//========= Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $

// in_win.c -- windows 95 mouse and joystick code
// 02/21/97 JCB Added extended DirectInput code to support external controllers.

#include "input_mouse.h"


#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "kbutton.h"
#include "cvardef.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "in_defs.h"
#include "keydefs.h"
#include "view.h"

#ifndef _WIN32
#define USE_SDL2

#ifdef USE_SDL2
#define ARRAYSIZE(p)		( sizeof(p) /sizeof(p[0]) )
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_mouse.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_gamecontroller.h>
int (*pfnSDL_SetRelativeMouseMode)(SDL_bool);
Uint32 (*pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState)(int* x, int* y);
int (*pfnSDL_NumJoysticks)(void);
SDL_bool (*pfnSDL_IsGameController)(int);
SDL_GameController* (*pfnSDL_GameControllerOpen)(int);
Sint16 (*pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis)(SDL_GameController*, SDL_GameControllerAxis);
Uint8 (*pfnSDL_GameControllerGetButton)(SDL_GameController*, SDL_GameControllerButton);
void (*pfnSDL_JoystickUpdate)(void);
const char* (*pfnSDL_GameControllerName)(SDL_GameController*);

int safe_pfnSDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_bool mode)
	if (pfnSDL_SetRelativeMouseMode)
		return pfnSDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(mode);
	return -1;
Uint32 safe_pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState(int* x, int* y)
	if (pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState)
		return pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState(x, y);
	return 0;
int safe_pfnSDL_NumJoysticks()
	if (pfnSDL_NumJoysticks)
		return pfnSDL_NumJoysticks();
	return -1;
SDL_bool safe_pfnSDL_IsGameController(int joystick_index)
	if (pfnSDL_IsGameController)
		return pfnSDL_IsGameController(joystick_index);
	return SDL_FALSE;
SDL_GameController* safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerOpen(int joystick_index)
	if (pfnSDL_GameControllerOpen)
		return pfnSDL_GameControllerOpen(joystick_index);
	return NULL;
Sint16 safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis(SDL_GameController* gamecontroller, SDL_GameControllerAxis axis)
	if (pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis)
		return pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis(gamecontroller, axis);
	return 0;
Uint8 safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetButton(SDL_GameController* gamecontroller, SDL_GameControllerButton button)
	if (pfnSDL_GameControllerGetButton)
		return pfnSDL_GameControllerGetButton(gamecontroller, button);
	return 0;
void safe_pfnSDL_JoystickUpdate()
	if (pfnSDL_JoystickUpdate)
const char* safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerName(SDL_GameController* gamecontroller)
	if (pfnSDL_GameControllerName)
		return pfnSDL_GameControllerName(gamecontroller);
	return NULL;

struct SDLFunction
	void** ppfnFunc;
	const char* name;
static SDLFunction sdlFunctions[] = {
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_SetRelativeMouseMode, "SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState, "SDL_GetRelativeMouseState"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_NumJoysticks, "SDL_NumJoysticks"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_IsGameController, "SDL_IsGameController"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_GameControllerOpen, "SDL_GameControllerOpen"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis, "SDL_GameControllerGetAxis"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_GameControllerGetButton, "SDL_GameControllerGetButton"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_JoystickUpdate, "SDL_JoystickUpdate"},
	{(void**)&pfnSDL_GameControllerName, "SDL_GameControllerName"}

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <process.h>
typedef unsigned int DWORD;


// use IN_SetVisibleMouse to set:
int iVisibleMouse = 0;

extern cl_enginefunc_t gEngfuncs;

extern int iMouseInUse;

extern kbutton_t in_strafe;
extern kbutton_t in_mlook;
extern kbutton_t in_speed;
extern kbutton_t in_jlook;

extern cvar_t *m_pitch;
extern cvar_t *m_yaw;
extern cvar_t *m_forward;
extern cvar_t *m_side;

extern cvar_t *lookstrafe;
extern cvar_t *lookspring;
extern cvar_t *cl_pitchdown;
extern cvar_t *cl_pitchup;
extern cvar_t *cl_yawspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_sidespeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_forwardspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_pitchspeed;
extern cvar_t *cl_movespeedkey;

#ifdef _WIN32
static double s_flRawInputUpdateTime = 0.0f;
static bool m_bRawInput = false;
static bool m_bMouseThread = false;
bool isMouseRelative = false;

#ifdef _WIN32
#include "progdefs.h"
extern globalvars_t *gpGlobals;

int CL_IsDead( void );
extern Vector dead_viewangles;

void V_StopPitchDrift( void )


// mouse variables
cvar_t *m_filter;
extern cvar_t *sensitivity;

// Custom mouse acceleration (0 disable, 1 to enable, 2 enable with separate yaw/pitch rescale)
static cvar_t *m_customaccel;
//Formula: mousesensitivity = ( rawmousedelta^m_customaccel_exponent ) * m_customaccel_scale + sensitivity
// If mode is 2, then x and y sensitivity are scaled by m_pitch and m_yaw respectively.
// Custom mouse acceleration value.
static cvar_t *m_customaccel_scale;
//Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit
static cvar_t *m_customaccel_max;
//Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor
static cvar_t *m_customaccel_exponent;

