/* gl_vidnt.c - NT GL vid component Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "gl_local.h" #include "mod_local.h" #include "input.h" #define VID_AUTOMODE "-1" #define VID_DEFAULTMODE 3.0f #define DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW -6 // MSVC 6.0 doesn't #define num_vidmodes ARRAYSIZE( vidmode ) #define WINDOW_STYLE (WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_BORDER|WS_SYSMENU|WS_CAPTION|WS_VISIBLE) #define WINDOW_EX_STYLE (0) #define WINDOW_NAME "Xash3D Window" // Half-Life #define FCONTEXT_DEBUG_ARB BIT( 0 ) convar_t *gl_extensions; convar_t *gl_texture_anisotropy; convar_t *gl_texture_lodbias; convar_t *gl_texture_nearest; convar_t *gl_lightmap_nearest; convar_t *gl_wgl_msaa_samples; convar_t *gl_keeptjunctions; convar_t *gl_emboss_scale; convar_t *gl_showtextures; convar_t *gl_detailscale; convar_t *gl_check_errors; convar_t *gl_round_down; convar_t *gl_polyoffset; convar_t *gl_wireframe; convar_t *gl_finish; convar_t *gl_nosort; convar_t *gl_vsync; convar_t *gl_clear; convar_t *gl_test; convar_t *gl_msaa; convar_t *window_xpos; convar_t *window_ypos; convar_t *r_speeds; convar_t *r_fullbright; convar_t *r_norefresh; convar_t *r_lighting_extended; convar_t *r_lighting_modulate; convar_t *r_lighting_ambient; convar_t *r_detailtextures; convar_t *r_drawentities; convar_t *r_adjust_fov; convar_t *r_showtree; convar_t *r_decals; convar_t *r_novis; convar_t *r_nocull; convar_t *r_lockpvs; convar_t *r_lockfrustum; convar_t *r_traceglow; convar_t *r_dynamic; convar_t *r_lightmap; convar_t *vid_displayfrequency; convar_t *vid_fullscreen; convar_t *vid_brightness; convar_t *vid_gamma; convar_t *vid_mode; byte *r_temppool; ref_globals_t tr; glconfig_t glConfig; glstate_t glState; glwstate_t glw_state; static HWND hWndFake; static HDC hDCFake; static HGLRC hGLRCFake; static int context_flags; typedef enum { rserr_ok, rserr_invalid_fullscreen, rserr_invalid_mode, rserr_unknown } rserr_t; typedef struct vidmode_s { const char *desc; int width; int height; qboolean wideScreen; } vidmode_t; vidmode_t vidmode[] = { { "640 x 480", 640, 480, false }, { "800 x 600", 800, 600, false }, { "960 x 720", 960, 720, false }, { "1024 x 768", 1024, 768, false }, { "1152 x 864", 1152, 864, false }, { "1280 x 800", 1280, 800, false }, { "1280 x 960", 1280, 960, false }, { "1280 x 1024", 1280, 1024, false }, { "1600 x 1200", 1600, 1200, false }, { "2048 x 1536", 2048, 1536, false }, { "800 x 480 (wide)", 800, 480, true }, { "856 x 480 (wide)", 856, 480, true }, { "960 x 540 (wide)", 960, 540, true }, { "1024 x 576 (wide)", 1024, 576, true }, { "1024 x 600 (wide)", 1024, 600, true }, { "1280 x 720 (wide)", 1280, 720, true }, { "1360 x 768 (wide)", 1360, 768, true }, { "1366 x 768 (wide)", 1366, 768, true }, { "1440 x 900 (wide)", 1440, 900, true }, { "1680 x 1050 (wide)", 1680, 1050, true }, { "1920 x 1080 (wide)", 1920, 1080, true }, { "1920 x 1200 (wide)", 1920, 1200, true }, { "2560 x 1440 (wide)", 2560, 1440, true }, { "2560 x 1600 (wide)", 2560, 1600, true }, { "1600 x 900 (wide)", 1600, 900, true }, { "3840 x 2160 (wide)", 3840, 2160, true }, }; static dllfunc_t opengl_110funcs[] = { { "glClearColor" , (void **)&pglClearColor }, { "glClear" , (void **)&pglClear }, { "glAlphaFunc" , (void **)&pglAlphaFunc }, { "glBlendFunc" , (void **)&pglBlendFunc }, { "glCullFace" , (void **)&pglCullFace }, { "glDrawBuffer" , (void **)&pglDrawBuffer }, { "glReadBuffer" , (void **)&pglReadBuffer }, { "glAccum" , (void **)&pglAccum }, { "glEnable" , (void **)&pglEnable }, { "glDisable" , (void **)&pglDisable }, { "glEnableClientState" , (void **)&pglEnableClientState }, { "glDisableClientState" , (void **)&pglDisableClientState }, { "glGetBooleanv" , (void **)&pglGetBooleanv }, { "glGetDoublev" , (void **)&pglGetDoublev }, { "glGetFloatv" , (void **)&pglGetFloatv }, { "glGetIntegerv" , (void **)&pglGetIntegerv }, { "glGetError" , (void **)&pglGetError }, { "glGetString" , (void **)&pglGetString }, { "glFinish" , (void **)&pglFinish }, { "glFlush" , (void **)&pglFlush }, { "glClearDepth" , (void **)&pglClearDepth }, { "glDepthFunc" , (void **)&pglDepthFunc }, { "glDepthMask" , (void **)&pglDepthMask }, { "glDepthRange" , (void **)&pglDepthRange }, { "glFrontFace" , (void **)&pglFrontFace }, { "glDrawElements" , (void **)&pglDrawElements }, { "glDrawArrays" , (void **)&pglDrawArrays }, { "glColorMask" , (void **)&pglColorMask }, { "glIndexPointer" , (void **)&pglIndexPointer }, { "glVertexPointer" , (void **)&pglVertexPointer }, { "glNormalPointer" , (void **)&pglNormalPointer }, { "glColorPointer" , (void **)&pglColorPointer }, { "glTexCoordPointer" , (void **)&pglTexCoordPointer }, { "glArrayElement" , (void **)&pglArrayElement }, { "glColor3f" , (void **)&pglColor3f }, { "glColor3fv" , (void **)&pglColor3fv }, { "glColor4f" , (void **)&pglColor4f }, { "glColor4fv" , (void **)&pglColor4fv }, { "glColor3ub" , (void **)&pglColor3ub }, { "glColor4ub" , (void **)&pglColor4ub }, { "glColor4ubv" , (void **)&pglColor4ubv }, { "glTexCoord1f" , (void **)&pglTexCoord1f }, { "glTexCoord2f" , (void **)&pglTexCoord2f }, { "glTexCoord3f" , (void **)&pglTexCoord3f }, { "glTexCoord4f" , (void **)&pglTexCoord4f }, { "glTexCoord1fv" , (void **)&pglTexCoord1fv }, { "glTexCoord2fv" , (void **)&pglTexCoord2fv }, { "glTexCoord3fv" , (void **)&pglTexCoord3fv }, { "glTexCoord4fv" , (void **)&pglTexCoord4fv }, { "glTexGenf" , (void **)&pglTexGenf }, { "glTexGenfv" , (void **)&pglTexGenfv }, { "glTexGeni" , (void **)&pglTexGeni }, { "glVertex2f" , (void **)&pglVertex2f }, { "glVertex3f" , (void **)&pglVertex3f }, { "glVertex3fv" , (void **)&pglVertex3fv }, { "glNormal3f" , (void **)&pglNormal3f }, { "glNormal3fv" , (void **)&pglNormal3fv }, { "glBegin" , (void **)&pglBegin }, { "glEnd" , (void **)&pglEnd }, { "glLineWidth" , (void**)&pglLineWidth }, { "glPointSize" , (void**)&pglPointSize }, { "glMatrixMode" , (void **)&pglMatrixMode }, { "glOrtho" , (void **)&pglOrtho }, { "glRasterPos2f" , (void **) &pglRasterPos2f }, { "glFrustum" , (void **)&pglFrustum }, { "glViewport" , (void **)&pglViewport }, { "glPushMatrix" , (void **)&pglPushMatrix }, { "glPopMatrix" , (void **)&pglPopMatrix }, { "glPushAttrib" , (void **)&pglPushAttrib }, { "glPopAttrib" , (void **)&pglPopAttrib }, { "glLoadIdentity" , (void **)&pglLoadIdentity }, { "glLoadMatrixd" , (void **)&pglLoadMatrixd }, { "glLoadMatrixf" , (void **)&pglLoadMatrixf }, { "glMultMatrixd" , (void **)&pglMultMatrixd }, { "glMultMatrixf" , (void **)&pglMultMatrixf }, { "glRotated" , (void **)&pglRotated }, { "glRotatef" , (void **)&pglRotatef }, { "glScaled" , (void **)&pglScaled }, { "glScalef" , (void **)&pglScalef }, { "glTranslated" , (void **)&pglTranslated }, { "glTranslatef" , (void **)&pglTranslatef }, { "glReadPixels" , (void **)&pglReadPixels }, { "glDrawPixels" , (void **)&pglDrawPixels }, { "glStencilFunc" , (void **)&pglStencilFunc }, { "glStencilMask" , (void **)&pglStencilMask }, { "glStencilOp" , (void **)&pglStencilOp }, { "glClearStencil" , (void **)&pglClearStencil }, { "glIsEnabled" , (void **)&pglIsEnabled }, { "glIsList" , (void **)&pglIsList }, { "glIsTexture" , (void **)&pglIsTexture }, { "glTexEnvf" , (void **)&pglTexEnvf }, { "glTexEnvfv" , (void **)&pglTexEnvfv }, { "glTexEnvi" , (void **)&pglTexEnvi }, { "glTexParameterf" , (void **)&pglTexParameterf }, { "glTexParameterfv" , (void **)&pglTexParameterfv }, { "glTexParameteri" , (void **)&pglTexParameteri }, { "glHint" , (void **)&pglHint }, { "glPixelStoref" , (void **)&pglPixelStoref }, { "glPixelStorei" , (void **)&pglPixelStorei }, { "glGenTextures" , (void **)&pglGenTextures }, { "glDeleteTextures" , (void **)&pglDeleteTextures }, { "glBindTexture" , (void **)&pglBindTexture }, { "glTexImage1D" , (void **)&pglTexImage1D }, { "glTexImage2D" , (void **)&pglTexImage2D }, { "glTexSubImage1D" , (void **)&pglTexSubImage1D }, { "glTexSubImage2D" , (void **)&pglTexSubImage2D }, { "glCopyTexImage1D" , (void **)&pglCopyTexImage1D }, { "glCopyTexImage2D" , (void **)&pglCopyTexImage2D }, { "glCopyTexSubImage1D" , (void **)&pglCopyTexSubImage1D }, { "glCopyTexSubImage2D" , (void **)&pglCopyTexSubImage2D }, { "glScissor" , (void **)&pglScissor }, { "glGetTexImage" , (void **)&pglGetTexImage }, { "glGetTexEnviv" , (void **)&pglGetTexEnviv }, { "glPolygonOffset" , (void **)&pglPolygonOffset }, { "glPolygonMode" , (void **)&pglPolygonMode }, { "glPolygonStipple" , (void **)&pglPolygonStipple }, { "glClipPlane" , (void **)&pglClipPlane }, { "glGetClipPlane" , (void **)&pglGetClipPlane }, { "glShadeModel" , (void **)&pglShadeModel }, { "glGetTexLevelParameteriv" , (void **)&pglGetTexLevelParameteriv }, { "glGetTexLevelParameterfv" , (void **)&pglGetTexLevelParameterfv }, { "glFogfv" , (void **)&pglFogfv }, { "glFogf" , (void **)&pglFogf }, { "glFogi" , (void **)&pglFogi }, { NULL , NULL } }; static dllfunc_t debugoutputfuncs[] = { { "glDebugMessageControlARB" , (void **)&pglDebugMessageControlARB }, { "glDebugMessageInsertARB" , (void **)&pglDebugMessageInsertARB }, { "glDebugMessageCallbackARB" , (void **)&pglDebugMessageCallbackARB }, { "glGetDebugMessageLogARB" , (void **)&pglGetDebugMessageLogARB }, { NULL , NULL } }; static dllfunc_t multitexturefuncs[] = { { "glMultiTexCoord1fARB" , (void **)&pglMultiTexCoord1f }, { "glMultiTexCoord2fARB" , (void **)&pglMultiTexCoord2f }, { "glMultiTexCoord3fARB" , (void **)&pglMultiTexCoord3f }, { "glMultiTexCoord4fARB" , (void **)&pglMultiTexCoord4f }, { "glActiveTextureARB" , (void **)&pglActiveTexture }, { "glActiveTextureARB" , (void **)&pglActiveTextureARB }, { "glClientActiveTextureARB" , (void **)&pglClientActiveTexture }, { "glClientActiveTextureARB" , (void **)&pglClientActiveTextureARB }, { NULL , NULL } }; static dllfunc_t texture3dextfuncs[] = { { "glTexImage3DEXT" , (void **)&pglTexImage3D }, { "glTexSubImage3DEXT" , (void **)&pglTexSubImage3D }, { "glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT" , (void **)&pglCopyTexSubImage3D }, { NULL , NULL } }; static dllfunc_t texturecompressionfuncs[] = { { "glCompressedTexImage3DARB" , (void **)&pglCompressedTexImage3DARB }, { "glCompressedTexImage2DARB" , (void **)&pglCompressedTexImage2DARB }, { "glCompressedTexImage1DARB" , (void **)&pglCompressedTexImage1DARB }, { "glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB" , (void **)&pglCompressedTexSubImage3DARB }, { "glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB" , (void **)&pglCompressedTexSubImage2DARB }, { "glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB" , (void **)&pglCompressedTexSubImage1DARB }, { "glGetCompressedTexImageARB" , (void **)&pglGetCompressedTexImage }, { NULL , NULL } }; static dllfunc_t wgl_funcs[] = { { "wglSwapBuffers" , (void **)&pwglSwapBuffers }, { "wglCreateContext" , (void **)&pwglCreateContext }, { "wglDeleteContext" , (void **)&pwglDeleteContext }, { "wglMakeCurrent" , (void **)&pwglMakeCurrent }, { "wglGetCurrentContext" , (void **)&pwglGetCurrentContext }, { NULL , NULL } }; static dllfunc_t wglproc_funcs[] = { { "wglGetProcAddress" , (void **)&pwglGetProcAddress }, { NULL, NULL } }; static dllfunc_t wglswapintervalfuncs[] = { { "wglSwapIntervalEXT" , (void **)&pwglSwapIntervalEXT }, { NULL, NULL } }; static dllfunc_t wglgetextensionsstring[] = { { "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT" , (void **)&pwglGetExtensionsStringEXT }, { NULL, NULL } }; dll_info_t opengl_dll = { "opengl32.dll", wgl_funcs, true }; /* ======================== DebugCallback For ARB_debug_output ======================== */ static void CALLBACK GL_DebugOutput( GLuint source, GLuint type, GLuint id, GLuint severity, GLint length, const GLcharARB *message, GLvoid *userParam ) { switch( type ) { case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB: Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_ERROR "%s\n", message ); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB: Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_WARN "%s\n", message ); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB: Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_WARN "%s\n", message ); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB: if( host_developer.value < DEV_EXTENDED ) return; Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_WARN "%s\n", message ); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB: Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_NOTE "%s\n", message ); break; case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB: default: if( host_developer.value < DEV_EXTENDED ) return; Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_NOTE "%s\n", message ); break; } } /* ================= GL_SetExtension ================= */ void GL_SetExtension( int r_ext, int enable ) { if( r_ext >= 0 && r_ext < GL_EXTCOUNT ) glConfig.extension[r_ext] = enable ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; else Con_Printf( S_ERROR "GL_SetExtension: invalid extension %d\n", r_ext ); } /* ================= GL_Support ================= */ qboolean GL_Support( int r_ext ) { if( r_ext >= 0 && r_ext < GL_EXTCOUNT ) return glConfig.extension[r_ext] ? true : false; Con_Printf( S_ERROR "GL_Support: invalid extension %d\n", r_ext ); return false; } /* ================= GL_MaxTextureUnits ================= */ int GL_MaxTextureUnits( void ) { if( GL_Support( GL_SHADER_GLSL100_EXT )) return Q_min( Q_max( glConfig.max_texture_coords, glConfig.max_teximage_units ), MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS ); return glConfig.max_texture_units; } /* ================= GL_GetProcAddress ================= */ void *GL_GetProcAddress( const char *name ) { void *p = NULL; if( pwglGetProcAddress != NULL ) p = (void *)pwglGetProcAddress( name ); if( !p ) p = (void *)Sys_GetProcAddress( &opengl_dll, name ); return p; } /* ================= GL_CheckExtension ================= */ void GL_CheckExtension( const char *name, const dllfunc_t *funcs, const char *cvarname, int r_ext ) { const dllfunc_t *func; convar_t *parm = NULL; const char *extensions_string; Con_Reportf( "GL_CheckExtension: %s ", name ); GL_SetExtension( r_ext, true ); if( cvarname ) { // system config disable extensions parm = Cvar_Get( cvarname, "1", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, va( CVAR_GLCONFIG_DESCRIPTION, name )); } if(( parm && !CVAR_TO_BOOL( parm )) || ( !CVAR_TO_BOOL( gl_extensions ) && r_ext != GL_OPENGL_110 )) { Con_Reportf( "- disabled\n" ); GL_SetExtension( r_ext, false ); return; // nothing to process at } extensions_string = glConfig.extensions_string; if( name[0] == 'W' && name[1] == 'G' && name[2] == 'L' && glConfig.wgl_extensions_string != NULL ) extensions_string = glConfig.wgl_extensions_string; if(( name[2] == '_' || name[3] == '_' ) && !Q_strstr( extensions_string, name )) { GL_SetExtension( r_ext, false ); // update render info Con_Reportf( "- ^1failed\n" ); return; } // clear exports for( func = funcs; func && func->name; func++ ) *func->func = NULL; for( func = funcs; func && func->name != NULL; func++ ) { // functions are cleared before all the extensions are evaluated if((*func->func = (void *)GL_GetProcAddress( func->name )) == NULL ) GL_SetExtension( r_ext, false ); // one or more