//++ BulliT #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "player.h" #include "agglobal.h" #include "agvote.h" #include "agcommand.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern int gmsgVote; FILE_GLOBAL const char* s_szCommands[] = { "yes - Vote yes.", "no - Vote no.", " - Call a vote.", "aglistvotes - List available votes." }; FILE_GLOBAL const char* s_szVotes[] = { "agkick - Kick a player.", "agadmin - Vote a player admin.", "agstart - Start a match. (full as value to start with all weps)", "agabort - Abort a match.", "agallow - Allow a player into the match.", "agpause - Pause server.", "agmap - Change level.", "agnextmap - Change level after this is done.", "ag_spectalk <0/1> - Allow spectators to talk to all.", "agnextmode - Change mode after this level.", }; AgVote::AgVote() { m_fNextCount = 0.0; m_fMaxTime = 0.0; m_fNextVote = AgTime(); m_bRunning = false; } AgVote::~AgVote() { } bool AgVote::HandleCommand(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return false; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return false; ASSERT(NULL != g_pGameRules); if (!g_pGameRules || 0 == CMD_ARGC()) return false; if (1 > ag_allow_vote.value) return false; if (FStrEq(CMD_ARGV(0), "help")) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_szCommands)/sizeof(s_szCommands[0]); i++) AgConsole(s_szCommands[i],pPlayer); return true; } if (FStrEq(CMD_ARGV(0), "aglistvotes")) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(s_szVotes)/sizeof(s_szVotes[0]); i++) AgConsole(s_szVotes[i],pPlayer); GameMode.Help(pPlayer); return true; } //Atleast two players. int iPlayers = 0; for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop && !pPlayerLoop->IsProxy()) iPlayers++; } /* if (IS_DEDICATED_SERVER() && 2 > iPlayers) return true; */ if (m_fMaxTime || m_fNextCount) { if (FStrEq("yes",CMD_ARGV(0))) { pPlayer->m_iVote = 1; return true; } else if (FStrEq("no",CMD_ARGV(0))) { pPlayer->m_iVote = 0; return true; } else { AgConsole("Vote is running, type yes or no in console.",pPlayer); return true; } } else { if (m_fNextVote > AgTime()) { AgConsole(UTIL_VarArgs("Last vote was not accepted - %d seconds until next vote can be called.",(int)(m_fNextVote - AgTime())),pPlayer); return true; } ResetVote(); if (FStrEq("callvote",CMD_ARGV(0)) || FStrEq("vote",CMD_ARGV(0))) { if (2 <= CMD_ARGC()) m_sVote = CMD_ARGV(1); if (3 <= CMD_ARGC()) m_sValue = CMD_ARGV(2); } else { if (1 <= CMD_ARGC()) m_sVote = CMD_ARGV(0); if (2 <= CMD_ARGC()) m_sValue = CMD_ARGS(); } if (m_sVote.size() && 32 > m_sVote.size() && 32 > m_sValue.size()) { //Check map if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agmap") || FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"changelevel") || FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"map")) { if (!ag_vote_map.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } char szTemp[64]; strcpy(szTemp,m_sValue.c_str()); //Check if it exists. if (IS_MAP_VALID(szTemp)) { m_sVote = "agmap"; CallVote(pPlayer); } else AgConsole("Map doesn't exist on server.",pPlayer); return true; } //Check nextmap else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agnextmap")) { if (!ag_vote_map.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } char szTemp[64]; strcpy(szTemp,m_sValue.c_str()); //Check if it exists. if (IS_MAP_VALID(szTemp)) { m_sVote = "agnextmap"; CallVote(pPlayer); } else AgConsole("Map doesn't exist on server.",pPlayer); return true; } //Check mode else if (GameMode.IsGamemode(m_sVote)) { if (!ag_vote_gamemode.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } if (!GameMode.IsAllowedGamemode(m_sVote,pPlayer)) { AgConsole("Gamemode not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } //Check nextmode else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agnextmode")) { if (!ag_vote_gamemode.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } if (!GameMode.IsAllowedGamemode(m_sValue,pPlayer)) { AgConsole("Gamemode not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } //Start and pause should be there. else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agstart") || FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agabort") || FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agpause")) { if (LMS == AgGametype() || ARENA == AgGametype()) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed in this gamemode.",pPlayer); return true; } if (1 > ag_vote_start.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } //Check command else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agallow") || FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agkick") || FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agadmin") ) { if( ( FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agkick") && 1 > ag_vote_kick.value ) || ( FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agadmin") && 1 > ag_vote_admin.value ) || ( FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agallow") && 1 > ag_vote_allow.value ) ) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByName(m_sValue); if (pPlayerLoop) { m_sAuthID = pPlayerLoop->GetAuthID(); CallVote(pPlayer); } else { if (!FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agkick")) { m_sValue = pPlayer->GetName(); m_sAuthID = pPlayer->GetAuthID(); CallVote(pPlayer); } else AgConsole("No such player exist on server.",pPlayer); } return true; } //Check setting else if (( 0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"ag_gauss_fix",12) || 0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"ag_rpg_fix",10) || 0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"ag_spectalk",11) || 0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"mp_friendlyfire",15) || 0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"mp_weaponstay",13)) && m_sValue.size()) { if (!ag_vote_setting.