#ifdef _WIN32
// if threaded mouse is enabled then the time to sleep between polls
static cvar_t *m_mousethread_sleep;

float mouse_x, mouse_y;

static int restore_spi;
static int originalmouseparms[3], newmouseparms[3] = {0, 0, 1};
static int mouseactive = 0;
static int mouseparmsvalid;
static int mouseshowtoggle = 1;

// joystick defines and variables
// where should defines be moved?
#define JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS	0x00000000 // control like a joystick
#define JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS	0x00000010 // control like a mouse, spinner, trackball
#define JOY_MAX_AXES	6 // X, Y, Z, R, U, V
#define JOY_AXIS_X 0
#define JOY_AXIS_Y 1
#define JOY_AXIS_Z 2
#define JOY_AXIS_R 3
#define JOY_AXIS_U 4
#define JOY_AXIS_V 5

enum _ControlList
	AxisNada = 0,

#if !defined(USE_SDL2) && defined(_WIN32)

DWORD   dwAxisMap[ JOY_MAX_AXES ];
DWORD   dwControlMap[ JOY_MAX_AXES ];
#if defined(USE_SDL2)
int pdwRawValue[ JOY_MAX_AXES ];
#elif defined(_WIN32)
DWORD joy_oldbuttonstate, joy_oldpovstate;

int joy_id;
DWORD joy_numbuttons;

#ifdef USE_SDL2
SDL_GameController *s_pJoystick = NULL;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
DWORD		joy_flags;
static JOYINFOEX	ji;

// none of these cvars are saved over a session
// this means that advanced controller configuration needs to be executed
// each time.  this avoids any problems with getting back to a default usage
// or when changing from one controller to another.  this way at least something
// works.
extern cvar_t  *in_joystick;
cvar_t  *joy_name;
cvar_t  *joy_advanced;
cvar_t  *joy_advaxisx;
cvar_t  *joy_advaxisy;
cvar_t  *joy_advaxisz;
cvar_t  *joy_advaxisr;
cvar_t  *joy_advaxisu;
cvar_t  *joy_advaxisv;
cvar_t  *joy_forwardthreshold;
cvar_t  *joy_sidethreshold;
cvar_t  *joy_pitchthreshold;
cvar_t  *joy_yawthreshold;
cvar_t  *joy_forwardsensitivity;
cvar_t  *joy_sidesensitivity;
cvar_t  *joy_pitchsensitivity;
cvar_t  *joy_yawsensitivity;
cvar_t  *joy_wwhack1;
cvar_t  *joy_wwhack2;

int joy_avail, joy_advancedinit, joy_haspov;

#ifdef _WIN32
unsigned int s_hMouseThreadId = 0;
HANDLE s_hMouseThread = 0;
HANDLE s_hMouseQuitEvent = 0;
HANDLE s_hMouseThreadActiveLock = 0;

void Force_CenterView_f (void)
	vec3_t viewangles;

	if (!iMouseInUse)
		gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );
		viewangles[PITCH] = 0;
		gEngfuncs.SetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );

#ifdef _WIN32

LONG mouseThreadActive = 0;
LONG mouseThreadCenterX = 0;
LONG mouseThreadCenterY = 0;
LONG mouseThreadDeltaX = 0;
LONG mouseThreadDeltaY = 0;
LONG mouseThreadSleep = 0;

bool MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter( void )
		return true;

	return WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject( s_hMouseThreadActiveLock,  INFINITE);

void MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit( void )

	SetEvent( s_hMouseThreadActiveLock );

unsigned __stdcall MouseThread_Function( void * pArg )
	while ( true )
		DWORD sleepVal = (DWORD)InterlockedExchangeAdd(&mouseThreadSleep, 0);
		if(0 > sleepVal) sleepVal = 0;
		else if(1000 < sleepVal) sleepVal = 1000;
		if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject( s_hMouseQuitEvent, sleepVal))

		if( MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter() )
			if ( InterlockedExchangeAdd(&mouseThreadActive, 0) )
				POINT	mouse_pos;
				POINT	center_pos;

				center_pos.x = InterlockedExchangeAdd(&mouseThreadCenterX, 0);
				center_pos.y = InterlockedExchangeAdd(&mouseThreadCenterY, 0);

				mouse_pos.x -= center_pos.x;
				mouse_pos.y -= center_pos.y;

				if(mouse_pos.x || mouse_pos.y) SetCursorPos( center_pos.x, center_pos.y );

				InterlockedExchangeAdd(&mouseThreadDeltaX, mouse_pos.x);
				InterlockedExchangeAdd(&mouseThreadDeltaY, mouse_pos.y);


	return 0;

