// botman's Half-Life bot example // // http://planethalflife.com/botman/ // // bot.cpp // #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "client.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "player.h" #include "items.h" #include "effects.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "soundent.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "animation.h" #include "bot.h" #include #include extern DLL_GLOBAL ULONG g_ulModelIndexPlayer; // Set in combat.cpp. Used to pass the damage inflictor for death messages. extern entvars_t *g_pevLastInflictor; extern DLL_GLOBAL BOOL g_fGameOver; extern int gmsgHealth; extern int gmsgCurWeapon; extern int gmsgSetFOV; #define PLAYER_SEARCH_RADIUS (float)40 int f_Observer = 0; // flag to indicate if player is in observer mode int f_botskill = 3; // default bot skill level int f_botdontshoot = 0; // array of bot respawn information respawn_t bot_respawn[32] = { {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}, {FALSE, BOT_IDLE, "", "", "", NULL}}; #define MAX_SKINS 11 // indicate which models are currently used for random model allocation BOOL skin_used[MAX_SKINS] = { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE}; // store the names of the models... const char *bot_skins[MAX_SKINS] = { "barney", "gina", "gman", "gordon", "helmet", "hgrunt", "recon", "robo", "scientist", "zombie", "putin"}; // store the player names for each of the models... const char *bot_names[MAX_SKINS] = { "Barney", "Gina", "G-Man", "Gordon", "Helmet", "H-Grunt", "Recon", "Robo", "Scientist", "Zombie", "Putin"}; // how often (out of 1000 times) the bot will pause, based on bot skill float pause_frequency[5] = {4, 7, 10, 15, 20}; // how long the bot will delay when paused, based on bot skill float pause_time[5][2] = { {0.2, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0}, {0.7, 1.3}, {1.0, 1.7}, {1.2, 2.0}}; extern ammo_check_t ammo_check[]; // sounds for TakeDamage speaking effects... char hgrunt_sounds[][30] = { HG_SND1, HG_SND2, HG_SND3, HG_SND4, HG_SND5 }; char barney_sounds[][30] = { BA_SND1, BA_SND2, BA_SND3, BA_SND4, BA_SND5 }; char scientist_sounds[][30] = { SC_SND1, SC_SND2, SC_SND3, SC_SND4, SC_SND5 }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( bot, CBot ); inline edict_t *CREATE_FAKE_CLIENT( const char *netname ) { return (*g_engfuncs.pfnCreateFakeClient)( netname ); } inline char *GET_INFOBUFFER( edict_t *e ) { return (*g_engfuncs.pfnGetInfoKeyBuffer)( e ); } inline char *GET_INFO_KEY_VALUE( const char *infobuffer, const char *key ) { return (g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( infobuffer, key )); } inline void SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( int clientIndex, const char *infobuffer, const char *key, const char *value ) { (*g_engfuncs.pfnSetClientKeyValue)( clientIndex, infobuffer, key, value ); } void BotDebug( char *buffer ) { // print out debug messages to the HUD of all players // this allows you to print messages from bots to your display // as you are playing the game. Use STRING(pev->netname) in // buffer to see the name of the bot. UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, buffer ); } void BotCreate(const char *skin, const char *name, const char *skill) { edict_t *BotEnt; CBot *BotClass; int skill_level; char c_skill[2]; char c_skin[BOT_SKIN_LEN+1]; char c_name[BOT_NAME_LEN+1]; char c_index[3]; int i, j, length; int index; // index into array of predefined names BOOL found = FALSE; if ((skin == NULL) || (*skin == 0)) { // pick a random skin index = RANDOM_LONG(0, 10); // there are ten possible skins // check if this skin has already been used... while (skin_used[index] == TRUE) { index++; if (index == MAX_SKINS) index = 0; } skin_used[index] = TRUE; // check if all skins are used... for (i = 0; i < MAX_SKINS; i++) { if (skin_used[i] == FALSE) break; } // if all skins are used, reset used to FALSE for next selection if (i == MAX_SKINS) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_SKINS; i++) skin_used[i] = FALSE; } strcpy( c_skin, bot_skins[index] ); } else { strncpy( c_skin, skin, BOT_SKIN_LEN); c_skin[BOT_SKIN_LEN] = 0; // make sure c_skin is null terminated } for (i = 0; c_skin[i] != 0; i++) c_skin[i] = tolower( c_skin[i] ); // convert to all lowercase index = 0; while ((!found) && (index < MAX_SKINS)) { if (strcmp(c_skin, bot_skins[index]) == 0) found = TRUE; else index++; } if (found == TRUE) { if ((name != NULL) && (*name != 0)) { strncpy( c_name, name, 31 ); c_name[31] = 0; // make sure c_name is null terminated } else { strcpy( c_name, bot_names[index] ); } } else { char dir_name[32]; char filename[128]; struct stat stat_str; GET_GAME_DIR(dir_name); sprintf(filename, "%s\\models\\player\\%s", dir_name, c_skin); if (stat(filename, &stat_str) != 0) { sprintf(filename, "valve\\models\\player\\%s", c_skin); if (stat(filename, &stat_str) != 0) { char err_msg[80]; sprintf( err_msg, "model \"%s\" is unknown.\n", c_skin ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, err_msg ); if (IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) printf( "%s\n", err_msg ); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "use barney, gina, gman, gordon, helmet, hgrunt,\n"); if (IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) printf("use barney, gina, gman, gordon, helmet, hgrunt,\n"); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, " recon, robo, scientist, zombie or putin\n"); if (IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) printf(" recon, robo, scientist, zombie or putin\n"); return; } } // copy the name of the model to the bot's name... strncpy( c_name, skin, BOT_SKIN_LEN); c_name[BOT_SKIN_LEN] = 0; // make sure c_skin is null terminated } length = strlen(c_name); // remove any illegal characters from name... for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if ((c_name[i] <= ' ') || (c_name[i] > '~') || (c_name[i] == '"')) { for (j = i; j < length; j++) // shuffle chars left (and null) c_name[j] = c_name[j+1]; length--; } } skill_level = 0; if ((skill != NULL) && (*skill != 0)) sscanf( skill, "%d", &skill_level ); else skill_level = f_botskill; if ((skill_level < 1) || (skill_level > 5)) skill_level = f_botskill; sprintf( c_skill, "%d", skill_level ); BotEnt = CREATE_FAKE_CLIENT( c_name ); if (FNullEnt( BotEnt )) { UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "Max. Players reached. Can't create bot!