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437 lines
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#include "bot_common.h" |
// Begin moving to a nearby hidey-hole. |
// NOTE: Do not forget this state may include a very long "move-to" time to get to our hidey spot! |
void HideState::OnEnter(CCSBot *me) |
{ |
m_isAtSpot = false; |
// if duration is "infinite", set it to a reasonably long time to prevent infinite camping |
if (m_duration < 0.0f) |
{ |
m_duration = RANDOM_FLOAT(30.0f, 60.0f); |
} |
// decide whether to "ambush" or not - never set to false so as not to override external setting |
if (RANDOM_FLOAT(0.0f, 100.0f) < 50.0f) |
{ |
m_isHoldingPosition = true; |
} |
// if we are holding position, decide for how long |
if (m_isHoldingPosition) |
{ |
m_holdPositionTime = RANDOM_FLOAT(3.0f, 10.0f); |
} |
else |
{ |
m_holdPositionTime = 0.0f; |
} |
m_heardEnemy = false; |
m_firstHeardEnemyTime = 0.0f; |
m_retry = 0; |
if (me->IsFollowing()) |
{ |
m_leaderAnchorPos = me->GetFollowLeader()->pev->origin; |
} |
} |
// Move to a nearby hidey-hole. |
// NOTE: Do not forget this state may include a very long "move-to" time to get to our hidey spot! |
void HideState::OnUpdate(CCSBot *me) |
{ |
CCSBotManager *ctrl = TheCSBots(); |
// wait until finished reloading to leave hide state |
if (!me->IsActiveWeaponReloading()) |
{ |
if (gpGlobals->time - me->GetStateTimestamp() > m_duration) |
{ |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_LOOSE_BOMB) |
{ |
// if we're guarding the loose bomb, continue to guard it but pick a new spot |
me->Hide(ctrl->GetLooseBombArea()); |
return; |
} |
else if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE) |
{ |
// if we're guarding a bombsite, continue to guard it but pick a new spot |
const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = ctrl->GetClosestZone(&me->pev->origin); |
if (zone != NULL) |
{ |
CNavArea *area = ctrl->GetRandomAreaInZone(zone); |
if (area != NULL) |
{ |
me->Hide(area); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
else if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_ZONE) |
{ |
// if we're guarding a rescue zone, continue to guard this or another rescue zone |
if (me->GuardRandomZone()) |
{ |
me->PrintIfWatched("Continuing to guard hostage rescue zones\n"); |
me->SetDisposition(CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE); |
me->GetChatter()->GuardingHostageEscapeZone(IS_PLAN); |
return; |
} |
} |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
// if we are momentarily hiding while following someone, check to see if he has moved on |
if (me->IsFollowing()) |
{ |
CBasePlayer *leader = me->GetFollowLeader(); |
// BOTPORT: Determine walk/run velocity thresholds |
float runThreshold = 200.0f; |
if (leader->pev->velocity.IsLengthGreaterThan(runThreshold)) |
{ |
// leader is running, stay with him |
me->Follow(leader); |
return; |
} |
// if leader has moved, stay with him |
const float followRange = 250.0f; |
if ((m_leaderAnchorPos - leader->pev->origin).IsLengthGreaterThan(followRange)) |
{ |
me->Follow(leader); |
return; |
} |
} |
// if we see a nearby buddy in combat, join him |
// TODO: Perhaps tie in to TakeDamage(), so it works for human players, too |
#if 0 |
// Scenario logic |
switch (ctrl->GetScenario()) |
{ |
{ |
if (me->m_iTeam == CT) |
{ |
// if we are just holding position (due to a radio order) and the bomb has just planted, go defuse it |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::HOLD_POSITION && |
ctrl->IsBombPlanted() && |
ctrl->GetBombPlantTimestamp() > me->GetStateTimestamp()) |
{ |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
// if we are guarding the defuser and he dies/gives up, stop hiding (to choose another defuser) |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_DEFUSER && ctrl->GetBombDefuser() == NULL) |
{ |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
// if we are guarding the loose bomb and it is picked up, stop hiding |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_LOOSE_BOMB && ctrl->GetLooseBomb() == NULL) |
{ |
me->GetChatter()->TheyPickedUpTheBomb(); |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