/// <summary>Updates mouseThreadActive using the global variables mouseactive, iVisibleMouse and m_bRawInput. Should be called after any of these is changed.</summary>
/// <remarks>Has to be interlocked manually by programmer! Use MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter and MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit.</remarks>
void UpdateMouseThreadActive(void)
	InterlockedExchange(&mouseThreadActive, mouseactive && !iVisibleMouse && !m_bRawInput);


void IN_SetMouseMode(bool enable)
	static bool currentMouseMode = false;

	if(enable == currentMouseMode)

#ifdef _WIN32
		if (mouseparmsvalid)
			restore_spi = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, newmouseparms, 0);

		m_bRawInput = CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "m_rawinput" ) != 0;
#ifdef USE_SDL2
			isMouseRelative = true;

		currentMouseMode = true;
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef USE_SDL2
			isMouseRelative = false;

		if (restore_spi)
			SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, originalmouseparms, 0);

		currentMouseMode = false;

void IN_SetVisibleMouse(bool visible)
#ifdef _WIN32
	bool lockEntered = MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter();

	iVisibleMouse = visible;


#ifdef _WIN32
	if(lockEntered) MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit();

void IN_ResetMouse( void );

void GoldSourceInput::IN_ActivateMouse (void)
	if (mouseinitialized)
#ifdef _WIN32
		bool lockEntered = MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter();


		mouseactive = 1;

#ifdef _WIN32
		if(lockEntered) MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit();

		// now is a good time to reset mouse positon:

void GoldSourceInput::IN_DeactivateMouse (void)
	if (mouseinitialized)
#ifdef _WIN32
		bool lockEntered = MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter();


		mouseactive = 0;

#ifdef _WIN32
		if(lockEntered) MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit();

void GoldSourceInput::IN_StartupMouse (void)
	if ( gEngfuncs.CheckParm ("-nomouse", NULL ) )

	mouseinitialized = 1;
#ifdef _WIN32
	mouseparmsvalid = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, originalmouseparms, 0);

	if (mouseparmsvalid)
		if ( gEngfuncs.CheckParm ("-noforcemspd", NULL ) )
			newmouseparms[2] = originalmouseparms[2];

		if ( gEngfuncs.CheckParm ("-noforcemaccel", NULL ) )
			newmouseparms[0] = originalmouseparms[0];
			newmouseparms[1] = originalmouseparms[1];

		if ( gEngfuncs.CheckParm ("-noforcemparms", NULL ) )
			newmouseparms[0] = originalmouseparms[0];
			newmouseparms[1] = originalmouseparms[1];
			newmouseparms[2] = originalmouseparms[2];

	mouse_buttons = MOUSE_BUTTON_COUNT;

void GoldSourceInput::IN_Shutdown (void)
	IN_DeactivateMouse ();

#ifdef _WIN32
	if ( s_hMouseQuitEvent )
		SetEvent( s_hMouseQuitEvent );

	if ( s_hMouseThread )
		if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject( s_hMouseThread, 5000 ))
			TerminateThread( s_hMouseThread, 0 );
		CloseHandle( s_hMouseThread );
		s_hMouseThread = (HANDLE)0;

	if ( s_hMouseQuitEvent )
		CloseHandle( s_hMouseQuitEvent );
		s_hMouseQuitEvent = (HANDLE)0;

	if( s_hMouseThreadActiveLock )
		CloseHandle( s_hMouseThreadActiveLock );
		s_hMouseThreadActiveLock = (HANDLE)0;

#ifdef USE_SDL2
	for (int j=0; j<ARRAYSIZE(sdlFunctions); ++j) {
		*(sdlFunctions[j].ppfnFunc) = NULL;
	sdl2Lib = NULL;


Ask for mouse position from engine
void IN_GetMousePos( int *mx, int *my )
	gEngfuncs.GetMousePosition( mx, my );


FIXME: Call through to engine?
void IN_ResetMouse( void )
	// no work to do in SDL
#ifdef _WIN32
	// reset only if mouse is active and not in visible mode:
	if(mouseactive && !iVisibleMouse && gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX && gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY)
		if ( !m_bMouseThread && m_bRawInput )
			SetCursorPos ( gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX(), gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY() );
		else if ( !m_bRawInput )
			bool lockEntered = MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter();

			int centerX = gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX();
			int centerY = gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY();

			SetCursorPos ( centerX, centerY );
			InterlockedExchange( &mouseThreadCenterX, centerX );
			InterlockedExchange( &mouseThreadCenterY, centerY );
			InterlockedExchange( &mouseThreadDeltaX, 0 );
			InterlockedExchange( &mouseThreadDeltaY, 0 );

			if(lockEntered) MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit();

void GoldSourceInput::IN_MouseEvent (int mstate)
	int i;

	if ( iMouseInUse || iVisibleMouse )

	// perform button actions
	for (i=0 ; i<mouse_buttons ; i++)
		if ( (mstate & (1<<i)) &&
			!(mouse_oldbuttonstate & (1<<i)) )
			gEngfuncs.Key_Event (K_MOUSE1 + i, 1);

		if ( !(mstate & (1<<i)) &&
			(mouse_oldbuttonstate & (1<<i)) )
			gEngfuncs.Key_Event (K_MOUSE1 + i, 0);

	mouse_oldbuttonstate = mstate;

