#include "common.h" #include "client.h" #include "library.h" #include "cl_tent.h" struct ref_state_s ref; ref_globals_t refState; convar_t *gl_vsync; convar_t *gl_showtextures; convar_t *r_decals; convar_t *r_adjust_fov; convar_t *gl_wgl_msaa_samples; void R_GetTextureParms( int *w, int *h, int texnum ) { if( w ) *w = RENDER_GET_PARM( PARM_TEX_WIDTH, texnum ); if( h ) *h = RENDER_GET_PARM( PARM_TEX_HEIGHT, texnum ); } /* ================ GL_FreeImage Frees image by name ================ */ void GL_FreeImage( const char *name ) { int texnum; if(( texnum = RefRenderAPI->GL_FindTexture( name )) != 0 ) RefRenderAPI->GL_FreeTexture( texnum ); } static int TriGetRenderMode( void ) { return clgame.ds.renderMode; } static ref_api_t gEngfuncs = { TriGetRenderMode }; static void R_UnloadProgs( void ) { if( !ref.hInstance ) return; // deinitialize renderer ref.dllFuncs.R_Shutdown(); Cvar_FullSet( "host_refloaded", "0", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); ref.hInstance = NULL; memset( &refState, 0, sizeof( refState )); Cvar_Unlink( FCVAR_RENDERINFO | FCVAR_GLCONFIG ); Cmd_Unlink( CMD_REFDLL ); } static void CL_FillTriAPIFromRef( triangleapi_t *dst, const ref_interface_t *src ) { dst->version = TRI_API_VERSION; dst->Begin = src->Begin; dst->RenderMode = TriRenderMode; dst->End = src->End; dst->Color4f = TriColor4f; dst->Color4ub = TriColor4ub; dst->TexCoord2f = src->TexCoord2f; dst->Vertex3f = src->Vertex3f; dst->Vertex3fv = src->Vertex3fv; dst->Brightness = TriBrightness; dst->CullFace = TriCullFace; dst->SpriteTexture = TriSpriteTexture; dst->WorldToScreen = TriWorldToScreen; dst->Fog = src->Fog; dst->ScreenToWorld = src->ScreenToWorld; dst->GetMatrix = src->GetMatrix; dst->BoxInPVS = TriBoxInPVS; dst->LightAtPoint = TriLightAtPoint; dst->Color4fRendermode = TriColor4fRendermode; dst->FogParams = src->FogParams; } static qboolean R_LoadProgs( const char *name ) { extern triangleapi_t gTriApi; static ref_api_t gpEngfuncs; REFAPI GetRefAPI; // single export if( ref.hInstance ) R_UnloadProgs(); #ifdef XASH_INTERNAL_GAMELIBS if( !(ref.hInstance = COM_LoadLibrary( name, false, true ) )) { return false; } #else if( !(ref.hInstance = COM_LoadLibrary( name, false, true ) )) { FS_AllowDirectPaths( true ); if( !(ref.hInstance = COM_LoadLibrary( name, false, true ) )) { FS_AllowDirectPaths( false ); return false; } } #endif FS_AllowDirectPaths( false ); if( ( GetRefAPI = (REFAPI)COM_GetProcAddress( ref.hInstance, "GetRefAPI" )) == NULL ) { COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); Con_Reportf( "R_LoadProgs: can't init renderer API\n" ); ref.hInstance = NULL; return false; } // make local copy of engfuncs to prevent overwrite it with user dll memcpy( &gpEngfuncs, &gEngfuncs, sizeof( gpEngfuncs )); if( !GetRefAPI( REF_API_VERSION, &ref.dllFuncs, &gpEngfuncs, &refState )) { COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); Con_Reportf( "R_LoadProgs: can't init renderer API: wrong version\n" ); ref.hInstance = NULL; return false; } refState.developer = host_developer.value; if( !ref.dllFuncs.R_Init( true ) ) { COM_FreeLibrary( ref.hInstance ); Con_Reportf( "R_LoadProgs: can't init renderer: %s\n", ref.dllFuncs.R_GetInitError() ); ref.hInstance = NULL; return false; } Cvar_FullSet( "host_refloaded", "1", FCVAR_READ_ONLY ); ref.initialized = true; // initialize TriAPI callbacks CL_FillTriAPIFromRef( &gTriApi, &ref.dllFuncs ); return true; } void R_Shutdown( void ) { R_UnloadProgs(); ref.initialized = false; } void R_Init( void ) { char refdll[64]; if( !Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-ref", refdll ) ) { Q_strncpy( refdll, DEFAULT_RENDERER, sizeof( refdll )); } gl_vsync = Cvar_Get( "gl_vsync", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable vertical syncronization" ); gl_showtextures = Cvar_Get( "gl_showtextures", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "show all uploaded textures" ); r_adjust_fov = Cvar_Get( "r_adjust_fov", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "making FOV adjustment for wide-screens" ); r_decals = Cvar_Get( "r_decals", "4096", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "sets the maximum number of decals" ); if( !R_LoadProgs( refdll )) { R_Shutdown(); Host_Error( "Can't initialize %s renderer!\n", refdll ); return; } }