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//========= Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
class CStudioModelRenderer
// Construction/Destruction
CStudioModelRenderer( void );
virtual ~CStudioModelRenderer( void );
// Initialization
virtual void Init( void );
// Public Interfaces
virtual int StudioDrawModel( int flags );
virtual int StudioDrawPlayer( int flags, struct entity_state_s *pplayer );
// Local interfaces
// Look up animation data for sequence
virtual mstudioanim_t *StudioGetAnim( model_t *m_pSubModel, mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc );
// Interpolate model position and angles and set up matrices
virtual void StudioSetUpTransform( int trivial_accept );
// Set up model bone positions
virtual void StudioSetupBones( void );
// Find final attachment points
virtual void StudioCalcAttachments( void );
// Save bone matrices and names
virtual void StudioSaveBones( void );
// Merge cached bones with current bones for model
virtual void StudioMergeBones( model_t *m_pSubModel );
// Determine interpolation fraction
virtual float StudioEstimateInterpolant( void );
// Determine current frame for rendering
virtual float StudioEstimateFrame( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc );
// Apply special effects to transform matrix
virtual void StudioFxTransform( cl_entity_t *ent, float transform[3][4] );
// Spherical interpolation of bones
virtual void StudioSlerpBones( vec4_t q1[], float pos1[][3], vec4_t q2[], float pos2[][3], float s );
// Compute bone adjustments( bone controllers )
virtual void StudioCalcBoneAdj( float dadt, float *adj, const byte *pcontroller1, const byte *pcontroller2, byte mouthopen );
// Get bone quaternions
virtual void StudioCalcBoneQuaterion( int frame, float s, mstudiobone_t *pbone, mstudioanim_t *panim, float *adj, float *q );
// Get bone positions
virtual void StudioCalcBonePosition( int frame, float s, mstudiobone_t *pbone, mstudioanim_t *panim, float *adj, float *pos );
// Compute rotations
virtual void StudioCalcRotations( float pos[][3], vec4_t *q, mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, mstudioanim_t *panim, float f );
// Send bones and verts to renderer
virtual void StudioRenderModel( void );
// Finalize rendering
virtual void StudioRenderFinal( void );
// GL&D3D vs. Software renderer finishing functions
virtual void StudioRenderFinal_Software( void );
virtual void StudioRenderFinal_Hardware( void );
// Player specific data
// Determine pitch and blending amounts for players
virtual void StudioPlayerBlend( mstudioseqdesc_t *pseqdesc, int *pBlend, float *pPitch );
// Estimate gait frame for player
virtual void StudioEstimateGait( entity_state_t *pplayer );
// Process movement of player
virtual void StudioProcessGait( entity_state_t *pplayer );
// Client clock
double m_clTime;
// Old Client clock
double m_clOldTime;
// Do interpolation?
int m_fDoInterp;
// Do gait estimation?
int m_fGaitEstimation;
// Current render frame #
int m_nFrameCount;
// Cvars that studio model code needs to reference
// Use high quality models?
cvar_t *m_pCvarHiModels;
// Developer debug output desired?
cvar_t *m_pCvarDeveloper;
// Draw entities bone hit boxes, etc?
cvar_t *m_pCvarDrawEntities;
// The entity which we are currently rendering.
cl_entity_t *m_pCurrentEntity;
// The model for the entity being rendered
model_t *m_pRenderModel;
// Player info for current player, if drawing a player
player_info_t *m_pPlayerInfo;
// The index of the player being drawn
int m_nPlayerIndex;
// The player's gait movement
float m_flGaitMovement;
// Pointer to header block for studio model data
studiohdr_t *m_pStudioHeader;
// Pointers to current body part and submodel
mstudiobodyparts_t *m_pBodyPart;
mstudiomodel_t *m_pSubModel;
// Palette substition for top and bottom of model
int m_nTopColor;
int m_nBottomColor;
// Sprite model used for drawing studio model chrome
model_t *m_pChromeSprite;
// Caching
// Number of bones in bone cache
int m_nCachedBones;
// Names of cached bones
char m_nCachedBoneNames[MAXSTUDIOBONES][32];
// Cached bone & light transformation matrices
float m_rgCachedBoneTransform[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3][4];
float m_rgCachedLightTransform[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3][4];
// Software renderer scale factors
float m_fSoftwareXScale, m_fSoftwareYScale;
// Current view vectors and render origin
float m_vUp[3];
float m_vRight[3];
float m_vNormal[3];
float m_vRenderOrigin[3];
// Model render counters ( from engine )
int *m_pStudioModelCount;
int *m_pModelsDrawn;
// Matrices
// Model to world transformation
float (*m_protationmatrix)[3][4];
// Model to view transformation
float (*m_paliastransform)[3][4];
// Concatenated bone and light transforms
float (*m_pbonetransform)[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3][4];
float (*m_plighttransform)[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3][4];