/* touch.c - touchscreen support prototype Copyright (C) 2015-2018 mittorn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "input.h" #include "client.h" #include "math.h" #include "vgui_draw.h" #include "mobility_int.h" typedef enum { touch_command, // just tap a button touch_move, // like a joystick stick touch_joy, // like a joystick stick, centered touch_dpad, // only two directions touch_look, // like a touchpad touch_wheel // scroll-like } touchButtonType; typedef enum { state_none = 0, state_edit, state_edit_move } touchState; typedef enum { round_none = 0, round_grid, round_aspect } touchRound; typedef struct touch_button_s { // Touch button type: tap, stick or slider touchButtonType type; // Field of button float x1, y1, x2, y2; // Button texture int texture; rgba_t color; char texturefile[256]; char command[256]; char name[32]; int finger; int flags; float fade; float fadespeed; float fadeend; float aspect; // Double-linked list struct touch_button_s *next; struct touch_button_s *prev; } touch_button_t; typedef struct touchdefaultbutton_s { char name[32]; char texturefile[256]; char command[256]; float x1, y1, x2, y2; rgba_t color; touchRound round; float aspect; int flags; } touchdefaultbutton_t; typedef struct touchbuttonlist_s { touch_button_t *first; touch_button_t *last; } touchbuttonlist_t; static struct touch_s { qboolean initialized; qboolean config_loaded; touchbuttonlist_t list_user, list_edit; poolhandle_t mempool; touchState state; int look_finger; int move_finger; int wheel_finger; touch_button_t *move_button; float move_start_x; float move_start_y; float wheel_amount; string wheel_up; string wheel_down; string wheel_end; int wheel_count; qboolean wheel_horizontal; float forward; float side; float yaw; float pitch; // editing touch_button_t *edit; touch_button_t *selection; touch_button_t *hidebutton; int resize_finger; qboolean showeditbuttons; // other features qboolean clientonly; rgba_t scolor; int swidth; qboolean precision; // textures int whitetexture; int joytexture; // touch indicator qboolean configchanged; float actual_aspect_ratio; // maximum aspect ratio from launch, or aspect ratio when entering editor float config_aspect_ratio; // aspect ratio set by command from config or after entering editor } touch; // private to the engine flags #define TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED BIT( 10 ) touchdefaultbutton_t g_DefaultButtons[256]; int g_LastDefaultButton; static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_in_menu, "0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "draw touch in menu (for internal use only)" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_forwardzone, "0.06", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "forward touch zone" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_sidezone, "0.06", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "side touch zone" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_pitch, "90", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "touch pitch sensitivity" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_yaw, "120", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "touch yaw sensitivity" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_nonlinear_look, "0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "enable nonlinear touch look" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_pow_factor, "1.3", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "set > 1 to enable" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_pow_mult, "400.0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "power multiplier, usually 200-1000" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_exp_mult, "0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "exponent multiplier, usually 20-200, 0 to disable" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_grid_count, "50", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "touch grid count" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_grid_enable, "1", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "enable touch grid" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_config_file, "touch.cfg", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_PRIVILEGED, "current touch profile file" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_precise_amount, "0.5", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "sensitivity multiplier for precise-look" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_highlight_r, "1.0", 0, "highlight r color" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_highlight_g, "1.0", 0, "highlight g color" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_highlight_b, "1.0", 0, "highlight b color" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_highlight_a, "1.0", 0, "highlight alpha" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_dpad_radius, "1.0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "dpad radius multiplier" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_joy_radius, "1.0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "joy radius multiplier" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_move_indicator, "0.0", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "indicate move events (0 to disable)" ); static CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_joy_texture, "touch_default/joy", FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "texture for move indicator"); CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_enable, DEFAULT_TOUCH_ENABLE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "enable touch controls" ); CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( touch_emulate, "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_FILTERABLE, "emulate touch with mouse" ); // code looks smaller with it #define B(x) (button->x) #define SCR_W ((float)refState.width) #define SCR_H ((float)refState.height) #define TO_SCRN_Y(x) (refState.width * (x) * Touch_AspectRatio()) #define TO_SCRN_X(x) (refState.width * (x)) static void IN_TouchCheckCoords( float *x1, float *y1, float *x2, float *y2 ); static void IN_TouchEditClear( void ); static void Touch_InitConfig( void ); void Touch_NotifyResize( void ) { if( refState.width && refState.height && ( !touch.configchanged || !touch.actual_aspect_ratio )) { float aspect_ratio = SCR_H/SCR_W; if( aspect_ratio < 0.99 && aspect_ratio > touch.actual_aspect_ratio ) touch.actual_aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio; } } static inline float Touch_AspectRatio( void ) { if( touch.config_aspect_ratio ) return touch.config_aspect_ratio; else if( touch.actual_aspect_ratio ) return touch.actual_aspect_ratio; else if( refState.width && refState.height ) return SCR_H/SCR_W; else return 9.0f / 16.0f; } static void Touch_ConfigAspectRatio_f( void ) { touch.config_aspect_ratio = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 1 )); } /* ========================== Touch_ExportButtonToConfig writes button data to config returns 0 on success, non-zero on error ========================== */ static inline int Touch_ExportButtonToConfig( file_t *f, touch_button_t *button, qboolean keepAspect ) { string newCommand; int flags = button->flags; if( FBitSet( flags, TOUCH_FL_CLIENT )) return 1; // skip temporary buttons if( FBitSet( flags, TOUCH_FL_DEF_SHOW )) ClearBits( flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ); if( FBitSet( flags, TOUCH_FL_DEF_HIDE )) SetBits( flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ); Cmd_Escape( newCommand, B( command ), sizeof( newCommand )); FS_Printf( f, "touch_addbutton \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d", B(name), B(texturefile), newCommand, B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), B(color[0]), B(color[1]), B(color[2]), B(color[3]), flags ); if( keepAspect ) { float aspect = ( B(y2) - B(y1) ) / ( ( B(x2) - B(x1) ) /(Touch_AspectRatio()) ); FS_Printf( f, " %f\n", aspect ); } else FS_Printf( f, "\n" ); return 0; } /* ================= Touch_DumpConfig Dump config to file ================= */ static qboolean Touch_DumpConfig( const char *name, const char *profilename ) { file_t *f; touch_button_t *button; f = FS_Open( name, "w", true ); if( !f ) { Con_Printf( S_ERROR "Couldn't write %s.\n", name ); return false; } FS_Printf( f, "//=======================================================================\n"); FS_Printf( f, "//\tCopyright FWGS & XashXT group %s (c)\n", Q_timestamp( TIME_YEAR_ONLY )); FS_Printf( f, "//\t\t\ttouchscreen config\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "//=======================================================================\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "\ntouch_config_file \"%s\"\n", profilename ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// touch cvars\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// sensitivity settings\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_pitch \"%f\"\n", touch_pitch.