/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ // // hud.h // // class CHud declaration // // CHud handles the message, calculation, and drawing the HUD // #pragma once #if !defined(HUD_H) #define HUD_H #define RGB_YELLOWISH 0x00FF0000 //255,0,0 #define RGB_REDISH 0x00FF1010 //255,160,0 #define RGB_GREENISH 0x0000A000 //0,160,0 #include "wrect.h" #include "cl_dll.h" #include "ammo.h" #define DHN_DRAWZERO 1 #define DHN_2DIGITS 2 #define DHN_3DIGITS 4 #define MIN_ALPHA 100 #define HUDELEM_ACTIVE 1 typedef struct { int x, y; } POSITION; enum { MAX_PLAYERS = 64, MAX_TEAMS = 64, MAX_TEAM_NAME = 16 }; typedef struct { unsigned char r, g, b, a; } RGBA; typedef struct cvar_s cvar_t; #define HUD_ACTIVE 1 #define HUD_INTERMISSION 2 #define MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH 32 #define MAX_MOTD_LENGTH 1536 // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudBase { public: POSITION m_pos; int m_type; int m_iFlags; // active, moving, virtual ~CHudBase() {} virtual int Init( void ) { return 0; } virtual int VidInit( void ) { return 0; } virtual int Draw( float flTime ) { return 0; } virtual void Think( void ) { return; } virtual void Reset( void ) { return; } virtual void InitHUDData( void ) {} // called every time a server is connected to }; struct HUDLIST { CHudBase *p; HUDLIST *pNext; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- #include "hud_spectator.h" // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudAmmo : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); void Think( void ); void Reset( void ); int DrawWList( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_CurWeapon( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_WeaponList( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_AmmoX( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_AmmoPickup( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_WeapPickup( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_ItemPickup( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_HideWeapon( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void SlotInput( int iSlot ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot1( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot2( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot3( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot4( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot5( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot6( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot7( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot8( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot9( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Slot10( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_Close( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_NextWeapon( void ); void _cdecl UserCmd_PrevWeapon( void ); private: float m_fFade; RGBA m_rgba; WEAPON *m_pWeapon; int m_HUD_bucket0; int m_HUD_selection; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudAmmoSecondary : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); void Reset( void ); int Draw(float flTime); int MsgFunc_SecAmmoVal( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_SecAmmoIcon( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); private: enum { MAX_SEC_AMMO_VALUES = 4 }; int m_HUD_ammoicon; // sprite indices int m_iAmmoAmounts[MAX_SEC_AMMO_VALUES]; float m_fFade; }; #include "health.h" #define FADE_TIME 100 // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudGeiger: public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_Geiger( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); private: int m_iGeigerRange; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudTrain : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_Train( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); private: HSPRITE m_hSprite; int m_iPos; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // // REMOVED: Vgui has replaced this. // class CHudMOTD : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); void Reset( void ); int MsgFunc_MOTD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void Scroll( int dir ); void Scroll( float amount ); float scroll; bool m_bShow; protected: static int MOTD_DISPLAY_TIME; char m_szMOTD[MAX_MOTD_LENGTH]; int m_iLines; int m_iMaxLength; }; class CHudScoreboard : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); void InitHUDData( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int DrawPlayers( int xoffset, float listslot, int nameoffset = 0, const char *team = NULL ); // returns the ypos where it finishes drawing void UserCmd_ShowScores( void ); void UserCmd_HideScores( void ); int MsgFunc_ScoreInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamScore( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamScores( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamNames( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void DeathMsg( int killer, int victim ); int m_iNumTeams; int m_iLastKilledBy; int m_fLastKillTime; int m_iPlayerNum; int m_iShowscoresHeld; void GetAllPlayersInfo( void ); }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudStatusBar : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); void Reset( void ); void ParseStatusString( int line_num ); int