console.c - developer console
Copyright (C) 2007 Uncle Mike

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

#include "common.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "keydefs.h"
#include "protocol.h"		// get the protocol version
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "qfont.h"
#include "wadfile.h"
#include "input.h"

static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( scr_conspeed, "600", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console moving speed" );
static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( con_notifytime, "3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "notify time to live" );
CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( con_fontsize, "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console font number (0, 1 or 2)" );
static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( con_charset, "cp1251", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console font charset (only cp1251 supported now)" );
static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( con_fontscale, "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "scale font texture" );
static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( con_fontnum, "-1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "console font number (0, 1 or 2), -1 for autoselect" );
static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( con_color, "240 180 24", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "set a custom console color" );

static int g_codepage = 0;
static qboolean g_utf8 = false;

static qboolean g_messagemode_privileged = true;

#define CON_TIMES		4	// notify lines
#define CON_MAX_TIMES	64	// notify max lines
#define COLOR_DEFAULT	'7'
#define CON_HISTORY		64
#define MAX_DBG_NOTIFY	128
#define CON_NUMFONTS	1		// do not load different font textures
#define CON_TEXTSIZE	32768	// max scrollback buffer characters in console (32 kb)
#define CON_MAXLINES	2048	// max scrollback buffer lines in console
#define CON_NUMFONTS	3	// maxfonts
#define CON_TEXTSIZE	1048576	// max scrollback buffer characters in console (1 Mb)
#define CON_MAXLINES	16384	// max scrollback buffer lines in console
#define CON_LINES( i )	(con.lines[(con.lines_first + (i)) % con.maxlines])
#define CON_LINES_COUNT	con.lines_count

// console color typeing
rgba_t g_color_table[8] =
{   0,   0,   0, 255 },	// black
{ 255,   0,   0, 255 },	// red
{   0, 255,   0, 255 },	// green
{ 255, 255,   0, 255 },	// yellow
{   0,   0, 255, 255 },	// blue
{   0, 255, 255, 255 },	// cyan
{ 255,   0, 255, 255 },	// magenta
{ 240, 180,  24, 255 },	// default color (can be changed by user)

typedef struct
	string		szNotify;
	float		expire;
	rgba_t		color;
	int		key_dest;
} notify_t;

typedef struct con_lineinfo_s
	char		*start;
	size_t		length;
	double		addtime;		// notify stuff
} con_lineinfo_t;

typedef struct con_history_s
	field_t lines[CON_HISTORY];
	field_t backup;
	int     line; // the line being displayed from history buffer will be <= nextHistoryLine
	int     next; // the last line in the history buffer, not masked
} con_history_t;

typedef struct
	qboolean		initialized;

	// conbuffer
	char		*buffer;		// common buffer for all console lines
	int		bufsize;		// CON_TEXSIZE
	con_lineinfo_t	*lines;		// console lines
	int		maxlines;		// CON_MAXLINES

	int		lines_first;	// cyclic buffer
	int		lines_count;
	int		num_times;	// overlay lines count

	// console scroll
	int		backscroll;	// lines up from bottom to display
	int 		linewidth;	// characters across screen

	// console animation
	float		showlines;	// how many lines we should display
	float		vislines;		// in scanlines

	// console images
	int		background;	// console background

	// console fonts
	cl_font_t		chars[CON_NUMFONTS];// fonts.wad/font1.fnt
	cl_font_t		*curFont;

	// console input
	field_t		input;

	// chatfiled
	field_t		chat;
	string		chat_cmd;		// can be overrieded by user

	// console history
	con_history_t	history;
	qboolean		historyLoaded;

	notify_t		notify[MAX_DBG_NOTIFY]; // for Con_NXPrintf
	qboolean		draw_notify;	// true if we have NXPrint message

	// console update
	double		lastupdate;
} console_t;

static console_t		con;

void Con_ClearField( field_t *edit );
void Field_CharEvent( field_t *edit, int ch );

static void Con_LoadHistory( con_history_t *self );
static void Con_SaveHistory( con_history_t *self );

void Con_Clear_f( void )
	con.lines_count = 0;
	con.backscroll = 0; // go to end

static void Con_SetColor( void )
	int r, g, b;
	int num;

	if( !FBitSet( con_color.flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ))

	num = sscanf( con_color.string, "%i %i %i", &r, &g, &b );

	switch( num )
	case 1:
		Con_DefaultColor( r, r, r );
	case 3:
		Con_DefaultColor( r, g, b );
		Cvar_DirectSet( &con_color, con_color.def_string );

	ClearBits( con_color.flags, FCVAR_CHANGED );

void Con_ClearNotify( void )
	int	i;

	for( i = 0; i < CON_LINES_COUNT; i++ )
		CON_LINES( i ).addtime = 0.0;

void Con_ClearTyping( void )
	Con_ClearField( &con.input );
	con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth;


void Con_MessageMode_f( void )
	g_messagemode_privileged = Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged();

	if( Cmd_Argc() == 2 )
		Q_strncpy( con.chat_cmd, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), sizeof( con.chat_cmd ));
	else Q_strncpy( con.chat_cmd, "say", sizeof( con.chat_cmd ));

	Key_SetKeyDest( key_message );

void Con_MessageMode2_f( void )
	g_messagemode_privileged = Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged();

	Q_strncpy( con.chat_cmd, "say_team", sizeof( con.chat_cmd ));
	Key_SetKeyDest( key_message );

void Con_ToggleConsole_f( void )
	if( !host.allow_console || UI_CreditsActive( ))
		return; // disabled


	// show console only in game or by special call from menu
	if( cls.state != ca_active || cls.key_dest == key_menu )


	if( cls.key_dest == key_console )
		if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ))
			UI_SetActiveMenu( true );
		else UI_SetActiveMenu( false );
		UI_SetActiveMenu( false );
		Key_SetKeyDest( key_console );

void Con_SetTimes_f( void )
	int	newtimes;

	if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 )
		Con_Printf( S_USAGE "contimes <n lines>\n" );

	newtimes = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );
	con.num_times = bound( CON_TIMES, newtimes, CON_MAX_TIMES );


