/* lib_win.c - win32 dynamic library loading Copyright (C) 2008 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #if XASH_LIB == LIB_WIN32 #include "lib_win.h" static DWORD GetOffsetByRVA( DWORD rva, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt_header ) { int i = 0; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER sect_header = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION( nt_header ); if (!rva) return rva; for( i = 0; i < nt_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, sect_header++) { if( rva >= sect_header->VirtualAddress && rva < sect_header->VirtualAddress + sect_header->Misc.VirtualSize ) break; } return (rva - sect_header->VirtualAddress + sect_header->PointerToRawData); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Name for function stuff --------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void FsGetString( file_t *f, char *str ) { char ch; while(( ch = FS_Getc( f )) != EOF ) { *str++ = ch; if( !ch ) break; } } static void FreeNameFuncGlobals( dll_user_t *hInst ) { int i; if( !hInst ) return; if( hInst->ordinals ) Mem_Free( hInst->ordinals ); if( hInst->funcs ) Mem_Free( hInst->funcs ); for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ ) { if( hInst->names[i] ) Mem_Free( hInst->names[i] ); } hInst->num_ordinals = 0; hInst->ordinals = NULL; hInst->funcs = NULL; } qboolean LibraryLoadSymbols( dll_user_t *hInst ) { file_t *f; string errorstring; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header; LONG nt_signature; IMAGE_FILE_HEADER pe_header; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section_header; qboolean rdata_found; IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER optional_header; long rdata_delta = 0; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY export_directory; long name_offset; long exports_offset; long ordinal_offset; long function_offset; string function_name; dword *p_Names = NULL; int i, index; // can only be done for loaded libraries if( !hInst ) return false; for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ ) hInst->names[i] = NULL; f = FS_Open( hInst->shortPath, "rb", false ); if( !f ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "couldn't load %s", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( FS_Read( f, &dos_header, sizeof( dos_header )) != sizeof( dos_header )) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s has corrupted EXE header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( dos_header.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid dll signature", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( FS_Seek( f, dos_header.e_lfanew, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s error seeking for new exe header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( FS_Read( f, &nt_signature, sizeof( nt_signature )) != sizeof( nt_signature )) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s has corrupted NT header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( nt_signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid NT signature", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( FS_Read( f, &pe_header, sizeof( pe_header )) != sizeof( pe_header )) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid PE header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( !pe_header.SizeOfOptionalHeader ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have an optional header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( FS_Read( f, &optional_header, sizeof( optional_header )) != sizeof( optional_header )) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s optional header probably corrupted", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } rdata_found = false; for( i = 0; i < pe_header.NumberOfSections; i++ ) { if( FS_Read( f, §ion_header, sizeof( section_header )) != sizeof( section_header )) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s error during reading section header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if((( optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress >= section_header.VirtualAddress ) && (optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress < (section_header.VirtualAddress + section_header.Misc.VirtualSize)))) { rdata_found = true; break; } } if( rdata_found ) { rdata_delta = section_header.VirtualAddress - section_header.PointerToRawData; } exports_offset = optional_header.