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# encoding: utf-8
# xcompile.py -- crosscompiling utils
# Copyright (C) 2018 a1batross
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
try: from fwgslib import get_flags_by_compiler
except: from waflib.extras.fwgslib import get_flags_by_compiler
from waflib import Logs, TaskGen
from waflib.Tools import c_config
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import sys
ANDROID_NDK_SUPPORTED = [10, 19, 20, 23, 25]
ANDROID_NDK_HARDFP_MAX = 11 # latest version that supports hardfp
ANDROID_NDK_GCC_MAX = 17 # latest NDK that ships with GCC
ANDROID_NDK_SYSROOT_FLAG_MAX = 19 # latest NDK that need --sysroot flag
ANDROID_NDK_API_MIN = { 10: 3, 19: 16, 20: 16, 23: 16, 25: 19 } # minimal API level ndk revision supports
ANDROID_STPCPY_API_MIN = 21 # stpcpy() introduced in SDK 21
ANDROID_64BIT_API_MIN = 21 # minimal API level that supports 64-bit targets
# This class does support ONLY r10e and r19c/r20 NDK
class Android:
ctx = None # waf context
arch = None
toolchain = None
api = None
ndk_home = None
ndk_rev = 0
is_hardfloat = False
clang = False
def __init__(self, ctx, arch, toolchain, api):
self.ctx = ctx
self.api = api
self.toolchain = toolchain
self.arch = arch
self.ndk_home = os.getenv(i)
if self.ndk_home != None:
ctx.fatal('Set %s environment variable pointing to the root of Android NDK!' %
# TODO: this were added at some point of NDK development
# but I don't know at which version
# r10e don't have it
source_prop = os.path.join(self.ndk_home, 'source.properties')
if os.path.exists(source_prop):
with open(source_prop) as ndk_props_file:
for line in ndk_props_file.readlines():
tokens = line.split('=')
trimed_tokens = [token.strip() for token in tokens]
if 'Pkg.Revision' in trimed_tokens:
self.ndk_rev = int(trimed_tokens[1].split('.')[0])
if self.ndk_rev not in ANDROID_NDK_SUPPORTED:
ctx.fatal('Unknown NDK revision: %d' % (self.ndk_rev))
self.ndk_rev = ANDROID_NDK_SUPPORTED[0]
if 'clang' in self.toolchain or self.ndk_rev > ANDROID_NDK_GCC_MAX:
self.clang = True
if self.arch == 'armeabi-v7a-hard':
if self.ndk_rev <= ANDROID_NDK_HARDFP_MAX:
self.arch = 'armeabi-v7a' # Only armeabi-v7a have hard float ABI
self.is_hardfloat = True
ctx.fatal('NDK does not support hardfloat ABI')
if self.api < ANDROID_NDK_API_MIN[self.ndk_rev]:
self.api = ANDROID_NDK_API_MIN[self.ndk_rev]
Logs.warn('API level automatically was set to %d due to NDK support' % self.api)
if self.is_arm64() or self.is_amd64() and self.api < ANDROID_64BIT_API_MIN:
self.api = ANDROID_64BIT_API_MIN
Logs.warn('API level for 64-bit target automatically was set to %d' % self.api)
def is_host(self):
Checks if we using host compiler(implies clang)
return self.toolchain == 'host'
def is_arm(self):
Checks if selected architecture is **32-bit** ARM
return self.arch.startswith('armeabi')
def is_x86(self):
Checks if selected architecture is **32-bit** or **64-bit** x86
return self.arch == 'x86'
def is_amd64(self):
Checks if selected architecture is **64-bit** x86
return self.arch == 'x86_64'
def is_arm64(self):
Checks if selected architecture is AArch64
return self.arch == 'aarch64'
def is_clang(self):
Checks if selected toolchain is Clang (TODO)
return self.clang
def is_hardfp(self):
return self.is_hardfloat
def ndk_triplet(self, llvm_toolchain = False, toolchain_folder = False):
if self.is_x86():
if toolchain_folder:
return 'x86'
return 'i686-linux-android'
elif self.is_arm():
if llvm_toolchain:
return 'armv7a-linux-androideabi'
return 'arm-linux-androideabi'
elif self.is_amd64() and toolchain_folder:
return 'x86_64'
return self.arch + '-linux-android'
def apk_arch(self):
if self.is_arm64():
return 'arm64-v8a'
return self.arch
