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synced 2025-03-13 06:21:08 +00:00
engine: remove emboss filter. There seems no real use for it.
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef enum
IMAGE_ROT_90 = BIT(18), // flip from upper left corner to down right corner
IMAGE_EMBOSS = BIT(19), // apply emboss mapping
// reserved
IMAGE_RESAMPLE = BIT(20), // resample image to specified dims
// reserved
// reserved
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef enum
TF_KEEP_SOURCE = (1<<1), // some images keep source
TF_NOFLIP_TGA = (1<<2), // Steam background completely ignore tga attribute 0x20
TF_EXPAND_SOURCE = (1<<3), // Don't keep source as 8-bit expand to RGBA
TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS = (1<<4), // Allow emboss-mapping for this image
// reserved
TF_CUBEMAP = (1<<6), // it's cubemap texture
TF_DEPTHMAP = (1<<7), // custom texture filter used
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ qboolean FS_SaveImage( const char *filename, rgbdata_t *pix );
rgbdata_t *FS_CopyImage( rgbdata_t *in );
void FS_FreeImage( rgbdata_t *pack );
extern const bpc_desc_t PFDesc[]; // image get pixelformat
qboolean Image_Process( rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, float bumpscale );
qboolean Image_Process( rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, float reserved );
void Image_PaletteHueReplace( byte *palSrc, int newHue, int start, int end, int pal_size );
void Image_PaletteTranslate( byte *palSrc, int top, int bottom, int pal_size );
void Image_SetForceFlags( uint flags ); // set image force flags on loading
@ -80,15 +80,6 @@ static byte palette_hl[768] =
static float img_emboss[FILTER_SIZE][FILTER_SIZE] =
{-0.7f, -0.7f, -0.7f, -0.7f, 0.0f },
{-0.7f, -0.7f, -0.7f, 0.0f, 0.7f },
{-0.7f, -0.7f, 0.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f },
{-0.7f, 0.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f },
{ 0.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f },
@ -1368,107 +1359,7 @@ qboolean Image_RemapInternal( rgbdata_t *pic, int topColor, int bottomColor )
return true;
Applies a 5 x 5 filtering matrix to the texture, then runs it through a simulated OpenGL texture environment
blend with the original data to derive a new texture. Freaky, funky, and *f--king* *fantastic*. You can do
reasonable enough "fake bumpmapping" with this baby...
Filtering algorithm from http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m0216922/CG/filtering.html
All credit due
static void Image_ApplyFilter( rgbdata_t *pic, float factor )
int i, x, y;
uint *fin, *fout;
size_t size;
// don't waste time
if( factor <= 0.0f ) return;
// first expand the image into 32-bit buffer
pic = Image_DecompressInternal( pic );
factor = bound( 0.0f, factor, 1.0f );
size = image.width * image.height * 4;
image.tempbuffer = Mem_Realloc( host.imagepool, image.tempbuffer, size );
fout = (uint *)image.tempbuffer;
fin = (uint *)pic->buffer;
for( x = 0; x < image.width; x++ )
for( y = 0; y < image.height; y++ )
vec3_t vout = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
int pos_x, pos_y;
float avg;
for( pos_x = 0; pos_x < FILTER_SIZE; pos_x++ )
for( pos_y = 0; pos_y < FILTER_SIZE; pos_y++ )
int img_x = (x - (FILTER_SIZE / 2) + pos_x + image.width) % image.width;
int img_y = (y - (FILTER_SIZE / 2) + pos_y + image.height) % image.height;
// casting's a unary operation anyway, so the othermost set of brackets in the left part
// of the rvalue should not be necessary... but i'm paranoid when it comes to C...
vout[0] += ((float)((byte *)&fin[img_y * image.width + img_x])[0]) * img_emboss[pos_x][pos_y];
vout[1] += ((float)((byte *)&fin[img_y * image.width + img_x])[1]) * img_emboss[pos_x][pos_y];
vout[2] += ((float)((byte *)&fin[img_y * image.width + img_x])[2]) * img_emboss[pos_x][pos_y];
// multiply by factor, add bias, and clamp
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
vout[i] *= factor;
vout[i] += 128.0f; // base
vout[i] = bound( 0.0f, vout[i], 255.0f );
// NTSC greyscale conversion standard
avg = (vout[0] * 30.0f + vout[1] * 59.0f + vout[2] * 11.0f) / 100.0f;
// divide by 255 so GL operations work as expected
vout[0] = avg / 255.0f;
vout[1] = avg / 255.0f;
vout[2] = avg / 255.0f;
// write to temp - first, write data in (to get the alpha channel quickly and
// easily, which will be left well alone by this particular operation...!)
fout[y * image.width + x] = fin[y * image.width + x];
// now write in each element, applying the blend operator. blend
// operators are based on standard OpenGL TexEnv modes, and the
// formulas are derived from the OpenGL specs (http://www.opengl.org).