\n"); if (IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) printf("Max. Players reached. Can't create bot!\n"); } else { char ptr[128]; // allocate space for message from ClientConnect char *infobuffer; int clientIndex; index = 0; while ((bot_respawn[index].is_used) && (index < 32)) index++; if (index >= 32) { UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "Can't create bot!\n"); return; } sprintf(c_index, "%d", index); bot_respawn[index].is_used = TRUE; // this slot is used // don't store the name here, it might change if same as another strcpy(bot_respawn[index].skin, c_skin); strcpy(bot_respawn[index].skill, c_skill); sprintf(ptr, "Creating bot \"%s\" using model %s with skill=%d\n", c_name, c_skin, skill_level); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, ptr); if (IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) printf("%s", ptr); BotClass = GetClassPtr( (CBot *) VARS(BotEnt) ); infobuffer = GET_INFOBUFFER( BotClass->edict( ) ); clientIndex = BotClass->entindex( ); SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( clientIndex, infobuffer, "model", c_skin ); SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( clientIndex, infobuffer, "skill", c_skill ); SET_CLIENT_KEY_VALUE( clientIndex, infobuffer, "index", c_index ); ClientConnect( BotClass->edict( ), c_name, "", ptr ); DispatchSpawn( BotClass->edict( ) ); } } void CBot::Spawn( ) { char c_skill[2]; char c_index[3]; CBasePlayer::Spawn(); pev->flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_FAKECLIENT; // set the respawn index value based on key from BotCreate strcpy(c_index, GET_INFO_KEY_VALUE(GET_INFOBUFFER(edict( )), "index") ); sscanf(c_index, "%d", &respawn_index); bot_respawn[respawn_index].pBot = (CBasePlayer *)this; // get the bot's name and save it in respawn array... strcpy(bot_respawn[respawn_index].name, STRING(pev->netname)); bot_respawn[respawn_index].state = BOT_IDLE; pev->ideal_yaw = pev->v_angle.y; pev->yaw_speed = BOT_YAW_SPEED; // bot starts out in "paused" state since it hasn't moved yet... bot_was_paused = TRUE; v_prev_origin = pev->origin; f_shoot_time = 0; // get bot's skill level (0=good, 4=bad) strcpy(c_skill, GET_INFO_KEY_VALUE(GET_INFOBUFFER(edict( )), "skill") ); sscanf(c_skill, "%d", &bot_skill); bot_skill--; // make 0 based for array index (now 0-4) f_max_speed = CVAR_GET_FLOAT("sv_maxspeed"); f_speed_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 2.0; ladder_dir = 0; // pick a wander direction (50% of the time to the left, 50% to the right) if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50) wander_dir = WANDER_LEFT; else wander_dir = WANDER_RIGHT; f_pause_time = 0; f_find_item = 0; if (g_pGameRules->IsTeamplay()) // is team play enabled? { strcpy(model_name, g_pGameRules->GetTeamID(this)); } else { strcpy(model_name, GET_INFO_KEY_VALUE(GET_INFOBUFFER(edict( )), "model") ); } bot_model = 0; if ((strcmp( model_name, "hgrunt" ) == 0) || (strcmp( model_name, "recon" ) == 0)) { bot_model = MODEL_HGRUNT; } else if (strcmp( model_name, "barney") == 0) { bot_model = MODEL_BARNEY; } else if (strcmp( model_name, "scientist") == 0) { bot_model = MODEL_SCIENTIST; } f_pain_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; b_use_health_station = FALSE; b_use_HEV_station = FALSE; b_use_button = FALSE; f_use_button_time = 0; b_lift_moving = FALSE; f_use_ladder_time = 0; f_fire_gauss = -1; // -1 means not charging gauss gun b_see_tripmine = FALSE; b_shoot_tripmine = FALSE; f_weapon_inventory_time = 0; f_dont_avoid_wall_time = 0; f_bot_use_time = 0; f_wall_on_right = 0; f_wall_on_left = 0; pBotEnemy = NULL; pBotUser = NULL; pBotPickupItem = NULL; } int CBot::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ) { CBaseEntity *pAttacker = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevAttacker); char sound[40]; int ret_damage; // do the damage first... ret_damage = CBasePlayer::TakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType ); // if the bot doesn't have an enemy and someone is shooting at it then // turn in the attacker's direction... if (pBotEnemy == NULL) { // face the attacker... Vector v_enemy = pAttacker->pev->origin - pev->origin; Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_enemy ); pev->ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y; // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; // stop using health or HEV stations... b_use_health_station = FALSE; b_use_HEV_station = FALSE; } // check if bot model is known, attacker is not a bot, // time for pain sound, and bot has some of health left... if ((bot_model != 0) && (pAttacker->IsNetClient()) && (f_pain_time <= gpGlobals->time) && (pev->health > 0) && ( !IS_DEDICATED_SERVER() )) { float distance = (pAttacker->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length( ); // check if the distance to attacker is close enough (otherwise // the attacker is too far away to hear the pain sounds) if (distance <= 400) { // speak pain sounds about 50% of the time if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50) { f_pain_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; if (bot_model == MODEL_HGRUNT) strcpy( sound, hgrunt_sounds[RANDOM_LONG(0,4)] ); else if (bot_model == MODEL_BARNEY) strcpy( sound, barney_sounds[RANDOM_LONG(0,4)] ); else if (bot_model == MODEL_SCIENTIST) strcpy( sound, scientist_sounds[RANDOM_LONG(0,4)] ); EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pevAttacker), CHAN_VOICE, sound, RANDOM_FLOAT(0.9, 1.0), ATTN_NORM); } } } return ret_damage; } void CBot::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if (g_pGameRules->IsTeamplay()) // is team play enabled? { // check the bot and player are on the same team... if (UTIL_TeamsMatch(g_pGameRules->GetTeamID(this), g_pGameRules->GetTeamID(pActivator))) { if (pBotEnemy == NULL) // is bot NOT currently engaged in combat? { if (pBotUser == NULL) // does bot NOT have a "user" { // tell teammate that bot will cover them... EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pActivator->pev), CHAN_VOICE, USE_TEAMPLAY_SND, 1.0, ATTN_NORM); pBotUser = pActivator; f_bot_use_time = gpGlobals->time; } else { // tell teammate that you'll see them later.. EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pActivator->pev), CHAN_VOICE, USE_TEAMPLAY_LATER_SND, 1.0, ATTN_NORM); pBotUser = NULL; f_bot_use_time = 0; } } else { EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pActivator->pev), CHAN_VOICE, USE_TEAMPLAY_ENEMY_SND, 