/* common.c - misc functions used by dlls' Copyright (C) 2008 Uncle Mike This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "studio.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "const.h" #include "client.h" #include "library.h" const char *file_exts[10] = { ".cfg", ".lst", ".exe", ".vbs", ".com", ".bat", ".dll", ".ini", ".log", ".sys", }; #ifdef _DEBUG void DBG_AssertFunction( qboolean fExpr, const char* szExpr, const char* szFile, int szLine, const char* szMessage ) { if( fExpr ) return; if( szMessage != NULL ) MsgDev( at_error, "ASSERT FAILED:\n %s \n(%s@%d)\n%s\n", szExpr, szFile, szLine, szMessage ); else MsgDev( at_error, "ASSERT FAILED:\n %s \n(%s@%d)\n", szExpr, szFile, szLine ); } #endif // DEBUG static long idum = 0; #define MAX_RANDOM_RANGE 0x7FFFFFFFUL #define IA 16807 #define IM 2147483647 #define IQ 127773 #define IR 2836 #define NTAB 32 #define EPS 1.2e-7 #define NDIV (1 + (IM - 1) / NTAB) #define AM (1.0 / IM) #define RNMX (1.0 - EPS) static long lran1( void ) { static long iy = 0; static long iv[NTAB]; int j; long k; if( idum <= 0 || !iy ) { if( -(idum) < 1 ) idum = 1; else idum = -(idum); for( j = NTAB + 7; j >= 0; j-- ) { k = (idum) / IQ; idum = IA * (idum - k * IQ) - IR * k; if( idum < 0 ) idum += IM; if( j < NTAB ) iv[j] = idum; } iy = iv[0]; } k = (idum) / IQ; idum = IA * (idum - k * IQ) - IR * k; if( idum < 0 ) idum += IM; j = iy / NDIV; iy = iv[j]; iv[j] = idum; return iy; } // fran1 -- return a random floating-point number on the interval [0,1] static float fran1( void ) { float temp = (float)AM * lran1(); if( temp > RNMX ) return (float)RNMX; return temp; } void COM_SetRandomSeed( long lSeed ) { if( lSeed ) idum = lSeed; else idum = -time( NULL ); if( 1000 < idum ) idum = -idum; else if( -1000 < idum ) idum -= 22261048; } float COM_RandomFloat( float flLow, float flHigh ) { float fl; if( idum == 0 ) COM_SetRandomSeed( 0 ); fl = fran1(); // float in [0,1] return (fl * (flHigh - flLow)) + flLow; // float in [low, high) } long COM_RandomLong( long lLow, long lHigh ) { dword maxAcceptable; dword n, x = lHigh - lLow + 1; if( idum == 0 ) COM_SetRandomSeed( 0 ); if( x <= 0 || MAX_RANDOM_RANGE < x - 1 ) return lLow; // The following maps a uniform distribution on the interval [0, MAX_RANDOM_RANGE] // to a smaller, client-specified range of [0,x-1] in a way that doesn't bias // the uniform distribution unfavorably. Even for a worst case x, the loop is // guaranteed to be taken no more than half the time, so for that worst case x, // the average number of times through the loop is 2. For cases where x is // much smaller than MAX_RANDOM_RANGE, the average number of times through the // loop is very close to 1. maxAcceptable = MAX_RANDOM_RANGE - ((MAX_RANDOM_RANGE + 1) % x ); do { n = lran1(); } while( n > maxAcceptable ); return lLow + (n % x); } /* =============================================================================== LZSS Compression =============================================================================== */ #define LZSS_ID (('S'<<24)|('S'<<16)|('Z'<<8)|('L')) #define LZSS_LOOKSHIFT 4 #define LZSS_WINDOW_SIZE 4096 #define LZSS_LOOKAHEAD BIT( LZSS_LOOKSHIFT ) typedef struct { unsigned int id; unsigned int size; } lzss_header_t; // expected to be sixteen bytes typedef struct lzss_node_s { const byte *data; struct lzss_node_s *prev; struct lzss_node_s *next; char pad[4]; } lzss_node_t; typedef struct { lzss_node_t *start; lzss_node_t *end; } lzss_list_t; typedef struct { lzss_list_t *hash_table; lzss_node_t *hash_node; int window_size; } lzss_state_t; qboolean LZSS_IsCompressed( const byte *source ) { lzss_header_t *phdr = (lzss_header_t *)source; if( phdr && phdr->id == LZSS_ID ) return true; return false; } uint LZSS_GetActualSize( const byte *source ) { lzss_header_t *phdr = (lzss_header_t *)source; if( phdr && phdr->id == LZSS_ID ) return phdr->size; return 0; } static void LZSS_BuildHash( lzss_state_t *state, const byte *source ) { lzss_list_t *list; lzss_node_t *node; unsigned int targetindex = (uint)source & ( state->window_size - 1 ); node = &state->hash_node[targetindex]; if( node->data ) { list = &state->hash_table[*node->data]; if( node->prev ) { list->end = node->prev; node->prev->next = NULL; } else { list->start = NULL; list->end = NULL; } } list = &state->hash_table[*source]; node->data = source; node->prev = NULL; node->next = list->start; if( list->start ) list->start->prev = node; else list->end = node; list->start = node; } byte *LZSS_CompressNoAlloc( lzss_state_t *state, byte *pInput, int input_length, byte *pOutputBuf, uint *pOutputSize ) { byte *pStart = pOutputBuf; // allocate the output buffer, compressed buffer is expected to be less, caller will free byte *pEnd = pStart + input_length - sizeof( lzss_header_t ) - 8; // prevent compression failure lzss_header_t *header = (lzss_header_t *)pStart; byte *pOutput = pStart + sizeof( lzss_header_t ); const byte *pEncodedPosition = NULL; byte *pLookAhead = pInput; byte *pWindow = pInput; int i, putCmdByte = 0; byte *pCmdByte = NULL; if( input_length <= sizeof( lzss_header_t ) + 8 ) return NULL; // set LZSS header header->id = LZSS_ID; header->size = input_length; // create the compression work buffers, small enough (~64K) for stack state->hash_table = (lzss_list_t *)alloca( 256 * sizeof( lzss_list_t )); memset( state->hash_table, 0, 256 * sizeof( lzss_list_t )); state->hash_node = (lzss_node_t *)alloca( state->window_size * sizeof( lzss_node_t )); memset( state->hash_node, 0, state->window_size * sizeof( lzss_node_t )); while( input_length > 0 ) { int lookAheadLength = input_length < LZSS_LOOKAHEAD ? input_length : LZSS_LOOKAHEAD; lzss_node_t *hash = state->hash_table[pLookAhead[0]].start; int encoded_length = 0; pWindow = pLookAhead - state->window_size; if( pWindow < pInput ) pWindow = pInput; if( !putCmdByte ) { pCmdByte = pOutput++; *pCmdByte = 0; } putCmdByte = ( putCmdByte + 1 ) & 0x07; while( hash != NULL ) { int length = lookAheadLength; int match_length = 0; while( length-- && hash->data[match_length] == pLookAhead[match_length] ) match_length++; if( match_length > encoded_length ) { encoded_length = match_length; pEncodedPosition = hash->data; } if( match_length == lookAheadLength ) break; hash = hash->next; } if ( encoded_length >= 3 ) { *pCmdByte = (*pCmdByte >> 1) | 0x80; *pOutput++ = (( pLookAhead - pEncodedPosition - 1 ) >> LZSS_LOOKSHIFT ); *pOutput++ = (( pLookAhead - pEncodedPosition - 1 ) << LZSS_LOOKSHIFT ) | ( encoded_length - 1 ); } else { *pCmdByte = ( *pCmdByte >> 1 ); *pOutput++ = *pLookAhead; encoded_length = 1; } for( i = 0; i < encoded_length; i++ ) { LZSS_BuildHash( state, pLookAhead++ ); } input_length -= encoded_length; if( pOutput >= pEnd ) { // compression is worse, abandon return NULL; } } if( input_length != 0 ) { // unexpected failure Assert( 0 ); return NULL; } if( !putCmdByte ) { pCmdByte = pOutput++; *pCmdByte = 0x01; } else { *pCmdByte = (( *pCmdByte >> 1 ) | 0x80 ) >> ( 7 - putCmdByte ); } // put two ints at end of buffer *pOutput++ = 0; *pOutput++ = 