*	Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
*	This product contains software technology licensed from Id 
*	Software, Inc. ("Id Technology").  Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. 
*	All Rights Reserved.
*   Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
*   object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
*   Valve LLC.  All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
*   without written permission from Valve LLC.

#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "demo_api.h"
#include <memory.h>

int g_demosniper = 0;
int g_demosniperdamage = 0;
float g_demosniperorg[3];
float g_demosniperangles[3];
float g_demozoom;

// FIXME:  There should be buffer helper functions to avoid all of the *(int *)& crap.

extern "C" 
	void DLLEXPORT Demo_ReadBuffer( int size, unsigned char *buffer );


Write some data to the demo stream
void Demo_WriteBuffer( int type, int size, unsigned char *buffer )
	int pos = 0;
	unsigned char buf[32 * 1024];
	*(int *)&buf[pos] = type;
	pos += sizeof(int);

	memcpy( &buf[pos], buffer, size );

	// Write full buffer out
	gEngfuncs.pDemoAPI->WriteBuffer( size + sizeof(int), buf );


Engine wants us to parse some data from the demo stream
void DLLEXPORT Demo_ReadBuffer( int size, unsigned char *buffer )
	int type;
	int i = 0;

	type = *(int *)buffer;
	i += sizeof(int);
	switch( type )
		g_demosniper = *(int *)&buffer[i];
		i += sizeof(int);
		if( g_demosniper )
			g_demosniperdamage = *(int *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(int);

			g_demosniperangles[0] = *(float *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(float);
			g_demosniperangles[1] = *(float *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(float);
			g_demosniperangles[2] = *(float *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(float);
			g_demosniperorg[0] = *(float *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(float);
			g_demosniperorg[1] = *(float *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(float);
			g_demosniperorg[2] = *(float *)&buffer[i];
			i += sizeof(float);
	case TYPE_ZOOM:
		g_demozoom = *(float *)&buffer[i];
		i += sizeof(float);
		gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf( "Unknown demo buffer type, skipping.\n" );