@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Create as many servers as wanted by providing different `type`, `host`, `port` a
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Create as many servers as wanted by providing different `type`, `host`, `port` a
* for security reasons, `next` server prevents any access to the hidden files (started with dot)
* also, clients can't access any data out the `root` path, that defined on server startup
Default argument values depending of server protocol selected.
Some arguments also defined in [default.json](https://github.com/YGGverse/next/blob/main/default.json) file - do not change it without understanding, use [CLI](#cli) instead!
Some arguments also defined in [default.json](https://github.com/YGGverse/next/blob/main/default.json) - do not change it without understanding, use [CLI](#cli) instead!
##### CLI
Provide arguments wanted in `key=value` format, separated by space
Provide arguments in `key=value` format, separated by space