// Purpose: Allows modulation of mouse scaling/senstivity value and application
//  of custom algorithms.
// Input :  *x -
//          *y -
void IN_ScaleMouse( float *x, float *y )
	float mx = *x;
	float my = *y;

	// This is the default sensitivity
	float mouse_senstivity = ( gHUD.GetSensitivity() != 0 ) ? gHUD.GetSensitivity() : sensitivity->value;

	// Using special accleration values
	if ( m_customaccel->value != 0 )
		float raw_mouse_movement_distance = sqrt( mx * mx + my * my );
		float acceleration_scale = m_customaccel_scale->value;
		float accelerated_sensitivity_max = m_customaccel_max->value;
		float accelerated_sensitivity_exponent = m_customaccel_exponent->value;
		float accelerated_sensitivity = ( (float)pow( raw_mouse_movement_distance, accelerated_sensitivity_exponent ) * acceleration_scale + mouse_senstivity );

		if ( accelerated_sensitivity_max > 0.0001f &&
			accelerated_sensitivity > accelerated_sensitivity_max )
			accelerated_sensitivity = accelerated_sensitivity_max;

		*x *= accelerated_sensitivity;
		*y *= accelerated_sensitivity;

		// Further re-scale by yaw and pitch magnitude if user requests alternate mode 2
		// This means that they will need to up their value for m_customaccel_scale greatly (>40x) since m_pitch/yaw default
		//  to 0.022
		if ( m_customaccel->value == 2 )
			*x *= m_yaw->value;
			*y *= m_pitch->value;
		// Just apply the default
		*x *= mouse_senstivity;
		*y *= mouse_senstivity;

void GoldSourceInput::IN_GetMouseDelta( int *pOutX, int *pOutY)
	bool active = mouseactive && !iVisibleMouse;
	int mx, my;

		int deltaX, deltaY;
#ifdef _WIN32
		if ( !m_bRawInput )
			if ( m_bMouseThread )
				// update mouseThreadSleep:
				InterlockedExchange(&mouseThreadSleep, (LONG)m_mousethread_sleep->value);

				bool lockEntered = MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter();

				current_pos.x = InterlockedExchange( &mouseThreadDeltaX, 0 );
				current_pos.y = InterlockedExchange( &mouseThreadDeltaY, 0 );

				if(lockEntered) MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit();
				GetCursorPos (&current_pos);
#ifdef USE_SDL2
			safe_pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState( &deltaX, &deltaY );
			current_pos.x = deltaX;
			current_pos.y = deltaY;
			GetCursorPos (&current_pos);
			deltaX = current_pos.x - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX();
			deltaY = current_pos.y - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY();

#ifdef _WIN32
		if ( !m_bRawInput )
			if ( m_bMouseThread )
				mx = current_pos.x;
				my = current_pos.y;
				mx = current_pos.x - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX() + mx_accum;
				my = current_pos.y - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY() + my_accum;
			mx = deltaX + mx_accum;
			my = deltaY + my_accum;

		mx_accum = 0;
		my_accum = 0;

		// reset mouse position if required, so there is room to move:
#ifdef _WIN32
		// do not reset if mousethread would do it:
		if ( m_bRawInput || !m_bMouseThread )

#ifdef _WIN32
		// update m_bRawInput occasionally:
		if ( gpGlobals && gpGlobals->time - s_flRawInputUpdateTime > 1.0f )
			s_flRawInputUpdateTime = gpGlobals->time;

			bool lockEntered = MouseThread_ActiveLock_Enter();

			m_bRawInput = CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "m_rawinput" ) != 0;

			if(m_bRawInput && !isMouseRelative)
#ifdef USE_SDL2
				isMouseRelative = true;
			else if(!m_bRawInput && isMouseRelative)
#ifdef USE_SDL2
				isMouseRelative = false;

			if(lockEntered) MouseThread_ActiveLock_Exit();
		mx = my = 0;

	if(pOutX) *pOutX = mx;
	if(pOutY) *pOutY = my;

void GoldSourceInput::IN_MouseMove ( float frametime, usercmd_t *cmd)
	int	 mx, my;
	vec3_t viewangles;

	if( gHUD.m_iIntermission )
		return; // we can't move during intermission

	if( CL_IsDead() )
		viewangles = dead_viewangles; // HACKHACK: see below
		gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( viewangles );

	if ( in_mlook.state & 1)
		V_StopPitchDrift ();

	//jjb - this disbles normal mouse control if the user is trying to
	//  move the camera, or if the mouse cursor is visible or if we're in intermission
	if ( !iMouseInUse && !gHUD.m_iIntermission && !iVisibleMouse )
		IN_GetMouseDelta( &mx, &my );

		if (m_filter && m_filter->value)
			mouse_x = (mx + old_mouse_x) * 0.5;
			mouse_y = (my + old_mouse_y) * 0.5;
			mouse_x = mx;
			mouse_y = my;

		old_mouse_x = mx;
		old_mouse_y = my;

