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gl2wrap_shim.c - vitaGL custom immediate mode shim
Copyright (C) 2023 fgsfds
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
this is a "replacement" for vitaGL's immediate mode tailored specifically for xash
this will only provide performance gains if vitaGL is built with DRAW_SPEEDHACK=1
since that makes it assume that all vertex data pointers are GPU-mapped
#include "gl_local.h"
#include "gl2_shim.h"
#include <malloc.h>
//#include "xash3d_mathlib.h"
#define MAX_SHADERLEN 4096
// increase this when adding more attributes
#define MAX_PROGS 32
extern ref_api_t gEngfuncs;
static void APIENTRY (*rpglEnable)(GLenum e);
static void APIENTRY (*rpglDisable)(GLenum e);
enum gl2wrap_attrib_e
GL2_ATTR_POS = 0, // 1
GL2_ATTR_COLOR = 1, // 2
GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0 = 2, // 4
GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD1 = 3, // 8
// continuation of previous enum
enum gl2wrap_flag_e
GL2_FLAG_FOG, // 32
typedef struct
GLuint flags;
GLint attridx[GL2_ATTR_MAX];
GLuint glprog;
GLint ucolor;
GLint ualpha;
GLint utex0;
GLint utex1;
GLint ufog;
GLint uMVP;
} gl2wrap_prog_t;
static const char *gl2wrap_vert_src =
#include "vertex.glsl.inc"
static const char *gl2wrap_frag_src =
#include "fragment.glsl.inc"
static int gl2wrap_init = 0;
static struct
GLfloat *attrbuf[GL2_ATTR_MAX];
GLuint attrbufobj[GL2_ATTR_MAX];
GLuint cur_flags;
GLint begin;
GLint end;
GLenum prim;
GLfloat color[4];
GLfloat fog[4]; // color + density
GLfloat alpharef;
gl2wrap_prog_t progs[MAX_PROGS];
gl2wrap_prog_t *cur_prog;
GLboolean uchanged;
GLuint vao;
} gl2wrap;
static struct
float mvp[16], mv[16], pr[16], dummy[16];
GLenum mode;
float *current;
} gl2wrap_matrix;
static const int gl2wrap_attr_size[GL2_ATTR_MAX] = { 3, 4, 2, 2 };
static const char *gl2wrap_flag_name[GL2_FLAG_MAX] =
static const char *gl2wrap_attr_name[GL2_ATTR_MAX] =
// HACK: borrow alpha test and fog flags from internal vitaGL state
static GLboolean alpha_test_state;
static GLboolean fogging;
static char *GL_PrintInfoLog( GLhandleARB object )
static char msg[8192];
int maxLength = 0;
pglGetObjectParameterivARB( object, GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB, &maxLength );
if( maxLength >= sizeof( msg ))
//ALERT( at_warning, "GL_PrintInfoLog: message exceeds %i symbols\n", sizeof( msg ));
maxLength = sizeof( msg ) - 1;
pglGetInfoLogARB( object, maxLength, &maxLength, msg );
return msg;
static GLuint GL2_GenerateShader( gl2wrap_prog_t *prog, GLenum type )
char *shader, shader_buf[MAX_SHADERLEN + 1];
char tmp[256];
int i;
GLint status, len;
GLuint id, loc;
int version = 320;
shader = shader_buf;
//shader[0] = '\n';
shader[0] = 0;
Q_snprintf(shader, MAX_SHADERLEN, "#version %d%s\n", version, version >= 300 && version < 330 ? " es":"");
Q_snprintf(tmp, sizeof( tmp ), "#define VER %d\n", version);
Q_strncat( shader, tmp, MAX_SHADERLEN );
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_FLAG_MAX; ++i )
Q_snprintf( tmp, sizeof( tmp ), "#define %s %d\n", gl2wrap_flag_name[i], prog->flags & ( 1 << i ) );
Q_strncat( shader, tmp, MAX_SHADERLEN );
loc = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_ATTR_MAX; ++i )
if ( prog->flags & ( 1 << i ) )
Q_snprintf( tmp, sizeof( tmp ), "#define LOC_%s %d\n", gl2wrap_flag_name[i], loc++ );
Q_strncat( shader, tmp, MAX_SHADERLEN );
prog->attridx[i] = loc;
prog->attridx[i] = -1;
Q_strncat( shader, gl2wrap_frag_src, MAX_SHADERLEN );
Q_strncat( shader, gl2wrap_vert_src, MAX_SHADERLEN );
id = pglCreateShaderObjectARB( type );
len = Q_strlen( shader );