functions are invalid, extension will be disabled } if( GL_Support( r_ext )) Con_Reportf( "- ^2enabled\n" ); else Con_Reportf( "- ^1failed\n" ); } /* =============== GL_UpdateSwapInterval =============== */ void GL_UpdateSwapInterval( void ) { // disable VSync while level is loading if( cls.state < ca_active ) { if( pwglSwapIntervalEXT != NULL ) pwglSwapIntervalEXT( 0 ); SetBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } else if( FBitSet( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED )) { ClearBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); if( pwglSwapIntervalEXT != NULL ) pwglSwapIntervalEXT( bound( -1, (int)gl_vsync->value, 1 )); } } /* =============== GL_SetDefaultTexState =============== */ static void GL_SetDefaultTexState( void ) { int i; memset( glState.currentTextures, -1, MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS * sizeof( *glState.currentTextures )); memset( glState.texCoordArrayMode, 0, MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS * sizeof( *glState.texCoordArrayMode )); memset( glState.genSTEnabled, 0, MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS * sizeof( *glState.genSTEnabled )); for( i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++ ) { glState.currentTextureTargets[i] = GL_NONE; glState.texIdentityMatrix[i] = true; } } /* =============== GL_SetDefaultState =============== */ static void GL_SetDefaultState( void ) { memset( &glState, 0, sizeof( glState )); GL_SetDefaultTexState (); if( Sys_CheckParm( "-gldebug" )) SetBits( context_flags, FCONTEXT_DEBUG_ARB ); // init draw stack tr.draw_list = &tr.draw_stack[0]; tr.draw_stack_pos = 0; } /* =============== GL_ContextError =============== */ static void GL_ContextError( void ) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_INVALID_VERSION_ARB )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Unsupported OpenGL context version (%s).\n", "2.0" ); else if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE_ARB )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Unsupported OpenGL profile (%s).\n", "compat" ); else if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "wglCreateContextAttribsARB returned invalid operation.\n" ); else if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_DC_NOT_FOUND )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "wglCreateContextAttribsARB returned dc not found.\n" ); else if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_INVALID_PIXEL_FORMAT )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "wglCreateContextAttribsARB returned dc not found.\n" ); else if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "wglCreateContextAttribsARB ran out of system resources.\n" ); else if( error == ( 0xc0070000|ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER )) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "wglCreateContextAttribsARB reported invalid parameter.\n" ); else Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Unknown error creating an OpenGL (%s) Context.\n", "2.0" ); } /* ================= GL_CreateContext ================= */ qboolean GL_CreateContext( void ) { HGLRC hBaseRC; int profile_mask; int arb_flags; glw_state.extended = false; if(!( glw_state.hGLRC = pwglCreateContext( glw_state.hDC ))) return GL_DeleteContext(); if(!( pwglMakeCurrent( glw_state.hDC, glw_state.hGLRC ))) return GL_DeleteContext(); if( !context_flags ) // debug bit kill the perfomance return true; pwglCreateContextAttribsARB = GL_GetProcAddress( "wglCreateContextAttribsARB" ); profile_mask = WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB; if( FBitSet( context_flags, FCONTEXT_DEBUG_ARB )) arb_flags = WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB; else arb_flags = 0; if( pwglCreateContextAttribsARB != NULL ) { int attribs[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 2, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 0, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, arb_flags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, profile_mask, 0 }; hBaseRC = glw_state.hGLRC; // backup glw_state.hGLRC = NULL; if( !( glw_state.hGLRC = pwglCreateContextAttribsARB( glw_state.hDC, NULL, attribs ))) { glw_state.hGLRC = hBaseRC; GL_ContextError(); return true; // just use old context } if(!( pwglMakeCurrent( glw_state.hDC, glw_state.hGLRC ))) { pwglDeleteContext( glw_state.hGLRC ); glw_state.hGLRC = hBaseRC; GL_ContextError(); return true; } Con_Reportf( "GL_CreateContext: using extended context\n" ); pwglDeleteContext( hBaseRC ); // release first context glw_state.extended = true; } return true; } /* ================= GL_UpdateContext ================= */ qboolean GL_UpdateContext( void ) { if(!( pwglMakeCurrent( glw_state.hDC, glw_state.hGLRC ))) return GL_DeleteContext(); return true; } /* ================= GL_DeleteContext always return false ================= */ qboolean GL_DeleteContext( void ) { if( pwglMakeCurrent ) pwglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ); if( glw_state.hGLRC ) { if( pwglDeleteContext ) pwglDeleteContext( glw_state.hGLRC ); glw_state.hGLRC = NULL; } if( glw_state.hDC ) { ReleaseDC( host.hWnd, glw_state.hDC ); glw_state.hDC = NULL; } return false; } /* ================= VID_ChoosePFD ================= */ static int VID_ChoosePFD( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfd, int colorBits, int alphaBits, int depthBits, int stencilBits ) { if( pwglChoosePixelFormat != NULL ) { UINT numPixelFormats; int pixelFormat = 0; int attribs[24]; attribs[0] = WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB; attribs[1] = WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB; attribs[2] = WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB; attribs[3] = TRUE; attribs[4] = WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB; attribs[5] = TRUE; attribs[6] = WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB; attribs[7] = TRUE; attribs[8] = WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB; attribs[9] = WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB; attribs[10] = WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB; attribs[11] = colorBits; attribs[12] = WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB; attribs[13] = alphaBits; attribs[14] = WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB; attribs[15] = depthBits; attribs[16] = WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB; attribs[17] = stencilBits; attribs[18] = WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB; attribs[19] = TRUE; attribs[20] = WGL_SAMPLES_ARB; attribs[21] = bound( 1, (int)gl_wgl_msaa_samples->value, 16 ); attribs[22] = 0; attribs[23] = 0; pwglChoosePixelFormat( glw_state.hDC, attribs, NULL, 1, &pixelFormat, &numPixelFormats ); if( pixelFormat ) { attribs[0] = WGL_SAMPLES_ARB; pwglGetPixelFormatAttribiv( glw_state.hDC, pixelFormat, 0, 1, attribs, &glConfig.max_multisamples ); if( glConfig.max_multisamples <= 1 ) Con_DPrintf( S_WARN "MSAA is not allowed\n" ); return pixelFormat; } } // fallback: fill out the PFD pfd->nSize = sizeof (PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); pfd->nVersion = 1; pfd->dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW|PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL|PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; pfd->iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; pfd->cColorBits = colorBits; pfd->cRedBits = 0; pfd->cRedShift = 0; pfd->cGreenBits = 0; pfd->cGreenShift = 0; pfd->cBlueBits = 0; pfd->cBlueShift = 0; // wow! Blue Shift %) pfd->cAlphaBits = alphaBits; pfd->cAlphaShift = 0; pfd->cAccumBits = 0; pfd->cAccumRedBits = 0; pfd->cAccumGreenBits = 0; pfd->cAccumBlueBits = 0; pfd->cAccumAlphaBits= 0; pfd->cDepthBits = depthBits; pfd->cStencilBits = stencilBits; pfd->cAuxBuffers = 0; pfd->iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; pfd->bReserved = 0; pfd->dwLayerMask = 0; pfd->dwVisibleMask = 0; pfd->dwDamageMask = 0; // count PFDs return ChoosePixelFormat( glw_state.hDC, pfd ); } /* ================= VID_StartupGamma ================= */ void VID_StartupGamma( void ) { BuildGammaTable( vid_gamma->value, vid_brightness->value ); Con_Reportf( "VID_StartupGamma: gamma %g brightness %g\n", vid_gamma->value, vid_brightness->value ); ClearBits( vid_brightness->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); ClearBits( vid_gamma->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } /* ================= VID_InitDefaultResolution ================= */ void VID_InitDefaultResolution( void ) { // we need to have something valid here // until video subsystem initialized glState.width = 640; glState.height = 480; } /* ================= VID_GetModeString ================= */ const char *VID_GetModeString( int vid_mode ) { if( vid_mode >= 0 && vid_mode < num_vidmodes ) return vidmode[vid_mode].desc; return NULL; // out of bounds } /* ================= VID_DestroyFakeWindow ================= */ void VID_DestroyFakeWindow( void ) { if( hGLRCFake ) { pwglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ); pwglDeleteContext( hGLRCFake ); hGLRCFake = NULL; } if( hDCFake ) { ReleaseDC( hWndFake, hDCFake ); hDCFake = NULL; } if( hWndFake ) { DestroyWindow( hWndFake ); UnregisterClass( "TestWindow", host.hInst ); hWndFake = NULL; } } /* ================= VID_CreateFakeWindow ================= */ void VID_CreateFakeWindow( void ) { WNDCLASSEX wndClass; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; int pixelFormat; // MSAA disabled if( !CVAR_TO_BOOL( gl_wgl_msaa_samples )) return; memset( &wndClass, 0, sizeof( WNDCLASSEX )); hGLRCFake = NULL; hWndFake = NULL; hDCFake = NULL; // register the window class wndClass.cbSize = sizeof( WNDCLASSEX ); wndClass.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc; wndClass.hInstance = host.hInst; wndClass.lpszClassName = "TestWindow"; if( !RegisterClassEx( &wndClass )) return; // Create the fake window if(( hWndFake = CreateWindowEx( 0, "TestWindow", "Xash3D", 0, 0, 0, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, wndClass.hInstance, NULL )) == NULL ) { UnregisterClass( "TestWindow", wndClass.hInstance ); return; } // Get a DC for the fake window if(( hDCFake = GetDC( hWndFake )) == NULL ) { VID_DestroyFakeWindow(); return; } // Choose a pixel format memset( &pfd, 0, sizeof( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR )); pfd.nSize = sizeof( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ); pfd.nVersion = 1; pfd.dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW|PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL|PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; pfd.cColorBits = 32; pfd.cAlphaBits = 8; pfd.cDepthBits = 24; pfd.cStencilBits = 8; if(( pixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat( hDCFake, &pfd )) == 0 ) { VID_DestroyFakeWindow(); return; } // Set the pixel format if( !SetPixelFormat( hDCFake, pixelFormat, &pfd )) { VID_DestroyFakeWindow(); return; } // Create the fake GL context if(( hGLRCFake = pwglCreateContext( hDCFake )) == NULL ) { VID_DestroyFakeWindow(); return; } // Make the fake GL context current if( !pwglMakeCurrent( hDCFake, hGLRCFake )) { VID_DestroyFakeWindow(); return; } // We only need these function pointers if available pwglGetPixelFormatAttribiv = GL_GetProcAddress( "wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB" ); pwglChoosePixelFormat = GL_GetProcAddress( "wglChoosePixelFormatARB" ); // destroy now it's no longer needed VID_DestroyFakeWindow(); } /* ================= GL_SetPixelformat ================= */ qboolean GL_SetPixelformat( void ) { PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR PFD; int colorBits = 32; int alphaBits = 8; int stencilBits = 8; int pixelFormat = 0; int depthBits = 24; if(( glw_state.hDC = GetDC( host.hWnd )) == NULL ) return false; if( glw_state.desktopBitsPixel < 32 ) { // clear alphabits in case we in 16-bit mode colorBits = glw_state.desktopBitsPixel; alphaBits = 0; } else { // no reason to trying enable MSAA on a highcolor VID_CreateFakeWindow(); } // choose a pixel format pixelFormat = VID_ChoosePFD( &PFD, colorBits, alphaBits, depthBits, stencilBits ); if( !pixelFormat ) { // try again with default color/depth/stencil pixelFormat = VID_ChoosePFD( &PFD, colorBits, 0, depthBits, 0 ); if( !pixelFormat ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "GL_SetPixelformat: failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT\n" ); return false; } } // set the pixel format if( !SetPixelFormat( glw_state.hDC, pixelFormat, &PFD )) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "GL_SetPixelformat: failed\n" ); return false; } DescribePixelFormat( glw_state.hDC, pixelFormat, sizeof( PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ), &PFD ); if( PFD.dwFlags & PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT ) { if( PFD.dwFlags & PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED ) { Con_Reportf( "VID_ChoosePFD: using Generic MCD acceleration\n" ); } else { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "GL_SetPixelformat: no hardware acceleration found\n" ); return false; } } else { Con_Reportf( "VID_ChoosePFD: using hardware acceleration\n" ); } glConfig.color_bits = PFD.cColorBits; glConfig.alpha_bits = PFD.cAlphaBits; glConfig.depth_bits = PFD.cDepthBits; glConfig.stencil_bits = PFD.cStencilBits; if( PFD.cStencilBits != 0 ) glState.stencilEnabled = true; else glState.stencilEnabled = false; // print out PFD specifics Con_Reportf( "PixelFormat: color: %d-bit, Z-Buffer: %d-bit, stencil: %d-bit\n", PFD.cColorBits, PFD.cDepthBits, PFD.cStencilBits ); return true; } /* ================= R_SaveVideoMode ================= */ void R_SaveVideoMode( int vid_mode ) { int mode = bound( 0, vid_mode, num_vidmodes ); // check range glState.width = vidmode[mode].width; glState.height = vidmode[mode].height; glState.wideScreen = vidmode[mode].wideScreen; Cvar_FullSet( "width", va( "%i", glState.width ), FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); Cvar_FullSet( "height", va( "%i", glState.height ), FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); Cvar_SetValue( "vid_mode", mode ); // merge if it out of bounds Con_Reportf( "Set: %s [%dx%d]\n", vidmode[mode].desc, vidmode[mode].width, vidmode[mode].height ); } /* ================= R_DescribeVIDMode ================= */ qboolean R_DescribeVIDMode( int width, int height ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < sizeof( vidmode ) / sizeof( vidmode[0] ); i++ ) { if( vidmode[i].width == width && vidmode[i].height == height ) { // found specified mode Cvar_SetValue( "vid_mode", i ); return true; } } return false; } /* ================= VID_CreateWindow ================= */ qboolean VID_CreateWindow( int width, int height, qboolean fullscreen ) { int x = 0, y = 0, w, h; int stylebits = WINDOW_STYLE; int exstyle = WINDOW_EX_STYLE; static string wndname; HWND window; RECT rect; WNDCLASS wc; Q_strncpy( wndname, GI->title, sizeof( wndname )); // register the frame class wc.style = CS_OWNDC|CS_NOCLOSE; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)IN_WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = host.hInst; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ); wc.hbrBackground = (void *)COLOR_3DSHADOW; wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_NAME; wc.lpszMenuName = 0; wc.hIcon = 0; // find the icon file in the filesystem if( FS_FileExists( GI->iconpath, true )) { if( FS_GetDiskPath( GI->iconpath, true )) { string localPath; Q_snprintf( localPath, sizeof( localPath ), "%s/%s", GI->gamedir, GI->iconpath ); wc.hIcon = LoadImage( NULL, localPath, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE|LR_DEFAULTSIZE ); } else Con_Printf( "Extract %s from pak if you want to see it.