//++ BulliT |
#include "hud.h" |
#include "cl_util.h" |
#include "agwallhack.h" |
#include "agversioninfo.h" |
#include "com_weapons.h" |
#include "agbase64.h" |
#include "agmapi.h" |
#include "agicq.h" |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Construction/Destruction |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
bool CheckHooks(const char* pszModule, const char* pszMethod, BYTE* pBytesToCheck, DWORD dwSize) |
{ |
bool bOK = false; |
HANDLE hProcess = ::GetCurrentProcess(); |
HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(pszModule); |
if (!hModule) |
return true; //The dll aint loaded |
LPVOID pAddress = (LPVOID)::GetProcAddress(hModule, pszMethod); |
// change the page-protection for the intercepted function |
DWORD dwOldProtect; |
if (!::VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, pAddress, dwSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &dwOldProtect)) |
return false; |
//Read the bytes to see if someone hooked that function |
BYTE* pBytesInMem = (BYTE*)malloc(dwSize); |
DWORD dwRead = 0; |
if (::ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, pAddress, pBytesInMem, dwSize, &dwRead)) |
{ |
bOK = 0 != memcmp(pBytesInMem, pBytesToCheck, dwRead); |
/* |
char szAddress[_MAX_PATH]; |
sprintf(szAddress, "%s::%s - at %lx - %s", pszModule, pszMethod, pAddress, bOK ? "OK" : "HACK"); |
AgLog(szAddress); |
DWORD dwWritten; |
WriteFile(hFile, pBytesToCheck, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL); |
CloseHandle(hFile); |
*/ |
} |
// |
// restore page protection |
// |
VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, pAddress, dwSize, dwOldProtect, &dwOldProtect); |
free(pBytesInMem); |
return bOK; |
} |
AgWallhack g_Wallhack; |
static const char *szDisconnect = "disconnect\n"; |
static const char *szMicrosoft = "Microsoft Corporation"; |
static const char *szCDFPS = "cd_fps"; |
static char* s_szGoodDlls[] = |
{ |
/* |
"\\ag\\cl_dlls\\client.dll", |
"\\ag\\dlls\\ag.dll", |
"\\ag\\dlls\\hl.dll", |
"\\aghl\\cl_dlls\\client.dll", |
"\\aghl\\dlls\\ag.dll", |
"\\aghl\\dlls\\hl.dll", |
*/ |
"\\vgui.dll", |
"\\woncrypt.dll", |
"\\wonauth.dll", |
"\\hl_res.dll", |
"\\hw.dll", |
"\\sw.dll", |
"\\mss32.dll", |
"\\mssv12.dll", |
"\\mssv12.asi", |
"\\mp3dec.asi", |
"\\mssv29.asi", |
"\\steamvalidateuseridtickets.dll", |
"\\voice_miles.dll", |
"\\hl.exe", |
"\\cstrike.exe", |
}; |
static char* s_szBadDlls[] = |
{ |
"glhack.dll", //Famous glhack. |
"default.dll", //Cracked version of famous glhack. This one is encoded... smart fellow :P |
"hl_rem.dll", //Cracked version of famous glhack. I will stop any version by opening the dll anyway. |
"oldogl32.dll", //Famous glhack. |
"oglhack.dll", |
"ogl.dll", |
"sw!zz3r.dll", |
"hookhl.dll", |
"ogc.dll", |
}; |
static char* s_szBadStrings[] = |
{ |
"Z2xoYWNr", //glhack |
"b3BlbmdsLmluaQAA", //opengl.ini |
"VFdDaGVhdAAA", //TWCheat |
"Qi50ZXJhcGh5", //B.teraphy |
"RmxhdXR6", //Flautz |
"c3chenozcgAA", //sw!zz3r |
"QU5BS2lO", //ANAKiN |
"Yzpcb3BlbmdsMzIuZGxs", //c:\opengl32.dll |
"aGxoLmRsbAAA", //hlh.dll |
"R1JpTS1GX0gA", //GRiM-F_H |
"Q2hyb21heFMA", //ChromaxS |
"b2djLmRsbAAA", //ogc.dll |
"ZVohJDd2", //eZ!$7v Swizz hack |
"Y29kZXJzLmRsbAAA", //coders.dll wh_beta4, wh_beta5 |