0; if( pOutputSize ) *pOutputSize = pOutput - pStart; return pStart; } byte *LZSS_Compress( byte *pInput, int inputLength, uint *pOutputSize ) { byte *pStart = (byte *)malloc( inputLength ); byte *pFinal = NULL; lzss_state_t state; memset( &state, 0, sizeof( state )); state.window_size = LZSS_WINDOW_SIZE; pFinal = LZSS_CompressNoAlloc( &state, pInput, inputLength, pStart, pOutputSize ); if( !pFinal ) { free( pStart ); return NULL; } return pStart; } uint LZSS_Decompress( const byte *pInput, byte *pOutput ) { uint totalBytes = 0; int getCmdByte = 0; int cmdByte = 0; uint actualSize = LZSS_GetActualSize( pInput ); if( !actualSize ) return 0; pInput += sizeof( lzss_header_t ); while( 1 ) { if( !getCmdByte ) cmdByte = *pInput++; getCmdByte = ( getCmdByte + 1 ) & 0x07; if( cmdByte & 0x01 ) { int position = *pInput++ << LZSS_LOOKSHIFT; int i, count; byte *pSource; position |= ( *pInput >> LZSS_LOOKSHIFT ); count = ( *pInput++ & 0x0F ) + 1; if( count == 1 ) break; pSource = pOutput - position - 1; for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) *pOutput++ = *pSource++; totalBytes += count; } else { *pOutput++ = *pInput++; totalBytes++; } cmdByte = cmdByte >> 1; } if( totalBytes != actualSize ) { Assert( 0 ); return 0; } return totalBytes; } /* ============ COM_FileBase Extracts the base name of a file (no path, no extension, assumes '/' as path separator) ============ */ void COM_FileBase( const char *in, char *out ) { int len, start, end; len = Q_strlen( in ); if( !len ) return; // scan backward for '.' end = len - 1; while( end && in[end] != '.' && in[end] != '/' && in[end] != '\\' ) end--; if( in[end] != '.' ) end = len-1; // no '.', copy to end else end--; // found ',', copy to left of '.' // scan backward for '/' start = len - 1; while( start >= 0 && in[start] != '/' && in[start] != '\\' ) start--; if( start < 0 || ( in[start] != '/' && in[start] != '\\' )) start = 0; else start++; // length of new sting len = end - start + 1; // Copy partial string Q_strncpy( out, &in[start], len + 1 ); out[len] = 0; } /* ============ COM_FileExtension ============ */ const char *COM_FileExtension( const char *in ) { const char *separator, *backslash, *colon, *dot; separator = Q_strrchr( in, '/' ); backslash = Q_strrchr( in, '\\' ); if( !separator || separator < backslash ) separator = backslash; colon = Q_strrchr( in, ':' ); if( !separator || separator < colon ) separator = colon; dot = Q_strrchr( in, '.' ); if( dot == NULL || ( separator && ( dot < separator ))) return ""; return dot + 1; } /* ============ COM_FileWithoutPath ============ */ const char *COM_FileWithoutPath( const char *in ) { const char *separator, *backslash, *colon; separator = Q_strrchr( in, '/' ); backslash = Q_strrchr( in, '\\' ); if( !separator || separator < backslash ) separator = backslash; colon = Q_strrchr( in, ':' ); if( !separator || separator < colon ) separator = colon; return separator ? separator + 1 : in; } /* ============ COM_ExtractFilePath ============ */ void COM_ExtractFilePath( const char *path, char *dest ) { const char *src = path + Q_strlen( path ) - 1; // back up until a \ or the start while( src != path && !