/* gl_export.h - opengl definition Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef GL_EXPORT_H #define GL_EXPORT_H #ifndef APIENTRY #define APIENTRY #endif #if defined XASH_NANOGL || defined XASH_WES || defined XASH_REGAL #define XASH_GLES #define XASH_GL_STATIC #define REF_GL_KEEP_MANGLED_FUNCTIONS #endif typedef uint GLenum; typedef byte GLboolean; typedef uint GLbitfield; typedef void GLvoid; typedef signed char GLbyte; typedef short GLshort; typedef int GLint; typedef byte GLubyte; typedef word GLushort; typedef uint GLuint; typedef int GLsizei; typedef float GLfloat; typedef float GLclampf; typedef double GLdouble; typedef double GLclampd; typedef int GLintptrARB; typedef int GLsizeiptrARB; typedef char GLcharARB; typedef uint GLhandleARB; typedef float GLmatrix[16]; #define GL_MODELVIEW 0x1700 #define GL_PROJECTION 0x1701 #define GL_TEXTURE 0x1702 #define GL_MATRIX_MODE 0x0BA0 #define GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX 0x0BA6 #define GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX 0x0BA7 #define GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX 0x0BA8 #define GL_DONT_CARE 0x1100 #define GL_FASTEST 0x1101 #define GL_NICEST 0x1102 #define GL_DEPTH_TEST 0x0B71 #define GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK 0x0B72 #define GL_CULL_FACE 0x0B44 #define GL_CW 0x0900 #define GL_CCW 0x0901 #define GL_BLEND 0x0BE2 #define GL_ALPHA_TEST 0x0BC0 // shading model #define GL_FLAT 0x1D00 #define GL_SMOOTH 0x1D01 #define GL_ZERO 0x0 #define GL_ONE 0x1 #define GL_SRC_COLOR 0x0300 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 0x0301 #define GL_DST_COLOR 0x0306 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR 0x0307 #define GL_SRC_ALPHA 0x0302 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 0x0303 #define GL_DST_ALPHA 0x0304 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA 0x0305 #define GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE 0x0308 #define GL_CONSTANT_COLOR 0x8001 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR 0x8002 #define GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA 0x8003 #define GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA 0x8004 #define GL_TEXTURE_ENV 0x2300 #define GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE 0x2200 #define GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR 0x2201 #define GL_TEXTURE_1D 0x0DE0 #define GL_TEXTURE_2D 0x0DE1 #define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S 0x2802 #define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T 0x2803 #define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R 0x8072 #define GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR 0x1004 #define GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER 0x2800 #define GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER 0x2801 #define GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT 0x0D05 #define GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT 0x0CF5 #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D 0x8068 #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D 0x8069 #define GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE 0x812F #define GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER 0x812D #define GL_NEAREST 0x2600 #define GL_LINEAR 0x2601 #define GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST 0x2700 #define GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR 0x2702 #define GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST 0x2701 #define GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR 0x2703 #define GL_LINE 0x1B01 #define GL_FILL 0x1B02 #define GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT 0x84FE #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT 0x84FF #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT 0x84FD #define GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL_EXT 0x8500 #define GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT 0x8501 #define GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB 0x812D #define GL_ADD 0x0104 #define GL_DECAL 0x2101 #define GL_MODULATE 0x2100 #define GL_REPEAT 0x2901 #define GL_CLAMP 0x2900 #define GL_POINTS 0x0000 #define GL_LINES 0x0001 #define GL_LINE_LOOP 0x0002 #define GL_LINE_STRIP 0x0003 #define GL_TRIANGLES 0x0004 #define GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP 0x0005 #define GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 0x0006 #define GL_QUADS 0x0007 #define GL_QUAD_STRIP 0x0008 #define GL_POLYGON 0x0009 #define GL_FALSE 0x0 #define GL_TRUE 0x1 #define GL_BYTE 0x1400 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0x1401 #define GL_SHORT 0x1402 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT 0x1403 #define GL_INT 0x1404 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT 0x1405 #define GL_FLOAT 0x1406 #define GL_DOUBLE 0x140A #define GL_2_BYTES 0x1407 #define GL_3_BYTES 0x1408 #define GL_4_BYTES 0x1409 #define GL_HALF_FLOAT_ARB 0x140B #define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY 0x8074 #define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY 0x8075 #define GL_COLOR_ARRAY 0x8076 #define GL_INDEX_ARRAY 0x8077 #define GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY 0x8078 #define GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY 0x8079 #define GL_NONE 0 #define GL_FRONT_LEFT 0x0400 #define GL_FRONT_RIGHT 0x0401 #define GL_BACK_LEFT 0x0402 #define GL_BACK_RIGHT 0x0403 #define GL_FRONT 0x0404 #define GL_BACK 0x0405 #define GL_LEFT 0x0406 #define GL_RIGHT 0x0407 #define GL_FRONT_AND_BACK 0x0408 #define GL_AUX0 0x0409 #define GL_AUX1 0x040A #define GL_AUX2 0x040B #define GL_AUX3 0x040C #define GL_VENDOR 0x1F00 #define GL_RENDERER 0x1F01 #define GL_VERSION 0x1F02 #define GL_EXTENSIONS 0x1F03 #define GL_NO_ERROR 0x0 #define GL_INVALID_VALUE 0x0501 #define GL_INVALID_ENUM 0x0500 #define GL_INVALID_OPERATION 0x0502 #define GL_STACK_OVERFLOW 0x0503 #define GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW 0x0504 #define GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x0505 #define GL_DITHER 0x0BD0 #define GL_ALPHA 0x1906 #define GL_RGB 0x1907 #define GL_RGBA 0x1908 #define GL_BGR 0x80E0 #define GL_BGRA 0x80E1 #define GL_ALPHA4 0x803B #define GL_ALPHA8 0x803C #define GL_ALPHA12 0x803D #define GL_ALPHA16 0x803E #define GL_LUMINANCE4 0x803F #define GL_LUMINANCE8 0x8040 #define GL_LUMINANCE12 0x8041 #define GL_LUMINANCE16 0x8042 #define GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 0x8043 #define GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 0x8044 #define GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 0x8045 #define GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 0x8046 #define GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 0x8047 #define GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 0x8048 #define GL_LUMINANCE 0x1909 #define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA 0x190A #define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT 0x1902 #define GL_INTENSITY 0x8049 #define GL_INTENSITY4 0x804A #define GL_INTENSITY8 0x804B #define GL_INTENSITY12 0x804C #define GL_INTENSITY16 0x804D #define GL_R3_G3_B2 0x2A10 #define GL_RGB4 0x804F #define GL_RGB5 0x8050 #define GL_RGB8 0x8051 #define GL_RGB10 0x8052 #define GL_RGB12 0x8053 #define GL_RGB16 0x8054 #define GL_RGBA2 0x8055 #define GL_RGBA4 0x8056 #define GL_RGB5_A1 0x8057 #define GL_RGBA8 0x8058 #define GL_RGB10_A2 0x8059 #define GL_RGBA12 0x805A #define GL_RGBA16 0x805B #define GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE 0x805C #define GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE 0x805D #define GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE 0x805E #define GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE 0x805F #define GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE 0x8060 #define GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE 0x8061 #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D 0x8063 #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D 0x8064 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE 0x0D33 #define GL_RG 0x8227 #define GL_RG_INTEGER 0x8228 #define GL_R8 0x8229 #define GL_R16 0x822A #define GL_RG8 0x822B #define GL_RG16 0x822C #define GL_R16F 0x822D #define GL_R32F 0x822E #define GL_RG16F 0x822F #define GL_RG32F 0x8230 #define GL_R8I 0x8231 #define GL_R8UI 0x8232 #define GL_R16I 0x8233 #define GL_R16UI 0x8234 #define GL_R32I 0x8235 #define GL_R32UI 0x8236 #define GL_RG8I 0x8237 #define GL_RG8UI 0x8238 #define GL_RG16I 0x8239 #define GL_RG16UI 0x823A #define GL_RG32I 0x823B #define GL_RG32UI 0x823C // texture coord name #define GL_S 0x2000 #define GL_T 0x2001 #define GL_R 0x2002 #define GL_Q 0x2003 // texture gen mode #define GL_EYE_LINEAR 0x2400 #define GL_OBJECT_LINEAR 0x2401 #define GL_SPHERE_MAP 0x2402 // texture gen parameter #define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE 0x2500 #define GL_OBJECT_PLANE 0x2501 #define GL_EYE_PLANE 0x2502 #define GL_FOG_HINT 0x0C54 #define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S 0x0C60 #define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T 0x0C61 #define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R 0x0C62 #define GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q 0x0C63 #define GL_SCISSOR_BOX 0x0C10 #define GL_SCISSOR_TEST 0x0C11 #define GL_NEVER 0x0200 #define GL_LESS 0x0201 #define GL_EQUAL 0x0202 #define GL_LEQUAL 0x0203 #define GL_GREATER 0x0204 #define GL_NOTEQUAL 0x0205 #define GL_GEQUAL 0x0206 #define GL_ALWAYS 0x0207 #define GL_DEPTH_TEST 0x0B71 #define GL_RED_SCALE 0x0D14 #define GL_GREEN_SCALE 0x0D18 #define GL_BLUE_SCALE 0x0D1A #define GL_ALPHA_SCALE 0x0D1C /* AttribMask */ #define GL_CURRENT_BIT 0x00000001 #define GL_POINT_BIT 0x00000002 #define GL_LINE_BIT 0x00000004 #define GL_POLYGON_BIT 0x00000008 #define GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT 0x00000010 #define GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT 0x00000020 #define GL_LIGHTING_BIT 0x00000040 #define GL_FOG_BIT 0x00000080 #define GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT 0x00000100 #define GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT 0x00000200 #define GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT 0x00000400 #define GL_VIEWPORT_BIT 0x00000800 #define GL_TRANSFORM_BIT 0x00001000 #define GL_ENABLE_BIT 0x00002000 #define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT 0x00004000 #define GL_HINT_BIT 0x00008000 #define GL_EVAL_BIT 0x00010000 #define GL_LIST_BIT 0x00020000 #define GL_TEXTURE_BIT 0x00040000 #define GL_SCISSOR_BIT 0x00080000 #define GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS 0x000fffff #define GL_STENCIL_TEST 0x0B90 #define GL_KEEP 0x1E00 #define GL_REPLACE 0x1E01 #define GL_INCR 0x1E02 #define GL_DECR 0x1E03 // fog stuff #define GL_FOG 0x0B60 #define GL_FOG_INDEX 0x0B61 #define GL_FOG_DENSITY 0x0B62 #define GL_FOG_START 0x0B63 #define GL_FOG_END 0x0B64 #define GL_FOG_MODE 0x0B65 #define GL_FOG_COLOR 0x0B66 #define GL_EXP 0x0800 #define GL_EXP2 0x0801 #define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR 0x8038 #define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS 0x2A00 #define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT 0x2A01 #define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE 0x2A02 #define GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL 0x8037 #define GL_POINT_SMOOTH 0x0B10 #define GL_LINE_SMOOTH 0x0B20 #define GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH 0x0B41 #define GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE 0x0B42 #define GL_CLIP_PLANE0 0x3000 #define GL_CLIP_PLANE1 0x3001 #define GL_CLIP_PLANE2 0x3002 #define GL_CLIP_PLANE3 0x3003 #define GL_CLIP_PLANE4 0x3004 #define GL_CLIP_PLANE5 0x3005 #define GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT 0x8126 #define GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_EXT 0x8127 #define GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_EXT 0x8128 #define GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT 0x8129 #define GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB 0x84E0 #define GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB 0x84E1 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB 0x84E2 #define GL_TEXTURE0_ARB 0x84C0 #define GL_TEXTURE1_ARB 0x84C1 #define GL_TEXTURE2_ARB 0x84C2 #define GL_TEXTURE0_SGIS 0x835E #define GL_TEXTURE1_SGIS 0x835F #define GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS 0x8191 #define GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT_SGIS 0x8192 #define GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV 0x84F5 #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_NV 0x84F6 #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV 0x84F7 #define GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV 0x84F8 #define GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT 0x84F5 #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_EXT 0x84F6 #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT 0x84F7 #define GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT 0x84F8 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS 0x84E2 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB 0x84E2 #define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 0x81A5 #define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 0x81A6 #define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 0x81A7 #define GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F 0x8CAC #define GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 0x8CAD #define GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV 0x8DAD #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT 0x83F0 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT 0x83F1 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT 0x83F2 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT 0x83F3 #define GL_COMPRESSED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_EXT 0x8DBD #define GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA_ARB 0x84E9 #define GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB 0x84EA #define GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB 0x84EB #define GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY_ARB 0x84EC #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB 0x84ED #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB 0x84EE #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT_ARB 0x84EF #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE_ARB 0x86A0 #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB 0x86A1 #define GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS_ARB 0x86A2 #define GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS_ARB 0x86A3 #define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV 0x8362 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 0x8363 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV 0x8364 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV 0x8365 #define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV 0x8366 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV 0x8367 #define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV 0x8368 #define GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL 0x813D #define GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP 0x8191 #define GL_ADD_SIGNED 0x8574 #define GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB 0x8B40 #define GL_OBJECT_TYPE_ARB 0x8B4E #define GL_OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB 0x8B4F #define GL_OBJECT_DELETE_STATUS_ARB 0x8B80 #define GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB 0x8B81 #define GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB 0x8B82 #define GL_OBJECT_VALIDATE_STATUS_ARB 0x8B83 #define GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB 0x8B84 #define GL_OBJECT_ATTACHED_OBJECTS_ARB 0x8B85 #define GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARB 0x8B86 #define GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH_ARB 0x8B87 #define GL_OBJECT_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH_ARB 0x8B88 #define GL_SHADER_OBJECT_ARB 0x8B48 #define GL_FLOAT_VEC2_ARB 0x8B50 #define GL_FLOAT_VEC3_ARB 0x8B51 #define GL_FLOAT_VEC4_ARB 0x8B52 #define GL_INT_VEC2_ARB 0x8B53 #define GL_INT_VEC3_ARB 0x8B54 #define GL_INT_VEC4_ARB 0x8B55 #define GL_BOOL_ARB 0x8B56 #define GL_BOOL_VEC2_ARB 0x8B57 #define GL_BOOL_VEC3_ARB 0x8B58 #define GL_BOOL_VEC4_ARB 0x8B59 #define GL_FLOAT_MAT2_ARB 0x8B5A #define GL_FLOAT_MAT3_ARB 0x8B5B #define GL_FLOAT_MAT4_ARB 0x8B5C #define GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARB 0x8B5D #define GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARB 0x8B5E #define GL_SAMPLER_3D_ARB 0x8B5F #define GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_ARB 0x8B60 #define GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW_ARB 0x8B61 #define GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW_ARB 0x8B62 #define GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB 0x8B63 #define GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW_ARB 0x8B64 #define GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES 0x806B #define GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT 0x806C #define GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES 0x806D #define GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT 0x806E #define GL_TEXTURE_3D 0x806F #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D 0x8070 #define GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH 0x8071 #define GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R 0x8072 #define GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE 0x8073 #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D 0x806A #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS 0x884F #define GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT 0x8910 #define GL_ACTIVE_STENCIL_FACE_EXT 0x8911 #define GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC 0x8800 #define GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL 0x8801 #define GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL 0x8802 #define GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS 0x8803 #define GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ARB 0x8824 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_ARB 0x8825 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER1_ARB 0x8826 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER2_ARB 0x8827 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER3_ARB 0x8828 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER4_ARB 0x8829 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER5_ARB 0x882A #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER6_ARB 0x882B #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER7_ARB 0x882C #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER8_ARB 0x882D #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER9_ARB 0x882E #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER10_ARB 0x882F #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER11_ARB 0x8830 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER12_ARB 0x8831 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER13_ARB 0x8832 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER14_ARB 0x8833 #define GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_ARB 0x8834 #define GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE_ARB 0x884B #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB 0x884C #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC_ARB 0x884D #define GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB 0x884E #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FAIL_VALUE_ARB 0x80BF #define GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB 0x8864 #define GL_CURRENT_QUERY_ARB 0x8865 #define GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB 0x8866 #define GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB 0x8867 #define GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB 0x8914 #define GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT 0x8006 #define GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_EXT 0x800A #define GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_EXT 0x800B #define GL_MIN_EXT 0x8007 #define GL_MAX_EXT 0x8008 #define GL_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT 0x8009 #define GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB 0x8B31 #define GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB 0x8B4A #define GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB 0x8B4B #define GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x8869 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8872 #define GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8B4C #define GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8B4D #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB 0x8871 #define GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB 0x8642 #define GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB 0x8643 #define GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB 0x8B89 #define GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB 0x8B8A #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB 0x8622 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB 0x8623 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB 0x8624 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB 0x8625 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB 0x886A #define GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB 0x8626 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB 0x8645 #define GL_FLOAT_VEC2_ARB 0x8B50 #define GL_FLOAT_VEC3_ARB 0x8B51 #define GL_FLOAT_VEC4_ARB 0x8B52 #define GL_FLOAT_MAT2_ARB 0x8B5A #define GL_FLOAT_MAT3_ARB 0x8B5B #define GL_FLOAT_MAT4_ARB 0x8B5C #define GL_FLOAT_R_NV 0x8880 #define GL_FLOAT_RG_NV 0x8881 #define GL_FLOAT_RGB_NV 0x8882 #define GL_FLOAT_RGBA_NV 0x8883 #define GL_FLOAT_R16_NV 0x8884 #define GL_FLOAT_R32_NV 0x8885 #define GL_FLOAT_RG16_NV 0x8886 #define GL_FLOAT_RG32_NV 0x8887 #define GL_FLOAT_RGB16_NV 0x8888 #define GL_FLOAT_RGB32_NV 0x8889 #define GL_FLOAT_RGBA16_NV 0x888A #define GL_FLOAT_RGBA32_NV 0x888B #define GL_TEXTURE_FLOAT_COMPONENTS_NV 0x888C #define GL_FLOAT_CLEAR_COLOR_VALUE_NV 0x888D #define GL_FLOAT_RGBA_MODE_NV 0x888E #define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB 0x8B30 #define GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB 0x8B49 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB 0x8871 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8872 #define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_ARB 