"b2djLmNmZwAA", //ogc.cfg |
"eHF6MgAA", //xqz2 - xqz2_b71 |
"eHFiNgAA", //xqb6 - xqz2_b80 |
"cEBncmFt", //p@gram - XQZ2Beta85 |
"W09HQ10A", //[OGC] - from ogc 7 |
"Sm9vbHoA", //Joolz - from ogc 8 - |
"dGhyb3VnaCB3YWxs", //through wall - from ogc 8 - |
"UlNEU/s19Llq", //RSDS<EFBFBD>5<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>j from 187 Wallhack |
"d2FsbGhhY2sA", //wallhack from SyFWallHack.dll |
"W1VHQ10A", //[UGC] from [FuRy]-immortal |
"R0xIYWNr", //GLHack |
"XDE4N0hBQ0sA", //\187HACK - 187 version 1.5, 2.0, xqz |
"THRmeGhvb2sA", //Ltfxhook - version 4 |
"c2VjdXJlLmluaQAA", //secure.ini - nc-secure |
"bWFkQ29kZUhvb2sA", //madCodeHookLib - www.madshi.net hooking library that some seem to use. |
"amFpbmEA", //jaina - comes from exprtl0.dll |
"bmV0LWNvZGVycwAA", //net-coders - from net coderse hack |
// "YWltaGFjawAA", //aimhack - 187 version xqz |
"V2FsbGhhY2sA", //Wallhack - from many hacks. |
"aG9va2VyLmRsbAAA", //hooker.dll |
"VW5ob29rZXIA", //Unhooker |
//in cheats.dat "V2lyZWZyYW1l", //Wireframe - from Net coders hack. |
/* |
"T0dDAAAA", //OGC |
"b2djAAAA", //ogc |
*/ |
/* |
http://www.zone.ee/kunnchat/ |
http://www.unknowncheats.com/ |
http://www.cheat-network.net/chnetphp/ |
*/ |
}; |
AgWallhack::AgWallhack() |
{ |
#if !_DEBUG |
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) |
exit(-1); |
#endif |
#endif |
m_dwHLAddressToValidate = 0L; |
int i = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s_szBadStrings)/sizeof(s_szBadStrings[0]); i++) |
AddBadString(s_szBadStrings[i]); |
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s_szBadDlls)/sizeof(s_szBadDlls[0]); i++) |
AddBadDll(s_szBadDlls[i]); |
char szHalfLife[MAX_PATH]; |
GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle("client.dll"),szHalfLife,sizeof(szHalfLife)); |
szHalfLife[strrchr(szHalfLife,'\\') - szHalfLife] = '\0'; |
szHalfLife[strrchr(szHalfLife,'\\') - szHalfLife] = '\0'; |
szHalfLife[strrchr(szHalfLife,'\\') - szHalfLife] = '\0'; |
strlwr(szHalfLife); |
char szDll[MAX_PATH]; |
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(s_szGoodDlls)/sizeof(s_szGoodDlls[0]); i++) |
{ |
sprintf(szDll,"%s%s",szHalfLife,s_szGoodDlls[i]); |
m_setGoodDlls.insert(szDll); |
} |
/* |
unsigned short usSize = 0; |
unsigned char szSearch[256]; |
AgBase64Decode("hitewalls",9,szSearch,usSize); |
OutputDebugString((char*)szSearch); |
OutputDebugString("\n"); |
*/ |
/* |
AgBase64Encode((unsigned char*)"Wallhack",8,szDll); |
OutputDebugString(szDll); |
OutputDebugString("\n"); |
*/ |
/* |
AgBase64Encode((unsigned char*)"ownlinecheating",7,szDll); |
OutputDebugString(szDll); |
OutputDebugString("\n"); |
*/ |
m_bDoneCheck = false; |
m_iFiles = 0; |
m_dwBytes = 0; |
} |
AgWallhack::~AgWallhack() |
{ |
m_setBadStrings.clear(); |
m_setBadDlls.clear(); |
m_setGoodDlls.clear(); |
m_setGoodSystemDlls.clear(); |
} |
void AgWallhack::AddBadDll(const char* pszDll) |
{ |
if (pszDll && 0 != strlen(pszDll)) |
m_setBadDlls.insert(pszDll); |
} |
void AgWallhack::AddBadString(const char* pszString) |
{ |
if (pszString && 0 != strlen(pszString)) |
m_setBadStrings.insert(pszString); |
} |
void AgWallhack::AddBadStrings(const char* pszStrings) |
{ |
char* pszStringsTemp = strdup(pszStrings); |
