/* input.c - win32 input devices Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "input.h" #include "client.h" #include "vgui_draw.h" #if XASH_SDL #include #endif #include "platform/platform.h" void* in_mousecursor; qboolean in_mouseactive; // false when not focus app qboolean in_mouseinitialized; qboolean in_mouse_suspended; POINT in_lastvalidpos; qboolean in_mouse_savedpos; static int in_mstate = 0; static struct inputstate_s { float lastpitch, lastyaw; } inputstate; extern convar_t *vid_fullscreen; convar_t *m_pitch; convar_t *m_yaw; convar_t *m_ignore; convar_t *cl_forwardspeed; convar_t *cl_sidespeed; convar_t *cl_backspeed; convar_t *look_filter; convar_t *m_rawinput; /* ================ IN_CollectInputDevices Returns a bit mask representing connected devices or, at least, enabled ================ */ uint IN_CollectInputDevices( void ) { uint ret = 0; if( !m_ignore->value ) // no way to check is mouse connected, so use cvar only ret |= INPUT_DEVICE_MOUSE; if( touch_enable.value ) ret |= INPUT_DEVICE_TOUCH; if( Joy_IsActive() ) // connected or enabled ret |= INPUT_DEVICE_JOYSTICK; Con_Reportf( "Connected devices: %s%s%s%s\n", FBitSet( ret, INPUT_DEVICE_MOUSE ) ? "mouse " : "", FBitSet( ret, INPUT_DEVICE_TOUCH ) ? "touch " : "", FBitSet( ret, INPUT_DEVICE_JOYSTICK ) ? "joy " : "", FBitSet( ret, INPUT_DEVICE_VR ) ? "vr " : ""); return ret; } /* ================= IN_LockInputDevices tries to lock any possibilty to connect another input device after player is connected to the server ================= */ void IN_LockInputDevices( qboolean lock ) { extern convar_t *joy_enable; // private to input system if( lock ) { SetBits( m_ignore->flags, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); SetBits( joy_enable->flags, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); SetBits( touch_enable.flags, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); } else { ClearBits( m_ignore->flags, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); ClearBits( joy_enable->flags, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); ClearBits( touch_enable.flags, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); } } /* =========== IN_StartupMouse =========== */ void IN_StartupMouse( void ) { m_ignore = Cvar_Get( "m_ignore", DEFAULT_M_IGNORE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "ignore mouse events" ); m_pitch = Cvar_Get( "m_pitch", "0.022", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "mouse pitch value" ); m_yaw = Cvar_Get( "m_yaw", "0.022", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "mouse yaw value" ); look_filter = Cvar_Get( "look_filter", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "filter look events making it smoother" ); m_rawinput = Cvar_Get( "m_rawinput", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "enable mouse raw input" ); // You can use -nomouse argument to prevent using mouse from client // -noenginemouse will disable all mouse input if( Sys_CheckParm( "-noenginemouse" )) return; in_mouseinitialized = true; } void GAME_EXPORT IN_SetCursor( void *hCursor ) { // stub } /* =========== IN_MouseSavePos Save mouse pos before state change e.g. changelevel =========== */ void IN_MouseSavePos( void ) { if( !in_mouseactive ) return; Platform_GetMousePos( &in_lastvalidpos.x, &in_lastvalidpos.y ); in_mouse_savedpos = true; } /* =========== IN_MouseRestorePos Restore right position for background =========== */ void IN_MouseRestorePos( void ) { if( !in_mouse_savedpos ) return; Platform_SetMousePos( in_lastvalidpos.x, in_lastvalidpos.y ); in_mouse_savedpos = false; } /* =========== IN_ToggleClientMouse Called when key_dest is changed =========== */ void IN_ToggleClientMouse( int newstate, int oldstate ) { if( newstate == oldstate ) return; // since SetCursorType controls cursor visibility // execute it first, and then check mouse grab state if( newstate == key_menu || newstate == key_console ) { Platform_SetCursorType( dc_arrow ); #if XASH_ANDROID Android_ShowMouse( true ); #endif #ifdef XASH_USE_EVDEV