*	Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
*	This product contains software technology licensed from Id 
*	Software, Inc. ("Id Technology").  Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. 
*	All Rights Reserved.
*   This source code contains proprietary and confidential information of
*   Valve LLC and its suppliers.  Access to this code is restricted to
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#pragma once
#if !defined(BASEMONSTER_H)

// generic Monster
class CBaseMonster : public CBaseToggle
	int m_afConditions;

	typedef enum
		SCRIPT_PLAYING = 0,		// Playing the sequence
		SCRIPT_WAIT,				// Waiting on everyone in the script to be ready
		SCRIPT_CLEANUP,					// Cancelling the script / cleaning up

	// these fields have been added in the process of reworking the state machine. (sjb)
	EHANDLE m_hEnemy;		 // the entity that the monster is fighting.
	EHANDLE m_hTargetEnt;	 // the entity that the monster is trying to reach
	Vector m_vecOldEnemy[MAX_OLD_ENEMIES];

	float m_flFieldOfView;// width of monster's field of view ( dot product )
	float m_flWaitFinished;// if we're told to wait, this is the time that the wait will be over.
	float m_flMoveWaitFinished;

	Activity m_Activity;// what the monster is doing (animation)
	Activity m_IdealActivity;// monster should switch to this activity

	int m_LastHitGroup; // the last body region that took damage

	MONSTERSTATE m_MonsterState;// monster's current state
	MONSTERSTATE m_IdealMonsterState;// monster should change to this state

	int m_iTaskStatus;
	Schedule_t *m_pSchedule;
	int m_iScheduleIndex;

	WayPoint_t m_Route[ROUTE_SIZE];	// Positions of movement
	int m_movementGoal;			// Goal that defines route
	int m_iRouteIndex;			// index into m_Route[]
	float m_moveWaitTime;			// How long I should wait for something to move

	Vector m_vecMoveGoal; // kept around for node graph moves, so we know our ultimate goal
	Activity m_movementActivity;	// When moving, set this activity

	int m_iAudibleList; // first index of a linked list of sounds that the monster can hear.
	int m_afSoundTypes;

	Vector m_vecLastPosition;// monster sometimes wants to return to where it started after an operation.

	int m_iHintNode; // this is the hint node that the monster is moving towards or performing active idle on.

	int m_afMemory;

	int m_iMaxHealth;// keeps track of monster's maximum health value (for re-healing, etc)

	Vector m_vecEnemyLKP;// last known position of enemy. (enemy's origin)

	int m_cAmmoLoaded;		// how much ammo is in the weapon (used to trigger reload anim sequences)

	int m_afCapability;// tells us what a monster can/can't do.

	float m_flNextAttack;		// cannot attack again until this time

	int m_bitsDamageType;	// what types of damage has monster (player) taken
	BYTE m_rgbTimeBasedDamage[CDMG_TIMEBASED];

	int m_lastDamageAmount;// how much damage did monster (player) last take
										// time based damage counters, decr. 1 per 2 seconds
	int m_bloodColor;		// color of blood particless

	int m_failSchedule;				// Schedule type to choose if current schedule fails

	float m_flHungryTime;// set this is a future time to stop the monster from eating for a while. 

	float m_flDistTooFar;	// if enemy farther away than this, bits_COND_ENEMY_TOOFAR set in CheckEnemy
	float m_flDistLook;	// distance monster sees (Default 2048)

	int m_iTriggerCondition;// for scripted AI, this is the condition that will cause the activation of the monster's TriggerTarget
	string_t m_iszTriggerTarget;// name of target that should be fired. 

	Vector m_HackedGunPos;	// HACK until we can query end of gun

	// Scripted sequence Info
	SCRIPTSTATE m_scriptState;		// internal cinematic state
	CCineMonster *m_pCine;

	virtual int Save( CSave &save ); 
	virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore );
	static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[];

	void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd );

	// monster use function
	void EXPORT MonsterUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
	void EXPORT CorpseUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );

	// overrideable Monster member functions
	virtual int BloodColor( void ) { return m_bloodColor; }

	virtual CBaseMonster *MyMonsterPointer( void ) { return this; }
	virtual void Look( int iDistance );// basic sight function for monsters
	virtual void RunAI( void );// core ai function!	
	void Listen( void );

	virtual BOOL IsAlive( void ) { return ( pev->deadflag != DEAD_DEAD ); }
	virtual BOOL ShouldFadeOnDeath( void );

