gl_local.h - renderer local declarations
Copyright (C) 2010 Uncle Mike

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

#ifndef GL_LOCAL_H
#define GL_LOCAL_H
#include "port.h"
#include "xash3d_types.h"
#include "cvardef.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "com_model.h"
#include "cl_entity.h"
#include "render_api.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "dlight.h"
#include "ref_api.h"
#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#include "ref_params.h"
#include "enginefeatures.h"
#include "com_strings.h"
#include "pm_movevars.h"
//#include "cvar.h"
typedef struct mip_s mip_t;

typedef	int	fixed8_t;
typedef	int	fixed16_t;

#define ASSERT(x) if(!( x )) gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "assert failed at %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Assert(x) if(!( x )) gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "assert failed at %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ )

#include <stdio.h>

#define CVAR_DEFINE( cv, cvname, cvstr, cvflags, cvdesc )	cvar_t cv = { cvname, cvstr, cvflags, 0.0f, (void *)CVAR_SENTINEL, cvdesc }
#define CVAR_DEFINE_AUTO( cv, cvstr, cvflags, cvdesc )	cvar_t cv = { #cv, cvstr, cvflags, 0.0f, (void *)CVAR_SENTINEL, cvdesc }
#define CVAR_TO_BOOL( x )		((x) && ((x)->value != 0.0f) ? true : false )

#define WORLD (gEngfuncs.GetWorld())
#define WORLDMODEL (gEngfuncs.pfnGetModelByIndex( 1 ))
#define MOVEVARS (gEngfuncs.pfnGetMoveVars())

// make mod_ref.h?
#define LM_SAMPLE_SIZE             16

extern poolhandle_t r_temppool;

#define BLOCK_SIZE		tr.block_size	// lightmap blocksize
#define BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT	128		// for keep backward compatibility
#define BLOCK_SIZE_MAX	1024

#define MAX_TEXTURES	8192 // a1ba: increased by users request
#define MAX_DECAL_SURFS	4096

	#define MAX_TEXTURES 1024
	#define MAX_DECAL_SURFS 256

#define MAX_LIGHTMAPS	256
#define MAX_DRAW_STACK	2		// normal view and menu view

#define SHADEDOT_QUANT 	16		// precalculated dot products for quantized angles
#define SHADE_LAMBERT	1.495f

// refparams
#define RP_NONE		0
#define RP_ENVVIEW		BIT( 0 )	// used for cubemapshot
#define RP_CLIPPLANE	BIT( 2 )

#define R_ModelOpaque( rm )	( rm == kRenderNormal )
#define R_StaticEntity( ent )	( VectorIsNull( ent->origin ) && VectorIsNull( ent->angles ))
#define RP_LOCALCLIENT( e )	((e) != NULL && (e)->index == gEngfuncs.GetPlayerIndex() && e->player )
#define RP_NORMALPASS()	( FBitSet( RI.params, RP_NONVIEWERREF ) == 0 )


#define CULL_VISIBLE	0		// not culled
#define CULL_BACKSIDE	1		// backside of transparent wall
#define CULL_FRUSTUM	2		// culled by frustum
#define CULL_VISFRAME	3		// culled by PVS
#define CULL_OTHER		4		// culled by other reason

// bit operation helpers
#define MASK(x) (BIT(x)-1)
#define GET_BIT(s,b) ((s & (1 << b)) >> b)
#define MOVE_BIT(s, f, t) (GET_BIT(s,f) << t )

  skins will be outline flood filled and mip mapped
  pics and sprites with alpha will be outline flood filled
  pic won't be mip mapped
  model skin
  sprite frame
  wall texture

typedef enum
} imagetype_t;


typedef unsigned short pixel_t;

typedef struct vrect_s
	int                             x,y,width,height;
	struct vrect_s  *pnext;
} vrect_t;

typedef struct
	pixel_t                 *buffer;                // invisible buffer
	pixel_t                colormap[32*8192];              // 8192 * light levels
	//pixel_t                 *alphamap;              // 256 * 256 translucency map
	pixel_t					screen_minor[256];
	pixel_t					screen_major[256];
	pixel_t					screen[256*256];
	unsigned int				screen32[256*256];
	byte					addmap[256*256];
	byte					modmap[256*256];
	pixel_t                 alphamap[3*1024*256];
	pixel_t					color;
	qboolean is2d;
	byte alpha;

	// maybe compute colormask for minor byte?
	int						rendermode;
	int                             rowbytes;               // may be > width if displayed in a window
									// can be negative for stupid dibs
	int						width;
	int						height;
} viddef_t;

extern viddef_t vid;

typedef struct
	int		params;		// rendering parameters

	qboolean		drawWorld;	// ignore world for drawing PlayerModel
	qboolean		isSkyVisible;	// sky is visible
	qboolean		onlyClientDraw;	// disabled by client request
	qboolean		drawOrtho;	// draw world as orthogonal projection

	float		fov_x, fov_y;	// current view fov

	cl_entity_t	*currententity;
	model_t		*currentmodel;
	cl_entity_t	*currentbeam;	// same as above but for beams

	int		viewport[4];
	//gl_frustum_t	frustum;