Notifies the console code about the current time
(and shifts back times of other entries when the time
went backwards)
void Con_FixTimes( void )
	double	diff;
	int	i;

	if( con.lines_count <= 0 ) return;

	diff = cl.time - CON_LINES_LAST().addtime;
	if( diff >= 0.0 ) return; // nothing to fix

	for( i = 0; i < con.lines_count; i++ )
		CON_LINES( i ).addtime += diff;


Deletes the first line from the console history.
void Con_DeleteLine( void )
	if( con.lines_count == 0 )
	con.lines_first = (con.lines_first + 1) % con.maxlines;


Deletes the last line from the console history.
void Con_DeleteLastLine( void )
	if( con.lines_count == 0 )


Checks if there is space for a line of the given length, and if yes, returns a
pointer to the start of such a space, and NULL otherwise.
static char *Con_BytesLeft( int length )
	if( length > con.bufsize )
		return NULL;

	if( con.lines_count == 0 )
		return con.buffer;
		char	*firstline_start = con.lines[con.lines_first].start;
		char	*lastline_onepastend = CON_LINES_LAST().start + CON_LINES_LAST().length;

		// the buffer is cyclic, so we first have two cases...
		if( firstline_start < lastline_onepastend ) // buffer is contiguous
			// put at end?
			if( length <= con.buffer + con.bufsize - lastline_onepastend )
				return lastline_onepastend;
			// put at beginning?
			else if( length <= firstline_start - con.buffer )
				return con.buffer;

			return NULL;
			// buffer has a contiguous hole
			if( length <= firstline_start - lastline_onepastend )
				return lastline_onepastend;

			return NULL;


Appends a given string as a new line to the console.
void Con_AddLine( const char *line, int length, qboolean newline )
	char		*putpos;
	con_lineinfo_t	*p;

	if( !con.initialized || !con.buffer )

	length++;	// reserve space for term


	while( !( putpos = Con_BytesLeft( length )) || con.lines_count >= con.maxlines )

	if( newline )
		memcpy( putpos, line, length );
		putpos[length - 1] = '\0';

		p = &CON_LINES_LAST();
		p->start = putpos;
		p->length = length;
		p->addtime = cl.time;
		p = &CON_LINES_LAST();
		putpos = p->start + Q_strlen( p->start );
		memcpy( putpos, line, length - 1 );
		p->length = Q_strlen( p->start );
		putpos[p->length] = '\0';
		p->addtime = cl.time;


If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer.
void Con_CheckResize( void )
	int	charWidth = 8;
	int	i, width;

	if( con.curFont && con.curFont->hFontTexture )
		charWidth = con.curFont->charWidths['O'] - 1;

	width = ( refState.width / charWidth ) - 2;
	if( !ref.initialized ) width = (640 / 5);

	if( width == con.linewidth )

	con.linewidth = width;
	con.backscroll = 0;

	con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth;

	for( i = 0; i < CON_HISTORY; i++ )
		con.history.lines[i].widthInChars = con.linewidth;

void Con_PageUp( int lines )
	con.backscroll += abs( lines );

void Con_PageDown( int lines )
	con.backscroll -= abs( lines );

void Con_Top( void )
	con.backscroll = CON_MAXLINES;

void Con_Bottom( void )
	con.backscroll = 0;

int GAME_EXPORT Con_Visible( void )
	return (con.vislines > 0);

qboolean Con_FixedFont( void )
	return CL_FixedFont( con.curFont );


static void Con_LoadConsoleFont( int fontNumber, cl_font_t *font )
	qboolean success = false;
	float scale = con_fontscale.value;

	if( font->valid )
		return; // already loaded

	// loading conchars
	if( Sys_CheckParm( "-oldfont" ))
		success = Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( "gfx/conchars.fnt", font, scale, kRenderTransTexture, TF_FONT|TF_NEAREST );
		string path;
		dword crc = 0;

		// replace default fonts.wad textures by current charset's font
		if( !CRC32_File( &crc, "fonts.wad" ) || crc == 0x3c0a0029 )
			if( Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ),
				"font%i_%s.fnt", fontNumber, Cvar_VariableString( "con_charset" )) > 0 )
				success = Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( path, font, scale, kRenderTransTexture, TF_FONT|TF_NEAREST );

		if( !success )
			Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "fonts/font%i", fontNumber );
			success = Con_LoadVariableWidthFont( path, font, scale, kRenderTransTexture, TF_FONT|TF_NEAREST );

	if( !success )
		// quake fixed font as fallback
		// keep source to print directly into conback image
		if( !Con_LoadFixedWidthFont( "gfx/conchars", font, scale, kRenderTransTexture, TF_FONT|TF_KEEP_SOURCE ))
			Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "failed to load console font\n" );

static void Con_LoadConchars( void )
	int	i, fontSize;

	// load all the console fonts
	for( i = 0; i < CON_NUMFONTS; i++ )
		Con_LoadConsoleFont( i, con.chars + i );

	// select properly fontsize
	if( con_fontnum.value >= 0 && con_fontnum.value <= CON_NUMFONTS - 1 )
		fontSize = con_fontnum.value;
	else if( refState.width <= 640 )
		fontSize = 0;
	else if( refState.width >= 1280 )
		fontSize = 2;
	else fontSize = 1;

	if( fontSize > CON_NUMFONTS - 1 )
		fontSize = CON_NUMFONTS - 1;

	// sets the current font
	con.curFont = &con.chars[fontSize];

// CP1251 table

int table_cp1251[64] = {
	0x0402, 0x0403, 0x201A, 0x0453, 0x201E, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021,
	0x20AC, 0x2030, 0x0409, 0x2039, 0x040A, 0x040C, 0x040B, 0x040F,
	0x0452, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014,
	0x007F, 0x2122, 0x0459, 0x203A, 0x045A, 0x045C, 0x045B, 0x045F,
	0x00A0, 0x040E, 0x045E, 0x0408, 0x00A4, 0x0490, 0x00A6, 0x00A7,
	0x0401, 0x00A9, 0x0404, 0x00AB, 0x00AC, 0x00AD, 0x00AE, 0x0407,
	0x00B0, 0x00B1, 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x0491, 0x00B5, 0x00B6, 0x00B7,
	0x0451, 0x2116, 0x0454, 0x00BB, 0x0458, 0x0405, 0x0455, 0x0457