0x8B8B #define GL_TEXTURE_RED_TYPE_ARB 0x8C10 #define GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE_ARB 0x8C11 #define GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE_ARB 0x8C12 #define GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE_ARB 0x8C13 #define GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE_ARB 0x8C14 #define GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE_ARB 0x8C15 #define GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE_ARB 0x8C16 #define GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED_ARB 0x8C17 #define GL_RGBA32F_ARB 0x8814 #define GL_RGB32F_ARB 0x8815 #define GL_ALPHA32F_ARB 0x8816 #define GL_INTENSITY32F_ARB 0x8817 #define GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB 0x8818 #define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_ARB 0x8819 #define GL_RGBA16F_ARB 0x881A #define GL_RGB16F_ARB 0x881B #define GL_ALPHA16F_ARB 0x881C #define GL_INTENSITY16F_ARB 0x881D #define GL_LUMINANCE16F_ARB 0x881E #define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F_ARB 0x881F #define GL_RGBA_FLOAT32_ATI 0x8814 #define GL_RGB_FLOAT32_ATI 0x8815 #define GL_ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI 0x8816 #define GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT32_ATI 0x8817 #define GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_ATI 0x8818 #define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT32_ATI 0x8819 #define GL_RGBA_FLOAT16_ATI 0x881A #define GL_RGB_FLOAT16_ATI 0x881B #define GL_ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI 0x881C #define GL_INTENSITY_FLOAT16_ATI 0x881D #define GL_LUMINANCE_FLOAT16_ATI 0x881E #define GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_FLOAT16_ATI 0x881F //GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object #define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB 0x8892 #define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB 0x8893 #define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x8894 #define GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x8895 #define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x8896 #define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x8897 #define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x8898 #define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x8899 #define GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x889A #define GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x889B #define GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x889E #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x889F #define GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB 0x88E0 #define GL_STREAM_READ_ARB 0x88E1 #define GL_STREAM_COPY_ARB 0x88E2 #define GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB 0x88E4 #define GL_STATIC_READ_ARB 0x88E5 #define GL_STATIC_COPY_ARB 0x88E6 #define GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB 0x88E8 #define GL_DYNAMIC_READ_ARB 0x88E9 #define GL_DYNAMIC_COPY_ARB 0x88EA #define GL_READ_ONLY_ARB 0x88B8 #define GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB 0x88B9 #define GL_READ_WRITE_ARB 0x88BA #define GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB 0x8764 #define GL_BUFFER_USAGE_ARB 0x8765 #define GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_ARB 0x88BB #define GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_ARB 0x88BC #define GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB 0x88BD #define GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x889C #define GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB 0x889D #define GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB 0x8511 #define GL_REFLECTION_MAP_ARB 0x8512 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB 0x8513 #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARB 0x8514 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB 0x8515 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB 0x8516 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB 0x8517 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB 0x8518 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB 0x8519 #define GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB 0x851A #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB 0x851B #define GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB 0x851C #define GL_COMBINE_ARB 0x8570 #define GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB 0x8571 #define GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB 0x8572 #define GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB 0x8580 #define GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB 0x8581 #define GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB 0x8582 #define GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB 0x8588 #define GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB 0x8589 #define GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB 0x858A #define GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB 0x8590 #define GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB 0x8591 #define GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB 0x8592 #define GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB 0x8598 #define GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB 0x8599 #define GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB 0x859A #define GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB 0x8573 #define GL_ADD_SIGNED_ARB 0x8574 #define GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB 0x8575 #define GL_SUBTRACT_ARB 0x84E7 #define GL_CONSTANT_ARB 0x8576 #define GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB 0x8577 #define GL_PREVIOUS_ARB 0x8578 #define GL_DOT3_RGB_ARB 0x86AE #define GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB 0x86AF #define GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT 0x8C18 #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT 0x8C19 #define GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT 0x8C1A #define GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT 0x8C1B #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY_EXT 0x8C1C #define GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY_EXT 0x8C1D #define GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS_EXT 0x88FF #define GL_COMPARE_REF_DEPTH_TO_TEXTURE_EXT 0x884E #define GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB 0x809D #define GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_ARB 0x809E #define GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE_ARB 0x809F #define GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_ARB 0x80A0 #define GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB 0x80A8 #define GL_SAMPLES_ARB 0x80A9 #define GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE_ARB 0x80AA #define GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT_ARB 0x80AB #define GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT_ARB 0x20000000 #define GL_COLOR_SUM_ARB 0x8458 #define GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB 0x8620 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB 0x8622 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB 0x8623 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB 0x8624 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB 0x8625 #define GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB 0x8626 #define GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB 0x8627 #define GL_PROGRAM_STRING_ARB 0x8628 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB 0x862E #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB 0x862F #define GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB 0x8640 #define GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB 0x8641 #define GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB 0x8642 #define GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB 0x8643 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB 0x8645 #define GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB 0x864B #define GL_PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB 0x8677 #define GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x8869 #define GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB 0x886A #define GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB 0x8874 #define GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB 0x8875 #define GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ARB 0x8876 #define GL_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x88A0 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x88A1 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x88A2 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x88A3 #define GL_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB 0x88A4 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB 0x88A5 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB 0x88A6 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB 0x88A7 #define GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB 0x88A8 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB 0x88A9 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB 0x88AA #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB 0x88AB #define GL_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x88AC #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x88AD #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x88AE #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB 0x88AF #define GL_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB 0x88B0 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB 0x88B1 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB 0x88B2 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB 0x88B3 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB 0x88B4 #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB 0x88B5 #define GL_PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB 0x88B6 #define GL_TRANSPOSE_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB 0x88B7 #define GL_MATRIX0_ARB 0x88C0 #define GL_MATRIX1_ARB 0x88C1 #define GL_MATRIX2_ARB 0x88C2 #define GL_MATRIX3_ARB 0x88C3 #define GL_MATRIX4_ARB 0x88C4 #define GL_MATRIX5_ARB 0x88C5 #define GL_MATRIX6_ARB 0x88C6 #define GL_MATRIX7_ARB 0x88C7 #define GL_MATRIX8_ARB 0x88C8 #define GL_MATRIX9_ARB 0x88C9 #define GL_MATRIX10_ARB 0x88CA #define GL_MATRIX11_ARB 0x88CB #define GL_MATRIX12_ARB 0x88CC #define GL_MATRIX13_ARB 0x88CD #define GL_MATRIX14_ARB 0x88CE #define GL_MATRIX15_ARB 0x88CF #define GL_MATRIX16_ARB 0x88D0 #define GL_MATRIX17_ARB 0x88D1 #define GL_MATRIX18_ARB 0x88D2 #define GL_MATRIX19_ARB 0x88D3 #define GL_MATRIX20_ARB 0x88D4 #define GL_MATRIX21_ARB 0x88D5 #define GL_MATRIX22_ARB 0x88D6 #define GL_MATRIX23_ARB 0x88D7 #define GL_MATRIX24_ARB 0x88D8 #define GL_MATRIX25_ARB 0x88D9 #define GL_MATRIX26_ARB 0x88DA #define GL_MATRIX27_ARB 0x88DB #define GL_MATRIX28_ARB 0x88DC #define GL_MATRIX29_ARB 0x88DD #define GL_MATRIX30_ARB 0x88DE #define GL_MATRIX31_ARB 0x88DF #define GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB 0x8804 #define GL_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x8805 #define GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x8806 #define GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB 0x8807 