/* titles.c - implementation of titles.txt parser Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #define MAX_MESSAGES 2048 #define MSGFILE_NAME 0 #define MSGFILE_TEXT 1 client_textmessage_t gMessageParms; // the string "pText" is assumed to have all whitespace from both ends cut out static int IsComment( const char *pText ) { if( pText ) { int length = Q_strlen( pText ); if( length >= 2 && pText[0] == '/' && pText[1] == '/' ) return 1; // no text? if( length > 0 ) return 0; } // no text is a comment too return 1; } // the string "pText" is assumed to have all whitespace from both ends cut out static int IsStartOfText( const char *pText ) { if( pText ) { if( pText[0] == '{' ) return 1; } return 0; } // the string "pText" is assumed to have all whitespace from both ends cut out static int IsEndOfText( const char *pText ) { if( pText ) { if( pText[0] == '}' ) return 1; } return 0; } static int IsWhiteSpace( char space ) { if( space == ' ' || space == '\t' || space == '\r' || space == '\n' ) return 1; return 0; } static const char *SkipSpace( const char *pText ) { if( pText ) { int pos = 0; while( pText[pos] && IsWhiteSpace( pText[pos] )) pos++; return pText + pos; } return NULL; } static const char *SkipText( const char *pText ) { if( pText ) { int pos = 0; while( pText[pos] && !IsWhiteSpace( pText[pos] )) pos++; return pText + pos; } return NULL; } static int ParseFloats( const char *pText, float *pFloat, int count ) { const char *pTemp = pText; int index = 0; while( pTemp && count > 0 ) { // skip current token / float pTemp = SkipText( pTemp ); // skip any whitespace in between pTemp = SkipSpace( pTemp ); if( pTemp ) { // parse a float pFloat[index] = Q_atof( pTemp ); count--; index++; } } if( count == 0 ) return 1; return 0; } static int IsToken( const char *pText, const char *pTokenName ) { if( !pText || !pTokenName ) return 0; if( !Q_strnicmp( pText+1, pTokenName, Q_strlen( pTokenName ))) return 1; return 0; } static int ParseDirective( const char *pText ) { if( pText && pText[0] == '$' ) { float tempFloat[8]; if( IsToken( pText, "position" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 2 )) { gMessageParms.x = tempFloat[0]; gMessageParms.y = tempFloat[1]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "effect" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 1 )) { gMessageParms.effect = (int)tempFloat[0]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "fxtime" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 1 )) { gMessageParms.fxtime = tempFloat[0]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "color2" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 3 )) { gMessageParms.r2 = (int)tempFloat[0]; gMessageParms.g2 = (int)tempFloat[1]; gMessageParms.b2 = (int)tempFloat[2]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "color" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 3 )) { gMessageParms.r1 = (int)tempFloat[0]; gMessageParms.g1 = (int)tempFloat[1]; gMessageParms.b1 = (int)tempFloat[2]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "fadein" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 1 )) { gMessageParms.fadein = tempFloat[0]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "fadeout" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 3 )) { gMessageParms.fadeout = tempFloat[0]; } } else if( IsToken( pText, "holdtime" )) { if( ParseFloats( pText, tempFloat, 3 )) { gMessageParms.holdtime = tempFloat[0]; } } else { Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "unknown token: %s\n", pText ); } return 1; } return 0; } void CL_TextMessageParse( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize ) { char buf[512], trim[512], currentName[512]; char *pCurrentText = NULL, *pNameHeap; char nameHeap[32768]; // g-cont. i will scale up heap to handle all TFC messages int mode = MSGFILE_NAME; // searching for a message name int lineNumber, filePos, lastLinePos; client_textmessage_t textMessages[MAX_MESSAGES]; int i, nameHeapSize, textHeapSize, messageSize, nameOffset; int messageCount, lastNamePos; lastNamePos = 0; lineNumber = 0; filePos = 0; lastLinePos = 0; messageCount = 0; while( COM_MemFgets( pMemFile, fileSize, &filePos, buf, 512 ) != NULL ) { COM_TrimSpace( buf, trim ); switch( mode ) { case MSGFILE_NAME: // skip comment lines if( IsComment( trim )) break; // Is this a directive "$command"?, if so parse it and break if( ParseDirective( trim )) break; if( IsStartOfText( trim )) { mode = MSGFILE_TEXT; pCurrentText = (char*)(pMemFile + filePos); break; } if( IsEndOfText( trim )) { Con_Reportf( "TextMessage: unexpected '}' found, line %d\n", lineNumber ); return; } Q_strcpy( currentName, trim ); break; case MSGFILE_TEXT: if( IsEndOfText( trim )) { int length = Q_strlen( currentName ); // save name on name heap if( lastNamePos + length > 32768 ) { Con_Reportf( "TextMessage: error while parsing!\n" ); return; } Q_strcpy( nameHeap + lastNamePos, currentName ); // terminate text in-place in the memory file // (it's temporary memory that will be deleted) pMemFile[lastLinePos-1] = 0; // Save name/text on heap textMessages[messageCount] = gMessageParms; textMessages[messageCount].pName = nameHeap + lastNamePos; lastNamePos += Q_strlen( currentName ) + 1; textMessages[messageCount].pMessage = pCurrentText; messageCount++; // reset parser to search for names mode = MSGFILE_NAME; break; } if( IsStartOfText( trim )) { Con_Reportf( "TextMessage: unexpected '{' found, line %d\n", lineNumber ); return; } break; } lineNumber++; lastLinePos = filePos; if( messageCount >= MAX_MESSAGES ) { Con_Printf( S_WARN "Too many messages in titles.txt, max is %d\n", MAX_MESSAGES ); break; } } Con_Reportf( "TextMessage: parsed %d text messages\n", messageCount ); nameHeapSize = lastNamePos; textHeapSize = 0; for( i = 0; i < messageCount; i++ ) textHeapSize += Q_strlen( textMessages[i].pMessage ) + 1; messageSize = ( messageCount * sizeof( client_textmessage_t )); if(( textHeapSize + nameHeapSize + messageSize ) <= 0 ) { clgame.titles = NULL; clgame.numTitles = 0; return; } // must malloc because we need to be able to clear it after initialization clgame.titles = (client_textmessage_t *)Mem_Calloc( cls.mempool, textHeapSize + nameHeapSize + messageSize ); // copy table over memcpy( clgame.titles, textMessages, messageSize ); // copy Name heap pNameHeap = ((char *)clgame.titles) + messageSize; memcpy( pNameHeap, nameHeap, nameHeapSize ); nameOffset = pNameHeap - clgame.titles[0].pName; // copy text & fixup pointers pCurrentText = pNameHeap + nameHeapSize; for( i = 0; i < messageCount; i++ ) { clgame.titles[i].pName += nameOffset; // adjust name pointer (parallel buffer) Q_strcpy( pCurrentText, clgame.titles[i].pMessage ); // copy text over clgame.titles[i].pMessage = pCurrentText; pCurrentText += Q_strlen( pCurrentText ) + 1; } if(( pCurrentText - (char *)clgame.titles ) != ( textHeapSize + nameHeapSize + messageSize )) Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "TextMessage: overflow text message buffer!\n" ); clgame.numTitles = messageCount; }