(*(src - 1) == '\\' || *(src - 1) == '/' )) src--; if( src != path ) { memcpy( dest, path, src - path ); dest[src - path - 1] = 0; // cutoff backslash } else Q_strcpy( dest, "" ); // file without path } /* ============ COM_StripExtension ============ */ void COM_StripExtension( char *path ) { size_t length; length = Q_strlen( path ) - 1; while( length > 0 && path[length] != '.' ) { length--; if( path[length] == '/' || path[length] == '\\' || path[length] == ':' ) return; // no extension } if( length ) path[length] = 0; } /* ================== COM_DefaultExtension ================== */ void COM_DefaultExtension( char *path, const char *extension ) { const char *src; // if path doesn't have a .EXT, append extension // (extension should include the .) src = path + Q_strlen( path ) - 1; while( *src != '/' && src != path ) { // it has an extension if( *src == '.' ) return; src--; } Q_strcat( path, extension ); } /* ================== COM_ReplaceExtension ================== */ void COM_ReplaceExtension( char *path, const char *extension ) { COM_StripExtension( path ); COM_DefaultExtension( path, extension ); } /* ============== COM_IsSingleChar interpert this character as single ============== */ static int COM_IsSingleChar( char c ) { if( c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '\'' || c == ',' ) return true; if( !host.com_ignorebracket && ( c == ')' || c == '(' )) return true; if( host.com_handlecolon && c == ':' ) return true; return false; } /* ============== COM_IsWhiteSpace interpret symbol as whitespace ============== */ static int COM_IsWhiteSpace( char space ) { if( space == ' ' || space == '\t' || space == '\r' || space == '\n' ) return 1; return 0; } /* ============== COM_ParseFile text parser ============== */ char *COM_ParseFile( char *data, char *token ) { int c, len; if( !token ) return NULL; len = 0; token[0] = 0; if( !data ) return NULL; // skip whitespace skipwhite: while(( c = ((byte)*data)) <= ' ' ) { if( c == 0 ) return NULL; // end of file; data++; } // skip // comments if( c=='/' && data[1] == '/' ) { while( *data && *data != '\n' ) data++; goto skipwhite; } // handle quoted strings specially if( c == '\"' ) { data++; while( 1 ) { c = (byte)*data++; if( c == '\"' || !c ) { token[len] = 0; return data; } token[len] = c; len++; } } // parse single characters if( COM_IsSingleChar( c )) { token[len] = c; len++; token[len] = 0; return data + 1; } // parse a regular word do { token[len] = c; data++; len++; c = ((byte)*data); if( COM_IsSingleChar( c )) break; } while( c > 32 ); token[len] = 0; return data; } /* ================ COM_ParseVector ================ */ qboolean COM_ParseVector( char **pfile, float *v, size_t size ) { string token; qboolean bracket = false; char *saved; uint i; if( v == NULL || size == 0 ) return false; memset( v, 0, sizeof( *v ) * size ); if( size == 1 ) { *pfile = COM_ParseFile( *pfile, token ); v[0] = Q_atof( token ); return true; } saved = *pfile; if(( *pfile = COM_ParseFile( *pfile, token )) == NULL ) return false; if( token[0] == '(' ) bracket = true; else *pfile = saved; // restore token to right get it again for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { *pfile = COM_ParseFile( *pfile, token ); v[i] = Q_atof( token ); } if( !bracket ) return true; // done if(( *pfile = COM_ParseFile( *pfile, token )) == NULL ) return false; if( token[0] == ')' ) return true; return false; } /* ============= COM_CheckString ============= */ int COM_CheckString( const char *string ) { if( !string || (byte)*string <= ' ' ) return 0; return 1; } /* ============= COM_FileSize ============= */ int COM_FileSize( const char *filename ) { return FS_FileSize( filename, false ); } /* ============= COM_AddAppDirectoryToSearchPath ============= */ void COM_AddAppDirectoryToSearchPath( const char *pszBaseDir, const char *appName ) { FS_AddGameHierarchy( pszBaseDir, FS_NOWRITE_PATH ); } /* =========== COM_ExpandFilename Finds the file in the search path, copies over the name with the full path name. This doesn't search in the pak file. =========== */ int COM_ExpandFilename( const char *fileName, char *nameOutBuffer, int nameOutBufferSize ) { const char *path; char result[MAX_SYSPATH]; if( !COM_CheckString( fileName ) || !nameOutBuffer || nameOutBufferSize <= 0 ) return 0; // filename examples: // media\sierra.avi - D:\Xash3D\valve\media\sierra.avi // models\barney.mdl - D:\Xash3D\bshift\models\barney.mdl if(( path = FS_GetDiskPath( fileName, false )) != NULL ) { Q_sprintf( result, "%s/%s", host.rootdir, path ); // check for enough room if( Q_strlen( result ) > nameOutBufferSize ) return 0; Q_strncpy( nameOutBuffer, result, nameOutBufferSize ); return 1; } return 0; } /* ============= COM_TrimSpace trims all whitespace from the front and end of a string ============= */ void COM_TrimSpace( const char *source, char *dest ) { int start, end, length; start = 0; end = Q_strlen( source ); while( source[start] && COM_IsWhiteSpace( source[start] )) start++; end--; while( end > 0 && COM_IsWhiteSpace( source[end] )) end--; end++; length = end - start; if( length > 0 ) memcpy( dest, source + start, length ); else length = 0; // terminate the dest string dest[length] = 0; } /* ============ COM_FixSlashes Changes all '/' characters into '\' characters, in place. ============ */ void COM_FixSlashes( char *pname ) { while( *pname ) { if( *pname == '\\' ) *pname = '/'; pname++; } } /* ================== COM_Nibble Returns the 4 bit nibble for a hex character ================== */ byte COM_Nibble( char c ) { if(( c >= '0' ) && ( c <= '9' )) { return (byte)(c - '0'); } if(( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'F' )) { return (byte)(c - 'A' + 0x0a); } if(( c >= 'a' ) && ( c <= 'f' )) { return (byte)(c - 'a' + 0x0a); } return '0'; } /* ================== COM_HexConvert Converts pszInput Hex string to nInputLength/2 binary ================== */ void COM_HexConvert( const char *pszInput, int nInputLength, byte *pOutput ) { const char *pIn; byte *p = pOutput; int i; for( i = 0; i < nInputLength; i += 2 ) { pIn = &pszInput[i]; *p = COM_Nibble( pIn[0] ) << 4 | COM_Nibble( pIn[1] ); p++; } } /* ============= COM_MemFgets ============= */ char *COM_MemFgets( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize, int *filePos, char *pBuffer, int bufferSize ) { int i, last, stop; if( !pMemFile || !pBuffer || !filePos ) return NULL; if( *filePos >= fileSize ) return NULL; i = *filePos; last = fileSize; // fgets always NULL terminates, so only read bufferSize-1 characters if( last - *filePos > ( bufferSize - 1 )) last = *filePos + ( bufferSize - 1); stop = 0; // stop at the next newline (inclusive) or end of buffer while( i < last && !stop ) { if( pMemFile[i] == '\n' ) stop = 1; i++; } // if we actually advanced the pointer, copy it over if( i != *filePos ) { // we read in size bytes int size = i - *filePos; // copy it out memcpy( pBuffer, pMemFile + *filePos, size ); // If the buffer isn't full, terminate (this is always true) if( size < bufferSize ) pBuffer[size] = 0; // update file pointer *filePos = i; return pBuffer; } return NULL; } /* ==================== Cache_Check consistency check ==================== */ void *Cache_Check( byte *mempool, cache_user_t *c ) { if( !c->data ) return NULL; if( !Mem_IsAllocatedExt( mempool, c->data )) return NULL; return c->data; } /* ============= COM_LoadFileForMe ============= */ byte* COM_LoadFileForMe( const