//++ BulliT #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "player.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "agcommand.h" #include "agadmincache.h" #include "agglobal.h" DLL_GLOBAL AgCommand Command; //The one and only FILE_GLOBAL CBasePlayer* s_pAdmin = NULL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct COMMANDS { char szCommand[18]; void (*pServer)(void); void (*pClient)(CBasePlayer* pPlayer); char szDescription[64]; }; void addadmin_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (3 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.AddAdmin(CMD_ARGV(1),CMD_ARGV(2),pPlayer); } void addadmin(void) { addadmin_client(NULL); } void listadmins_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.ListAdmins(pPlayer); } void listadmins(void) { listadmins_client(NULL); } void deladmin_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.DelAdmin(CMD_ARGV(1),pPlayer); } void deladmin(void) { deladmin_client(NULL); } void allow_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Allow(CMD_ARGV(1),pPlayer); else if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Allow("",pPlayer); } void allow(void) { allow_client(NULL); } void agabort_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { Command.Abort(pPlayer); } void agabort(void) { agabort_client(NULL); } void start_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Start(""); if (2 <= CMD_ARGC()) Command.Start(CMD_ARGS()); } void start(void) { start_client(NULL); } void pause_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { Command.Pause(pPlayer); } void agpause(void) { pause_client(NULL); } void kick_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Kick(CMD_ARGV(1)); } void map_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Map(CMD_ARGV(1)); } void help_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Help(pPlayer); } void help(void) { help_client(NULL); } void nextmap_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.NextMap(CMD_ARGV(1),pPlayer); else if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.NextMap("",pPlayer); } void nextmap(void) { nextmap_client(NULL); } void spectator_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Spectator(pPlayer,CMD_ARGV(1)); } void spectator(void) { spectator_client(NULL); } void teamup_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (3 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.TeamUp(pPlayer,CMD_ARGV(1),CMD_ARGV(2)); } void teamup(void) { teamup_client(NULL); } void variables_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Variables(pPlayer); } void variables(void) { variables_client(NULL); } void exec_client(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Command.Exec(CMD_ARGV(1),pPlayer); } void exec(void) { exec_client(NULL); } FILE_GLOBAL COMMANDS s_Commands[]= { "agaddadmin",addadmin,NULL,"agaddadmin - Add new admin.", "aglistadmins",listadmins,NULL,"aglistadmins - List all admins.", "agdeladmin",deladmin,NULL,"agdeladmin - Delete existing admin.", "agforcespectator",spectator,spectator_client,"agforcespectator Force a player into specmode", "agforceteamup",teamup,teamup_client,"agforceteamup team - Force a player into a team", "agkick",NULL,kick_client,"agkick - Kick a player.", "agmap",NULL,map_client,"agmap - Change level.", "agnextmap",nextmap,nextmap_client,"agnextmap - Set next level.", "agexec",exec,exec_client,"agexec - Executes a server configuration.", "agstart",start,start_client,"agstart - Start a match.", "agabort",agabort,agabort_client,"agabort - Abort a match.", "agallow",allow,allow_client,"agallow - Allow a player into the match.", "agpause",agpause,pause_client,"agpause - Pause server.", "help",help,help_client,"help - List commands.", "variables",variables,variables_client,"variables - Server variable list.", }; FILE_GLOBAL char* s_szVars[] = { "sv_ag_max_spectators <0-32> - Max spectators allowed.", "sv_ag_spec_enable_disable<0/1> - Allow