Convert utf char to current font's single-byte encoding
int Con_UtfProcessCharForce( int in )
	static int m = -1, k = 0; //multibyte state
	static int uc = 0; //unicode char

	if( !in )
		m = -1;
		k = 0;
		uc = 0;
		return 0;

	// Get character length
	if(m == -1)
		uc = 0;
		if( in >= 0xF8 )
			return 0;
		else if( in >= 0xF0 )
			uc = in & 0x07, m = 3;
		else if( in >= 0xE0 )
			uc = in & 0x0F, m = 2;
		else if( in >= 0xC0 )
			uc = in & 0x1F, m = 1;
		else if( in <= 0x7F)
			return in; //ascii
		// return 0 if we need more chars to decode one
		return 0;
	// get more chars
	else if( k <= m )
		uc <<= 6;
		uc += in & 0x3F;
	if( in > 0xBF || m < 0 )
		m = -1;
		return 0;
	if( k == m )
		k = m = -1;
		if( g_codepage == 1251 )
			// cp1251 now
			if( uc >= 0x0410 && uc <= 0x042F )
				return uc - 0x410 + 0xC0;
			if( uc >= 0x0430 && uc <= 0x044F )
				return uc - 0x430 + 0xE0;
				int i;
				for( i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
					if( table_cp1251[i] == uc )
						return i + 0x80;
		else if( g_codepage == 1252 )
			if( uc < 255 )
				return uc;

		// not implemented yet
		return '?';
	return 0;

int GAME_EXPORT Con_UtfProcessChar( int in )
	if( !g_utf8 )
		return in;
		return Con_UtfProcessCharForce( in );

get position of previous printful char
int Con_UtfMoveLeft( char *str, int pos )
	int i, k = 0;
	// int j;
	if( !g_utf8 )
		return pos - 1;
	Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 );
	if(pos == 1) return 0;
	for( i = 0; i < pos-1; i++ )
		if( Con_UtfProcessChar( (unsigned char)str[i] ) )
			k = i+1;
	Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 );
	return k;


get next of previous printful char
int Con_UtfMoveRight( char *str, int pos, int length )
	int i;
	if( !g_utf8 )
		return pos + 1;
	Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 );
	for( i = pos; i <= length; i++ )
		if( Con_UtfProcessChar( (unsigned char)str[i] ) )
			return i+1;
	Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 );
	return pos+1;

static void Con_DrawCharToConback( int num, const byte *conchars, byte *dest )
	int	row, col;
	const byte	*source;
	int	drawline;
	int	x;

	row = num >> 4;
	col = num & 15;
	source = conchars + (row << 10) + (col << 3);

	drawline = 8;

	while( drawline-- )
		for( x = 0; x < 8; x++ )
			if( source[x] != 255 )
				dest[x] = 0x60 + source[x];
		source += 128;
		dest += 320;



cl_font_t *Con_GetFont( int num )
	num = bound( 0, num, CON_NUMFONTS - 1 );
	return &con.chars[num];


cl_font_t *Con_GetCurFont( void )
	return con.curFont;


compute string width and height in screen pixels
void GAME_EXPORT Con_DrawStringLen( const char *pText, int *length, int *height )
	CL_DrawStringLen( con.curFont, pText, length, height, FONT_DRAW_UTF8 );


client version of routine
int Con_DrawString( int x, int y, const char *string, rgba_t setColor )
	return CL_DrawString( x, y, string, setColor, con.curFont, FONT_DRAW_UTF8 );

void Con_Init( void )
	if( host.type == HOST_DEDICATED )
		return; // dedicated server already have console

	// must be init before startup video subsystem
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &scr_conspeed );
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &con_notifytime );
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &con_fontsize );
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &con_charset );
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &con_fontscale );
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &con_fontnum );
	Cvar_RegisterVariable( &con_color );

	// init the console buffer
	con.bufsize = CON_TEXTSIZE;
	con.buffer = (char *)Z_Calloc( con.bufsize );
	con.maxlines = CON_MAXLINES;
	con.lines = (con_lineinfo_t *)Z_Calloc( con.maxlines * sizeof( *con.lines ));
	con.lines_first = con.lines_count = 0;
	con.num_times = CON_TIMES; // default as 4


	Con_ClearField( &con.input );
	con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth;

	Con_ClearField( &con.chat );
	con.chat.widthInChars = con.linewidth;

	Cmd_AddCommand( "toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f, "opens or closes the console" );
	Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "clear", Con_Clear_f, "clear console history" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "messagemode", Con_MessageMode_f, "enable message mode \"say\"" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "messagemode2", Con_MessageMode2_f, "enable message mode \"say_team\"" );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "contimes", Con_SetTimes_f, "change number of console overlay lines (4-64)" );
	con.initialized = true;

	Con_Printf( "Console initialized.\n" );

void Con_Shutdown( void )
	con.initialized = false;

	if( con.buffer )
		Mem_Free( con.buffer );

	if( con.lines )
		Mem_Free( con.lines );

	con.buffer = NULL;
	con.lines = NULL;
	Con_SaveHistory( &con.history );


Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc
All console printing must go through this in order to be displayed
If no console is visible, the notify window will pop up.
void Con_Print( const char *txt )
	static int	cr_pending = 0;
	static char	buf[MAX_PRINT_MSG];
	qboolean		norefresh = false;
	static int	lastlength = 0;
	static qboolean	inupdate;
	static int	bufpos = 0;
	int		c, mask = 0;

	// client not running
	if( !con.initialized || !con.buffer )

	if( txt[0] == 2 )
		// go to colored text
		if( Con_FixedFont( ))
			mask = 128;

	if( txt[0] == 3 )
		norefresh = true;

	for( ; *txt; txt++ )
		if( cr_pending )
			cr_pending = 0;

		c = *txt;

		switch( c )
		case '\0':
		case '\r':
			Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos, true );
			lastlength = CON_LINES_LAST().length;
			cr_pending = 1;
			bufpos = 0;
		case '\n':
			Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos, true );
			lastlength = CON_LINES_LAST().length;
			bufpos = 0;
			buf[bufpos++] = c | mask;
			if(( bufpos >= sizeof( buf ) - 1 ) || bufpos >= ( con.linewidth - 1 ))
				Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos, true );
				lastlength = CON_LINES_LAST().length;
				bufpos = 0;

	if( norefresh ) return;

