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* Copyright (c) 1996-2001, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
#ifndef ROPES_H
#define ROPES_H
class CRopeSegment;
class CRopeSample;
struct RopeSampleData;
struct Spring;
#define MAX_SEGMENTS 63
#define MAX_SAMPLES 64
* A rope with a number of segments.
* Uses an RK4 integrator with dampened springs to simulate rope physics.
class CRope : public CBaseDelay
virtual void KeyValue( KeyValueData* pkvd );
virtual void Precache();
virtual void Spawn();
void Think();
void Touch( CBaseEntity* pOther );
virtual int Save( CSave &save );
virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];
* Initializes the rope simulation data.
void InitializeRopeSim();
* Initializes the springs.
* @param uiNumSprings Number of springs to create.
void InitializeSprings( const size_t uiNumSprings );
* Runs simulation on the samples.
void RunSimOnSamples();
* Computes forces on the given sample list.
* @param pSystem List of sample data. m_NumSamples Elements large.
void ComputeForces( RopeSampleData* pSystem );
* Computes forces on the given sample list.
* @param pSystem List of samples. m_NumSamples Elements large.
void ComputeForces( CRopeSample** ppSystem );
* Computes forces for the given sample data.
* @param data Sample data.
void ComputeSampleForce( RopeSampleData& data );
* Computes spring force for the given sample datas.
* @param first First sample.
* @param second Second sample.
* @param spring Spring.
void ComputeSpringForce( RopeSampleData& first, RopeSampleData& second, const Spring& spring );
* Runs RK4 integration.
* @param flDeltaTime Delta between previous and current time.
* @param ppSampleSource Previous sample state.
* @param ppSampleTarget Next sample state.
void RK4Integrate( const float flDeltaTime, CRopeSample** ppSampleSource, CRopeSample** ppSampleTarget );
* Traces model positions and angles and corrects them.
* @param ppPrimarySegs Visible segments.
* @param ppHiddenSegs hidden segments.
void TraceModels( CRopeSegment** ppPrimarySegs, CRopeSegment** ppHiddenSegs );
* Traces model positions and angles, makes visible segments visible and hidden segments hidden.
void SetRopeSegments( const size_t uiNumSegments,
CRopeSegment** ppPrimarySegs, CRopeSegment** ppHiddenSegs );
* Moves the attached object up.
* @param flDeltaTime Time between previous and current movement.
* @return true if the object is still on the rope, false otherwise.
bool MoveUp( const float flDeltaTime );
* Moves the attached object down.
* @param flDeltaTime Time between previous and current movement.
* @return true if the object is still on the rope, false otherwise.
bool MoveDown( const float flDeltaTime );
* @return The attached object's velocity.
Vector GetAttachedObjectsVelocity() const;
* Applies force from the player. Only applies if there is currently an object attached to the rope.
* @param vecForce Force.
void ApplyForceFromPlayer( const Vector& vecForce );
* Applies force to a specific segment.
* @param vecForce Force.
* @param uiSegment Segment index.
void ApplyForceToSegment( const Vector& vecForce, const size_t uiSegment );
* Attached an object to the given segment.
void AttachObjectToSegment( CRopeSegment* pSegment );
* Detaches an attached object.
void DetachObject();
* @return Whether an object is attached.
bool IsObjectAttached() const { return mObjectAttached; }
* @return Whether this rope allows attachments.
bool IsAcceptingAttachment() const;
* @return The number of segments.
size_t GetNumSegments() const { return m_iSegments; }
* @return The segments.
CRopeSegment** GetSegments() { return seg; }
* @return The alternative segments.
CRopeSegment** GetAltSegments() { return altseg; }
* @return The toggle value.
bool GetToggleValue() const { return m_bToggle; }
* @return Whether this rope is allowed to make sounds.
bool IsSoundAllowed() const { return m_bMakeSound; }
* Sets whether this rope is allowed to make sounds.
void SetSoundAllowed( const bool bAllowed )
m_bMakeSound = bAllowed;
* @return Whether this rope should creak.
bool ShouldCreak() const;
* Plays a creak sound.
void Creak();
* @return The body model name.
string_t GetBodyModel() const { return mBodyModel; }
* @return The ending model name.
string_t GetEndingModel() const { return mEndingModel; }
* @return Segment length for the given segment.
float GetSegmentLength( size_t uiSegmentIndex ) const;
* @return Total rope length.
float GetRopeLength() const;
* @return The rope's origin.
Vector GetRopeOrigin() const;
* @return Whether the given segment index is valid.
bool IsValidSegmentIndex( const size_t uiSegment ) const;
* @return The origin of the given segment.
Vector GetSegmentOrigin( const size_t uiSegment ) const;
* @return The attachment point of the given segment.
Vector GetSegmentAttachmentPoint( const size_t uiSegment ) const;
* @param pSegment Segment.
* Sets the attached object segment.
void SetAttachedObjectsSegment( CRopeSegment* pSegment );
* @param uiSegmentIndex Segment index.
* @return The segment direction normal from its origin.
Vector GetSegmentDirFromOrigin( const size_t uiSegmentIndex ) const;
* @return The attached object position.
Vector GetAttachedObjectsPosition() const;
size_t m_iSegments;
CRopeSegment* seg[ MAX_SEGMENTS ];
CRopeSegment* altseg[ MAX_SEGMENTS ];
bool m_bToggle;
bool m_InitialDeltaTime;
float mLastTime;
Vector m_LastEndPos;
Vector m_Gravity;
float m_HookConstant;
float m_SpringDampning;
CRopeSample* m_CurrentSys[ MAX_SAMPLES ];
CRopeSample* m_TargetSys[ MAX_SAMPLES ];
RopeSampleData* m_TempSys[ MAX_TEMP_SAMPLES ];
size_t m_NumSamples;
Spring* m_Spring;
size_t m_SpringCnt;
bool mSpringsInitialized;
int m_BeamOffset;
bool mObjectAttached;
size_t mAttachedObjectsSegment;
float mAttachedObjectsOffset;
float detachTime;
string_t mBodyModel;
string_t mEndingModel;
int mDisallowPlayerAttachment;
bool m_bMakeSound;
#endif //ROPES_H