/* joyinput.c - joystick common input code Copyright (C) 2016 a1batross This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "input.h" #include "keydefs.h" #include "client.h" #include "platform/platform.h" #ifndef SHRT_MAX #define SHRT_MAX 0x7FFF #endif #define MAX_AXES JOY_AXIS_NULL // index - axis num come from event // value - inner axis static engineAxis_t joyaxesmap[MAX_AXES] = { JOY_AXIS_SIDE, // left stick, x JOY_AXIS_FWD, // left stick, y JOY_AXIS_PITCH, // right stick, y JOY_AXIS_YAW, // right stick, x JOY_AXIS_RT, // right trigger JOY_AXIS_LT // left trigger }; static struct joy_axis_s { short val; short prevval; } joyaxis[MAX_AXES] = { 0 }; static byte currentbinding; // add posibility to remap keys, to place it in joykeys[] convar_t *joy_enable; static convar_t *joy_pitch; static convar_t *joy_yaw; static convar_t *joy_forward; static convar_t *joy_side; static convar_t *joy_found; static convar_t *joy_index; static convar_t *joy_lt_threshold; static convar_t *joy_rt_threshold; static convar_t *joy_side_deadzone; static convar_t *joy_forward_deadzone; static convar_t *joy_side_key_threshold; static convar_t *joy_forward_key_threshold; static convar_t *joy_pitch_deadzone; static convar_t *joy_yaw_deadzone; static convar_t *joy_axis_binding; /* ============ Joy_IsActive ============ */ qboolean Joy_IsActive( void ) { return joy_found->value && joy_enable->value; } /* ============ Joy_HatMotionEvent DPad events ============ */ void Joy_HatMotionEvent( byte hat, byte value ) { struct { int mask; int key; } keys[] = { { JOY_HAT_UP, K_UPARROW }, { JOY_HAT_DOWN, K_DOWNARROW }, { JOY_HAT_LEFT, K_LEFTARROW }, { JOY_HAT_RIGHT, K_RIGHTARROW }, }; int i; if( !joy_found->value ) return; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( keys ); i++ ) { if( value & keys[i].mask ) { if( !Key_IsDown( keys[i].key )) Key_Event( keys[i].key, true ); } else { if( Key_IsDown( keys[i].key )) Key_Event( keys[i].key, false ); } } } /* ============= Joy_ProcessTrigger ============= */ static void Joy_ProcessTrigger( const engineAxis_t engineAxis, short value ) { int trigButton = 0, trigThreshold = 0; switch( engineAxis ) { case JOY_AXIS_RT: trigButton = K_JOY2; trigThreshold = joy_rt_threshold->value; break; case JOY_AXIS_LT: trigButton = K_JOY1; trigThreshold = joy_lt_threshold->value; break; default: Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Joy_ProcessTrigger: invalid axis = %i", engineAxis ); break; } // update axis values joyaxis[engineAxis].prevval = joyaxis[engineAxis].val; joyaxis[engineAxis].val = value; if( joyaxis[engineAxis].val > trigThreshold && joyaxis[engineAxis].prevval <= trigThreshold ) // ignore random press { Key_Event( trigButton, true ); } else if( joyaxis[engineAxis].val < trigThreshold && joyaxis[engineAxis].prevval >= trigThreshold ) // we're unpressing (inverted) { Key_Event( trigButton, false ); } } static int Joy_GetHatValueForAxis( const engineAxis_t engineAxis ) { int threshold, negative, positive; switch( engineAxis ) { case JOY_AXIS_SIDE: threshold = joy_side_key_threshold->value; negative = JOY_HAT_LEFT; positive = JOY_HAT_RIGHT; break; case JOY_AXIS_FWD: threshold = joy_side_key_threshold->value; negative = JOY_HAT_UP; positive = JOY_HAT_DOWN; break; default: ASSERT( false ); // only fwd/side axes can emit key events return 0; } // similar code in Joy_ProcessTrigger if( joyaxis[engineAxis].val > threshold && joyaxis[engineAxis].prevval <= threshold ) // ignore random press { return positive; } if( joyaxis[engineAxis].val < -threshold && joyaxis[engineAxis].prevval >= -threshold ) // we're unpressing (inverted) { return negative; } return 0; } /* ============= Joy_ProcessStick ============= */ static void Joy_ProcessStick( const engineAxis_t engineAxis, short value ) { int deadzone = 0; switch( engineAxis ) { case JOY_AXIS_FWD: deadzone = joy_forward_deadzone->value; break; case JOY_AXIS_SIDE: deadzone = joy_side_deadzone->value; break; case JOY_AXIS_PITCH: deadzone = joy_pitch_deadzone->value; break; case JOY_AXIS_YAW: deadzone = joy_yaw_deadzone->value; break; default: Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "Joy_ProcessStick: invalid axis = %i", engineAxis ); break; } if( value < deadzone && value > -deadzone ) value = 0; // caught new event in deadzone, fill it with zero(no motion) // update axis values joyaxis[engineAxis].prevval = joyaxis[engineAxis].val; joyaxis[engineAxis].val = value; // fwd/side axis simulate hat movement if( ( engineAxis == JOY_AXIS_SIDE || engineAxis == JOY_AXIS_FWD ) && ( CL_IsInMenu() || CL_IsInConsole() ) ) { int val = 0; val |= Joy_GetHatValueForAxis( JOY_AXIS_SIDE ); val |= Joy_GetHatValueForAxis( JOY_AXIS_FWD ); Joy_HatMotionEvent( 0, val ); } } /* ============= Joy_AxisMotionEvent Axis events ============= */ void Joy_AxisMotionEvent( byte axis, short value ) { if( !joy_found->value ) return; if( axis >= MAX_AXES ) { Con_Reportf( "Only 6 axes is supported\n" ); return; } Joy_KnownAxisMotionEvent( joyaxesmap[axis], value ); } void Joy_KnownAxisMotionEvent( engineAxis_t engineAxis, short value ) { if( engineAxis == JOY_AXIS_NULL ) return; if( value == joyaxis[engineAxis].val ) return; // it is not an update if( engineAxis >= JOY_AXIS_RT ) Joy_ProcessTrigger( engineAxis, value ); else Joy_ProcessStick( engineAxis, value ); } /* ============= Joy_BallMotionEvent Trackball events. UNDONE ============= */ void Joy_BallMotionEvent( byte ball, short xrel, short yrel ) { //if( !joy_found->value ) // return; } /* ============= Joy_ButtonEvent Button events ============= */ void Joy_ButtonEvent( byte button, byte down ) { if( !joy_found->value ) return; // generic game button code. if( button > 32 ) { int origbutton = button; button = ( button & 31 ) + K_AUX1; Con_Reportf( "Only 32 joybuttons is supported, converting %i button ID to %s\n", origbutton, Key_KeynumToString( button ) ); } else button += K_AUX1; Key_Event( button, down ); } /* ============= Joy_RemoveEvent Called when joystick is removed. For future expansion ============= */ void Joy_RemoveEvent( void ) { if( joy_found->value ) Cvar_FullSet( "joy_found", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); } /* ============= Joy_RemoveEvent Called when joystick is removed. For future expansion ============= */ void Joy_AddEvent( void ) { if( joy_enable->value && !joy_found->value ) Cvar_FullSet( "joy_found", "1", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); } /* ============= Joy_FinalizeMove Append movement from axis. Called everyframe ============= */ void Joy_FinalizeMove( float *fw, float *side, float *dpitch, float *dyaw ) { if( !Joy_IsActive() ) return; if( FBitSet( joy_axis_binding->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) ) { const char *bind = joy_axis_binding->string; size_t i; for( i = 0; bind[i]; i++ ) { switch( bind[i] ) { case 's': joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_SIDE; break; case 'f': joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_FWD; break; case 'y': joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_YAW; break; case 'p': joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_PITCH; break; case 'r': joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_RT; break; case 'l': joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_LT; break; default : joyaxesmap[i] = JOY_AXIS_NULL; break; } } ClearBits( joy_axis_binding->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } *fw -= joy_forward->value * (float)joyaxis[JOY_AXIS_FWD ].val/(float)SHRT_MAX; // must be form -1.0 to 1.0 *side += joy_side->value * (float)joyaxis[JOY_AXIS_SIDE].val/(float)SHRT_MAX; #if !defined(XASH_SDL) *dpitch += joy_pitch->value * (float)joyaxis[JOY_AXIS_PITCH].val/(float)SHRT_MAX * host.realframetime; // abs axis rotate is frametime related *dyaw -= joy_yaw->value * (float)joyaxis[JOY_AXIS_YAW ].val/(float)SHRT_MAX * host.realframetime; #else // HACKHACK: SDL have inverted look axis. *dpitch -= joy_pitch->value * (float)joyaxis[JOY_AXIS_PITCH].val/(float)SHRT_MAX * host.realframetime; *dyaw += joy_yaw->value * (float)joyaxis[JOY_AXIS_YAW ].val/(float)SHRT_MAX * host.realframetime; #endif } /* ============= Joy_Init Main init procedure ============= */ void Joy_Init( void ) { joy_pitch = Cvar_Get( "joy_pitch", "100.