def gen_host_toolchain(self):
# With host toolchain we don't care about OS
# so just download NDK for Linux x86_64
if 'HOST_TOOLCHAIN' in self.ctx.environ:
return self.ctx.environ['HOST_TOOLCHAIN']
if self.is_host():
return 'linux-x86_64'
if sys.platform.startswith('win32') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
osname = 'windows'
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
osname = 'darwin'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
osname = 'linux'
self.ctx.fatal('Unsupported by NDK host platform')
if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
arch = 'x86_64'
else: arch = 'x86'
return '%s-%s' % (osname, arch)
def gen_gcc_toolchain_path(self):
path = 'toolchains'
toolchain_host = self.gen_host_toolchain()
if self.is_clang():
toolchain_folder = 'llvm'
if self.is_host():
toolchain = '4.9'
toolchain = self.toolchain
toolchain_folder = '%s-%s' % (self.ndk_triplet(toolchain_folder = True), toolchain)
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ndk_home, path, toolchain_folder, 'prebuilt', toolchain_host))
def gen_toolchain_path(self):
if self.is_clang():
triplet = '%s%d-' % (self.ndk_triplet(llvm_toolchain = True), self.api)
triplet = self.ndk_triplet() + '-'
return os.path.join(self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path(), 'bin', triplet)
def gen_binutils_path(self):
if self.ndk_rev >= 23:
return os.path.join(self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path(), 'bin')
return os.path.join(self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path(), self.ndk_triplet(), 'bin')
def cc(self):
if self.is_host():
s = 'clang'
environ = getattr(self.ctx, 'environ', os.environ)
if 'CC' in environ:
s = environ['CC']
return '%s --target=%s%d' % (s, self.ndk_triplet(), self.api)
return self.gen_toolchain_path() + ('clang' if self.is_clang() else 'gcc')
def cxx(self):
if self.is_host():
s = 'clang++'
environ = getattr(self.ctx, 'environ', os.environ)
if 'CXX' in environ:
s = environ['CXX']
return '%s --target=%s%d' % (s, self.ndk_triplet(), self.api)
return self.gen_toolchain_path() + ('clang++' if self.is_clang() else 'g++')
def strip(self):
if self.is_host():
environ = getattr(self.ctx, 'environ', os.environ)
if 'STRIP' in environ:
return environ['STRIP']
return 'llvm-strip'
if self.ndk_rev >= 23:
return os.path.join(self.gen_binutils_path(), 'llvm-strip')
return os.path.join(self.gen_binutils_path(), 'strip')
def system_stl(self):
# TODO: proper STL support
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ndk_home, 'sources', 'cxx-stl', 'system', 'include'))
def libsysroot(self):
arch = self.arch
if self.is_arm():
arch = 'arm'
elif self.is_arm64():
arch = 'arm64'
path = 'platforms/android-%s/arch-%s' % (self.api, arch)
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ndk_home, path))
def sysroot(self):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ndk_home, 'sysroot'))
return self.libsysroot()
def cflags(self, cxx = False):
cflags = []
if self.ndk_rev <= ANDROID_NDK_SYSROOT_FLAG_MAX:
cflags += ['--sysroot=%s' % (self.sysroot())]
if self.is_host():
cflags += [
'--sysroot=%s/sysroot' % (self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path()),
'-isystem', '%s/usr/include/' % (self.sysroot())
cflags += ['-I%s' % (self.system_stl())]
if not self.is_clang():
cflags += ['-DANDROID', '-D__ANDROID__']
if cxx and not self.is_clang() and self.toolchain not in ['4.8','4.9']:
cflags += ['-fno-sized-deallocation']
if self.is_clang():
# stpcpy() isn't available in early Android versions
# disable it here so Clang won't use it
cflags += ['-fno-builtin-stpcpy']
if self.is_arm():
if self.arch == 'armeabi-v7a':
# ARMv7 support
cflags += ['-mthumb', '-mfpu=neon', '-mcpu=cortex-a9']