	mleaf_t		*viewleaf;
	mleaf_t		*oldviewleaf;
	vec3_t		pvsorigin;
	vec3_t		vieworg;		// locked vieworigin
	vec3_t		viewangles;
	vec3_t		vforward;
	vec3_t		vright;
	vec3_t		vup;
	vec3_t  base_vup;
	vec3_t  base_vpn;
	vec3_t  base_vright;

	vec3_t		cullorigin;
	vec3_t		cull_vforward;
	vec3_t		cull_vright;
	vec3_t		cull_vup;

	int		cached_contents;	// in water
	int		cached_waterlevel;	// was in water
	float farClip;

	float		skyMins[2][6];
	float		skyMaxs[2][6];

	matrix4x4		objectMatrix;		// currententity matrix
	matrix4x4		worldviewMatrix;		// modelview for world
	matrix4x4		modelviewMatrix;		// worldviewMatrix * objectMatrix

	matrix4x4		projectionMatrix;
	matrix4x4		worldviewProjectionMatrix;	// worldviewMatrix * projectionMatrix
	byte		visbytes[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS+7)/8];// actual PVS for current frame

	float		viewplanedist;

	// q2 oldrefdef
	vrect_t         vrect;                          // subwindow in video for refresh
																	// FIXME: not need vrect next field here?
	vrect_t         aliasvrect;                     // scaled Alias version
	int                     vrectright, vrectbottom;        // right & bottom screen coords
	int                     aliasvrectright, aliasvrectbottom;      // scaled Alias versions
	float           vrectrightedge;                 // rightmost right edge we care about,
																			//  for use in edge list
	float           fvrectx, fvrecty;               // for floating-point compares
	float           fvrectx_adj, fvrecty_adj; // left and top edges, for clamping
	int                     vrect_x_adj_shift20;    // (vrect.x + 0.5 - epsilon) << 20
	int                     vrectright_adj_shift20; // (vrectright + 0.5 - epsilon) << 20
	float           fvrectright_adj, fvrectbottom_adj;
																			// right and bottom edges, for clamping
	float           fvrectright;                    // rightmost edge, for Alias clamping
	float           fvrectbottom;                   // bottommost edge, for Alias clampin

} ref_instance_t;

typedef struct
	cl_entity_t	*edge_entities[MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET];		// brush edge drawing
	cl_entity_t	*solid_entities[MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET];	// opaque moving or alpha brushes
	cl_entity_t	*trans_entities[MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET];	// translucent brushes
	cl_entity_t	*beam_entities[MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET];
	uint		num_edge_entities;
	uint		num_solid_entities;
	uint		num_trans_entities;
	uint		num_beam_entities;
} draw_list_t;

typedef struct
	int		defaultTexture;   	// use for bad textures
	int		particleTexture;
	int		whiteTexture;
	int		grayTexture;
	int		blackTexture;
	int		solidskyTexture;	// quake1 solid-sky layer
	int		alphaskyTexture;	// quake1 alpha-sky layer
	int		lightmapTextures[MAX_LIGHTMAPS];
	int		dlightTexture;	// custom dlight texture
	int		skyboxTextures[6];	// skybox sides
	int		cinTexture;      	// cinematic texture

	// entity lists
	draw_list_t	draw_stack[MAX_DRAW_STACK];
	int		draw_stack_pos;
	draw_list_t	*draw_list;

	msurface_t	*draw_decals[MAX_DECAL_SURFS];
	int		num_draw_decals;

	// OpenGL matrix states
	qboolean		modelviewIdentity;

	int		visframecount;	// PVS frame
	int		dlightframecount;	// dynamic light frame
	int		realframecount;	// not including viewpasses
	int		framecount;

	qboolean		ignore_lightgamma;
	qboolean		fCustomRendering;
	qboolean		fResetVis;
	qboolean		fFlipViewModel;

	// tree visualization stuff
	int		recursion_level;
	int		max_recursion;

	byte		visbytes[(MAX_MAP_LEAFS+7)/8];	// member custom PVS
	int		lightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES];	// value 0 - 65536
	int		block_size;			// lightmap blocksize

	double		frametime;	// special frametime for multipass rendering (will set to 0 on a nextview)
	float		blend;		// global blend value

	// cull info
	vec3_t		modelorg;		// relative to viewpoint

	qboolean fCustomSkybox;
	int sample_size;
	uint sample_bits;
	qboolean map_unload;
} gl_globals_t;

typedef struct
	uint		c_world_polys;
	uint		c_studio_polys;
	uint		c_sprite_polys;
	uint		c_alias_polys;
	uint		c_world_leafs;

	uint		c_view_beams_count;
	uint		c_active_tents_count;
	uint		c_alias_models_drawn;
	uint		c_studio_models_drawn;
	uint		c_sprite_models_drawn;
	uint		c_particle_count;

	uint		c_client_ents;	// entities that moved to client
	double		t_world_node;
	double		t_world_draw;
} ref_speeds_t;

extern ref_speeds_t		r_stats;
extern ref_instance_t	RI;
extern gl_globals_t	tr;

#define r_numEntities	(tr.draw_list->num_solid_entities + tr.draw_list->num_trans_entities)
#define r_numStatics	(r_stats.c_client_ents)

typedef struct image_s
	char		name[256];	// game path, including extension (can be store image programs)
	word		srcWidth;		// keep unscaled sizes
	word		srcHeight;
	word		width;		// upload width\height
	word		height;
	word		depth;		// texture depth or count of layers for 2D_ARRAY
	byte		numMips;		// mipmap count

	texFlags_t	flags;

	rgba_t		fogParams;	// some water textures
					// contain info about underwater fog
	rgbdata_t		*original;	// keep original image

