# next
PHP 8 server for smallweb protocols
Based on [Ratchet ](https://github.com/ratchetphp/Ratchet ) asynchronous socket library
## Features
* Async socket
* Multi-host
* Multi-protocol:
* [x] [NEX ](https://nightfall.city/nex/info/specification.txt )
* [ ] [Gemini ](https://geminiprotocol.net )
* Multi-mode:
* [x] Static file hosting
* [x] optional filesystem navigation on directory request
* [x] optional `gemfeed` file modification date
* [x] unicode filenames support
* [x] filter hidden context (started with dot)
* [ ] sort order settings (currently dir first, asc)
* [x] custom index file name
* [x] custom failure template
* [x] custom data directory location
* [ ] Dynamic application
* [ ] Reverse proxy
* Connection event log
* Simple and flexible server configuration by CLI arguments
## Install
### Environment
``` bash
apt install git composer php-fpm php-mbstring
### Stable
Project under development, use [repository ](#repository ) version!
### Repository
* `git clone https://github.com/YGGverse/next.git`
* `cd next` - navigate into the project directory
* `composer update` - grab latest dependencies
## Launch
### Start
Create as many servers as wanted by providing different `type` , `host` , `port` and other arguments!
* for security reasons, server prevents any access to the hidden files (started with dot)
* also, clients can't access any data out the `root` path, that defined on server startup
#### Startup example
``` bash
php src/server.php type=nex host= port=1900 root=/target/dir
* `host` and `port` - optional arguments, read [Arguments documentation ](#arguments ) for details!
#### Arguments
Default argument values are depending of server protocol selected
Some arguments also defined in [default.json ](https://github.com/YGGverse/next/blob/main/default.json ) - do not change it without understanding, use [CLI ](#cli ) instead!
##### CLI
Provide arguments in `key=value` format, separated by space
###### Required
* `type` - server protocol, also auto-defines default `port` , supported options:
* `nex` - [NEX Protocol ](https://nightfall.city/nex/info/specification.txt )
* `root` - **absolute path** to the public directory, where browser navigation starting from
###### Optional
* `mode` - server implementation variant, `fs` (filesystem) by default
* `fs` - static files hosting for the `root` location
* `host` - default is `` e.g. `localhost` connections only
* `port` - default value depends of server `type` selected, for example `1900` for `nex` or `1965` for `gemini`
* `file` - index **file name** that server try to open on directory path requested, disabled by default
* `list` - show content listing in the requested directory (when index `file` not found), enabled by default
* `date` - show file modification date as the alt text in directory listing (useful for gemfeed), disabled by default
* `fail` - **absolute path** to the failure template (e.g. `/path/to/error.gmi` ), disabled by default
* `dump` - `enable` or `disable` server debug feature, enabled by default
### Autostart
#### systemd
Following example mean you have `next` server installed into home directory of `next` user (`useradd -m next`)
``` next.service
# /etc/systemd/system/next.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /home/next/next/src/server.php type=nex root=/home/next/public
* `systemctl daemon-reload` - reload systemd configuration
* `systemctl enable next` - enable service on system startup
* `systemctl start next` - start server