char* pszCheatString = strtok( pszStringsTemp, "\n"); |
while (pszCheatString != NULL) |
{ |
AgString strCheatString = pszCheatString; |
AgTrim(strCheatString); |
if (strCheatString.length()) |
AddBadString(strCheatString.c_str()); |
pszCheatString = strtok( NULL, "\n"); |
} |
free(pszStringsTemp); |
} |
bool AgWallhack::InitToolHelp32() |
{ |
if (m_hKernel32 && m_lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot && m_lpfModule32First && m_lpfModule32Next) |
return true; |
m_hKernel32 = ::LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll"); |
if (NULL == m_hKernel32) |
return false; |
m_lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (CREATETOOLHELP32SNAPSHOT) ::GetProcAddress(m_hKernel32,"CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"); |
m_lpfModule32First = (MODULE32FIRST) ::GetProcAddress(m_hKernel32,"Module32First"); |
m_lpfModule32Next = (MODULE32NEXT) ::GetProcAddress(m_hKernel32,"Module32Next"); |
m_lpfProcess32First = (PROCESS32FIRST) ::GetProcAddress(m_hKernel32,"Process32First"); |
m_lpfProcess32Next = (PROCESS32NEXT) ::GetProcAddress(m_hKernel32,"Process32Next"); |
if (NULL == m_lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot || |
NULL == m_lpfModule32First || |
NULL == m_lpfModule32Next || |
NULL == m_lpfProcess32First || |
NULL == m_lpfProcess32Next) |
{ |
::FreeLibrary(m_hKernel32); |
m_hKernel32 = NULL; |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
bool AgWallhack::Check() |
{ |
#if _DEBUG |
//return true; |
//m_bDoneCheck = true; |
//HMODULE x1 = LoadLibrary("E:/Dev/cheats/nC 2.1/nC-Hack.dll"); |
#endif |
if (m_bDoneCheck) |
return true; |
if (!InitToolHelp32()) |
{ |
char szMessage[] = "Cheat check: This version of Windows is not supported\n"; |
ServerCmd("say <AG Mod> this version of Windows is not supported."); |
AgLog(szMessage); |
ConsolePrint(szMessage); |
ClientCmd(szDisconnect); |
return false; |
} |
int iCheck = InternalCheck(); |
#if _DEBUG |
char szChecked[128]; |
sprintf(szChecked,"Checked for %d cheats in %d files with total data of %ld bytes\n",(int)(m_setBadStrings.size() + m_setBadDlls.size()),m_iFiles,m_dwBytes); |
ConsolePrint(szChecked); |
#endif |
if (0 > iCheck) |
{ |
char szMessage[512]; |
sprintf(szMessage,"say <AG Mod> Autodisconnected, error in installation.\n"); |
ServerCmd(szMessage); |
sprintf(szMessage,"Error in installation %s. (Error = %d)\n",m_sDll.c_str(),iCheck); |
AgLog(szMessage); |
ConsolePrint(szMessage); |
ClientCmd(szDisconnect); |
return false; |
} |
if (0 != iCheck) |
{ |
char szMessage[512]; |
sprintf(szMessage,"say <AG Mod> Disconnected for using invalid module %s.\n",m_sDll.c_str()); |
ServerCmd(szMessage); |
sprintf(szMessage,"Cheat check: %s is not allowed in AG. (Code = %d)\n",m_sDll.c_str(),iCheck); |
AgLog(szMessage); |
ConsolePrint(szMessage); |
//AgSendICQ(szMessage); |
//AgSendMail(szMessage); |
#if !_DEBUG |
SendMessageToIRC(szMessage); |
ClientCmd(szDisconnect); |
return false; |
#endif |
} |
// m_bDoneCheck = true; |
return true; |
} |
void DumpToFile(MODULEENTRY32* pME) |
{ |
char szFile[MAX_PATH]; |
sprintf(szFile,"%s/filedump.txt",AgGetDirectory()); |
FILE* pFile = fopen(szFile,"a+"); |
if (!pFile) |
{ |
return; |
} |