	// debug info
	size_t		size;		// upload size for debug targets

	// detail textures stuff
	float		xscale;
	float		yscale;

	imagetype_t     type;
	pixel_t		*pixels[4];				// mip levels
	pixel_t		*alpha_pixels;				// mip levels

	int		servercount;
	uint		hashValue;
	struct image_s	*nextHash;
} image_t;

#if 0

// gl_backend.c
void GL_BackendStartFrame( void );
void GL_BackendEndFrame( void );
void GL_CleanUpTextureUnits( int last );
void GL_Bind( int tmu, unsigned int texnum );
void GL_LoadTexMatrix( const matrix4x4 m );
void GL_LoadTexMatrixExt( const float *glmatrix );
void GL_LoadMatrix( const matrix4x4 source );
void GL_TexGen( unsigned int coord, unsigned int mode );
void GL_SelectTexture( int texture );
void GL_CleanupAllTextureUnits( void );
void GL_LoadIdentityTexMatrix( void );
void GL_DisableAllTexGens( void );
void GL_SetRenderMode( int mode );
void GL_TextureTarget( uint target );
void GL_Cull( unsigned int cull );
void R_ShowTextures( void );
void R_ShowTree( void );
void SCR_TimeRefresh_f( void );
// gl_beams.c
void CL_DrawBeams( int fTrans, BEAM *active_beams );
qboolean R_BeamCull( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, qboolean pvsOnly );
#if 0
// gl_cull.c
int R_CullModel( cl_entity_t *e, const vec3_t absmin, const vec3_t absmax );
qboolean R_CullBox( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs );
qboolean R_CullSphere( const vec3_t centre, const float radius );
//int R_CullSurface( msurface_t *surf, gl_frustum_t *frustum, uint clipflags );
// gl_decals.c
void DrawSurfaceDecals( msurface_t *fa, qboolean single, qboolean reverse );
float *R_DecalSetupVerts( decal_t *pDecal, msurface_t *surf, int texture, int *outCount );
//void DrawSingleDecal( decal_t *pDecal, msurface_t *fa );
void R_EntityRemoveDecals( model_t *mod );
//void DrawDecalsBatch( void );
void R_ClearDecals( void );

#if 0

// gl_drawhulls.c
void R_DrawWorldHull( void );
void R_DrawModelHull( void );

void GL_Bind( int tmu, unsigned int texnum );

// gl_draw.cM_PI
void R_Set2DMode( qboolean enable );
void R_DrawTileClear( int texnum, int x, int y, int w, int h );
void R_UploadStretchRaw( int texture, int cols, int rows, int width, int height, const byte *data );//

// gl_image.c
void R_SetTextureParameters( void );
image_t *R_GetTexture( unsigned int texnum );
#define GL_LoadTextureInternal( name, pic, flags ) GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer( name, pic, flags, false )
#define GL_UpdateTextureInternal( name, pic, flags ) GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer( name, pic, flags, true )
int GL_LoadTexture( const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, int flags );
int GL_LoadTextureArray( const char **names, int flags );
int GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer( const char *name, rgbdata_t *pic, texFlags_t flags, qboolean update );
byte *GL_ResampleTexture( const byte *source, int in_w, int in_h, int out_w, int out_h, qboolean isNormalMap );
int GL_CreateTexture( const char *name, int width, int height, const void *buffer, texFlags_t flags );
int GL_CreateTextureArray( const char *name, int width, int height, int depth, const void *buffer, texFlags_t flags );
void GL_ProcessTexture( int texnum, float gamma, int topColor, int bottomColor );
void GL_UpdateTexSize( int texnum, int width, int height, int depth );
void GL_ApplyTextureParams( image_t *tex );
int GL_FindTexture( const char *name );
void GL_FreeTexture( unsigned int texnum );
const char *GL_Target( unsigned int target );
void R_InitDlightTexture( void );
void R_TextureList_f( void );
void R_InitImages( void );
void R_ShutdownImages( void );
#if 1
// gl_rlight.c
void CL_RunLightStyles( void );
void R_PushDlights( void );
void R_AnimateLight( void );
void R_GetLightSpot( vec3_t lightspot );
void R_MarkLights( dlight_t *light, int bit, mnode_t *node );
colorVec R_LightVec( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec3_t lightspot, vec3_t lightvec );
int R_CountSurfaceDlights( msurface_t *surf );
colorVec R_LightPoint( const vec3_t p0 );
int R_CountDlights( void );
// gl_rmain.c
void R_ClearScene( void );
void R_LoadIdentity( void );
void R_RenderScene( void );
void R_DrawCubemapView( const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t angles, int size );
void R_SetupRefParams( const struct ref_viewpass_s *rvp );
void R_TranslateForEntity( cl_entity_t *e );
void R_RotateForEntity( cl_entity_t *e );
void R_SetupGL( qboolean set_gl_state );
void R_AllowFog( qboolean allowed );
void R_SetupFrustum( void );
void R_FindViewLeaf( void );
void R_PushScene( void );
void R_PopScene( void );
void R_DrawFog( void );

