#include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "library.h" #include "cl_tent.h" #include "platform/platform.h" #include "vid_common.h" struct ref_state_s ref; ref_globals_t refState; convar_t *gl_vsync; convar_t *gl_showtextures; convar_t *r_decals; convar_t *r_adjust_fov; convar_t *gl_wgl_msaa_samples; void R_GetTextureParms( int *w, int *h, int texnum ) { if( w ) *w = REF_GET_PARM( PARM_TEX_WIDTH, texnum ); if( h ) *h = REF_GET_PARM( PARM_TEX_HEIGHT, texnum ); } /* ================ GL_FreeImage Frees image by name ================ */ void GL_FreeImage( const char *name ) { int texnum; if(( texnum = ref.dllFuncs.GL_FindTexture( name )) != 0 ) ref.dllFuncs.GL_FreeTexture( texnum ); } void GL_RenderFrame( const ref_viewpass_t *rvp ) { refState.time = cl.time; refState.oldtime = cl.oldtime; refState.realtime = host.realtime; refState.frametime = host.frametime; VectorCopy( rvp->vieworigin, refState.vieworg ); VectorCopy( rvp->viewangles, refState.viewangles ); AngleVectors( refState.viewangles, refState.vforward, refState.vright, refState.vup ); ref.dllFuncs.GL_RenderFrame( rvp ); } static int pfnEngineGetParm( int parm, int arg ) { return CL_RenderGetParm( parm, arg, false ); // prevent recursion } static void pfnCbuf_SetOpenGLConfigHack( qboolean set ) { host.apply_opengl_config = set; } static world_static_t *pfnGetWorld( void ) { return &world; } static void pfnStudioEvent( const mstudioevent_t *event, const cl_entity_t *e ) { clgame.dllFuncs.pfnStudioEvent( event, e ); } static efrag_t* pfnGetEfragsFreeList( void ) { return clgame.free_efrags; } static void pfnSetEfragsFreeList( efrag_t *list ) { clgame.free_efrags = list; } static model_t *pfnGetDefaultSprite( enum ref_defaultsprite_e spr ) { switch( spr ) { case REF_DOT_SPRITE: return cl_sprite_dot; case REF_CHROME_SPRITE: return cl_sprite_shell; default: Host_Error( "GetDefaultSprite: unknown sprite %d\n", spr ); } return NULL; } static void *pfnMod_Extradata( int type, model_t *m ) { switch( type ) { case mod_alias: return Mod_AliasExtradata( m ); case mod_studio: return Mod_StudioExtradata( m ); case mod_sprite: // fallthrough case mod_brush: return NULL; default: Host_Error( "Mod_Extradata: unknown type %d\n", type ); } return NULL; } static model_t *pfnMod_GetCurrentLoadingModel( void ) { return loadmodel; } static void pfnMod_SetCurrentLoadingModel( model_t *m ) { loadmodel = m; } static void pfnGetPredictedOrigin( vec3_t v ) { VectorCopy( cl.simorg, v ); } static color24 *pfnCL_GetPaletteColor( int color ) // clgame.palette[color] { return &clgame.palette[color]; } static void pfnCL_GetScreenInfo( int *width, int *height ) // clgame.scrInfo, ptrs may be NULL { if( width ) *width = clgame.scrInfo.iWidth; if( height ) *height = clgame.scrInfo.iHeight; } static void pfnSetLocalLightLevel( int level ) { cl.local.light_level = level; } /* =============== pfnPlayerInfo =============== */ static player_info_t *pfnPlayerInfo( int index ) { if( index == -1 ) // special index for menu return &gameui.playerinfo; if( index < 0 || index > cl.maxclients ) return NULL; return &cl.players[index]; } /* =============== pfnGetPlayerState =============== */ static entity_state_t *R_StudioGetPlayerState( int index ) { if( index < 0 || index >= cl.maxclients ) return NULL; return &cl.frames[cl.parsecountmod].playerstate[index]; } static int pfnGetStudioModelInterface( int version, struct r_studio_interface_s **ppinterface, struct engine_studio_api_s *pstudio ) { return clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetStudioModelInterface ? clgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetStudioModelInterface( version, ppinterface, pstudio ) : 0; } static byte *pfnImage_GetPool( void ) { return