/* net_ws.c - win network interface Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include "common.h" #include "netchan.h" #include "mathlib.h" //#define NET_USE_FRAGMENTS #define PORT_ANY -1 #define MAX_LOOPBACK 4 #define MASK_LOOPBACK (MAX_LOOPBACK - 1) #define MAX_ROUTEABLE_PACKET 1400 #define SPLIT_SIZE ( MAX_ROUTEABLE_PACKET - sizeof( SPLITPACKET )) #define NET_MAX_FRAGMENTS ( NET_MAX_FRAGMENT / SPLIT_SIZE ) // wsock32.dll exports static int (_stdcall *pWSACleanup)( void ); static word (_stdcall *pNtohs)( word netshort ); static int (_stdcall *pWSAGetLastError)( void ); static int (_stdcall *pCloseSocket)( SOCKET s ); static word (_stdcall *pHtons)( word hostshort ); static dword (_stdcall *pInet_Addr)( const char* cp ); static char* (_stdcall *pInet_Ntoa)( struct in_addr in ); static SOCKET (_stdcall *pSocket)( int af, int type, int protocol ); static struct hostent *(_stdcall *pGetHostByName)( const char* name ); static int (_stdcall *pIoctlSocket)( SOCKET s, long cmd, dword* argp ); static int (_stdcall *pWSAStartup)( word wVersionRequired, LPWSADATA lpWSAData ); static int (_stdcall *pBind)( SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr* addr, int namelen ); static int (_stdcall *pSetSockopt)( SOCKET s, int level, int optname, const char* optval, int optlen ); static int (_stdcall *pRecvFrom)( SOCKET s, char* buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr* from, int* fromlen ); static int (_stdcall *pSendTo)( SOCKET s, const char* buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr* to, int tolen ); static int (_stdcall *pSelect)( int nfds, fd_set* readfds, fd_set* writefds, fd_set* exceptfds, const struct timeval* timeout ); static int (_stdcall *pConnect)( SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen ); static int (_stdcall *pGetSockName)( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen ); static int (_stdcall *pSend)( SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags ); static int (_stdcall *pRecv)( SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags ); static int (_stdcall *pGetHostName)( char *name, int namelen ); static dword (_stdcall *pNtohl)( dword netlong ); static dllfunc_t winsock_funcs[] = { { "bind", (void **) &pBind }, { "send", (void **) &pSend }, { "recv", (void **) &pRecv }, { "ntohs", (void **) &pNtohs }, { "htons", (void **) &pHtons }, { "ntohl", (void **) &pNtohl }, { "socket", (void **) &pSocket }, { "select", (void **) &pSelect }, { "sendto", (void **) &pSendTo }, { "connect", (void **) &pConnect }, { "recvfrom", (void **) &pRecvFrom }, { "inet_addr", (void **) &pInet_Addr }, { "inet_ntoa", (void **) &pInet_Ntoa }, { "WSAStartup", (void **) &pWSAStartup }, { "WSACleanup", (void **) &pWSACleanup }, { "setsockopt", (void **) &pSetSockopt }, { "ioctlsocket", (void **) &pIoctlSocket }, { "closesocket", (void **) &pCloseSocket }, { "gethostname", (void **) &pGetHostName }, { "getsockname", (void **) &pGetSockName }, { "gethostbyname", (void **) &pGetHostByName }, { "WSAGetLastError", (void **) &pWSAGetLastError }, { NULL, NULL } }; dll_info_t winsock_dll = { "wsock32.dll", winsock_funcs, false }; typedef struct { byte data[NET_MAX_MESSAGE]; int datalen; } net_loopmsg_t; typedef struct { net_loopmsg_t msgs[MAX_LOOPBACK]; int get, send; } net_loopback_t; typedef struct packetlag_s { byte *data; // Raw stream data is stored. int size; netadr_t from; float receivedtime; struct packetlag_s *next; struct packetlag_s *prev; } packetlag_t; // split long packets. Anything over 1460 is failing on some routers. typedef struct { int current_sequence; int split_count; int total_size; char buffer[NET_MAX_FRAGMENT]; } LONGPACKET; // use this to pick apart the network stream, must be packed #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { int net_id; int sequence_number; short packet_id; } SPLITPACKET; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { net_loopback_t loopbacks[NS_COUNT]; packetlag_t lagdata[NS_COUNT]; int losscount[NS_COUNT]; float fakelag; // cached fakelag value LONGPACKET split; int split_flags[NET_MAX_FRAGMENTS]; long sequence_number; int ip_sockets[NS_COUNT]; WSADATA winsockdata; qboolean initialized; qboolean configured; qboolean allow_ip; } net_state_t; static net_state_t net; static convar_t *net_ipname; static convar_t *net_hostport; static convar_t *net_iphostport; static convar_t *net_clientport; static convar_t *net_ipclientport; static convar_t *net_fakelag; static