	// Basic Monster AI functions
	virtual float ChangeYaw( int speed );
	float VecToYaw( Vector vecDir );
	float FlYawDiff( void ); 

	float DamageForce( float damage );

	// stuff written for new state machine
	virtual void MonsterThink( void );
	void EXPORT CallMonsterThink( void ) { this->MonsterThink(); }
	virtual int IRelationship( CBaseEntity *pTarget );
	virtual void MonsterInit( void );
	virtual void MonsterInitDead( void );	// Call after animation/pose is set up
	virtual void BecomeDead( void );
	void EXPORT CorpseFallThink( void );

	void EXPORT MonsterInitThink( void );
	virtual void StartMonster( void );
	virtual CBaseEntity *BestVisibleEnemy( void );// finds best visible enemy for attack
	virtual BOOL FInViewCone( CBaseEntity *pEntity );// see if pEntity is in monster's view cone
	virtual BOOL FInViewCone( Vector *pOrigin );// see if given location is in monster's view cone
	virtual void HandleAnimEvent( MonsterEvent_t *pEvent );

	virtual int CheckLocalMove ( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecEnd, CBaseEntity *pTarget, float *pflDist );// check validity of a straight move through space
	virtual void Move( float flInterval = 0.1 );
	virtual void MoveExecute( CBaseEntity *pTargetEnt, const Vector &vecDir, float flInterval );
	virtual BOOL ShouldAdvanceRoute( float flWaypointDist );

	virtual Activity GetStoppedActivity( void ) { return ACT_IDLE; }
	virtual void Stop( void ) { m_IdealActivity = GetStoppedActivity(); }

	// This will stop animation until you call ResetSequenceInfo() at some point in the future
	inline void StopAnimation( void ) { pev->framerate = 0; }

	// these functions will survey conditions and set appropriate conditions bits for attack types.
	virtual BOOL CheckRangeAttack1( float flDot, float flDist );
	virtual BOOL CheckRangeAttack2( float flDot, float flDist );
	virtual BOOL CheckMeleeAttack1( float flDot, float flDist );
	virtual BOOL CheckMeleeAttack2( float flDot, float flDist );

	BOOL FHaveSchedule( void );
	BOOL FScheduleValid( void );
	void ClearSchedule( void );
	BOOL FScheduleDone( void );
	void ChangeSchedule( Schedule_t *pNewSchedule );
	void NextScheduledTask( void );
	Schedule_t *ScheduleInList( const char *pName, Schedule_t **pList, int listCount );

	virtual Schedule_t *ScheduleFromName( const char *pName );
	static Schedule_t *m_scheduleList[];

	void MaintainSchedule( void );
	virtual void StartTask( Task_t *pTask );
	virtual void RunTask( Task_t *pTask );
	virtual Schedule_t *GetScheduleOfType( int Type );
	virtual Schedule_t *GetSchedule( void );
	virtual void ScheduleChange( void ) {}
	// virtual int CanPlaySequence( void ) { return ((m_pCine == NULL) && (m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_NONE || m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_IDLE || m_IdealMonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_IDLE)); }
	virtual int CanPlaySequence( BOOL fDisregardState, int interruptLevel );
	virtual int CanPlaySentence( BOOL fDisregardState ) { return IsAlive(); }
	virtual void PlaySentence( const char *pszSentence, float duration, float volume, float attenuation );
	virtual void PlayScriptedSentence( const char *pszSentence, float duration, float volume, float attenuation, BOOL bConcurrent, CBaseEntity *pListener );

	virtual void SentenceStop( void );

	Task_t *GetTask( void );
	virtual MONSTERSTATE GetIdealState( void );
	virtual void SetActivity( Activity NewActivity );
	void SetSequenceByName( const char *szSequence );
	void SetState( MONSTERSTATE State );
	virtual void ReportAIState( void );

	void CheckAttacks( CBaseEntity *pTarget, float flDist );
	virtual int CheckEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy );
	void PushEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy, Vector &vecLastKnownPos );
	BOOL PopEnemy( void );

