/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This source code contains proprietary and confidential information of * Valve LLC and its suppliers. Access to this code is restricted to * persons who have executed a written SDK license with Valve. Any access, * use or distribution of this code by or to any unlicensed person is illegal. * ****/ #pragma once #ifndef TALKMONSTER_H #define TALKMONSTER_H #ifndef MONSTERS_H #include "monsters.h" #endif //========================================================= // Talking monster base class // Used for scientists and barneys //========================================================= #define TALKRANGE_MIN 500.0 // don't talk to anyone farther away than this #define TLK_STARE_DIST 128 // anyone closer than this and looking at me is probably staring at me. #define bit_saidDamageLight (1<<0) // bits so we don't repeat key sentences #define bit_saidDamageMedium (1<<1) #define bit_saidDamageHeavy (1<<2) #define bit_saidHelloPlayer (1<<3) #define bit_saidWoundLight (1<<4) #define bit_saidWoundHeavy (1<<5) #define bit_saidHeard (1<<6) #define bit_saidSmelled (1<<7) #define TLK_CFRIENDS 7 typedef enum { TLK_ANSWER = 0, TLK_QUESTION, TLK_IDLE, TLK_STARE, TLK_USE, TLK_UNUSE, TLK_STOP, TLK_NOSHOOT, TLK_HELLO, TLK_PHELLO, TLK_PIDLE, TLK_PQUESTION, TLK_PLHURT1, TLK_PLHURT2, TLK_PLHURT3, TLK_SMELL, TLK_WOUND, TLK_MORTAL, TLK_CGROUPS // MUST be last entry } TALKGROUPNAMES; enum { SCHED_CANT_FOLLOW = LAST_COMMON_SCHEDULE + 1, SCHED_MOVE_AWAY, // Try to get out of the player's way SCHED_MOVE_AWAY_FOLLOW, // same, but follow afterward SCHED_MOVE_AWAY_FAIL, // Turn back toward player LAST_TALKMONSTER_SCHEDULE // MUST be last }; enum { TASK_CANT_FOLLOW = LAST_COMMON_TASK + 1, TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH, TASK_WALK_PATH_FOR_UNITS, TASK_TLK_RESPOND, // say my response TASK_TLK_SPEAK, // question or remark TASK_TLK_HELLO, // Try to say hello to player TASK_TLK_HEADRESET, // reset head position TASK_TLK_STOPSHOOTING, // tell player to stop shooting friend TASK_TLK_STARE, // let the player know I know he's staring at me. TASK_TLK_LOOK_AT_CLIENT,// faces player if not moving and not talking and in idle. TASK_TLK_CLIENT_STARE, // same as look at client, but says something if the player stares. TASK_TLK_EYECONTACT, // maintain eyecontact with person who I'm talking to TASK_TLK_IDEALYAW, // set ideal yaw to face who I'm talking to TASK_FACE_PLAYER, // Face the player LAST_TALKMONSTER_TASK // MUST be last }; class CTalkMonster : public CBaseMonster { public: void TalkInit( void ); CBaseEntity *FindNearestFriend(BOOL fPlayer); float TargetDistance( void ); void StopTalking( void ) { SentenceStop(); } // Base Monster functions void Precache( void ); int TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType); void Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib ); int IRelationship ( CBaseEntity *pTarget ); virtual int CanPlaySentence( BOOL fDisregardState ); virtual void PlaySentence( const char *pszSentence, float duration, float volume, float attenuation ); void PlayScriptedSentence( const char *pszSentence, float duration, float volume, float attenuation, BOOL bConcurrent, CBaseEntity *pListener ); void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ); // AI functions void SetActivity ( Activity newActivity ); Schedule_t *GetScheduleOfType ( int Type ); void StartTask( Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask( Task_t *pTask ); void HandleAnimEvent( MonsterEvent_t *pEvent ); void PrescheduleThink( void ); // Conversations / communication int GetVoicePitch( void ); void IdleRespond( void ); int FIdleSpeak( void ); int FIdleStare( void ); int FIdleHello( void ); void IdleHeadTurn( Vector &vecFriend ); int FOkToSpeak( void ); void TrySmellTalk( void ); CBaseEntity *EnumFriends( CBaseEntity *pentPrevious, int listNumber, BOOL bTrace ); void AlertFriends( void ); void ShutUpFriends( void ); BOOL IsTalking( void ); void Talk( float flDuration ); // For following BOOL CanFollow( void ); BOOL IsFollowing( void ) { return m_hTargetEnt != 0 && m_hTargetEnt->IsPlayer(); } void StopFollowing( BOOL clearSchedule ); void StartFollowing( CBaseEntity *pLeader ); virtual void DeclineFollowing( void ) {} void LimitFollowers( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, int maxFollowers ); void EXPORT FollowerUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); virtual void SetAnswerQuestion( CTalkMonster *pSpeaker ); virtual int FriendNumber( int arrayNumber ) { return arrayNumber; } virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; static const char *m_szFriends[TLK_CFRIENDS]; // array of friend names static float g_talkWaitTime; int m_bitsSaid; // set bits for sentences we don't want repeated int m_nSpeak; // number of times initiated talking int m_voicePitch; // pitch of voice for this head const char *m_szGrp[TLK_CGROUPS]; // sentence group names float m_useTime; // Don't allow +USE until this time string_t m_iszUse; // Custom +USE sentence group (follow) string_t m_iszUnUse; // Custom +USE sentence group (stop following) float m_flLastSaidSmelled;// last time we talked about something that stinks float m_flStopTalkTime;// when in the future that I'll be done saying this sentence. EHANDLE m_hTalkTarget; // who to look at while talking CUSTOM_SCHEDULES }; // Clients can push talkmonsters out of their way #define bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ( bits_COND_SPECIAL1 ) // Don't see a client right now. #define bits_COND_CLIENT_UNSEEN ( bits_COND_SPECIAL2 ) #endif //TALKMONSTER_H