host.imagepool; } static const bpc_desc_t *pfnImage_GetPFDesc( int idx ) { return &PFDesc[idx]; } static void pfnDrawNormalTriangles( void ) { clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDrawNormalTriangles(); } static void pfnDrawTransparentTriangles( void ) { clgame.dllFuncs.pfnDrawTransparentTriangles(); } static screenfade_t *pfnRefGetScreenFade( void ) { return &clgame.fade; } static ref_api_t gEngfuncs = { pfnEngineGetParm, (void*)Cvar_Get, (void*)Cvar_FindVarExt, Cvar_VariableValue, Cvar_VariableString, Cvar_SetValue, Cvar_Set, (void*)Cvar_RegisterVariable, Cvar_FullSet, Cmd_AddRefCommand, Cmd_RemoveCommand, Cmd_Argc, Cmd_Argv, Cmd_Args, Cbuf_AddText, Cbuf_InsertText, Cbuf_Execute, pfnCbuf_SetOpenGLConfigHack, Con_Printf, Con_DPrintf, Con_Reportf, Con_NPrintf, Con_NXPrintf, CL_CenterPrint, Con_DrawStringLen, Con_DrawString, CL_DrawCenterPrint, CL_GetLocalPlayer, CL_GetViewModel, CL_GetEntityByIndex, R_BeamGetEntity, CL_GetWaterEntity, CL_AddVisibleEntity, Mod_SampleSizeForFace, Mod_BoxVisible, pfnGetWorld, Mod_PointInLeaf, Mod_CreatePolygonsForHull, R_StudioSlerpBones, R_StudioCalcBoneQuaternion, R_StudioCalcBonePosition, R_StudioGetAnim, pfnStudioEvent, CL_DrawEFX, CL_ThinkParticle, R_FreeDeadParticles, CL_AllocParticleFast, CL_AllocElight, pfnGetDefaultSprite, R_StoreEfrags, Mod_ForName, pfnMod_Extradata, CL_ModelHandle, pfnMod_GetCurrentLoadingModel, pfnMod_SetCurrentLoadingModel, CL_GetRemapInfoForEntity, CL_AllocRemapInfo, CL_FreeRemapInfo, CL_UpdateRemapInfo, CL_ExtraUpdate, Host_Error, COM_SetRandomSeed, COM_RandomFloat, COM_RandomLong, pfnRefGetScreenFade, CL_TextMessageGet, pfnGetPredictedOrigin, pfnCL_GetPaletteColor, pfnCL_GetScreenInfo, pfnSetLocalLightLevel, Sys_CheckParm, pfnPlayerInfo, R_StudioGetPlayerState, Mod_CacheCheck, Mod_LoadCacheFile, Mod_Calloc, pfnGetStudioModelInterface, _Mem_AllocPool, _Mem_FreePool, _Mem_Alloc, _Mem_Realloc, _Mem_Free, COM_LoadLibrary, COM_FreeLibrary, COM_GetProcAddress, FS_LoadFile, COM_ParseFile, FS_FileExists, FS_AllowDirectPaths, R_Init_Video, R_Free_Video, GL_SetAttribute, GL_GetAttribute, GL_GetProcAddress, GL_SwapBuffers, SW_CreateBuffer, SW_LockBuffer, SW_UnlockBuffer, BuildGammaTable, LightToTexGamma, CL_GetLightStyle, CL_GetDynamicLight, CL_GetEntityLight, R_FatPVS, GL_GetOverviewParms, Sys_DoubleTime, pfnGetPhysent, pfnTraceSurface, PM_TraceLine, CL_VisTraceLine, CL_TraceLine, pfnGetMoveVars, Image_AddCmdFlags, Image_SetForceFlags, Image_ClearForceFlags, Image_CustomPalette, Image_Process, FS_LoadImage, FS_SaveImage, FS_CopyImage, FS_FreeImage, Image_SetMDLPointer, pfnImage_GetPool, pfnImage_GetPFDesc, pfnDrawNormalTriangles, pfnDrawTransparentTriangles, &clgame.drawFuncs }; static void R_UnloadProgs( void ) { if( !ref.hInstance ) return; // deinitialize renderer ref.dllFuncs.R_Shutdown(); Cvar_FullSet( "host_refloaded", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); ref.hInstance = NULL; memset( &refState, 0, sizeof( refState )); memset( &ref.dllFuncs, 0, sizeof( ref.dllFuncs )); Cvar_Unlink( FCVAR_RENDERINFO | FCVAR_GLCONFIG ); Cmd_Unlink( CMD_REFDLL ); } static void CL_FillTriAPIFromRef( triangleapi_t *dst, const ref_interface_t *src ) { dst->version = TRI_API_VERSION; dst->Begin = src->Begin; dst->RenderMode = TriRenderMode; dst->End = src->End; dst->Color4f = TriColor4f; dst->Color4ub = TriColor4ub; dst->TexCoord2f = src->TexCoord2f; dst->Vertex3f = src->Vertex3f; dst->Vertex3fv = src->Vertex3fv; dst->Brightness = TriBrightness; dst->CullFace = TriCullFace; dst->SpriteTexture = TriSpriteTexture; dst->WorldToScreen = TriWorldToScreen; dst->Fog = src->Fog; dst->ScreenToWorld = src->ScreenToWorld; dst->GetMatrix = src->GetMatrix; dst->BoxInPVS = TriBoxInPVS; dst->LightAtPoint = TriLightAtPoint; dst->Color4fRendermode = TriColor4fRendermode; dst->FogParams = src->FogParams; } static qboolean R_LoadProgs( const char *name ) { extern triangleapi_t gTriApi; static ref_api_t gpEngfuncs; REFAPI GetRefAPI; // single export if( ref.hInstance ) R_UnloadProgs(); #ifdef XASH_INTERNAL_GAMELIBS if( !