/* identification.c - unique id generation Copyright (C) 2017 mittorn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include #if !XASH_WIN32 #include #endif static char id_md5[33]; static char id_customid[MAX_STRING]; /* ========================================================== simple 64-bit one-hash-func bloom filter should be enough to determine if device exist in identifier ========================================================== */ typedef uint64_t bloomfilter_t; static bloomfilter_t id; #define bf64_mask ((1U<<6)-1) bloomfilter_t BloomFilter_Process( const char *buffer, int size ) { dword crc32; bloomfilter_t value = 0; if( size <= 0 || size > 512 ) return 0; CRC32_Init( &crc32 ); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crc32, buffer, size ); while( crc32 ) { value |= ((uint64_t)1) << ( crc32 & bf64_mask ); crc32 = crc32 >> 6; } return value; } bloomfilter_t BloomFilter_ProcessStr( const char *buffer ) { return BloomFilter_Process( buffer, Q_strlen( buffer ) ); } uint BloomFilter_Weight( bloomfilter_t value ) { int weight = 0; while( value ) { if( value & 1 ) weight++; value = value >> 1; #if _MSC_VER == 1200 value &= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; #endif } return weight; } qboolean BloomFilter_ContainsString( bloomfilter_t filter, const char *str ) { bloomfilter_t value = BloomFilter_ProcessStr( str ); return (filter & value) == value; } /* ============================================= IDENTIFICATION ============================================= */ #define MAXBITS_GEN 30 #define MAXBITS_CHECK MAXBITS_GEN + 6 qboolean ID_ProcessFile( bloomfilter_t *value, const char *path ); void ID_BloomFilter_f( void ) { bloomfilter_t value = 0; int i; for( i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ ) value |= BloomFilter_ProcessStr( Cmd_Argv( i ) ); Msg( "%d %016llX\n", BloomFilter_Weight( value ), value ); // test // for( i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(); i++ ) // Msg( "%s: %d\n", Cmd_Argv( i ), BloomFilter_ContainsString( value, Cmd_Argv( i ) ) ); } qboolean ID_VerifyHEX( const char *hex ) { uint chars = 0; char prev = 0; qboolean monotonic = true; // detect 11:22... int weight = 0; while( *hex++ ) { char ch = Q_tolower( *hex ); if( ( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) ) { if( prev && ( ch - prev < -1 || ch - prev > 1 ) ) monotonic = false; if( ch >= 'a' ) chars |= 1 << (ch - 'a' + 10); else chars |= 1 << (ch - '0'); prev = ch; } } if( monotonic ) return false; while( chars ) { if( chars & 1 ) weight++; chars = chars >> 1; if( weight > 2 ) return true; } return false; } void ID_VerifyHEX_f( void ) { if( ID_VerifyHEX( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ) ) Msg( "Good\n" ); else Msg( "Bad\n" ); } #if XASH_LINUX qboolean ID_ProcessCPUInfo( bloomfilter_t *value ) { int cpuinfofd = open( "/proc/cpuinfo", O_RDONLY ); char buffer[1024], *pbuf, *pbuf2; int ret; if( cpuinfofd < 0 ) return false; if( (ret = read( cpuinfofd, buffer, 1023 ) ) < 0 ) return false; close( cpuinfofd ); buffer[ret] = 0; if( !ret ) return false; pbuf = Q_strstr( buffer, "Serial" ); if( !pbuf ) return false; pbuf += 6; if( ( pbuf2 = Q_strchr( pbuf, '\n' ) ) ) *pbuf2 = 0; else pbuf2 = pbuf + Q_strlen( pbuf ); if( !ID_VerifyHEX( pbuf ) ) return false; *value |= BloomFilter_Process( pbuf, pbuf2 - pbuf ); return true; } qboolean ID_ValidateNetDevice( const char *dev ) { const char *prefix = "/sys/class/net"; byte *pfile; int assignType; // These