if self.is_hardfp():
cflags += ['-D_NDK_MATH_NO_SOFTFP=1', '-mfloat-abi=hard', '-DLOAD_HARDFP', '-DSOFTFP_LINK']
if self.is_host():
# Clang builtin redefine w/ different calling convention bug
# NOTE: I did not added complex.h functions here, despite
# that NDK devs forgot to put __NDK_FPABI_MATH__ for complex
# math functions
# I personally don't need complex numbers support, but if you want it
# just run sed to patch header
for f in ['strtod', 'strtof', 'strtold']:
cflags += ['-fno-builtin-%s' % f]
cflags += ['-mfloat-abi=softfp']
# ARMv5 support
cflags += ['-march=armv5te', '-msoft-float']
elif self.is_x86():
cflags += ['-mtune=atom', '-march=atom', '-mssse3', '-mfpmath=sse']
return cflags
# they go before object list
def linkflags(self):
linkflags = []
if self.is_host():
linkflags += ['--gcc-toolchain=%s' % self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path()]
if self.ndk_rev <= ANDROID_NDK_SYSROOT_FLAG_MAX:
linkflags += ['--sysroot=%s' % (self.sysroot())]
elif self.is_host():
linkflags += ['--sysroot=%s/sysroot' % (self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path())]
if self.is_clang() or self.is_host():
linkflags += ['-fuse-ld=lld']
else: linkflags += ['-no-canonical-prefixes']
linkflags += ['-Wl,--hash-style=sysv', '-Wl,--no-undefined']
return linkflags
def ldflags(self):
ldflags = []
if self.ndk_rev < 23:
ldflags += ['-lgcc']
if self.is_clang() or self.is_host():
ldflags += ['-stdlib=libstdc++']
else: ldflags += ['-no-canonical-prefixes']
if self.is_arm():
if self.arch == 'armeabi-v7a':
ldflags += ['-march=armv7-a', '-mthumb']
if not self.is_clang() and not self.is_host(): # lld only
ldflags += ['-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8']
if self.is_hardfp():
ldflags += ['-Wl,--no-warn-mismatch', '-lm_hard']
ldflags += ['-march=armv5te']
return ldflags
class NintendoSwitch:
ctx = None # waf context
arch = "arm64"
dkp_dir = None
portlibs_dir = None
dka64_dir = None
libnx_dir = None
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
self.dkp_dir = os.getenv(i)
if self.dkp_dir != None:
ctx.fatal('Set %s environment variable pointing to the DEVKITPRO home!' %
' or '.join(NSWITCH_ENVVARS))
self.dkp_dir = os.path.abspath(self.dkp_dir)
self.dka64_dir = os.path.join(self.dkp_dir, 'devkitA64')
if not os.path.exists(self.dka64_dir):
ctx.fatal('devkitA64 not found in `%s`. Install devkitA64!' % self.dka64_dir)
self.libnx_dir = os.path.join(self.dkp_dir, 'libnx')
if not os.path.exists(self.libnx_dir):
ctx.fatal('libnx not found in `%s`. Install libnx!' % self.libnx_dir)
self.portlibs_dir = os.path.join(self.dkp_dir, 'portlibs', 'switch')
if not os.path.exists(self.portlibs_dir):
ctx.fatal('No Switch libraries found in `%s`!' % self.portlibs_dir)
def gen_toolchain_prefix(self):
return 'aarch64-none-elf-'
def gen_gcc_toolchain_path(self):
return os.path.join(self.dka64_dir, 'bin', self.gen_toolchain_prefix())
def cc(self):
return self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path() + 'gcc'
def cxx(self):
return self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path() + 'g++'
def strip(self):
return self.gen_gcc_toolchain_path() + 'strip'
def pkgconfig(self):
# counter-intuitively, this motherfucker is in portlibs/switch/bin
return os.path.join(self.portlibs_dir, 'bin', self.gen_toolchain_prefix() + 'pkg-config')
def cflags(self, cxx = False):
cflags = []
# arch flags
cflags += ['-D__SWITCH__', '-march=armv8-a+crc+crypto', '-mtune=cortex-a57', '-mtp=soft', '-ftls-model=local-exec', '-fPIE']
# help the linker out
cflags += ['-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections']
# base include dirs
cflags += ['-isystem %s/include' % self.libnx_dir, '-I%s/include' % self.portlibs_dir]