		// Apply custom mouse scaling/acceleration
		IN_ScaleMouse( &mouse_x, &mouse_y );

		// add mouse X/Y movement to cmd
		if ( (in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe->value && (in_mlook.state & 1) ))
			cmd->sidemove += m_side->value * mouse_x;
			viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mouse_x;

		if ( (in_mlook.state & 1) && !(in_strafe.state & 1))
			viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch->value * mouse_y;
			if (viewangles[PITCH] > cl_pitchdown->value)
				viewangles[PITCH] = cl_pitchdown->value;
			if (viewangles[PITCH] < -cl_pitchup->value)
				viewangles[PITCH] = -cl_pitchup->value;
			if ((in_strafe.state & 1) && gEngfuncs.IsNoClipping() )
				cmd->upmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y;
				cmd->forwardmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y;

	// HACKHACK: change viewangles directly in viewcode,
	// so viewangles when player is dead will not be changed on server
	if( !CL_IsDead() )
		gEngfuncs.SetViewAngles( viewangles );

	dead_viewangles = viewangles; // keep them actual
//#define TRACE_TEST
#if defined( TRACE_TEST )
		int mx, my;
		void V_Move( int mx, int my );
		IN_GetMousePos( &mx, &my );
		V_Move( mx, my );

void GoldSourceInput::IN_Accumulate (void)
	//only accumulate mouse if we are not moving the camera with the mouse
	if ( !iMouseInUse && !iVisibleMouse)
		if (mouseactive)
#ifdef _WIN32
			if ( !m_bRawInput )
				if ( !m_bMouseThread )
					GetCursorPos (&current_pos);

					mx_accum += current_pos.x - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX();
					my_accum += current_pos.y - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY();
#ifdef USE_SDL2
				int deltaX, deltaY;
				safe_pfnSDL_GetRelativeMouseState( &deltaX, &deltaY );
				mx_accum += deltaX;
				my_accum += deltaY;
				GetCursorPos (&current_pos);

				mx_accum += current_pos.x - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX();
				my_accum += current_pos.y - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY();

			// force the mouse to the center, so there's room to move
#ifdef _WIN32
			// do not reset if mousethread would do it:
			if ( m_bRawInput || !m_bMouseThread )



void GoldSourceInput::IN_ClearStates (void)
	if ( !mouseactive )

	mx_accum = 0;
	my_accum = 0;
	mouse_oldbuttonstate = 0;

void IN_StartupJoystick (void)
	// abort startup if user requests no joystick
	if ( gEngfuncs.CheckParm ("-nojoy", NULL ) )

	// assume no joystick
	joy_avail = 0;
#ifdef USE_SDL2
	int nJoysticks = safe_pfnSDL_NumJoysticks();
	if ( nJoysticks > 0 )
		for ( int i = 0; i < nJoysticks; i++ )
			if ( safe_pfnSDL_IsGameController( i ) )
				s_pJoystick = safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerOpen( i );
				if ( s_pJoystick )
					//save the joystick's number of buttons and POV status
					joy_numbuttons = SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX;
					joy_haspov = 0;

					// old button and POV states default to no buttons pressed
					joy_oldbuttonstate = joy_oldpovstate = 0;

					// mark the joystick as available and advanced initialization not completed
					// this is needed as cvars are not available during initialization
					gEngfuncs.Con_Printf ("joystick found\n\n", safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerName(s_pJoystick));
					joy_avail = 1;
					joy_advancedinit = 0;
		gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf ("joystick not found -- driver not present\n\n");
#elif defined(_WIN32)
	int numdevs;
	// verify joystick driver is present
	if ((numdevs = joyGetNumDevs ()) == 0)
		gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf ("joystick not found -- driver not present\n\n");

	// cycle through the joystick ids for the first valid one
	for (joy_id=0 ; joy_id<numdevs ; joy_id++)
		memset (&ji, 0, sizeof(ji));
		ji.dwSize = sizeof(ji);

		if ((mmr = joyGetPosEx (joy_id, &ji)) == JOYERR_NOERROR)

	// abort startup if we didn't find a valid joystick
	if (mmr != JOYERR_NOERROR)
		gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf ("joystick not found -- no valid joysticks (%x)\n\n", mmr);

	// get the capabilities of the selected joystick
	// abort startup if command fails
	memset (&jc, 0, sizeof(jc));
	if ((mmr = joyGetDevCaps (joy_id, &jc, sizeof(jc))) != JOYERR_NOERROR)
		gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf ("joystick not found -- invalid joystick capabilities (%x)\n\n", mmr);

	// save the joystick's number of buttons and POV status
	joy_numbuttons = jc.wNumButtons;
	joy_haspov = jc.wCaps & JOYCAPS_HASPOV;