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_yaw \"%f\"\n", touch_yaw.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_forwardzone \"%f\"\n", touch_forwardzone.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_sidezone \"%f\"\n", touch_sidezone.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_nonlinear_look \"%d\"\n", touch_nonlinear_look.value ? 1 : 0 ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_pow_factor \"%f\"\n", touch_pow_factor.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_pow_mult \"%f\"\n", touch_pow_mult.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_exp_mult \"%f\"\n", touch_exp_mult.value ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// grid settings\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_grid_count \"%d\"\n", (int)touch_grid_count.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_grid_enable \"%d\"\n", touch_grid_enable.value ? 1 : 0 ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// global overstroke (width, r, g, b, a)\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_set_stroke %d %d %d %d %d\n", touch.swidth, touch.scolor[0], touch.scolor[1], touch.scolor[2], touch.scolor[3] ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// highlight when pressed\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_highlight_r \"%f\"\n", touch_highlight_r.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_highlight_g \"%f\"\n", touch_highlight_g.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_highlight_b \"%f\"\n", touch_highlight_b.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_highlight_a \"%f\"\n", touch_highlight_a.value ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// _joy and _dpad options\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_dpad_radius \"%f\"\n", touch_dpad_radius.value ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_joy_radius \"%f\"\n", touch_joy_radius.value ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// how much slowdown when Precise Look button pressed\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_precise_amount \"%f\"\n", touch_precise_amount.value ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// enable/disable move indicator\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_move_indicator \"%f\"\n", touch_move_indicator.value ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// reset menu state when execing config\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_setclientonly 0\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "\n// touch buttons\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_removeall\n" ); FS_Printf( f, "touch_aspectratio %f\n", Touch_AspectRatio()); for( button = touch.list_user.first; button; button = button->next ) { Touch_ExportButtonToConfig( f, button, false ); } FS_Close( f ); return true; } /* ================= Touch_WriteConfig save current touch configuration ================= */ void Touch_WriteConfig( void ) { file_t *f; string newconfigfile, oldconfigfile; if( !touch.list_user.first ) return; if( Sys_CheckParm( "-nowriteconfig" ) || !touch.configchanged || !touch.config_loaded ) return; Con_DPrintf( "Touch_WriteConfig(): %s\n", touch_config_file.string ); Q_snprintf( newconfigfile, sizeof( newconfigfile ), "%s.new", touch_config_file.string ); Q_snprintf( oldconfigfile, sizeof( oldconfigfile ), "%s.bak", touch_config_file.string ); if( Touch_DumpConfig( newconfigfile, touch_config_file.string )) { FS_Delete( oldconfigfile ); FS_Rename( touch_config_file.string, oldconfigfile ); FS_Delete( touch_config_file.string ); FS_Rename( newconfigfile, touch_config_file.string ); } } /* ================= Touch_ExportConfig_f export current touch configuration into profile ================= */ static void Touch_ExportConfig_f( void ) { const char *name; string profilename, profilebase; if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_exportconfig <name>\n" ); return; } if( !touch.list_user.first ) return; name = Cmd_Argv( 1 ); if( Q_strstr( name, "touch_presets/" )) { COM_FileBase( name, profilebase, sizeof( profilebase )); Q_snprintf( profilename, sizeof( profilebase ), "touch_profiles/%s (copy).cfg", profilebase ); } else Q_strncpy( profilename, name, sizeof( profilename )); Con_Reportf( "Exporting config to \"%s\", profile name \"%s\"\n", name, profilename ); Touch_DumpConfig( name, profilename ); } /* ================= Touch_GenerateCode_f export current touch configuration into C code ================= */ static void Touch_GenerateCode_f( void ) { touch_button_t *button; rgba_t c = {0,0,0,0}; if( !touch.list_user.first ) return; for( button = touch.list_user.first; button; button = button->next ) { float aspect; int flags = button->flags; if( FBitSet( flags, TOUCH_FL_CLIENT )) continue; // skip temporary buttons if( FBitSet( flags, TOUCH_FL_DEF_SHOW )) ClearBits( flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ); if( FBitSet( flags, TOUCH_FL_DEF_HIDE )) SetBits( flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ); aspect = ( B(y2) - B(y1) ) / ( ( B(x2) - B(x1) ) /(Touch_AspectRatio()) ); if( memcmp( &c, &B(color), sizeof( rgba_t ) ) ) { Con_Printf( "unsigned char color[] = { %d, %d, %d, %d };\n", B(color[0]), B(color[1]), B(color[2]), B(color[3]) ); memcpy( &c, &B(color), sizeof( rgba_t ) ); } Con_Printf( "TOUCH_ADDDEFAULT( \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", %f, %f, %f, %f, color, %d, %f, %d );\n", B(name), B(texturefile), B(command), B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), (B(type) == touch_command)?(fabs( aspect - 1.0f) < 0.0001)?2:1:0, aspect, flags ); } } static void Touch_RoundAll_f( void ) { touch_button_t *button; if( !touch_grid_enable.value ) return; for( button = touch.list_user.first; button; button = button->next ) IN_TouchCheckCoords( &B(x1), &B(y1), &B(x2), &B(y2) ); } static void Touch_ListButtons_f( void ) { touch_button_t *button; Touch_InitConfig(); for( button = touch.list_user.first; button; button = button->next ) { Con_Printf( "%s %s %s %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d\n", B(name), B(texturefile), B(command), B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), B(color[0]), B(color[1]), B(color[2]), B(color[3]), B(flags) ); if( B(flags) & TOUCH_FL_CLIENT) continue; UI_AddTouchButtonToList( B(name), B(texturefile), B(command),B(color), B(flags) ); } touch.configchanged = true; } static void Touch_Stroke_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() != 6 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_set_stroke <width> <r> <g> <b> <a>\n"); return; } touch.swidth = Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ); MakeRGBA( touch.scolor, Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 3 ) ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 4 ) ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 5 ) ) ); } static touch_button_t *Touch_FindButton( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button; for( button = list->first; button; button = button->next ) { if( !privileged && !FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) continue; if( Q_strncmp( button->name, name, sizeof( button->name ))) continue; return button; } return NULL; } static touch_button_t *Touch_FindFirst( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button; for( button = list->first; button; button = button->next ) { if( !privileged && !FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) continue; if(( Q_strchr( name, '*' ) && Q_stricmpext( name, button->name )) || !Q_strncmp( name, button->name, sizeof( button->name ))) { return button; } } return NULL; } void Touch_SetClientOnly( byte state ) { // TODO: fix clash with vgui cursors touch.clientonly = state; touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = -1; touch.forward = touch.side = 0; if( state ) { IN_DeactivateMouse(); } else { IN_ActivateMouse(); } } static void Touch_SetClientOnly_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_setclientonly <state>\n"); return; } Touch_SetClientOnly( Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ))); } static void Touch_RemoveButtonFromList( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button; IN_TouchEditClear(); while(( button = Touch_FindFirst( &touch.list_user, name, privileged ))) { if( button->prev ) button->prev->next = button->next; else list->first = button->next; if( button->next ) button->next->prev = button->prev; else list->last = button->prev; Mem_Free( button ); } } void Touch_RemoveButton( const char *name, qboolean privileged ) { Touch_RemoveButtonFromList( &touch.list_user, name, privileged ); } static void IN_TouchRemoveButton_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_removebutton <button>\n"); return; } Touch_RemoveButton( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged()); } static void Touch_ClearList( touchbuttonlist_t *list ) { while( list->first ) { touch_button_t *remove = list->first; list->first = list->first->next; Mem_Free( remove ); } list->first = list->last = NULL; } static void Touch_RemoveAll_f( void ) { IN_TouchEditClear(); Touch_ClearList( &touch.list_user ); touch.config_aspect_ratio = 0.0f; } static void Touch_SetColor( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, byte *color ) { touch_button_t *button; for( button = list->first; button; button = button->next ) { if(( Q_strchr( name, '*' ) && Q_stricmpext( name, button->name )) || !Q_strncmp( name, button->name, sizeof( button->name ))) MakeRGBA( button->color, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] ); } } static void Touch_SetTexture( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, const char *texture, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button = Touch_FindButton( list, name, privileged ); if( !button ) return; button->texture = -1; // mark for texture load Q_strncpy( button->texturefile, texture, sizeof( button->texturefile )); } static void Touch_SetCommand( touch_button_t *button, const char *command ) { Q_strncpy( button->command, command, sizeof( button->command )); if( !Q_strcmp( command, "_look" )) button->type = touch_look; else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "_move" )) button->type = touch_move; else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "_joy" )) button->type = touch_joy; else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "_dpad" )) button->type = touch_dpad; else if( Q_stricmpext( "_wheel *", command ) || Q_stricmpext( "_hwheel *", command )) button->type = touch_wheel; } void Touch_HideButtons( const char *name, byte hide, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button; for( button = touch.list_user.first; button; button = button->next) { if( !privileged && !FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) continue; if(( Q_strchr( name, '*' ) && Q_stricmpext( name, button->name )) || !Q_strncmp( name, button->name, sizeof( button->name ))) { if( hide ) SetBits( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ); else ClearBits( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ); } } } static void Touch_ToggleSelection_f( void ) { if( touch.selection ) touch.selection->flags ^= TOUCH_FL_HIDE; } static void Touch_Hide_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_hide <button>\n"); return; } Touch_HideButtons( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), true, Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged() ); } static void Touch_Show_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_show <button>\n"); return; } Touch_HideButtons( Cmd_Argv( 1 ), false, Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged() ); } static void Touch_FadeButtons( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, float speed, float end, float start, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button; for( button = list->first; button; button = button->next) { if( !privileged && !FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) continue; if(( Q_strchr( name, '*' ) && Q_stricmpext( name, button->name )) || !Q_strncmp( name, button->name, sizeof( button->name ))) { if( start >= 0 ) button->fade = start; button->fadespeed = speed; button->fadeend = end; } } } static void Touch_Fade_f( void ) { float start = -1; if( Cmd_Argc() == 5 ) { start = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 4 ) ); } else if( Cmd_Argc() != 4 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_fade <button> <speed> <end> [start]\n"); return; } Touch_FadeButtons( &touch.list_user,Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 2 )), Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 3 )), start, Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged() ); } static void Touch_SetColor_f( void ) { rgba_t color; if( Cmd_Argc() == 6 ) { MakeRGBA( color, Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv(2) ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv(3) ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv(4) ), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv(5) ) ); Touch_SetColor( &touch.list_user, Cmd_Argv(1), color ); return; } Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_setcolor <pattern> <r> <g> <b> <a>\n" ); } static void Touch_SetTexture_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() == 3 ) { Touch_SetTexture( &touch.list_user, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ), Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged() ); return; } Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_settexture <name> <file>\n" ); } static void Touch_SetFlags_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() == 3 ) { qboolean privileged = Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged(); touch_button_t *button = Touch_FindButton( &touch.list_user, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), privileged ); if( button ) { button->flags = ( privileged ? 0 : TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED | TOUCH_FL_CLIENT ) | Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 )); } return; } Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_setflags <name> <file>\n" ); } static void Touch_SetCommand_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() == 3 ) { touch_button_t *button = Touch_FindButton( &touch.list_user, Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged() ); if( !button ) Con_Printf( S_ERROR "no such button" ); else Touch_SetCommand( button, Cmd_Argv( 2 ) ); return; } Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_setcommand <name> <command>\n" ); } static void Touch_LoadDefaults_f( void ); static void Touch_ReloadConfig_f( void ) { touch.state = state_none; if( touch.edit ) touch.edit->finger = -1; if( touch.selection ) touch.selection->finger = -1; touch.edit = touch.selection = NULL; touch.resize_finger = touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = touch.wheel_finger = -1; if( FS_FileExists( touch_config_file.string, true ) ) { Cbuf_AddTextf( "exec \"%s\"\n", touch_config_file.string ); } else { Touch_LoadDefaults_f(); touch.configchanged = true; } } static touch_button_t *Touch_AddButton( touchbuttonlist_t *list, const char *name, const char *texture, const char *command, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, byte *color, qboolean privileged ) { touch_button_t *button = Mem_Calloc( touch.mempool, sizeof( touch_button_t ) ); button->texture = -1; Q_strncpy( button->texturefile, texture, sizeof( B( texturefile ))); Q_strncpy( button->name, name, sizeof( B( name ))); Touch_RemoveButtonFromList( list, name, privileged ); //replace if exist button->x1 = x1; button->y1 = y1; button->x2 = x2; button->y2 = y2; button->flags = privileged ? 0 : TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED | TOUCH_FL_CLIENT; MakeRGBA( button->color, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] ); button->command[0] = 0; button->fade = 1; Touch_SetCommand( button, command ); button->finger = -1; button->next = NULL; button->prev = list->last; if( list->last ) list->last->next = button; list->last = button; if( !list->first ) list->first = button; return button; } void Touch_AddClientButton( const char *name, const char *texture, const char *command, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, byte *color, int round, float aspect, int flags ) { touch_button_t *button; if( !touch.initialized ) return; if( round ) IN_TouchCheckCoords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ); if( round == round_aspect ) { y2 = y1 + ( x2 - x1 ) / (Touch_AspectRatio()) * aspect; } button = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_user, name, texture, command, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, true ); button->flags |= flags | TOUCH_FL_CLIENT | TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT; button->aspect = aspect; } static void Touch_LoadDefaults_f( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < g_LastDefaultButton; i++ ) { touch_button_t *button; float x1 = g_DefaultButtons[i].x1, y1 = g_DefaultButtons[i].y1, x2 = g_DefaultButtons[i].x2, y2 = g_DefaultButtons[i].y2; IN_TouchCheckCoords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ); if( g_DefaultButtons[i].aspect && g_DefaultButtons[i].round == round_aspect ) { if( g_DefaultButtons[i].texturefile[0] == '#' ) y2 = y1 + ( (float)clgame.scrInfo.iCharHeight / (float)clgame.scrInfo.iHeight ) * g_DefaultButtons[i].aspect + touch.swidth*2/SCR_H; else y2 = y1 + (( x2 - x1 ) / Touch_AspectRatio()) * g_DefaultButtons[i].aspect; } IN_TouchCheckCoords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ); button = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_user, g_DefaultButtons[i].name, g_DefaultButtons[i].texturefile, g_DefaultButtons[i].command, x1, y1, x2, y2, g_DefaultButtons[i].color, true ); button->flags |= g_DefaultButtons[i].flags; button->aspect = g_DefaultButtons[i].aspect; } touch.configchanged = true; } // Add default button from client void Touch_AddDefaultButton( const char *name, const char *texturefile, const char *command, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, byte *color, int round, float aspect, int flags ) { touchdefaultbutton_t *button; if( g_LastDefaultButton >= 255 ) return; button = g_DefaultButtons + g_LastDefaultButton; Q_strncpy( B( name ), name, sizeof( B( name ))); Q_strncpy( B( texturefile ), texturefile, sizeof( B( texturefile ))); Q_strncpy( B( command ), command, sizeof( B( command ))); B( x1 ) = x1; B( y1 ) = y1; B( x2 ) = x2; B( y2 ) = y2; MakeRGBA( B( color ), color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] ); B( round ) = round; B( aspect ) = aspect; B( flags ) = flags; g_LastDefaultButton++; } // Client may remove all default buttons from engine void Touch_ResetDefaultButtons( void ) { g_LastDefaultButton = 0; } static void Touch_AddButton_f( void ) { rgba_t color; int argc = Cmd_Argc( ); touch_button_t *button = NULL; const char *name, *texture, *command; float x1, y1, x2, y2; qboolean privileged = Cmd_CurrentCommandIsPrivileged(); if( argc < 4 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_addbutton <name> <texture> <command> [<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> [ r g b a ] ]\n" ); return; } name = Cmd_Argv( 1 ); texture = Cmd_Argv( 2 ); command = Cmd_Argv( 3 ); if( argc < 8 ) { x1 = y1 = 0.4f; x2 = y2 = 0.6f; } else { x1 = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 4 )); y1 = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 5 )); x2 = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 6 )); y2 = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 7 )); } if( argc < 12 ) { MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } else { MakeRGBA( color, Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 8 )), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 9 )), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 10 )), Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 11 ))); } button = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_user, name, texture, command, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, privileged ); if( argc >= 13 ) { SetBits( button->flags, Q_atoi( Cmd_Argv( 12 ))); } if( argc >= 14 ) { // Recalculate button coordinates aspect ratio // This is feature for distributed configs float aspect = Q_atof( Cmd_Argv( 13 )); if( aspect ) { if( B( texturefile )[0] != '#' ) B( y2 ) = B( y1 ) + (( B( x2 ) - B( x1 )) / Touch_AspectRatio() ) * aspect; B( aspect ) = aspect; } } } static void Touch_EnableEdit_f( void ) { touch_button_t *button; float current_ratio = SCR_H/SCR_W; if( touch.state == state_none ) touch.state = state_edit; touch.resize_finger = touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = touch.wheel_finger = -1; touch.move_button = NULL; touch.configchanged = true; /* try determine the best ratio * User enters editor. Window now have correct size. Need to fix aspect ratio in some cases */ // Case A: no config was loaded, touch was generated with lower height, but window was resized higher, reset it to actual size if( touch.actual_aspect_ratio > current_ratio ) touch.actual_aspect_ratio = current_ratio; if( !touch.config_aspect_ratio ) touch.config_aspect_ratio = touch.actual_aspect_ratio; // Case B: config was loaded, but window may be resized later, so keep y coordinate as is touch.actual_aspect_ratio = current_ratio; // convert coordinates to actual aspect ratio after it was updated if( touch.config_aspect_ratio != touch.actual_aspect_ratio ) { for( button = touch.list_user.first; button; button = button->next ) { B(y1) /= touch.actual_aspect_ratio / touch.config_aspect_ratio; B(y2) /= touch.actual_aspect_ratio / touch.config_aspect_ratio; // clamp positions to make buttons visible by user if( B(y2) > 1.0f ) { B(y1) -= B(y2) - 1.0f; B(y2) -= B(y2) - 1.0f; } } touch.config_aspect_ratio = touch.actual_aspect_ratio; } } static void Touch_DisableEdit_f( void ) { touch.state = state_none; if( touch.edit ) touch.edit->finger = -1; if( touch.selection ) touch.selection->finger = -1; touch.edit = touch.selection = NULL; touch.resize_finger = touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = touch.wheel_finger = -1; if( touch_in_menu.value ) { Cvar_Set( "touch_in_menu", "0" ); } else if( cls.key_dest == key_game ) Touch_WriteConfig(); } static void Touch_DeleteProfile_f( void ) { if( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Con_Printf( S_USAGE "touch_deleteprofile <name>\n" ); return; } // delete profile FS_Delete( va( "touch_profiles/%s.cfg", Cmd_Argv( 1 ))); } static void Touch_InitEditor( void ) { float x = 0.1f * (Touch_AspectRatio()); float y = 0.05f; touch_button_t *temp; rgba_t color; MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); Touch_ClearList( &touch.list_edit ); temp = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_edit, "close", "touch_default/edit_close", "touch_disableedit", 0, y, x, y + 0.1f, color, true ); SetBits( temp->flags, TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT ); temp = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_edit, "close", "#Close and save", "", x, y, x + 0.2f, y + 0.1f, color, true ); SetBits( temp->flags, TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT ); y += 0.2f; temp = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_edit, "cancel", "touch_default/edit_reset", "touch_reloadconfig", 0, y, x, y + 0.1f, color, true ); SetBits( temp->flags, TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT ); temp = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_edit, "close", "#Cancel and reset", "", x, y, x + 0.2f, y + 0.1f, color, true ); SetBits( temp->flags, TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT ); y += 0.2f; touch.hidebutton = Touch_AddButton( &touch.list_edit, "showhide", "touch_default/edit_hide", "touch_toggleselection", 0, y, x, y + 0.1f, color, true ); SetBits( touch.hidebutton->flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE | TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT ); } void Touch_Init( void ) { rgba_t color; if( touch.initialized ) return; touch.mempool = Mem_AllocPool( "Touch" ); //touch.first = touch.last = NULL; Con_Printf( "IN_TouchInit()\n"); touch.move_finger = touch.resize_finger = touch.look_finger = touch.wheel_finger = -1; touch.state = state_none; touch.showeditbuttons = true; touch.clientonly = false; touch.precision = false; MakeRGBA( touch.scolor, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); touch.swidth = 1; g_LastDefaultButton = 0; touch.list_edit.first = touch.list_edit.last = NULL; touch.list_user.first = touch.list_user.last = NULL; // fill default buttons list MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "look", "", "_look", 0.500000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 1, color, 0, 0, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "move", "", "_move", 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 1, color, 0, 0, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "invnext", "touch_default/next_weap", "invnext", 0.000000, 0.530200, 0.120000, 0.757428, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "invprev", "touch_default/prev_weap", "invprev", 0.000000, 0.075743, 0.120000, 0.302971, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "use", "touch_default/use", "+use", 0.880000, 0.454457, 1.000000, 0.681685, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "jump", "touch_default/jump", "+jump", 0.880000, 0.227228, 1.000000, 0.454457, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "attack", "touch_default/shoot", "+attack", 0.760000, 0.530200, 0.880000, 0.757428, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "attack2", "touch_default/shoot_alt", "+attack2", 0.760000, 0.302971, 0.880000, 0.530200, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "loadquick", "touch_default/load", "loadquick", 0.680000, 0.000000, 0.760000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 16 