	// custom renderer cause problems while updates screen on-loading
	if( SV_Active() && cls.state < ca_active && !cl.video_prepped && !cls.disable_screen )
		if( bufpos != 0 )
			Con_AddLine( buf, bufpos, lastlength != 0 );
			lastlength = 0;
			bufpos = 0;

		// pump messages to avoid window hanging
		if( con.lastupdate < Sys_DoubleTime( ))
			con.lastupdate = Sys_DoubleTime() + 1.0;

		// FIXME: disable updating screen, because when texture is bound any console print
		// can re-bound it to console font texture
#if 0
		if( !inupdate )
			inupdate = true;
			SCR_UpdateScreen ();
			inupdate = false;


Draw a single debug line with specified height
void GAME_EXPORT Con_NPrintf( int idx, const char *fmt, ... )
	va_list	args;

	if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY )

	memset( con.notify[idx].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING );

	va_start( args, fmt );
	Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[idx].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args );
	va_end( args );

	// reset values
	con.notify[idx].key_dest = key_game;
	con.notify[idx].expire = host.realtime + 4.0f;
	MakeRGBA( con.notify[idx].color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
	con.draw_notify = true;


Draw a single debug line with specified height, color and time to live
void GAME_EXPORT Con_NXPrintf( con_nprint_t *info, const char *fmt, ... )
	va_list	args;

	if( !info ) return;

	if( info->index < 0 || info->index >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY )

	memset( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING );

	va_start( args, fmt );
	Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args );
	va_end( args );

	// setup values
	con.notify[info->index].key_dest = key_game;
	con.notify[info->index].expire = host.realtime + info->time_to_live;
	MakeRGBA( con.notify[info->index].color, (byte)(info->color[0] * 255), (byte)(info->color[1] * 255), (byte)(info->color[2] * 255), 255 );
	con.draw_notify = true;


Draw a single debug line with specified height (menu version)
void GAME_EXPORT UI_NPrintf( int idx, const char *fmt, ... )
	va_list	args;

	if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY )

	memset( con.notify[idx].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING );

	va_start( args, fmt );
	Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[idx].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args );
	va_end( args );

	// reset values
	con.notify[idx].key_dest = key_menu;
	con.notify[idx].expire = host.realtime + 4.0f;
	MakeRGBA( con.notify[idx].color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );
	con.draw_notify = true;


Draw a single debug line with specified height, color and time to live (menu version)
void GAME_EXPORT UI_NXPrintf( con_nprint_t *info, const char *fmt, ... )
	va_list	args;

	if( !info ) return;

	if( info->index < 0 || info->index >= MAX_DBG_NOTIFY )

	memset( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, 0, MAX_STRING );

	va_start( args, fmt );
	Q_vsnprintf( con.notify[info->index].szNotify, MAX_STRING, fmt, args );
	va_end( args );

	// setup values
	con.notify[info->index].key_dest = key_menu;
	con.notify[info->index].expire = host.realtime + info->time_to_live;
	MakeRGBA( con.notify[info->index].color, (byte)(info->color[0] * 255), (byte)(info->color[1] * 255), (byte)(info->color[2] * 255), 255 );
	con.draw_notify = true;



void Con_ClearField( field_t *edit )
	memset( edit->buffer, 0, MAX_STRING );
	edit->cursor = 0;
	edit->scroll = 0;

static void Field_Set( field_t *f, const char *string )
	f->scroll = 0;
	f->cursor = Q_strncpy( f->buffer, string, MAX_STRING );

void Field_Paste( field_t *edit )
	char	*cbd;
	int	i, pasteLen;

	cbd = Sys_GetClipboardData();
	if( !cbd ) return;

	// send as if typed, so insert / overstrike works properly
	pasteLen = Q_strlen( cbd );
	for( i = 0; i < pasteLen; i++ )
		Field_CharEvent( edit, cbd[i] );


static void Field_GoTo( field_t *edit, int pos )
	edit->cursor = pos;
	edit->scroll = Q_max( 0, edit->cursor - edit->widthInChars );


Performs the basic line editing functions for the console,
in-game talk, and menu fields

Key events are used for non-printable characters, others are gotten from char events.
void Field_KeyDownEvent( field_t *edit, int key )
	int	len;

	// shift-insert is paste
	if((( key == K_INS ) || ( key == K_KP_INS )) && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT ))
		Field_Paste( edit );

	len = Q_strlen( edit->buffer );

	if( key == K_DEL )
		if( edit->cursor < len )
			memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor, edit->buffer + edit->cursor + 1, len - edit->cursor );

	if( key == K_BACKSPACE || key == K_X_BUTTON )
		if( edit->cursor > 0 )
			int newcursor = Con_UtfMoveLeft( edit->buffer, edit->cursor );
			memmove( edit->buffer + newcursor, edit->buffer + edit->cursor, len - edit->cursor + 1 );
			edit->cursor = newcursor;
			if( edit->scroll ) edit->scroll--;

	if( key == K_RIGHTARROW || key == K_DPAD_RIGHT )
		if( edit->cursor < len ) edit->cursor = Con_UtfMoveRight( edit->buffer, edit->cursor, edit->widthInChars );
		if( edit->cursor >= edit->scroll + edit->widthInChars && edit->cursor <= len )

	if( key == K_LEFTARROW || key == K_DPAD_LEFT )
		if( edit->cursor > 0 ) edit->cursor = Con_UtfMoveLeft( edit->buffer, edit->cursor );
		if( edit->cursor < edit->scroll ) edit->scroll--;

	if( key == K_HOME || ( Q_tolower(key) == 'a' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )))
		Field_GoTo( edit, 0 );

	if( key == K_END || ( Q_tolower(key) == 'e' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )))
		Field_GoTo( edit, len );

	if( key == K_INS )
		host.key_overstrike = !host.key_overstrike;

void Field_CharEvent( field_t *edit, int ch )
	int	len;

	if( ch == 'v' - 'a' + 1 )
		// ctrl-v is paste
		Field_Paste( edit );

	if( ch == 'c' - 'a' + 1 )
		// ctrl-c clears the field
		Con_ClearField( edit );

	len = Q_strlen( edit->buffer );

	if( ch == 'a' - 'a' + 1 )
		// ctrl-a is home
		Field_GoTo( edit, 0 );

	if( ch == 'e' - 'a' + 1 )
		// ctrl-e is end
		Field_GoTo( edit, len );