	// old button and POV states default to no buttons pressed
	joy_oldbuttonstate = joy_oldpovstate = 0;

	// mark the joystick as available and advanced initialization not completed
	// this is needed as cvars are not available during initialization
	gEngfuncs.Con_Printf ("joystick found\n\n", mmr);
	joy_avail = 1;
	joy_advancedinit = 0;
	gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf ("joystick not found -- implement joystick without SDL2\n\n");

#ifdef USE_SDL2
int RawValuePointer (int axis)
	switch (axis)
	case JOY_AXIS_X:
		return safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis( s_pJoystick, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX );
	case JOY_AXIS_Y:
		return safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis( s_pJoystick, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY );
	case JOY_AXIS_Z:
		return safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis( s_pJoystick, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX );
	case JOY_AXIS_R:
		return safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetAxis( s_pJoystick, SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY );

#elif defined(_WIN32)
PDWORD RawValuePointer (int axis)
	switch (axis)
	case JOY_AXIS_X:
		return &ji.dwXpos;
	case JOY_AXIS_Y:
		return &ji.dwYpos;
	case JOY_AXIS_Z:
		return &ji.dwZpos;
	case JOY_AXIS_R:
		return &ji.dwRpos;
	case JOY_AXIS_U:
		return &ji.dwUpos;
	case JOY_AXIS_V:
		return &ji.dwVpos;
	// FIX: need to do some kind of error
	return &ji.dwXpos;

void Joy_AdvancedUpdate_f (void)

	// called once by IN_ReadJoystick and by user whenever an update is needed
	// cvars are now available
	int i;
	DWORD dwTemp;

	// initialize all the maps
	for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++)
		dwAxisMap[i] = AxisNada;
		dwControlMap[i] = JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS;
		pdwRawValue[i] = RawValuePointer(i);

	if( joy_advanced->value == 0.0)
		// default joystick initialization
		// 2 axes only with joystick control
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_X] = AxisTurn;
		// dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_X] = JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_Y] = AxisForward;
		// dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_Y] = JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS;
		if ( strcmp ( joy_name->string, "joystick") != 0 )
			// notify user of advanced controller
			gEngfuncs.Con_Printf ("\n%s configured\n\n", joy_name->string);

		// advanced initialization here
		// data supplied by user via joy_axisn cvars
		dwTemp = (DWORD) joy_advaxisx->value;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_X] = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
		dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_X] = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
		dwTemp = (DWORD) joy_advaxisy->value;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_Y] = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
		dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_Y] = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
		dwTemp = (DWORD) joy_advaxisz->value;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_Z] = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
		dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_Z] = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
		dwTemp = (DWORD) joy_advaxisr->value;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_R] = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
		dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_R] = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
		dwTemp = (DWORD) joy_advaxisu->value;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_U] = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
		dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_U] = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;
		dwTemp = (DWORD) joy_advaxisv->value;
		dwAxisMap[JOY_AXIS_V] = dwTemp & 0x0000000f;
		dwControlMap[JOY_AXIS_V] = dwTemp & JOY_RELATIVE_AXIS;

#if !defined(USE_SDL2) && defined(_WIN32)
	// compute the axes to collect from DirectInput
	for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++)
		if (dwAxisMap[i] != AxisNada)
			joy_flags |= dwAxisFlags[i];

void GoldSourceInput::IN_Commands (void)
	int	 i, key_index;

	if (!joy_avail)

	DWORD   buttonstate, povstate;

	// loop through the joystick buttons
	// key a joystick event or auxillary event for higher number buttons for each state change
#ifdef USE_SDL2
	buttonstate = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_MAX; i++ )
		if ( safe_pfnSDL_GameControllerGetButton( s_pJoystick, (SDL_GameControllerButton)i ) )
			buttonstate |= 1<<i;

	for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++)
		pdwRawValue[i] = RawValuePointer(i);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
	buttonstate = ji.dwButtons;

	for (i=0 ; i < (int)joy_numbuttons ; i++)
		if ( (buttonstate & (1<<i)) && !(joy_oldbuttonstate & (1<<i)) )
			key_index = (i < 4) ? K_JOY1 : K_AUX1;
			gEngfuncs.Key_Event (key_index + i, 1);

		if ( !(buttonstate & (1<<i)) && (joy_oldbuttonstate & (1<<i)) )
			key_index = (i < 4) ? K_JOY1 : K_AUX1;
			gEngfuncs.Key_Event (key_index + i, 0);
	joy_oldbuttonstate = buttonstate;

	if (joy_haspov)
		// convert POV information into 4 bits of state information
		// this avoids any potential problems related to moving from one
		// direction to another without going through the center position
		povstate = 0;
#if !defined(USE_SDL2) && defined(_WIN32)
			if (ji.dwPOV == JOY_POVFORWARD)
				povstate |= 0x01;
			if (ji.dwPOV == JOY_POVRIGHT)
				povstate |= 0x02;
			if (ji.dwPOV == JOY_POVBACKWARD)
				povstate |= 0x04;
			if (ji.dwPOV == JOY_POVLEFT)
				povstate |= 0x08;
		// determine which bits have changed and key an auxillary event for each change
		for (i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
			if ( (povstate & (1<<i)) && !(joy_oldpovstate & (1<<i)) )
				gEngfuncs.Key_Event (K_AUX29 + i, 1);