if cxx:
# while these are supported, they could fuck up the crappy dynamic linker
cflags += ['-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti']
# the game wants GNU extensions
cflags += ['-std=gnu++17', '-D_GNU_SOURCE']
cflags += ['-std=gnu11', '-D_GNU_SOURCE']
return cflags
# they go before object list
def linkflags(self):
linkflags = ['-fPIE', '-specs=%s/switch.specs' % self.libnx_dir]
# libsolder only supports sysv hashes and we need to build everything with -rdynamic
linkflags += ['-Wl,--hash-style=sysv', '-rdynamic']
# avoid pulling in and exposing mesa's internals, that crashes it for some god forsaken reason
linkflags += ['-Wl,--exclude-libs=libglapi.a', '-Wl,--exclude-libs=libdrm_nouveau.a']
return linkflags
def ldflags(self):
# NOTE: shared libraries should be built without standard libs, so that they could import their contents from the NRO,
# but executables, including the SDL2 sanity check, will generally require libstdc++ and libm, which we will add manually
ldflags = [] # ['-lm', '-lstdc++']
return ldflags
def options(opt):
xc = opt.add_option_group('Cross compile options')
xc.add_option('--android', action='store', dest='ANDROID_OPTS', default=None,
help='enable building for android, format: --android=<arch>,<toolchain>,<api>, example: --android=armeabi-v7a-hard,4.9,9')
xc.add_option('--enable-magx', action='store_true', dest='MAGX', default=False,
help='enable building for Motorola MAGX [default: %default]')
xc.add_option('--enable-msvc-wine', action='store_true', dest='MSVC_WINE', default=False,
help='enable building with MSVC using Wine [default: %default]')
xc.add_option('--nswitch', action='store_true', dest='NSWITCH', default = False,
help ='enable building for Nintendo Switch [default: %default]')
def configure(conf):
if conf.options.ANDROID_OPTS:
values = conf.options.ANDROID_OPTS.split(',')
if len(values) != 3:
conf.fatal('Invalid --android paramater value!')
valid_archs = ['x86', 'x86_64', 'armeabi', 'armeabi-v7a', 'armeabi-v7a-hard', 'aarch64']
if values[0] not in valid_archs:
conf.fatal('Unknown arch: %s. Supported: %r' % (values[0], ', '.join(valid_archs)))
conf.android = android = Android(conf, values[0], values[1], int(values[2]))
conf.environ['CC'] = android.cc()
conf.environ['CXX'] = android.cxx()
conf.environ['STRIP'] = android.strip()
conf.env.CFLAGS += android.cflags()
conf.env.CXXFLAGS += android.cflags(True)
conf.env.LINKFLAGS += android.linkflags()
conf.env.LDFLAGS += android.ldflags()
conf.env.HAVE_M = True
if android.is_hardfp():
conf.env.LIB_M = ['m_hard']
else: conf.env.LIB_M = ['m']
conf.env.PREFIX = '/lib/%s' % android.apk_arch()
conf.msg('Selected Android NDK', '%s, version: %d' % (android.ndk_home, android.ndk_rev))
# no need to print C/C++ compiler, as it would be printed by compiler_c/cxx
conf.msg('... C/C++ flags', ' '.join(android.cflags()).replace(android.ndk_home, '$NDK/'))
conf.msg('... link flags', ' '.join(android.linkflags()).replace(android.ndk_home, '$NDK/'))
conf.msg('... ld flags', ' '.join(android.ldflags()).replace(android.ndk_home, '$NDK/'))
elif conf.options.MAGX:
# useless to change toolchain path, as toolchain meant to be placed in this path
toolchain_path = '/opt/toolchains/motomagx/arm-eabi2/lib/'
conf.env.INCLUDES_MAGX = [toolchain_path + i for i in ['ezx-z6/include', 'qt-2.3.8/include']]
conf.env.LIBPATH_MAGX = [toolchain_path + i for i in ['ezx-z6/lib', 'qt-2.3.8/lib']]
conf.env.LINKFLAGS_MAGX = ['-Wl,-rpath-link=' + i for i in conf.env.LIBPATH_MAGX]
elif conf.options.MSVC_WINE:
toolchain_path = conf.environ['MSVC_WINE_PATH']
except KeyError:
conf.fatal('Set MSVC_WINE_PATH environment variable to the MSVC toolchain root!')