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x8808 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x8809 #define GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB 0x880A #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x880B #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x880C #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB 0x880D #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x880E #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB 0x880F #define GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB 0x8810 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB 0x8871 #define GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB 0x8872 #define GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB 0x8242 #define GL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB 0x9143 #define GL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB 0x9144 #define GL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB 0x9145 #define GL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB 0x8243 #define GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ARB 0x8244 #define GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_ARB 0x8245 #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB 0x8246 #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM_ARB 0x8247 #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER_ARB 0x8248 #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_ARB 0x8249 #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ARB 0x824A #define GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_ARB 0x824B #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB 0x824C #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB 0x824D #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB 0x824E #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB 0x824F #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB 0x8250 #define GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB 0x8251 #define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB 0x9146 #define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_ARB 0x9147 #define GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB 0x9148 #define WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB 0x2091 #define WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB 0x2092 #define WGL_CONTEXT_LAYER_PLANE_ARB 0x2093 #define WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB 0x2094 #define WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB 0x0001 #define WGL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB 0x0002 #define WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB 0x9126 #define WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB 0x00000001 #define WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB 0x00000002 #define WGL_CONTEXT_ES2_PROFILE_BIT_EXT 0x00000004 /*WGL_CONTEXT_ES2_PROFILE_BIT_EXT*/ #define ERROR_INVALID_VERSION_ARB 0x2095 #define ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE_ARB 0x2096 #define WGL_NUMBER_PIXEL_FORMATS_ARB 0x2000 #define WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB 0x2001 #define WGL_DRAW_TO_BITMAP_ARB 0x2002 #define WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB 0x2003 #define WGL_NEED_PALETTE_ARB 0x2004 #define WGL_NEED_SYSTEM_PALETTE_ARB 0x2005 #define WGL_SWAP_LAYER_BUFFERS_ARB 0x2006 #define WGL_SWAP_METHOD_ARB 0x2007 #define WGL_NUMBER_OVERLAYS_ARB 0x2008 #define WGL_NUMBER_UNDERLAYS_ARB 0x2009 #define WGL_TRANSPARENT_ARB 0x200A #define WGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE_ARB 0x2037 #define WGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE_ARB 0x2038 #define WGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE_ARB 0x2039 #define WGL_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_VALUE_ARB 0x203A #define WGL_TRANSPARENT_INDEX_VALUE_ARB 0x203B #define WGL_SHARE_DEPTH_ARB 0x200C #define WGL_SHARE_STENCIL_ARB 0x200D #define WGL_SHARE_ACCUM_ARB 0x200E #define WGL_SUPPORT_GDI_ARB 0x200F #define WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB 0x2010 #define WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB 0x2011 #define WGL_STEREO_ARB 0x2012 #define WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB 0x2013 #define WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB 0x2014 #define WGL_RED_BITS_ARB 0x2015 #define WGL_RED_SHIFT_ARB 0x2016 #define WGL_GREEN_BITS_ARB 0x2017 #define WGL_GREEN_SHIFT_ARB 0x2018 #define WGL_BLUE_BITS_ARB 0x2019 #define WGL_BLUE_SHIFT_ARB 0x201A #define WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB 0x201B #define WGL_ALPHA_SHIFT_ARB 0x201C #define WGL_ACCUM_BITS_ARB 0x201D #define WGL_ACCUM_RED_BITS_ARB 0x201E #define WGL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS_ARB 0x201F #define WGL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS_ARB 0x2020 #define WGL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS_ARB 0x2021 #define WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB 0x2022 #define WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB 0x2023 #define WGL_AUX_BUFFERS_ARB 0x2024 #define WGL_NO_ACCELERATION_ARB 0x2025 #define WGL_GENERIC_ACCELERATION_ARB 0x2026 #define WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB 0x2027 #define WGL_SWAP_EXCHANGE_ARB 0x2028 #define WGL_SWAP_COPY_ARB 0x2029 #define WGL_SWAP_UNDEFINED_ARB 0x202A #define WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB 0x202B #define WGL_TYPE_COLORINDEX_ARB 0x202C #define WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB 0x2041 #define WGL_SAMPLES_ARB 0x2042 #if defined( XASH_GL_STATIC ) && !defined( REF_GL_KEEP_MANGLED_FUNCTIONS ) #define GL_FUNCTION( name ) name #elif defined( XASH_GL_STATIC ) && defined( REF_GL_KEEP_MANGLED_FUNCTIONS ) #define GL_FUNCTION( name ) APIENTRY p##name #else #define GL_FUNCTION( name ) (APIENTRY *p##name) #endif // helper opengl functions GLenum GL_FUNCTION( glGetError )(void); const GLubyte * GL_FUNCTION( glGetString )(GLenum name); // base gl functions void GL_FUNCTION( glAccum )(GLenum op, GLfloat value); void GL_FUNCTION( glAlphaFunc )(GLenum func, GLclampf ref); void GL_FUNCTION( glArrayElement )(GLint i); void GL_FUNCTION( glBegin )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindTexture )(GLenum target, GLuint texture); void GL_FUNCTION( glBitmap )(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap); void GL_FUNCTION( glBlendFunc )(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); void GL_FUNCTION( glCallList )(GLuint list); void GL_FUNCTION( glCallLists )(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists); void GL_FUNCTION( glClear )(GLbitfield mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glClearAccum )(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glClearColor )(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glClearDepth )(GLclampd depth); void GL_FUNCTION( glClearIndex )(GLfloat c); void GL_FUNCTION( glClearStencil )(GLint s); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsEnabled )( GLenum cap ); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsList )( GLuint list ); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsTexture )( GLuint texture ); void GL_FUNCTION( glClipPlane )(GLenum plane, const GLdouble *equation); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3b )(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3bv )(const GLbyte *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3d )(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3f )(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3i )(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3s )(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3ub )(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3ubv )(const GLubyte *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3ui )(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3uiv )(const GLuint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3us )(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor3usv )(const GLushort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4b )(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4bv )(const GLbyte *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4d )(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4f )(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4i )(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4s )(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4ub )(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4ubv )(const GLubyte *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4ui )(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4uiv )(const GLuint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4us )(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColor4usv )(const GLushort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glColorMask )(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha); void GL_FUNCTION( glColorMaterial )(GLenum face, GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glColorPointer )(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glCopyPixels )(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type); void GL_FUNCTION( glCopyTexImage1D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalFormat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border); void GL_FUNCTION( glCopyTexImage2D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalFormat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border); void GL_FUNCTION( glCopyTexSubImage1D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); void GL_FUNCTION( glCopyTexSubImage2D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_FUNCTION( glCullFace )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteLists )(GLuint list, GLsizei range); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteTextures )(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures); void GL_FUNCTION( glDepthFunc )(GLenum func); void GL_FUNCTION( glDepthMask )(GLboolean flag); void GL_FUNCTION( glDepthRange )(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar); void GL_FUNCTION( glDisable )(GLenum cap); void GL_FUNCTION( glDisableClientState )(GLenum array); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawArrays )(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawBuffer )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawElements )(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawPixels )(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glEdgeFlag )(GLboolean flag); void GL_FUNCTION( glEdgeFlagPointer )(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glEdgeFlagv )(const GLboolean *flag); void GL_FUNCTION( glEnable )(GLenum cap); void GL_FUNCTION( glEnableClientState )(GLenum array); void GL_FUNCTION( glEnd )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glEndList )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord1d )(GLdouble u); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord1dv )(const GLdouble *u); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord1f )(GLfloat u); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord1fv )(const GLfloat *u); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord2d )(GLdouble u, GLdouble v); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord2dv )(const GLdouble *u); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord2f )(GLfloat u, GLfloat v); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalCoord2fv )(const GLfloat *u); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalMesh1 )(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalMesh2 )(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalPoint1 )(GLint i); void GL_FUNCTION( glEvalPoint2 )(GLint i, GLint j); void GL_FUNCTION( glFeedbackBuffer )(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat *buffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glFinish )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glFlush )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glFogf )(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glFogfv )(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glFogi )(GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glFogiv )(GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glFrontFace )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glFrustum )(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenTextures )(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetBooleanv )(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetClipPlane )(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetDoublev )(GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetFloatv )(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetIntegerv )(GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetLightfv )(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetLightiv )(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetMapdv )(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetMapfv )(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetMapiv )(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetMaterialfv )(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetMaterialiv )(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetPixelMapfv )(GLenum map, GLfloat *values); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetPixelMapuiv )(GLenum map, GLuint *values); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetPixelMapusv )(GLenum map, GLushort *values); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetPointerv )(GLenum pname, GLvoid* *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetPolygonStipple )(GLubyte *mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexEnvfv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexEnviv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexGendv )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexGenfv )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexGeniv )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexImage )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexLevelParameterfv )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexLevelParameteriv )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexParameterfv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetTexParameteriv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glHint )(GLenum target, GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexMask )(GLuint mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexPointer )(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexd )(GLdouble c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexdv )(const GLdouble *c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexf )(GLfloat c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexfv )(const GLfloat *c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexi )(GLint c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexiv )(const GLint *c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexs )(GLshort c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexsv )(const GLshort *c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexub )(GLubyte c); void GL_FUNCTION( glIndexubv )(const GLubyte *c); void GL_FUNCTION( glInitNames )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glInterleavedArrays )(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightModelf )(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightModelfv )(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightModeli )(GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightModeliv )(GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightf )(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightfv )(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glLighti )(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glLightiv )(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glLineStipple )(GLint factor, GLushort pattern); void GL_FUNCTION( glLineWidth )(GLfloat width); void GL_FUNCTION( glListBase )(GLuint base); void GL_FUNCTION( glLoadIdentity )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glLoadMatrixd )(const GLdouble *m); void GL_FUNCTION( glLoadMatrixf )(const GLfloat *m); void GL_FUNCTION( glLoadName )(GLuint name); void GL_FUNCTION( glLogicOp )(GLenum opcode); void GL_FUNCTION( glMap1d )(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble *points); void GL_FUNCTION( glMap1f )(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat *points); void GL_FUNCTION( glMap2d )(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble *points); void GL_FUNCTION( glMap2f )(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat *points); void GL_FUNCTION( glMapGrid1d )(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2); void GL_FUNCTION( glMapGrid1f )(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2); void GL_FUNCTION( glMapGrid2d )(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glMapGrid2f )(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glMaterialf )(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glMaterialfv )(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glMateriali )(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glMaterialiv )(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glMatrixMode )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glMultMatrixd )(const GLdouble *m); void GL_FUNCTION( glMultMatrixf )(const GLfloat *m); void GL_FUNCTION( glNewList )(GLuint list, GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3b )(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3bv )(const GLbyte *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3d )(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3f )(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3i )(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3s )(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormal3sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormalPointer )(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glOrtho )(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); void GL_FUNCTION( glPassThrough )(GLfloat token); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelMapfv )(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat *values); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelMapuiv )(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint *values); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelMapusv )(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort *values); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelStoref )(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelStorei )(GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelTransferf )(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelTransferi )(GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glPixelZoom )(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor); void GL_FUNCTION( glPointSize )(GLfloat size); void GL_FUNCTION( glPolygonMode )(GLenum face, GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glPolygonOffset )(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units); void GL_FUNCTION( glPolygonStipple )(const GLubyte *mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glPopAttrib )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glPopClientAttrib )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glPopMatrix )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glPopName )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glPushAttrib )(GLbitfield mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glPushClientAttrib )(GLbitfield mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glPushMatrix )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glPushName )(GLuint name); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2d )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2f )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2i )(GLint x, GLint y); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2s )(GLshort x, GLshort y); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos2sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3d )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3f )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3i )(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3s )(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos3sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4d )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4f )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4i )(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4s )(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); void GL_FUNCTION( glRasterPos4sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glReadBuffer )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glReadPixels )(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glRectd )(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRectdv )(const GLdouble *v1, const GLdouble *v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRectf )(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRectfv )(const GLfloat *v1, const GLfloat *v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRecti )(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRectiv )(const GLint *v1, const GLint *v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRects )(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRectsv )(const GLshort *v1, const GLshort *v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glRotated )(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); void GL_FUNCTION( glRotatef )(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_FUNCTION( glScaled )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); void GL_FUNCTION( glScalef )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_FUNCTION( glScissor )(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_FUNCTION( glSelectBuffer )(GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glShadeModel )(GLenum mode); void GL_FUNCTION( glStencilFunc )(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glStencilMask )(GLuint mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glStencilOp )(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1d )(GLdouble s); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1f )(GLfloat s); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1i )(GLint s); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1s )(GLshort s); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord1sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2d )(GLdouble s, GLdouble t); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2f )(GLfloat s, GLfloat t); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2i )(GLint s, GLint t); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2s )(GLshort s, GLshort t); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord2sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3d )(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3f )(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3i )(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3s )(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord3sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4d )(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4f )(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4i )(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4s )(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoord4sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoordPointer )(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexEnvf )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexEnvfv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexEnvi )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexEnviv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexGend )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexGendv )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexGenf )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexGenfv )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexGeni )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexGeniv )(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexImage1D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexImage2D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexParameterf )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexParameterfv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexParameteri )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexParameteriv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexSubImage1D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexSubImage2D )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); void GL_FUNCTION( glTranslated )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); void GL_FUNCTION( glTranslatef )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2d )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2f )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2i )(GLint x, GLint y); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2s )(GLshort x, GLshort y); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex2sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3d )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3f )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3i )(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3s )(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex3sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4d )(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4dv )(const GLdouble *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4f )(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4fv )(const GLfloat *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4i )(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4iv )(const GLint *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4s )(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertex4sv )(const GLshort *v); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertexPointer )(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glViewport )(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_FUNCTION( glPointParameterfEXT )( GLenum param, GLfloat value ); void GL_FUNCTION( glPointParameterfvEXT )( GLenum param, const GLfloat *value ); void GL_FUNCTION( glLockArraysEXT ) (int , int); void GL_FUNCTION( glUnlockArraysEXT ) (void); void GL_FUNCTION( glActiveTextureARB )( GLenum ); void GL_FUNCTION( glClientActiveTextureARB )( GLenum ); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetCompressedTexImage )( GLenum target, GLint lod, const GLvoid* data ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawRangeElements )( GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawRangeElementsEXT )( GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawElements )(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertexPointer )(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *ptr); void GL_FUNCTION( glNormalPointer )(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *ptr); void GL_FUNCTION( glColorPointer )(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *ptr); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexCoordPointer )(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *ptr); void GL_FUNCTION( glArrayElement )(GLint i); void GL_FUNCTION( glMultiTexCoord1f) (GLenum, GLfloat); void GL_FUNCTION( glMultiTexCoord2f) (GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat); void GL_FUNCTION( glMultiTexCoord3f) (GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); void GL_FUNCTION( glMultiTexCoord4f) (GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); void GL_FUNCTION( glActiveTexture) (GLenum); void GL_FUNCTION( glClientActiveTexture) (GLenum); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompressedTexImage3DARB )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompressedTexImage2DARB )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompressedTexImage1DARB )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB )(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const void *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteObjectARB )(GLhandleARB obj); GLhandleARB GL_FUNCTION( glGetHandleARB )(GLenum pname); void GL_FUNCTION( glDetachObjectARB )(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB attachedObj); GLhandleARB GL_FUNCTION( glCreateShaderObjectARB )(GLenum shaderType); void GL_FUNCTION( glShaderSourceARB )(GLhandleARB shaderObj, GLsizei count, const GLcharARB **string, const GLint *length); void GL_FUNCTION( glCompileShaderARB )(GLhandleARB shaderObj); GLhandleARB GL_FUNCTION( glCreateProgramObjectARB )(void); void GL_FUNCTION( glAttachObjectARB )(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB obj); void GL_FUNCTION( glLinkProgramARB )(GLhandleARB programObj); void GL_FUNCTION( glUseProgramObjectARB )(GLhandleARB programObj); void GL_FUNCTION( glValidateProgramARB )(GLhandleARB programObj); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindProgramARB )(GLenum target, GLuint program); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteProgramsARB )(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenProgramsARB )(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs); void GL_FUNCTION( glProgramStringARB )(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string); void GL_FUNCTION( glProgramEnvParameter4fARB )(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); void GL_FUNCTION( glProgramLocalParameter4fARB )(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform1fARB )(GLint location, GLfloat v0); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform2fARB )(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform3fARB )(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform4fARB )(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform1iARB )(GLint location, GLint v0); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform2iARB )(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform3iARB )(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform4iARB )(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform1fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform2fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform3fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform4fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform1ivARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform2ivARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform3ivARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniform4ivARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniformMatrix2fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniformMatrix3fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glUniformMatrix4fvARB )(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetObjectParameterfvARB )(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetObjectParameterivARB )(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetInfoLogARB )(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *infoLog); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetAttachedObjectsARB )(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLsizei maxCount, GLsizei *count, GLhandleARB *obj); GLint GL_FUNCTION( glGetUniformLocationARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, const GLcharARB *name); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetActiveUniformARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, GLuint index, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetUniformfvARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, GLint location, GLfloat *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetUniformivARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, GLint location, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetShaderSourceARB )(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *source); void GL_FUNCTION( glPolygonStipple )(const GLubyte *mask); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexImage3D )( GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels ); void GL_FUNCTION( glTexSubImage3D )( GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels ); void GL_FUNCTION( glCopyTexSubImage3D )( GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height ); void GL_FUNCTION( glBlendEquationEXT )(GLenum); void GL_FUNCTION( glStencilOpSeparate )(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum); void GL_FUNCTION( glStencilFuncSeparate )(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLuint); void GL_FUNCTION( glActiveStencilFaceEXT )(GLenum); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertexAttribPointerARB )(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_FUNCTION( glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB )(GLuint index); void GL_FUNCTION( glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB )(GLuint index); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindAttribLocationARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, GLuint index, const GLcharARB *name); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetActiveAttribARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, GLuint index, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name); GLint GL_FUNCTION( glGetAttribLocationARB )(GLhandleARB programObj, const GLcharARB *name); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindFragDataLocation )(GLuint programObj, GLuint index, const GLcharARB *name); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertexAttrib2fARB )( GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y ); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertexAttrib2fvARB )( GLuint index, const GLfloat *v ); void GL_FUNCTION( glVertexAttrib3fvARB )( GLuint index, const GLfloat *v ); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindBufferARB )(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteBuffersARB )(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffers); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenBuffersARB )(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffers); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsBufferARB )(GLuint buffer); GLvoid* GL_FUNCTION( glMapBufferARB )(GLenum target, GLenum access); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glUnmapBufferARB )(GLenum target); void GL_FUNCTION( glBufferDataARB )(GLenum target, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage); void GL_FUNCTION( glBufferSubDataARB )(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenQueriesARB )(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteQueriesARB )(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsQueryARB )(GLuint id); void GL_FUNCTION( glBeginQueryARB )(GLenum target, GLuint id); void GL_FUNCTION( glEndQueryARB )(GLenum target); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetQueryivARB )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetQueryObjectivARB )(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetQueryObjectuivARB )(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); typedef void ( APIENTRY *GL_DEBUG_PROC_ARB )( GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLcharARB* message, GLvoid* userParam ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDebugMessageControlARB )( GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint* ids, GLboolean enabled ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDebugMessageInsertARB )( GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const char* buf ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDebugMessageCallbackARB )( GL_DEBUG_PROC_ARB callback, void* userParam ); GLuint GL_FUNCTION( glGetDebugMessageLogARB )( GLuint count, GLsizei bufsize, GLenum* sources, GLenum* types, GLuint* ids, GLuint* severities, GLsizei* lengths, char* messageLog ); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsRenderbuffer )(GLuint renderbuffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindRenderbuffer )(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteRenderbuffers )(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenRenderbuffers )(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers); void GL_FUNCTION( glRenderbufferStorage )(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_FUNCTION( glRenderbufferStorageMultisample )(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetRenderbufferParameteriv )(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsFramebuffer )(GLuint framebuffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindFramebuffer )(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteFramebuffers )(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenFramebuffers )(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers); GLenum GL_FUNCTION( glCheckFramebufferStatus )(GLenum target); void GL_FUNCTION( glFramebufferTexture1D )(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); void GL_FUNCTION( glFramebufferTexture2D )(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); void GL_FUNCTION( glFramebufferTexture3D )(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); void GL_FUNCTION( glFramebufferTextureLayer )(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); void GL_FUNCTION( glFramebufferRenderbuffer )(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); void GL_FUNCTION( glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv )(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_FUNCTION( glBlitFramebuffer )(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter); void GL_FUNCTION( glDrawBuffersARB )( GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs ); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenerateMipmap )( GLenum target ); void GL_FUNCTION( glBindVertexArray )( GLuint array ); void GL_FUNCTION( glDeleteVertexArrays )( GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays ); void GL_FUNCTION( glGenVertexArrays )( GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays ); GLboolean GL_FUNCTION( glIsVertexArray )( GLuint array ); void GL_FUNCTION( glSwapInterval ) ( int interval ); #if defined( XASH_GL_STATIC ) && !defined( REF_GL_KEEP_MANGLED_FUNCTIONS ) #define pglGetError glGetError #define pglGetString glGetString #define pglAccum glAccum #define pglAlphaFunc glAlphaFunc #define pglArrayElement glArrayElement #define pglBegin glBegin #define pglBindTexture glBindTexture #define pglBitmap glBitmap #define pglBlendFunc glBlendFunc #define pglCallList glCallList #define pglCallLists glCallLists #define pglClear glClear #define pglClearAccum glClearAccum #define pglClearColor glClearColor #define pglClearDepth glClearDepth #define pglClearIndex glClearIndex #define pglClearStencil glClearStencil #define pglIsEnabled glIsEnabled #define pglIsList glIsList #define pglIsTexture glIsTexture #define pglClipPlane glClipPlane #define pglColor3b glColor3b #define pglColor3bv glColor3bv #define pglColor3d glColor3d #define pglColor3dv glColor3dv #define pglColor3f glColor3f #define pglColor3fv glColor3fv #define pglColor3i glColor3i #define pglColor3iv glColor3iv #define pglColor3s glColor3s #define pglColor3sv glColor3sv #define pglColor3ub glColor3ub #define pglColor3ubv glColor3ubv #define pglColor3ui glColor3ui #define pglColor3uiv glColor3uiv #define pglColor3us glColor3us #define pglColor3usv glColor3usv #define pglColor4b glColor4b #define pglColor4bv glColor4bv #define pglColor4d glColor4d #define pglColor4dv glColor4dv #define pglColor4f glColor4f #define pglColor4fv glColor4fv #define pglColor4i glColor4i #define pglColor4iv glColor4iv #define pglColor4s glColor4s #define pglColor4sv glColor4sv #define pglColor4ub glColor4ub #define pglColor4ubv glColor4ubv #define pglColor4ui glColor4ui #define pglColor4uiv glColor4uiv #define pglColor4us glColor4us #define pglColor4usv glColor4usv #define pglColorMask glColorMask #define pglColorMaterial glColorMaterial #define pglColorPointer glColorPointer #define pglCopyPixels glCopyPixels #define pglCopyTexImage1D glCopyTexImage1D #define pglCopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D #define pglCopyTexSubImage1D glCopyTexSubImage1D #define pglCopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D #define pglCullFace glCullFace #define pglDeleteLists glDeleteLists #define pglDeleteTextures glDeleteTextures #define pglDepthFunc glDepthFunc #define pglDepthMask glDepthMask #define pglDepthRange glDepthRange #define pglDisable glDisable #define pglDisableClientState glDisableClientState #define pglDrawArrays glDrawArrays #define pglDrawBuffer glDrawBuffer #define pglDrawElements glDrawElements #define pglDrawPixels glDrawPixels #define pglEdgeFlag glEdgeFlag #define pglEdgeFlagPointer glEdgeFlagPointer #define pglEdgeFlagv glEdgeFlagv #define pglEnable glEnable #define pglEnableClientState glEnableClientState #define pglEnd glEnd #define pglEndList glEndList #define pglEvalCoord1d glEvalCoord1d #define pglEvalCoord1dv glEvalCoord1dv #define pglEvalCoord1f glEvalCoord1f #define pglEvalCoord1fv glEvalCoord1fv #define pglEvalCoord2d glEvalCoord2d #define pglEvalCoord2dv glEvalCoord2dv #define pglEvalCoord2f glEvalCoord2f #define pglEvalCoord2fv glEvalCoord2fv #define pglEvalMesh1 glEvalMesh1 #define pglEvalMesh2 glEvalMesh2 #define pglEvalPoint1 glEvalPoint1 #define pglEvalPoint2 glEvalPoint2 #define pglFeedbackBuffer glFeedbackBuffer #define pglFinish glFinish #define pglFlush glFlush #define pglFogf glFogf #define pglFogfv glFogfv #define pglFogi glFogi #define pglFogiv glFogiv #define pglFrontFace glFrontFace #define pglFrustum glFrustum #define pglGenTextures glGenTextures #define pglGetBooleanv glGetBooleanv #define pglGetClipPlane glGetClipPlane #define pglGetDoublev glGetDoublev #define pglGetFloatv glGetFloatv #define pglGetIntegerv glGetIntegerv #define pglGetLightfv glGetLightfv #define pglGetLightiv glGetLightiv #define pglGetMapdv glGetMapdv #define pglGetMapfv glGetMapfv #define pglGetMapiv glGetMapiv #define pglGetMaterialfv glGetMaterialfv #define pglGetMaterialiv glGetMaterialiv #define pglGetPixelMapfv glGetPixelMapfv #define pglGetPixelMapuiv glGetPixelMapuiv #define pglGetPixelMapusv glGetPixelMapusv #define pglGetPointerv glGetPointerv #define pglGetPolygonStipple glGetPolygonStipple #define pglGetTexEnvfv glGetTexEnvfv #define pglGetTexEnviv glGetTexEnviv #define pglGetTexGendv glGetTexGendv #define pglGetTexGenfv glGetTexGenfv #define pglGetTexGeniv glGetTexGeniv #define pglGetTexImage glGetTexImage #define pglGetTexLevelParameterfv glGetTexLevelParameterfv #define pglGetTexLevelParameteriv glGetTexLevelParameteriv #define pglGetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameterfv #define pglGetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameteriv #define pglHint glHint #define pglIndexMask glIndexMask #define pglIndexPointer glIndexPointer #define pglIndexd glIndexd #define pglIndexdv glIndexdv #define pglIndexf glIndexf #define pglIndexfv glIndexfv #define pglIndexi glIndexi #define pglIndexiv glIndexiv #define pglIndexs glIndexs #define pglIndexsv glIndexsv #define pglIndexub glIndexub #define pglIndexubv glIndexubv #define pglInitNames glInitNames #define pglInterleavedArrays glInterleavedArrays #define pglLightModelf glLightModelf #define pglLightModelfv glLightModelfv #define pglLightModeli glLightModeli #define pglLightModeliv glLightModeliv #define pglLightf glLightf #define pglLightfv glLightfv #define pglLighti glLighti #define pglLightiv glLightiv #define pglLineStipple glLineStipple #define pglLineWidth glLineWidth #define pglListBase glListBase #define pglLoadIdentity glLoadIdentity #define pglLoadMatrixd glLoadMatrixd #define pglLoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixf #define pglLoadName glLoadName #define pglLogicOp glLogicOp #define pglMap1d glMap1d #define pglMap1f glMap1f #define pglMap2d glMap2d #define pglMap2f glMap2f #define pglMapGrid1d glMapGrid1d #define pglMapGrid1f glMapGrid1f #define pglMapGrid2d glMapGrid2d #define pglMapGrid2f glMapGrid2f #define pglMaterialf glMaterialf #define pglMaterialfv glMaterialfv #define pglMateriali glMateriali #define pglMaterialiv glMaterialiv #define pglMatrixMode glMatrixMode #define pglMultMatrixd glMultMatrixd #define pglMultMatrixf glMultMatrixf #define pglNewList glNewList #define pglNormal3b glNormal3b #define pglNormal3bv glNormal3bv #define pglNormal3d glNormal3d #define pglNormal3dv glNormal3dv #define pglNormal3f glNormal3f #define pglNormal3fv glNormal3fv #define pglNormal3i glNormal3i #define pglNormal3iv glNormal3iv #define pglNormal3s glNormal3s #define pglNormal3sv glNormal3sv #define pglNormalPointer glNormalPointer #define pglOrtho glOrtho #define pglPassThrough glPassThrough #define pglPixelMapfv glPixelMapfv #define pglPixelMapuiv glPixelMapuiv #define pglPixelMapusv glPixelMapusv #define pglPixelStoref glPixelStoref #define pglPixelStorei glPixelStorei #define pglPixelTransferf glPixelTransferf #define pglPixelTransferi glPixelTransferi #define pglPixelZoom glPixelZoom #define pglPointSize glPointSize #define pglPolygonMode glPolygonMode #define pglPolygonOffset glPolygonOffset #define pglPolygonStipple glPolygonStipple #define pglPopAttrib glPopAttrib #define pglPopClientAttrib glPopClientAttrib #define pglPopMatrix glPopMatrix #define pglPopName glPopName #define pglPushAttrib glPushAttrib #define pglPushClientAttrib glPushClientAttrib #define