/* lib_common.c - common dynamic library code Copyright (C) 2018 Flying With Gauss This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "common.h" #include "library.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "server.h" #include static char s_szLastError[1024] = ""; const char *COM_GetLibraryError( void ) { return s_szLastError; } void COM_ResetLibraryError( void ) { s_szLastError[0] = 0; } void COM_PushLibraryError( const char *error ) { if( s_szLastError[0] ) Q_strncat( s_szLastError, "\n", sizeof( s_szLastError ) ); Q_strncat( s_szLastError, error, sizeof( s_szLastError ) ); } void *COM_FunctionFromName_SR( void *hInstance, const char *pName ) { char **funcs = NULL; size_t numfuncs, i; void *f = NULL; const char *func = NULL; #ifdef XASH_ALLOW_SAVERESTORE_OFFSETS if( !memcmp( pName, "ofs:", 4 )) return (byte*)svgame.dllFuncs.pfnGameInit + Q_atoi( pName + 4 ); #endif #if XASH_POSIX funcs = COM_ConvertToLocalPlatform( MANGLE_ITANIUM, pName, &numfuncs ); if( funcs ) { for( i = 0; i < numfuncs; i++ ) { if( !f ) f = COM_FunctionFromName( hInstance, funcs[i] ); Z_Free( funcs[i] ); } Z_Free( funcs ); if( f ) return f; } #elif _MSC_VER // TODO: COM_ConvertToLocalPlatform doesn't support MSVC yet // also custom loader strips always MSVC mangling, so Win32 // platforms already use platform-neutral names func = COM_GetPlatformNeutralName( pName ); if( func ) return COM_FunctionFromName( hInstance, func ); #endif return COM_FunctionFromName( hInstance, pName ); } const char *COM_OffsetNameForFunction( void *function ) { static string sname; Q_snprintf( sname, MAX_STRING, "ofs:%lu", (size_t)((byte*)function - (byte*)svgame.dllFuncs.pfnGameInit) ); Con_Reportf( "COM_OffsetNameForFunction %s\n", sname ); return sname; } dll_user_t *FS_FindLibrary( const char *dllname, qboolean directpath ) { dll_user_t *p; fs_dllinfo_t dllInfo; // no fs loaded yet, but let engine find fs if( !g_fsapi.FindLibrary ) { p = Mem_Calloc( host.mempool, sizeof( dll_user_t )); Q_strncpy( p->shortPath, dllname, sizeof( p->shortPath )); Q_strncpy( p->fullPath, dllname, sizeof( p->fullPath )); Q_strncpy( p->dllName, dllname, sizeof( p->dllName )); return p; } // fs can't find library if( !g_fsapi.FindLibrary( dllname, directpath, &dllInfo )) return NULL; // NOTE: for libraries we not fail even if search is NULL // let the OS find library himself p = Mem_Calloc( host.mempool, sizeof( dll_user_t )); Q_strncpy( p->shortPath, dllInfo.shortPath, sizeof( p->shortPath )); Q_strncpy( p->fullPath, dllInfo.fullPath, sizeof( p->fullPath )); Q_strncpy( p->dllName, dllname, sizeof( p->dllName )); p->custom_loader = dllInfo.custom_loader; p->encrypted = dllInfo.encrypted; return p; } /* ============================================================================= LIBRARY NAMING(see Documentation/library-naming.md for more info) ============================================================================= */ enum { }; static void COM_GenerateCommonLibraryName( const char *name, const char *ext, int os, int cpu, char *out, size_t size ) { } static void COM_GenerateCommonLibraryName( const char *name, const char *ext, char *out, size_t size ) { #if ( XASH_WIN32 || XASH_LINUX || XASH_APPLE ) && XASH_X86 Q_snprintf( out, size, "%s.%s", name, ext ); #elif ( XASH_WIN32 || XASH_LINUX || XASH_APPLE ) Q_snprintf( out, size, "%s_%s.%s", name, Q_buildarch(), ext ); #else Q_snprintf( out, size, "%s_%s_%s.