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// divide by 255 so GL operations work as expected
float src = ((float)((byte *)&fin[y * image.width + x])[i]) / 255.0f;
float tmp;
// default is GL_BLEND here
// CsS + CdD works out as Src * Dst * 2
tmp = vout[i] * src * 2.0f;
// multiply back by 255 to get the proper byte scale
tmp *= 255.0f;
// bound the temp target again now, cos the operation may have thrown it out
tmp = bound( 0.0f, tmp, 255.0f );
// and copy it in
((byte *)&fout[y * image.width + x])[i] = (byte)tmp;
// copy result back
memcpy( fin, fout, size );
qboolean Image_Process( rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, float bumpscale )
qboolean Image_Process(rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, float reserved )
rgbdata_t *pic = *pix;
qboolean result = true;
@ -1509,9 +1400,6 @@ qboolean Image_Process( rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, floa
if( FBitSet( flags, IMAGE_LIGHTGAMMA ))
pic = Image_LightGamma( pic );
if( FBitSet( flags, IMAGE_EMBOSS ))
Image_ApplyFilter( pic, bumpscale );
out = Image_FlipInternal( pic->buffer, &pic->width, &pic->height, pic->type, flags );
if( pic->buffer != out ) memcpy( pic->buffer, image.tempbuffer, pic->size );
@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ static void Mod_LoadTextures( dbspmodel_t *bmod )
if( FS_FileExists( texpath, false ))
tx->gl_texturenum = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( texpath, NULL, 0, TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS|txFlags );
tx->gl_texturenum = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( texpath, NULL, 0, txFlags );
bmod->wadlist.wadusage[j]++; // this wad are really used
@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ static void Mod_LoadTextures( dbspmodel_t *bmod )
if( custom_palette ) size += sizeof( short ) + 768;
Q_snprintf( texname, sizeof( texname ), "#%s:%s.mip", loadstat.name, mt->name );
tx->gl_texturenum = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( texname, (byte *)mt, size, TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS|txFlags );
tx->gl_texturenum = ref.dllFuncs.GL_LoadTexture( texname, (byte *)mt, size, txFlags );
// if texture is completely missed
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ typedef struct ref_api_s
void (*Image_SetForceFlags)( uint flags );
void (*Image_ClearForceFlags)( void );
qboolean (*Image_CustomPalette)( void );
qboolean (*Image_Process)( rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, float bumpscale );
qboolean (*Image_Process)( rgbdata_t **pix, int width, int height, uint flags, float reserved );
rgbdata_t *(*FS_LoadImage)( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size );
qboolean (*FS_SaveImage)( const char *filename, rgbdata_t *pix );
rgbdata_t *(*FS_CopyImage)( rgbdata_t *in );
@ -1266,7 +1266,6 @@ do specified actions on pixels
static void GL_ProcessImage( gl_texture_t *tex, rgbdata_t *pic )
float emboss_scale = 0.0f;
uint img_flags = 0;
// force upload texture as RGB or RGBA (detail textures requires this)
@ -1299,12 +1298,6 @@ static void GL_ProcessImage( gl_texture_t *tex, rgbdata_t *pic )
tex->flags &= ~TF_MAKELUMA;
if( tex->flags & TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS )
img_flags |= IMAGE_EMBOSS;
tex->flags &= ~TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS;
if( !FBitSet( tex->flags, TF_IMG_UPLOADED ) && FBitSet( tex->flags, TF_KEEP_SOURCE ))
tex->original = gEngfuncs.FS_CopyImage( pic ); // because current pic will be expanded to rgba
@ -1312,12 +1305,8 @@ static void GL_ProcessImage( gl_texture_t *tex, rgbdata_t *pic )
if( pic->type == PF_INDEXED_24 || pic->type == PF_INDEXED_32 )
img_flags |= IMAGE_FORCE_RGBA;
// dedicated server doesn't register this variable
if( gl_emboss_scale != NULL )
emboss_scale = gl_emboss_scale->value;