// gl_rmath.c
void Matrix4x4_ToArrayFloatGL( const matrix4x4 in, float out[16] );
void Matrix4x4_FromArrayFloatGL( matrix4x4 out, const float in[16] );
void Matrix4x4_Concat( matrix4x4 out, const matrix4x4 in1, const matrix4x4 in2 );
void Matrix4x4_ConcatTranslate( matrix4x4 out, float x, float y, float z );
void Matrix4x4_ConcatRotate( matrix4x4 out, float angle, float x, float y, float z );
void Matrix4x4_ConcatScale( matrix4x4 out, float x );
void Matrix4x4_ConcatScale3( matrix4x4 out, float x, float y, float z );
void Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate( matrix4x4 out, float x, float y, float z );
void Matrix4x4_CreateRotate( matrix4x4 out, float angle, float x, float y, float z );
void Matrix4x4_CreateScale( matrix4x4 out, float x );
void Matrix4x4_CreateScale3( matrix4x4 out, float x, float y, float z );
void Matrix4x4_CreateProjection(matrix4x4 out, float xMax, float xMin, float yMax, float yMin, float zNear, float zFar);
void Matrix4x4_CreateOrtho(matrix4x4 m, float xLeft, float xRight, float yBottom, float yTop, float zNear, float zFar);
void Matrix4x4_CreateModelview( matrix4x4 out );
#if 0
// gl_rmisc.c
void R_ClearStaticEntities( void );

// gl_rsurf.c
void R_MarkLeaves( void );
void R_DrawWorld( void );
void R_DrawWaterSurfaces( void );
void R_DrawBrushModel( cl_entity_t *e );
void GL_SubdivideSurface( msurface_t *fa );
void GL_BuildPolygonFromSurface( model_t *mod, msurface_t *fa );
void DrawGLPoly( glpoly_t *p, float xScale, float yScale );
texture_t *R_TextureAnimation( msurface_t *s );
void GL_SetupFogColorForSurfaces( void );
void R_DrawAlphaTextureChains( void );
void GL_RebuildLightmaps( void );
void GL_InitRandomTable( void );
void GL_BuildLightmaps( void );
void GL_ResetFogColor( void );
void R_GenerateVBO();
void R_ClearVBO();
void R_AddDecalVBO( decal_t *pdecal, msurface_t *surf );
// gl_rpart.c
void CL_DrawParticlesExternal( const ref_viewpass_t *rvp, qboolean trans_pass, float frametime );
void CL_DrawParticles( double frametime, particle_t *cl_active_particles, float partsize );
void CL_DrawTracers( double frametime, particle_t *cl_active_tracers );

// gl_sprite.c
void R_SpriteInit( void );
void Mod_LoadSpriteModel( model_t *mod, const void *buffer, qboolean *loaded, uint texFlags );
mspriteframe_t *R_GetSpriteFrame( const model_t *pModel, int frame, float yaw );
void R_DrawSpriteModel( cl_entity_t *e );

// gl_studio.c
void R_StudioInit( void );
void Mod_LoadStudioModel( model_t *mod, const void *buffer, qboolean *loaded );
void R_StudioLerpMovement( cl_entity_t *e, double time, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
float CL_GetSequenceDuration( cl_entity_t *ent, int sequence );
struct mstudiotex_s *R_StudioGetTexture( cl_entity_t *e );
float CL_GetStudioEstimatedFrame( cl_entity_t *ent );
int R_GetEntityRenderMode( cl_entity_t *ent );
void R_DrawStudioModel( cl_entity_t *e );
player_info_t *pfnPlayerInfo( int index );
void R_GatherPlayerLight( void );
float R_StudioEstimateFrame( cl_entity_t *e, mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc );
void R_StudioLerpMovement( cl_entity_t *e, double time, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles );
void R_StudioResetPlayerModels( void );
void CL_InitStudioAPI( void );
void Mod_StudioLoadTextures( model_t *mod, void *data );
void Mod_StudioUnloadTextures( void *data );
#if 0
// gl_alias.c
void Mod_LoadAliasModel( model_t *mod, const void *buffer, qboolean *loaded );
void R_DrawAliasModel( cl_entity_t *e );
void R_AliasInit( void );

// gl_warp.c

void R_InitSkyClouds( mip_t *mt, struct texture_s *tx, qboolean custom_palette );
void R_AddSkyBoxSurface( msurface_t *fa );
void R_ClearSkyBox( void );
void R_DrawSkyBox( void );
void R_DrawClouds( void );
void EmitWaterPolys( msurface_t *warp, qboolean reverse );

void GAME_EXPORT R_InitSkyClouds( struct mip_s *mt, struct texture_s *tx, qboolean custom_palette );
// gl_vgui.c
void VGUI_DrawInit( void );
void VGUI_DrawShutdown( void );
void VGUI_SetupDrawingText( int *pColor );
void VGUI_SetupDrawingRect( int *pColor );
void VGUI_SetupDrawingImage( int *pColor );
void VGUI_BindTexture( int id );
void VGUI_EnableTexture( qboolean enable );
void VGUI_CreateTexture( int id, int width, int height );
void VGUI_UploadTexture( int id, const char *buffer, int width, int height );
void VGUI_UploadTextureBlock( int id, int drawX, int drawY, const byte *rgba, int blockWidth, int blockHeight );
void VGUI_DrawQuad( const vpoint_t *ul, const vpoint_t *lr );
void VGUI_GetTextureSizes( int *width, int *height );
int VGUI_GenerateTexture( void );