conf.environ['CC'] = conf.environ['CXX'] = os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin', conf.env.MSVC_TARGETS[0], 'cl')
conf.environ['LINK_CXX'] = os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin', conf.env.MSVC_TARGETS[0], 'link')
conf.environ['AR'] = os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin', conf.env.MSVC_TARGETS[0], 'lib')
conf.environ['WINRC'] = os.path.join(toolchain_path, 'bin', conf.env.MSVC_TARGETS[0], 'rc')
conf.env.DEST_OS = 'win32'
conf.env.DEST_CPU = conf.env.MSVC_TARGETS[0]
conf.env.COMPILER_CXX = conf.env.COMPILER_CC = 'msvc'
elif conf.options.NSWITCH:
conf.nswitch = nswitch = NintendoSwitch(conf)
conf.environ['CC'] = nswitch.cc()
conf.environ['CXX'] = nswitch.cxx()
conf.environ['STRIP'] = nswitch.strip()
conf.env.PKGCONFIG = nswitch.pkgconfig()
conf.env.CFLAGS += nswitch.cflags()
conf.env.CXXFLAGS += nswitch.cflags(True)
conf.env.LINKFLAGS += nswitch.linkflags()
conf.env.LDFLAGS += nswitch.ldflags()
conf.env.HAVE_M = True
conf.env.LIB_M = ['m']
conf.env.DEST_OS = 'nswitch'
conf.env.MAGX = conf.options.MAGX
conf.env.MSVC_WINE = conf.options.MSVC_WINE
MACRO_TO_DESTOS = OrderedDict({ '__ANDROID__' : 'android', '__SWITCH__' : 'nswitch' })
for k in c_config.MACRO_TO_DESTOS:
MACRO_TO_DESTOS[k] = c_config.MACRO_TO_DESTOS[k] # ordering is important
def post_compiler_cxx_configure(conf):
conf.msg('Target OS', conf.env.DEST_OS)
conf.msg('Target CPU', conf.env.DEST_CPU)
conf.msg('Target binfmt', conf.env.DEST_BINFMT)
if conf.options.ANDROID_OPTS:
if conf.android.ndk_rev == 19:
conf.env.CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib += ['-static-libstdc++']
conf.env.LDFLAGS_cxxshlib += ['-static-libstdc++']
elif conf.options.MAGX:
for lib in ['qte-mt', 'ezxappbase', 'ezxpm', 'log_util']:
conf.check_cc(lib=lib, use='MAGX', uselib_store='MAGX')
def post_compiler_c_configure(conf):
conf.msg('Target OS', conf.env.DEST_OS)
conf.msg('Target CPU', conf.env.DEST_CPU)
conf.msg('Target binfmt', conf.env.DEST_BINFMT)
from waflib.Tools import compiler_cxx, compiler_c
compiler_cxx_configure = getattr(compiler_cxx, 'configure')
compiler_c_configure = getattr(compiler_c, 'configure')
def patch_compiler_cxx_configure(conf):
if not conf.env.MSVC_WINE:
conf.load('msvc', funs='no_autodetect')
def patch_compiler_c_configure(conf):
if not conf.env.MSVC_WINE:
conf.load('msvc', funs='no_autodetect')
setattr(compiler_cxx, 'configure', patch_compiler_cxx_configure)
setattr(compiler_c, 'configure', patch_compiler_c_configure)
@TaskGen.feature('cshlib', 'cxxshlib', 'dshlib', 'fcshlib', 'vnum')
@TaskGen.after_method('apply_link', 'propagate_uselib_vars')
def apply_android_soname(self):
Enforce SONAME on Android
if self.env.DEST_OS != 'android':
setattr(self, 'vnum', None) # remove vnum, so SONAME would not be overwritten
link = self.link_task
node = link.outputs[0]
libname = node.name
v = self.env.SONAME_ST % libname
self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', v.split())