// if we are guarding a bombsite and the bomb is dropped and we hear about it, stop guarding |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE && me->GetGameState()->IsLooseBombLocationKnown()) |
{ |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
// if we are guarding (bombsite, initial encounter, etc) and the bomb is planted, go defuse it |
if (me->IsDoingScenario() && me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE && ctrl->IsBombPlanted()) |
{ |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// if we are near the ticking bomb and someone starts defusing it, attack! |
if (ctrl->GetBombDefuser()) |
{ |
Vector toDefuser = ctrl->GetBombDefuser()->pev->origin; |
const float hearDefuseRange = 2000.0f; |
if ((toDefuser - me->pev->origin).IsLengthLessThan(hearDefuseRange)) |
{ |
// if we are nearby, attack, otherwise move to the bomb (which will cause us to attack when we see defuser) |
if (me->CanSeePlantedBomb()) |
{ |
me->Attack(ctrl->GetBombDefuser()); |
} |
else |
{ |
me->MoveTo(&toDefuser, FASTEST_ROUTE); |
me->InhibitLookAround(10.0f); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
{ |
// if we're guarding the hostages and they all die or are taken, do something else |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGES) |
{ |
if (me->GetGameState()->AreAllHostagesBeingRescued() || me->GetGameState()->AreAllHostagesGone()) |
{ |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
} |
else if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_ZONE) |
{ |
// if we stumble across a hostage, guard it |
CHostage *hostage = me->GetGameState()->GetNearestVisibleFreeHostage(); |
if (hostage != NULL) |
{ |
// we see a free hostage, guard it |
CNavArea *area = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(&hostage->pev->origin); |
if (area != NULL) |
{ |
me->SetTask(CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGES); |
me->Hide(area); |
me->PrintIfWatched("I'm guarding hostages I found\n"); |
// don't chatter here - he'll tell us when he's in his hiding spot |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#endif |
bool isSettledInSniper = (me->IsSniper() && m_isAtSpot) ? true : false; |
// only investigate noises if we are initiating attacks, and we aren't a "settled in" sniper |
// dont investigate noises if we are reloading |
if (!me->IsActiveWeaponReloading() && |
!isSettledInSniper && |
me->GetDisposition() == CCSBot::ENGAGE_AND_INVESTIGATE) |
{ |
// if we are holding position, and have heard the enemy nearby, investigate after our hold time is up |
if (m_isHoldingPosition && m_heardEnemy && (gpGlobals->time - m_firstHeardEnemyTime > m_holdPositionTime)) |
{ |
// TODO: We might need to remember specific location of last enemy noise here |
me->InvestigateNoise(); |
return; |
} |
// investigate nearby enemy noises |
if (me->ShouldInvestigateNoise()) |
{ |
// if we are holding position, check if enough time has elapsed since we first heard the enemy |
if (m_isAtSpot && m_isHoldingPosition) |
{ |
if (!m_heardEnemy) |
{ |
// first time we heard the enemy |
m_heardEnemy = true; |
m_firstHeardEnemyTime = gpGlobals->time; |
me->PrintIfWatched("Heard enemy, holding position for %f2.1 seconds...\n", m_holdPositionTime); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// not holding position - investigate enemy noise |
me->InvestigateNoise(); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// look around |
me->UpdateLookAround(); |
// if we are at our hiding spot, crouch and wait |
if (m_isAtSpot) |
{ |
me->Crouch(); |
// if we have a shield, hide behind it |
// if (me->HasShield() && !me->IsProtectedByShield()) |
// me->SecondaryAttack(); |
// while sitting at our hiding spot, if we are being attacked but can't see our attacker, move somewhere else |
const float hurtRecentlyTime = 1.0f; |
if (!me->IsEnemyVisible() && me->GetTimeSinceAttacked() < hurtRecentlyTime) |
{ |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
#if 0 |
// encourage the human player |
if (!me->IsDoingScenario()) |
{ |
if (me->m_iTeam == CT) |
{ |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE && me->IsAtHidingSpot() && ctrl->IsBombPlanted()) |
{ |