	// ignore any other non printable chars
	if( ch < 32 ) return;

	if( host.key_overstrike )
		if ( edit->cursor == MAX_STRING - 1 ) return;
		edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = ch;
		// insert mode
		if ( len == MAX_STRING - 1 ) return; // all full
		memmove( edit->buffer + edit->cursor + 1, edit->buffer + edit->cursor, len + 1 - edit->cursor );
		edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = ch;

	if( edit->cursor >= edit->widthInChars ) edit->scroll++;
	if( edit->cursor == len + 1 ) edit->buffer[edit->cursor] = 0;

void Field_DrawInputLine( int x, int y, field_t *edit )
	int	len, cursorChar;
	int	drawLen;
	int	prestep, curPos;
	char	str[MAX_SYSPATH];
	byte	*colorDefault;

	drawLen = edit->widthInChars;
	len = Q_strlen( edit->buffer ) + 1;
	colorDefault = g_color_table[ColorIndex( COLOR_DEFAULT )];

	// guarantee that cursor will be visible
	if( len <= drawLen )
		prestep = 0;
		if( edit->scroll + drawLen > len )
			edit->scroll = len - drawLen;
			if( edit->scroll < 0 ) edit->scroll = 0;

		prestep = edit->scroll;

	if( prestep + drawLen > len )
		drawLen = len - prestep;

	// extract <drawLen> characters from the field at <prestep>
	drawLen = Q_min( drawLen, MAX_SYSPATH - 1 );

	memcpy( str, edit->buffer + prestep, drawLen );
	str[drawLen] = 0;

	// save char for overstrike
	cursorChar = str[edit->cursor - prestep];

	// draw it
	CL_DrawString( x, y, str, colorDefault, con.curFont, FONT_DRAW_UTF8 );

	// draw the cursor
	if((int)( host.realtime * 4 ) & 1 ) return; // off blink

	// calc cursor position
	str[edit->cursor - prestep] = 0;
	CL_DrawStringLen( con.curFont, str, &curPos, NULL, FONT_DRAW_UTF8 );

	if( host.key_overstrike )
		CL_DrawCharacter( x + curPos, y, '|', colorDefault, con.curFont, 0 );
		CL_DrawCharacter( x + curPos, y, '_', colorDefault, con.curFont, 0 );




static void Con_HistoryUp( con_history_t *self, field_t *in )
	if( self->line == self->next )
		self->backup = *in;

	if(( self->next - self->line ) < CON_HISTORY )
		self->line = Q_max( 0, self->line - 1 );

	*in = self->lines[self->line % CON_HISTORY];


static void Con_HistoryDown( con_history_t *self, field_t *in )
	self->line = Q_min( self->next, self->line + 1 );
	if( self->line == self->next )
		*in = self->backup;
	else *in = self->lines[self->line % CON_HISTORY];

static void Con_HistoryAppend( con_history_t *self, field_t *from )
	int prevLine = Q_max( 0, self->line - 1 );
	const char *buf = from->buffer;

	// skip backslashes
	if( from->buffer[0] == '\\' || from->buffer[1] == '/' )

	// only if non-empty
	if( !from->buffer[0] )

	// skip empty commands
	if( Q_isspace( buf ))

	// if not copy (don't ignore backslashes)
	if( !Q_strcmp( from->buffer, self->lines[prevLine % CON_HISTORY].buffer ))

	self->lines[self->next % CON_HISTORY] = *from;
	self->line = ++self->next;

static void Con_LoadHistory( con_history_t *self )
	const byte *aFile = FS_LoadFile( "console_history.txt", NULL, true );
	const char *pLine, *pFile;
	int i, len;
	field_t *f;

	if( !aFile )

	for( pFile = pLine = (char *)aFile; *pFile; pFile++ )
		if( *pFile != '\n' )

		Con_ClearField( &self->lines[self->next] );

		len = Q_min( pFile - pLine + 1, sizeof( f->buffer ));
		f = &self->lines[self->next % CON_HISTORY];
		f->widthInChars = con.linewidth;
		f->cursor = len - 1;
		Q_strncpy( f->buffer, pLine, len);


		pLine = pFile + 1;

	for( i = self->next; i < CON_HISTORY; i++ )
		Con_ClearField( &self->lines[i] );
		self->lines[i].widthInChars = con.linewidth;

	self->line = self->next;

static void Con_SaveHistory( con_history_t *self )
	int historyStart = self->next - CON_HISTORY, i;
	file_t *f;

	// do not save history if nothing was executed
	if( self->next == 0 )

	if( historyStart < 0 )
		historyStart = 0;

	f = FS_Open( "console_history.txt", "w", true );

	for( i = historyStart; i < self->next; i++ )
		FS_Printf( f, "%s\n", self->lines[i % CON_HISTORY].buffer );

	FS_Close( f );




Handles history and console scrollback
void Key_Console( int key )
	// ctrl-L clears screen
	if( key == 'l' && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))
		Cbuf_AddText( "clear\n" );

	// enter or A finish the line
	if( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_A_BUTTON )
		// backslash text are commands, else chat
		if( con.input.buffer[0] == '\\' || con.input.buffer[0] == '/' )
			Cbuf_AddText( con.input.buffer + 1 ); // skip backslash
		else Cbuf_AddText( con.input.buffer ); // valid command
		Cbuf_AddText( "\n" );

		// echo to console
		Con_Printf( ">%s\n", con.input.buffer );

		// copy line to history buffer
		Con_HistoryAppend( &con.history, &con.input );

		Con_ClearField( &con.input );
		con.input.widthInChars = con.linewidth;

		if( cls.state == ca_disconnected )
			// force an update, because the command may take some time
			SCR_UpdateScreen ();

	// command completion
	if( key == K_TAB || key == K_L2_BUTTON )
		Con_CompleteCommand( &con.input );