pglShaderSourceARB( id, 1, (void *)&shader, &len );
pglCompileShaderARB( id );
pglGetObjectParameterivARB( id, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &status );
if ( status == GL_FALSE )
gEngfuncs.Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "GL2_GenerateShader( 0x%04x, 0x%x ): compile failed: %s\n", prog->flags, type, GL_PrintInfoLog(id));
gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( "Shader text:\n%s\n\n", shader );
pglDeleteObjectARB( id );
return 0;
return id;
static gl2wrap_prog_t *GL2_GetProg( const GLuint flags )
int i, loc, status;
GLuint vp, fp, glprog;
gl2wrap_prog_t *prog;
// try to find existing prog matching this feature set
if ( gl2wrap.cur_prog && gl2wrap.cur_prog->flags == flags )
return gl2wrap.cur_prog;
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_PROGS; ++i )
if ( gl2wrap.progs[i].flags == flags )
return &gl2wrap.progs[i];
else if ( gl2wrap.progs[i].flags == 0 )
if ( i == MAX_PROGS )
gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "GL2_GetProg(): Ran out of program slots for 0x%04x\n", flags );
return NULL;
// new prog; generate shaders
gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( S_NOTE "GL2_GetProg(): Generating progs for 0x%04x\n", flags );
prog = &gl2wrap.progs[i];
prog->flags = flags;
vp = GL2_GenerateShader( prog, GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB );
fp = GL2_GenerateShader( prog, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB );
if ( !vp || !fp )
prog->flags = 0;
return NULL;
glprog = pglCreateProgramObjectARB();
pglAttachObjectARB( glprog, vp );
pglAttachObjectARB( glprog, fp );
loc = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_ATTR_MAX; ++i )
if ( flags & ( 1 << i ) )
prog->attridx[i] = loc;
pglBindAttribLocationARB( glprog, loc++, gl2wrap_attr_name[i] );
prog->attridx[i] = -1;
pglLinkProgramARB( glprog );
pglDeleteObjectARB( vp );
pglDeleteObjectARB( fp );
#ifndef XASH_GLES
pglGetObjectParameterivARB( glprog, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &status );
if ( status == GL_FALSE )
gEngfuncs.Con_Reportf( S_ERROR "GL2_GetProg(): Failed linking progs for 0x%04x!\n%s\n", prog->flags, GL_PrintInfoLog(glprog) );
prog->flags = 0;
pglDeleteObjectARB( glprog );
return NULL;
prog->ucolor = pglGetUniformLocationARB( glprog, "uColor" );
prog->ualpha = pglGetUniformLocationARB( glprog, "uAlphaTest" );
prog->utex0 = pglGetUniformLocationARB( glprog, "uTex0" );
prog->utex1 = pglGetUniformLocationARB( glprog, "uTex1" );
prog->ufog = pglGetUniformLocationARB( glprog, "uFog" );
prog->uMVP = pglGetUniformLocationARB( glprog, "uMVP" );
// these never change
if ( prog->flags & ( 1U << GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0 ) && prog->utex0 >= 0 )
pglUniform1iARB( prog->utex0, 0 );
if ( prog->flags & ( 1U << GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0 ) && prog->utex1 >= 0 )
pglUniform1iARB( prog->utex1, 1 );
prog->glprog = glprog;
gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( S_NOTE "GL2_GetProg(): Generated progs for 0x%04x\n", flags );
return prog;
static void GL2_UpdateMVP( gl2wrap_prog_t *prog);
static gl2wrap_prog_t *GL2_SetProg( const GLuint flags )
gl2wrap_prog_t *prog = NULL;
if ( flags && ( prog = GL2_GetProg( flags ) ) )
if ( prog != gl2wrap.cur_prog )
pglUseProgramObjectARB( prog->glprog );
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_TRUE;
if ( gl2wrap.uchanged )
if ( prog->ualpha >= 0 )
pglUniform1fARB( prog->ualpha, gl2wrap.alpharef );
if ( prog->ucolor >= 0 )
pglUniform4fvARB( prog->ucolor, 1, gl2wrap.color );
if ( prog->ufog >= 0 )
