# VERSION: 1.0 # AUTHORS: imDMG [imdmgg@gmail.com] # Rutor.is search engine plugin for qBittorrent import base64 import json import logging import os import re import socket import tempfile import time from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from html import unescape from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError from urllib.parse import unquote from urllib.request import build_opener, ProxyHandler from novaprinter import prettyPrinter # default config config = { "version": 2, "torrentDate": True, "username": "USERNAME", "password": "PASSWORD", "proxy": False, "proxies": { "http": "", "https": "" }, "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 " } def path_to(*file): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *file)) def rng(t): return range(1, -(-t // 100)) PATTERNS = (r'(\d+)\s\(max. 2000\)(.+?)(.+?)<\/a.+?' r'right">([\d\.]+ \w+)(.+?)<.+?red">(.+?)<', '%ssearch/%i/%i/000/0/%s') FILENAME = __file__[__file__.rfind('/') + 1:-3] FILE_J, FILE_C = [path_to(FILENAME + fe) for fe in ['.json', '.cookie']] # base64 encoded image ICON = ("AAABAAEAEBAAAAEAGABoAwAAFgAAACgAAAAQAAAAIAAAAAEAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc4AAMwHNdcQ4vsN3fYS2fUY3fUe3fMj4fkk4fco4PYo5fgk7f5gp8Zu" "ZZtsa59FIXZEGm4kh74PyeoLGp8NHK4PHrwQHr8VIb8XJL4bJrUcKJ8optEdtPMBGcQAIc" "XeZAPVYwdA3MQFf8EDAJoFAMEEAM0AANIAAM4AAM0EAL8CAI8bXaEV1/cBHMsGDNTVWAOo" "dTIU5/ELuOAJM6sEALsIAMoEALkCBbgFALUGAKshgMcvpNUTzOoFQNIFANqxQgBpkmgKue" "8IT8UUy+8HO7MHPb8Gt+IG3vQHm9YKi84X4foKI7kRl+AWiMwSDYyxjXZAy84HdNYEALcP" "guYM+vsL6PgGl/wBWN4K1/EF//8LbdQEALgEVc41zMp0YC+t0N0XxPcCIbwGAMkGGOUGUv" "QKPPUEANsIU9ENvvAJw/ULnekGAr8FJcIUzfRycEZwzuMFnuYEArQCAdYDANYHAMQFAMwG" "PcwM2vsHU/QKPegLwvYEEckFBrsOt/Y+kYky5/YGgNAGAKkHAc4JMssSoN0GTb0L2/gHYP" "kCAPkFKOMP0fIHGc0EAKwLgNAq3OMd/P0Al9ACBqQCAMALbOMG+/8E8v0KjugBAO4CAPAG" "Q9MNyPYEB8QBAKQCe8cW9//T+/09+/8Aqd8GIbIFAMAKbuUG6f8Ht/IFFeEAAMYPqeYMhO" "EGB6oCgtUY5fuG0tv//vzs+PlQ9fwAw+4CLLoIALgJR+EFU+wEFcweZNAkquMFMrkArOor" "4fSrxsvWx8n5/fv5+fn3+/iC8fsLzPIAUscEALMDAL8QPtAsetUFWsUHue1r7/vc6evOzM" "fFx8n5/fvy+fj89vb/9/e+9/o44/oNi9kBD54CFKQJg9Qu4vu09vr/+ff89fTIz8rFx8n5" "/fvy+fj59vb49vf/+fbh+vtk6vw1rN03suFn6vnl/f3/+fn49vj18/TIz8rFx8n5/fvy+f" "j59vb39vf39/f//P3w+fme6/ak8Prv+fj//f369/r39vj18/TIz8rFx8ngBwAA4AMAAMAD" "AADAAwAAwAMAAMABAACAAQAAgAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAEAAMADAADgBwAA+B8AAPw/AAD" "+fwAA") # setup logging logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt="%m-%d %H:%M") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: # try to load user data from file with open(FILE_J, 'r+') as f: config = json.load(f) logger.debug("Config is loaded.") except OSError as e: logger.error(e) # if file doesn't exist, we'll create it with open(FILE_J, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(config, indent=4, sort_keys=False)) # also write/rewrite ico file with open(path_to(FILENAME + '.ico'), 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(ICON)) logger.debug("Write files.") class rutor: name = 'Rutor' url = 'http://rutor.info/' url_dl = url.replace("//", "//d.") supported_categories = {'all': 0, 'movies': 1, 'tv': 6, 'music': 2, 'games': 8, 'anime': 10, 'software': 9, 'pictures': 3, 'books': 11} def __init__(self): # error message self.error = None # establish connection self.session = build_opener() # add proxy handler if