	// command history (ctrl-p ctrl-n for unix style)
	if(( key == K_MWHEELUP && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT )) || ( key == K_UPARROW ) || (( Q_tolower(key) == 'p' ) && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )))
		Con_HistoryUp( &con.history, &con.input );

	if(( key == K_MWHEELDOWN && Key_IsDown( K_SHIFT )) || ( key == K_DOWNARROW ) || (( Q_tolower(key) == 'n' ) && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL )))
		Con_HistoryDown( &con.history, &con.input );

	// console scrolling
	if( key == K_PGUP || key == K_DPAD_UP )
		Con_PageUp( 1 );

	if( key == K_PGDN || key == K_DPAD_DOWN )
		Con_PageDown( 1 );

	if( key == K_MWHEELUP )
		if( Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))
			Con_PageUp( 8 );
		else Con_PageUp( 2 );

	if( key == K_MWHEELDOWN )
		if( Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))
			Con_PageDown( 8 );
		else Con_PageDown( 2 );

	// ctrl-home = top of console
	if( key == K_HOME && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))

	// ctrl-end = bottom of console
	if( key == K_END && Key_IsDown( K_CTRL ))

	// enable the OSK with button press
	if( key == K_Y_BUTTON )
		Key_EnableTextInput( true, true );

	// exit the console by pressing MINUS on NSwitch
	// or both Back(Select)/Start buttons for everyone else
	if( key == K_BACK_BUTTON || key == K_START_BUTTON )
		if( cls.state == ca_active && !cl.background )
			Key_SetKeyDest( key_game );
		else UI_SetActiveMenu( true );

	// pass to the normal editline routine
	Field_KeyDownEvent( &con.input, key );


In game talk message
void Key_Message( int key )
	char	buffer[MAX_SYSPATH];

	if( key == K_ESCAPE || key == K_BACK_BUTTON )
		Key_SetKeyDest( key_game );
		Con_ClearField( &con.chat );

	if( key == K_ENTER || key == K_KP_ENTER || key == K_A_BUTTON )
		if( con.chat.buffer[0] && cls.state == ca_active )
			Q_snprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%s \"%s\"\n", con.chat_cmd, con.chat.buffer );

			if( g_messagemode_privileged )
				Cbuf_AddText( buffer );
			else Cbuf_AddFilteredText( buffer );

		Key_SetKeyDest( key_game );
		Con_ClearField( &con.chat );

	Field_KeyDownEvent( &con.chat, key );




The input line scrolls horizontally if typing goes beyond the right edge
void Con_DrawInput( int lines )
	int	y;

	// don't draw anything (always draw if not active)
	if( cls.key_dest != key_console || !con.curFont )

	y = lines - ( con.curFont->charHeight * 2 );
	CL_DrawCharacter( con.curFont->charWidths[' '], y, ']', g_color_table[7], con.curFont, 0 );
	Field_DrawInputLine(  con.curFont->charWidths[' ']*2, y, &con.input );


Custom debug messages
int Con_DrawDebugLines( void )
	notify_t *notify = con.notify;
	int	i, count = 0;
	int	defaultX;
	int	y = 20;
	int	fontTall;

	if( !con.curFont || !con.curFont->valid )
		return 0;

	defaultX = refState.width / 4;
	fontTall = con.curFont->charHeight + 1;

	for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( con.notify ); i++, notify++ )
		int x, len;

		if( host.realtime > notify->expire )

		if( notify->key_dest != cls.key_dest )

		Con_DrawStringLen( notify->szNotify, &len, NULL );
		x = refState.width - Q_max( defaultX, len ) - 10;

		if( y + fontTall > refState.height - 20 )
			return count;

		y += fontTall;
		CL_DrawString( x, y, notify->szNotify, notify->color, con.curFont, FONT_DRAW_UTF8 | FONT_DRAW_NOLF );

	return count;


Draws the debug messages (not passed to console history)
void Con_DrawDebug( void )
	static double	timeStart;
	string		dlstring;
	int		x, y;

	if( scr_download.value != -1.0f )
		int length;
		Q_snprintf( dlstring, sizeof( dlstring ), "Downloading [%d remaining]: ^2%s^7 %5.1f%% time %.f secs",
			host.downloadcount, host.downloadfile, scr_download.value, Sys_DoubleTime() - timeStart );

		Con_DrawStringLen( dlstring, &length, NULL );
		length = Q_max( length, 500 );
		x = refState.width - length * 1.05f;
		y = con.curFont->charHeight * 1.05f;
		Con_DrawString( x, y, dlstring, g_color_table[7] );
		timeStart = host.realtime;

	if( !host.allow_console || Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" ))

	if( con.draw_notify && !Con_Visible( ))
		if( Con_DrawDebugLines() == 0 )
			con.draw_notify = false;


Draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game top
void Con_DrawNotify( void )
	double	time = cl.time;
	int	i, x, y = 0;

	if( !con.curFont ) return;

	x = con.curFont->charWidths[' ']; // offset one space at left screen side

	if( host.allow_console && ( !Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) && !Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" )))
		for( i = CON_LINES_COUNT - con.num_times; i < CON_LINES_COUNT; i++ )
			con_lineinfo_t	*l = &CON_LINES( i );

			if( l->addtime < ( time - con_notifytime.value ))

			Con_DrawString( x, y, l->start, g_color_table[7] );
			y += con.curFont->charHeight;

	if( cls.key_dest == key_message )
		string	buf;
		int	len;

		// update chatline position from client.dll
		if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnChatInputPosition )
			clgame.dllFuncs.pfnChatInputPosition( &x, &y );

		Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s: ", con.chat_cmd );

		Con_DrawStringLen( buf, &len, NULL );
		Con_DrawString( x, y, buf, g_color_table[7] );

		Field_DrawInputLine( x + len, y, &con.chat );

	ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 );


Draws a line of the console; returns its height in lines.
If alpha is 0, the line is not drawn, but still wrapped and its height
int Con_DrawConsoleLine( int y, int lineno )
	con_lineinfo_t	*li = &CON_LINES( lineno );

	if( !li || !li->start || *li->start == '\1' )
		return 0;	// this string will be shown only at notify

	if( y >= con.curFont->charHeight )
		float x = con.curFont->charWidths[' '];

		CL_DrawString( x, y, li->start, g_color_table[7], con.curFont, FONT_DRAW_UTF8 );

	return con.curFont->charHeight;


