/*** * * Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // // MOTD.cpp // // for displaying a server-sent message of the day // #include "hud.h" #include "cl_util.h" #include "parsemsg.h" #include "kbutton.h" #include "triangleapi.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> DECLARE_MESSAGE( m_MOTD, MOTD ) int CHudMOTD::Init( void ) { gHUD.AddHudElem( this ); HOOK_MESSAGE( MOTD ); m_bShow = false; m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE; // start out inactive m_szMOTD[0] = 0; return 1; } int CHudMOTD::VidInit( void ) { // Load sprites here return 1; } void CHudMOTD::Reset( void ) { m_iFlags &= ~HUD_ACTIVE; // start out inactive m_szMOTD[0] = 0; m_iLines = 0; m_bShow = 0; } #define LINE_HEIGHT (gHUD.m_scrinfo.iCharHeight) #define ROW_GAP 13 #define ROW_RANGE_MIN 30 #define ROW_RANGE_MAX ( ScreenHeight - 100 ) int CHudMOTD::Draw( float fTime ) { gHUD.m_iNoConsolePrint &= ~( 1 << 1 ); if( !m_bShow ) return 1; gHUD.m_iNoConsolePrint |= 1 << 1; bool bScroll; // find the top of where the MOTD should be drawn, so the whole thing is centered in the screen int ypos = ( ScreenHeight - LINE_HEIGHT * m_iLines ) / 2; // shift it up slightly char *ch = m_szMOTD; int xpos = ( ScreenWidth - gHUD.m_scrinfo.charWidths['M'] * m_iMaxLength ) / 2; if( xpos < 30 ) xpos = 30; int xmax = xpos + gHUD.m_scrinfo.charWidths['M'] * m_iMaxLength; int height = LINE_HEIGHT * m_iLines; int ypos_r=ypos; if( height > ROW_RANGE_MAX ) { ypos = ROW_RANGE_MIN + 7 + scroll; if( ypos > ROW_RANGE_MIN + 4 ) scroll-= ( ypos - ( ROW_RANGE_MIN + 4 ) ) / 3.0f; if( ypos + height < ROW_RANGE_MAX ) scroll+= ( ROW_RANGE_MAX - ( ypos + height ) ) / 3.0f; ypos_r = ROW_RANGE_MIN; height = ROW_RANGE_MAX; } // int ymax = ypos + height; if( xmax > ScreenWidth - 30 ) xmax = ScreenWidth - 30; gHUD.DrawDarkRectangle( xpos - 5, ypos_r - 5, xmax - xpos + 10, height + 10 ); while( *ch ) { char *next_line; int line_length = 0; // count the length of the current line for( next_line = ch; *next_line != '\n' && *next_line != 0; next_line++ ) line_length += gHUD.m_scrinfo.charWidths[*next_line]; char *top = next_line; if( *top == '\n' ) *top = 0; else top = NULL; // find where to start drawing the line if( ( ypos > ROW_RANGE_MIN ) && ( ypos + LINE_HEIGHT <= ypos_r + height ) ) DrawUtfString( xpos, ypos, xmax, ch, 255, 180, 0 ); ypos += LINE_HEIGHT; if( top ) // restore *top = '\n'; ch = next_line; if( *ch == '\n' ) ch++; if( ypos > ( ScreenHeight - 20 ) ) break; // don't let it draw too low } return 1; } int CHudMOTD::MsgFunc_MOTD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { if( m_iFlags & HUD_ACTIVE ) { Reset(); // clear the current MOTD in prep for this one } BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize ); int is_finished = READ_BYTE(); strncat( m_szMOTD, READ_STRING(), sizeof(m_szMOTD) - 1 ); if( is_finished ) { int length = 0; m_iMaxLength = 0; m_iFlags |= HUD_ACTIVE; for( char *sz = m_szMOTD; *sz != 0; sz++ ) // count the number of lines in the MOTD { if( *sz == '\n' ) { m_iLines++; if( length > m_iMaxLength ) { m_iMaxLength = length; length = 0; } } length++; } m_iLines++; if( length > m_iMaxLength ) { m_iMaxLength = length; // length = 0; } m_bShow = true; } return 1; }