char *filename, int *pLength ) { string name; byte *file, *pfile; int iLength; if( !COM_CheckString( filename )) { if( pLength ) *pLength = 0; return NULL; } Q_strncpy( name, filename, sizeof( name )); COM_FixSlashes( name ); pfile = FS_LoadFile( name, &iLength, false ); if( pLength ) *pLength = iLength; if( pfile ) { file = malloc( iLength + 1 ); if( file != NULL ) { memcpy( file, pfile, iLength ); file[iLength] = '\0'; } Mem_Free( pfile ); pfile = file; } return pfile; } /* ============= COM_LoadFile ============= */ byte *COM_LoadFile( const char *filename, int usehunk, int *pLength ) { return COM_LoadFileForMe( filename, pLength ); } /* ============= COM_LoadFile ============= */ int COM_SaveFile( const char *filename, const void *data, long len ) { // check for empty filename if( !COM_CheckString( filename )) return false; // check for null data if( !data || len <= 0 ) return false; return FS_WriteFile( filename, data, len ); } /* ============= COM_FreeFile ============= */ void COM_FreeFile( void *buffer ) { free( buffer ); } /* ============= COM_NormalizeAngles ============= */ void COM_NormalizeAngles( vec3_t angles ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( angles[i] > 180.0f ) angles[i] -= 360.0f; else if( angles[i] < -180.0f ) angles[i] += 360.0f; } } /* ============= pfnGetModelType ============= */ int pfnGetModelType( model_t *mod ) { if( !mod ) return mod_bad; return mod->type; } /* ============= pfnGetModelBounds ============= */ void pfnGetModelBounds( model_t *mod, float *mins, float *maxs ) { if( mod ) { if( mins ) VectorCopy( mod->mins, mins ); if( maxs ) VectorCopy( mod->maxs, maxs ); } else { if( mins ) VectorClear( mins ); if( maxs ) VectorClear( maxs ); } } /* ============= pfnCvar_RegisterServerVariable standard path to register game variable ============= */ void pfnCvar_RegisterServerVariable( cvar_t *variable ) { if( variable != NULL ) SetBits( variable->flags, FCVAR_EXTDLL ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( (convar_t *)variable ); } /* ============= pfnCvar_RegisterEngineVariable use with precaution: this cvar will NOT unlinked after game.dll is unloaded ============= */ void pfnCvar_RegisterEngineVariable( cvar_t *variable ) { Cvar_RegisterVariable( (convar_t *)variable ); } /* ============= pfnCvar_RegisterVariable ============= */ cvar_t *pfnCvar_RegisterClientVariable( const char *szName, const char *szValue, int flags ) { if( FBitSet( flags, FCVAR_GLCONFIG )) return (cvar_t *)Cvar_Get( szName, szValue, flags, va( CVAR_GLCONFIG_DESCRIPTION, szName )); return (cvar_t *)Cvar_Get( szName, szValue, flags|FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, Cvar_BuildAutoDescription( flags|FCVAR_CLIENTDLL )); } /* ============= pfnCvar_RegisterVariable ============= */ cvar_t *pfnCvar_RegisterGameUIVariable( const char *szName, const char *szValue, int flags ) { if( FBitSet( flags, FCVAR_GLCONFIG )) return (cvar_t *)Cvar_Get( szName, szValue, flags, va( CVAR_GLCONFIG_DESCRIPTION, szName )); return (cvar_t *)Cvar_Get( szName, szValue, flags|FCVAR_GAMEUIDLL, Cvar_BuildAutoDescription( flags|FCVAR_GAMEUIDLL )); } /* ============= pfnCVarGetPointer can return NULL ============= */ cvar_t *pfnCVarGetPointer( const char *szVarName ) { return (cvar_t *)Cvar_FindVar( szVarName ); } /* ============= pfnCVarDirectSet allow to set cvar directly ============= */ void pfnCVarDirectSet( cvar_t *var, const char *szValue ) { Cvar_DirectSet( (convar_t *)var, szValue ); } /* ============= COM_CompareFileTime ============= */ int COM_CompareFileTime( const char *filename1, const char *filename2, int *iCompare ) { int bRet = 0; *iCompare = 0; if( filename1 && filename2 ) { long ft1 = FS_FileTime( filename1, false ); long ft2 = FS_FileTime( filename2, false ); // one of files is missing if( ft1 == -1 || ft2 == -1 ) return bRet; *iCompare = Host_CompareFileTime( ft1, ft2 ); bRet = 1; } return bRet; } /* ============= COM_CheckParm ============= */ int COM_CheckParm( char *parm, char **ppnext ) { int i = Sys_CheckParm( parm ); if( ppnext ) { if( i != 0 && i < host.argc - 1 ) *ppnext = (char *)host.argv[i + 1]; else *ppnext = NULL; } return i; } /* ============= pfnTime ============= */ float pfnTime( void ) { return (float)Sys_DoubleTime(); } /* ============= pfnGetGameDir ============= */ void pfnGetGameDir( char *szGetGameDir ) { if( !szGetGameDir ) return; Q_sprintf( szGetGameDir, "%s/%s", host.rootdir, GI->gamefolder ); } qboolean COM_IsSafeFileToDownload( const char *filename ) { char lwrfilename[4096]; const char *first, *last; const char *ext; int i; if( !COM_CheckString( filename )) return false; if( !Q_strncmp( filename, "!MD5", 4 )) return true; Q_strnlwr( filename, lwrfilename, sizeof( lwrfilename )); if( Q_strstr( lwrfilename, "\\" ) || Q_strstr( lwrfilename, ":" ) || Q_strstr( lwrfilename, ".." ) || Q_strstr( lwrfilename, "~" )) return false; if( lwrfilename[0] == '/' ) return false; first = Q_strchr( lwrfilename, '.' ); last = Q_strrchr( lwrfilename, '.' ); if( first == NULL || last == NULL ) return false; if( first != last ) return false; if( Q_strlen( first ) != 4 ) return false; ext = COM_FileExtension( lwrfilename ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( file_exts ); i++ ) { if( !Q_stricmp( ext, file_exts[i] )) return false; } return true; } /* ====================== COMMON EXPORT STUBS ====================== */ /* ============= pfnSequenceGet used by CS:CZ ============= */ void *GAME_EXPORT pfnSequenceGet( const char *fileName, const char *entryName ) { Msg( "Sequence_Get: file %s, entry %s\n", fileName, entryName ); return Sequence_Get( fileName, entryName ); } /* ============= pfnSequencePickSentence used by CS:CZ ============= */ void *GAME_EXPORT pfnSequencePickSentence( const char *groupName, int pickMethod, int *picked ) { Msg( "Sequence_PickSentence: group %s, pickMethod %i\n", groupName, pickMethod ); return Sequence_PickSentence( groupName, pickMethod, picked ); } /* ============= pfnIsCareerMatch used by CS:CZ (client stub) ============= */ int GAME_EXPORT GAME_EXPORT pfnIsCareerMatch( void ) { return 0; } /* ============= pfnRegisterTutorMessageShown only exists in PlayStation version ============= */ void GAME_EXPORT pfnRegisterTutorMessageShown( int mid ) { } /* ============= pfnGetTimesTutorMessageShown only exists in PlayStation version ============= */ int GAME_EXPORT pfnGetTimesTutorMessageShown( int mid ) { return 0; } /* ============= pfnProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer only exists in PlayStation version ============= */ void GAME_EXPORT pfnProcessTutorMessageDecayBuffer( int *buffer, int bufferLength ) { } /* ============= pfnConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer only exists in PlayStation version ============= */ void GAME_EXPORT pfnConstructTutorMessageDecayBuffer( int *buffer, int bufferLength ) { } /* ============= pfnResetTutorMessageDecayData only exists in PlayStation version ============= */ void GAME_EXPORT pfnResetTutorMessageDecayData( void ) { }