if (me->GetNearbyEnemyCount() == 0) |
{ |
const float someTime = 30.0f; |
const float littleTime = 11.0; |
if (ctrl->GetBombTimeLeft() > someTime) |
me->GetChatter()->Encourage("BombsiteSecure", RANDOM_FLOAT(10.0f, 15.0f)); |
else if (ctrl->GetBombTimeLeft() > littleTime) |
me->GetChatter()->Encourage("WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb", RANDOM_FLOAT(5.0f, 8.0f)); |
else |
me->GetChatter()->Encourage("WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanic", RANDOM_FLOAT(3.0f, 4.0f)); |
} |
} |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGES && me->IsAtHidingSpot()) |
{ |
if (me->GetNearbyEnemyCount() == 0) |
{ |
CHostage *hostage = me->GetGameState()->GetNearestVisibleFreeHostage(); |
if (hostage != NULL) |
{ |
me->GetChatter()->Encourage("WaitingForHumanToRescueHostages", RANDOM_FLOAT(10.0f, 15.0f)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#endif |
} |
else |
{ |
// if a Player is using this hiding spot, give up |
float range; |
CBasePlayer *camper = UTIL_GetClosestPlayer(&m_hidingSpot, &range); |
const float closeRange = 75.0f; |
if (camper != NULL && camper != me && range < closeRange && me->IsVisible(camper, CHECK_FOV)) |
{ |
// player is in our hiding spot |
me->PrintIfWatched("Someone's in my hiding spot - picking another...\n"); |
const int maxRetries = 3; |
if (m_retry++ >= maxRetries) |
{ |
me->PrintIfWatched("Can't find a free hiding spot, giving up.\n"); |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
// pick another hiding spot near where we were planning on hiding |
me->Hide(TheNavAreaGrid.GetNavArea(&m_hidingSpot)); |
return; |
} |
Vector toSpot; |
toSpot.x = m_hidingSpot.x - me->pev->origin.x; |
toSpot.y = m_hidingSpot.y - me->pev->origin.y; |
toSpot.z = m_hidingSpot.z - me->GetFeetZ(); // use feet location |
float dist = toSpot.Length(); |
const float crouchDist = 200.0f; |
if (dist < crouchDist) |
me->Crouch(); |
const float atDist = 20.0f; |
if (dist < atDist) |
{ |
m_isAtSpot = true; |
// make sure our approach points are valid, since we'll be watching them |
me->ComputeApproachPoints(); |
// ready our weapon and prepare to attack |
me->EquipBestWeapon(MUST_EQUIP); |
me->SetDisposition(CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE); |
// if we are a sniper, update our task |
if (me->GetTask() == CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT) |
{ |
me->SetTask(CCSBot::SNIPING); |
} |
// determine which way to look |
TraceResult result; |
float outAngle = 0.0f; |
float outAngleRange = 0.0f; |
for (float angle = 0.0f; angle < 360.0f; angle += 45.0f) |
{ |
UTIL_TraceLine(me->GetEyePosition(), me->GetEyePosition() + 1000.0f * Vector(BotCOS(angle), BotSIN(angle), 0.0f), ignore_monsters, ignore_glass, ENT(me->pev), &result); |
if (result.flFraction > outAngleRange) |
{ |
outAngle = angle; |
outAngleRange = result.flFraction; |
} |
} |
me->SetLookAheadAngle(outAngle); |
} |
// move to hiding spot |
if (me->UpdatePathMovement() != CCSBot::PROGRESSING && !m_isAtSpot) |
{ |
// we couldn't get to our hiding spot - pick another |
me->PrintIfWatched("Can't get to my hiding spot - finding another...\n"); |
// search from hiding spot, since we know it was valid |
const Vector *pos = FindNearbyHidingSpot(me, &m_hidingSpot, m_searchFromArea, m_range, me->IsSniper()); |
if (pos == NULL) |
{ |
// no available hiding spots |
me->PrintIfWatched("No available hiding spots - hiding where I'm at.\n"); |
// hide where we are |
m_hidingSpot.x = me->pev->origin.x; |
m_hidingSpot.y = me->pev->origin.y; |
m_hidingSpot.z = me->GetFeetZ(); |
} |
else |
{ |
m_hidingSpot = *pos; |
} |
// build a path to our new hiding spot |
if (me->ComputePath(TheNavAreaGrid.GetNavArea(&m_hidingSpot), &m_hidingSpot, FASTEST_ROUTE) == false) |
{ |
me->PrintIfWatched("Can't pathfind to hiding spot\n"); |
me->Idle(); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void HideState::OnExit(CCSBot *me) |
{ |
m_isHoldingPosition = false; |
me->StandUp(); |
me->ResetStuckMonitor(); |
me->ClearLookAt(); |
me->ClearApproachPoints(); |
// if we have a shield, put it away |
// if (me->HasShield() && me->IsProtectedByShield()) |
// me->SecondaryAttack(); |