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "savequick", "touch_default/save", "savequick", 0.760000, 0.000000, 0.840000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 16 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "messagemode", "touch_default/keyboard", "messagemode", 0.760000, 0.000000, 0.840000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 8 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "reload", "touch_default/reload", "+reload", 0.000000, 0.302971, 0.120000, 0.530200, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "flashlight", "touch_default/flash_light_filled", "impulse 100", 0.920000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "scores", "touch_default/map", "+showscores", 0.680000, 0.000000, 0.760000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 8 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "show_numbers", "touch_default/show_weapons", "exec touch_default/numbers.cfg", 0.440000, 0.833171, 0.520000, 0.984656, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "duck", "touch_default/crouch", "+duck", 0.880000, 0.757428, 1.000000, 0.984656, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "tduck", "touch_default/tduck", ";+duck", 0.560000, 0.833171, 0.620000, 0.946785, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "edit", "touch_default/settings", "touch_enableedit", 0.420000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 32 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "menu", "touch_default/menu", "escape", 0.000000, 0.833171, 0.080000, 0.984656, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Touch_AddDefaultButton( "spray", "touch_default/spray", "impulse 201", 0.840000, 0.000000, 0.920000, 0.151486, color, 2, 1, 0 ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_addbutton", Touch_AddButton_f, "add native touch button" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_removebutton", IN_TouchRemoveButton_f, "remove native touch button" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_enableedit", Touch_EnableEdit_f, "enable button editing mode" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_disableedit", Touch_DisableEdit_f, "disable button editing mode" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_settexture", Touch_SetTexture_f, "change button texture" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_setcolor", Touch_SetColor_f, "change button color" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_setcommand", Touch_SetCommand_f, "change button command" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_setflags", Touch_SetFlags_f, "change button flags (be careful)" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_show", Touch_Show_f, "show button" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_hide", Touch_Hide_f, "hide button" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_list", Touch_ListButtons_f, "list buttons" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_removeall", Touch_RemoveAll_f, "remove all buttons" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_loaddefaults", Touch_LoadDefaults_f, "generate config from defaults" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_roundall", Touch_RoundAll_f, "round all buttons coordinates to grid" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_exportconfig", Touch_ExportConfig_f, "export config keeping aspect ratio" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_set_stroke", Touch_Stroke_f, "set global stroke width and color" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_setclientonly", Touch_SetClientOnly_f, "when 1, only client buttons are shown" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_reloadconfig", Touch_ReloadConfig_f, "load config, not saving changes" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_writeconfig", Touch_WriteConfig, "save current config" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_deleteprofile", Touch_DeleteProfile_f, "delete profile by name" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_generate_code", Touch_GenerateCode_f, "create code sample for mobility API" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "touch_fade", Touch_Fade_f, "start fade animation for selected buttons" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_toggleselection", Touch_ToggleSelection_f, "toggle vidibility on selected button in editor" ); Cmd_AddRestrictedCommand( "touch_aspectratio", Touch_ConfigAspectRatio_f, "set current aspect ratio" ); // not saved, just runtime state for scripting Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_in_menu ); // sensitivity configuration Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_forwardzone ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_sidezone ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_pitch ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_yaw ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_nonlinear_look ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_pow_factor ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_pow_mult ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_exp_mult ); // touch.cfg Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_grid_count ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_grid_enable ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_config_file ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_precise_amount ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_highlight_r ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_highlight_g ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_highlight_b ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_highlight_a ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_dpad_radius ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_joy_radius ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_move_indicator ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_joy_texture ); // input devices cvar Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_enable ); Cvar_RegisterVariable( &touch_emulate ); // TODO: touch platform #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST( 2, 0, 10 ) SDL_SetHint( SDL_HINT_MOUSE_TOUCH_EVENTS, "0" ); SDL_SetHint( SDL_HINT_TOUCH_MOUSE_EVENTS, "0" ); #elif defined(SDL_HINT_ANDROID_SEPARATE_MOUSE_AND_TOUCH) SDL_SetHint( SDL_HINT_ANDROID_SEPARATE_MOUSE_AND_TOUCH, "1" ); #endif touch.initialized = true; } //int pfnGetScreenInfo( SCREENINFO *pscrinfo ); static void Touch_InitConfig( void ) { if( !touch.initialized ) return; if( !host.config_executed ) return; if( touch.config_loaded ) return; /// TODO: hud font //pfnGetScreenInfo( NULL ); //HACK: update hud screen parameters like iHeight if( FS_FileExists( touch_config_file.string, true ) ) { Cbuf_AddTextf( "exec \"%s\"\n", touch_config_file.string ); Cbuf_Execute(); } else { Touch_LoadDefaults_f(); } Touch_InitEditor(); touch.joytexture = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( touch_joy_texture.string, NULL, 0, TF_NOMIPMAP ); touch.whitetexture = R_GetBuiltinTexture( REF_WHITE_TEXTURE ); touch.configchanged = false; touch.config_loaded = true; } /* ============================================================================ TOUCH CONTROLS RENDERING ============================================================================ */ static qboolean Touch_IsVisible( touch_button_t *button ) { if( !FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_CLIENT ) && touch.clientonly ) return false; // skip nonclient buttons in clientonly mode if( touch.state >= state_edit ) return true; //!!! Draw when editor is open if( FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE )) return false; // skip hidden if( FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_SP ) && CL_GetMaxClients() != 1 ) return false; // skip singleplayer(load, save) buttons in multiplayer if( FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_MP ) && CL_GetMaxClients() == 1 ) return false; // skip multiplayer buttons in singleplayer return true; } static void Touch_DrawTexture ( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int texture, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a ) { if( x1 >= x2 ) return; if( y1 >= y2 ) return; ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( r, g, b, a ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(x1), TO_SCRN_Y(y1), TO_SCRN_X(x2 - x1), TO_SCRN_Y(y2 - y1), 0, 0, 1, 1, texture ); } #define GRID_COUNT_X ((int)touch_grid_count.value) #define GRID_COUNT_Y (((int)touch_grid_count.value) * Touch_AspectRatio()) #define GRID_X (1.0f/GRID_COUNT_X) #define GRID_Y (1.0f/Touch_AspectRatio()/GRID_COUNT_X) #define GRID_ROUND_X(x) ((float)round( x * GRID_COUNT_X ) / GRID_COUNT_X) #define