#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # a1batross, mittorn, 2018 from waflib import Logs import os import sys top = '.' def options(opt): grp = opt.add_option_group('Game launcher options') grp.add_option('--disable-menu-changegame', action = 'store_true', dest = 'DISABLE_MENU_CHANGEGAME', default = False, help = 'disable changing the game from the menu [default: %default]') def configure(conf): if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32': conf.load('winres') conf.define_cond('XASH_DISABLE_MENU_CHANGEGAME', conf.options.DISABLE_MENU_CHANGEGAME) def build(bld): source = ['game.cpp'] includes = '. ../common ../public' libs = [] if bld.env.DEST_OS != 'win32': libs += [ 'DL' ] else: libs += ['USER32', 'SHELL32'] source += ['game.rc'] bld( source = source, target = 'xash3d', # hl.exe features = 'c cxx cxxprogram', includes = includes, use = libs, rpath = '$ORIGIN', install_path = bld.env.BINDIR, subsystem = bld.env.MSVC_SUBSYSTEM )