mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 21:41:05 +00:00
255 lines
8.4 KiB
255 lines
8.4 KiB
//++ BulliT
#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <demo_api.h>
#include "parsemsg.h"
#include "vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h"
#include "vgui_ScorePanel.h"
int AgHudScoreboard::Init(void)
m_bShowScoreboard = false;
m_iFlags = 0;
return 1;
int AgHudScoreboard::VidInit(void)
m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE;
m_iFlags |= HUD_INTERMISSION; // is always drawn during an intermission
int iSprite = 0;
iSprite = gHUD.GetSpriteIndex("icon_ctf_score");
m_IconFlagScore.spr = gHUD.GetSprite(iSprite);
m_IconFlagScore.rc = gHUD.GetSpriteRect(iSprite);
m_bShowScoreboard = false;
return 1;
void AgHudScoreboard::Reset(void)
bool AgHudScoreboard::IsVisible()
return m_bShowScoreboard;
void AgHudScoreboard::ShowScoreboard(bool bShow)
if (bShow && gViewPort && gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard)
m_bShowScoreboard = bShow;
/* The scoreboard
We have a minimum width of 1-320 - we could have the field widths scale with it?
// X positions
// relative to the side of the scoreboard
#define NAME_RANGE_MIN 20
#define NAME_RANGE_MAX 145
#define KILLS_RANGE_MIN 130
#define KILLS_RANGE_MAX 170
#define DIVIDER_POS 180
#define DEATHS_RANGE_MIN 185
#define DEATHS_RANGE_MAX 210
#define PING_RANGE_MIN 245
#define PING_RANGE_MAX 295
// Y positions
#define ROW_GAP 13
#define ROW_RANGE_MIN 15
#define ROW_RANGE_MAX ( ScreenHeight - 50 )
#define ROW_TOP 40
#define TEAM_NO 0
#define TEAM_YES 1
#define TEAM_BLANK 3
extern int arrHudColor[3];
int AgHudScoreboard::Draw(float fTime)
if (!m_bShowScoreboard)
return 1;
// just sort the list on the fly
// list is sorted first by frags, then by deaths
float list_slot = 0;
int xpos_rel = (ScreenWidth - SCOREBOARD_WIDTH) / 2;
// print the heading line
int ypos = ROW_TOP + ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
int xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;
if ( !gHUD.m_Teamplay )
gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, "Player", arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2] );
gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, "Teams", arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2] );
gHUD.DrawHudStringReverse( KILLS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, ypos, 0, CHudTextMessage::BufferedLocaliseTextString("#SCORE"), arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2] );
gHUD.DrawHudString( DIVIDER_POS + xpos_rel, ypos, ScreenWidth, "/", arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2] );
gHUD.DrawHudString( DEATHS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel + 5, ypos, ScreenWidth, CHudTextMessage::BufferedLocaliseTextString("#DEATHS"), arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2] );
gHUD.DrawHudString( PING_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel - 35, ypos, ScreenWidth, CHudTextMessage::BufferedLocaliseTextString("#LATENCY"), arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2] );
list_slot += 1.5;
ypos = ROW_TOP + ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;
FillRGBA( xpos, ypos, PING_RANGE_MAX, 1, arrHudColor[0], arrHudColor[1], arrHudColor[2], 255); // draw the seperator line
list_slot += 0.8;
// draw the players, in order, and restricted to team if set
for (int iRow = 0; iRow < gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iRows; iRow++)
if (gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iIsATeam[iRow] == TEAM_BLANK)
else if (gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iIsATeam[iRow] && gHUD.m_Teamplay)
team_info_t* team_info = &g_TeamInfo[gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]];
if (0 != iRow)
list_slot += 0.3;
ypos = ROW_TOP + ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
// check we haven't drawn too far down
if ( ypos > ROW_RANGE_MAX ) // don't draw to close to the lower border
xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;
int r = 255, g = 225, b = 55; // draw the stuff kinda yellowish
r = iTeamColors[team_info->teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors][0];
g = iTeamColors[team_info->teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors][1];
b = iTeamColors[team_info->teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors][2];
if (gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iIsATeam[iRow] == TEAM_SPECTATORS)
r = g = b = 100;