%s", name, Q_buildos(), Q_buildarch(), ext ); #endif } /* ============== COM_GenerateClientLibraryPath Generates platform-unique and compatible name for client libraries ============== */ static void COM_GenerateClientLibraryPath( const char *name, char *out, size_t size ) { #ifdef XASH_INTERNAL_GAMELIBS // assuming library loader knows where to get libraries Q_strncpy( out, name, size ); #else string dllpath; // we don't have any library prefixes, so we can safely append dll_path here Q_snprintf( dllpath, sizeof( dllpath ), "%s/%s", GI->dll_path, name ); COM_GenerateCommonLibraryName( dllpath, OS_LIB_EXT, out, size ); #endif } /* ============== COM_GenerateServerLibraryPath Generates platform-unique and compatible name for server library ============== */ static void COM_GenerateServerLibraryPath( char *out, size_t size ) { #ifdef XASH_INTERNAL_GAMELIBS // assuming library loader knows where to get libraries Q_strncpy( out, "server", size ); #elif ( XASH_WIN32 || XASH_LINUX || XASH_APPLE ) && XASH_X86 #if XASH_WIN32 Q_strncpy( out, GI->game_dll, size ); #elif XASH_APPLE Q_strncpy( out, GI->game_dll_osx, size ); #else // XASH_LINUX Q_strncpy( out, GI->game_dll_linux, size ); #endif #else string dllpath; const char *ext; #if XASH_WIN32 Q_strncpy( dllpath, GI->game_dll, sizeof( dllpath ) ); #elif XASH_APPLE Q_strncpy( dllpath, GI->game_dll_osx, sizeof( dllpath ) ); #else // XASH_APPLE Q_strncpy( dllpath, GI->game_dll_linux, sizeof( dllpath ) ); #endif ext = COM_FileExtension( dllpath ); COM_StripExtension( dllpath ); COM_GenerateCommonLibraryName( dllpath, ext, out, size ); #endif } /* ============== COM_GetCommonLibraryPath Generates platform-unique and compatible name for server library ============== */ void COM_GetCommonLibraryPath( ECommonLibraryType eLibType, char *out, size_t size ) { switch( eLibType ) { case LIBRARY_GAMEUI: COM_GenerateClientLibraryPath( "menu", out, size ); break; case LIBRARY_CLIENT: if( SI.clientlib[0] ) { Q_strncpy( out, SI.clientlib, size ); } else { COM_GenerateClientLibraryPath( "client", out, size ); } break; case LIBRARY_SERVER: if( SI.gamedll[0] ) { Q_strncpy( out, SI.gamedll, size ); } else { COM_GenerateServerLibraryPath( out, size ); } break; default: ASSERT( true ); out[0] = 0; break; } } /* ============================================================================= C++ MANGLE CONVERSION ============================================================================= */ #define MAX_NESTED_NAMESPACES 16 /* MSVC limit */ static EFunctionMangleType COM_DetectMangleType( const char *str ) { // Itanium C++ ABI mangling always start with _Z // namespaces start with N, therefore _ZN if( !Q_strncmp( str, "_ZN", 3 ) ) return MANGLE_ITANIUM; // MSVC C++ mangling always start with ? and have if( str[0] == '?' && Q_strstr( str, "@@" )) return MANGLE_MSVC; // allow offsets, we just silently ignore them on conversion if( !Q_strncmp( str, "ofs:", 4 )) return MANGLE_OFFSET; // don't get confused by MSVC C mangling if( str[0] != '@' && Q_strchr( str, '@' )) return MANGLE_VALVE; // not technically an error return MANGLE_UNKNOWN; } char *COM_GetMSVCName( const char *in_name ) { static string out_name; char *pos; if( in_name[0] == '?' ) // is this a MSVC C++ mangled name? { if(( pos = Q_strstr( in_name, "@@" )) != NULL ) { ptrdiff_t len = pos - in_name; // strip off the leading '?' Q_strncpy( out_name, in_name + 1, sizeof( out_name )); out_name[len-1] = 0; // terminate string at the "@@" return out_name; } } Q_strncpy( out_name, in_name, sizeof( out_name )); return out_name; } static char *COM_GetItaniumName( const char * const in_name ) { static string out_name; const char *f = in_name; string symbols[16]; uint len = 0; int i; int remaining; remaining = Q_strlen( f ); if( remaining < 3 ) goto invalid_format; out_name[0] = 0; // skip _ZN f += 3; remaining -= 3; for( i = 0; i < MAX_NESTED_NAMESPACES; i++ ) { // parse symbol length marker len = 0; for( ; isdigit( *f ) && remaining > 0; f++, remaining-- ) len = len * 10 + ( *f - '0' ); // sane value len = Q_min( remaining, len ); if( len == 0 ) goto invalid_format; Q_strncpy( symbols[i], f, Q_min( len + 1, sizeof( out_name ))); f += len; remaining -= len; // end marker if( *f == 'E' ) break; if( !isdigit( *f ) || remaining <= 0 ) goto invalid_format; } if( i == MAX_NESTED_NAMESPACES ) { Con_DPrintf( "%s: too much nested namespaces: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, in_name ); return NULL; } for( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { Q_strncat( out_name, symbols[i], sizeof( out_name )); if( i > 0 ) Q_strncat( out_name, "@", sizeof( out_name )); } return out_name; invalid_format: Con_DPrintf( "%s: invalid format: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, in_name ); return NULL; } char **COM_ConvertToLocalPlatform( EFunctionMangleType to, const char *from, size_t *numfuncs ) { string symbols[MAX_NESTED_NAMESPACES], temp, temp2; const char *prev; const char *postfix[3]; int i = 0; char **ret; // TODO: if( to == MANGLE_MSVC ) return NULL; switch( to ) { case MANGLE_ITANIUM: postfix[0] = "Ev"; postfix[1] = "EP11CBaseEntity"; postfix[2] = "EP11CBaseEntityS1_8USE_TYPEf"; break; default: ASSERT( 0 ); return NULL; } prev = from; for( i = 0; i < MAX_NESTED_NAMESPACES; i++ ) { const char *at = Q_strchr( prev, '@' ); uint len; if( at ) len = (uint)( at - prev ); else len = (uint)Q_strlen( prev ); Q_strncpy( symbols[i], prev, Q_min( len + 1, sizeof( symbols[i] ))); prev = at + 1; if( !at ) break; } if( i == MAX_NESTED_NAMESPACES ) { Con_DPrintf( "%s: too much nested namespaces: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, from ); return NULL; } // only three possible variations *numfuncs = ARRAYSIZE( postfix ); ret = Z_Malloc( sizeof( char * ) * ARRAYSIZE( postfix ) ); Q_strncpy( temp, "_ZN", sizeof( temp )); for( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { Q_snprintf( temp2, sizeof( temp2 ), "%u%s", (uint)Q_strlen( symbols[i] ), symbols[i] ); Q_strncat( temp, temp2, sizeof( temp )); } for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( postfix ); i++ ) { Q_snprintf( temp2, sizeof( temp2 ), "%s%s", temp, postfix[i] ); ret[i] = copystring( temp2 ); } return ret; } const char *COM_GetPlatformNeutralName( const char *in_name ) { EFunctionMangleType type = COM_DetectMangleType( in_name ); switch( type ) { case MANGLE_ITANIUM: return COM_GetItaniumName( in_name ); case MANGLE_MSVC: return COM_GetMSVCName( in_name ); default: return in_name; } } #if XASH_ENGINE_TESTS #include "tests.h" static void Test_DetectMangleType( void ) { TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "asdf" ) == MANGLE_UNKNOWN ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "012345" ) == MANGLE_UNKNOWN ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "?asdf" ) == MANGLE_UNKNOWN ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "_Zasdf" ) == MANGLE_UNKNOWN ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "ofs:1234" ) == MANGLE_OFFSET ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "ofs:asdf" ) == MANGLE_OFFSET ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "ofs:" ) == MANGLE_OFFSET ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "_ZN1f1fEv" ) == MANGLE_ITANIUM ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "_ZN3foo3barEv" ) == MANGLE_ITANIUM ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "?f@f@@msvcsucks" ) == MANGLE_MSVC ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "?foo@bar@@IHATEMSVC" ) == MANGLE_MSVC ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "f@f" ) == MANGLE_VALVE ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "foo@bar" ) == MANGLE_VALVE ); // Xash3D FWGS extensions test TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "_ZN1f1f1fEv" ) == MANGLE_ITANIUM ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "_ZN3foo3bar3bazEv" ) == MANGLE_ITANIUM ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "?f@f@f@@msvcsucks" ) == MANGLE_MSVC ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "?foo@bar@@IHATEMSVC" ) == MANGLE_MSVC ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "f@f@f" ) == MANGLE_VALVE ); TASSERT(COM_DetectMangleType( "foo@bar@baz" ) == MANGLE_VALVE ); } static void Test_GetMSVCName( void ) { const char *symbols[] = { "", "", "?f@f@@XYZA", "f@f", "?foo@bar@@QAEXXZ", "foo@bar", "foo", "foo", "?foo", "?foo", "?foo@@", "foo", // not an error? "?foo@bar@baz@@gotstrippedanyway","foo@bar@baz" }; int i; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( symbols ); i += 2 ) { Msg( "Checking if MSVC '%s' converts to '%s'...\n", symbols[i], symbols[i+1] ); TASSERT( !Q_strcmp( COM_GetMSVCName( symbols[i] ), symbols[i+1] )); } } static void Test_GetItaniumName( void ) { const char *symbols[] = { "", NULL, "_", NULL, "_Z", NULL, "_ZN", NULL, "_ZNv", NULL, "_ZN4barr3foo", NULL, "_ZN3bar3foov", NULL, "_ZN4bar3fooEv", NULL, "_ZN3bar3fooEv", "foo@bar", "_Z3foov", NULL, "_ZN3fooEv", "foo", // not possible? "_ZN3baz3bar3fooEdontcare", "foo@bar@baz", }; int i; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( symbols ); i += 2 ) { Msg( "Checking if Itanium '%s' converts to '%s'...\n", symbols[i], symbols[i+1] ); TASSERT( !Q_strcmp( COM_GetItaniumName( symbols[i] ), symbols[i+1] )); } } static void Test_ConvertFromValveToLocal( void ) { const char *symbols[] = { "", "_ZN", "foo", "_ZN3foo", "xash3d@fwgs", "_ZN4fwgs6xash3d", "foo@bar@bazz", "_ZN4bazz3bar3foo" }; int i; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( symbols ); i += 2 ) { char **ret; size_t numfuncs; size_t symlen = Q_strlen( symbols[i + 1] ); Msg( "Checking if Valve '%s' converts to Itanium '%s'...\n", symbols[i], symbols[i+1] ); ret = COM_ConvertToLocalPlatform( MANGLE_ITANIUM, symbols[i], &numfuncs ); TASSERT( numfuncs == 3 ); TASSERT( !Q_strncmp( ret[0], symbols[i+1], symlen )); TASSERT( !Q_strncmp( ret[1], symbols[i+1], symlen )); TASSERT( !Q_strncmp( ret[2], symbols[i+1], symlen )); } } void Test_RunLibCommon( void ) { TRUN( Test_DetectMangleType() ); TRUN( Test_GetMSVCName() ); TRUN( Test_GetItaniumName() ); TRUN( Test_ConvertFromValveToLocal() ); } #endif /* XASH_ENGINE_TESTS */