1.0, ATTN_NORM); } } } } int CBot::BotInFieldOfView(Vector dest) { // find angles from source to destination... Vector entity_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( dest ); // make yaw angle 0 to 360 degrees if negative... if (entity_angles.y < 0) entity_angles.y += 360; // get bot's current view angle... float view_angle = pev->v_angle.y; // make view angle 0 to 360 degrees if negative... if (view_angle < 0) view_angle += 360; // return the absolute value of angle to destination entity // zero degrees means straight ahead, 45 degrees to the left or // 45 degrees to the right is the limit of the normal view angle return abs((int)view_angle - (int)entity_angles.y); } BOOL CBot::BotEntityIsVisible( Vector dest ) { TraceResult tr; // trace a line from bot's eyes to destination... UTIL_TraceLine( pev->origin + pev->view_ofs, dest, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr ); // check if line of sight to object is not blocked (i.e. visible) if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } float CBot::BotChangeYaw( float speed ) { float ideal; float current; float current_180; // current +/- 180 degrees float diff; // turn from the current v_angle yaw to the ideal_yaw by selecting // the quickest way to turn to face that direction current = pev->v_angle.y; ideal = pev->ideal_yaw; // find the difference in the current and ideal angle diff = fabs(current - ideal); // check if the bot is already facing the ideal_yaw direction... if (diff <= 1) return diff; // return number of degrees turned // check if difference is less than the max degrees per turn if (diff < speed) speed = diff; // just need to turn a little bit (less than max) // here we have four cases, both angle positive, one positive and // the other negative, one negative and the other positive, or // both negative. handle each case separately... if ((current >= 0) && (ideal >= 0)) // both positive { if (current > ideal) current -= speed; else current += speed; } else if ((current >= 0) && (ideal < 0)) { current_180 = current - 180; if (current_180 > ideal) current += speed; else current -= speed; } else if ((current < 0) && (ideal >= 0)) { current_180 = current + 180; if (current_180 > ideal) current += speed; else current -= speed; } else // (current < 0) && (ideal < 0) both negative { if (current > ideal) current -= speed; else current += speed; } // check for wrap around of angle... if (current > 180) current -= 360; if (current < -180) current += 360; pev->v_angle.y = current; pev->angles.x = 0; pev->angles.y = pev->v_angle.y; pev->angles.z = 0; return speed; // return number of degrees turned } void CBot::BotOnLadder( float moved_distance ) { // moves the bot up or down a ladder. if the bot can't move // (i.e. get's stuck with someone else on ladder), the bot will // change directions and go the other way on the ladder. if (ladder_dir == LADDER_UP) // is the bot currently going up? { pev->v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards // check if the bot hasn't moved much since the last location... if (moved_distance <= 1) { // the bot must be stuck, change directions... pev->v_angle.x = 60; // look downwards ladder_dir = LADDER_DOWN; } } else if (ladder_dir == LADDER_DOWN) // is the bot currently going down? { pev->v_angle.x = 60; // look downwards // check if the bot hasn't moved much since the last location... if (moved_distance <= 1) { // the bot must be stuck, change directions... pev->v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards ladder_dir = LADDER_UP; } } else // the bot hasn't picked a direction yet, try going up... { pev->v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards ladder_dir = LADDER_UP; } // move forward (i.e. in the direction the bot is looking, up or down) pev->button |= IN_FORWARD; } void CBot::BotUnderWater( void ) { // handle movements under water. right now, just try to keep from // drowning by swimming up towards the surface and look to see if // there is a surface the bot can jump up onto to get out of the // water. bots DON'T like water! Vector v_src, v_forward; TraceResult tr; int contents; // swim up towards the surface pev->v_angle.x = -60; // look upwards // move forward (i.e. in the direction the bot is looking, up or down) pev->button |= IN_FORWARD; // set gpGlobals angles based on current view angle (for TraceLine) UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->v_angle ); // look from eye position straight forward (remember: the bot is looking // upwards at a 60 degree angle so TraceLine will go out and up... v_src = pev->origin + pev->view_ofs; // EyePosition() v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 90; // trace from the bot's eyes straight forward... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // check if the trace didn't hit anything (i.e. nothing in the way)... if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0) { // find out what the contents is of the end of the trace... contents = UTIL_PointContents( tr.vecEndPos ); // check if the trace endpoint is in open space... if (contents == CONTENTS_EMPTY) { // ok so far, we are at the surface of the water, continue... v_src = tr.vecEndPos; v_forward = v_src; v_forward.z -= 90; // trace from the previous end point straight down... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // check if the trace hit something... if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) { contents = UTIL_PointContents( tr.vecEndPos ); // if contents isn't water then assume it's land, jump! if (contents != CONTENTS_WATER) { pev->button |= IN_JUMP; } } } } } void CBot::BotFindItem( void ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; CBaseEntity *pPickupEntity = NULL; Vector pickup_origin; Vector entity_origin; float radius = 500; BOOL can_pickup; float min_distance; char item_name[40]; TraceResult tr; Vector vecStart; Vector vecEnd; int angle_to_entity; pBotPickupItem = NULL; min_distance = radius + 1.0; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pEntity, pev->origin, radius )) != NULL) { can_pickup = FALSE; // assume can't use it until known otherwise strcpy(item_name, STRING(pEntity->pev->classname)); // see if this is a "func_" type of entity (func_button, etc.)