players to disable tracking in spectator.", "sv_ag_pure <0/1> - 0 spike check and simple variable checks, 1 harder variable check.", "sv_ag_match_running <0/1> - Tells if a match is running.", "sv_ag_allow_vote <0/1> - Allow any vote.", "sv_ag_vote_setting <0/1> - Vote ag_xxx and mp_xxx settings.", "sv_ag_vote_gamemode <0/1> - Allow gamemode switching.", "sv_ag_vote_kick <0/1> - Allow voting a kick.", "sv_ag_vote_admin <0/1> - Allow voting an admin.", "sv_ag_vote_map <0/1> - Allow map voting.", "sv_ag_vote_mp_timelimit_low <0-999> - Lowest timelimit to vote on.", "sv_ag_vote_mp_timelimit_high <0-999> - Highest timelimit to vote on.", "sv_ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_low <0-999> - Lowest fraglimit to vote on.", "sv_ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_high <0-999> - Highest fraglimit to vote on.", "sv_ag_floodmsgs <4> - Flood messages to tolerate. 0 will deactive it.", "sv_ag_floodpersecond <4> - Flood messages per second.", "sv_ag_floodwaitdelay <10> - Flood penalty timer.", "sv_ag_show_gibs <0/1> - Show dead bodies.", "sv_ag_spawn_volume <0-1> - The spawn sound volume.", "sv_ag_player_id <5> - Player id show to other players. In seconds.", "sv_ag_auto_admin <1> - Give auto admin to admins in admin list.", "sv_ag_lj_timer <0-999> - Countdown seconds for long jump. 0 turns it off.", "sv_ag_wallgauss <0/1> - Wallgauss on/off. On is for the weak :)", "sv_ag_headshot <1-3> - Set power of headshot. Normally 3.", "sv_ag_blastradius <1> - Blast radius for explosions. Normally 1", "sv_ag_allowed_gamemodes - Allowed gamemodes, could be any off ffa;tdm;arena;arcade;sgbow;instagib", }; AgCommand::AgCommand() { } AgCommand::~AgCommand() { } void AgCommand::Init() { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_Commands)/sizeof(s_Commands[0]); i++) { if (s_Commands[i].pServer) ADD_SERVER_COMMAND(s_Commands[i].szCommand,s_Commands[i].pServer); } } bool AgCommand::HandleCommand(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return false; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return false; ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules || 0 == CMD_ARGC()) return false; if (pPlayer->IsAdmin()) { //Server command for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_Commands)/sizeof(s_Commands[0]); i++) { if (s_Commands[i].pClient) { if (FStrEq(s_Commands[i].szCommand,CMD_ARGV(0))) { s_Commands[i].pClient(pPlayer); if (FStrEq(s_Commands[i].szCommand,"help")) return false; else return true; } } else if (s_Commands[i].pServer) { if (FStrEq(s_Commands[i].szCommand,CMD_ARGV(0))) { s_Commands[i].pServer(); return true; } } } if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) { if (GameMode.IsGamemode(CMD_ARGV(0))) { if (!GameMode.IsAllowedGamemode(CMD_ARGV(0),pPlayer)) { AgConsole("Gamemode not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } GameMode.Gamemode(CMD_ARGV(0)); return true; } } if (0 < CMD_ARGC() && (0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"ag_spectalk",11) ||0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"mp_timelimit",12) ||0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"ag_gauss_fix",12) ||0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"ag_rpg_fix",10) ||0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"mp_fraglimit",12) ||0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"mp_friendlyfire",15) ||0 == strnicmp(CMD_ARGV(0),"mp_weaponstay",13) )) { if (1 == CMD_ARGC()) Setting(CMD_ARGV(0), "", pPlayer); else if (2 == CMD_ARGC()) Setting(CMD_ARGV(0), CMD_ARGV(1), pPlayer); return true; } } return false; } void AgCommand::AddAdmin(const AgString& sAdmin, const AgString& sPassword, CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { AdminCache.AddAdmin(sAdmin,sPassword,pPlayer); } void AgCommand::ListAdmins(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { AdminCache.ListAdmins(pPlayer); } void AgCommand::DelAdmin(const