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } else if (0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"mp_timelimit",12)) { if (!ag_vote_setting.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } if (atoi(m_sValue.c_str()) < ag_vote_mp_timelimit_low.value || atoi(m_sValue.c_str()) > ag_vote_mp_timelimit_high.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } else if (0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"mp_fraglimit",12)) { if (!ag_vote_setting.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } if (atoi(m_sValue.c_str()) < ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_low.value || atoi(m_sValue.c_str()) > ag_vote_mp_fraglimit_high.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } else if (0 == strncmp(m_sVote.c_str(),"sv_maxspeed",11)) { if (!ag_vote_setting.value) { AgConsole("Vote is not allowed by server admin.",pPlayer); return true; } if (atoi(m_sValue.c_str()) < 270 || atoi(m_sValue.c_str()) > 350) { AgConsole("Maxpeed should be between 270 and 350.",pPlayer); return true; } CallVote(pPlayer); return true; } } } return false; } bool AgVote::CallVote(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { m_fMaxTime = AgTime() + 30.0; //30 seconds is enough. m_fNextCount = AgTime(); //Next count directly pPlayer->m_iVote = 1; //Voter voted yes #ifdef _DEBUG pPlayer->m_iVote = 0; #endif m_sCalled = pPlayer->GetName(); m_bRunning = true; //++ muphicks UTIL_LogPrintf("\"%s<%d><%s><%s>\" triggered \"calledvote\" (votename \"%s\") (newsetting \"%s\")\n", pPlayer->GetName(), GETPLAYERUSERID( pPlayer->edict() ), GETPLAYERAUTHID(pPlayer->edict()), pPlayer->TeamID(), m_sVote.c_str(),m_sValue.c_str() ); //-- muphicks return false; } void AgVote::Think() { if (!m_bRunning) return; //Count votes. if (m_fNextCount != 0.0 && m_fNextCount < AgTime()) { int iFor,iAgainst,iUndecided,iPlayers; iFor = iAgainst = iUndecided = iPlayers = 0; //Count players for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop && !pPlayerLoop->IsProxy()) { iPlayers++; if (1 == pPlayerLoop->m_iVote) iFor++; else if (0 == pPlayerLoop->m_iVote) iAgainst++; else iUndecided++; } } //Check if enough. if (((float)iFor / (float)iPlayers > 0.5)) { #ifdef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTCENTER, UTIL_VarArgs("Vote: %s %s\nCalled by: %s\nAccepted!",m_sVote.c_str(),m_sValue.c_str(),m_sCalled.c_str())); #else MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgVote, NULL ); WRITE_BYTE( Accepted ); WRITE_BYTE( iFor ); WRITE_BYTE( iAgainst ); WRITE_BYTE( iUndecided ); WRITE_STRING( m_sVote.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( m_sValue.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( m_sCalled.c_str() ); MESSAGE_END(); #endif //Exec vote. if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agadmin")) { for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop && pPlayerLoop->GetAuthID() == m_sAuthID) { pPlayerLoop->SetIsAdmin(true); break; } } } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agallow")) { Command.Allow(m_sValue); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agmap")) { Command.Map(m_sValue); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agnextmap")) { Command.NextMap(m_sValue); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agstart")) { Command.Start(m_sValue); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agpause")) { Command.Pause(NULL); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agabort")) { Command.Abort(NULL); } else if (GameMode.IsAllowedGamemode(m_sVote)) { GameMode.Gamemode(m_sVote); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agnextmode")) { GameMode.NextGamemode(m_sValue); } else if (FStrEq(m_sVote.c_str(),"agkick")) { Command.Kick(m_sValue); } else { Command.Setting(m_sVote.c_str(),m_sValue); } ResetVote(); } else { if (m_fMaxTime < AgTime()) { #ifdef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTCENTER, UTIL_VarArgs("Vote: %s %s\nCalled by: %s\nDenied!",m_sVote.c_str(),m_sValue.c_str(),m_sCalled.c_str())); #else MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgVote, NULL ); WRITE_BYTE( Denied ); WRITE_BYTE( iFor ); WRITE_BYTE( iAgainst ); WRITE_BYTE( iUndecided ); WRITE_STRING( m_sVote.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( m_sValue.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( m_sCalled.c_str() ); MESSAGE_END(); #endif ResetVote(); m_fNextVote = ag_vote_failed_time.value + AgTime(); } else { #ifdef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL UTIL_ClientPrintAll(HUD_PRINTCENTER, UTIL_VarArgs("Vote: %s %s\nCalled by: %s\nFor: %d\nAgainst: %d\nUndecided: %d",m_sVote.c_str(),m_sValue.c_str(),m_sCalled.c_str(), iFor, iAgainst, iUndecided)); #else MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgVote, NULL ); WRITE_BYTE( Called ); WRITE_BYTE( iFor ); WRITE_BYTE( iAgainst ); WRITE_BYTE( iUndecided ); WRITE_STRING( m_sVote.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( m_sValue.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( m_sCalled.c_str() ); MESSAGE_END(); #endif m_fNextCount = AgTime() + 2.0; //Two more seconds. } } } } bool AgVote::ResetVote() { for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop) pPlayerLoop->m_iVote = -1; } m_sVote = ""; m_sValue = ""; m_sCalled = ""; m_fNextCount = 0.0; m_fMaxTime = 0.0; m_sAuthID = ""; m_fNextVote = AgTime(); m_bRunning = false; return true; } //-- Martin Webrant