convar_t *net_fakeloss; static convar_t *net_address; convar_t *net_clockwindow; netadr_t net_local; /* ==================== NET_OpenWinSock load wsock32.dll ==================== */ qboolean NET_OpenWinSock( void ) { // initialize the Winsock function vectors (we do this instead of statically linking // so we can run on Win 3.1, where there isn't necessarily Winsock) if( Sys_LoadLibrary( &winsock_dll )) return true; return false; } /* ==================== NET_FreeWinSock unload wsock32.dll ==================== */ void NET_FreeWinSock( void ) { Sys_FreeLibrary( &winsock_dll ); } /* ==================== NET_ErrorString ==================== */ char *NET_ErrorString( void ) { int err = WSANOTINITIALISED; if( net.initialized ) err = pWSAGetLastError(); switch( err ) { case WSAEINTR: return "WSAEINTR"; case WSAEBADF: return "WSAEBADF"; case WSAEACCES: return "WSAEACCES"; case WSAEDISCON: return "WSAEDISCON"; case WSAEFAULT: return "WSAEFAULT"; case WSAEINVAL: return "WSAEINVAL"; case WSAEMFILE: return "WSAEMFILE"; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return "WSAEWOULDBLOCK"; case WSAEINPROGRESS: return "WSAEINPROGRESS"; case WSAEALREADY: return "WSAEALREADY"; case WSAENOTSOCK: return "WSAENOTSOCK"; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: return "WSAEDESTADDRREQ"; case WSAEMSGSIZE: return "WSAEMSGSIZE"; case WSAEPROTOTYPE: return "WSAEPROTOTYPE"; case WSAENOPROTOOPT: return "WSAENOPROTOOPT"; case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: return "WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT"; case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: return "WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: return "WSAEOPNOTSUPP"; case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: return "WSAEPFNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: return "WSAEAFNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEADDRINUSE: return "WSAEADDRINUSE"; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: return "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL"; case WSAENETDOWN: return "WSAENETDOWN"; case WSAENETUNREACH: return "WSAENETUNREACH"; case WSAENETRESET: return "WSAENETRESET"; case WSAECONNABORTED: return "WSWSAECONNABORTEDAEINTR"; case WSAECONNRESET: return "WSAECONNRESET"; case WSAENOBUFS: return "WSAENOBUFS"; case WSAEISCONN: return "WSAEISCONN"; case WSAENOTCONN: return "WSAENOTCONN"; case WSAESHUTDOWN: return "WSAESHUTDOWN"; case WSAETOOMANYREFS: return "WSAETOOMANYREFS"; case WSAETIMEDOUT: return "WSAETIMEDOUT"; case WSAECONNREFUSED: return "WSAECONNREFUSED"; case WSAELOOP: return "WSAELOOP"; case WSAENAMETOOLONG: return "WSAENAMETOOLONG"; case WSAEHOSTDOWN: return "WSAEHOSTDOWN"; case WSASYSNOTREADY: return "WSASYSNOTREADY"; case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: return "WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED"; case WSANOTINITIALISED: return "WSANOTINITIALISED"; case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: return "WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND"; case WSATRY_AGAIN: return "WSATRY_AGAIN"; case WSANO_RECOVERY: return "WSANO_RECOVERY"; case WSANO_DATA: return "WSANO_DATA"; default: return "NO ERROR"; } } /* ==================== NET_NetadrToSockadr ==================== */ static void NET_NetadrToSockadr( netadr_t *a, struct sockaddr *s ) { memset( s, 0, sizeof( *s )); if( a->type == NA_BROADCAST ) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_port = a->port; ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; } else if( a->type == NA_IP ) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)&a->ip; ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_port = a->port; } } /* ==================== NET_SockadrToNetAdr ==================== */ static void NET_SockadrToNetadr( struct sockaddr *s, netadr_t *a ) { if( s->sa_family == AF_INET ) { a->type = NA_IP; *(int *)&a->ip = ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_addr.s_addr; a->port = ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_port; } } /* ============= NET_StringToAdr localhost idnewt idnewt:28000 ============= */ static qboolean NET_StringToSockaddr( const char *s, struct sockaddr *sadr ) { char *colon; char copy[128]; if( !net.initialized ) return false; memset( sadr, 0, sizeof( *sadr )); ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = 0; Q_strncpy( copy, s, sizeof( copy )); // strip off a trailing :port if present for( colon = copy; *colon; colon++ ) { if( *colon == ':' ) { *colon = 0; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = pHtons((short)Q_atoi( colon + 1 )); } } ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr.s_addr = pInet_Addr( copy ); if(((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE ) { struct hostent *h = pGetHostByName( copy ); if( h == NULL || h->h_addr == NULL ) return false; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr.s_addr = *(uint *)h->h_addr; } return true; } /* ==================== NET_AdrToString ==================== */ char *NET_AdrToString( const netadr_t a ) { if( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) return "loopback"; return va( "%i.%i.%i.%i:%i", a.ip[0], a.ip[1], a.ip[2], a.ip[3], pNtohs( a.port )); } /* ==================== NET_BaseAdrToString ==================== */ char *NET_BaseAdrToString( const netadr_t a ) { if( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) return "loopback"; return va( "%i.%i.%i.%i", a.ip[0], a.ip[1], a.ip[2], a.ip[3] ); } /* =================== NET_CompareBaseAdr Compares without the port =================== */ qboolean NET_CompareBaseAdr( const netadr_t a, const netadr_t b ) { if( a.type != b.type ) return false; if( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) return true; if( a.type == NA_IP ) { if( !memcmp( a.ip, b.ip, 4 )) return true; } return false; } /* ==================== NET_CompareClassBAdr Compare local masks ==================== */ qboolean NET_CompareClassBAdr( netadr_t a, netadr_t b ) { if( a.type != b.type ) return false; if( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) return true; if( a.type == NA_IP ) { if( a.ip[0] == b.ip[0] && a.ip[1] == b.ip[1] ) return true; } return false; } /* ==================== NET_IsReservedAdr Check for reserved ip's ==================== */ qboolean NET_IsReservedAdr( netadr_t a ) { if( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) return true; if( a.type == NA_IP ) { if( a.ip[0] == 10 || a.ip[0] == 127 ) return true; if( a.ip[0] == 172 && a.ip[1] >= 16 ) { if( a.ip[1] >= 32 ) return false; return true; } if( a.ip[0] == 192 && a.ip[1] >= 168 ) return true; } return false; } /* ==================== NET_CompareAdr Compare full address ==================== */ qboolean NET_CompareAdr( const netadr_t a, const netadr_t b ) { if( a.type != b.type ) return false; if( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) return true; if( a.type == NA_IP ) { if(!memcmp( a.ip, b.ip, 4 ) && a.port == b.port ) return true; return false; } Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "NET_CompareAdr: bad address type\n" ); return false; } /* ==================== NET_IsLocalAddress ==================== */ qboolean NET_IsLocalAddress( netadr_t adr ) { return (adr.type == NA_LOOPBACK) ? true : false; } /* ============= NET_StringToAdr idnewt ============= */ qboolean NET_StringToAdr( const char *string, netadr_t *adr ) { struct sockaddr s; if( !Q_stricmp( string, "localhost" )) { memset( adr, 0, sizeof( netadr_t )); adr->type = NA_LOOPBACK; return true; } if( !NET_StringToSockaddr( string, &s )) return false; NET_SockadrToNetadr( &s, adr ); return true; } /* ============================================================================= LOOPBACK BUFFERS FOR LOCAL PLAYER ============================================================================= */ /* ==================== NET_GetLoopPacket ==================== */ static qboolean NET_GetLoopPacket( netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *from, byte *data, size_t *length ) { net_loopback_t *loop; int i; if( !data || !length ) return false; loop = &net.loopbacks[sock]; if( loop->send - loop->get > MAX_LOOPBACK ) loop->get = loop->send - MAX_LOOPBACK; if( loop->get >= loop->send ) return false; i = loop->get & MASK_LOOPBACK; loop->get++; memcpy( data, loop->msgs[i].data, loop->msgs[i].datalen ); *length = loop->msgs[i].datalen; memset( from, 0, sizeof( *from )); from->type = NA_LOOPBACK; return true; } /* ==================== NET_SendLoopPacket ==================== */ static void NET_SendLoopPacket( netsrc_t sock, size_t length, const void *data, netadr_t to ) { net_loopback_t *loop; int i; loop = &net.loopbacks[sock^1]; i = loop->send & MASK_LOOPBACK; loop->send++; memcpy( loop->msgs[i].data, data, length ); loop->msgs[i].datalen = length; } /* ==================== NET_ClearLoopback ==================== */ static void NET_ClearLoopback( void ) { net.loopbacks[0].send = net.loopbacks[0].get = 0; net.loopbacks[1].send = net.loopbacks[1].get = 0; } /* ============================================================================= LAG & LOSS SIMULATION SYSTEM (network debugging) ============================================================================= */ /* ================== NET_RemoveFromPacketList double linked list remove entry ================== */ static void NET_RemoveFromPacketList( packetlag_t *p ) { p->prev->next = p->next; p->next->prev = p->prev; p->prev = NULL; p->next = NULL; } /* ================== NET_ClearLaggedList double linked list remove queue ================== */ static void NET_ClearLaggedList( packetlag_t *list ) { packetlag_t *p, *n; p = list->next; while( p && p != list ) { n = p->next; NET_RemoveFromPacketList( p ); if( p->data ) { Mem_Free( p->data ); p->data = NULL; } Mem_Free( p ); p = n; } list->prev = list; list->next = list; } /* ================== NET_AddToLagged add lagged packet to stream ================== */ static void NET_AddToLagged( netsrc_t sock, packetlag_t *list, packetlag_t *packet, netadr_t *from, size_t length, const void *data, float timestamp ) { byte *pStart; if( packet->prev || packet->next ) return; packet->prev = list->prev; list->prev->next = packet; list->prev = packet; packet->next = list; pStart = (byte *)Z_Malloc( length ); memcpy( pStart, data, length ); packet->data = pStart; packet->size = length; packet->receivedtime = timestamp; memcpy( &packet->from, from, sizeof( netadr_t )); } /* ================== NET_AdjustLag adjust time to next fake lag ================== */ static void NET_AdjustLag( void ) { static double lasttime = 0.0; float diff, converge; double dt; dt = host.realtime - lasttime; dt = bound( 0.0, dt, 0.1 ); lasttime = host.realtime; if( host_developer.value || !net_fakelag->value ) { if( net_fakelag->value != net.fakelag ) { diff = net_fakelag->value - net.fakelag; converge = dt * 200.0f; if( fabs( diff ) < converge ) converge = fabs( diff ); if( diff < 0.0 ) converge = -converge; net.fakelag += converge; } } else { Con_Printf( "Server must enable dev-mode to activate fakelag\n" ); Cvar_SetValue( "fakelag", 0.0 ); net.fakelag = 0.0f; } } /* ================== NET_LagPacket add fake lagged packet into rececived message ================== */ static qboolean NET_LagPacket( qboolean newdata, netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *from, size_t *length, void *data ) { packetlag_t *pNewPacketLag; packetlag_t *pPacket; int ninterval; float curtime; if( net.fakelag <= 0.0f ) { NET_ClearLagData( true, true ); return newdata; } curtime = host.realtime; if( newdata ) { if( net_fakeloss->value != 0.0f ) { if( host_developer.value ) { net.losscount[sock]++; if( net_fakeloss->value <= 0.0f ) { ninterval = fabs( net_fakeloss->value ); if( ninterval < 2 ) ninterval = 2; if(( net.losscount[sock] % ninterval ) == 0 ) return false; } else { if( COM_RandomLong( 0, 100 ) <= net_fakeloss->value ) return false; } } else { Cvar_SetValue( "fakeloss", 0.0 ); } } pNewPacketLag = (packetlag_t *)Z_Malloc( sizeof( packetlag_t )); // queue packet to simulate fake lag NET_AddToLagged( sock, &net.lagdata[sock], pNewPacketLag, from, *length, data, curtime ); } pPacket = net.lagdata[sock].next; while( pPacket != &net.lagdata[sock] ) { if( pPacket->receivedtime <= curtime - ( net.fakelag / 1000.0 )) break; pPacket = pPacket->next; } if( pPacket == &net.lagdata[sock] ) return false; NET_RemoveFromPacketList( pPacket ); // delivery packet from fake lag queue memcpy( data, pPacket->data, pPacket->size ); memcpy( &net_from, &pPacket->from, sizeof( netadr_t )); *length = pPacket->size; if( pPacket->data ) Mem_Free( pPacket->data ); Mem_Free( pPacket ); return TRUE; } /* ================== NET_GetLong receive long packet from network ================== */ qboolean NET_GetLong( byte *pData, int size, int *outSize ) { int i, sequence_number, offset; SPLITPACKET *pHeader = (SPLITPACKET *)pData; int packet_number; int packet_count; short packet_id; if( size < sizeof( SPLITPACKET )) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "invalid split packet length %i\n", size ); return false; } sequence_number = pHeader->sequence_number; packet_id = pHeader->packet_id; packet_count = ( packet_id & 0xFF ); packet_number = ( packet_id >> 8 ); if( packet_number >= NET_MAX_FRAGMENTS || packet_count > NET_MAX_FRAGMENTS ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "malformed packet number (%i/%i)\n", packet_number + 1, packet_count ); return false; } if( net.split.current_sequence == -1 || sequence_number != net.split.current_sequence ) { net.split.current_sequence = sequence_number; net.split.split_count = packet_count; net.split.total_size = 0; // clear part's sequence for( i = 0; i < NET_MAX_FRAGMENTS; i++ ) net.split_flags[i] = -1; if( net_showpackets && net_showpackets->value == 4.0f ) Con_Printf( "<-- Split packet restart %i count %i seq\n", net.split.split_count, sequence_number ); } size -= sizeof( SPLITPACKET ); if( net.split_flags[packet_number] != sequence_number ) { if( packet_number == ( packet_count - 1 )) net.split.total_size = size + SPLIT_SIZE * ( packet_count - 1 ); net.split.split_count--; net.split_flags[packet_number] = sequence_number; if( net_showpackets && net_showpackets->value == 4.0f ) Con_Printf( "<-- Split packet %i of %i, %i bytes %i seq\n", packet_number + 1, packet_count, size, sequence_number ); } else { Con_DPrintf( "NET_GetLong: Ignoring duplicated split packet %i of %i ( %i bytes )\n", packet_number + 1, packet_count, size ); } offset = (packet_number * SPLIT_SIZE); memcpy( net.split.buffer + offset, pData + sizeof( SPLITPACKET ), size ); // have we received all of the pieces to the packet? if( net.split.split_count <= 0 ) { net.split.current_sequence = -1; // Clear packet if( net.split.total_size > sizeof( net.split.buffer )) { Con_Printf( "Split packet too large! %d bytes\n", net.split.total_size ); return false; } memcpy( pData, net.split.buffer, net.split.total_size ); *outSize = net.split.total_size; return true; } return false; } /* ================== NET_QueuePacket queue normal and lagged packets ================== */ qboolean NET_QueuePacket( netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *from, byte *data, size_t *length ) { byte buf[NET_MAX_FRAGMENT]; int ret = SOCKET_ERROR; int net_socket; int addr_len; struct sockaddr addr; *length = 0; net_socket = net.ip_sockets[sock]; if( net_socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { addr_len = sizeof( addr ); ret = pRecvFrom( net_socket, buf, sizeof( buf ), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len ); if( ret != SOCKET_ERROR ) { NET_SockadrToNetadr( &addr, from ); if( ret < NET_MAX_FRAGMENT ) { // Transfer data memcpy( data, buf, ret ); *length = ret; // check for split message if( *(int *)data == NET_HEADER_SPLITPACKET ) { return NET_GetLong( data, ret, length ); } // lag the packet, if needed return NET_LagPacket( true, sock, from, length, data ); } else { Con_Reportf( "NET_QueuePacket: oversize packet from %s\n", NET_AdrToString( *from )); } } else { int err = pWSAGetLastError(); switch( err ) { case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: case WSAECONNRESET: case WSAECONNREFUSED: case WSAEMSGSIZE: break; default: // let's continue even after errors Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "NET_QueuePacket: %s from %s\n", NET_ErrorString(), NET_AdrToString( *from )); break; } } } return NET_LagPacket( false, sock, from, length, data ); } /* ================== NET_GetPacket Never called by the game logic, just the system event queing ================== */ qboolean NET_GetPacket( netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *from, byte *data, size_t *length ) { if( !data || !length ) return false; NET_AdjustLag(); if( NET_GetLoopPacket( sock, from, data, length )) { return NET_LagPacket( true, sock, from, length, data ); } else { return NET_QueuePacket( sock, from, data, length ); } } /* ================== NET_SendLong Fragment long packets, send short directly ================== */ int NET_SendLong( netsrc_t sock, int net_socket, const char *buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen ) { #ifdef NET_USE_FRAGMENTS // do we need to break this packet up? if( sock == NS_SERVER && len > MAX_ROUTEABLE_PACKET ) { char packet[MAX_ROUTEABLE_PACKET]; int total_sent, size, packet_count; int ret, packet_number; SPLITPACKET *pPacket; net.sequence_number++; if( net.sequence_number <= 0 ) net.sequence_number = 1; pPacket = (SPLITPACKET *)packet; pPacket->sequence_number = net.sequence_number; pPacket->net_id = NET_HEADER_SPLITPACKET; packet_number = 0; total_sent = 0; packet_count = (len + SPLIT_SIZE - 1) / SPLIT_SIZE; while( len > 0 ) { size = Q_min( SPLIT_SIZE, len ); pPacket->packet_id = (packet_number << 8) + packet_count; memcpy( packet + sizeof( SPLITPACKET ), buf + ( packet_number * SPLIT_SIZE ), size ); if( net_showpackets && net_showpackets->value == 3.0f ) { netadr_t adr; memset( &adr, 0, sizeof( adr )); NET_SockadrToNetadr((struct sockaddr *)to, &adr ); Con_Printf( "Sending split %i of %i with %i bytes and seq %i to %s\n", packet_number + 1, packet_count, size, net.sequence_number, NET_AdrToString( adr )); } ret = pSendTo( net_socket, packet, size + sizeof( SPLITPACKET ), flags, to, tolen ); if( ret < 0 ) return ret; // error if( ret >= size ) total_sent += size; len -= size; packet_number++; Sleep( 1 ); } return total_sent; } else #endif { // no fragmenantion for client connection return pSendTo( net_socket, buf, len, flags, to, tolen ); } } /* ================== NET_SendPacket ================== */ void NET_SendPacket( netsrc_t sock, size_t length, const void *data, netadr_t to ) { int ret, err; struct sockaddr addr; SOCKET net_socket; if( !net.initialized || to.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) { NET_SendLoopPacket( sock, length, data, to ); return; } else if( to.type == NA_BROADCAST ) { net_socket = net.ip_sockets[sock]; if( net_socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) return; } else if( to.type == NA_IP ) { net_socket = net.ip_sockets[sock]; if( net_socket == INVALID_SOCKET ) return; } else { Host_Error( "NET_SendPacket: bad address type %i\n", to.type ); } NET_NetadrToSockadr( &to, &addr ); ret = NET_SendLong( sock, net_socket, data, length, 0, &addr, sizeof( addr )); if( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = pWSAGetLastError(); // WSAEWOULDBLOCK is silent if( err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) return; // some PPP links don't allow broadcasts if( err == WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL && to.type == NA_BROADCAST ) return; // let dedicated servers continue after errors if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) { Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "NET_SendPacket: %s to %s\n", NET_ErrorString(), NET_AdrToString( to )); } else if( err == WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL || err == WSAENOBUFS ) { Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "NET_SendPacket: %s to %s\n", NET_ErrorString(), NET_AdrToString( to )); } else { Host_Error( "NET_SendPacket: %s to %s\n", NET_ErrorString(), NET_AdrToString( to )); } } } /* ==================== NET_BufferToBufferCompress generic fast compression ==================== */ qboolean NET_BufferToBufferCompress( char *dest, uint *destLen, char *source, uint sourceLen ) { uint uCompressedLen = 0; byte *pbOut = NULL; memcpy( dest, source, sourceLen ); pbOut = LZSS_Compress( source, sourceLen, &uCompressedLen ); if( pbOut && uCompressedLen > 0 && uCompressedLen <= *destLen ) { memcpy( dest, pbOut, uCompressedLen ); *destLen = uCompressedLen; free( pbOut ); return true; } else { if( pbOut ) free( pbOut ); memcpy( dest, source, sourceLen ); *destLen = sourceLen; return false; } } /* ==================== NET_BufferToBufferDecompress generic fast decompression ==================== */ qboolean NET_BufferToBufferDecompress( char *dest, uint *destLen, char *source, uint sourceLen ) { if( LZSS_IsCompressed( source )) { uint uDecompressedLen = LZSS_GetActualSize( source ); if( uDecompressedLen <= *destLen ) { *destLen = LZSS_Decompress( source, dest ); } else { return false; } } else { memcpy( dest, source, sourceLen ); *destLen = sourceLen; } return true; } /* ==================== NET_IPSocket ==================== */ static int NET_IPSocket( const char *net_interface, int port, qboolean multicast ) { int err, net_socket; uint optval = 1; struct sockaddr_in addr; if(( net_socket = pSocket( PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = pWSAGetLastError(); if( err != WSAEAFNOSUPPORT ) Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port: %d socket: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if( pIoctlSocket( net_socket, FIONBIO, &optval ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port: %d ioctl FIONBIO: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); pCloseSocket( net_socket ); return INVALID_SOCKET; } // make it broadcast capable if( pSetSockopt( net_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char *)&optval, sizeof( optval )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port: %d setsockopt SO_BROADCAST: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); pCloseSocket( net_socket ); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if( Sys_CheckParm( "-reuse" ) || multicast ) { if( pSetSockopt( net_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&optval, sizeof( optval )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port: %d setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); pCloseSocket( net_socket ); return INVALID_SOCKET; } } if( Sys_CheckParm( "-tos" )) { optval = 16; Con_Printf( "Enabling LOWDELAY TOS option\n" ); if( pSetSockopt( net_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, (const char *)&optval, sizeof( optval )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = pWSAGetLastError(); if( err != WSAENOPROTOOPT ) Con_Printf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port: %d setsockopt IP_TOS: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); pCloseSocket( net_socket ); return INVALID_SOCKET; } } if( !net_interface[0] || !Q_stricmp( net_interface, "localhost" )) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; else NET_StringToSockaddr( net_interface, (struct sockaddr *)&addr ); if( port == PORT_ANY ) addr.sin_port = 0; else addr.sin_port = pHtons((short)port); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if( pBind( net_socket, (void *)&addr, sizeof( addr )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port: %d bind: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); pCloseSocket( net_socket ); return INVALID_SOCKET; } if( Sys_CheckParm( "-loopback" )) { optval = 1; if( pSetSockopt( net_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, (const char *)&optval, sizeof( optval )) == SOCKET_ERROR ) Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "NET_UDPSocket: port %d setsockopt IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: %s\n", port, NET_ErrorString( )); } return net_socket; } /* ==================== NET_OpenIP ==================== */ static void NET_OpenIP( void ) { int port, sv_port = 0, cl_port = 0; if( net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER] == INVALID_SOCKET ) { port = net_iphostport->value; if( !port ) port = net_hostport->value; if( !port ) port = PORT_SERVER; // forcing to default net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER] = NET_IPSocket( net_ipname->string, port, false ); if( net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER] == INVALID_SOCKET && host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) Host_Error( "Couldn't allocate dedicated server IP port %d.\n", port ); sv_port = port; } // dedicated servers don't need client ports if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED ) return; if( net.ip_sockets[NS_CLIENT] == INVALID_SOCKET ) { port = net_ipclientport->value; if( !port ) port = net_clientport->value; if( !port ) port = PORT_ANY; // forcing to default net.ip_sockets[NS_CLIENT] = NET_IPSocket( net_ipname->string, port, false ); if( net.ip_sockets[NS_CLIENT] == INVALID_SOCKET ) net.ip_sockets[NS_CLIENT] = NET_IPSocket( net_ipname->string, PORT_ANY, false ); cl_port = port; } } /* ================ NET_GetLocalAddress Returns the servers' ip address as a string. ================ */ void NET_GetLocalAddress( void ) { char buff[512]; struct sockaddr_in address; int namelen; memset( &net_local, 0, sizeof( netadr_t )); buff[0] = '\0'; if( net.allow_ip ) { // If we have changed the ip var from the command line, use that instead. if( Q_strcmp( net_ipname->string, "localhost" )) { Q_strcpy( buff, net_ipname->string ); } else { pGetHostName( buff, 512 ); } // ensure that it doesn't overrun the buffer buff[511] = 0; if( NET_StringToAdr( buff, &net_local )) { namelen = sizeof( address ); if( pGetSockName( net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER], (struct sockaddr *)&address, &namelen ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { // this may happens if multiple clients running on single machine Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Could not get TCP/IP address. Reason: %s\n", NET_ErrorString( )); // net.allow_ip = false; } else { net_local.port = address.sin_port; Con_Printf( "Server IP address %s\n", NET_AdrToString( net_local )); Cvar_FullSet( "net_address", va( NET_AdrToString( net_local )), FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); } } else { Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Could not get TCP/IP address, Invalid hostname: '%s'\n", buff ); } } else { Con_Printf( "TCP/IP Disabled.