devices are fake, their mac address is generated each boot, while assign_type is 0 if( !Q_strnicmp( dev, "ccmni", sizeof( "ccmni" ) ) || !Q_strnicmp( dev, "ifb", sizeof( "ifb" ) ) ) return false; pfile = FS_LoadDirectFile( va( "%s/%s/addr_assign_type", prefix, dev ), NULL ); // if NULL, it may be old kernel if( pfile ) { assignType = Q_atoi( (char*)pfile ); Mem_Free( pfile ); // check is MAC address is constant if( assignType != 0 ) return false; } return true; } int ID_ProcessNetDevices( bloomfilter_t *value ) { const char *prefix = "/sys/class/net"; DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; int count = 0; if( !( dir = opendir( prefix ) ) ) return 0; while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) && BloomFilter_Weight( *value ) < MAXBITS_GEN ) { if( !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue; if( !ID_ValidateNetDevice( entry->d_name ) ) continue; count += ID_ProcessFile( value, va( "%s/%s/address", prefix, entry->d_name ) ); } closedir( dir ); return count; } int ID_CheckNetDevices( bloomfilter_t value ) { const char *prefix = "/sys/class/net"; DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; int count = 0; bloomfilter_t filter = 0; if( !( dir = opendir( prefix ) ) ) return 0; while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) ) { if( !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue; if( !ID_ValidateNetDevice( entry->d_name ) ) continue; if( ID_ProcessFile( &filter, va( "%s/%s/address", prefix, entry->d_name ) ) ) count += ( value & filter ) == filter, filter = 0; } closedir( dir ); return count; } void ID_TestCPUInfo_f( void ) { bloomfilter_t value = 0; if( ID_ProcessCPUInfo( &value ) ) Msg( "Got %016llX\n", value ); else Msg( "Could not get serial\n" ); } #endif qboolean ID_ProcessFile( bloomfilter_t *value, const char *path ) { int fd = open( path, O_RDONLY ); char buffer[256]; int ret; if( fd < 0 ) return false; if( (ret = read( fd, buffer, 255 ) ) < 0 ) return false; close( fd ); if( !ret ) return false; buffer[ret] = 0; if( !ID_VerifyHEX( buffer ) ) return false; *value |= BloomFilter_Process( buffer, ret ); return true; } #if !XASH_WIN32 int ID_ProcessFiles( bloomfilter_t *value, const char *prefix, const char *postfix ) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; int count = 0; if( !( dir = opendir( prefix ) ) ) return 0; while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) && BloomFilter_Weight( *value ) < MAXBITS_GEN ) { if( !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue; count += ID_ProcessFile( value, va( "%s/%s/%s", prefix, entry->d_name, postfix ) ); } closedir( dir ); return count; } int ID_CheckFiles( bloomfilter_t value, const char *prefix, const char *postfix ) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; int count = 0; bloomfilter_t filter = 0; if( !( dir = opendir( prefix ) ) ) return 0; while( ( entry = readdir( dir ) ) ) { if( !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, "." ) || !Q_strcmp( entry->d_name, ".." ) ) continue; if( ID_ProcessFile( &filter, va( "%s/%s/%s", prefix, entry->d_name, postfix ) ) ) count += ( value & filter ) == filter, filter = 0; } closedir( dir ); return count; } #else int ID_GetKeyData( HKEY hRootKey, char *subKey, char *value, LPBYTE data, DWORD cbData ) { HKEY hKey; if( RegOpenKeyEx( hRootKey, subKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 0; if( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, value, NULL, NULL, data, &cbData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 0; } RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 1; } int ID_SetKeyData( HKEY hRootKey, char *subKey, DWORD dwType, char *value, LPBYTE data, DWORD cbData) { HKEY hKey; if( RegCreateKey( hRootKey, subKey, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 0; if( RegSetValueEx( hKey, value, 0, dwType, data, cbData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 0; } RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 1; } #define BUFSIZE 4096 int ID_RunWMIC(char *buffer, const char *cmdline) { HANDLE g_IN_Rd = NULL; HANDLE g_IN_Wr = NULL; HANDLE g_OUT_Rd = NULL; HANDLE g_OUT_Wr = NULL; DWORD dwRead; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr; STARTUPINFO si = {0}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; CreatePipe( &g_IN_Rd, &g_IN_Wr, &saAttr, 0 ); CreatePipe( &g_OUT_Rd, &g_OUT_Wr, &saAttr, 0 ); SetHandleInformation( g_IN_Wr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 ); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdInput = g_IN_Rd; si.hStdOutput = g_OUT_Wr; si.hStdError = g_OUT_Wr; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; CreateProcess( NULL, (char*)cmdline, NULL, NULL, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW , NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ); CloseHandle( g_OUT_Wr ); CloseHandle( g_IN_Wr ); WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, 500 ); bSuccess = ReadFile( g_OUT_Rd, buffer, BUFSIZE, &dwRead, NULL ); buffer[BUFSIZE-1] = 0; CloseHandle( g_IN_Rd ); CloseHandle( g_OUT_Rd ); return bSuccess; } int ID_ProcessWMIC( bloomfilter_t *value, const char *cmdline ) { char buffer[BUFSIZE], token[BUFSIZE], *pbuf; int count = 0; if( !ID_RunWMIC( buffer, cmdline ) ) return 0; pbuf = COM_ParseFile( buffer, token ); // Header while( pbuf = COM_ParseFile( pbuf, token ) ) { if( !ID_VerifyHEX( token ) ) continue; *value |= BloomFilter_ProcessStr( token ); count ++; } return count; } int ID_CheckWMIC( bloomfilter_t value, const char *cmdline ) { char buffer[BUFSIZE], token[BUFSIZE], *pbuf; int count = 0; if( !ID_RunWMIC( buffer, cmdline ) ) return 0; pbuf = COM_ParseFile( buffer, token ); // Header while( pbuf = COM_ParseFile( pbuf, token ) ) { bloomfilter_t filter; if( !ID_VerifyHEX( token ) ) continue; filter = BloomFilter_ProcessStr( token ); count += ( filter & value ) == filter; } return count; } #endif #if XASH_IOS char *IOS_GetUDID( void ); #endif bloomfilter_t ID_GenerateRawId( void ) { bloomfilter_t value = 0; int count = 0; #if XASH_LINUX #if XASH_ANDROID && !XASH_DEDICATED { const char *androidid = Android_GetAndroidID(); if( androidid && ID_VerifyHEX( androidid ) ) { value |= BloomFilter_ProcessStr( androidid ); count ++; } } #endif count += ID_ProcessCPUInfo( &value ); count += ID_ProcessFiles( &value, "/sys/block", "device/cid" ); count += ID_ProcessNetDevices( &value ); #endif #if XASH_WIN32 count += ID_ProcessWMIC( &value, "wmic path win32_physicalmedia get SerialNumber " ); count += ID_ProcessWMIC( &value, "wmic bios get serialnumber " ); #endif #if XASH_IOS { value |= BloomFilter_ProcessStr(IOS_GetUDID()); count ++; } #endif return value; } uint ID_CheckRawId( bloomfilter_t filter ) { bloomfilter_t value = 0; int count = 0; #if XASH_LINUX #if XASH_ANDROID && !XASH_DEDICATED { const char *androidid = Android_GetAndroidID(); if( androidid && ID_VerifyHEX( androidid ) ) { value = BloomFilter_ProcessStr( androidid ); count += (filter & value) == value; value = 