pglUniform4fvARB( prog->ufog, 1, gl2wrap.fog );
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_FALSE;
GL2_UpdateMVP( prog );
pglUseProgramObjectARB( 0 );
gl2wrap.cur_prog = prog;
return prog;
#define TRIQUADS_SIZE 256
unsigned short triquads_array[ TRIQUADS_SIZE * 6 ];
int GL2_ShimInit( void )
int i;
GLuint total, size;
static const GLuint precache_progs[] = {
0x0001, // out = ucolor
0x0005, // out = tex0 * ucolor
0x0007, // out = tex0 * vcolor
0x0015, // out = tex0 * ucolor + FEAT_ALPHA_TEST
0x0021, // out = ucolor + FEAT_FOG
0x0025, // out = tex0 * ucolor + FEAT_FOG
0x0027, // out = tex0 * vcolor + FEAT_FOG
0x0035, // out = tex0 * ucolor + FEAT_ALPHA_TEST + FEAT_FOG
if ( gl2wrap_init )
return 0;
memset( &gl2wrap, 0, sizeof( gl2wrap ) );
for( i = 0; i < TRIQUADS_SIZE; i++ )
triquads_array[i * 6] = i * 4;
triquads_array[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 1;
triquads_array[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 2;
triquads_array[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4;
triquads_array[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 2;
triquads_array[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 3;
gl2wrap.color[0] = 1.f;
gl2wrap.color[1] = 1.f;
gl2wrap.color[2] = 1.f;
gl2wrap.color[3] = 1.f;
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_TRUE;
total = 0;
if( glConfig.context == CONTEXT_TYPE_GL_CORE && pglGenVertexArrays )
pglGenVertexArrays(1, &gl2wrap.vao);
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_ATTR_MAX; ++i )
size = GL2_MAX_VERTS * gl2wrap_attr_size[i] * sizeof( GLfloat );
// TODO: rework storage, support MapBuffer
gl2wrap.attrbuf[i] = memalign( 0x100, size );
if( gl2wrap.vao )
pglGenBuffersARB( 1, &gl2wrap.attrbufobj[i] );
total += size;
gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( S_NOTE "GL2_ShimInit(): %u bytes allocated for vertex buffer\n", total );
gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( S_NOTE "GL2_ShimInit(): Pre-generating %u progs...\n", (uint)(sizeof( precache_progs ) / sizeof( *precache_progs ) ));
for ( i = 0; i < (int)( sizeof( precache_progs ) / sizeof( *precache_progs ) ); ++i )
GL2_GetProg( precache_progs[i] );
gl2wrap_init = 1;
return 0;
void GL2_ShimShutdown( void )
int i;
if ( !gl2wrap_init )
pglUseProgramObjectARB( 0 );
// FIXME: this sometimes causes the game to block on glDeleteProgram for up to a minute
// but since this is only called on shutdown or game change, it should be fine to skip
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_PROGS; ++i )
if ( gl2wrap.progs[i].flags )
glDeleteProgram( gl2wrap.progs[i].glprog );
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_ATTR_MAX; ++i )
free( gl2wrap.attrbuf[i] );
memset( &gl2wrap, 0, sizeof( gl2wrap ) );
gl2wrap_init = 0;
void GL2_ShimEndFrame( void )
gl2wrap.end = gl2wrap.begin = 0;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Begin( GLenum prim )
int i;
gl2wrap.prim = prim;
gl2wrap.begin = gl2wrap.end;
// pos always enabled
gl2wrap.cur_flags = 1 << GL2_ATTR_POS;
// disable all vertex attrib pointers
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_ATTR_MAX; ++i )
pglDisableVertexAttribArrayARB( i );
static void APIENTRY GL2_End( void )
int i;
gl2wrap_prog_t *prog;
GLuint flags = gl2wrap.cur_flags;
GLint count = gl2wrap.end - gl2wrap.begin;
if ( !gl2wrap.prim || !count )
goto _leave; // end without begin
// enable alpha test and fog if needed
if ( alpha_test_state )
flags |= 1 << GL2_FLAG_ALPHA_TEST;
if ( fogging )
flags |= 1 << GL2_FLAG_FOG;
prog = GL2_SetProg( flags );
if ( !prog )
gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "GL2_End(): Could not find program for flags 0x%04x!\n", flags );
goto _leave;
for ( i = 0; i < GL2_ATTR_MAX; ++i )
if ( prog->attridx[i] >= 0 )
pglEnableVertexAttribArrayARB( prog->attridx[i] );
pglBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, gl2wrap.attrbufobj[i] );
pglBufferDataARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, gl2wrap_attr_size[i] * 4 * count, gl2wrap.attrbuf[i] + gl2wrap_attr_size[i] * gl2wrap.begin , GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB );
pglVertexAttribPointerARB( prog->attridx[i], gl2wrap_attr_size[i], GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 );
pglVertexAttribPointerARB( prog->attridx[i], gl2wrap_attr_size[i], GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, gl2wrap.attrbuf[i] + gl2wrap_attr_size[i] * gl2wrap.begin );
#if 1 //def XASH_GLES
if(gl2wrap.prim == GL_QUADS)
pglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, Q_min(count / 4 * 6,sizeof(triquads_array)/2), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, triquads_array);
else if( gl2wrap.prim == GL_POLYGON )
pglDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, count );
pglDrawArrays( gl2wrap.prim, 0, count );
pglBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0 );
gl2wrap.prim = GL_NONE;
gl2wrap.begin = gl2wrap.end;
gl2wrap.cur_flags = 0;
static void (* APIENTRY rpglTexImage2D)( GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels );
static void APIENTRY GL2_TexImage2D( GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels )
void *data = (void*)pixels;
if( pixels && format == GL_RGBA && (
internalformat == GL_RGB ||
internalformat == GL_RGB8 ||
internalformat == GL_RGB5 ||
internalformat == GL_LUMINANCE ||
internalformat == GL_LUMINANCE8 ||
internalformat == GL_LUMINANCE4 )) // strip alpha from texture
unsigned char *in = data, *out;
int i = 0, size = width * height * 4;
data = out = (unsigned char*)malloc( size );
for( i = 0; i < size; i += 4, in += 4, out += 4 )
memcpy( out, in, 3 );
out[3] = 255;
internalformat = format;
if( internalformat == GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 || internalformat == GL_RGB )
internalformat = GL_RGBA;
rpglTexImage2D( target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, data );
if( data != pixels )
static void (* APIENTRY rpglTexParameteri)( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param );
static void APIENTRY GL2_TexParameteri( GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param )
return; // not supported by opengl es
if ( ( pname == GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S ||
pname == GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T ) &&
param == GL_CLAMP )
param = 0x812F;
rpglTexParameteri( target, pname, param );
GLboolean (* APIENTRY rpglIsEnabled)(GLenum e);
static GLboolean APIENTRY GL2_IsEnabled(GLenum e)
if(e == GL_FOG)
return fogging;
return rpglIsEnabled(e);
static void APIENTRY GL2_Vertex3f( GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z )
GLfloat *p = gl2wrap.attrbuf[GL2_ATTR_POS] + gl2wrap.end * 3;
*p++ = x;
*p++ = y;
*p++ = z;
if ( gl2wrap.end >= GL2_MAX_VERTS )
gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "GL2_Vertex3f(): Vertex buffer overflow!\n" );
gl2wrap.end = gl2wrap.begin = 0;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Vertex2f( GLfloat x, GLfloat y )
GL2_Vertex3f( x, y, 0.f );
static void APIENTRY GL2_Vertex3fv( const GLfloat *v )
GL2_Vertex3f( v[0], v[1], v[2] );
static void APIENTRY GL2_Color4f( GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b, GLfloat a )
gl2wrap.color[0] = r;
