/* vid_sdl.c - SDL input component Copyright (C) 2018 a1batross This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef XASH_DEDICATED #include <SDL.h> #include "common.h" #include "keydefs.h" #include "input.h" #include "client.h" #include "vgui_draw.h" #include "events.h" #include "sound.h" #include "vid_common.h" #include "gl_local.h" static SDL_Joystick *joy; static SDL_GameController *gamecontroller; /* ============= Platform_GetMousePos ============= */ void Platform_GetMousePos( int *x, int *y ) { SDL_GetMouseState( x, y ); } /* ============= Platform_SetMousePos ============ */ void Platform_SetMousePos( int x, int y ) { SDL_WarpMouseInWindow( host.hWnd, x, y ); } /* ============= Platform_GetClipobardText ============= */ void Platform_GetClipboardText( char *buffer, size_t size ) { char *sdlbuffer = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if( !sdlbuffer ) return; Q_strncpy( buffer, sdlbuffer, size ); SDL_free( sdlbuffer ); } /* ============= Platform_SetClipobardText ============= */ void Platform_SetClipboardText( char *buffer, size_t size ) { SDL_SetClipboardText( buffer ); } /* ============= Platform_Vibrate ============= */ void Platform_Vibrate( float time, char flags ) { // stub } /* ============= SDLash_EnableTextInput ============= */ void Platform_EnableTextInput( qboolean enable ) { enable ? SDL_StartTextInput() : SDL_StopTextInput(); } /* ============= SDLash_JoyInit_Old ============= */ static int SDLash_JoyInit_Old( int numjoy ) { int num; int i; Con_Reportf( "Joystick: SDL\n" ); if( SDL_WasInit( SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK ) != SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK && SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK ) ) { Con_Reportf( "Failed to initialize SDL Joysitck: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); return 0; } if( joy ) { SDL_JoystickClose( joy ); } num = SDL_NumJoysticks(); if( num > 0 ) Con_Reportf( "%i joysticks found:\n", num ); else { Con_Reportf( "No joystick found.\n" ); return 0; } for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) Con_Reportf( "%i\t: %s\n", i, SDL_JoystickNameForIndex( i ) ); Con_Reportf( "Pass +set joy_index N to command line, where N is number, to select active joystick\n" ); joy = SDL_JoystickOpen( numjoy ); if( !joy ) { Con_Reportf( "Failed to select joystick: %s\n", SDL_GetError( ) ); return 0; } Con_Reportf( "Selected joystick: %s\n" "\tAxes: %i\n" "\tHats: %i\n" "\tButtons: %i\n" "\tBalls: %i\n", SDL_JoystickName( joy ), SDL_JoystickNumAxes( joy ), SDL_JoystickNumHats( joy ), SDL_JoystickNumButtons( joy ), SDL_JoystickNumBalls( joy ) ); SDL_GameControllerEventState( SDL_DISABLE ); SDL_JoystickEventState( SDL_ENABLE ); return num; } /* ============= SDLash_JoyInit_New ============= */ static int SDLash_JoyInit_New( int numjoy ) { int temp, num; int i; Con_Reportf( "Joystick: SDL GameController API\n" ); if( SDL_WasInit( SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER ) != SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER && SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER ) ) { Con_Reportf( "Failed to initialize SDL GameController API: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); return 0; } // chance to add mappings from file SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile( "controllermappings.txt" ); if( gamecontroller ) { SDL_GameControllerClose( gamecontroller ); } temp = SDL_NumJoysticks(); num = 0; for( i = 0; i < temp; i++ ) { if( SDL_IsGameController( i )) num++; } if( num > 0 ) Con_Reportf( "%i joysticks found:\n", num ); else { Con_Reportf( "No joystick found.\n" ); return 0; } for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) Con_Reportf( "%i\t: %s\n", i, SDL_GameControllerNameForIndex( i ) ); Con_Reportf( "Pass +set joy_index N to command line, where N is number, to select active joystick\n" ); gamecontroller = SDL_GameControllerOpen( numjoy ); if( !gamecontroller ) { Con_Reportf( "Failed to select joystick: %s\n", SDL_GetError( ) ); return 0; } // was added in SDL2-2.0.6, allow build with earlier versions just in case #if SDL_MAJOR_VERSION > 2 || SDL_MINOR_VERSION > 0 || SDL_PATCHLEVEL >= 6 Con_Reportf( "Selected joystick: %s (%i:%i:%i)\n", SDL_GameControllerName( gamecontroller ), SDL_GameControllerGetVendor( gamecontroller ), SDL_GameControllerGetProduct( gamecontroller ), SDL_GameControllerGetProductVersion( gamecontroller )); #endif SDL_GameControllerEventState( SDL_ENABLE ); SDL_JoystickEventState( SDL_DISABLE ); return num; } /* ============= Platform_JoyInit ============= */ int Platform_JoyInit( int numjoy ) { // SDL_Joystick is now an old API // SDL_GameController is preferred if( Sys_CheckParm( "-sdl_joy_old_api" ) ) return SDLash_JoyInit_Old(numjoy); return SDLash_JoyInit_New(numjoy); } #endif // XASH_DEDICATED