MsgFunc_StatusText( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_StatusValue( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); protected: enum { MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH = 128, MAX_STATUSBAR_VALUES = 8, MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES = 2 }; char m_szStatusText[MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES][MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH]; // a text string describing how the status bar is to be drawn char m_szStatusBar[MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES][MAX_STATUSTEXT_LENGTH]; // the constructed bar that is drawn int m_iStatusValues[MAX_STATUSBAR_VALUES]; // an array of values for use in the status bar int m_bReparseString; // set to TRUE whenever the m_szStatusBar needs to be recalculated // an array of colors...one color for each line float *m_pflNameColors[MAX_STATUSBAR_LINES]; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // // REMOVED: Vgui has replaced this. // /* class CHudScoreboard : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); void InitHUDData( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int DrawPlayers( int xoffset, float listslot, int nameoffset = 0, char *team = NULL ); // returns the ypos where it finishes drawing void UserCmd_ShowScores( void ); void UserCmd_HideScores( void ); int MsgFunc_ScoreInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_TeamScore( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void DeathMsg( int killer, int victim ); int m_iNumTeams; int m_iLastKilledBy; int m_fLastKillTime; int m_iPlayerNum; int m_iShowscoresHeld; void GetAllPlayersInfo( void ); private: struct cvar_s *cl_showpacketloss; }; */ struct extra_player_info_t { short frags; short deaths; short playerclass; short teamnumber; char teamname[MAX_TEAM_NAME]; }; struct team_info_t { char name[MAX_TEAM_NAME]; short frags; short deaths; short ping; short packetloss; short ownteam; short players; int already_drawn; int scores_overriden; int teamnumber; }; extern hud_player_info_t g_PlayerInfoList[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]; // player info from the engine extern extra_player_info_t g_PlayerExtraInfo[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]; // additional player info sent directly to the client dll extern team_info_t g_TeamInfo[MAX_TEAMS + 1]; extern int g_IsSpectator[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudDeathNotice : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); void InitHUDData( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_DeathMsg( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); private: int m_HUD_d_skull; // sprite index of skull icon }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudMenu : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); void InitHUDData( void ); int VidInit( void ); void Reset( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_ShowMenu( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void SelectMenuItem( int menu_item ); int m_fMenuDisplayed; int m_bitsValidSlots; float m_flShutoffTime; int m_fWaitingForMore; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudSayText : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); void InitHUDData( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_SayText( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void SayTextPrint( const char *pszBuf, int iBufSize, int clientIndex = -1 ); void EnsureTextFitsInOneLineAndWrapIfHaveTo( int line ); friend class CHudSpectator; private: struct cvar_s * m_HUD_saytext; struct cvar_s * m_HUD_saytext_time; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudBattery : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_Battery( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); private: HSPRITE m_hSprite1; HSPRITE m_hSprite2; wrect_t *m_prc1; wrect_t *m_prc2; int m_iBat; float m_fFade; int m_iHeight; // width of the battery innards }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudFlashlight: public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); void Reset( void ); int MsgFunc_Flashlight( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_FlashBat( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); private: HSPRITE m_hSprite1; HSPRITE m_hSprite2; HSPRITE m_hBeam; wrect_t *m_prc1; wrect_t *m_prc2; wrect_t *m_prcBeam; float m_flBat; int m_iBat; int m_fOn; float m_fFade; int m_iWidth; // width of the battery innards }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // const int maxHUDMessages = 16; struct message_parms_t { client_textmessage_t *pMessage; float time; int x, y; int totalWidth, totalHeight; int width; int lines; int lineLength; int length; int r, g, b; int text; int fadeBlend; float charTime; float fadeTime; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudTextMessage : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); static char *LocaliseTextString( const char *msg, char *dst_buffer, int buffer_size ); static char *BufferedLocaliseTextString( const char *msg ); const char *LookupString( const char *msg_name, int *msg_dest = NULL ); int MsgFunc_TextMsg( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudMessage : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_HudText( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int