\n", GI->iconpath ); } // couldn't loaded for some reasons? use default if( !wc.hIcon ) wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( host.hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( 101 )); if( !RegisterClass( &wc )) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "VID_CreateWindow: couldn't register window class %s\n" WINDOW_NAME ); return false; } if( fullscreen ) { stylebits = WS_POPUP|WS_VISIBLE; exstyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST; } rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = width; rect.bottom = height; AdjustWindowRect( &rect, stylebits, FALSE ); w = rect.right - rect.left; h = rect.bottom - rect.top; #if 0 RECT WindowRect; unsigned WindowHeight; HWND WindowHandle; WindowHandle = FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", NULL); GetWindowRect(WindowHandle, &WindowRect); WindowHeight = WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top; #endif if( !fullscreen ) { x = window_xpos->value; y = window_ypos->value; // adjust window coordinates if necessary // so that the window is completely on screen if( x < 0 ) x = 0; if( y < 0 ) y = 0; if( Cvar_VariableInteger( "vid_mode" ) != glConfig.prev_mode ) { // adjust window in the screen size if( x + w > glw_state.desktopWidth ) x = ( glw_state.desktopWidth - w ); if( y + h > glw_state.desktopHeight ) y = ( glw_state.desktopHeight - h ); } } window = CreateWindowEx( exstyle, WINDOW_NAME, wndname, stylebits, x, y, w, h, NULL, NULL, host.hInst, NULL ); if( host.hWnd != window ) { // make sure what CreateWindowEx call the IN_WndProc Con_Printf( S_WARN "VID_CreateWindow: bad hWnd for '%s'\n", wndname ); } if( !host.hWnd ) { // host.hWnd must be filled in IN_WndProc Con_Printf( S_ERROR "VID_CreateWindow: couldn't create '%s'\n", wndname ); return false; } ShowWindow( host.hWnd, SW_SHOW ); UpdateWindow( host.hWnd ); // init all the gl stuff for the window if( !GL_SetPixelformat( )) { ShowWindow( host.hWnd, SW_HIDE ); DestroyWindow( host.hWnd ); host.hWnd = NULL; UnregisterClass( WINDOW_NAME, host.hInst ); Con_Printf( S_ERROR "OpenGL driver not installed\n" ); return false; } if( !glw_state.initialized ) { if( !GL_CreateContext( )) return false; VID_StartupGamma(); } else { if( !GL_UpdateContext( )) return false; } SetForegroundWindow( host.hWnd ); SetFocus( host.hWnd ); return true; } /* ================= VID_DestroyWindow ================= */ void VID_DestroyWindow( void ) { if( pwglMakeCurrent ) pwglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ); if( glw_state.hDC ) { ReleaseDC( host.hWnd, glw_state.hDC ); glw_state.hDC = NULL; } if( host.hWnd ) { DestroyWindow ( host.hWnd ); host.hWnd = NULL; } UnregisterClass( WINDOW_NAME, host.hInst ); if( glState.fullScreen ) { ChangeDisplaySettings( 0, 0 ); glState.fullScreen = false; } } /* ================= R_ChangeDisplaySettings ================= */ rserr_t R_ChangeDisplaySettings( int vid_mode, qboolean fullscreen ) { int width, height; int cds_result; HDC hDC; R_SaveVideoMode( vid_mode ); width = glState.width; height = glState.height; // check our desktop attributes hDC = GetDC( GetDesktopWindow( )); glw_state.desktopBitsPixel = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, BITSPIXEL ); glw_state.desktopWidth = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, HORZRES ); glw_state.desktopHeight = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, VERTRES ); ReleaseDC( GetDesktopWindow(), hDC ); // destroy the existing window if( host.hWnd ) VID_DestroyWindow(); // do a CDS if needed if( fullscreen ) { DEVMODE dm; memset( &dm, 0, sizeof( dm )); dm.dmSize = sizeof( dm ); dm.dmPelsWidth = width; dm.dmPelsHeight = height; dm.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH|DM_PELSHEIGHT; if( vid_displayfrequency->value > 0 ) { if( vid_displayfrequency->value < 60 ) Cvar_SetValue( "vid_displayfrequency", 60 ); if( vid_displayfrequency->value > 100 ) Cvar_SetValue( "vid_displayfrequency", 100 ); dm.dmFields |= DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; dm.dmDisplayFrequency = vid_displayfrequency->value; } cds_result = ChangeDisplaySettings( &dm, CDS_FULLSCREEN ); if( cds_result == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL ) { glState.fullScreen = true; if( !VID_CreateWindow( width, height, true )) return rserr_invalid_mode; return rserr_ok; } else if( cds_result == DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW ) { dm.dmPelsWidth = width * 2; dm.dmPelsHeight = height; dm.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH|DM_PELSHEIGHT; // our first CDS failed, so maybe we're running on some weird dual monitor system if( ChangeDisplaySettings( &dm, CDS_FULLSCREEN ) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL ) { ChangeDisplaySettings( 0, 0 ); glState.fullScreen = false; if( !VID_CreateWindow( width, height, false )) return rserr_invalid_mode; return rserr_invalid_fullscreen; } else { if( !VID_CreateWindow( width, height, true )) return rserr_invalid_mode; glState.fullScreen = true; return rserr_ok; } } else { int freq_specified = 0; if( vid_displayfrequency->value > 0 ) { // clear out custom frequency freq_specified = vid_displayfrequency->value; Cvar_SetValue( "vid_displayfrequency", 0.0f ); dm.dmFields &= ~DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; dm.dmDisplayFrequency = 0; } // our first CDS failed, so maybe we're running with too high displayfrequency if( ChangeDisplaySettings( &dm, CDS_FULLSCREEN ) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL ) { ChangeDisplaySettings( 0, 0 ); glState.fullScreen = false; if( !VID_CreateWindow( width, height, false )) return rserr_invalid_mode; return rserr_invalid_fullscreen; } else { if( !VID_CreateWindow( width, height, true )) return rserr_invalid_mode; if( freq_specified ) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "VID_SetMode: display frequency %i Hz is not supported\n", freq_specified ); glState.fullScreen = true; return rserr_ok; } } } else { ChangeDisplaySettings( 0, 0 ); glState.fullScreen = false; if( !VID_CreateWindow( width, height, false )) return rserr_invalid_mode; } return rserr_ok; } /* ================== VID_SetMode Set the described video mode ================== */ qboolean VID_SetMode( void ) { qboolean fullscreen; rserr_t err; if( vid_mode->value == -1 ) // trying to get resolution automatically by default { HDC hDCScreen = GetDC( NULL ); int iScreenWidth = GetDeviceCaps( hDCScreen, HORZRES ); int iScreenHeight = GetDeviceCaps( hDCScreen, VERTRES ); ReleaseDC( NULL, hDCScreen ); if( R_DescribeVIDMode( iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight )) { Con_Reportf( "found specified vid mode %i [%ix%i]\n", (int)vid_mode->value, iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight ); Cvar_SetValue( "fullscreen", 1 ); } else { Con_Reportf( "failed to set specified vid mode [%ix%i]\n", iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight ); Cvar_SetValue( "vid_mode", VID_DEFAULTMODE ); } } fullscreen = vid_fullscreen->value; SetBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); if(( err = R_ChangeDisplaySettings( vid_mode->value, fullscreen )) == rserr_ok ) { glConfig.prev_mode = vid_mode->value; } else { if( err == rserr_invalid_fullscreen ) { Cvar_SetValue( "fullscreen", 0 ); Con_Printf( S_ERROR "VID_SetMode: fullscreen unavailable in this mode\n" ); if(( err = R_ChangeDisplaySettings( vid_mode->value, false )) == rserr_ok ) return true; } else if( err == rserr_invalid_mode ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "VID_SetMode: invalid mode\n" ); Cvar_SetValue( "vid_mode", glConfig.prev_mode ); } // try setting it back to something safe if(( err = R_ChangeDisplaySettings( glConfig.prev_mode, false )) != rserr_ok ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "VID_SetMode: could not revert to safe mode\n" ); return false; } } return true; } /* ================== VID_CheckChanges check vid modes and fullscreen ================== */ void VID_CheckChanges( void ) { if( FBitSet( cl_allow_levelshots->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED )) { GL_FreeTexture( cls.loadingBar ); SCR_RegisterTextures(); // reload 'lambda' image ClearBits( cl_allow_levelshots->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); } if( host.renderinfo_changed ) { if( !VID_SetMode( )) { Sys_Error( "Can't re-initialize video subsystem\n" ); } else { host.renderinfo_changed = false; SCR_VidInit(); // tell the client.dll what vid_mode has changed } } } /* ================== R_Init_OpenGL ================== */ qboolean R_Init_OpenGL( void ) { Sys_LoadLibrary( &opengl_dll ); // load opengl32.dll if( !opengl_dll.link ) return false; if( context_flags || CVAR_TO_BOOL( gl_wgl_msaa_samples )) GL_CheckExtension( "OpenGL Internal ProcAddress", wglproc_funcs, NULL, GL_WGL_PROCADDRESS ); return VID_SetMode(); } /* ================== R_Free_OpenGL ================== */ void R_Free_OpenGL( void ) { GL_DeleteContext (); VID_DestroyWindow (); Sys_FreeLibrary( &opengl_dll ); // now all extensions are disabled memset( glConfig.extension, 0, sizeof( glConfig.extension )); glw_state.initialized = false; } /* =============== GL_SetDefaults =============== */ static void GL_SetDefaults( void ) { pglFinish(); pglClearColor( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ); pglDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); pglDisable( GL_CULL_FACE ); pglDisable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ); pglDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL ); pglColor4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); if( glState.stencilEnabled ) { pglDisable( GL_STENCIL_TEST ); pglStencilMask( ( GLuint ) ~0 ); pglStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 0, ~0 ); pglStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_INCR ); } pglPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL ); pglPolygonOffset( -1.0f, -2.0f ); GL_CleanupAllTextureUnits(); pglDisable( GL_BLEND ); pglDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST ); pglDisable( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL ); pglAlphaFunc( GL_GREATER, DEFAULT_ALPHATEST ); pglEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); pglShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH ); pglFrontFace( GL_CCW ); pglPointSize( 1.2f ); pglLineWidth( 1.2f ); GL_Cull( GL_NONE ); } /* ================= R_RenderInfo_f ================= */ void R_RenderInfo_f( void ) { Con_Printf( "\n" ); Con_Printf( "GL_VENDOR: %s\n", glConfig.vendor_string ); Con_Printf( "GL_RENDERER: %s\n", glConfig.renderer_string ); Con_Printf( "GL_VERSION: %s\n", glConfig.version_string ); // don't spam about extensions if( host_developer.value >= DEV_EXTENDED ) { Con_Printf( "GL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", glConfig.extensions_string ); if( glConfig.wgl_extensions_string != NULL ) Con_Printf( "\nWGL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", glConfig.wgl_extensions_string ); } Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: %i\n", glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ); if( GL_Support( GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE )) Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB: %i\n", glConfig.max_texture_units ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_EXT )) Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB: %i\n", glConfig.max_cubemap_size ); if( GL_Support( GL_ANISOTROPY_EXT )) Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: %.1f\n", glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_2D_RECT_EXT )) Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE: %i\n", glConfig.max_2d_rectangle_size ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_ARRAY_EXT )) Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS_EXT: %i\n", glConfig.max_2d_texture_layers ); if( GL_Support( GL_SHADER_GLSL100_EXT )) { Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB: %i\n", glConfig.max_texture_coords ); Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB: %i\n", glConfig.max_teximage_units ); Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB: %i\n", glConfig.max_vertex_uniforms ); Con_Printf( "GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB: %i\n", glConfig.max_vertex_attribs ); } Con_Printf( "\n" ); Con_Printf( "MODE: %s\n", vidmode[(int)vid_mode->value].desc ); Con_Printf( "\n" ); Con_Printf( "VERTICAL SYNC: %s\n", gl_vsync->value ? "enabled" : "disabled" ); Con_Printf( "Color %d bits, Alpha %d bits, Depth %d bits, Stencil %d bits\n", glConfig.color_bits, glConfig.alpha_bits, glConfig.depth_bits, glConfig.stencil_bits ); } //======================================================================= /* ================= GL_InitCommands ================= */ void GL_InitCommands( void ) { // system screen width and height (don't suppose for change from console at all) r_speeds = Cvar_Get( "r_speeds", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "shows renderer speeds" ); r_fullbright = Cvar_Get( "r_fullbright", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "disable lightmaps, get fullbright for entities" ); r_norefresh = Cvar_Get( "r_norefresh", "0", 0, "disable 3D rendering (use with caution)" ); r_lighting_extended = Cvar_Get( "r_lighting_extended", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow to get lighting from bmodels too" ); r_lighting_modulate = Cvar_Get( "r_lighting_modulate", "0.6", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "lightstyles modulate scale" ); r_lighting_ambient = Cvar_Get( "r_lighting_ambient", "0.3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "map ambient lighting scale" ); r_adjust_fov = Cvar_Get( "r_adjust_fov", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "making FOV adjustment for wide-screens" ); r_novis = Cvar_Get( "r_novis", "0", 0, "ignore vis information (perfomance test)" ); r_nocull = Cvar_Get( "r_nocull", "0", 0, "ignore frustrum culling (perfomance test)" ); r_detailtextures = Cvar_Get( "r_detailtextures", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable detail textures support, use '2' for autogenerate detail.txt" ); r_lockpvs = Cvar_Get( "r_lockpvs", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "lockpvs area at current point (pvs test)" ); r_lockfrustum = Cvar_Get( "r_lockfrustum", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "lock frustrum area at current point (cull test)" ); r_dynamic = Cvar_Get( "r_dynamic", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "allow dynamic lighting (dlights, lightstyles)" ); r_traceglow = Cvar_Get( "r_traceglow", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "cull flares