GRID_ROUND_Y(x) ((float)round( x * GRID_COUNT_Y ) / GRID_COUNT_Y) static void IN_TouchCheckCoords( float *x1, float *y1, float *x2, float *y2 ) { /// TODO: grid check here if( *x2 - *x1 < GRID_X * 2 ) *x2 = *x1 + GRID_X * 2; if( *y2 - *y1 < GRID_Y * 2) *y2 = *y1 + GRID_Y * 2; if( *x1 < 0 ) *x2 -= *x1, *x1 = 0; if( *y1 < 0 ) *y2 -= *y1, *y1 = 0; if( *y2 > 1 ) *y1 -= *y2 - 1, *y2 = 1; if( *x2 > 1 ) *x1 -= *x2 - 1, *x2 = 1; if( touch_grid_enable.value ) { *x1 = GRID_ROUND_X( *x1 ); *x2 = GRID_ROUND_X( *x2 ); *y1 = GRID_ROUND_Y( *y1 ); *y2 = GRID_ROUND_Y( *y2 ); } } static float Touch_DrawCharacter( float x, float y, int number, float size ) { float s1, s2, t1, t2, width, height; int w, h; wrect_t *prc; if( !cls.creditsFont.valid ) return 0; number &= 255; number = Con_UtfProcessChar( number ); R_GetTextureParms( &w, &h, cls.creditsFont.hFontTexture ); prc = &cls.creditsFont.fontRc[number]; s1 = ((float)prc->left) / (float)w; t1 = ((float)prc->top) / (float)h; s2 = ((float)prc->right) / (float)w; t2 = ((float)prc->bottom) / (float)h; width = ((float)( prc->right - prc->left )) / 1024.0f * size; height = ((float)( prc->bottom - prc->top )) / 1024.0f * size; ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(x), TO_SCRN_Y(y), TO_SCRN_X(width), TO_SCRN_X(height), s1, t1, s2, t2, cls.creditsFont.hFontTexture ); return width; } static float Touch_DrawText( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, const char *s, byte *color, float size ) { float x = x1; float maxy = y2; float maxx; if( x2 ) maxx = x2 - cls.creditsFont.charWidths['M'] / 1024.0f * size; else maxx = 1; if( !cls.creditsFont.valid ) return GRID_X * 2; Con_UtfProcessChar( 0 ); ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAdd ); // text is additive and alpha does not work ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( color[0] * ( (float)color[3] /255.0f ), color[1] * ( (float)color[3] /255.0f ), color[2] * ( (float)color[3] /255.0f ), 255 ); while( *s ) { while( *s && ( *s != '\n' ) && ( *s != ';' ) && ( x1 < maxx ) ) x1 += Touch_DrawCharacter( x1, y1, *s++, size ); y1 += cls.creditsFont.charHeight / 1024.f * size / Touch_AspectRatio(); if( y1 >= maxy ) break; if( *s == '\n' || *s == ';' ) s++; x1 = x; } ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); return x1; } static void Touch_DrawButtons( touchbuttonlist_t *list ) { touch_button_t *button; for( button = list->first; button; button = button->next ) { if( Touch_IsVisible( button ) ) { rgba_t color; MakeRGBA( color, B( color[0] ), B( color[1] ), B( color[2] ), B( color[3] ) ); if( B( fadespeed ) ) { button->fade += B( fadespeed ) * host.frametime; button->fade = bound( 0, B(fade), 1 ); if( ( B( fade ) == 0 ) || ( B(fade) == 1 ) ) B( fadespeed ) = 0; if( ( ( B( fade ) >= B( fadeend ) ) && ( B( fadespeed ) > 0 ) ) || ( ( B( fade ) <= B( fadeend ) ) && ( B( fadespeed ) < 0 ) ) ) B( fadespeed ) = 0, B( fade ) = B( fadeend ) ; } if( ( B( finger ) != -1 ) && !FBitSet( B( flags ), TOUCH_FL_CLIENT ) ) { color[0] = bound( 0,(float) color[0] * touch_highlight_r.value, 255 ); color[1] = bound( 0,(float) color[1] * touch_highlight_g.value, 255 ); color[2] = bound( 0,(float) color[2] * touch_highlight_b.value, 255 ); color[3] = bound( 0,(float) color[3] * touch_highlight_a.value, 255 ); } color[3] *= B( fade ); if( button->texturefile[0] == '#' ) Touch_DrawText( touch.swidth/SCR_W + B(x1), touch.swidth/SCR_H + B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), button->texturefile + 1, color, B( aspect )?B(aspect):1 ); else if( button->texturefile[0] ) { if( button->texture == -1 ) { button->texture = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( button->texturefile, NULL, 0, TF_NOMIPMAP ); } if( FBitSet( B(flags), TOUCH_FL_DRAW_ADDITIVE )) ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransAdd ); Touch_DrawTexture( B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), B(texture), color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3] ); ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); } if( FBitSet( B(flags), TOUCH_FL_STROKE )) { ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( touch.scolor[0], touch.scolor[1], touch.scolor[2], touch.scolor[3] * B( fade ) ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(B(x1)), TO_SCRN_Y(B(y1)), touch.swidth, TO_SCRN_Y(B(y2)-B(y1)) - touch.swidth, 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(B(x1)) + touch.swidth, TO_SCRN_Y(B(y1)), TO_SCRN_X(B(x2)-B(x1)) - touch.swidth, touch.swidth, 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(B(x2))-touch.swidth, TO_SCRN_Y(B(y1)) + touch.swidth, touch.swidth, TO_SCRN_Y(B(y2)-B(y1)) - touch.swidth, 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(B(x1)), TO_SCRN_Y(B(y2))-touch.swidth, TO_SCRN_X(B(x2)-B(x1)) - touch.swidth, touch.swidth, 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture ); ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); } } if( touch.state >= state_edit && !( button->flags & TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT ) ) { rgba_t color; if( !FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE ) ) Touch_DrawTexture( B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), touch.whitetexture, 255, 255, 0, 32 ); else Touch_DrawTexture( B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), touch.whitetexture, 128, 128, 128, 128 ); MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255,127, 255 ); Con_DrawString( TO_SCRN_X( B(x1) ), TO_SCRN_Y( B(y1) ), B(name), color ); } } } void Touch_Draw( void ) { touch_button_t *button; if( !touch.initialized || ( !touch_enable.value && !touch.clientonly )) return; if( cls.key_dest != key_game && !touch_in_menu.value ) return; Touch_InitConfig(); ref.dllFuncs.GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture ); if( touch.state >= state_edit && touch_grid_enable.value ) { float x; if( touch_in_menu.value ) Touch_DrawTexture( 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture, 32, 32, 32, 255 ); else Touch_DrawTexture( 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture, 0, 0, 0, 112 ); ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 0, 224, 224, 112 ); for( x = 0; x < 1 ; x += GRID_X ) ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X(x), 0, 1, TO_SCRN_Y(1), 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture ); for( x = 0; x < 1 ; x += GRID_Y ) ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( 0, TO_SCRN_Y(x), TO_SCRN_X(1), 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.whitetexture ); } Touch_DrawButtons( &touch.list_user ); if( touch.state >= state_edit ) { rgba_t color; MakeRGBA( color, 255, 255, 255, 255 ); if( touch.edit ) { float x1 = touch.edit->x1, y1 = touch.edit->y1, x2 = touch.edit->x2, y2 = touch.edit->y2; IN_TouchCheckCoords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 ); Touch_DrawTexture( x1, y1, x2, y2, touch.whitetexture, 0, 255, 0, 32 ); } Touch_DrawTexture( 0, 0, GRID_X, GRID_Y, touch.whitetexture, 255, 255, 255, 64 ); if( touch.showeditbuttons ) Touch_DrawButtons( &touch.list_edit ); /// TODO: move to mainui if( touch.selection ) { button = touch.selection; Touch_DrawTexture( B(x1), B(y1), B(x2), B(y2), touch.whitetexture, 255, 0, 0, 64 ); Con_DrawString( 0, TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y * 11), "Selection:", color ); Con_DrawString( Con_DrawString( 0, TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y*12), "Name: ", color ), TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y*12), B(name), color ); Con_DrawString( Con_DrawString( 0, TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y*13), "Texture: ", color ), TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y*13), B(texturefile), color ); Con_DrawString( Con_DrawString( 0, TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y*14), "Command: ", color ), TO_SCRN_Y(GRID_Y*14), B(command), color ); } } ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); if( ( touch.move_finger != -1 ) && touch.move_button && touch_move_indicator.value ) { float width; float height; if( FBitSet( touch_joy_texture.flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ) ) { ClearBits( touch_joy_texture.flags, FCVAR_CHANGED ); touch.joytexture = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( touch_joy_texture.string, NULL, 0, TF_NOMIPMAP ); } if( touch.move_button->type == touch_move ) { width = touch_sidezone.value; height = touch_forwardzone.value; } else { width = (touch.move_button->x2 - touch.move_button->x1)/2; height = (touch.move_button->y2 - touch.move_button->y1)/2; } ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 128 ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X( touch.move_start_x - GRID_X * touch_move_indicator.value ), TO_SCRN_Y( touch.move_start_y - GRID_Y * touch_move_indicator.value ), TO_SCRN_X( GRID_X * 2 * touch_move_indicator.value ), TO_SCRN_Y( GRID_Y * 2 * touch_move_indicator.value ), 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.joytexture ); ref.dllFuncs.Color4ub( 255, 255, 255, 255 ); ref.dllFuncs.R_DrawStretchPic( TO_SCRN_X( touch.move_start_x + touch.side * width - GRID_X * touch_move_indicator.value ), TO_SCRN_Y( touch.move_start_y - touch.forward * height - GRID_Y * touch_move_indicator.value ), TO_SCRN_X( GRID_X * 2 * touch_move_indicator.value ), TO_SCRN_Y( GRID_Y * 2 * touch_move_indicator.value ), 0, 0, 1, 1, touch.joytexture ); } } // clear move and selection state static void IN_TouchEditClear( void ) { // allow keep move/look fingers when doing touch_removeall //touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = -1; if( touch.state < state_edit ) return; touch.state = state_edit; if( touch.edit ) touch.edit->finger = -1; touch.resize_finger = -1; touch.edit = NULL; touch.selection = NULL; } static void Touch_EditMove( touchEventType type, int fingerID, float x, float y, float dx, float dy ) { if( touch.edit->finger == fingerID ) { if( type == event_up ) // shutdown button move { touch_button_t *button = touch.edit; IN_TouchCheckCoords( &B(x1), &B(y1), &B(x2), &B(y2) ); IN_TouchEditClear(); if( button->type == touch_command ) { touch.selection = button; // update "hide" editor button touch.hidebutton->texture = -1; touch.hidebutton->flags &= ~TOUCH_FL_HIDE; if( FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_HIDE )) Q_strncpy( touch.hidebutton->texturefile, "touch_default/edit_show", sizeof( touch.hidebutton->texturefile )); else Q_strncpy( touch.hidebutton->texturefile, "touch_default/edit_hide", sizeof( touch.hidebutton->texturefile )); } } if( type == event_motion ) // shutdown button move { touch.edit->y1 += dy; touch.edit->y2 += dy; touch.edit->x1 += dx; touch.edit->x2 += dx; } } else { if( type == event_down ) // enable resizing { if( touch.resize_finger == -1 ) { touch.resize_finger = fingerID; } } if( type == event_up ) // disable resizing { if( touch.resize_finger == fingerID ) { touch.resize_finger = -1; } } if( type == event_motion ) // perform resizing { if( touch.resize_finger == fingerID ) { touch.edit->y2 += dy; touch.edit->x2 += dx; } } } } static void Touch_Motion( touchEventType type, int fingerID, float x, float y, float dx, float dy ) { // process wheel if( fingerID == touch.wheel_finger ) { touch.wheel_amount += touch.wheel_horizontal ? dx : dy; if( touch.wheel_amount > 0.1f ) { Cbuf_AddText( touch.wheel_down ); touch.wheel_count++; touch.wheel_amount = 0; } if( touch.wheel_amount < -0.1f ) { Cbuf_AddText( touch.wheel_up ); touch.wheel_count++; touch.wheel_amount = 0; } return; } // walk if( fingerID == touch.move_finger ) { // check bounds if( touch_forwardzone.value <= 0 ) Cvar_SetValue( "touch_forwardzone", 0.5 ); if( touch_sidezone.value <= 0 ) Cvar_SetValue( "touch_sidezone", 0.3 ); if( !touch.move_button || touch.move_button->type == touch_move ) { // move relative to touch start touch.forward = ( touch.move_start_y - y ) / touch_forwardzone.value; touch.side = ( x - touch.move_start_x ) / touch_sidezone.value; } else if( touch.move_button->type == touch_joy ) { // move relative to joy center touch.forward = ( ( touch.move_button->y2 + touch.move_button->y1 ) - y * 2 ) / ( touch.move_button->y2 - touch.move_button->y1 ) * touch_joy_radius.value; touch.side = ( x * 2 - ( touch.move_button->x2 + touch.move_button->x1 ) ) / ( touch.move_button->x2 - touch.move_button->x1 ) * touch_joy_radius.value; } else if( touch.move_button->type == touch_dpad ) { // like joy, but without acceleration. useful for bhop touch.forward = round( ( (touch.move_button->y2 + touch.move_button->y1) - y * 2 ) / ( touch.move_button->y2 - touch.move_button->y1 ) * touch_dpad_radius.value ); touch.side = round( ( x * 2 - (touch.move_button->x2 + touch.move_button->x1) ) / ( touch.move_button->x2 - touch.move_button->x1 ) * touch_dpad_radius.value ); } touch.forward = bound( -1, touch.forward, 1 ); touch.side = bound( -1, touch.side, 1 ); } // process look if( fingerID == touch.look_finger ) { if( touch.precision ) dx *= touch_precise_amount.value, dy *= touch_precise_amount.value; if( touch_nonlinear_look.value ) { float dabs, dcos, dsin; // save angle, modify only velocity dabs = sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy ); if( dabs < 0.000001f ) return; // no motion, avoid division by zero dcos = dx / dabs; dsin = dy / dabs; if( touch_exp_mult.value > 1 ) dabs = ( exp( dabs * touch_exp_mult.value ) - 1 ) / touch_exp_mult.value; if( touch_pow_mult.value > 1 && touch_pow_factor.value > 1 ) dabs = pow( dabs * touch_pow_mult.value, touch_pow_factor.value ) / touch_pow_mult.value; dx = dabs * dcos; dy = dabs * dsin; } // prevent breaking engine/client with bad values if( IS_NAN( dx ) || IS_NAN( dy ) ) return; // accumulate touch.yaw -= dx * touch_yaw.value, touch.pitch += dy * touch_pitch.value; } } static qboolean Touch_ButtonPress( touchbuttonlist_t *list, touchEventType type, int fingerID, float x, float y, float dx, float dy ) { touch_button_t *button; qboolean result = false; // run from end(front) to start(back) for( button = list->last; button; button = button->prev ) { // skip invisible buttons if( !Touch_IsVisible( button ) ) continue; if( type == event_down ) { // button bounds check if( ( x > button->x1 && x < button->x2 ) && ( y < button->y2 && y > button->y1 ) ) { button->finger = fingerID; if( button->type == touch_command ) { char command[256]; // command down: just execute command Q_snprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "%s\n", button->command ); if( FBitSet( B( flags ), TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) Cbuf_AddFilteredText( command ); else Cbuf_AddText( command ); // increase precision if( FBitSet( B(flags), TOUCH_FL_PRECISION )) touch.precision = true; result = true; } if( button->type == touch_wheel ) { string command; touch.wheel_finger = fingerID; touch.wheel_amount = touch.wheel_count = 0; Cmd_TokenizeString( button->command ); touch.wheel_horizontal = !Q_strcmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "_hwheel" ); Q_snprintf( touch.wheel_up, sizeof( touch.wheel_up ), "%s\n", Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ); Q_snprintf( touch.wheel_down, sizeof( touch.wheel_down ), "%s\n", Cmd_Argv( 2 ) ); Q_snprintf( touch.wheel_end, sizeof( touch.wheel_end ), "%s\n", Cmd_Argv( 3 ) ); if( Q_snprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "%s\n", Cmd_Argv( 4 ) ) > 1) { if( FBitSet( B( flags ), TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) Cbuf_AddFilteredText( command ); else Cbuf_AddText( command ); touch.wheel_count++; } // increase precision if( FBitSet( B(flags), TOUCH_FL_PRECISION )) touch.precision = true; result = true; } // initialize motion when player touched motion zone if( button->type == touch_move || button->type == touch_joy || button->type == touch_dpad ) { if( touch.move_finger !=-1 ) { // prevent initializing move while already moving // revert finger switch, leave first finger button->finger = touch.move_finger; continue; } result = true; if( touch.look_finger == fingerID ) { touch_button_t *newbutton; // this is an error, try recover touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = -1; // player touched touch_move with enabled look mode // and same finger id. release all move triggers for( newbutton = list->first; newbutton; newbutton = newbutton->next ) if( ( newbutton->type == touch_move ) || ( newbutton->type == touch_look ) ) newbutton->finger = -1; Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "Touch: touch_move on look finger %d!\n", fingerID ); continue; } // initialize move mode touch.move_finger = fingerID; touch.move_button = button; if( touch.move_button->type == touch_move ) { // initial position is first touch touch.move_start_x = x; touch.move_start_y = y; } else if( touch.move_button->type == touch_joy ) { // initial position is button center touch.move_start_y = (touch.move_button->y2 + touch.move_button->y1) / 2; touch.move_start_x = (touch.move_button->x2 + touch.move_button->x1) / 2; // start move instanly touch.forward = ((touch.move_button->y2 + touch.move_button->y1) - y * 2) / (touch.move_button->y2 - touch.move_button->y1); touch.side = (x * 2 - (touch.move_button->x2 + touch.move_button->x1)) / (touch.move_button->x2 - touch.move_button->x1); } else if( touch.move_button->type == touch_dpad ) { // dame as joy, but round touch.move_start_y = (touch.move_button->y2 + touch.move_button->y1) / 2; touch.move_start_x = (touch.move_button->x2 + touch.move_button->x1) / 2; // start move instanly touch.forward = round(((touch.move_button->y2 + touch.move_button->y1) - y * 2) / (touch.move_button->y2 - touch.move_button->y1)); touch.side = round((x * 2 - (touch.move_button->x2 + touch.move_button->x1)) / (touch.move_button->x2 - touch.move_button->x1)); } } // initialize look if( button->type == touch_look ) { if( touch.look_finger !