			if ( !(povstate & (1<<i)) && (joy_oldpovstate & (1<<i)) )
				gEngfuncs.Key_Event (K_AUX29 + i, 0);
		joy_oldpovstate = povstate;

int IN_ReadJoystick (void)
#ifdef USE_SDL2
	return 1;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
	memset (&ji, 0, sizeof(ji));
	ji.dwSize = sizeof(ji);
	ji.dwFlags = joy_flags;

	if (joyGetPosEx (joy_id, &ji) == JOYERR_NOERROR)
		// this is a hack -- there is a bug in the Logitech WingMan Warrior DirectInput Driver
		// rather than having 32768 be the zero point, they have the zero point at 32668
		// go figure -- anyway, now we get the full resolution out of the device
		if (joy_wwhack1->value != 0.0)
			ji.dwUpos += 100;
		return 1;
		// read error occurred
		// turning off the joystick seems too harsh for 1 read error,\
		// but what should be done?
		// Con_Printf ("IN_ReadJoystick: no response\n");
		// joy_avail = 0;
		return 0;
	return 0;

void IN_JoyMove ( float frametime, usercmd_t *cmd )
	float   speed, aspeed;
	float   fAxisValue, fTemp;
	int	 i;
	vec3_t viewangles;

	gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );

	// complete initialization if first time in
	// this is needed as cvars are not available at initialization time
	if( joy_advancedinit != 1 )
		joy_advancedinit = 1;

	// verify joystick is available and that the user wants to use it
	if (!joy_avail || !in_joystick->value)

	// collect the joystick data, if possible
	if (IN_ReadJoystick () != 1)

	if (in_speed.state & 1)
		speed = cl_movespeedkey->value;
		speed = 1;

	aspeed = speed * frametime;

	// loop through the axes
	for (i = 0; i < JOY_MAX_AXES; i++)
		// get the floating point zero-centered, potentially-inverted data for the current axis
#ifdef USE_SDL2
		fAxisValue = (float)pdwRawValue[i];
#elif defined(_WIN32)
		fAxisValue = (float) *pdwRawValue[i];
		fAxisValue -= 32768.0;

		if (joy_wwhack2->value != 0.0)
			if (dwAxisMap[i] == AxisTurn)
				// this is a special formula for the Logitech WingMan Warrior
				// y=ax^b; where a = 300 and b = 1.3
				// also x values are in increments of 800 (so this is factored out)
				// then bounds check result to level out excessively high spin rates
				fTemp = 300.0 * pow(fabs(fAxisValue) / 800.0, 1.3);
				if (fTemp > 14000.0)
					fTemp = 14000.0;
				// restore direction information
				fAxisValue = (fAxisValue > 0.0) ? fTemp : -fTemp;

		// convert range from -32768..32767 to -1..1
		fAxisValue /= 32768.0;

		switch (dwAxisMap[i])
		case AxisForward:
			if ((joy_advanced->value == 0.0) && (in_jlook.state & 1))
				// user wants forward control to become look control
				if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_pitchthreshold->value)
					// if mouse invert is on, invert the joystick pitch value
					// only absolute control support here (joy_advanced is 0)
					if (m_pitch->value < 0.0)
						viewangles[PITCH] -= (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity->value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed->value;
						viewangles[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity->value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed->value;
					// no pitch movement
					// disable pitch return-to-center unless requested by user
					// *** this code can be removed when the lookspring bug is fixed
					// *** the bug always has the lookspring feature on
					if(lookspring->value == 0.0)
				// user wants forward control to be forward control
				if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_forwardthreshold->value)
					cmd->forwardmove += (fAxisValue * joy_forwardsensitivity->value) * speed * cl_forwardspeed->value;

		case AxisSide:
			if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_sidethreshold->value)
				cmd->sidemove += (fAxisValue * joy_sidesensitivity->value) * speed * cl_sidespeed->value;

		case AxisTurn:
			if ((in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe->value && (in_jlook.state & 1)))
				// user wants turn control to become side control
				if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_sidethreshold->value)
					cmd->sidemove -= (fAxisValue * joy_sidesensitivity->value) * speed * cl_sidespeed->value;
				// user wants turn control to be turn control
				if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_yawthreshold->value)
					if(dwControlMap[i] == JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS)
						viewangles[YAW] += (fAxisValue * joy_yawsensitivity->value) * aspeed * cl_yawspeed->value;
						viewangles[YAW] += (fAxisValue * joy_yawsensitivity->value) * speed * 180.0;


		case AxisLook:
			if (in_jlook.state & 1)
				if (fabs(fAxisValue) > joy_pitchthreshold->value)
					// pitch movement detected and pitch movement desired by user
					if(dwControlMap[i] == JOY_ABSOLUTE_AXIS)
						viewangles[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity->value) * aspeed * cl_pitchspeed->value;
						viewangles[PITCH] += (fAxisValue * joy_pitchsensitivity->value) * speed * 180.0;
					// no pitch movement
					// disable pitch return-to-center unless requested by user
					// *** this code can be removed when the lookspring bug is fixed
					// *** the bug always has the lookspring feature on
					if( lookspring->value == 0.0 )