... if (strncmp("func_", item_name, 5) == 0) { // BModels have 0,0,0 for origin so must use VecBModelOrigin... entity_origin = VecBModelOrigin(pEntity->pev); vecStart = pev->origin + pev->view_ofs; vecEnd = entity_origin; angle_to_entity = BotInFieldOfView( vecEnd - vecStart ); // check if entity is outside field of view (+/- 45 degrees) if (angle_to_entity > 45) continue; // skip this item if bot can't "see" it // check if entity is a ladder (ladders are a special case)... if (strcmp("func_ladder", item_name) == 0) { // force ladder origin to same z coordinate as bot since // the VecBModelOrigin is the center of the ladder. For // LONG ladders, the center MAY be hundreds of units above // the bot. Fake an origin at the same level as the bot... entity_origin.z = pev->origin.z; vecEnd = entity_origin; // trace a line from bot's eyes to func_ladder entity... UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // check if traced all the way up to the entity (didn't hit wall) if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0) { // find distance to item for later use... float distance = (vecEnd - vecStart).Length( ); // use the ladder about 100% of the time, if haven't // used a ladder in at least 5 seconds... if ((RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 100) && ((f_use_ladder_time + 5) < gpGlobals->time)) { // if close to ladder... if (distance < 100) { // don't avoid walls for a while f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; } can_pickup = TRUE; } } } else { // trace a line from bot's eyes to func_ entity... UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // check if traced all the way up to the entity (didn't hit wall) if (strcmp(item_name, STRING(tr.pHit->v.classname)) == 0) { // find distance to item for later use... float distance = (vecEnd - vecStart).Length( ); // check if entity is wall mounted health charger... if (strcmp("func_healthcharger", item_name) == 0) { // check if the bot can use this item and // check if the recharger is ready to use (has power left)... if ((pev->health < 100) && (pEntity->pev->frame == 0)) { // check if flag not set... if (!b_use_health_station) { // check if close enough and facing it directly... if ((distance < PLAYER_SEARCH_RADIUS) && (angle_to_entity <= 10)) { b_use_health_station = TRUE; f_use_health_time = gpGlobals->time; } // if close to health station... if (distance < 100) { // don't avoid walls for a while f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; } can_pickup = TRUE; } } else { // don't need or can't use this item... b_use_health_station = FALSE; } } // check if entity is wall mounted HEV charger... else if (strcmp("func_recharge", item_name) == 0) { // check if the bot can use this item and // check if the recharger is ready to use (has power left)... if ((pev->armorvalue < MAX_NORMAL_BATTERY) && (pev->weapons & (1<pev->frame == 0)) { // check if flag not set and facing it... if (!b_use_HEV_station) { // check if close enough and facing it directly... if ((distance < PLAYER_SEARCH_RADIUS) && (angle_to_entity <= 10)) { b_use_HEV_station = TRUE; f_use_HEV_time = gpGlobals->time; } // if close to HEV recharger... if (distance < 100) { // don't avoid walls for a while f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; } can_pickup = TRUE; } } else { // don't need or can't use this item... b_use_HEV_station = FALSE; } } // check if entity is a button... else if (strcmp("func_button", item_name) == 0) { // use the button about 100% of the time, if haven't // used a button in at least 5 seconds... if ((RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 100) && ((f_use_button_time + 5) < gpGlobals->time)) { // check if flag not set and facing it... if (!b_use_button) { // check if close enough and facing it directly... if ((distance < PLAYER_SEARCH_RADIUS) && (angle_to_entity <= 10)) { b_use_button = TRUE; b_lift_moving = FALSE; f_use_button_time = gpGlobals->time; } // if close to button... if (distance < 100) { // don't avoid walls for a while f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; } can_pickup = TRUE; } } else { // don't need or can't use this item... b_use_button = FALSE; } } } } } // check if entity is an armed tripmine beam else if (strcmp("beam", item_name) == 0) { CBeam *pBeam = (CBeam *)pEntity; // Vector v_beam_start = pBeam->GetStartPos(); // Vector v_beam_end = pBeam->GetEndPos(); // // if (FInViewCone( &v_beam_start ) && FVisible( v_beam_start )) // { // BotDebug("I see a beam start!\n"); // } // // if (FInViewCone( &v_beam_end ) && FVisible( v_beam_end )) // { // BotDebug("I see a beam end!\n"); // } } else // everything else... { entity_origin = pEntity->pev->origin; vecStart = pev->origin + pev->view_ofs; vecEnd = entity_origin; // find angles from bot origin to entity... angle_to_entity = BotInFieldOfView( vecEnd - vecStart ); // check if entity is outside field of view (+/- 45 degrees) if (angle_to_entity > 45) continue; // skip this item if bot can't "see" it // check if line of sight to object is not blocked (i.e. visible) if (BotEntityIsVisible( vecEnd )) { // check if entity is a weapon... if (strncmp("weapon_", item_name, 7) == 0) { CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = (CBasePlayerWeapon *)pEntity; if ((pWeapon->m_pPlayer) || (pWeapon->pev->effects & EF_NODRAW)) { // someone owns this weapon or it hasn't respawned yet continue; } if (g_pGameRules->CanHavePlayerItem( this, pWeapon )) { can_pickup = TRUE; } } // check if entity is ammo... else if (strncmp("ammo_", item_name, 5) == 0) { CBasePlayerAmmo *pAmmo = (CBasePlayerAmmo *)pEntity; BOOL ammo_found = FALSE; int i; // check if the item is not visible (i.e. has not respawned) if (pAmmo->pev->effects & EF_NODRAW) continue; i = 0; while (ammo_check[i].ammo_name[0]) { if (strcmp(ammo_check[i].ammo_name, item_name) == 0) { ammo_found = TRUE; // see if the bot can pick up this item... if (g_pGameRules->CanHaveAmmo( this, ammo_check[i].weapon_name, ammo_check[i].max_carry)) { can_pickup = TRUE; break; } } i++; } if (ammo_found == FALSE) { sprintf(message, "unknown ammo: %s\n", item_name); BotDebug(message); } } // check if entity is a battery... else if (strcmp("item_battery", item_name) == 0) { CItem *pBattery = (CItem *)pEntity; // check if the item is not visible (i.e. has not respawned) if (pBattery->pev->effects & EF_NODRAW) continue; // check if the bot can use this item... if ((pev->armorvalue < MAX_NORMAL_BATTERY) && (pev->weapons & (1<pev->effects & EF_NODRAW) continue; // check if the bot can use this item... if (pev->health < 100) { can_pickup = TRUE; } } // check if entity is a packed up weapons box... else if (strcmp("weaponbox", item_name) == 0) { can_pickup = TRUE; } // check if entity is the spot from RPG laser else if (strcmp("laser_spot", item_name) == 0) { } // check if entity is an armed tripmine else if (strcmp("monster_tripmine", item_name) == 0) { float distance = (pEntity->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length( ); if (b_see_tripmine) { // see if this tripmine is closer to bot... if (distance < (v_tripmine_origin - pev->origin).Length()) { v_tripmine_origin = pEntity->pev->origin; b_shoot_tripmine = FALSE; // see if bot is far enough to shoot the tripmine... if (distance >= 375) { b_shoot_tripmine = TRUE; } } } else { b_see_tripmine = TRUE; v_tripmine_origin = pEntity->pev->origin; b_shoot_tripmine = FALSE; // see if bot is far enough to shoot the tripmine... if (distance >= 375) // 375 is damage radius { b_shoot_tripmine = TRUE; } } } // check if entity is an armed satchel charge else if (strcmp("monster_satchel", item_name) == 0) { } // check if entity is a snark (squeak grenade) else if (strcmp("monster_snark", item_name) == 0) { } } // end if object is visible } // end else not "func_" entity if (can_pickup) // if the bot found something it can pickup... { float distance = (entity_origin - pev->origin).Length( ); // see if it's the closest item so far... if (distance < min_distance) { min_distance = distance; // update the minimum distance pPickupEntity = pEntity; // remember this entity pickup_origin = entity_origin; // remember location of entity } } } // end while loop if (pPickupEntity != NULL) { // let's head off toward that item... Vector v_item = pickup_origin - pev->origin; Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_item ); pev->ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y; // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; pBotPickupItem = pPickupEntity; // save the item bot is trying to get } } void CBot::BotUseLift( float moved_distance ) { // just need to press the button once, when the flag gets set... if (f_use_button_time == gpGlobals->time) { pev->button = IN_USE; // face opposite from the button pev->ideal_yaw = -pev->ideal_yaw; // rotate 180 degrees // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; } // check if the bot has waited too long for the lift to move... if (((f_use_button_time + 2.0) < gpGlobals->time) && (!b_lift_moving)) { // clear use button flag b_use_button = FALSE; // bot doesn't have to set f_find_item since the bot // should already be facing away from the button f_move_speed = f_max_speed; } // check if lift has started moving... if ((moved_distance > 1) && (!b_lift_moving)) { b_lift_moving = TRUE; } // check if lift has stopped moving... if ((moved_distance <= 1) && (b_lift_moving)) { TraceResult tr1, tr2; Vector v_src, v_forward, v_right, v_left; Vector v_down, v_forward_down, v_right_down, v_left_down; b_use_button = FALSE; // TraceLines in 4 directions to find which way to go... UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->v_angle ); v_src = pev->origin + pev->view_ofs; v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 90; v_right = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * 90; v_left = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * -90; v_down = pev->v_angle; v_down.x = v_down.x + 45; // look down at 45 degree angle UTIL_MakeVectors( v_down ); v_forward_down = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 100; v_right_down = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * 100; v_left_down = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * -100; // try tracing forward first... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr1); UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward_down, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr2); // check if we hit a wall or didn't find a floor... if ((tr1.flFraction < 1.0) || (tr2.flFraction >= 1.0)) { // try tracing to the RIGHT side next... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_right, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr1); UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_right_down, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr2); // check if we hit a wall or didn't find a floor... if ((tr1.flFraction < 1.0) || (tr2.flFraction >= 1.0)) { // try tracing to the LEFT side next... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_left, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr1); UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_left_down, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr2); // check if we hit a wall or didn't find a floor... if ((tr1.flFraction < 1.0) || (tr2.flFraction >= 1.0)) { // only thing to do is turn around... pev->ideal_yaw += 180; // turn all the way around } else { pev->ideal_yaw += 90; // turn to the LEFT } } else { pev->ideal_yaw -= 90; // turn to the RIGHT } // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; } BotChangeYaw( pev->yaw_speed ); f_move_speed = f_max_speed; } } void CBot::BotTurnAtWall( TraceResult *tr ) { Vector Normal; float Y, Y1, Y2, D1, D2, Z; // Find the normal vector from the trace result. The normal vector will // be a vector that is perpendicular to the surface from the TraceResult. Normal = UTIL_VecToAngles(tr->vecPlaneNormal); // Since the bot keeps it's view angle in -180 < x < 180 degrees format, // and since TraceResults are 0 < x < 360, we convert the bot's view // angle (yaw) to the same format at TraceResult. Y = pev->v_angle.y; Y = Y + 180; if (Y > 359) Y -= 360; // Turn the normal vector around 180 degrees (i.e. make it point towards // the wall not away from it. That makes finding the angles that the // bot needs to turn a little easier. Normal.y = Normal.y - 180; if (Normal.y < 0) Normal.y += 360; // Here we compare the bots view angle (Y) to the Normal - 90 degrees (Y1) // and the Normal + 90 degrees (Y2). These two angles (Y1 & Y2) represent // angles that are parallel to the wall surface, but heading in opposite // directions. We want the bot to choose the one that will require the // least amount of turning (saves time) and have the bot head off in that // direction. Y1 = Normal.y - 90; if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50) { Y1 = Y1 - RANDOM_FLOAT(5.0, 20.0); } if (Y1 < 0) Y1 += 360; Y2 = Normal.y + 90; if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 