//#include "vid_common.h"

// renderer exports
qboolean R_Init( void );
void R_Shutdown( void );
void GL_SetupAttributes( int safegl );
void GL_InitExtensions( void );
void GL_ClearExtensions( void );
void VID_CheckChanges( void );
int GL_LoadTexture( const char *name, const byte *buf, size_t size, int flags );
void GL_FreeImage( const char *name );
qboolean VID_ScreenShot( const char *filename, int shot_type );
qboolean VID_CubemapShot( const char *base, uint size, const float *vieworg, qboolean skyshot );
void R_BeginFrame( qboolean clearScene );
void R_RenderFrame( const struct ref_viewpass_s *vp );
void R_EndFrame( void );
void R_ClearScene( void );
void R_GetTextureParms( int *w, int *h, int texnum );
void R_GetSpriteParms( int *frameWidth, int *frameHeight, int *numFrames, int curFrame, const struct model_s *pSprite );
void R_DrawStretchRaw( float x, float y, float w, float h, int cols, int rows, const byte *data, qboolean dirty );
void R_DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, int texnum );
qboolean R_SpeedsMessage( char *out, size_t size );
void R_SetupSky( const char *skyboxname );
qboolean R_CullBox( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs );
int R_WorldToScreen( const vec3_t point, vec3_t screen );
void R_ScreenToWorld( const vec3_t screen, vec3_t point );
qboolean R_AddEntity( struct cl_entity_s *pRefEntity, int entityType );
void Mod_LoadMapSprite( struct model_s *mod, const void *buffer, size_t size, qboolean *loaded );
void Mod_SpriteUnloadTextures( void *data );
void Mod_UnloadAliasModel( struct model_s *mod );
void Mod_AliasUnloadTextures( void *data );
void GL_SetRenderMode( int mode );
void R_RunViewmodelEvents( void );
void R_DrawViewModel( void );
int R_GetSpriteTexture( const struct model_s *m_pSpriteModel, int frame );
void R_DecalShoot( int textureIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, vec3_t pos, int flags, float scale );
void R_RemoveEfrags( struct cl_entity_s *ent );
void R_AddEfrags( struct cl_entity_s *ent );
void R_DecalRemoveAll( int texture );
int R_CreateDecalList( decallist_t *pList );
void R_ClearAllDecals( void );
byte *Mod_GetCurrentVis( void );
void Mod_SetOrthoBounds( const float *mins, const float *maxs );
void R_NewMap( void );
void CL_AddCustomBeam( cl_entity_t *pEnvBeam );
#if 0
// gl_opengl.c
#define GL_CheckForErrors() GL_CheckForErrors_( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
void GL_CheckForErrors_( const char *filename, const int fileline );
const char *GL_ErrorString( int err );
qboolean GL_Support( int r_ext );
int GL_MaxTextureUnits( void );
void GL_CheckExtension( const char *name, const dllfunc_t *funcs, const char *cvarname, int r_ext );
void GL_SetExtension( int r_ext, int enable );
// gl_triapi.c
void TriRenderMode( int mode );
void TriBegin( int mode );
void TriEnd( void );
void TriTexCoord2f( float u, float v );
void TriVertex3fv( const float *v );
void TriVertex3f( float x, float y, float z );
void _TriColor4f( float r, float g, float b, float a );
void TriColor4ub( byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a );
void _TriColor4ub( byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a );
int TriWorldToScreen( const float *world, float *screen );
int TriSpriteTexture( model_t *pSpriteModel, int frame );
void TriFog( float flFogColor[3], float flStart, float flEnd, int bOn );
void TriGetMatrix( const int pname, float *matrix );
void TriFogParams( float flDensity, int iFogSkybox );
void TriCullFace( TRICULLSTYLE mode );
void TriBrightness( float brightness );

#define ENGINE_GET_PARM_ (*gEngfuncs.EngineGetParm)
#define ENGINE_GET_PARM( parm ) ENGINE_GET_PARM_( (parm), 0 )

extern ref_api_t      gEngfuncs;
extern ref_globals_t *gpGlobals;
extern cvar_t	*r_dynamic;


// todo: gl_cull.c
#define R_CullModel(...) 0

// softrender defs

#define CACHE_SIZE      32


#define VID_CBITS       6
#define VID_GRADES      (1 << VID_CBITS)

// r_shared.h: general refresh-related stuff shared between the refresh and the
// driver

#define MAXVERTS        64              // max points in a surface polygon
#define MAXWORKINGVERTS (MAXVERTS+4)    // max points in an intermediate
										//  polygon (while processing)
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in d_ifacea.h too !!!
#define MAXHEIGHT       1200
#define MAXWIDTH        1920

#define INFINITE_DISTANCE       0x10000         // distance that's always guaranteed to
										//  be farther away than anything in
										//  the scene