=-1 ) { // prevent initializing look while already looking // revert finger switch, leave first finger button->finger = touch.look_finger; continue; } result = true; if( touch.move_finger == fingerID ) { touch_button_t *newbutton; // this is an error, try recover touch.move_finger = touch.look_finger = -1; // player touched touch_move with enabled look mode // and same finger id. release all move triggers for( newbutton = list->first; newbutton; newbutton = newbutton->next ) if( ( newbutton->type == touch_move ) || ( newbutton->type == touch_look ) ) newbutton->finger = -1; Con_Printf( S_ERROR "touch: touch_look on move finger %d!\n", fingerID ); continue; } touch.look_finger = fingerID; } } } if( type == event_up ) { // no bounds check here. // button released when finger released if( fingerID == button->finger ) { button->finger = -1; // handle +command, replace by -command if( button->type == touch_command ) { if( button->command[0] == '+' ) { char command[256]; Q_snprintf( command, sizeof( command ), "%s\n", button->command ); command[0] = '-'; if( FBitSet( B( flags ), TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) Cbuf_AddFilteredText( command ); else Cbuf_AddText( command ); } // disable precision mode if( FBitSet( B(flags), TOUCH_FL_PRECISION )) touch.precision = false; result = true; } // handle wheel end if( button->type == touch_wheel ) { if( touch.wheel_count ) { if( FBitSet( B( flags ), TOUCH_FL_UNPRIVILEGED )) Cbuf_AddFilteredText( touch.wheel_end ); else Cbuf_AddText( touch.wheel_end ); } // disable precision mode if( B(flags) & TOUCH_FL_PRECISION ) touch.precision = false; touch.wheel_finger = -1; result = true; } // release motion buttons if( button->type == touch_move || button->type == touch_joy || button->type == touch_dpad ) { touch.move_finger = -1; touch.forward = touch.side = 0; touch.move_button = NULL; } // release look buttons if( button->type == touch_look ) { touch.look_finger = -1; } } } } return result; } static qboolean Touch_ButtonEdit( touchEventType type, int fingerID, float x, float y, float dx, float dy ) { touch_button_t *button; // edit buttons are on y1 if( type == event_down ) { if( (x < GRID_X) && (y < GRID_Y) ) { touch.showeditbuttons ^= true; return true; } if( touch.showeditbuttons && Touch_ButtonPress( &touch.list_edit, type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ) ) return true; } // run from end(front) to start(back) for( button = touch.list_user.last; button; button = button->prev ) { if( type == event_down ) { if( ( x > button->x1 && x < button->x2 ) && ( y < button->y2 && y > button->y1 ) ) { button->finger = fingerID; // do not edit NOEDIT buttons if( FBitSet( button->flags, TOUCH_FL_NOEDIT )) continue; touch.edit = button; touch.selection = NULL; // make button last to bring it up if( ( button->next ) && ( button->type == touch_command ) ) { if( button->prev ) button->prev->next = button->next; else touch.list_user.first = button->next; button->next->prev = button->prev; touch.list_user.last->next = button; button->prev = touch.list_user.last; button->next = NULL; touch.list_user.last = button; } touch.state = state_edit_move; return true; } } if( type == event_up ) if( fingerID == button->finger ) button->finger = -1; } if( type == event_down ) { touch.selection = NULL; touch.hidebutton->flags |= TOUCH_FL_HIDE; } return false; } static int Touch_ControlsEvent( touchEventType type, int fingerID, float x, float y, float dx, float dy ) { if( touch.state == state_edit_move ) { Touch_EditMove( type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ); return 1; } if( touch.state == state_edit && Touch_ButtonEdit( type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ) ) return true; if( Touch_ButtonPress( &touch.list_user, type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ) ) return true; if( type == event_motion ) Touch_Motion( type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ); return true; } int IN_TouchEvent( touchEventType type, int fingerID, float x, float y, float dx, float dy ) { y *= SCR_H/SCR_W/Touch_AspectRatio(); // Con_Printf("%f %f\n", TO_SCRN_X(x), TO_SCRN_Y(y)); // simulate menu mouse click if( cls.key_dest != key_game && !touch_in_menu.value ) { touch.move_finger = touch.resize_finger = touch.look_finger = -1; // Hack for keyboard, hope it help // a1ba: this is absolutely horrible if( cls.key_dest == key_console || cls.key_dest == key_message ) { static float x1 = 0.0f; x1 += dx; if( type == event_up ) // don't show keyboard on every tap { Key_EnableTextInput( true, true ); x1 = 0.0f; } if( cls.key_dest == key_console ) { static float y1 = 0; y1 += dy; if( dy > 0.4f ) Con_Bottom(); if( y1 > 0.01f ) { Con_PageUp( 1 ); y1 = 0; } if( y1 < -0.01f ) { Con_PageDown( 1 ); y1 = 0; } } // exit of console area if( type == event_down && x < 0.1f && y > 0.9f ) Cbuf_AddText( "escape\n" ); // swipe from edge to exit console/chat if(( x > 0.8f && x1 < -0.1f ) || ( x < 0.2f && x1 > 0.1f )) { Cbuf_AddText( "escape\n" ); x1 = 0.0f; } } UI_MouseMove( TO_SCRN_X(x), TO_SCRN_Y(y) ); //MsgDev( D_NOTE, "touch %d %d\n", TO_SCRN_X(x), TO_SCRN_Y(y) ); if( type == event_down ) Key_Event( K_MOUSE1, true ); if( type == event_up ) Key_Event( K_MOUSE1, false ); return 0; } if( VGui_IsActive() ) { VGui_MouseMove( TO_SCRN_X(x), TO_SCRN_Y(y) ); switch( type ) { case event_down: VGui_MouseEvent( K_MOUSE1, 1 ); break; case event_up: VGui_MouseEvent( K_MOUSE1, 0 ); break; default: break; } } if( !touch.initialized || ( !touch_enable.value && !touch.clientonly )) return 0; if( clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTouchEvent && clgame.dllFuncs.pfnTouchEvent( type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ) ) return true; return Touch_ControlsEvent( type, fingerID, x, y, dx, dy ); } void Touch_GetMove( float *forward, float *side, float *yaw, float *pitch ) { *forward += touch.forward; *side += touch.side; *yaw += touch.yaw; *pitch += touch.pitch; touch.yaw = touch.pitch = 0; } void Touch_KeyEvent( int key, int down ) { static float lx, ly; static int kidNamedFinger = -1; touchEventType event; float x, y; int finger, xi, yi; if( !touch_emulate.value ) { if( touch_enable.value ) return; if( !touch.clientonly ) return; } if( !key ) { if( kidNamedFinger < 0 ) return; finger = kidNamedFinger; event = event_motion; } else { finger = key == K_MOUSE1 ? 0 : 1; if( down ) { event = event_down; kidNamedFinger = finger; } else { event = event_up; kidNamedFinger = -1; } } // don't deactivate mouse in game // checking a case when mouse and touchscreen // can be used simultaneously Platform_SetCursorType( dc_arrow ); Platform_GetMousePos( &xi, &yi ); x = xi / SCR_W; y = yi / SCR_H; Con_DPrintf( "event %d %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", event, x, y, x - lx, y - ly ); IN_TouchEvent( event, finger, x, y, x - lx, y - ly ); lx = x; ly = y; } qboolean Touch_WantVisibleCursor( void ) { return ( touch_enable.value && touch_emulate.value ) || touch.clientonly; } void Touch_Shutdown( void ) { if( !touch.initialized ) return; Touch_RemoveAll_f(); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_addbutton" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_removebutton" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_enableedit" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_disableedit" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_settexture" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_setcolor" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_setcommand" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_setflags" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_show" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_hide" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_list" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_removeall" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_loaddefaults" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_roundall" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_exportconfig" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_set_stroke" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_setclientonly" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_reloadconfig" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_writeconfig" ); Cmd_RemoveCommand( "touch_generate_code" ); touch.initialized = false; Mem_FreePool( &touch.mempool ); }