Calculates the last visible line index and how much to show
of it based on con.backscroll.
static void Con_LastVisibleLine( int *lastline )
	int	i, lines_seen = 0;

	con.backscroll = Q_max( 0, con.backscroll );
	*lastline = 0;

	// now count until we saw con_backscroll actual lines
	for( i = CON_LINES_COUNT - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		// line is the last visible line?
		*lastline = i;

		if( lines_seen + 1 > con.backscroll && lines_seen <= con.backscroll )

		lines_seen += 1;

	// if we get here, no line was on screen - scroll so that one line is visible then.
	con.backscroll = lines_seen - 1;


Draws the console with the solid background
void Con_DrawSolidConsole( int lines )
	int	i, x, y;
	float	fraction;
	int	start;
	int	stringLen, width = 0, charH;
	string	curbuild;
	byte	color[4];

	if( lines <= 0 ) return;

	// draw the background
	ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderNormal );
	ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); // to prevent grab color from screenfade
	if( refState.width * 3 / 4 < refState.height && lines >= refState.height )
		ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( 0, lines - refState.height, refState.width, refState.height - refState.width * 3 / 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, R_GetBuiltinTexture( REF_BLACK_TEXTURE) );
	ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( 0, lines - refState.width * 3 / 4, refState.width, refState.width * 3 / 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, con.background );

	if( !con.curFont || !host.allow_console )
		return; // nothing to draw

	// draw current version
	memcpy( color, g_color_table[7], sizeof( color ));

	Q_snprintf( curbuild, MAX_STRING, XASH_ENGINE_NAME " %i/" XASH_VERSION " (%s-%s build %i)", PROTOCOL_VERSION, Q_buildos(), Q_buildarch(), Q_buildnum( ));

	Con_DrawStringLen( curbuild, &stringLen, &charH );

	start = refState.width - stringLen;
	fraction = lines / (float)refState.height;
	color[3] = Q_min( fraction * 2.0f, 1.0f ) * 255; // fadeout version number

	Con_DrawString( start, 0, curbuild, color );

	// draw the text
	if( CON_LINES_COUNT > 0 )
		int	ymax = lines - (con.curFont->charHeight * 2.0f);
		int	lastline;

		Con_LastVisibleLine( &lastline );
		y = ymax - con.curFont->charHeight;

		if( con.backscroll )
			start = con.curFont->charWidths[' ']; // offset one space at left screen side

			// draw red arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled
			for( x = 0; x < con.linewidth; x += 4 )
				CL_DrawCharacter( ( x + 1 ) * start, y, '^', g_color_table[1], con.curFont, 0 );
			y -= con.curFont->charHeight;
		x = lastline;

		while( 1 )
			y -= Con_DrawConsoleLine( y, x );

			// top of console buffer or console window
			if( x == 0 || y < con.curFont->charHeight )

	// draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired
	Con_DrawInput( lines );

	y = lines - ( con.curFont->charHeight * 1.2f );
	SCR_DrawFPS( Q_max( y, 4 )); // to avoid to hide fps counter

	ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 );

void Con_DrawConsole( void )
	// never draw console when changelevel in-progress
	if( cls.state != ca_disconnected && ( cls.changelevel || cls.changedemo ))

	// check for console width changes from a vid mode change
	Con_CheckResize ();

	if( cls.state == ca_connecting || cls.state == ca_connected )
		if( !cl_allow_levelshots.value && !cls.timedemo )
			if(( Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" )) && cls.key_dest != key_console )
				con.vislines = con.showlines = 0;
			else con.vislines = con.showlines = refState.height;
			con.showlines = 0;

			if( host_developer.value >= DEV_EXTENDED && !cls.timedemo )
				Con_DrawNotify(); // draw notify lines

	// if disconnected, render console full screen
	switch( cls.state )
	case ca_disconnected:
		if( cls.key_dest != key_menu )
			Con_DrawSolidConsole( refState.height );
			Key_SetKeyDest( key_console );
	case ca_connecting:
	case ca_connected:
	case ca_validate:
		// force to show console always for -dev 3 and higher
		Con_DrawSolidConsole( con.vislines );
	case ca_active:
	case ca_cinematic:
		if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "cl_background" ) || Cvar_VariableInteger( "sv_background" ))
			if( cls.key_dest == key_console )
				Con_DrawSolidConsole( refState.height );
			if( con.vislines )
				Con_DrawSolidConsole( con.vislines );
			else if( cls.state == ca_active && ( cls.key_dest == key_game || cls.key_dest == key_message ) && !cls.timedemo )
				Con_DrawNotify(); // draw notify lines

	if( !Con_Visible( )) SCR_DrawFPS( 4 );


Used by menu
void Con_DrawVersion( void )
	// draws the current build
	byte	*color = g_color_table[7];
	int	stringLen, charH = 0;
	int	start, height = refState.height;
	qboolean	draw_version = false;
	string	curbuild;

	switch( cls.scrshot_action )
	case scrshot_normal:
	case scrshot_snapshot:
		draw_version = true;

	if( host.force_draw_version_time > host.realtime )
		draw_version = true;

	if(( cls.key_dest != key_menu && !draw_version ) || CL_IsDevOverviewMode() == 2 || net_graph.value )

	if( draw_version )
		Q_snprintf( curbuild, MAX_STRING, XASH_ENGINE_NAME " v%i/" XASH_VERSION " (%s-%s build %i)", PROTOCOL_VERSION, Q_buildos(), Q_buildarch(), Q_buildnum( ));
	else Q_snprintf( curbuild, MAX_STRING, "v%i/" XASH_VERSION " (%s-%s build %i)", PROTOCOL_VERSION, Q_buildos(), Q_buildarch(), Q_buildnum( ));

	Con_DrawStringLen( curbuild, &stringLen, &charH );
	start = refState.width - stringLen * 1.05f;
	height -= charH * 1.05f;

	Con_DrawString( start, height, curbuild, color );


Scroll it up or down
void Con_RunConsole( void )
	float	lines_per_frame;

	Con_SetColor( );