// processing image before uploading (force to rgba, make luma etc)
if( pic->buffer ) gEngfuncs.Image_Process( &pic, 0, 0, img_flags, emboss_scale );
if( pic->buffer ) gEngfuncs.Image_Process( &pic, 0, 0, img_flags, 0 );
if( FBitSet( tex->flags, TF_LUMINANCE ))
ClearBits( pic->flags, IMAGE_HAS_COLOR );
@ -723,7 +723,6 @@ extern cvar_t *gl_texture_lodbias;
extern cvar_t *gl_texture_nearest;
extern cvar_t *gl_lightmap_nearest;
extern cvar_t *gl_keeptjunctions;
extern cvar_t *gl_emboss_scale;
extern cvar_t *gl_round_down;
extern cvar_t *gl_wireframe;
extern cvar_t *gl_polyoffset;
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ cvar_t *gl_texture_lodbias;
cvar_t *gl_texture_nearest;
cvar_t *gl_lightmap_nearest;
cvar_t *gl_keeptjunctions;
cvar_t *gl_emboss_scale;
cvar_t *gl_check_errors;
cvar_t *gl_polyoffset;
cvar_t *gl_wireframe;
@ -848,7 +847,6 @@ void GL_InitCommands( void )
gl_texture_anisotropy = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_anisotropy", "8", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "textures anisotropic filter" );
gl_texture_lodbias = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_texture_lodbias", "0.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "LOD bias for mipmapped textures (perfomance|quality)" );
gl_keeptjunctions = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_keeptjunctions", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "removing tjuncs causes blinking pixels" );
gl_emboss_scale = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_emboss_scale", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_LATCH, "fake bumpmapping scale" );
gl_finish = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_finish", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "use glFinish instead of glFlush" );
gl_nosort = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_nosort", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "disable sorting of translucent surfaces" );
gl_test = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_test", "0", 0, "engine developer cvar for quick testing new features" );
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ ref_globals_t *gpGlobals;
gl_globals_t tr;
ref_speeds_t r_stats;
poolhandle_t r_temppool;
cvar_t *gl_emboss_scale;
viddef_t vid;
static void GAME_EXPORT R_ClearScreen( void )
@ -777,12 +777,6 @@ static void GL_ProcessImage( image_t *tex, rgbdata_t *pic )
tex->flags &= ~TF_MAKELUMA;
if( tex->flags & TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS )
img_flags |= IMAGE_EMBOSS;
tex->flags &= ~TF_ALLOW_EMBOSS;
if( !FBitSet( tex->flags, TF_IMG_UPLOADED ) && FBitSet( tex->flags, TF_KEEP_SOURCE ))
tex->original = gEngfuncs.FS_CopyImage( pic ); // because current pic will be expanded to rgba
@ -790,9 +784,6 @@ static void GL_ProcessImage( image_t *tex, rgbdata_t *pic )
if( pic->type == PF_INDEXED_24 || pic->type == PF_INDEXED_32 )
img_flags |= IMAGE_FORCE_RGBA;
// processing image before uploading (force to rgba, make luma etc)
if( pic->buffer ) gEngfuncs.Image_Process( &pic, 0, 0, img_flags, gl_emboss_scale->value );
if( FBitSet( tex->flags, TF_LUMINANCE ))
ClearBits( pic->flags, IMAGE_HAS_COLOR );
@ -686,7 +686,6 @@ void TriBrightness( float brightness );
extern ref_api_t gEngfuncs;
extern ref_globals_t *gpGlobals;
extern cvar_t *gl_emboss_scale;
extern cvar_t *r_dynamic;
@ -1915,7 +1915,6 @@ qboolean GAME_EXPORT R_Init( void )
gl_emboss_scale = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "gl_emboss_scale", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_LATCH, "fake bumpmapping scale" );
r_fullbright = gEngfuncs.Cvar_Get( "r_fullbright", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "disable lightmaps, get fullbright for entities" );
// sw_aliasstats = ri.Cvar_Get ("sw_polymodelstats", "0", 0);
Reference in New Issue
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