/* smd.c - Studio Model Data format writer Copyright (C) 2020 Andrey Akhmichin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include "const.h" #include "com_model.h" #include "xash3d_mathlib.h" #include "crtlib.h" #include "studio.h" #include "mdldec.h" #include "smd.h" static matrix3x4 *bonetransform; /* ============ CreateBoneTransformMatrices ============ */ static qboolean CreateBoneTransformMatrices( void ) { bonetransform = calloc( model_hdr->numbones, sizeof( matrix3x4 ) ); if( !bonetransform ) { fputs( "ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for bone transformation matrices!\n", stderr ); return false; } return true; } /* ============ FillBoneTransformMatrices ============ */ static void FillBoneTransformMatrices( void ) { int i; mstudiobone_t *bone; matrix3x4 bonematrix; vec4_t q; for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbones; i++ ) { bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ) + i; AngleQuaternion( &bone->value[3], q, true ); Matrix3x4_FromOriginQuat( bonematrix, q, bone->value ); if( bone->parent == -1 ) { Matrix3x4_Copy( bonetransform[i], bonematrix ); continue; } Matrix3x4_ConcatTransforms( bonetransform[i], bonetransform[bone->parent], bonematrix ); } } /* ============ RemoveBoneTransformMatrices ============ */ static void RemoveBoneTransformMatrices( void ) { free( bonetransform ); } /* ============ ClipRotations ============ */ static void ClipRotations( vec3_t angle ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { while( angle[i] >= M_PI_F ) angle[i] -= M_PI2_F; while( angle[i] < -M_PI_F ) angle[i] += M_PI2_F; } } /* ============ ProperBoneRotationZ ============ */ static void ProperBoneRotationZ( vec_t *motion, float angle ) { float c, s, x, y; float rot; rot = DEG2RAD( angle ); s = sin( rot ); c = cos( rot ); x = motion[0]; y = motion[1]; motion[0] = c * x - s * y; motion[1] = s * x + c * y; motion[5] += rot; } /* ============ CalcBonePosition ============ */ static void CalcBonePosition( mstudioanim_t *anim, mstudiobone_t *bone, vec_t *motion, int frame ) { int i, j; float value; mstudioanimvalue_t *animvalue; for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { motion[i] = bone->value[i]; if( !anim->offset[i] ) continue; animvalue = (mstudioanimvalue_t *)( (byte *)anim + anim->offset[i] ); j = frame; while( animvalue->num.total <= j ) { j -= animvalue->num.total; animvalue += animvalue->num.valid + 1; } if( animvalue->num.valid > j ) value = animvalue[j + 1].value; else value = animvalue[animvalue->num.valid].value; motion[i] += value * bone->scale[i]; } } /* ============ WriteNodes ============ */ static void WriteNodes( FILE *fp ) { int i; mstudiobone_t *bone; fputs( "nodes\n", fp ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbones; i++ ) { bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ) + i; fprintf( fp, "%3i \"%s\" %i\n", i, bone->name, bone->parent ); } fputs( "end\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteSkeleton ============ */ static void WriteSkeleton( FILE *fp ) { int i, j; mstudiobone_t *bone; fputs( "skeleton\n", fp ); fputs( "time 0\n", fp ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbones; i++ ) { bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ) + i; fprintf( fp, "%3i", i ); for( j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) fprintf( fp, " %f", bone->value[j] ); fputs( "\n", fp ); } fputs( "end\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteTriangleInfo ============ */ static void WriteTriangleInfo( FILE *fp, mstudiomodel_t *model, mstudiotexture_t *texture, mstudiotrivert_t **triverts, qboolean isevenstrip ) { int i, indices[3]; int vert_index; int norm_index; int bone_index; float s, t, u, v; byte *vertbone; vec3_t *studioverts; vec3_t *studionorms; vec3_t vert, norm; if( isevenstrip ) { indices[0] = 1; indices[1] = 2; indices[2] = 0; } else { indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; indices[2] = 2; } vertbone = ( (byte *)model_hdr + model->vertinfoindex ); studioverts = (vec3_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model->vertindex ); studionorms = (vec3_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model->normindex ); s = 1.0f / texture->width; t = 1.0f / texture->height; fprintf( fp, "%s\n", texture->name ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { vert_index = triverts[indices[i]]->vertindex; norm_index = triverts[indices[i]]->normindex; bone_index = vertbone[vert_index]; Matrix3x4_VectorTransform( bonetransform[bone_index], studioverts[vert_index], vert ); Matrix3x4_VectorRotate( bonetransform[bone_index], studionorms[norm_index], norm ); VectorNormalize( norm ); if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_UV_COORDS ) { u = HalfToFloat( triverts[indices[i]]->s ); v = -HalfToFloat( triverts[indices[i]]->t ); } else { u = ( triverts[indices[i]]->s + 1.0f ) * s; v = 1.0f - triverts[indices[i]]->t * t; } fprintf( fp, "%3i %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", bone_index, vert[0], vert[1], vert[2], norm[0], norm[1], norm[2], u, v ); } } /* ============ WriteTriangles ============ */ static void WriteTriangles( FILE *fp, mstudiomodel_t *model ) { int i, j, k; mstudiomesh_t *mesh; mstudiotexture_t *texture; mstudiotrivert_t *triverts[3]; short *tricmds; fputs( "triangles\n", fp ); for( i = 0; i < model->nummesh; i++ ) { mesh = (mstudiomesh_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model->meshindex ) + i; tricmds = (short *)( (byte *)model_hdr + mesh->triindex ); texture = (mstudiotexture_t *)( (byte *)texture_hdr + texture_hdr->textureindex ) + mesh->skinref; while( ( j = *( tricmds++ ) ) ) { if( j >= 0 ) { // triangle strip for( k = 0; j > 0; j--, k++, tricmds += 4 ) { if( k == 0 ) { triverts[0] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; } else if( k == 1 ) { triverts[2] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; } else if( k == 2 ) { triverts[1] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; WriteTriangleInfo( fp, model, texture, triverts, true ); } else if( k % 2 ) { triverts[0] = triverts[2]; triverts[2] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; WriteTriangleInfo( fp, model, texture, triverts, false ); } else { triverts[0] = triverts[1]; triverts[1] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; WriteTriangleInfo( fp, model, texture, triverts, true ); } } } else { // triangle fan j = abs( j ); for( k = 0; j > 0; j--, k++, tricmds += 4 ) { if( k == 0 ) { triverts[0] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; } else if( k == 1 ) { triverts[2] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; } else if( k == 2 ) { triverts[1] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; WriteTriangleInfo( fp, model, texture, triverts, false ); } else { triverts[2] = triverts[1]; triverts[1] = (mstudiotrivert_t *)tricmds; WriteTriangleInfo( fp, model, texture, triverts, false ); } } } } } fputs( "end\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteFrameInfo ============ */ static void WriteFrameInfo( FILE *fp, mstudioanim_t *anim, mstudioseqdesc_t *seqdesc, int frame ) { int i, j; vec_t motion[6]; // x, y, z, xr, yr, zr mstudiobone_t *bone; fprintf( fp, "time %i\n", frame ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbones; i++, anim++ ) { bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ) + i; CalcBonePosition( anim, bone, motion, frame ); if( bone->parent == -1 ) { for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) motion[j] += frame * 1.0f / seqdesc->numframes * seqdesc->linearmovement[j]; ProperBoneRotationZ( motion, 270.0f ); } ClipRotations( &motion[3] ); fprintf( fp, "%3i ", i ); for( j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) fprintf( fp, " %f", motion[j] ); fputs( "\n", fp ); } } /* ============ WriteAnimations ============ */ static void WriteAnimations( FILE *fp, mstudioseqdesc_t *seqdesc, int blend ) { int i; mstudioanim_t *anim; fputs( "skeleton\n", fp ); anim = (mstudioanim_t *)( (byte *)anim_hdr[seqdesc->seqgroup] + seqdesc->animindex ); anim += blend * model_hdr->numbones; for( i = 0; i < seqdesc->numframes; i++ ) WriteFrameInfo( fp, anim, seqdesc, i ); fputs( "end\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteReferences ============ */ static void WriteReferences( void ) { int i, j; int len; FILE *fp; mstudiomodel_t *model; mstudiobodyparts_t *bodypart; char name[64]; char filename[MAX_SYSPATH]; if( !CreateBoneTransformMatrices() ) return; FillBoneTransformMatrices(); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbodyparts; i++ ) { bodypart = (mstudiobodyparts_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->bodypartindex ) + i; for( j = 0; j < bodypart->nummodels; j++ ) { model = (mstudiomodel_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + bodypart->modelindex ) + j; if( !Q_strncmp( model->name, "blank", 5 ) ) continue; COM_FileBase( model->name, name, sizeof( name )); len = Q_snprintf( filename, MAX_SYSPATH, "%s%s.smd", destdir, name ); if( len == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Destination path is too long. Can't write %s.smd\n", name ); RemoveBoneTransformMatrices(); return; } fp = fopen( filename, "w" ); if( !fp ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Can't write %s\n", filename ); RemoveBoneTransformMatrices(); return; } fputs( "version 1\n", fp ); WriteNodes( fp ); WriteSkeleton( fp ); WriteTriangles( fp, model ); fclose( fp ); printf( "Reference: %s\n", filename ); } } RemoveBoneTransformMatrices(); } /* ============ WriteSequences ============ */ static void WriteSequences( void ) { int i, j; int len; FILE *fp; char filename[MAX_SYSPATH]; mstudioseqdesc_t *seqdesc; for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numseq; i++ ) { seqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->seqindex ) + i; for( j = 0; j < seqdesc->numblends; j++ ) { if( seqdesc->numblends == 1 ) len = Q_snprintf( filename, MAX_SYSPATH, "%s%s.smd", destdir, seqdesc->label ); else len = Q_snprintf( filename, MAX_SYSPATH, "%s%s_blend%i.smd", destdir, seqdesc->label, j + 1 ); if( len == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Destination path is too long. Can't write %s.smd\n", seqdesc->label ); return; } fp = fopen( filename, "w" ); if( !fp ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Can't write %s\n", filename ); return; } fputs( "version 1\n", fp ); WriteNodes( fp ); WriteAnimations( fp, seqdesc, j ); fclose( fp ); printf( "Sequence: %s\n", filename ); } } } void WriteSMD( void ) { WriteReferences(); WriteSequences(); }