behind models" ); r_lightmap = Cvar_Get( "r_lightmap", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "lightmap debugging tool" ); r_drawentities = Cvar_Get( "r_drawentities", "1", FCVAR_CHEAT|FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "render entities" ); r_decals = Cvar_Get( "r_decals", "4096", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "sets the maximum number of decals" ); r_showtree = Cvar_Get( "r_showtree", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "build the graph of visible BSP tree" ); window_xpos = Cvar_Get( "_window_xpos", "130", FCVAR_RENDERINFO, "window position by horizontal" ); window_ypos = Cvar_Get( "_window_ypos", "48", FCVAR_RENDERINFO, "window position by vertical" ); gl_extensions = Cvar_Get( "gl_allow_extensions", "1", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "allow gl_extensions" ); gl_wgl_msaa_samples = Cvar_Get( "gl_wgl_msaa_samples", "4", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "enable multisample anti-aliasing" ); gl_texture_nearest = Cvar_Get( "gl_texture_nearest", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable texture filter" ); gl_lightmap_nearest = Cvar_Get( "gl_lightmap_nearest", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable lightmap filter" ); gl_check_errors = Cvar_Get( "gl_check_errors", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "ignore video engine errors" ); gl_vsync = Cvar_Get( "gl_vsync", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable vertical syncronization" ); gl_detailscale = Cvar_Get( "gl_detailscale", "4.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "default scale applies while auto-generate list of detail textures" ); gl_texture_anisotropy = Cvar_Get( "gl_anisotropy", "8", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "textures anisotropic filter" ); gl_texture_lodbias = Cvar_Get( "gl_texture_lodbias", "0.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "LOD bias for mipmapped textures (perfomance|quality)" ); gl_keeptjunctions = Cvar_Get( "gl_keeptjunctions", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "removing tjuncs causes blinking pixels" ); gl_emboss_scale = Cvar_Get( "gl_emboss_scale", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_LATCH, "fake bumpmapping scale" ); gl_showtextures = Cvar_Get( "r_showtextures", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "show all uploaded textures" ); gl_finish = Cvar_Get( "gl_finish", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "use glFinish instead of glFlush" ); gl_nosort = Cvar_Get( "gl_nosort", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable sorting of translucent surfaces" ); gl_clear = Cvar_Get( "gl_clear", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "clearing screen after each frame" ); gl_test = Cvar_Get( "gl_test", "0", 0, "engine developer cvar for quick testing new features" ); gl_wireframe = Cvar_Get( "gl_wireframe", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_SPONLY, "show wireframe overlay" ); gl_round_down = Cvar_Get( "gl_round_down", "2", FCVAR_RENDERINFO, "round texture sizes to nearest POT value" ); gl_msaa = Cvar_Get( "gl_msaa", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable multi sample anti-aliasing" ); // these cvar not used by engine but some mods requires this gl_polyoffset = Cvar_Get( "gl_polyoffset", "2.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "polygon offset for decals" ); // make sure gl_vsync is checked after vid_restart SetBits( gl_vsync->flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); vid_gamma = Cvar_Get( "gamma", "2.5", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "gamma amount" ); vid_brightness = Cvar_Get( "brightness", "0.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "brighntess factor" ); vid_mode = Cvar_Get( "vid_mode", VID_AUTOMODE, FCVAR_RENDERINFO|FCVAR_VIDRESTART, "display resolution mode" ); vid_fullscreen = Cvar_Get( "fullscreen", "0", FCVAR_RENDERINFO|FCVAR_VIDRESTART, "enable fullscreen mode" ); vid_displayfrequency = Cvar_Get ( "vid_displayfrequency", "0", FCVAR_RENDERINFO|FCVAR_VIDRESTART, "fullscreen refresh rate" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "r_info", R_RenderInfo_f, "display renderer info" ); // give initial OpenGL configuration host.apply_opengl_config = true; Cbuf_AddText( "exec opengl.cfg\n" ); Cbuf_Execute(); host.apply_opengl_config = false; // apply actual video mode to window Cbuf_AddText( "exec video.cfg\n" ); Cbuf_Execute(); } /* ================= GL_RemoveCommands ================= */ void GL_RemoveCommands( void ) { Cmd_RemoveCommand( "r_info"); } /* ================= GL_InitExtensions ================= */ void GL_InitExtensions( void ) { // initialize gl extensions GL_CheckExtension( "OpenGL 1.1.0", opengl_110funcs, NULL, GL_OPENGL_110 ); // get our various GL strings glConfig.vendor_string = pglGetString( GL_VENDOR ); glConfig.renderer_string = pglGetString( GL_RENDERER ); glConfig.version_string = pglGetString( GL_VERSION ); glConfig.extensions_string = pglGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ); Con_Printf( "^3Video:^7 %s\n", glConfig.renderer_string ); // intialize wrapper type glConfig.context = CONTEXT_TYPE_GL; glConfig.wrapper = GLES_WRAPPER_NONE; if( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "geforce" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_NVIDIA; else if( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "quadro fx" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_NVIDIA; else if( Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "rv770" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_RADEON; else if( Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "radeon hd" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_RADEON; else if( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "eah4850" ) || Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "eah4870" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_RADEON; else if( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "radeon" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_RADEON; else if( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "intel" )) glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_INTEL; else glConfig.hardware_type = GLHW_GENERIC; // initalize until base opengl functions loaded (old-context) if( !context_flags && !CVAR_TO_BOOL( gl_wgl_msaa_samples )) GL_CheckExtension( "OpenGL Internal ProcAddress", wglproc_funcs, NULL, GL_WGL_PROCADDRESS ); // windows-specific extensions GL_CheckExtension( "WGL Extensions String", wglgetextensionsstring, NULL, GL_WGL_EXTENSIONS ); if( pwglGetExtensionsStringEXT != NULL ) glConfig.wgl_extensions_string = pwglGetExtensionsStringEXT(); else glConfig.wgl_extensions_string = NULL; // initalize until base opengl functions loaded GL_CheckExtension( "WGL_EXT_swap_control", wglswapintervalfuncs, NULL, GL_WGL_SWAPCONTROL ); // multitexture glConfig.max_texture_units = glConfig.max_texture_coords = glConfig.max_teximage_units = 1; GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_multitexture", multitexturefuncs, "gl_arb_multitexture", GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE ); if( GL_Support( GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE )) pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB, &glConfig.max_texture_units ); if( glConfig.max_texture_units == 1 ) GL_SetExtension( GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE, false ); // 3d texture support GL_CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture3D", texture3dextfuncs, "gl_texture_3d", GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT )) { pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE, &glConfig.max_3d_texture_size ); if( glConfig.max_3d_texture_size < 32 ) { GL_SetExtension( GL_TEXTURE_3D_EXT, false ); Con_Printf( S_ERROR "GL_EXT_texture3D reported bogus GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE, disabled\n" ); } } // 2d texture array support GL_CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_array", texture3dextfuncs, "gl_texture_2d_array", GL_TEXTURE_ARRAY_EXT ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_ARRAY_EXT )) pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS_EXT, &glConfig.max_2d_texture_layers ); // cubemaps support GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map", NULL, "gl_texture_cubemap", GL_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_EXT ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_CUBEMAP_EXT )) { pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB, &glConfig.max_cubemap_size ); // check for seamless cubemaps too GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map", NULL, "gl_texture_cubemap_seamless", GL_ARB_SEAMLESS_CUBEMAP ); } GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two", NULL, "gl_texture_npot", GL_ARB_TEXTURE_NPOT_EXT ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_compression", texturecompressionfuncs, "gl_texture_dxt_compression", GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_EXT ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp", NULL, NULL, GL_CLAMPTOEDGE_EXT ); if( !GL_Support( GL_CLAMPTOEDGE_EXT )) GL_CheckExtension( "GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp", NULL, NULL, GL_CLAMPTOEDGE_EXT ); glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy = 0.0f; GL_CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic", NULL, "gl_texture_anisotropic_filter", GL_ANISOTROPY_EXT ); if( GL_Support( GL_ANISOTROPY_EXT )) pglGetFloatv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy ); // g-cont. because lodbias it too glitchy on Intel's cards if( glConfig.hardware_type != GLHW_INTEL ) GL_CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias", NULL, "gl_texture_mipmap_biasing", GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS ); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS )) pglGetFloatv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT, &glConfig.max_texture_lod_bias ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp", NULL, NULL, GL_CLAMP_TEXBORDER_EXT ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_depth_texture", NULL, NULL, GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_float", NULL, "gl_texture_float", GL_ARB_TEXTURE_FLOAT_EXT ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float", NULL, "gl_texture_float", GL_ARB_DEPTH_FLOAT_EXT ); GL_CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_gpu_shader4", NULL, NULL, GL_EXT_GPU_SHADER4 ); // don't confuse users GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_shading_language_100", NULL, NULL, GL_SHADER_GLSL100_EXT ); // this won't work without extended context if( glw_state.extended ) GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_debug_output", debugoutputfuncs, "gl_debug_output", GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT ); // rectangle textures support GL_CheckExtension( "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle", NULL, "gl_texture_rectangle", GL_TEXTURE_2D_RECT_EXT ); if( GL_Support( GL_SHADER_GLSL100_EXT )) { pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB, &glConfig.max_texture_coords ); pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB, &glConfig.max_teximage_units ); // check for hardware skinning pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB, &glConfig.max_vertex_uniforms ); pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB, &glConfig.max_vertex_attribs ); if( glConfig.hardware_type == GLHW_RADEON && glConfig.max_vertex_uniforms > 512 ) glConfig.max_vertex_uniforms /= 4; // radeon returns not correct info } else { // just get from multitexturing glConfig.max_texture_coords = glConfig.max_teximage_units = glConfig.max_texture_units; } pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ); if( glConfig.max_2d_texture_size <= 0 ) glConfig.max_2d_texture_size = 256; if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_2D_RECT_EXT )) pglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT, &glConfig.max_2d_rectangle_size ); Cvar_Get( "gl_max_size", va( "%i", glConfig.max_2d_texture_size ), 0, "opengl texture max dims" ); // MCD has buffering issues if( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gdi" )) Cvar_SetValue( "gl_finish", 1 ); Cvar_Set( "gl_anisotropy", va( "%f", bound( 0, gl_texture_anisotropy->value, glConfig.max_texture_anisotropy ))); if( GL_Support( GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_EXT )) Image_AddCmdFlags( IL_DDS_HARDWARE ); // enable gldebug if allowed if( GL_Support( GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT )) { pglDebugMessageCallbackARB( GL_DebugOutput, NULL ); // force everything to happen in the main thread instead of in a separate driver thread pglEnable( GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB ); // enable all the low priority messages pglDebugMessageControlARB( GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB, 0, NULL, true ); } tr.framecount = tr.visframecount = 1; glw_state.initialized = true; } /* =============== R_Init =============== */ qboolean R_Init( void ) { if( glw_state.initialized ) return true; GL_InitCommands(); GL_InitRandomTable(); GL_SetDefaultState(); // create the window and set up the context if( !R_Init_OpenGL( )) { GL_RemoveCommands(); R_Free_OpenGL(); Sys_Error( "Can't initialize video subsystem\nProbably driver was not installed" ); return false; } host.renderinfo_changed = false; r_temppool = Mem_AllocPool( "Render Zone" ); GL_InitExtensions(); GL_SetDefaults(); R_InitImages(); R_SpriteInit(); R_StudioInit(); R_AliasInit(); R_ClearDecals(); R_ClearScene(); // initialize screen SCR_Init(); return true; } /* =============== R_Shutdown =============== */ void R_Shutdown( void ) { model_t *mod; int i; if( !glw_state.initialized ) return; // release SpriteTextures for( i = 1, mod = clgame.sprites; i < MAX_CLIENT_SPRITES; i++, mod++ ) { if( !mod->name[0] ) continue; Mod_UnloadSpriteModel( mod ); } memset( clgame.sprites, 0, sizeof( clgame.sprites )); GL_RemoveCommands(); R_ShutdownImages(); Mem_FreePool( &r_temppool ); // shut down OS specific OpenGL stuff like contexts, etc. R_Free_OpenGL(); } /* ================= GL_ErrorString convert errorcode to string ================= */ const char *GL_ErrorString( int err ) { switch( err ) { case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: return "GL_STACK_OVERFLOW"; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: return "GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW"; case GL_INVALID_ENUM: return "GL_INVALID_ENUM"; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: return "GL_INVALID_VALUE"; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: return "GL_INVALID_OPERATION"; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; default: return "UNKNOWN ERROR"; } } /* ================= GL_CheckForErrors obsolete ================= */ void GL_CheckForErrors_( const char *filename, const int fileline ) { int err; if( !CVAR_TO_BOOL( gl_check_errors )) return; if(( err = pglGetError( )) == GL_NO_ERROR ) return; Con_Printf( S_OPENGL_ERROR "%s (called at %s:%i)\n", GL_ErrorString( err ), filename, fileline ); }