0; } } #endif count += ID_CheckNetDevices( filter ); count += ID_CheckFiles( filter, "/sys/block", "device/cid" ); if( ID_ProcessCPUInfo( &value ) ) count += (filter & value) == value; #endif #if XASH_WIN32 count += ID_CheckWMIC( filter, "wmic path win32_physicalmedia get SerialNumber" ); count += ID_CheckWMIC( filter, "wmic bios get serialnumber" ); #endif #if XASH_IOS { value = BloomFilter_ProcessStr(IOS_GetUDID()); count += (filter & value) == value; value = 0; } #endif #if 0 Msg( "ID_CheckRawId: %d\n", count ); #endif return count; } #define SYSTEM_XOR_MASK 0x10331c2dce4c91db #define GAME_XOR_MASK 0x7ffc48fbac1711f1 void ID_Check( void ) { uint weight = BloomFilter_Weight( id ); uint mincount = weight >> 2; if( mincount < 1 ) mincount = 1; if( weight > MAXBITS_CHECK ) { id = 0; #if 0 Msg( "ID_Check(): fail %d\n", weight ); #endif return; } if( ID_CheckRawId( id ) < mincount ) id = 0; #if 0 Msg( "ID_Check(): success %d\n", weight ); #endif } const char *ID_GetMD5( void ) { if( id_customid[0] ) return id_customid; return id_md5; } /* =============== ID_SetCustomClientID =============== */ void GAME_EXPORT ID_SetCustomClientID( const char *id ) { if( !id ) return; Q_strncpy( id_customid, id, sizeof( id_customid ) ); } void ID_Init( void ) { MD5Context_t hash = {0}; byte md5[16]; int i; Cmd_AddCommand( "bloomfilter", ID_BloomFilter_f, "print bloomfilter raw value of arguments set"); Cmd_AddCommand( "verifyhex", ID_VerifyHEX_f, "check if id source seems to be fake" ); #if XASH_LINUX Cmd_AddCommand( "testcpuinfo", ID_TestCPUInfo_f, "try read cpu serial" ); #endif #if XASH_ANDROID && !XASH_DEDICATED sscanf( Android_LoadID(), "%016llX", &id ); if( id ) { id ^= SYSTEM_XOR_MASK; ID_Check(); } #elif XASH_WIN32 { CHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; ID_GetKeyData( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Xash3D\\", "xash_id", szBuf, MAX_PATH ); sscanf(szBuf, "%016llX", &id); id ^= SYSTEM_XOR_MASK; ID_Check(); } #else { const char *home = getenv( "HOME" ); if( home ) { FILE *cfg = fopen( va( "%s/.config/.xash_id", home ), "r" ); if( !cfg ) cfg = fopen( va( "%s/.local/.xash_id", home ), "r" ); if( !cfg ) cfg = fopen( va( "%s/.xash_id", home ), "r" ); if( cfg ) { if( fscanf( cfg, "%016llX", &id ) > 0 ) { id ^= SYSTEM_XOR_MASK; ID_Check(); } fclose( cfg ); } } } #endif if( !id ) { const char *buf = (const char*) FS_LoadFile( ".xash_id", NULL, false ); if( buf ) { sscanf( buf, "%016llX", &id ); id ^= GAME_XOR_MASK; ID_Check(); } } if( !id ) id = ID_GenerateRawId(); MD5Init( &hash ); MD5Update( &hash, (byte *)&id, sizeof( id ) ); MD5Final( (byte*)md5, &hash ); for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) Q_sprintf( &id_md5[i*2], "%02hhx", md5[i] ); #if XASH_ANDROID && !XASH_DEDICATED Android_SaveID( va("%016llX", id^SYSTEM_XOR_MASK ) ); #elif XASH_WIN32 { CHAR Buf[MAX_PATH]; sprintf( Buf, "%016llX", id^SYSTEM_XOR_MASK ); ID_SetKeyData( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Xash3D\\", REG_SZ, "xash_id", Buf, Q_strlen(Buf) ); } #else { const char *home = getenv( "HOME" ); if( home ) { FILE *cfg = fopen( va( "%s/.config/.xash_id", home ), "w" ); if( !cfg ) cfg = fopen( va( "%s/.local/.xash_id", home ), "w" ); if( !cfg ) cfg = fopen( va( "%s/.xash_id", home ), "w" ); if( cfg ) { fprintf( cfg, "%016llX", id^SYSTEM_XOR_MASK ); fclose( cfg ); } } } #endif FS_WriteFile( ".xash_id", va("%016llX", id^GAME_XOR_MASK), 16 ); #if 0 Msg("MD5 id: %s\nRAW id:%016llX\n", id_md5, id ); #endif }