gl2wrap.color[1] = g;
gl2wrap.color[2] = b;
gl2wrap.color[3] = a;
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_TRUE;
if ( gl2wrap.prim )
// HACK: enable color attribute if we're using color inside a Begin-End pair
GLfloat *p = gl2wrap.attrbuf[GL2_ATTR_COLOR] + gl2wrap.end * 4;
gl2wrap.cur_flags |= 1 << GL2_ATTR_COLOR;
*p++ = r;
*p++ = g;
*p++ = b;
*p++ = a;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Color3f( GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat b )
GL2_Color4f( r, g, b, 1.f );
static void APIENTRY GL2_Color4ub( GLubyte r, GLubyte g, GLubyte b, GLubyte a )
GL2_Color4f( (GLfloat)r / 255.f, (GLfloat)g / 255.f, (GLfloat)b / 255.f, (GLfloat)a / 255.f );
static void APIENTRY GL2_Color4ubv( const GLubyte *v )
GL2_Color4ub( v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3] );
static void APIENTRY GL2_TexCoord2f( GLfloat u, GLfloat v )
// by spec glTexCoord always updates texunit 0
GLfloat *p = gl2wrap.attrbuf[GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0] + gl2wrap.end * 2;
gl2wrap.cur_flags |= 1 << GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0;
*p++ = u;
*p++ = v;
static void APIENTRY GL2_MultiTexCoord2f( GLenum tex, GLfloat u, GLfloat v )
GLfloat *p;
// assume there can only be two
if ( tex == GL_TEXTURE0_ARB )
p = gl2wrap.attrbuf[GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0] + gl2wrap.end * 2;
gl2wrap.cur_flags |= 1 << GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD0;
p = gl2wrap.attrbuf[GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD1] + gl2wrap.end * 2;
gl2wrap.cur_flags |= 1 << GL2_ATTR_TEXCOORD1;
*p++ = u;
*p++ = v;
static void APIENTRY GL2_AlphaFunc( GLenum mode, GLfloat ref )
gl2wrap.alpharef = ref;
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_TRUE;
// mode is always GL_GREATER
static void APIENTRY GL2_Fogf( GLenum param, GLfloat val )
if ( param == GL_FOG_DENSITY )
gl2wrap.fog[3] = val;
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_TRUE;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Fogfv( GLenum param, const GLfloat *val )
if ( param == GL_FOG_COLOR )
gl2wrap.fog[0] = val[0];
gl2wrap.fog[1] = val[1];
gl2wrap.fog[2] = val[2];
gl2wrap.uchanged = GL_TRUE;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Enable( GLenum e )
if( e == GL_TEXTURE_2D )
else if( e == GL_FOG )
fogging = 1;
else if( e == GL_ALPHA_TEST )
alpha_test_state = 1;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Disable( GLenum e )
if( e == GL_TEXTURE_2D )
else if( e == GL_FOG )
fogging = 0;
else if( e == GL_ALPHA_TEST )
alpha_test_state = 0;
static void APIENTRY GL2_MatrixMode( GLenum m )
// if(gl2wrap_matrix.mode == m)
// return;
gl2wrap_matrix.mode = m;
switch( m )
gl2wrap_matrix.current = gl2wrap_matrix.mv;
gl2wrap_matrix.current = gl2wrap_matrix.pr;
gl2wrap_matrix.current = gl2wrap_matrix.dummy;
static void APIENTRY GL2_LoadIdentity( void )
float *m = (float*)gl2wrap_matrix.current;
m[1] = m[2] = m[3] = m[4] = 0.0f;
m[6] = m[7] = m[8] = m[9] = 0.0f;
m[11] = m[12] = m[13] = m[14] = 0.0f;
m[0] = m[5] = m[10] = m[15] = 1.0f;
static void APIENTRY GL2_Ortho(double l, double r, double b, double t, double n, double f)
GLfloat m0 = 2 / (r - l);
GLfloat m5 = 2 / (t - b);
GLfloat m10 = - 2 / (f - n);
GLfloat m12 = - (r + l) / (r - l);
GLfloat m13 = - (t + b) / (t - b);
GLfloat m14 = - (f + n) / (f - n);
float *m = gl2wrap_matrix.current;
m[12] += m12 * m[0] + m13 * m[4] + m14 * m[8];
m[13] += m12 * m[1] + m13 * m[5] + m14 * m[9];
m[14] += m12 * m[2] + m13 * m[6] + m14 * m[10];
m[15] += m12 * m[3] + m13 * m[7] + m14 * m[11];
m[0] *= m0;
m[1] *= m0;