// d_iface.h: interface header file for rasterization driver modules

#define WARP_WIDTH              320
#define WARP_HEIGHT             240

#define MAX_LBM_HEIGHT  480

#define PARTICLE_Z_CLIP 8.0

// !!! must be kept the same as in quakeasm.h !!!
#define TRANSPARENT_COLOR       0x0349 //0xFF

// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in d_ifacea.h too !!!
#define TURB_TEX_SIZE   64              // base turbulent texture size

// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in d_ifacea.h too !!!
#define CYCLE                   128             // turbulent cycle size

#define SCANBUFFERPAD           0x1000

#define DS_SPAN_LIST_END        -128

#define NUMSTACKEDGES           4000
#define MINEDGES                        NUMSTACKEDGES
#define NUMSTACKSURFACES        2000
#define MINSURFACES                     NUMSTACKSURFACES
#define MAXSPANS                        6000

// flags in finalvert_t.flags
#define ALIAS_LEFT_CLIP                         0x0001
#define ALIAS_TOP_CLIP                          0x0002
#define ALIAS_RIGHT_CLIP                        0x0004
#define ALIAS_BOTTOM_CLIP                       0x0008
#define ALIAS_Z_CLIP                            0x0010
#define ALIAS_XY_CLIP_MASK                      0x000F

#define SURFCACHE_SIZE_AT_320X240    1024*768

#define BMODEL_FULLY_CLIPPED    0x10 // value returned by R_BmodelCheckBBox ()
									 //  if bbox is trivially rejected

#define XCENTERING      (1.0f / 2.0f)
#define YCENTERING      (1.0f / 2.0f)

#define CLIP_EPSILON            0.001f

// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
#define NEAR_CLIP       0.01f

//#define MAXALIASVERTS           2000    // TODO: tune this
#define ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE      4

// turbulence stuff

#define AMP             8*0x10000
#define AMP2    3
#define SPEED   20


typedef struct
	float   u, v;
	float   s, t;
	float   zi;
} emitpoint_t;

** if you change this structure be sure to change the #defines
** listed after it!


typedef struct finalvert_s {
	short           u, v, s, t;
	int             l;
	int             zi;
	int             flags;
	float   xyz[3];         // eye space
} finalvert_t;

#define FINALVERT_V0     0
#define FINALVERT_V1     2
#define FINALVERT_V2     4
#define FINALVERT_V3     6
#define FINALVERT_V4     8
#define FINALVERT_V5    12
#define FINALVERT_X     20
#define FINALVERT_Y     24
#define FINALVERT_Z     28
#define FINALVERT_SIZE  32


typedef struct finalvert_s {
	int             u, v, s, t;
	int             l;
	int             zi;
	int             flags;
	float   xyz[3];         // eye space
} finalvert_t;

#define FINALVERT_V0     0
#define FINALVERT_V1     4
#define FINALVERT_V2     8
#define FINALVERT_V3    12
#define FINALVERT_V4    16
#define FINALVERT_V5    20
#define FINALVERT_X     28
#define FINALVERT_Y     32
#define FINALVERT_Z     36
#define FINALVERT_SIZE  40


typedef struct
	short	s;
	short	t;
} dstvert_t;

typedef struct
	short	index_xyz[3];
	short	index_st[3];
} dtriangle_t;

typedef struct
	byte	v[3];			// scaled byte to fit in frame mins/maxs
	byte	lightnormalindex;
} dtrivertx_t;

#define DTRIVERTX_V0   0
#define DTRIVERTX_V1   1
#define DTRIVERTX_V2   2
#define DTRIVERTX_LNI  3

typedef struct
	void                            *pskin;
	int                                     pskindesc;
	int                                     skinwidth;
	int                                     skinheight;
	dtriangle_t                     *ptriangles;
	finalvert_t                     *pfinalverts;
	int                                     numtriangles;
	int                                     drawtype;
	int                                     seamfixupX16;
	qboolean                        do_vis_thresh;
	int                                     vis_thresh;
} affinetridesc_t;

typedef struct
	pixel_t            *surfdat;       // destination for generated surface
	int                     rowbytes;       // destination logical width in bytes
	msurface_t      *surf;          // description for surface to generate
	fixed8_t        lightadj[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
							// adjust for lightmap levels for dynamic lighting
	image_t			*image;
	int                     surfmip;        // mipmapped ratio of surface texels / world pixels
	int                     surfwidth;      // in mipmapped texels
	int                     surfheight;     // in mipmapped texels
} drawsurf_t;

#if 0
typedef struct {
	int                     ambientlight;
	int                     shadelight;
	float           *plightvec;
} alight_t;


// clipped bmodel edges

typedef struct bedge_s
	mvertex_t               *v[2];
	struct bedge_s  *pnext;
} bedge_t;

// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
typedef struct clipplane_s
	vec3_t          normal;
	float           dist;
	struct          clipplane_s     *next;
	byte            leftedge;
	byte            rightedge;
	byte            reserved[2];
} clipplane_t;

typedef struct surfcache_s
	struct surfcache_s      *next;
	struct surfcache_s      **owner;                // NULL is an empty chunk of memory
	int                                     lightadj[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // checked for strobe flush
	int                                     dlight;
	int                                     size;           // including header
	unsigned                        width;
	unsigned                        height;         // DEBUG only needed for debug
	float                           mipscale;
	image_t							*image;
	byte                            data[4];        // width*height elements
} surfcache_t;

// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
typedef struct espan_s
	int                             u, v, count;
	struct espan_s  *pnext;
} espan_t;

// FIXME: compress, make a union if that will help
// insubmodel is only 1, flags is fewer than 32, spanstate could be a byte
typedef struct surf_s
	struct surf_s   *next;                  // active surface stack in r_edge.c
	struct surf_s   *prev;                  // used in r_edge.c for active surf stack
	struct espan_s  *spans;                 // pointer to linked list of spans to draw
	int                     key;                            // sorting key (BSP order)
	int                     last_u;                         // set during tracing
	int                     spanstate;                      // 0 = not in span
									// 1 = in span
									// -1 = in inverted span (end before
									//  start)
	int                     flags;                          // currentface flags
	msurface_t      *msurf;
	cl_entity_t        *entity;
	float           nearzi;                         // nearest 1/z on surface, for mipmapping
	qboolean        insubmodel;
	float           d_ziorigin, d_zistepu, d_zistepv;

	int                     pad[2];                         // to 64 bytes
} surf_t;

// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
typedef struct edge_s
	fixed16_t               u;
	fixed16_t               u_step;
	struct edge_s   *prev, *next;
	unsigned short  surfs[2];
	struct edge_s   *nextremove;
	float                   nearzi;
	medge_t                 *owner;
} edge_t;


									//  started
extern float    r_aliasuvscale;         // scale-up factor for screen u and v
									//  on Alias vertices passed to driver

extern affinetridesc_t  r_affinetridesc;

void D_DrawSurfaces (void);
void R_DrawParticle( void );
void D_ViewChanged (void);
void D_WarpScreen (void);
void R_PolysetUpdateTables (void);


// callbacks to Quake

extern drawsurf_t       r_drawsurf;

void R_DrawSurface (void);

//extern int              c_surf;

extern byte             r_warpbuffer[WARP_WIDTH * WARP_HEIGHT];

extern float    scale_for_mip;

extern qboolean         d_roverwrapped;
extern surfcache_t      *sc_rover;
extern surfcache_t      *d_initial_rover;

extern float    d_sdivzstepu, d_tdivzstepu, d_zistepu;
extern float    d_sdivzstepv, d_tdivzstepv, d_zistepv;
extern float    d_sdivzorigin, d_tdivzorigin, d_ziorigin;

extern  fixed16_t       sadjust, tadjust;
extern  fixed16_t       bbextents, bbextentt;

void D_DrawSpans16 (espan_t *pspans);
void D_DrawZSpans (espan_t *pspans);
void Turbulent8 (espan_t *pspan);
void NonTurbulent8 (espan_t *pspan);	//PGM

surfcache_t     *D_CacheSurface (msurface_t *surface, int miplevel);

extern pixel_t  *d_viewbuffer;
extern short *d_pzbuffer;
extern unsigned int d_zrowbytes, d_zwidth;
extern short    *zspantable[MAXHEIGHT];
extern int      d_scantable[MAXHEIGHT];

extern int              d_minmip;
extern float    d_scalemip[3];


extern int              cachewidth;
extern pixel_t  *cacheblock;
extern int              r_screenwidth;

extern int      sintable[1280];
extern int      intsintable[1280];
extern int		blanktable[1280];		// PGM

extern  surf_t  *surfaces, *surface_p, *surf_max;

// surfaces are generated in back to front order by the bsp, so if a surf
// pointer is greater than another one, it should be drawn in front
// surfaces[1] is the background, and is used as the active surface stack.
// surfaces[0] is a dummy, because index 0 is used to indicate no surface
//  attached to an edge_t


//extern vec3_t   sxformaxis[4];  // s axis transformed into viewspace
//extern vec3_t   txformaxis[4];  // t axis transformed into viewspac

extern  float   xcenter, ycenter;
extern  float   xscale, yscale;
extern  float   xscaleinv, yscaleinv;
//extern float xscaleshrink, yscaleshrink;

extern edge_t   *auxedges;
extern int              r_numallocatededges;
extern edge_t   *r_edges, *edge_p, *edge_max;

extern  edge_t  *newedges[MAXHEIGHT];
extern  edge_t  *removeedges[MAXHEIGHT];

extern	int			r_viewcluster, r_oldviewcluster;

extern int              r_clipflags;
//extern qboolean r_fov_greater_than_90;

extern cvar_t   *sw_aliasstats;
extern cvar_t   *sw_clearcolor;
extern cvar_t   *sw_drawflat;
extern cvar_t   *sw_draworder;
extern cvar_t   *sw_maxedges;
extern cvar_t   *sw_maxsurfs;
extern cvar_t   *sw_mipcap;
extern cvar_t   *sw_mipscale;
extern cvar_t   *sw_reportsurfout;
extern cvar_t   *sw_reportedgeout;
extern cvar_t   *sw_stipplealpha;
extern cvar_t   *sw_surfcacheoverride;
extern cvar_t *sw_waterwarp;
extern cvar_t   *sw_texfilt;
extern cvar_t	*r_decals;
extern cvar_t	*r_traceglow;
extern cvar_t	*sw_notransbrushes;
extern cvar_t	*sw_noalphabrushes;

extern cvar_t	*tracerred;
extern cvar_t	*tracergreen;
extern cvar_t	*tracerblue;
extern cvar_t	*traceralpha;

extern struct qfrustum_s {
	mplane_t screenedge[4];
	clipplane_t     view_clipplanes[4];
	int frustum_indexes[4*6];
	int *pfrustum_indexes[4];
} qfrustum;

extern cvar_t *r_fullbright;