needed if config['proxy']: if any(config['proxies'].values()): self.session.add_handler(ProxyHandler(config['proxies'])) logger.debug("Proxy is set!") else: self.error = "Proxy enabled, but not set!" # change user-agent self.session.addheaders.pop() self.session.addheaders.append(('User-Agent', config['ua'])) def search(self, what, cat='all'): if self.error: self.pretty_error(what) return query = PATTERNS[2] % (self.url, 0, self.supported_categories[cat], what.replace(" ", "+")) # make first request (maybe it enough) t0, total = time.time(), self.searching(query, True) if self.error: self.pretty_error(what) return # do async requests if total > 100: query = query.replace('h/0', 'h/%i') qrs = [query % x for x in rng(total)] with ThreadPoolExecutor(len(qrs)) as executor: executor.map(self.searching, qrs, timeout=30) logger.debug(f"--- {time.time() - t0} seconds ---") logger.info(f"Found torrents: {total}") def download_torrent(self, url: str): # Download url response = self._catch_error_request(url) if self.error: self.pretty_error(url) return # Create a torrent file file, path = tempfile.mkstemp('.torrent') with os.fdopen(file, "wb") as fd: # Write it to a file fd.write(response.read()) # return file path logger.debug(path + " " + url) print(path + " " + url) def searching(self, query, first=False): response = self._catch_error_request(query) if not response: return None page = response.read().decode() self.draw(page) return int(re.search(PATTERNS[0], page)[1]) if first else -1 def draw(self, html: str): torrents = re.findall(PATTERNS[1], html, re.S) for tor in torrents: torrent_date = "" if config['torrentDate']: # replace names month table = {'Янв': '01', 'Фев': '02', 'Мар': '03', 'Апр': '04', 'Май': '05', 'Июн': '06', 'Июл': '07', 'Авг': '08', 'Сен': '09', 'Окт': '10', 'Ноя': '11', 'Дек': '12'} td = tor[0].split(" ") td[1] = table[td[1]] ct = " ".join(td) ct = time.strftime("%y.%m.%d", time.strptime(ct, "%d %m %y")) torrent_date = f'[{ct}] ' prettyPrinter({ "engine_url": self.url, "desc_link": self.url + tor[1], "name": torrent_date + unescape(tor[3]), "link": self.url_dl + "download/" + tor[2], "size": unescape(tor[4]), "seeds": unescape(tor[5]), "leech": unescape(tor[6]) }) del torrents def _catch_error_request(self, url='', data=None, retrieve=False): url = url or self.url try: response = self.session.open(url, data, 5) # checking that tracker is'nt blocked if not response.geturl().startswith((self.url, self.url_dl)): raise URLError(f"{self.url} is blocked. Try another proxy.") except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as err: if not retrieve: return self._catch_error_request(url, data, True) logger.error(err) self.error = f"{self.url} is not response! Maybe it is blocked." if "no host given" in err.args: self.error = "Proxy is bad, try another!" except (URLError, HTTPError) as err: logger.error(err.reason) self.error = err.reason if hasattr(err, 'code'): self.error = f"Request to {url} failed with status: {err.code}" else: return response return None def pretty_error(self, what): prettyPrinter({"engine_url": self.url, "desc_link": "https://github.com/imDMG/qBt_SE", "name": f"[{unquote(what)}][Error]: {self.error}", "link": self.url + "error", "size": "1 TB", # lol "seeds": 100, "leech": 100}) self.error = None if __name__ == "__main__": engine = rutor() engine.search('doctor')