pglPushMatrix glPushMatrix #define pglPushName glPushName #define pglRasterPos2d glRasterPos2d #define pglRasterPos2dv glRasterPos2dv #define pglRasterPos2f glRasterPos2f #define pglRasterPos2fv glRasterPos2fv #define pglRasterPos2i glRasterPos2i #define pglRasterPos2iv glRasterPos2iv #define pglRasterPos2s glRasterPos2s #define pglRasterPos2sv glRasterPos2sv #define pglRasterPos3d glRasterPos3d #define pglRasterPos3dv glRasterPos3dv #define pglRasterPos3f glRasterPos3f #define pglRasterPos3fv glRasterPos3fv #define pglRasterPos3i glRasterPos3i #define pglRasterPos3iv glRasterPos3iv #define pglRasterPos3s glRasterPos3s #define pglRasterPos3sv glRasterPos3sv #define pglRasterPos4d glRasterPos4d #define pglRasterPos4dv glRasterPos4dv #define pglRasterPos4f glRasterPos4f #define pglRasterPos4fv glRasterPos4fv #define pglRasterPos4i glRasterPos4i #define pglRasterPos4iv glRasterPos4iv #define pglRasterPos4s glRasterPos4s #define pglRasterPos4sv glRasterPos4sv #define pglReadBuffer glReadBuffer #define pglReadPixels glReadPixels #define pglRectd glRectd #define pglRectdv glRectdv #define pglRectf glRectf #define pglRectfv glRectfv #define pglRecti glRecti #define pglRectiv glRectiv #define pglRects glRects #define pglRectsv glRectsv #define pglRotated glRotated #define pglRotatef glRotatef #define pglScaled glScaled #define pglScalef glScalef #define pglScissor glScissor #define pglSelectBuffer glSelectBuffer #define pglShadeModel glShadeModel #define pglStencilFunc glStencilFunc #define pglStencilMask glStencilMask #define pglStencilOp glStencilOp #define pglTexCoord1d glTexCoord1d #define pglTexCoord1dv glTexCoord1dv #define pglTexCoord1f glTexCoord1f #define pglTexCoord1fv glTexCoord1fv #define pglTexCoord1i glTexCoord1i #define pglTexCoord1iv glTexCoord1iv #define pglTexCoord1s glTexCoord1s #define pglTexCoord1sv glTexCoord1sv #define pglTexCoord2d glTexCoord2d #define pglTexCoord2dv glTexCoord2dv #define pglTexCoord2f glTexCoord2f #define pglTexCoord2fv glTexCoord2fv #define pglTexCoord2i glTexCoord2i #define pglTexCoord2iv glTexCoord2iv #define pglTexCoord2s glTexCoord2s #define pglTexCoord2sv glTexCoord2sv #define pglTexCoord3d glTexCoord3d #define pglTexCoord3dv glTexCoord3dv #define pglTexCoord3f glTexCoord3f #define pglTexCoord3fv glTexCoord3fv #define pglTexCoord3i glTexCoord3i #define pglTexCoord3iv glTexCoord3iv #define pglTexCoord3s glTexCoord3s #define pglTexCoord3sv glTexCoord3sv #define pglTexCoord4d glTexCoord4d #define pglTexCoord4dv glTexCoord4dv #define pglTexCoord4f glTexCoord4f #define pglTexCoord4fv glTexCoord4fv #define pglTexCoord4i glTexCoord4i #define pglTexCoord4iv glTexCoord4iv #define pglTexCoord4s glTexCoord4s #define pglTexCoord4sv glTexCoord4sv #define pglTexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer #define pglTexEnvf glTexEnvf #define pglTexEnvfv glTexEnvfv #define pglTexEnvi glTexEnvi #define pglTexEnviv glTexEnviv #define pglTexGend glTexGend #define pglTexGendv glTexGendv #define pglTexGenf glTexGenf #define pglTexGenfv glTexGenfv #define pglTexGeni glTexGeni #define pglTexGeniv glTexGeniv #define pglTexImage1D glTexImage1D #define pglTexImage2D glTexImage2D #define pglTexParameterf glTexParameterf #define pglTexParameterfv glTexParameterfv #define pglTexParameteri glTexParameteri #define pglTexParameteriv glTexParameteriv #define pglTexSubImage1D glTexSubImage1D #define pglTexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D #define pglTranslated glTranslated #define pglTranslatef glTranslatef #define pglVertex2d glVertex2d #define pglVertex2dv glVertex2dv #define pglVertex2f glVertex2f #define pglVertex2fv glVertex2fv #define pglVertex2i glVertex2i #define pglVertex2iv glVertex2iv #define pglVertex2s glVertex2s #define pglVertex2sv glVertex2sv #define pglVertex3d glVertex3d #define pglVertex3dv glVertex3dv #define pglVertex3f glVertex3f #define pglVertex3fv glVertex3fv #define pglVertex3i glVertex3i #define pglVertex3iv glVertex3iv #define pglVertex3s glVertex3s #define pglVertex3sv glVertex3sv #define pglVertex4d glVertex4d #define pglVertex4dv glVertex4dv #define pglVertex4f glVertex4f #define pglVertex4fv glVertex4fv #define pglVertex4i glVertex4i #define pglVertex4iv glVertex4iv #define pglVertex4s glVertex4s #define pglVertex4sv glVertex4sv #define pglVertexPointer glVertexPointer #define pglViewport glViewport #define pglPointParameterfEXT glPointParameterfEXT #define pglPointParameterfvEXT glPointParameterfvEXT #define pglLockArraysEXT glLockArraysEXT #define pglUnlockArraysEXT glUnlockArraysEXT #define pglActiveTextureARB glActiveTextureARB #define pglClientActiveTextureARB glClientActiveTextureARB #define pglGetCompressedTexImage glGetCompressedTexImage #define pglDrawRangeElements glDrawRangeElements #define pglDrawRangeElementsEXT glDrawRangeElementsEXT #define pglDrawElements glDrawElements #define pglVertexPointer glVertexPointer #define pglNormalPointer glNormalPointer #define pglColorPointer glColorPointer #define pglTexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer #define pglArrayElement glArrayElement #define pglMultiTexCoord1f glMultiTexCoord1f #define pglMultiTexCoord2f glMultiTexCoord2f #define pglMultiTexCoord3f glMultiTexCoord3f #define pglMultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4f #define pglActiveTexture glActiveTexture #define pglClientActiveTexture glClientActiveTexture #define pglCompressedTexImage3DARB glCompressedTexImage3DARB #define pglCompressedTexImage2DARB glCompressedTexImage2DARB #define pglCompressedTexImage1DARB glCompressedTexImage1DARB #define pglCompressedTexSubImage3DARB glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB #define pglCompressedTexSubImage2DARB glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB #define pglCompressedTexSubImage1DARB glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB #define pglDeleteObjectARB glDeleteObjectARB #define pglGetHandleARB glGetHandleARB #define pglDetachObjectARB glDetachObjectARB #define pglCreateShaderObjectARB glCreateShaderObjectARB #define pglShaderSourceARB glShaderSourceARB #define pglCompileShaderARB glCompileShaderARB #define pglCreateProgramObjectARB glCreateProgramObjectARB #define pglAttachObjectARB glAttachObjectARB #define pglLinkProgramARB glLinkProgramARB #define pglUseProgramObjectARB glUseProgramObjectARB #define pglValidateProgramARB glValidateProgramARB #define pglBindProgramARB glBindProgramARB #define pglDeleteProgramsARB glDeleteProgramsARB #define pglGenProgramsARB glGenProgramsARB #define pglProgramStringARB glProgramStringARB #define pglProgramEnvParameter4fARB glProgramEnvParameter4fARB #define pglProgramLocalParameter4fARB glProgramLocalParameter4fARB #define pglUniform1fARB glUniform1fARB #define pglUniform2fARB glUniform2fARB #define pglUniform3fARB glUniform3fARB #define pglUniform4fARB glUniform4fARB #define pglUniform1iARB glUniform1iARB #define pglUniform2iARB glUniform2iARB #define pglUniform3iARB glUniform3iARB #define pglUniform4iARB glUniform4iARB #define pglUniform1fvARB glUniform1fvARB #define pglUniform2fvARB glUniform2fvARB #define pglUniform3fvARB glUniform3fvARB #define pglUniform4fvARB glUniform4fvARB #define pglUniform1ivARB glUniform1ivARB #define pglUniform2ivARB glUniform2ivARB #define pglUniform3ivARB glUniform3ivARB #define pglUniform4ivARB glUniform4ivARB #define pglUniformMatrix2fvARB glUniformMatrix2fvARB #define pglUniformMatrix3fvARB glUniformMatrix3fvARB #define pglUniformMatrix4fvARB glUniformMatrix4fvARB #define pglGetObjectParameterfvARB glGetObjectParameterfvARB #define pglGetObjectParameterivARB glGetObjectParameterivARB #define pglGetInfoLogARB glGetInfoLogARB #define pglGetAttachedObjectsARB glGetAttachedObjectsARB #define pglGetUniformLocationARB glGetUniformLocationARB #define pglGetActiveUniformARB glGetActiveUniformARB #define pglGetUniformfvARB glGetUniformfvARB #define pglGetUniformivARB glGetUniformivARB #define pglGetShaderSourceARB glGetShaderSourceARB #define pglPolygonStipple glPolygonStipple #define pglTexImage3D glTexImage3D #define pglTexSubImage3D glTexSubImage3D #define pglCopyTexSubImage3D glCopyTexSubImage3D #define pglBlendEquationEXT glBlendEquationEXT #define pglStencilOpSeparate glStencilOpSeparate #define pglStencilFuncSeparate glStencilFuncSeparate #define pglActiveStencilFaceEXT glActiveStencilFaceEXT #define pglVertexAttribPointerARB glVertexAttribPointerARB #define pglEnableVertexAttribArrayARB glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB #define pglDisableVertexAttribArrayARB glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB #define pglBindAttribLocationARB glBindAttribLocationARB #define pglGetActiveAttribARB glGetActiveAttribARB #define pglGetAttribLocationARB glGetAttribLocationARB #define pglBindFragDataLocation glBindFragDataLocation #define pglVertexAttrib2fARB glVertexAttrib2fARB #define pglVertexAttrib2fvARB glVertexAttrib2fvARB #define pglVertexAttrib3fvARB glVertexAttrib3fvARB #define pglBindBufferARB glBindBufferARB #define pglDeleteBuffersARB glDeleteBuffersARB #define pglGenBuffersARB glGenBuffersARB #define pglIsBufferARB glIsBufferARB #define pglMapBufferARB glMapBufferARB #define pglUnmapBufferARB glUnmapBufferARB #define pglBufferDataARB glBufferDataARB #define pglBufferSubDataARB glBufferSubDataARB #define pglGenQueriesARB glGenQueriesARB #define pglDeleteQueriesARB glDeleteQueriesARB #define pglIsQueryARB glIsQueryARB #define pglBeginQueryARB glBeginQueryARB #define pglEndQueryARB glEndQueryARB #define pglGetQueryivARB glGetQueryivARB #define pglGetQueryObjectivARB glGetQueryObjectivARB #define pglGetQueryObjectuivARB glGetQueryObjectuivARB #define pglDebugMessageControlARB glDebugMessageControlARB #define pglDebugMessageInsertARB glDebugMessageInsertARB #define pglDebugMessageCallbackARB glDebugMessageCallbackARB #define pglGetDebugMessageLogARB glGetDebugMessageLogARB #define pglIsRenderbuffer glIsRenderbuffer #define pglBindRenderbuffer glBindRenderbuffer #define pglDeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteRenderbuffers #define pglGenRenderbuffers glGenRenderbuffers #define pglRenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorage #define pglRenderbufferStorageMultisample glRenderbufferStorageMultisample #define pglGetRenderbufferParameteriv glGetRenderbufferParameteriv #define pglIsFramebuffer glIsFramebuffer #define pglBindFramebuffer glBindFramebuffer #define pglDeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffers #define pglGenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffers #define pglCheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatus #define pglFramebufferTexture1D glFramebufferTexture1D #define pglFramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2D #define pglFramebufferTexture3D glFramebufferTexture3D #define pglFramebufferTextureLayer glFramebufferTextureLayer #define pglFramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferRenderbuffer #define pglGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv #define pglBlitFramebuffer glBlitFramebuffer #define pglDrawBuffersARB glDrawBuffersARB #define pglGenerateMipmap glGenerateMipmap #define pglBindVertexArray glBindVertexArray #define pglDeleteVertexArrays glDeleteVertexArrays #define pglGenVertexArrays glGenVertexArrays #define pglIsVertexArray glIsVertexArray #define pglSwapInterval glSwapInterval #endif #endif//GL_EXPORT_H