fwrite(pME->modBaseAddr,sizeof(BYTE),pME->modBaseSize,pFile); |
fflush(pFile); |
fclose(pFile); |
} |
int AgWallhack::InternalCheck() |
{ |
#if !_DEBUG |
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) |
{ |
m_sDll = "debugger"; |
return -1; |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
char szSystemDir[MAX_PATH]; |
GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir,sizeof(szSystemDir)); |
strlwr(szSystemDir); |
m_sDll = ""; |
#if _DEBUG |
DWORD dwTime = GetTickCount(); |
#endif |
unsigned char szSearch[256]; |
szSearch[0] = '\0'; |
HANDLE hSnapShot = m_lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,0); |
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSnapShot) |
{ |
m_sDll = "toolhelp was not found"; |
return -2; |
} |
me.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32); |
HMODULE hCurrent = ::GetModuleHandle("client.dll"); |
if (!GetModuleHandle("hl.exe") && !GetModuleHandle("cstrike.exe")) |
{ |
m_sDll = "hl.exe or cstrike.exe was not found"; |
return -3; |
} |
BYTE byHokoHack[1] = {0xE8}; |
BYTE byRegularJumpHack[1] = {0xE9}; |
if ( !CheckHooks("opengl32.dll", "glBegin", byHokoHack, sizeof(byHokoHack)) |
|| !CheckHooks("opengl32.dll", "glBegin", byRegularJumpHack, sizeof(byRegularJumpHack)) |
) |
{ |
m_sDll = "opengl32.dll (patched)"; |
return 11; |
} |
m_iFiles = 0; |
m_dwBytes = 0; |
bool bCorrectAddress = false; |
if (m_lpfModule32First(hSnapShot,&me)) |
{ |
do |
{ |
m_iFiles++; |
m_dwBytes += me.modBaseSize; |
if (hCurrent != me.hModule) |
{ |
#if _DEBUG |
char szTime[MAX_PATH]; |
if ("" == m_sDll) |
{ |
sprintf(szTime,"%s %d ms\n",m_sDll.c_str(),int((GetTickCount() - dwTime))); |
AgLog(szTime); |
dwTime = GetTickCount(); |
} |
#endif //_DEBUG |
char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; |
strcpy(szFileName,me.szExePath); |
strlwr(szFileName); |
m_sDll = szFileName; |
DWORD dwAddressInModule = (DWORD)me.modBaseAddr; |
if (m_dwHLAddressToValidate >= dwAddressInModule |
&& m_dwHLAddressToValidate <= (dwAddressInModule + me.modBaseSize)) |
{ |
bCorrectAddress = (0 == stricmp(&szFileName[strlen(szFileName)-6],"hl.exe")) || (0 == stricmp(&szFileName[strlen(szFileName)-11],"cstrike.exe")); |
} |
bool bOpenGL = 0; |
if (strlen(szFileName) > 11) |
bOpenGL = 0 == strcmp(&szFileName[strlen(szFileName)-12],"opengl32.dll"); |
//Extract version resource. |
AgVersionInfo vi; |
vi.LoadVersionInfo(szFileName); |
//Check if microsoft dll. |
if (!vi.HasErrors()) |
{ |
if (0 == strcmp(szMicrosoft, vi.CompanyName())) |
{ |
if (!bOpenGL && me.modBaseSize > 150000L) //Most cheat dlls are usually less than 150000kb. |
continue; |
} |
} |
if (0 == strcmp(&szFileName[strlen(szFileName)-11],"shimeng.dll")) |
continue; |
//Skip over some HL dll's |
bool bGood = false; |
AgStringSet::iterator itrGoodDlls; |
for (itrGoodDlls = m_setGoodDlls.begin() ;itrGoodDlls != m_setGoodDlls.end() && !bGood; ++itrGoodDlls) |
{ |
if (0 == strcmp(m_sDll.c_str(),(*itrGoodDlls).c_str())) |
bGood = true; |
} |
if (bGood) |
continue; |
//Check bad dll's - practicly worthless :P - the rutine to open and scan the dll inside below is much better. |
AgStringSet::iterator itrWallhackDlls; |
for (itrWallhackDlls = m_setBadDlls.begin() ;itrWallhackDlls != m_setBadDlls.end(); ++itrWallhackDlls) |