MsgFunc_GameTitle( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); float FadeBlend( float fadein, float fadeout, float hold, float localTime ); int XPosition( float x, int width, int lineWidth ); int YPosition( float y, int height ); void MessageAdd( const char *pName, float time ); void MessageAdd(client_textmessage_t * newMessage ); void MessageDrawScan( client_textmessage_t *pMessage, float time ); void MessageScanStart( void ); void MessageScanNextChar( void ); void Reset( void ); private: client_textmessage_t *m_pMessages[maxHUDMessages]; float m_startTime[maxHUDMessages]; message_parms_t m_parms; float m_gameTitleTime; client_textmessage_t *m_pGameTitle; int m_HUD_title_life; int m_HUD_title_half; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // #define MAX_SPRITE_NAME_LENGTH 24 class CHudStatusIcons : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); void Reset( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_StatusIcon( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); enum { MAX_ICONSPRITENAME_LENGTH = MAX_SPRITE_NAME_LENGTH, MAX_ICONSPRITES = 4 }; //had to make these public so CHud could access them (to enable concussion icon) //could use a friend declaration instead... void EnableIcon( const char *pszIconName, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue ); void DisableIcon( const char *pszIconName ); private: typedef struct { char szSpriteName[MAX_ICONSPRITENAME_LENGTH]; HSPRITE spr; wrect_t rc; unsigned char r, g, b; } icon_sprite_t; icon_sprite_t m_IconList[MAX_ICONSPRITES]; }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHudNightvision : public CHudBase { public: int Init( void ); int VidInit( void ); int Draw( float flTime ); int MsgFunc_Nightvision( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); }; // //----------------------------------------------------- // class CHud { private: HUDLIST *m_pHudList; HSPRITE m_hsprLogo; int m_iLogo; client_sprite_t *m_pSpriteList; int m_iSpriteCount; int m_iSpriteCountAllRes; float m_flMouseSensitivity; int m_iConcussionEffect; public: HSPRITE m_hsprCursor; float m_flTime; // the current client time float m_fOldTime; // the time at which the HUD was last redrawn double m_flTimeDelta; // the difference between flTime and fOldTime Vector m_vecOrigin; Vector m_vecAngles; int m_iKeyBits; int m_iHideHUDDisplay; int m_iFOV; int m_Teamplay; int m_iRes; cvar_t *m_pCvarStealMouse; cvar_t *m_pCvarDraw; int m_iFontHeight; int DrawHudNumber( int x, int y, int iFlags, int iNumber, int r, int g, int b ); int DrawHudString( int x, int y, int iMaxX, const char *szString, int r, int g, int b ); int DrawHudStringReverse( int xpos, int ypos, int iMinX, const char *szString, int r, int g, int b ); int DrawHudNumberString( int xpos, int ypos, int iMinX, int iNumber, int r, int g, int b ); int GetNumWidth( int iNumber, int iFlags ); int DrawHudStringLen( const char *szIt ); void DrawDarkRectangle( int x, int y, int wide, int tall ); private: // the memory for these arrays are allocated in the first call to CHud::VidInit(), when the hud.txt and associated sprites are loaded. // freed in ~CHud() HSPRITE *m_rghSprites; /*[HUD_SPRITE_COUNT]*/ // the sprites loaded from hud.txt wrect_t *m_rgrcRects; /*[HUD_SPRITE_COUNT]*/ char *m_rgszSpriteNames; /*[HUD_SPRITE_COUNT][MAX_SPRITE_NAME_LENGTH]*/ struct cvar_s *default_fov; public: HSPRITE GetSprite( int index ) { return ( index < 0 ) ? 0 : m_rghSprites[index]; } wrect_t& GetSpriteRect( int index ) { return m_rgrcRects[index]; } int GetSpriteIndex( const char *SpriteName ); // gets a sprite index, for use in the m_rghSprites[] array CHudAmmo m_Ammo; CHudHealth m_Health; CHudSpectator m_Spectator; CHudGeiger m_Geiger; CHudBattery m_Battery; CHudTrain m_Train; CHudFlashlight m_Flash; CHudMessage m_Message; CHudStatusBar m_StatusBar; CHudDeathNotice m_DeathNotice; CHudSayText m_SayText; CHudMenu m_Menu; CHudAmmoSecondary m_AmmoSecondary; CHudTextMessage m_TextMessage; CHudStatusIcons m_StatusIcons; CHudNightvision m_Nightvision; CHudScoreboard m_Scoreboard; CHudMOTD m_MOTD; void Init( void ); void VidInit( void ); void Think(void); int Redraw( float flTime, int intermission ); int UpdateClientData( client_data_t *cdata, float time ); CHud() : m_iSpriteCount(0), m_pHudList(NULL) {} ~CHud(); // destructor, frees allocated memory // user messages int _cdecl MsgFunc_Damage( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int _cdecl MsgFunc_GameMode( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int _cdecl MsgFunc_Logo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int _cdecl MsgFunc_ResetHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void _cdecl MsgFunc_InitHUD( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); void _cdecl MsgFunc_ViewMode( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int _cdecl MsgFunc_SetFOV( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); int _cdecl MsgFunc_Concuss( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ); // Screen information SCREENINFO m_scrinfo; int m_iWeaponBits; int m_fPlayerDead; int m_iIntermission; // sprite indexes int m_HUD_number_0; int m_iNoConsolePrint; void AddHudElem( CHudBase *p ); float GetSensitivity(); }; extern CHud gHUD; extern int g_iPlayerClass; extern int g_iTeamNumber; extern int g_iUser1; extern int g_iUser2; extern int g_iUser3; #endif