//========= Copyright © 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#pragma once

#include "voice_common.h"

class CGameRules;
class CBasePlayer;

class IVoiceGameMgrHelper
	virtual ~IVoiceGameMgrHelper() {}

	// Called each frame to determine which players are allowed to hear each other.	This overrides
	// whatever squelch settings players have.
	virtual bool CanPlayerHearPlayer( CBasePlayer *pListener, CBasePlayer *pTalker ) = 0;

// CVoiceGameMgr manages which clients can hear which other clients.
class CVoiceGameMgr
	virtual ~CVoiceGameMgr();

	bool Init( IVoiceGameMgrHelper *m_pHelper, int maxClients );

	void SetHelper( IVoiceGameMgrHelper *pHelper );

	// Updates which players can hear which other players.
	// If gameplay mode is DM, then only players within the PVS can hear each other.
	// If gameplay mode is teamplay, then only players on the same team can hear each other.
	// Player masks are always applied.
	void Update( double frametime );

	// Called when a new client connects (unsquelches its entity for everyone).
	void ClientConnected( struct edict_s *pEdict );

	// Called on ClientCommand. Checks for the squelch and unsquelch commands.
	// Returns true if it handled the command.
	bool ClientCommand( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *cmd );

	// Called to determine if the Receiver has muted (blocked) the Sender
	// Returns true if the receiver has blocked the sender
	bool PlayerHasBlockedPlayer( CBasePlayer *pReceiver, CBasePlayer *pSender );

	// Force it to update the client masks.
	void UpdateMasks();

	int m_msgPlayerVoiceMask;
	int m_msgRequestState;

	IVoiceGameMgrHelper *m_pHelper;
	int m_nMaxPlayers;
	double m_UpdateInterval; // How long since the last update.