#include "r_local.h" // not really draw alias models here, but use this to draw triangles int r_amodels_drawn; affinetridesc_t r_affinetridesc; vec3_t r_plightvec; vec3_t r_lerped[1024]; vec3_t r_lerp_frontv, r_lerp_backv, r_lerp_move; int r_ambientlight; int r_aliasblendcolor; float r_shadelight; float aliastransform[3][4]; float aliasworldtransform[3][4]; float aliasoldworldtransform[3][4]; static float s_ziscale; static vec3_t s_alias_forward, s_alias_right, s_alias_up; #define NUMVERTEXNORMALS 162 float r_avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3] = { #include "anorms.h" }; void R_AliasSetUpTransform (void); void R_AliasTransformVector (vec3_t in, vec3_t out, float m[3][4] ); void R_AliasProjectAndClipTestFinalVert (finalvert_t *fv); void R_AliasTransformFinalVerts( int numpoints, finalvert_t *fv, dtrivertx_t *oldv, dtrivertx_t *newv ); /* ================ R_AliasCheckBBox ================ */ typedef struct { int index0; int index1; } aedge_t; static aedge_t aedges[12] = { {0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 4}, {0, 5}, {1, 4}, {2, 7}, {3, 6} }; #define BBOX_TRIVIAL_ACCEPT 0 #define BBOX_MUST_CLIP_XY 1 #define BBOX_MUST_CLIP_Z 2 #define BBOX_TRIVIAL_REJECT 8 /* ================ R_AliasTransformVector ================ */ void R_AliasTransformVector(vec3_t in, vec3_t out, float xf[3][4] ) { out[0] = DotProduct(in, xf[0]) + xf[0][3]; out[1] = DotProduct(in, xf[1]) + xf[1][3]; out[2] = DotProduct(in, xf[2]) + xf[2][3]; } void VectorInverse (vec3_t v) { v[0] = -v[0]; v[1] = -v[1]; v[2] = -v[2]; } /* ================ R_AliasSetUpTransform ================ */ void R_AliasSetUpTransform (void) { int i; static float viewmatrix[3][4]; vec3_t angles; // TODO: should really be stored with the entity instead of being reconstructed // TODO: should use a look-up table // TODO: could cache lazily, stored in the entity // s_ziscale = (float)0x8000 * (float)0x10000; angles[ROLL] = RI.currententity->angles[ROLL]; angles[PITCH] = RI.currententity->angles[PITCH]; angles[YAW] = RI.currententity->angles[YAW]; AngleVectors( angles, s_alias_forward, s_alias_right, s_alias_up ); // TODO: can do this with simple matrix rearrangement memset( aliasworldtransform, 0, sizeof( aliasworldtransform ) ); memset( aliasoldworldtransform, 0, sizeof( aliasworldtransform ) ); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { aliasoldworldtransform[i][0] = aliasworldtransform[i][0] = s_alias_forward[i]; aliasoldworldtransform[i][0] = aliasworldtransform[i][1] = -s_alias_right[i]; aliasoldworldtransform[i][0] = aliasworldtransform[i][2] = s_alias_up[i]; } aliasworldtransform[0][3] = RI.currententity->origin[0]-r_origin[0]; aliasworldtransform[1][3] = RI.currententity->origin[1]-r_origin[1]; aliasworldtransform[2][3] = RI.currententity->origin[2]-r_origin[2]; //aliasoldworldtransform[0][3] = RI.currententity->oldorigin[0]-r_origin[0]; //aliasoldworldtransform[1][3] = RI.currententity->oldorigin[1]-r_origin[1]; //aliasoldworldtransform[2][3] = RI.currententity->oldorigin[2]-r_origin[2]; // FIXME: can do more efficiently than full concatenation // memcpy( rotationmatrix, t2matrix, sizeof( rotationmatrix ) ); // R_ConcatTransforms (t2matrix, tmatrix, rotationmatrix); // TODO: should be global, set when vright, etc., set VectorCopy (vright, viewmatrix[0]); VectorCopy (vup, viewmatrix[1]); VectorInverse (viewmatrix[1]); //VectorScale(viewmatrix[1], -1, viewmatrix[1]); VectorCopy (vpn, viewmatrix[2]); viewmatrix[0][3] = 0; viewmatrix[1][3] = 0; viewmatrix[2][3] = 0; // memcpy( aliasworldtransform, rotationmatrix, sizeof( aliastransform ) ); R_ConcatTransforms (viewmatrix, aliasworldtransform, aliastransform); aliasworldtransform[0][3] = RI.currententity->origin[0]; aliasworldtransform[1][3] = RI.currententity->origin[1]; aliasworldtransform[2][3] = RI.currententity->origin[2]; //aliasoldworldtransform[0][3] = RI.currententity->oldorigin[0]; //aliasoldworldtransform[1][3] = RI.currententity->oldorigin[1]; //aliasoldworldtransform[2][3] = RI.currententity->oldorigin[2]; } /* ================ R_AliasProjectAndClipTestFinalVert ================ */ void R_AliasProjectAndClipTestFinalVert( finalvert_t *fv ) { float zi; float x, y, z; // project points x = fv->xyz[0]; y = fv->xyz[1]; z = fv->xyz[2]; zi = 1.0 / z; fv->zi = zi * s_ziscale; fv->u = (x * aliasxscale * zi) + aliasxcenter; fv->v = (y * aliasyscale * zi) + aliasycenter; if (fv->u < RI.aliasvrect.x) fv->flags |= ALIAS_LEFT_CLIP; if (fv->v < RI.aliasvrect.y) fv->flags |= ALIAS_TOP_CLIP; if (fv->u > RI.aliasvrectright) fv->flags |= ALIAS_RIGHT_CLIP; if (fv->v > RI.aliasvrectbottom) fv->flags |= ALIAS_BOTTOM_CLIP; } void R_SetupFinalVert( finalvert_t *fv, float x, float y, float z, int light, int s, int t ) { vec3_t v = {x, y, z}; fv->xyz[0] = DotProduct(v, aliastransform[0]) + aliastransform[0][3]; fv->xyz[1] = DotProduct(v, aliastransform[1]) + aliastransform[1][3]; fv->xyz[2] = DotProduct(v, aliastransform[2]) + aliastransform[2][3]; fv->flags = 0; fv->l = light; if ( fv->xyz[2] < ALIAS_Z_CLIP_PLANE ) { fv->flags |= ALIAS_Z_CLIP; } else { R_AliasProjectAndClipTestFinalVert( fv ); } fv->s = s << 16; fv->t = t << 16; } void R_RenderTriangle( finalvert_t *pfv ) { if ( pfv[0].flags & pfv[1].flags & pfv[2].flags ) return ; // completely clipped if ( ! (pfv[0].flags | pfv[1].flags | pfv[2].flags) ) { // totally unclipped aliastriangleparms.a = &pfv[0]; aliastriangleparms.b = &pfv[1]; aliastriangleparms.c = &pfv[2]; R_DrawTriangle(); } else { // partially clipped R_AliasClipTriangle (&pfv[0], &pfv[1], &pfv[2]); } }