	// bounds check pitch
	if (viewangles[PITCH] > cl_pitchdown->value)
		viewangles[PITCH] = cl_pitchdown->value;
	if (viewangles[PITCH] < -cl_pitchup->value)
		viewangles[PITCH] = -cl_pitchup->value;

	gEngfuncs.SetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );

void GoldSourceInput::IN_Move ( float frametime, usercmd_t *cmd)
	if ( !iMouseInUse && mouseactive )
		IN_MouseMove ( frametime, cmd);

	IN_JoyMove ( frametime, cmd);

void GoldSourceInput::IN_Init (void)
	m_filter				= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "m_filter","0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
	sensitivity			 = gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "sensitivity","3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // user mouse sensitivity setting.

	in_joystick			 = gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joystick","0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
	joy_name				= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyname", "joystick", 0 );
	joy_advanced			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvanced", "0", 0 );
	joy_advaxisx			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvaxisx", "0", 0 );
	joy_advaxisy			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvaxisy", "0", 0 );
	joy_advaxisz			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvaxisz", "0", 0 );
	joy_advaxisr			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvaxisr", "0", 0 );
	joy_advaxisu			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvaxisu", "0", 0 );
	joy_advaxisv			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyadvaxisv", "0", 0 );
	joy_forwardthreshold	= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyforwardthreshold", "0.15", 0 );
	joy_sidethreshold		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joysidethreshold", "0.15", 0 );
	joy_pitchthreshold		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joypitchthreshold", "0.15", 0 );
	joy_yawthreshold		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyyawthreshold", "0.15", 0 );
	joy_forwardsensitivity	= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyforwardsensitivity", "-1.0", 0 );
	joy_sidesensitivity		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joysidesensitivity", "-1.0", 0 );
	joy_pitchsensitivity	= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joypitchsensitivity", "1.0", 0 );
	joy_yawsensitivity		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joyyawsensitivity", "-1.0", 0 );
	joy_wwhack1				= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joywwhack1", "0.0", 0 );
	joy_wwhack2				= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "joywwhack2", "0.0", 0 );

	m_customaccel			= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "m_customaccel", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
	m_customaccel_scale		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "m_customaccel_scale", "0.04", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
	m_customaccel_max		= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "m_customaccel_max", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
	m_customaccel_exponent	= gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "m_customaccel_exponent", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );

#ifdef _WIN32
	m_bRawInput			 = CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "m_rawinput" ) != 0;
	m_bMouseThread		  = gEngfuncs.CheckParm ("-mousethread", NULL ) != NULL;
	m_mousethread_sleep	 = gEngfuncs.pfnRegisterVariable ( "m_mousethread_sleep", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); // default to less than 1000 Hz

	m_bMouseThread = m_bMouseThread && NULL != m_mousethread_sleep;

	if (m_bMouseThread)
		// init mouseThreadSleep:
#if 0 // _beginthreadex is not defined on VS 6?
		InterlockedExchange(&mouseThreadSleep, (LONG)m_mousethread_sleep->value);

		s_hMouseQuitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
		s_hMouseThreadActiveLock = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL );
		if ( s_hMouseQuitEvent && s_hMouseThreadActiveLock)
			s_hMouseThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, MouseThread_Function, NULL, 0, &s_hMouseThreadId );

		m_bMouseThread = NULL != s_hMouseThread;
		m_bMouseThread = 0;

		// at this early stage this won't print anything:
		// gEngfuncs.Con_DPrintf ("Mouse thread %s.\n", m_bMouseThread ? "initalized" : "failed to initalize");

#ifdef USE_SDL2
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define SDL2_FULL_LIBNAME "libsdl2-2.0.0.dylib"
#define SDL2_FULL_LIBNAME "libSDL2-2.0.so.0"
	if (sdl2Lib) {
		for (int j=0; j<ARRAYSIZE(sdlFunctions); ++j) {
			*(sdlFunctions[j].ppfnFunc) = dlsym(sdl2Lib, sdlFunctions[j].name);
			if (*sdlFunctions[j].ppfnFunc == NULL) {
				gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Could not load SDL2 function %s: %s\n", sdlFunctions[j].name, dlerror());
	} else {
		gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Could not load SDL2: %s\n", dlerror());
	gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("force_centerview", Force_CenterView_f);
	gEngfuncs.pfnAddCommand ("joyadvancedupdate", Joy_AdvancedUpdate_f);

	IN_StartupMouse ();
	IN_StartupJoystick ();