m[2] *= m0;
m[3] *= m0;
m[4] *= m5;
m[5] *= m5;
m[6] *= m5;
m[7] *= m5;
m[8] *= m10;
m[9] *= m10;
m[10] *= m10;
m[11] *= m10;
static void GL2_Mul4x4(const GLfloat *in0, const GLfloat *in1, GLfloat *out)
out[0] = in0[0] * in1[0] + in0[1] * in1[4] + in0[2] * in1[8] + in0[3] * in1[12];
out[1] = in0[0] * in1[1] + in0[1] * in1[5] + in0[2] * in1[9] + in0[3] * in1[13];
out[2] = in0[0] * in1[2] + in0[1] * in1[6] + in0[2] * in1[10] + in0[3] * in1[14];
out[3] = in0[0] * in1[3] + in0[1] * in1[7] + in0[2] * in1[11] + in0[3] * in1[15];
out[4] = in0[4] * in1[0] + in0[5] * in1[4] + in0[6] * in1[8] + in0[7] * in1[12];
out[5] = in0[4] * in1[1] + in0[5] * in1[5] + in0[6] * in1[9] + in0[7] * in1[13];
out[6] = in0[4] * in1[2] + in0[5] * in1[6] + in0[6] * in1[10] + in0[7] * in1[14];
out[7] = in0[4] * in1[3] + in0[5] * in1[7] + in0[6] * in1[11] + in0[7] * in1[15];
out[8] = in0[8] * in1[0] + in0[9] * in1[4] + in0[10] * in1[8] + in0[11] * in1[12];
out[9] = in0[8] * in1[1] + in0[9] * in1[5] + in0[10] * in1[9] + in0[11] * in1[13];
out[10] = in0[8] * in1[2] + in0[9] * in1[6] + in0[10] * in1[10] + in0[11] * in1[14];
out[11] = in0[8] * in1[3] + in0[9] * in1[7] + in0[10] * in1[11] + in0[11] * in1[15];
out[12] = in0[12] * in1[0] + in0[13] * in1[4] + in0[14] * in1[8] + in0[15] * in1[12];
out[13] = in0[12] * in1[1] + in0[13] * in1[5] + in0[14] * in1[9] + in0[15] * in1[13];
out[14] = in0[12] * in1[2] + in0[13] * in1[6] + in0[14] * in1[10] + in0[15] * in1[14];
out[15] = in0[12] * in1[3] + in0[13] * in1[7] + in0[14] * in1[11] + in0[15] * in1[15];
static void GL2_UpdateMVP( gl2wrap_prog_t *prog )
GL2_Mul4x4(gl2wrap_matrix.mv, gl2wrap_matrix.pr, gl2wrap_matrix.mvp );
pglUniformMatrix4fvARB(prog->uMVP, 1, false, (void*)gl2wrap_matrix.mvp);
static void APIENTRY GL2_LoadMatrixf( const GLfloat *m )
memcpy( gl2wrap_matrix.current, m, 16*sizeof(float) );
static void ( APIENTRY*_pglDepthRangef)(GLfloat far, GLfloat near);
static void APIENTRY GL2_DepthRange(GLdouble far, GLdouble near)
_pglDepthRangef(far, near);
#define GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( name ) \
{ \
pgl ## name = GL2_ ## name; \
#define GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR_B( name ) \
{ \
rpgl ## name = pgl ## name; \
pgl ## name = GL2_ ## name; \
static void APIENTRY stub( void ){}
#define GL2_STUB( name ) \
{ \
*((void**)&pgl ## name) = (void*)stub; \
void GL2_ShimInstall( void )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( Vertex2f )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( Vertex3f )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( Vertex3fv )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( Color4ub )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( Color4ubv )
GL2_STUB( Normal3fv )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( TexCoord2f )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( MultiTexCoord2f )
GL2_STUB( Hint ) // fog
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( MatrixMode )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( LoadIdentity )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( LoadMatrixf )
GL2_STUB( Scalef )
GL2_STUB( Translatef )
GL2_STUB( TexEnvi )
GL2_STUB( TexEnvf )
GL2_STUB( ClientActiveTextureARB )
GL2_STUB( ActiveTextureARB )
GL2_STUB( Fogi )
GL2_STUB( ShadeModel )
#ifdef XASH_GLES
_pglDepthRangef = gEngfuncs.GL_GetProcAddress("glDepthRangef");
GL2_STUB( PolygonMode )
GL2_STUB( PointSize )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR( DepthRange )
GL2_STUB( DrawBuffer )
if( glConfig.context != CONTEXT_TYPE_GL )
GL2_OVERRIDE_PTR_B( TexParameteri )