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "joystick pitch sensitivity" ); joy_yaw = Cvar_Get( "joy_yaw", "100.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "joystick yaw sensitivity" ); joy_side = Cvar_Get( "joy_side", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "joystick side sensitivity. Values from -1.0 to 1.0" ); joy_forward = Cvar_Get( "joy_forward", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "joystick forward sensitivity. Values from -1.0 to 1.0" ); joy_lt_threshold = Cvar_Get( "joy_lt_threshold", "16384", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "left trigger threshold. Value from 0 to 32767"); joy_rt_threshold = Cvar_Get( "joy_rt_threshold", "16384", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "right trigger threshold. Value from 0 to 32767" ); // emit a key event at 75% axis move joy_side_key_threshold = Cvar_Get( "joy_side_key_threshold", "24576", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "side axis key event emit threshold. Value from 0 to 32767" ); joy_forward_key_threshold = Cvar_Get( "joy_forward_key_threshold", "24576", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "forward axis key event emit threshold. Value from 0 to 32767"); // by default, we rely on deadzone detection come from system, but some glitchy devices report false deadzones joy_side_deadzone = Cvar_Get( "joy_side_deadzone", DEFAULT_JOY_DEADZONE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "side axis deadzone. Value from 0 to 32767" ); joy_forward_deadzone = Cvar_Get( "joy_forward_deadzone", DEFAULT_JOY_DEADZONE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "forward axis deadzone. Value from 0 to 32767"); joy_pitch_deadzone = Cvar_Get( "joy_pitch_deadzone", DEFAULT_JOY_DEADZONE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "pitch axis deadzone. Value from 0 to 32767"); joy_yaw_deadzone = Cvar_Get( "joy_yaw_deadzone", DEFAULT_JOY_DEADZONE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "yaw axis deadzone. Value from 0 to 32767" ); joy_axis_binding = Cvar_Get( "joy_axis_binding", "sfpyrl", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "axis hardware id to engine inner axis binding, " "s - side, f - forward, y - yaw, p - pitch, r - left trigger, l - right trigger" ); joy_found = Cvar_Get( "joy_found", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "is joystick is connected" ); // we doesn't loaded config.cfg yet, so this cvar is not archive. // change by +set joy_index in cmdline joy_index = Cvar_Get( "joy_index", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY, "current active joystick" ); joy_enable = Cvar_Get( "joy_enable", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "enable joystick" ); // renamed from -nojoy to -noenginejoy to not conflict with // client.dll's joystick support if( Sys_CheckParm( "-noenginejoy" )) { Cvar_FullSet( "joy_enable", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); return; } Cvar_FullSet( "joy_found", va( "%d", Platform_JoyInit( joy_index->value )), FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); } /* =========== Joy_Shutdown Shutdown joystick code =========== */ void Joy_Shutdown( void ) { Cvar_FullSet( "joy_found", 0, FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); }