50) { Y2 = Y2 + RANDOM_FLOAT(5.0, 20.0); } if (Y2 > 359) Y2 -= 360; // D1 and D2 are the difference (in degrees) between the bot's current // angle and Y1 or Y2 (respectively). D1 = fabs(Y - Y1); if (D1 > 179) D1 = fabs(D1 - 360); D2 = fabs(Y - Y2); if (D2 > 179) D2 = fabs(D2 - 360); // If difference 1 (D1) is more than difference 2 (D2) then the bot will // have to turn LESS if it heads in direction Y1 otherwise, head in // direction Y2. I know this seems backwards, but try some sample angles // out on some graph paper and go through these equations using a // calculator, you'll see what I mean. if (D1 > D2) Z = Y1; else Z = Y2; // convert from TraceResult 0 to 360 degree format back to bot's // -180 to 180 degree format. if (Z > 180) Z -= 360; // set the direction to head off into... pev->ideal_yaw = Z; // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while turning } BOOL CBot::BotCantMoveForward( TraceResult *tr ) { // use some TraceLines to determine if anything is blocking the current // path of the bot. Vector v_src, v_forward; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->v_angle ); // first do a trace from the bot's eyes forward... v_src = pev->origin + pev->view_ofs; // EyePosition() v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 40; // trace from the bot's eyes straight forward... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), tr); // check if the trace hit something... if (tr->flFraction < 1.0) { return TRUE; // bot's head will hit something } // bot's head is clear, check at waist level... v_src = pev->origin; v_forward = v_src + gpGlobals->v_forward * 40; // trace from the bot's waist straight forward... UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_forward, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), tr); // check if the trace hit something... if (tr->flFraction < 1.0) { return TRUE; // bot's body will hit something } return FALSE; // bot can move forward, return false } BOOL CBot::BotCanJumpUp( void ) { // What I do here is trace 3 lines straight out, one unit higher than // the highest normal jumping distance. I trace once at the center of // the body, once at the right side, and once at the left side. If all // three of these TraceLines don't hit an obstruction then I know the // area to jump to is clear. I then need to trace from head level, // above where the bot will jump to, downward to see if there is anything // blocking the jump. There could be a narrow opening that the body // will not fit into. These horizontal and vertical TraceLines seem // to catch most of the problems with falsely trying to jump on something // that the bot can not get onto. TraceResult tr; Vector v_jump, v_source, v_dest; // convert current view angle to vectors for TraceLine math... v_jump = pev->v_angle; v_jump.x = 0; // reset pitch to 0 (level horizontally) v_jump.z = 0; // reset roll to 0 (straight up and down) UTIL_MakeVectors( v_jump ); // use center of the body first... // maximum jump height is 45, so check one unit above that (46) v_source = pev->origin + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 46); v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // trace a line forward at maximum jump height... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height to one side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 46); v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // trace a line forward at maximum jump height... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height on the other side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 46); v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // trace a line forward at maximum jump height... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now trace from head level downward to check for obstructions... // start of trace is 24 units in front of bot, 72 units above head... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // offset 72 units from top of head (72 + 36) v_source.z = v_source.z + 108; // end point of trace is 99 units straight down from start... // (99 is 108 minus the jump limit height which is 45 - 36 = 9) v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -99); // trace a line straight down toward the ground... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height to one side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; v_source.z = v_source.z + 108; v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -99); // trace a line straight down toward the ground... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height on the other side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; v_source.z = v_source.z + 108; v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, -99); // trace a line straight down toward the ground... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL CBot::BotCanDuckUnder( void ) { // What I do here is trace 3 lines straight out, one unit higher than // the ducking height. I trace once at the center of the body, once // at the right side, and once at the left side. If all three of these // TraceLines don't hit an obstruction then I know the area to duck to // is clear. I then need to trace from the ground up, 72 units, to make // sure that there is something blocking the TraceLine. Then we know // we can duck under it. TraceResult tr; Vector v_duck, v_source, v_dest; // convert current view angle to vectors for TraceLine math... v_duck = pev->v_angle; v_duck.x = 0; // reset pitch to 0 (level horizontally) v_duck.z = 0; // reset roll to 0 (straight up and down) UTIL_MakeVectors( v_duck ); // use center of the body first... // duck height is 36, so check one unit above that (37) v_source = pev->origin + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 37); v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // trace a line forward at duck height... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height to one side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 37); v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // trace a line forward at duck height... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height on the other side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + Vector(0, 0, -36 + 37); v_dest = v_source + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; // trace a line forward at duck height... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) return FALSE; // now trace from the ground up to check for object to duck under... // start of trace is 24 units in front of bot near ground... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; v_source.z = v_source.z - 35; // offset to feet + 1 unit up // end point of trace is 72 units straight up from start... v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, 72); // trace a line straight up in the air... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace didn't hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height to one side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; v_source.z = v_source.z - 35; // offset to feet + 1 unit up v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, 72); // trace a line straight up in the air... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace didn't hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0) return FALSE; // now check same height on the other side of the bot... v_source = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -16 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 24; v_source.z = v_source.z - 35; // offset to feet + 1 unit up v_dest = v_source + Vector(0, 0, 72); // trace a line straight up in the air... UTIL_TraceLine( v_source, v_dest, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // if trace didn't hit something, return FALSE if (tr.flFraction >= 1.0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL CBot::BotShootTripmine( void ) { if (b_shoot_tripmine != TRUE) return FALSE; // aim at the tripmine and fire the glock... Vector v_enemy = v_tripmine_origin - GetGunPosition( ); pev->v_angle = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_enemy ); pev->angles.x = 0; pev->angles.y = pev->v_angle.y; pev->angles.z = 0; pev->ideal_yaw = pev->v_angle.y; // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; pev->v_angle.x = -pev->v_angle.x; //adjust pitch to point gun return (BotFireWeapon( v_tripmine_origin, WEAPON_GLOCK, TRUE )); } BOOL CBot::BotFollowUser( void ) { BOOL user_visible; float f_distance; Vector vecEnd = pBotUser->pev->origin + pBotUser->pev->view_ofs; pev->v_angle.x = 0; // reset pitch to 0 (level horizontally) pev->v_angle.z = 0; // reset roll to 0 (straight up and down) pev->angles.x = 0; pev->angles.y = pev->v_angle.y; pev->angles.z = 0; if (!pBotUser->IsAlive( )) { // the bot's user is dead! pBotUser = NULL; return FALSE; } user_visible = FInViewCone( &vecEnd ) && FVisible( vecEnd ); // check if the "user" is still visible or if the user has been visible // in the last 5 seconds (or the player just starting "using" the bot) if (user_visible || (f_bot_use_time + 5 > gpGlobals->time)) { if (user_visible) f_bot_use_time = gpGlobals->time; // reset "last visible time" // face the user Vector v_user = pBotUser->pev->origin - pev->origin; Vector bot_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_user ); pev->ideal_yaw = bot_angles.y; // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; f_distance = v_user.Length( ); // how far away is the "user"? if (f_distance > 200) // run if distance to enemy is far f_move_speed = f_max_speed; else if (f_distance > 50) // walk if distance is closer f_move_speed = f_max_speed / 2; else // don't move if close enough f_move_speed = 0.0; return TRUE; } else { // person to follow has gone out of sight... pBotUser = NULL; return FALSE; } } BOOL CBot::BotCheckWallOnLeft( void ) { Vector v_src, v_left; TraceResult tr; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->v_angle ); // do a trace to the left... v_src = pev->origin; v_left = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * -40; // 40 units to the left UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_left, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // check if the trace hit something... if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) { if (f_wall_on_left == 0) f_wall_on_left = gpGlobals->time; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL CBot::BotCheckWallOnRight( void ) { Vector v_src, v_right; TraceResult tr; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->v_angle ); // do a trace to the right... v_src = pev->origin; v_right = v_src + gpGlobals->v_right * 40; // 40 units to the right UTIL_TraceLine( v_src, v_right, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); // check if the trace hit something... if (tr.flFraction < 1.0) { if (f_wall_on_right == 0) f_wall_on_right = gpGlobals->time; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void CBot::BotThink( void ) { Vector v_diff; // vector from previous to current location float moved_distance; // length of v_diff vector (distance bot moved) float degrees_turned; // check if someone kicked the bot off of the server (DON'T RESPAWN!)... if ((pev->takedamage == DAMAGE_NO) && (respawn_index >= 0)) { pev->health = 0; pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; // make the kicked bot be dead bot_respawn[respawn_index].is_used = FALSE; // this slot is now free bot_respawn[respawn_index].state = BOT_IDLE; respawn_index = -1; // indicate no slot used // fall through to next if statement (respawn_index will be -1) } // is the round over (time/frag limit) or has the bot been removed? if ((g_fGameOver) || (respawn_index == -1)) { CSound *pSound; // keep resetting the sound entity until the bot is respawned... pSound = CSoundEnt::SoundPointerForIndex( CSoundEnt::ClientSoundIndex( edict() ) ); if ( pSound ) { pSound->Reset(); } return; } pev->button = 0; // make sure no buttons are pressed // if the bot is dead, randomly press fire to respawn... if ((pev->health < 1) || (pev->deadflag != DEAD_NO)) { if (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) > 50) pev->button = IN_ATTACK; g_engfuncs.pfnRunPlayerMove( edict( ), pev->v_angle, f_move_speed, 0, 0, pev->button, 0, gpGlobals->frametime * 1000 ); return; } // see if it's time to check for sv_maxspeed change... if (f_speed_check_time <= gpGlobals->time) { // store current sv_maxspeed setting for quick access f_max_speed = CVAR_GET_FLOAT("sv_maxspeed"); // set next check time to 2 seconds from now f_speed_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 2.0; } // see how far bot has moved since the previous position... v_diff = v_prev_origin - pev->origin; moved_distance = v_diff.Length(); v_prev_origin = pev->origin; // save current position as previous f_move_speed = f_max_speed; // set