(ref.hInstance = COM_LoadLibrary( name, false, true ) )) { return false; } #else if( !(ref.hInstance = COM_LoadLibrary( name, false, true ) )) { FS_AllowDirectPaths( true ); if( !(ref.hInstance = COM_LoadLibrary( name, false, true ) )) { FS_AllowDirectPaths( false ); return false; } } #endif FS_AllowDirectPaths( false ); if( ( GetRefAPI = (REFAPI)COM_GetProcAddress( ref.hInstance, "GetRefAPI" )) == NULL ) { COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); Con_Reportf( "R_LoadProgs: can't init renderer API\n" ); ref.hInstance = NULL; return false; } // make local copy of engfuncs to prevent overwrite it with user dll memcpy( &gpEngfuncs, &gEngfuncs, sizeof( gpEngfuncs )); if( !GetRefAPI( REF_API_VERSION, &ref.dllFuncs, &gpEngfuncs, &refState )) { COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); Con_Reportf( "R_LoadProgs: can't init renderer API: wrong version\n" ); ref.hInstance = NULL; return false; } refState.developer = host_developer.value; if( !ref.dllFuncs.R_Init( ) ) { COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); Con_Reportf( "R_LoadProgs: can't init renderer!\n" ); //, ref.dllFuncs.R_GetInitError() ); ref.hInstance = NULL; return false; } Cvar_FullSet( "host_refloaded", "1", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); ref.initialized = true; // initialize TriAPI callbacks CL_FillTriAPIFromRef( &gTriApi, &ref.dllFuncs ); return true; } void R_Shutdown( void ) { int i; model_t *mod; // release SpriteTextures for( i = 1, mod = clgame.sprites; i < MAX_CLIENT_SPRITES; i++, mod++ ) { if( !mod->name[0] ) continue; Mod_FreeModel( mod ); } memset( clgame.sprites, 0, sizeof( clgame.sprites )); // correctly free all models before render unload // change this if need add online render changing Mod_FreeAll(); R_UnloadProgs(); ref.initialized = false; } void R_GetRendererName( char *dest, size_t size, const char *refdll ) { Q_snprintf( dest, size, "%sref_%s.%s", #ifdef OS_LIB_PREFIX OS_LIB_PREFIX, #else "", #endif refdll, OS_LIB_EXT ); } qboolean R_Init( void ) { string refopt, refdll; if( !Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-ref", refopt ) ) { // compile-time defaults R_GetRendererName( refdll, sizeof( refdll ), DEFAULT_RENDERER ); Con_Printf( "Loading default renderer: %s\n", refdll ); } else if( !Q_strstr( refopt, va( ".%s", OS_LIB_EXT ) ) ) { // shortened renderer name R_GetRendererName( refdll, sizeof( refdll ), refopt ); Con_Printf( "Loading renderer by short name: %s\n", refdll ); } else { // full path Q_strcpy( refdll, refopt ); Con_Printf( "Loading renderer: %s\n", refdll ); } gl_vsync = Cvar_Get( "gl_vsync", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable vertical syncronization" ); gl_showtextures = Cvar_Get( "gl_showtextures", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "show all uploaded textures" ); r_adjust_fov = Cvar_Get( "r_adjust_fov", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "making FOV adjustment for wide-screens" ); r_decals = Cvar_Get( "r_decals", "4096", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "sets the maximum number of decals" ); gl_wgl_msaa_samples = Cvar_Get( "gl_wgl_msaa_samples", "0", FCVAR_GLCONFIG, "samples number for multisample anti-aliasing" ); if( !R_LoadProgs( refdll )) { R_Shutdown(); Host_Error( "Can't initialize %s renderer!\n", refdll ); return false; } Con_Reportf( "Renderer %s initialized\n", refdll ); SCR_Init(); return true; }