{ |
if (0 == strcmp(m_sDll.c_str(),(*itrWallhackDlls).c_str())) |
{ |
AgLog(("Wallhack found in " + m_sDll + "\n").c_str()); |
return 1; //He used an obvious cheat. |
} |
} |
#endif |
#if _DEBUG |
bool bDump = false; |
if (bDump) |
DumpToFile(&me); |
#endif //_DEBUG |
if (bOpenGL) |
{ |
//Check if dll is in windows system directory. Hacks sometimes put the passthru in c:/ |
if (NULL == strstr(m_sDll.c_str(),szSystemDir)) |
return 2; //The opengl32.dll driver wasn't in windows system directory. |
//Check file size. Under 600k is wrong. |
//Check http://support.microsoft.com/servicedesks/fileversion/dllinfo.asp?sd=MSDN |
if (600000 > me.modBaseSize) |
return 3; //This dll is way to small to be the standard opengl32.dll. |
//Extract version resource. |
if (vi.HasErrors()) |
return 4; //Typically a passthruu dll's aint got any version resource. |
//Check the version info for microsoft string. Can easily be done by hackers though |
if (0 != strcmp(szMicrosoft, vi.CompanyName())) |
return 5; //Should be Microsoft Corporation. |
//Check the productversion. |
int iMajor, iMinor, iMicro, iState; |
vi.ProductVersion(iMajor, iMinor, iMicro, iState); |
if (iMajor < 4) |
return 6; //Should be 4 or more. Cant do any more serious check than this because of the different flavors of windows... |
} |
#if _DEBUG |
AgLog(m_sDll.c_str()); |
#endif |
//Oki - brute force method to check for hacks... its easy to rename dll's you know... |
AgStringSet::iterator itrWallhackStrings; |
unsigned long i = 0; |
unsigned short x = 0; |
bool bFoundHack = true; |
unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL; |
for (itrWallhackStrings = m_setBadStrings.begin() ;itrWallhackStrings != m_setBadStrings.end(); ++itrWallhackStrings) |
{ |
unsigned short usSize = 0; |
AgBase64Decode((*itrWallhackStrings).c_str(),(*itrWallhackStrings).size(),szSearch,usSize); |
const unsigned char* pszSearch = szSearch; |
i = 0; |
unsigned long lCount = me.modBaseSize - usSize; |
pBuffer = me.modBaseAddr; |
do |
{ |
//bFoundHack = FastCmp(pBuffer,pszSearch,usSize); |
bFoundHack = true; |
x = 0; |
do |
{ |
bFoundHack = *(pBuffer+x) == *(pszSearch+x); |
++x; |
} |
while (bFoundHack && x < usSize); |
if (bFoundHack) |
{ |
AgLog(("Wallhack found in " + m_sDll + "\n").c_str()); |
return 7; |
} |
++pBuffer; |
++i; |
} |
while (i < lCount); |
} |
} |
me.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32); |
} |
while (m_lpfModule32Next(hSnapShot,&me)); |
::CloseHandle(hSnapShot); |
} |
if (!bCorrectAddress && !gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarPointer(szCDFPS)) |
{ |
m_sDll = "ogc type hooking library"; |
return 10; |
} |
return 0; |
/* |
HANDLE hSnapShotProcess = m_lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0); |
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSnapShotProcess) |
return -1; |
pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); |
DWORD th32ProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId(); |
unsigned char* pFileBuffer = NULL; |
DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; |
if (m_lpfProcess32First(hSnapShotProcess,&pe)) |
{ |
do |
{ |
m_sDll = pe.szExeFile; |
m_iFiles++; |