to max speed unless known otherwise // turn towards ideal_yaw by yaw_speed degrees degrees_turned = BotChangeYaw( pev->yaw_speed ); if (degrees_turned >= pev->yaw_speed) { // if bot is still turning, turn in place by setting speed to 0 f_move_speed = 0; } else if (IsOnLadder( )) // check if the bot is on a ladder... { f_use_ladder_time = gpGlobals->time; BotOnLadder( moved_distance ); // go handle the ladder movement } else // else handle movement related actions... { // bot is not on a ladder so clear ladder direction flag... ladder_dir = 0; if (f_botdontshoot == 0) // is bot targeting turned on? pBotEnemy = BotFindEnemy( ); else pBotEnemy = NULL; // clear enemy pointer (no ememy for you!) if (pBotEnemy != NULL) // does an enemy exist? { BotShootAtEnemy( ); // shoot at the enemy } else if (f_pause_time > gpGlobals->time) // is bot "paused"? { // you could make the bot look left then right, or look up // and down, to make it appear that the bot is hunting for // something (don't do anything right now) f_move_speed = 0; } // is bot being "used" and can still follow "user"? else if ((pBotUser != NULL) && BotFollowUser( )) { // do nothing here! ; } else { // no enemy, let's just wander around... pev->v_angle.x = 0; // reset pitch to 0 (level horizontally) pev->v_angle.z = 0; // reset roll to 0 (straight up and down) pev->angles.x = 0; pev->angles.y = pev->v_angle.y; pev->angles.z = 0; // check if bot should look for items now or not... if (f_find_item < gpGlobals->time) { BotFindItem( ); // see if there are any visible items } // check if bot sees a tripmine... if (b_see_tripmine) { // check if bot can shoot the tripmine... if ((b_shoot_tripmine) && BotShootTripmine( )) { // shot at tripmine, may or may not have hit it, clear // flags anyway, next BotFindItem will see it again if // it is still there... b_shoot_tripmine = FALSE; b_see_tripmine = FALSE; // pause for a while to allow tripmine to explode... f_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 0.5; } else // run away!!! { Vector tripmine_angles; tripmine_angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( v_tripmine_origin - pev->origin ); // face away from the tripmine pev->ideal_yaw = -tripmine_angles.y; // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; b_see_tripmine = FALSE; f_move_speed = 0; // don't run while turning } } // check if should use wall mounted health station... else if (b_use_health_station) { if ((f_use_health_time + 10.0) > gpGlobals->time) { f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while using health station pev->button = IN_USE; } else { // bot is stuck trying to "use" a health station... b_use_health_station = FALSE; // don't look for items for a while since the bot // could be stuck trying to get to an item f_find_item = gpGlobals->time + 0.5; } } // check if should use wall mounted HEV station... else if (b_use_HEV_station) { if ((f_use_HEV_time + 10.0) > gpGlobals->time) { f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while using HEV station pev->button = IN_USE; } else { // bot is stuck trying to "use" a HEV station... b_use_HEV_station = FALSE; // don't look for items for a while since the bot // could be stuck trying to get to an item f_find_item = gpGlobals->time + 0.5; } } else if (b_use_button) { f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while using elevator BotUseLift( moved_distance ); } else { TraceResult tr; if (pev->waterlevel == 3) // check if the bot is underwater... { BotUnderWater( ); } // check if there is a wall on the left... if (!BotCheckWallOnLeft()) { // if there was a wall on the left over 1/2 a second ago then // 20% of the time randomly turn between 45 and 60 degrees if ((f_wall_on_left != 0) && (f_wall_on_left <= gpGlobals->time - 0.5) && (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 20)) { pev->ideal_yaw += RANDOM_LONG(45, 60); // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while turning f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 1.0; } f_wall_on_left = 0; // reset wall detect time } // check if there is a wall on the right... if (!BotCheckWallOnRight()) { // if there was a wall on the right over 1/2 a second ago then // 20% of the time randomly turn between 45 and 60 degrees if ((f_wall_on_right != 0) && (f_wall_on_right <= gpGlobals->time - 0.5) && (RANDOM_LONG(1, 100) <= 20)) { pev->ideal_yaw -= RANDOM_LONG(45, 60); // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while turning f_dont_avoid_wall_time = gpGlobals->time + 1.0; } f_wall_on_right = 0; // reset wall detect time } // check if bot is about to hit a wall. TraceResult gets returned if ((f_dont_avoid_wall_time <= gpGlobals->time) && BotCantMoveForward( &tr )) { // ADD LATER // need to check if bot can jump up or duck under here... // ADD LATER BotTurnAtWall( &tr ); } // check if the bot hasn't moved much since the last location else if ((moved_distance <= 1) && (!bot_was_paused)) { // the bot must be stuck! if (BotCanJumpUp( )) // can the bot jump onto something? { pev->button |= IN_JUMP; // jump up and move forward } else if (BotCanDuckUnder( )) // can the bot duck under something? { pev->button |= IN_DUCK; // duck down and move forward } else { f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while turning // turn randomly between 30 and 60 degress if (wander_dir == WANDER_LEFT) pev->ideal_yaw += RANDOM_LONG(30, 60); else pev->ideal_yaw -= RANDOM_LONG(30, 60); // check for wrap around of angle... if (pev->ideal_yaw > 180) pev->ideal_yaw -= 360; if (pev->ideal_yaw < -180) pev->ideal_yaw += 360; // is the bot trying to get to an item?... if (pBotPickupItem != NULL) { // don't look for items for a while since the bot // could be stuck trying to get to an item f_find_item = gpGlobals->time + 0.5; } } } // should the bot pause for a while here? if ((RANDOM_LONG(1, 1000) <= pause_frequency[bot_skill]) && (pBotUser == NULL)) // don't pause if being "used" { // set the time that the bot will stop "pausing" f_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(pause_time[bot_skill][0], pause_time[bot_skill][1]); f_move_speed = 0; // don't move while turning } } } } if (f_move_speed < 1) bot_was_paused = TRUE; else bot_was_paused = FALSE; // TheFatal START - from www.telefragged.com/thefatal/jumblow.shtml g_engfuncs.pfnRunPlayerMove( edict( ), pev->v_angle, f_move_speed, 0, 0, pev->button, 0, gpGlobals->frametime * 1000 ); // TheFatal - END }