AgString& sAdmin,CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { AdminCache.DelAdmin(sAdmin,pPlayer); } void AgCommand::Allow(const AgString& sPlayerIdOrName,CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (ARENA == AgGametype() || LMS == AgGametype()) { AgConsole("Not allowed.",pPlayer); return; } //Get player. CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByName(sPlayerIdOrName); if (!pPlayerLoop && pPlayer && 0 == sPlayerIdOrName.size()) pPlayerLoop = pPlayer; if (pPlayerLoop) { g_pGameRules->m_Match.Allow(pPlayerLoop); } else { AgConsole("No such player exist on server.",pPlayer); } } void AgCommand::Abort(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (LMS == AgGametype() || ARENA == AgGametype()) { AgConsole("Abort is not allowed in this gamemode.",pPlayer); return; } g_pGameRules->m_Match.Abort(); } void AgCommand::Start(const AgString& sSpawn) { if (LMS == AgGametype() || ARENA == AgGametype()) { AgConsole("Start is not allowed in this gamemode."); return; } ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; g_pGameRules->Start(sSpawn); } void AgCommand::Pause(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (LMS == AgGametype() || ARENA == AgGametype()) { AgConsole("Pause is not allowed in this gamemode."); return; } ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; g_pGameRules->m_Timeout.TogglePause(); } void AgCommand::Kick(const AgString& sPlayerIdOrName) { if (32 < sPlayerIdOrName.size()) return; char szCommand[128]; sprintf(szCommand,"kick %s\n",sPlayerIdOrName.c_str()); SERVER_COMMAND( szCommand ); } void AgCommand::Map(const AgString& sMap) { if (32 < sMap.size() || !g_pGameRules) return; g_pGameRules->m_Settings.Changelevel(sMap); } void AgCommand::NextMap(const AgString& sMap, CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (sMap.size() && 32 > sMap.size()) { g_pGameRules->m_Settings.SetNextLevel(sMap); } else { char szSetting[64]; sprintf(szSetting,"ag_nextmap is \"%s\"",g_pGameRules->m_Settings.GetNextLevel().c_str()); AgConsole(szSetting,pPlayer); } } void AgCommand::Setting(const AgString& sSetting, const AgString& sValue, CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (sValue.size()) { g_pGameRules->m_Settings.AdminSetting(sSetting,sValue); } else { char szSetting[64]; sprintf(szSetting,"%s is \"%s\"",sSetting.c_str(),CVAR_GET_STRING(sSetting.c_str())); AgConsole(szSetting,pPlayer); } } void AgCommand::Help(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_Commands)/sizeof(s_Commands[0]); i++) { if (!pPlayer && s_Commands[i].pServer) AgConsole(s_Commands[i].szDescription,pPlayer); else if (pPlayer && 0 == strcmp(s_Commands[i].szCommand,"agaddadmin") && 0 == strcmp(s_Commands[i].szCommand,"aglistadmins") && 0 == strcmp(s_Commands[i].szCommand,"agdeladmin")) AgConsole(s_Commands[i].szDescription,pPlayer); } GameMode.Help(pPlayer); } void AgCommand::Variables(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_szVars)/sizeof(s_szVars[0]); i++) AgConsole(s_szVars[i],pPlayer); } void AgCommand::TeamUp(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, const AgString& sPlayerIdOrName, const AgString& sTeam) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (!g_pGameRules->IsTeamplay()) return; CBasePlayer* pTeamUpPlayer = AgPlayerByName(sPlayerIdOrName); if (pTeamUpPlayer) pTeamUpPlayer->ChangeTeam(sTeam.c_str(),true); } void AgCommand::Spectator(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, const AgString& sPlayerIdOrName) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (!g_pGameRules->IsTeamplay()) return; CBasePlayer* pSpectatorPlayer = AgPlayerByName(sPlayerIdOrName); if (pSpectatorPlayer) pSpectatorPlayer->Spectate_Start(); } void AgCommand::Exec(const AgString& sExec, CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules) return; char szCommand[128]; sprintf(szCommand,"exec %s\n",sExec.c_str()); SERVER_COMMAND( szCommand ); SERVER_EXECUTE(); } //-- Martin Webrant