Evdev_SetGrab( false ); #endif } else { Platform_SetCursorType( dc_none ); #if XASH_ANDROID Android_ShowMouse( false ); #endif #ifdef XASH_USE_EVDEV Evdev_SetGrab( true ); #endif } if( oldstate == key_game ) { IN_DeactivateMouse(); } else if( newstate == key_game ) { IN_ActivateMouse(); } } void IN_CheckMouseState( qboolean active ) { static qboolean s_bRawInput, s_bMouseGrab; #if XASH_WIN32 qboolean useRawInput = ( CVAR_TO_BOOL( m_rawinput ) && clgame.client_dll_uses_sdl ) || clgame.dllFuncs.pfnLookEvent != NULL; #else qboolean useRawInput = true; // always use SDL code #endif if( active && useRawInput && !host.mouse_visible && cls.state == ca_active ) { if( !s_bRawInput ) { #if XASH_SDL == 2 SDL_GetRelativeMouseState( NULL, NULL ); SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode( SDL_TRUE ); #endif // Con_Printf( "Enable relative mode\n" ); s_bRawInput = true; } } else { if( s_bRawInput ) { #if XASH_SDL == 2 SDL_GetRelativeMouseState( NULL, NULL ); SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode( SDL_FALSE ); #endif // Con_Printf( "Disable relative mode\n" ); s_bRawInput = false; } } if( active && !host.mouse_visible && cls.state == ca_active ) { if( !s_bMouseGrab ) { #if XASH_SDL SDL_SetWindowGrab( host.hWnd, SDL_TRUE ); #endif // Con_Printf( "Enable grab\n" ); s_bMouseGrab = true; } } else { if( s_bMouseGrab ) { #if XASH_SDL SDL_SetWindowGrab( host.hWnd, SDL_FALSE ); #endif // Con_Printf( "Disable grab\n" ); s_bMouseGrab = false; } } } /* =========== IN_ActivateMouse Called when the window gains focus or changes in some way =========== */ void IN_ActivateMouse( void ) { if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; IN_CheckMouseState( true ); if( clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ActivateMouse ) clgame.dllFuncs.IN_ActivateMouse(); in_mouseactive = true; } /* =========== IN_DeactivateMouse Called when the window loses focus =========== */ void IN_DeactivateMouse( void ) { if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; IN_CheckMouseState( false ); if( clgame.dllFuncs.IN_DeactivateMouse ) clgame.dllFuncs.IN_DeactivateMouse(); in_mouseactive = false; } /* ================ IN_MouseMove ================ */ void IN_MouseMove( void ) { int x, y; if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; if( touch_emulate.value ) { // touch emulation overrides all input Touch_KeyEvent( 0, 0 ); return; } // find mouse movement Platform_GetMousePos( &x, &y ); VGui_MouseMove( x, y ); // if the menu is visible, move the menu cursor UI_MouseMove( x, y ); } /* =========== IN_MouseEvent =========== */ void IN_MouseEvent( int key, int down ) { if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; if( down ) SetBits( in_mstate, BIT( key )); else ClearBits( in_mstate, BIT( key )); // touch emulation overrides all input if( touch_emulate.value ) { Touch_KeyEvent( K_MOUSE1 + key, down ); } else if( cls.key_dest == key_game ) { // perform button actions VGui_MouseEvent( K_MOUSE1 + key, down ); // don't do Key_Event here // client may override IN_MouseEvent // but by default it calls back to Key_Event anyway if( in_mouseactive ) clgame.dllFuncs.IN_MouseEvent( in_mstate ); } else { // perform button actions Key_Event( K_MOUSE1 + key, down ); } } /* ============== IN_MWheelEvent direction is negative for wheel down, otherwise wheel up ============== */ void IN_MWheelEvent( int y ) { int b = y > 0 ? K_MWHEELUP : K_MWHEELDOWN; VGui_MWheelEvent( y ); Key_Event( b, true ); Key_Event( b, false ); } /* =========== IN_Shutdown =========== */ void IN_Shutdown( void ) { IN_DeactivateMouse( ); #ifdef XASH_USE_EVDEV Evdev_Shutdown(); #endif Touch_Shutdown(); } /* =========== IN_Init =========== */ void IN_Init( void ) { cl_forwardspeed = Cvar_Get( "cl_forwardspeed", "400", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "Default forward move speed" ); cl_backspeed = Cvar_Get( "cl_backspeed", "400", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "Default back move speed" ); cl_sidespeed = Cvar_Get( "cl_sidespeed", "400", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "Default side move speed" ); if( !Host_IsDedicated() ) { IN_StartupMouse( ); Joy_Init(); // common joystick support init Touch_Init(); #ifdef XASH_USE_EVDEV Evdev_Init(); #endif } } /* ================ IN_JoyMove Common function for engine joystick movement -1 < forwardmove < 1, -1 < sidemove < 1 ================ */ #define F (1U << 0) // Forward #define B (1U << 1) // Back #define L (1U << 2) // Left #define R (1U << 3) // Right #define T (1U << 4) // Forward stop #define S (1U << 5) // Side stop static void IN_JoyAppendMove( usercmd_t *cmd, float forwardmove, float sidemove ) { static uint moveflags = T | S; if( forwardmove ) cmd->forwardmove = forwardmove * cl_forwardspeed->value; if( sidemove ) cmd->sidemove = sidemove * cl_sidespeed->value; if( forwardmove ) { moveflags &= ~T; } else if( !( moveflags & T ) ) { Cmd_ExecuteString( "-back" ); Cmd_ExecuteString( "-forward" ); moveflags |= T; } if( sidemove ) { moveflags &= ~S; } else if( !( moveflags & S ) ) { Cmd_ExecuteString( "-moveleft" ); Cmd_ExecuteString( "-moveright" ); moveflags |= S; } if ( forwardmove > 0.7f && !( moveflags & F )) { moveflags |= F; Cmd_ExecuteString( "+forward" ); } else if ( forwardmove < 0.7f && ( moveflags & F )) { moveflags &= ~F; Cmd_ExecuteString( "-forward" ); } if ( forwardmove < -0.7f && !( moveflags & B )) { moveflags |= B; Cmd_ExecuteString( "+back" ); } else if ( forwardmove > -0.7f && ( moveflags & B )) { moveflags &= ~B; Cmd_ExecuteString( "-back" ); } if ( sidemove > 0.9f && !( moveflags & R )) { moveflags |= R; Cmd_ExecuteString( "+moveright" ); } else if ( sidemove < 0.9f && ( moveflags & R )) { moveflags &= ~R; Cmd_ExecuteString( "-moveright" ); } if ( sidemove < -0.9f && !( moveflags & L )) { moveflags |= L; Cmd_ExecuteString( "+moveleft" ); } else if ( sidemove > -0.9f && ( moveflags & L )) { moveflags &= ~L; Cmd_ExecuteString( "-moveleft" ); } } static void IN_CollectInput( float *forward, float *side, float *pitch, float *yaw, qboolean includeMouse ) { if( includeMouse ) { float x, y; Platform_MouseMove( &x, &y ); *pitch += y * m_pitch->value; *yaw -= x * m_yaw->value; #ifdef XASH_USE_EVDEV IN_EvdevMove( yaw, pitch ); #endif } Joy_FinalizeMove( forward, side, yaw, pitch ); Touch_GetMove( forward, side, yaw, pitch ); if( look_filter->value ) { *pitch = ( inputstate.lastpitch + *pitch ) / 2; *yaw = ( inputstate.lastyaw + *yaw ) / 2; inputstate.lastpitch = *pitch; inputstate.lastyaw = *yaw; } } /* ================ IN_EngineAppendMove Called from cl_main.c after generating command in client ================ */ void IN_EngineAppendMove( float frametime, void *cmd1, qboolean active ) { float forward, side, pitch, yaw; usercmd_t *cmd = cmd1; if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnLookEvent ) return; if( cls.key_dest != key_game || cl.paused || cl.intermission ) return; forward = side = pitch = yaw = 0; if( active ) { float sensitivity = 1;//( (float)cl.local.scr_fov / (float)90.0f ); IN_CollectInput( &forward, &side, &pitch, &yaw, false ); IN_JoyAppendMove( cmd, forward, side ); if( pitch || yaw ) { cmd->viewangles[YAW] += yaw * sensitivity; cmd->viewangles[PITCH] += pitch * sensitivity; cmd->viewangles[PITCH] = bound( -90, cmd->viewangles[PITCH], 90 ); VectorCopy( cmd->viewangles, cl.viewangles ); } } } void IN_Commands( void ) { #ifdef XASH_USE_EVDEV IN_EvdevFrame(); #endif if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnLookEvent ) { float forward = 0, side = 0, pitch = 0, yaw = 0; IN_CollectInput( &forward, &side, &pitch, &yaw, in_mouseinitialized && !CVAR_TO_BOOL( m_ignore ) ); if( cls.key_dest == key_game ) { clgame.dllFuncs.pfnLookEvent( yaw, pitch ); clgame.dllFuncs.pfnMoveEvent( forward, side ); } } if( !in_mouseinitialized ) return; IN_CheckMouseState( in_mouseactive ); } /* ================== Host_InputFrame Called every frame, even if not generating commands ================== */ void Host_InputFrame( void ) { Sys_SendKeyEvents (); IN_Commands(); IN_MouseMove(); }