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress - rdata_delta; if( FS_Seek( f, exports_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid exports section", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } if( FS_Read( f, &export_directory, sizeof( export_directory )) != sizeof( export_directory )) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid optional header", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } hInst->num_ordinals = export_directory.NumberOfNames; // also number of ordinals if( hInst->num_ordinals > MAX_LIBRARY_EXPORTS ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s too many exports %i", hInst->shortPath, hInst->num_ordinals ); hInst->num_ordinals = 0; goto table_error; } ordinal_offset = export_directory.AddressOfNameOrdinals - rdata_delta; if( FS_Seek( f, ordinal_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid ordinals section", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } hInst->ordinals = Mem_Malloc( host.mempool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word )); if( FS_Read( f, hInst->ordinals, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( word ))) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s error during reading ordinals table", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } function_offset = export_directory.AddressOfFunctions - rdata_delta; if( FS_Seek( f, function_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s does not have a valid export address section", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } hInst->funcs = Mem_Malloc( host.mempool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )); if( FS_Read( f, hInst->funcs, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword ))) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s error during reading export address section", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } name_offset = export_directory.AddressOfNames - rdata_delta; if( FS_Seek( f, name_offset, SEEK_SET ) == -1 ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s file does not have a valid names section", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } p_Names = Mem_Malloc( host.mempool, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )); if( FS_Read( f, p_Names, hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword )) != (hInst->num_ordinals * sizeof( dword ))) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s error during reading names table", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ ) { name_offset = p_Names[i] - rdata_delta; if( name_offset != 0 ) { if( FS_Seek( f, name_offset, SEEK_SET ) != -1 ) { FsGetString( f, function_name ); hInst->names[i] = copystring( COM_GetMSVCName( function_name )); } else break; } } if( i != hInst->num_ordinals ) { Q_snprintf( errorstring, sizeof( errorstring ), "%s error during loading names section", hInst->shortPath ); goto table_error; } FS_Close( f ); for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( "GiveFnptrsToDll", hInst->names[i] )) // main entry point for user dlls { void *fn_offset; index = hInst->ordinals[i]; fn_offset = COM_GetProcAddress( hInst, "GiveFnptrsToDll" ); hInst->funcBase = (uintptr_t)(fn_offset) - hInst->funcs[index]; break; } } if( p_Names ) Mem_Free( p_Names ); return true; table_error: // cleanup if( f ) FS_Close( f ); if( p_Names ) Mem_Free( p_Names ); FreeNameFuncGlobals( hInst ); Con_Printf( S_ERROR "LoadLibrary: %s\n", errorstring ); return false; } static const char *GetLastErrorAsString( void ) { DWORD errorcode; static string errormessage; errorcode = GetLastError(); if ( !errorcode ) return ""; FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, NULL, errorcode, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), (LPSTR)&errormessage, sizeof( errormessage ), NULL ); return errormessage; } static PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR GetImportDescriptor( const char *name, byte *data, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS *peheader ) { PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosHeader; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS peHeader; PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY importDir; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importDesc; if ( !data ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s: couldn't load %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name ); return NULL; } dosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)data; if ( dosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s: %s is not a valid executable file\n", __FUNCTION__, name ); return NULL; } peHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)( data + dosHeader->e_lfanew ); if ( peHeader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s: %s is missing a PE header\n", __FUNCTION__, name ); return NULL; } importDir = &peHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT]; if( importDir->Size <= 0 ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "%s: %s has no dependencies\n", __FUNCTION__, name ); return NULL; } *peheader = peHeader; importDesc = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( data, GetOffsetByRVA( importDir->VirtualAddress, peHeader ) ); return importDesc; } static void ListMissingModules( dll_user_t *hInst ) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS peHeader; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importDesc; byte *data; char buf[MAX_VA_STRING]; if( !hInst || !g_fsapi.LoadFile ) return; data = g_fsapi.LoadFile( hInst->dllName, NULL, false ); if( !data ) return; importDesc = GetImportDescriptor( hInst->dllName, data, &peHeader ); if( !importDesc ) { Mem_Free( data ); return; } for( ; !IsBadReadPtr( importDesc, sizeof( IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR ) ) && importDesc->Name; importDesc++ ) { HMODULE hMod; const char *importName = (const char *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( data, GetOffsetByRVA( importDesc->Name, peHeader ) ); hMod = LoadLibraryEx( importName, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE ); if ( !hMod ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s not found!", importName ); COM_PushLibraryError( buf ); } else FreeLibrary( hMod ); } Mem_Free( data ); return; } qboolean COM_CheckLibraryDirectDependency( const char *name, const char *depname, qboolean directpath ) { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS peHeader; PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importDesc; byte *data; dll_user_t *hInst; qboolean ret = FALSE; hInst = FS_FindLibrary( name, directpath ); if ( !hInst ) return FALSE; data = FS_LoadFile( name, NULL, false ); if ( !data ) { COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); return FALSE; } importDesc = GetImportDescriptor( name, data, &peHeader ); if ( !importDesc ) { COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); Mem_Free( data ); return FALSE; } for( ; !IsBadReadPtr( importDesc, sizeof( IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR ) ) && importDesc->Name; importDesc++ ) { const char *importName = (const char *)CALCULATE_ADDRESS( data, GetOffsetByRVA( importDesc->Name, peHeader ) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( importName, depname ) ) { COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); Mem_Free( data ); return TRUE; } } COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); Mem_Free( data ); return FALSE; } /* ================ COM_LoadLibrary smart dll loader - can loading dlls from pack or wad files ================ */ void *COM_LoadLibrary( const char *dllname, int build_ordinals_table, qboolean directpath ) { dll_user_t *hInst; char buf[MAX_VA_STRING]; COM_ResetLibraryError(); hInst = FS_FindLibrary( dllname, directpath ); if( !hInst ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Failed to find library %s", dllname ); COM_PushLibraryError( buf ); return NULL; } if( hInst->encrypted ) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Library %s is encrypted, cannot load", hInst->shortPath ); COM_PushLibraryError( buf ); COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); return NULL; } #if XASH_X86 if( hInst->custom_loader ) { hInst->hInstance = MemoryLoadLibrary( hInst->fullPath ); } else #endif { hInst->hInstance = LoadLibrary( hInst->fullPath ); } if( !hInst->hInstance ) { COM_PushLibraryError( GetLastErrorAsString() ); if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND ) ListMissingModules( hInst ); COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); return NULL; } // if not set - FunctionFromName and NameForFunction will not working if( build_ordinals_table ) { if( !LibraryLoadSymbols( hInst )) { Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "Failed to load library %s", dllname ); COM_PushLibraryError( buf ); COM_FreeLibrary( hInst ); return NULL; } } return hInst; } void *COM_GetProcAddress( void *hInstance, const char *name ) { dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance; if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance ) return NULL; #if XASH_X86 if( hInst->custom_loader ) return (void *)MemoryGetProcAddress( hInst->hInstance, name ); #endif return (void *)GetProcAddress( hInst->hInstance, name ); } void COM_FreeLibrary( void *hInstance ) { dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance; if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance ) return; // already freed if( host.status == HOST_CRASHED ) { // we need to hold down all modules, while MSVC can find error Con_Reportf( "Sys_FreeLibrary: hold %s for debugging\n", hInst->dllName ); return; } else Con_Reportf( "Sys_FreeLibrary: Unloading %s\n", hInst->dllName ); #if XASH_X86 if( hInst->custom_loader ) { MemoryFreeLibrary( hInst->hInstance ); } else #endif { FreeLibrary( hInst->hInstance ); } hInst->hInstance = NULL; if( hInst->num_ordinals ) FreeNameFuncGlobals( hInst ); Mem_Free( hInst ); // done } void *COM_FunctionFromName( void *hInstance, const char *pName ) { dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance; int i, index; if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance ) return 0; for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ ) { if( !Q_strcmp( pName, hInst->names[i] )) { index = hInst->ordinals[i]; return (void *)( hInst->funcs[index] + hInst->funcBase ); } } // couldn't find the function name to return address Con_Printf( "Can't find proc: %s\n", pName ); return 0; } const char *COM_NameForFunction( void *hInstance, void *function ) { dll_user_t *hInst = (dll_user_t *)hInstance; int i, index; if( !hInst || !hInst->hInstance ) return NULL; for( i = 0; i < hInst->num_ordinals; i++ ) { index = hInst->ordinals[i]; if(( (char*)function - (char*)hInst->funcBase ) == hInst->funcs[index] ) return hInst->names[i]; } // couldn't find the function address to return name Con_Printf( "Can't find address: %08lx\n", function ); return NULL; } #endif // _WIN32