#define CACHESPOT(surf) ((surfcache_t**)surf->info->reserved)
extern int              r_currentkey;
extern int              r_currentbkey;
extern qboolean insubmodel;

extern  vec3_t  r_entorigin;
extern unsigned short r_leafkeys[MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
extern int r_leafkeys[MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
#define LEAF_KEY(pleaf) r_leafkeys[(pleaf - WORLDMODEL->leafs)]

extern mvertex_t        *r_pcurrentvertbase;
//extern int                      r_maxvalidedgeoffset;

typedef struct
	finalvert_t *a, *b, *c;
} aliastriangleparms_t;

extern aliastriangleparms_t aliastriangleparms;

extern	int	r_aliasblendcolor;

extern float    aliasxscale, aliasyscale, aliasxcenter, aliasycenter;
extern float	s_ziscale;

void R_DrawTriangle( void );
//void R_DrawTriangle (finalvert_t *index0, finalvert_t *index1, finalvert_t *index2);
void R_AliasClipTriangle (finalvert_t *index0, finalvert_t *index1, finalvert_t *index2);

// r_bsp.c
void R_RotateBmodel (void);
void R_DrawSolidClippedSubmodelPolygons (model_t *pmodel, mnode_t *topnode);
void R_DrawSubmodelPolygons (model_t *pmodel, int clipflags, mnode_t *topnode);
void R_DrawBrushModel(cl_entity_t *pent);

// r_blitscreen.c
void R_InitCaches (void);
void R_BlitScreen( void );
void R_InitBlit( qboolean gl );
qboolean R_SetDisplayTransform( ref_screen_rotation_t rotate, int offset_x, int offset_y, float scale_x, float scale_y );

// r_edge.c
void R_SurfacePatch (void);
void R_BeginEdgeFrame (void);
void R_RenderWorld (void);
void R_ScanEdges (void);

// r_surf.c
void D_FlushCaches( void );

// r_draw.c
void Draw_Fill (int x, int y, int w, int h);

// r_misc.c
void R_SetupFrameQ (void);
void R_TransformFrustum (void);
void TransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out);

// r_rast.c
void R_RenderBmodelFace (bedge_t *pedges, msurface_t *psurf);
void R_RenderFace (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags);

// r_main.c

void R_RenderTriangle( finalvert_t *fv1 , finalvert_t *fv2, finalvert_t *fv3 );
void R_SetupFinalVert( finalvert_t *fv, float x, float y, float z, int light, int s, int t );
void RotatedBBox (vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t angles, vec3_t tmins, vec3_t tmaxs);
int R_BmodelCheckBBox (float *minmaxs);
int CL_FxBlend( cl_entity_t *e );

void R_SetUpWorldTransform (void);

#define BLEND_ALPHA_LOW(alpha, src, screen) (vid.alphamap[((alpha) << 18) | (((src) & 0xff00) << 2) | ((screen) >> 6)] | ((screen) & 0x3f))
#define BLEND_ALPHA(alpha, src, dst) (alpha) > 3?BLEND_ALPHA_LOW(7 - 1 - (alpha), (dst), (src)) : BLEND_ALPHA_LOW((alpha)-1, (src), (dst))
#define BLEND_ADD(src, screen) vid.addmap[((src)& 0xff00)|((screen)>>8)] << 8 | ((screen) & 0xff) | (((src) & 0xff) >> 0);
#define BLEND_COLOR(src, color) vid.modmap[((src) & 0xff00)|((color)>>8)] << 8 | ((src) & (color) & 0xff) | (((src) & 0xff) >> 3);

#define LM_SAMPLE_SIZE_AUTO(surf) (tr.sample_size == -1?gEngfuncs.Mod_SampleSizeForFace( surf ): tr.sample_size)

// engine callbacks
#include "crtlib.h"
#include "crclib.h"
#if 1
#define Mem_Malloc( pool, size ) gEngfuncs._Mem_Alloc( pool, size, false, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Calloc( pool, size ) gEngfuncs._Mem_Alloc( pool, size, true, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Realloc( pool, ptr, size ) gEngfuncs._Mem_Realloc( pool, ptr, size, true, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Free( mem ) gEngfuncs._Mem_Free( mem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_AllocPool( name ) gEngfuncs._Mem_AllocPool( name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_FreePool( pool ) gEngfuncs._Mem_FreePool( pool, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_EmptyPool( pool ) gEngfuncs._Mem_EmptyPool( pool, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Malloc( pool, size ) malloc(size)
#define Mem_Calloc( pool, size ) calloc(1,size)
#define Mem_Realloc( pool, ptr, size ) realloc(ptr, size)
#define Mem_Free( mem ) free(mem)
#define Mem_AllocPool( name ) gEngfuncs._Mem_AllocPool( name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_FreePool( pool ) gEngfuncs._Mem_FreePool( pool, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_EmptyPool( pool ) gEngfuncs._Mem_EmptyPool( pool, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#endif // GL_LOCAL_H