strcpy(team_info->name,CHudTextMessage::BufferedLocaliseTextString( "#Spectators"));
// draw their name (left to right)
gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, team_info->name, r, g, b );
// draw kills (right to left)
xpos = KILLS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel;
gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos, ypos, KILLS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel, team_info->frags, r, g, b );
// draw divider
xpos = DIVIDER_POS + xpos_rel;
gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, xpos + 20, "/", r, g, b );
// draw deaths
xpos = DEATHS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel;
gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos, ypos, DEATHS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel, team_info->deaths, r, g, b );
// draw ping
// draw ping & packetloss
static char buf[64];
sprintf( buf, "%d/%d", (int)team_info->ping,(int)team_info->packetloss);
xpos = ((PING_RANGE_MAX - PING_RANGE_MIN) / 2) + PING_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel + 25;
gHUD.DrawHudStringReverse( xpos, ypos, xpos - 50, buf, r, g, b );
else if (gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iIsATeam[iRow] == 0)
//Draw team info
int nameoffset = 0;
if (gHUD.m_Teamplay)
nameoffset = 10;
hud_player_info_t* pl_info = &g_PlayerInfoList[gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]];
extra_player_info_t* pl_info_extra = &g_PlayerExtraInfo[gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]];
int ypos = ROW_TOP + ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
// check we haven't drawn too far down
if ( ypos > ROW_RANGE_MAX ) // don't draw to close to the lower border
int xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;
int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255;
r = iTeamColors[pl_info_extra->teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors][0];
g = iTeamColors[pl_info_extra->teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors][1];
b = iTeamColors[pl_info_extra->teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors][2];
if (pl_info->thisplayer) // if it is their name, draw it a different color
r = g = b = 255;
// overlay the background in blue, then draw the score text over it
FillRGBA( NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel - 5, ypos + 5, PING_RANGE_MAX - 5, ROW_GAP, 0, 0, 255, 70 );
if (g_iPlayerFlag1 == gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow] || g_iPlayerFlag2 == gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow])
SPR_Set(m_IconFlagScore.spr, 200, 200, 200 );
SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, xpos - 26, ypos, &m_IconFlagScore.rc );
static char szName[128];
if (g_IsSpectator[gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]])
sprintf(szName, "%s (S)", AgGetRealName(gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]).c_str());
sprintf(szName, "%s", AgGetRealName(gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]).c_str());
if (g_IsSpectator[gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]])
sprintf(szName, "%s (S)", pl_info->name);
sprintf(szName, "%s", pl_info->name);
if (g_IsSpectator[gViewPort->m_pScoreBoard->m_iSortedRows[iRow]])
sprintf(szName, "%s (S) %ld", pl_info->name,pl_info_extra->m_iWonId);
sprintf(szName, "%s %ld", pl_info->name,pl_info_extra->m_iWonId);
// draw their name (left to right)
gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos + nameoffset, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, szName, r, g, b );
// draw kills (right to left)
xpos = KILLS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel;
gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos, ypos, KILLS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel, pl_info_extra->frags, r, g, b );
// draw divider
xpos = DIVIDER_POS + xpos_rel;
gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, xpos + 20, "/", r, g, b );
// draw deaths
xpos = DEATHS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel;
gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos, ypos, DEATHS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel, pl_info_extra->deaths, r, g, b );
// draw ping & packetloss
static char buf[64];
sprintf( buf, "%d/%d", (int)pl_info->ping,(int)pl_info->packetloss );
xpos = ((PING_RANGE_MAX - PING_RANGE_MIN) / 2) + PING_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel + 25;
gHUD.DrawHudStringReverse( xpos, ypos, xpos - 50, buf, r, g, b );
return 1;
//-- Martin Webrant