	// decide on the destination height of the console
	if( host.allow_console && cls.key_dest == key_console )
		if( cls.state < ca_active || cl.first_frame )
			con.showlines = refState.height;	// full screen
		else con.showlines = (refState.height >> 1);	// half screen
	else con.showlines = 0; // none visible

	lines_per_frame = fabs( scr_conspeed.value ) * host.realframetime;

	if( con.showlines < con.vislines )
		con.vislines -= lines_per_frame;
		if( con.showlines > con.vislines )
			con.vislines = con.showlines;
	else if( con.showlines > con.vislines )
		con.vislines += lines_per_frame;
		if( con.showlines < con.vislines )
			con.vislines = con.showlines;

	if( FBitSet( con_charset.flags,  FCVAR_CHANGED ) ||
		FBitSet( con_fontscale.flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) ||
		FBitSet( con_fontnum.flags,   FCVAR_CHANGED ) ||
		FBitSet( cl_charset.flags,    FCVAR_CHANGED ))
		// update codepage parameters
		if( !Q_stricmp( con_charset.string, "cp1251" ))
			g_codepage = 1251;
		else if( !Q_stricmp( con_charset.string, "cp1252" ))
			g_codepage = 1252;
			Con_Printf( S_WARN "Unknown charset %s, defaulting to cp1252", con_charset.string );

			Cvar_DirectSet( &con_charset, "cp1252" );
			g_codepage = 1252;

		g_utf8 = !Q_stricmp( cl_charset.string, "utf-8" );
		ClearBits( con_charset.flags,   FCVAR_CHANGED );
		ClearBits( con_fontnum.flags,   FCVAR_CHANGED );
		ClearBits( con_fontscale.flags, FCVAR_CHANGED );
		ClearBits( cl_charset.flags,    FCVAR_CHANGED );




Console input
void Con_CharEvent( int key )
	// distribute the key down event to the apropriate handler
	if( cls.key_dest == key_console )
		Field_CharEvent( &con.input, key );
	else if( cls.key_dest == key_message )
		Field_CharEvent( &con.chat, key );


void Con_VidInit( void )
	if( !con.historyLoaded )
		Con_LoadHistory( &con.history );
		con.historyLoaded = true;

	con.background = R_GetBuiltinTexture( REF_BLACK_TEXTURE );
	// loading console image
	if( host.allow_console )
		// trying to load truecolor image first
		if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/conback.bmp", false ) || FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/conback.tga", false ))
			con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/shell/conback", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );

		if( !con.background )
			if( FS_FileExists( "cached/conback640", false ))
				con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "cached/conback640", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
			else if( FS_FileExists( "cached/conback", false ))
				con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "cached/conback", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
		// trying to load truecolor image first
		if( FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/loading.bmp", false ) || FS_FileExists( "gfx/shell/loading.tga", false ))
			con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/shell/loading", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );

		if( !con.background )
			if( FS_FileExists( "cached/loading640", false ))
				con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "cached/loading640", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );
			else if( FS_FileExists( "cached/loading", false ))
				con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "cached/loading", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );

	if( !con.background ) // last chance - quake conback image
		qboolean		draw_to_console = false;
		fs_offset_t		length = 0;
		const byte *buf;

		// NOTE: only these games want to draw build number into console background
		if( !Q_stricmp( FS_Gamedir(), "id1" ))
			draw_to_console = true;

		if( !Q_stricmp( FS_Gamedir(), "hipnotic" ))
			draw_to_console = true;

		if( !Q_stricmp( FS_Gamedir(), "rogue" ))
			draw_to_console = true;

		if( draw_to_console && con.curFont &&
			( buf = ref.dllFuncs.R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer( con.curFont->hFontTexture )) != NULL )
			lmp_t	*cb = (lmp_t *)FS_LoadFile( "gfx/conback.lmp", &length, false );
			char	ver[64];
			byte	*dest;
			int	x, y, len;

			if( cb && cb->width == 320 && cb->height == 200 )
				len = Q_snprintf( ver, 64, "%i", Q_buildnum( )); // can store only buildnum
				dest = (byte *)(cb + 1) + 320 * 186 + 320 - 11 - 8 * len;
				y = len;
				for( x = 0; x < y; x++ )
					Con_DrawCharToConback( ver[x], buf, dest + (x << 3));
				con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "#gfx/conback.lmp", (byte *)cb, length, TF_IMAGE );
			if( cb ) Mem_Free( cb );

		if( !con.background ) // trying the load unmodified conback
			con.background = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( "gfx/conback.lmp", NULL, 0, TF_IMAGE );

	// missed console image will be replaced as gray background like X-Ray or Crysis
	if( con.background == R_GetBuiltinTexture( REF_DEFAULT_TEXTURE ) || con.background == 0 )
		con.background = R_GetBuiltinTexture( REF_GRAY_TEXTURE );


void Con_InvalidateFonts( void )
	int i;
	for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( con.chars ); i++ )
		CL_FreeFont( &con.chars[i] );
	con.curFont = NULL;


immediately close the console
void Con_FastClose( void )
	Con_ClearField( &con.input );
	con.showlines = 0;
	con.vislines = 0;


called from MainUI
void GAME_EXPORT Con_DefaultColor( int r, int g, int b )
	r = bound( 0, r, 255 );
	g = bound( 0, g, 255 );
	b = bound( 0, b, 255 );
	MakeRGBA( g_color_table[7], r, g, b, 255 );

#include "tests.h"

static void Test_RunConHistory( void )
	con_history_t hist = { 0 };
	field_t input = { 0 };
	const char *strs1[] = { "map t0a0", "quit", "wtf", "wtf", "", "nyan" };
	const char *strs2[] = { "nyan", "wtf", "quit", "map t0a0" };
	const char *testbackup = "unfinished_edit";
	int i;

	for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( strs1 ); i++ )
		Field_Set( &input, strs1[i] );
		Con_HistoryAppend( &hist, &input );

	Field_Set( &input, testbackup );

	for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( strs2 ); i++ )
		Con_HistoryUp( &hist, &input );
		TASSERT_STR( input.buffer, strs2[i] );

	// check for overrun
	Con_HistoryUp( &hist, &input );

	for( i = ARRAYSIZE( strs2 ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		TASSERT_STR( input.buffer, strs2[i] );
		Con_HistoryDown( &hist, &input );

	TASSERT_STR( input.buffer, testbackup );

void Test_RunCon( void )
	TRUN( Test_RunConHistory() );

#endif /* XASH_ENGINE_TESTS */