if (th32ProcessID != pe.th32ProcessID) |
{ |
AgVersionInfo vi; |
vi.LoadVersionInfo(pe.szExeFile); |
//Check if microsoft dll. Let's hope that no hacker reads this source :P |
if (!vi.HasErrors()) |
{ |
AgString sCompanyName = vi.CompanyName(); |
AgTrim(sCompanyName); |
if ("Microsoft Corporation" == vi.CompanyName()) |
continue; |
} |
//Load the dll into a buffer so it's possible to scan the contence. |
if (!hFile) |
return 9; //Could not load the exe. |
DWORD dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile,NULL); |
m_dwBytes += dwSize; |
if (dwBufferSize < dwSize) |
{ |
if (pFileBuffer) |
free(pFileBuffer); |
dwBufferSize = dwSize; |
pFileBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(dwBufferSize); |
} |
DWORD dwRead = 0; |
if (ReadFile(hFile,(void*)pFileBuffer,dwSize,&dwRead,NULL)) |
{ |
if (dwRead == dwSize) |
{ |
//Oki - brute force method to check for hacks... its easy to rename dll's you know... |
AgStringSet::iterator itrWallhackStrings; |
unsigned long i = 0; |
unsigned short x = 0; |
bool bFoundHack = true; |
unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL; |
for (itrWallhackStrings = m_setBadStrings.begin() ;itrWallhackStrings != m_setBadStrings.end(); ++itrWallhackStrings) |
{ |
unsigned short usSize = 0; |
AgBase64Decode((*itrWallhackStrings).c_str(),(*itrWallhackStrings).size(),szSearch,usSize); |
const unsigned char* pszSearch = szSearch; |
i = 0; |
unsigned long lCount = dwSize - usSize; |
pBuffer = pFileBuffer; |
do |
{ |
//bFoundHack = FastCmp(pBuffer,pszSearch,usSize); |
bFoundHack = true; |
x = 0; |
do |
{ |
bFoundHack = *(pBuffer+x) == *(pszSearch+x); |
++x; |
} |
while (bFoundHack && x < usSize); |
if (bFoundHack) |
{ |
AgLog(("Wallhack found in " + m_sDll + "\n").c_str()); |
return 7; |
} |
++pBuffer; |
++i; |
} |
while (i < lCount); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
} |
CloseHandle(hFile); |
} |
pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); |
} |
while (TRUE == m_lpfProcess32Next(hSnapShotProcess,&pe)); |
::CloseHandle(hSnapShotProcess); |
} |
free(pFileBuffer); |
*/ |
} |
#if DEBUG |
#define IRC_CHANNEL "#aghl.beta" |
#else |
#define IRC_CHANNEL "#aghl" |
#endif |
#undef IRC_CHANNEL |
#define IRC_CHANNEL "#aghl.beta" |
#endif |
void AgWallhack::SendMessageToIRC(const char* szMessage) |
{ |
char szCommand[512]; |
sprintf(szCommand,"irc_nick \"AGHL|CHEATER%0d\"",gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong(0,99)); |
ClientCmd(szCommand); |
sprintf(szCommand,"irc_server \"irc.quakenet.eu.org\""); |
ClientCmd(szCommand); |
sprintf(szCommand,"irc_port \"6667\""); |
ClientCmd(szCommand); |
sprintf(szCommand,"irc_autojoin \"%s\"",IRC_CHANNEL); |
ClientCmd(szCommand); |
int iPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer()->index; // Get the local player's index |
sprintf(szCommand,"irc_autocommand2 \"/msg %s %s (Authid=%s) %s\"", IRC_CHANNEL, gEngfuncs.PlayerInfo_ValueForKey(iPlayer,"name"), AgGetAuthID(iPlayer).c_str(), "was caught with a cheat. For more info see message below."); |
ClientCmd(szCommand); |
sprintf(szCommand,"irc_autocommand3 \"/msg %s %s\"", IRC_CHANNEL, szMessage); |
ClientCmd(szCommand); |
ClientCmd("ircconnect2"); |
} |
//-- Martin Webrant |