; } static qboolean vsync; void GL_UpdateSwapInterval( void ) { // disable VSync while level is loading if( cls.state < ca_active ) { // setup vsync here vsync = false; SetBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } else if( FBitSet( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED )) { ClearBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); vsync = true; } } /* ================================ VESA structures ================================ */ typedef struct RealPointer { short Segment; //The real mode segment (offset is 0). short Selector; //In protected mode, you need to chuck this dude into a segment register and use an offset 0. } RealPointer; typedef struct VesaInfo { char Signature[4]; short Version; short OEMNameOffset; short OEMNameSegment; //Pointer to OEM name? char Capabilities[4]; short SupportedModesOffset; short SupportedModesSegment; //Pointer to list of supported VESA and OEM modes (terminated with 0xffff). char Reserved[238]; } VesaInfo; typedef struct VesaModeData { short ModeAttributes; char WindowAAttributes; char WindowBAttributes; short WindowGranularity; short WindowSize; short StartSegmentWindowA; short StartSegmentWindowB; void (*WindowPositioningFunction)(int page); short BytesPerScanLine; //Remainder of this structure is optional for VESA modes in v1.0/1.1, needed for OEM modes. short PixelWidth; short PixelHeight; char CharacterCellPixelWidth; char CharacterCellPixelHeight; char NumberOfMemoryPlanes; char BitsPerPixel; char NumberOfBanks; char MemoryModelType; char SizeOfBank; char NumberOfImagePages; char Reserved1; //VBE v1.2+ char RedMaskSize; char RedFieldPosition; char GreenMaskSize; char GreenFieldPosition; char BlueMaskSize; char BlueFieldPosition; char ReservedMaskSize; char ReservedFieldPosition; char DirectColourModeInfo; char Reserved2[216]; } VesaModeData; typedef struct RMREGS { int edi; int esi; int ebp; int reserved; int ebx; int edx; int ecx; int eax; short flags; short es,ds,fs,gs,ip,cs,sp,ss; } RMREGS; static VesaInfo far *vesa_info = NULL; static VesaModeData far *vesa_mode_data = NULL; static int vesa_granularity; static int vesa_page; static int vesa_width; static int vesa_height; static int vesa_bits_per_pixel; static RealPointer vesa_info_rp; static RealPointer vesa_mode_data_rp; static void far *allocate_dos_memory( RealPointer * rp,int bytes_to_allocate ) { void far *ptr = NULL; union REGS regs; bytes_to_allocate = ((bytes_to_allocate + 15) & 0xfffffff0); //Round up to nearest paragraph. memset(®s,0,sizeof(regs)); regs.w.ax = 0x100; regs.w.bx = (short)(bytes_to_allocate >> 4); //Allocate dos memory in pages, so convert bytes to pages. int386(0x31,®s,®s); if(regs.x.cflag == 0) { //Everything OK. rp->Segment = regs.w.ax; rp->Selector = regs.w.dx; ptr = MK_FP(regs.w.dx,0); } return(ptr); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Free an area of DOS memory. */ /****************************************************************************/ static void free_dos_memory( RealPointer * rp ) { union REGS regs; regs.w.ax = 0x101; regs.w.dx = rp->Selector; int386(0x31,®s,®s); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Get information about the VESA driver. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* TRUE - VESA driver present. vesa_info set to point to a */ /* a structure containing capability info etc. */ /* FALSE - No VESA driver. */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ static int vesa_get_info( void ) { union REGS regs; struct SREGS sregs; RMREGS rmregs; int ok = 0; if((vesa_info = (VesaInfo far *)allocate_dos_memory(&vesa_info_rp,sizeof(VesaInfo))) != NULL) { memset(&rmregs,0,sizeof(rmregs)); memset(®s,0,sizeof(regs)); memset(&sregs,0,sizeof(sregs)); segread(&sregs); rmregs.eax = 0x4f00; rmregs.es = vesa_info_rp.Segment; rmregs.ds = vesa_info_rp.Segment; regs.x.eax = 0x300; regs.x.ebx = 0x10; regs.x.ecx = 0; sregs.es = FP_SEG(&rmregs); regs.x.edi = FP_OFF(&rmregs); int386x(0x31,®s,®s,&sregs); //Get vesa info. if(rmregs.eax == 0x4f) ok=1; } return(ok); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Free the information allocated with vesa_get_info() */ /****************************************************************************/ static int vesa_free_info( void ) { free_dos_memory( &vesa_info_rp ); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Get VESA mode information. Information is loaded into vesa_mode_data. */ /* vesa_get_info() must be called before calling this function. */ /* Should error check this really. */ /* */ /* Inputs: */ /* vmode - The mode that you wish to get information about. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* TRUE - vesa_mode_data points to a filled VesaModeData structure. */ /* FALSE - vesa_mode_data probably invalid. Mode probably not */ /* supported. */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ static int vesa_get_mode_info( short vmode ) { union REGS regs; struct SREGS sregs; RMREGS rmregs; int ok=0; if((vesa_mode_data = (VesaModeData far *)allocate_dos_memory(&vesa_mode_data_rp,sizeof(VesaModeData))) != NULL) { memset(&rmregs,0,sizeof(rmregs)); rmregs.es = vesa_mode_data_rp.Segment; rmregs.ds = vesa_mode_data_rp.Segment; rmregs.edi = 0; rmregs.eax = 0x4f01; rmregs.ecx = vmode; memset(®s,0,sizeof(regs)); memset(&sregs,0,sizeof(sregs)); segread(&sregs); regs.x.eax = 0x300; regs.x.ebx = 0x10; regs.x.edi = (int)&rmregs; int386x(0x31,®s,®s,&sregs); if(regs.h.al == 0) { //cache a few important items in protected mode memory area. vesa_granularity = vesa_mode_data->WindowGranularity; vesa_width = vesa_mode_data->PixelWidth; vesa_height = vesa_mode_data->PixelHeight; vesa_bits_per_pixel = vesa_mode_data->BitsPerPixel; ok = 1; } } return(ok); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Set the current vesa screen page. */ /* */ /* Inputs: */ /* vpage - Page number to set. */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ static void vesa_set_page( int vpage ) { union REGS regs; vesa_page = vpage; regs.w.ax = 0x4f05; regs.w.bx = 0; regs.w.cx = 0; regs.w.dx = (short)(vpage == 0 ? 0 : (short)((vpage * 64) / vesa_granularity)); int386(0x10,®s,®s); regs.w.ax = 0x4f05; regs.w.bx = 1; regs.w.cx = 0; regs.w.dx = (short)(vpage == 0 ? 0 : (short)((vpage * 64) / vesa_granularity)); int386(0x10,®s,®s); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Set VESA video mode. You MUST have previously called vesa_get_info(). */ /* */ /* Inputs: */ /* vmode - The VESA mode that you want. e.g. 0x101 is 640x480 256 */ /* colours. */ /* */ /* Returns: */ /* TRUE - The mode has been set. */ /* FALSE - The mode has not been set, probably not supported. */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ int vesa_set_mode( short vmode ) { union REGS regs; int ok=0; memset(®s,0,sizeof(regs)); regs.w.ax = 0x4f02; regs.w.bx = vmode; int386(0x10,®s,®s); if(regs.w.ax == 0x004f) { vesa_get_mode_info(vmode); vesa_set_page(0); //Probably not needed, but here for completeness. ok = 1; } return(ok); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Free the info previously allocated with vesa_get_info() */ /****************************************************************************/ void vesa_free_mode_info( void ) { free_dos_memory(&vesa_mode_data_rp); } void init_13h( void ) { int r, g, b; union REGS regs; // set 13h vga mode memset(®s,0,sizeof(regs)); regs.w.ax = 0x13; int386(0x10,®s,®s); // set 332 palette outp(0x3c8, 0); for (r=0; r<8; r++) for (b=0; b<4; b++) for (g=0; g<8; g++) { outp(0x3c9, (b<<4)+8); outp(0x3c9, (g<<3)+4); outp(0x3c9, (r<<3)+4); } } void waitvbl() { while (!(inp (0x3da) & 8)) {} while (inp (0x3da) & 8) {} } static byte *fb; void *SW_LockBuffer( void ) { return fb; } void SW_UnlockBuffer( void ) { int left = 320*200*2; int done = 0; int vpage = 0; if( vsync ) waitvbl(); // no separate fb if( fb == 0xa0000 ) return; while( left ) { int flip = left; if( flip > 65536 ) flip = 65536; vesa_set_page(vpage); memcpy((void *)0xa0000, fb+done, flip); done += flip; left -= flip; vpage++; } } #define FB_BF_TO_MASK(x) (((1 << x.length) - 1) << (x.offset)) qboolean SW_CreateBuffer( int width, int height, uint *stride, uint *bpp, uint *r, uint *g, uint *b ) { int i; *stride = 320; vesa_get_info(); if( !Sys_CheckParm("-novesa") && vesa_set_mode( 0x10E ) ) { fb = malloc( 320*200*2 ); *bpp = 2; *b = 31; *g = 63 << 5; *r = 31 << 11; } else { // fallback to 256 color *b = 2 << 6; *g = 7 << 0; *r = 7 << 3; *bpp = 1; init_13h(); fb = 0xa0000; } return true; } #endif