#include "platform/platform.h" #if XASH_VIDEO == VIDEO_FBDEV #include "input.h" #include "client.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "vid_common.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #if XASH_ANDROID #include <linux/kd.h> #else #include <sys/kd.h> #endif struct fb_s { int fd, tty_fd; void *map; struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo; struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo; qboolean vsync; int doublebuffer; } fb; #define DEFAULT_FBDEV "/dev/fb0" /* ======================== Android_SwapBuffers Update screen. Use native EGL if possible ======================== */ void GL_SwapBuffers( void ) { } void FB_GetScreenRes( int *x, int *y ) { *x = fb.vinfo.xres; *y = fb.vinfo.yres; } qboolean R_Init_Video( const int type ) { qboolean retval; string fbdev = DEFAULT_FBDEV; fb.fd = -1; VID_StartupGamma(); if( type != REF_SOFTWARE ) return false; Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-fbdev", fbdev ); fb.fd = open( fbdev, O_RDWR ); if( fb.fd < 0 ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR, "failed to open framebuffer device: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if( Sys_CheckParm( "-ttygfx" ) ) fb.tty_fd = open( "/dev/tty", O_RDWR ); // only need this to set graphics mode, optional ioctl(fb.fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fb.finfo); ioctl(fb.fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &fb.vinfo); if( !(retval = VID_SetMode()) ) { return retval; } host.renderinfo_changed = false; return true; } void R_Free_Video( void ) { // VID_DestroyWindow (); // R_FreeVideoModes(); if( fb.doublebuffer ) { fb.vinfo.yoffset = 0; fb.vinfo.yres_virtual >>= 1; ioctl( fb.fd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &fb.vinfo ); } if( fb.map ) munmap( fb.map, fb.finfo.smem_len ); close( fb.fd ); fb.fd = -1; fb.map = NULL; if( fb.tty_fd >= 0 ) { ioctl( fb.tty_fd, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT ); close( fb.tty_fd ); fb.tty_fd = -1; } ref.dllFuncs.GL_ClearExtensions(); } qboolean VID_SetMode( void ) { if( fb.tty_fd > 0 ) ioctl( fb.tty_fd, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS ); R_ChangeDisplaySettings( 0, 0, false ); // width and height are ignored anyway return true; } rserr_t R_ChangeDisplaySettings( int width, int height, qboolean fullscreen ) { int render_w, render_h; uint rotate = vid_rotate->value; FB_GetScreenRes( &width, &height ); render_w = width; render_h = height; Con_Reportf( "R_ChangeDisplaySettings: forced resolution to %dx%d)\n", width, height ); if( ref.dllFuncs.R_SetDisplayTransform( rotate, 0, 0, vid_scale->value, vid_scale->value ) ) { if( rotate & 1 ) { int swap = render_w; render_w = render_h; render_h = swap; } render_h /= vid_scale->value; render_w /= vid_scale->value; } else { Con_Printf( S_WARN "failed to setup screen transform\n" ); } R_SaveVideoMode( width, height, render_w, render_h ); return rserr_ok; } int GL_SetAttribute( int attr, int val ) { return 0; } int GL_GetAttribute( int attr, int *val ) { return 0; } int R_MaxVideoModes( void ) { return 0; } vidmode_t* R_GetVideoMode( int num ) { return NULL; } void* GL_GetProcAddress( const char *name ) // RenderAPI requirement { return NULL; } void GL_UpdateSwapInterval( void ) { // disable VSync while level is loading if( cls.state < ca_active ) { // setup fb vsync here fb.vsync = false; SetBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } else if( FBitSet( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED )) { ClearBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); fb.vsync = true; } } void *SW_LockBuffer( void ) { if( fb.vsync ) { int stub = 0; ioctl(fb.fd, FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC, &stub); } if( fb.doublebuffer ) { static int page = 0; page = !page; fb.vinfo.yoffset = page * fb.vinfo.yres; return fb.map + page * fb.doublebuffer; } else return fb.map; } void SW_UnlockBuffer( void ) { // some single-buffer fb devices need this too ioctl(fb.fd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &fb.vinfo); } #define FB_BF_TO_MASK(x) (((1 << x.length) - 1) << (x.offset)) qboolean SW_CreateBuffer( int width, int height, uint *stride, uint *bpp, uint *r, uint *g, uint *b ) { if( width > fb.vinfo.xres_virtual || height > fb.vinfo.yres_virtual ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "requested size %dx%d not fit to framebuffer size %dx%d\n", width, height, fb.vinfo.xres_virtual, fb.vinfo.yres_virtual ); return false; } *bpp = fb.vinfo.bits_per_pixel >> 3; *stride = fb.vinfo.xres_virtual; *r = FB_BF_TO_MASK(fb.vinfo.red); *g = FB_BF_TO_MASK(fb.vinfo.green); *b = FB_BF_TO_MASK(fb.vinfo.blue); if( Sys_CheckParm("-doublebuffer") ) { fb.doublebuffer = *bpp * *stride * fb.vinfo.yres; fb.vinfo.yres_virtual = fb.vinfo.yres * 2; if(ioctl (fb.fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &fb.vinfo )) { fb.vinfo.transp.length = fb.vinfo.transp.offset = 0; if( ioctl (fb.fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &fb.vinfo ) ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "failed to enable double buffering!\n" ); } } ioctl( fb.fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fb.finfo ); ioctl( fb.fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &fb.vinfo ); ioctl( fb.fd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &fb.vinfo ); if( fb.finfo.smem_len < fb.doublebuffer * 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "not enough memory for double buffering, disabling!\n" ); fb.doublebuffer = 0; } } if( fb.map ) munmap(fb.map, fb.finfo.smem_len); fb.map = mmap(0, fb.finfo.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb.fd, 0); if( !fb.map ) return false; return true; } // unrelated stubs void Platform_GetClipboardText( char *buffer, size_t size ) { } void Platform_SetClipboardText( const char *buffer, size_t size ) { } void Platform_PreCreateMove( void ) { } // will be implemented later void Platform_RunEvents( void ) { } void *Platform_GetNativeObject( const char *name ) { return NULL; } void GAME_EXPORT Platform_GetMousePos( int *x, int *y ) { *x = *y = 0; } void GAME_EXPORT Platform_SetMousePos(int x, int y) { } void Platform_Vibrate(float life, char flags) { } int Platform_JoyInit( int numjoy ) { return 0; } #endif