\n" ); } } /* ==================== NET_Config A single player game will only use the loopback code ==================== */ void NET_Config( qboolean multiplayer ) { static qboolean bFirst = true; static qboolean old_config; if( !net.initialized ) return; if( old_config == multiplayer ) return; old_config = multiplayer; if( multiplayer ) { // open sockets if( net.allow_ip ) NET_OpenIP(); // get our local address, if possible if( bFirst ) { NET_GetLocalAddress(); bFirst = false; } } else { int i; // shut down any existing sockets for( i = 0; i < NS_COUNT; i++ ) { if( net.ip_sockets[i] != INVALID_SOCKET ) { pCloseSocket( net.ip_sockets[i] ); net.ip_sockets[i] = INVALID_SOCKET; } } } NET_ClearLoopback (); net.configured = multiplayer ? true : false; } /* ==================== NET_IsConfigured Is winsock ip initialized? ==================== */ qboolean NET_IsConfigured( void ) { return net.configured; } /* ==================== NET_IsActive ==================== */ qboolean NET_IsActive( void ) { return net.initialized; } /* ==================== NET_Sleep sleeps msec or until net socket is ready ==================== */ void NET_Sleep( int msec ) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fdset; int i = 0; if( !net.initialized || host.type == HOST_NORMAL ) return; // we're not a dedicated server, just run full speed FD_ZERO( &fdset ); if( net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER] != INVALID_SOCKET ) { FD_SET( net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER], &fdset ); // network socket i = net.ip_sockets[NS_SERVER]; } timeout.tv_sec = msec / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000; pSelect( i+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout ); } /* ==================== NET_ClearLagData clear fakelag list ==================== */ void NET_ClearLagData( qboolean bClient, qboolean bServer ) { if( bClient ) NET_ClearLaggedList( &net.lagdata[NS_CLIENT] ); if( bServer ) NET_ClearLaggedList( &net.lagdata[NS_SERVER] ); } /* ==================== NET_Init ==================== */ void NET_Init( void ) { char cmd[64]; int i = 1; if( net.initialized ) return; net_clockwindow = Cvar_Get( "clockwindow", "0.5", 0, "timewindow to execute client moves" ); net_address = Cvar_Get( "net_address", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "contain local address of current client" ); net_ipname = Cvar_Get( "ip", "localhost", FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "network ip address" ); net_iphostport = Cvar_Get( "ip_hostport", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "network ip host port" ); net_hostport = Cvar_Get( "hostport", va( "%i", PORT_SERVER ), FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "network default host port" ); net_ipclientport = Cvar_Get( "ip_clientport", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "network ip client port" ); net_clientport = Cvar_Get( "clientport", va( "%i", PORT_CLIENT ), FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "network default client port" ); net_fakelag = Cvar_Get( "fakelag", "0", 0, "lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by xxx ms." ); net_fakeloss = Cvar_Get( "fakeloss", "0", 0, "act like we dropped the packet this % of the time." ); // prepare some network data for( i = 0; i < NS_COUNT; i++ ) { net.lagdata[i].prev = &net.lagdata[i]; net.lagdata[i].next = &net.lagdata[i]; net.ip_sockets[i] = INVALID_SOCKET; } if( !NET_OpenWinSock( )) // loading wsock32.dll { Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "network failed to load wsock32.dll.\n" ); return; } if( pWSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ), &net.winsockdata )) { Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "network initialization failed.\n" ); NET_FreeWinSock(); return; } if( Sys_CheckParm( "-noip" )) net.allow_ip = false; else net.allow_ip = true; // specify custom host port if( Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-port", cmd ) && Q_isdigit( cmd )) Cvar_FullSet( "hostport", cmd, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); // adjust clockwindow if( Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-clockwindow", cmd )) Cvar_SetValue( "clockwindow", Q_atof( cmd )); net.sequence_number = 1; net.initialized = true; Con_Reportf( "Base networking initialized.\n" ); } /* ==================== NET_Shutdown ==================== */ void NET_Shutdown( void ) { if( !net.initialized ) return; NET_ClearLagData( true, true ); NET_Config( false ); pWSACleanup(); NET_FreeWinSock(); net.initialized = false; }