	BOOL FGetNodeRoute( Vector vecDest );
	inline void TaskComplete( void ) { if ( !HasConditions( bits_COND_TASK_FAILED ) ) m_iTaskStatus = TASKSTATUS_COMPLETE; }
	void MovementComplete( void );
	inline void TaskFail( void ) { SetConditions( bits_COND_TASK_FAILED ); }
	inline void TaskBegin( void ) { m_iTaskStatus = TASKSTATUS_RUNNING; }
	int TaskIsRunning( void );
	inline int TaskIsComplete( void ) { return ( m_iTaskStatus == TASKSTATUS_COMPLETE ); }
	inline int MovementIsComplete( void ) { return ( m_movementGoal == MOVEGOAL_NONE ); }

	int IScheduleFlags( void );
	BOOL FRefreshRoute( void );
	BOOL FRouteClear( void );
	void RouteSimplify( CBaseEntity *pTargetEnt );
	void AdvanceRoute( float distance );
	virtual BOOL FTriangulate( const Vector &vecStart , const Vector &vecEnd, float flDist, CBaseEntity *pTargetEnt, Vector *pApex );
	void MakeIdealYaw( Vector vecTarget );
	virtual void SetYawSpeed( void ) { return; };// allows different yaw_speeds for each activity
	BOOL BuildRoute( const Vector &vecGoal, int iMoveFlag, CBaseEntity *pTarget );
	virtual BOOL BuildNearestRoute( Vector vecThreat, Vector vecViewOffset, float flMinDist, float flMaxDist );
	int RouteClassify( int iMoveFlag );
	void InsertWaypoint( Vector vecLocation, int afMoveFlags );

	BOOL FindLateralCover( const Vector &vecThreat, const Vector &vecViewOffset );
	virtual BOOL FindCover( Vector vecThreat, Vector vecViewOffset, float flMinDist, float flMaxDist );
	virtual BOOL FValidateCover( const Vector &vecCoverLocation ) { return TRUE; };
	virtual float CoverRadius( void ) { return 784; } // Default cover radius

	virtual BOOL FCanCheckAttacks( void );
	virtual void CheckAmmo( void ) { return; };
	virtual int IgnoreConditions( void );

	inline void SetConditions( int iConditions ) { m_afConditions |= iConditions; }
	inline void ClearConditions( int iConditions ) { m_afConditions &= ~iConditions; }
	inline BOOL HasConditions( int iConditions ) { if ( m_afConditions & iConditions ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
	inline BOOL HasAllConditions( int iConditions ) { if ( (m_afConditions & iConditions) == iConditions ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }

	virtual BOOL FValidateHintType( short sHint );
	int FindHintNode( void );
	virtual BOOL FCanActiveIdle( void );
	void SetTurnActivity( void );
	float FLSoundVolume( CSound *pSound );

	BOOL MoveToNode( Activity movementAct, float waitTime, const Vector &goal );
	BOOL MoveToTarget( Activity movementAct, float waitTime );
	BOOL MoveToLocation( Activity movementAct, float waitTime, const Vector &goal );
	BOOL MoveToEnemy( Activity movementAct, float waitTime );

	// Returns the time when the door will be open
	float OpenDoorAndWait( entvars_t *pevDoor );

	virtual int ISoundMask( void );
	virtual CSound* PBestSound( void );
	virtual CSound* PBestScent( void );
	virtual float HearingSensitivity( void ) { return 1.0; };

	BOOL FBecomeProne( void );
	virtual void BarnacleVictimBitten( entvars_t *pevBarnacle );
	virtual void BarnacleVictimReleased( void );

	void SetEyePosition( void );

	BOOL FShouldEat( void );// see if a monster is 'hungry'
	void Eat( float flFullDuration );// make the monster 'full' for a while.

	CBaseEntity *CheckTraceHullAttack( float flDist, int iDamage, int iDmgType );
	BOOL FacingIdeal( void );

	BOOL FCheckAITrigger( void );// checks and, if necessary, fires the monster's trigger target. 
	BOOL NoFriendlyFire( void );

	BOOL BBoxFlat( void );

	// PrescheduleThink 
	virtual void PrescheduleThink( void ) { return; };

	BOOL GetEnemy( void );
	void MakeDamageBloodDecal( int cCount, float flNoise, TraceResult *ptr, const Vector &vecDir );
	void TraceAttack( entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType);

	// combat functions
	float UpdateTarget( entvars_t *pevTarget );
	virtual Activity GetDeathActivity( void );
	Activity GetSmallFlinchActivity( void );
	virtual void Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib );
	virtual void GibMonster( void );
	BOOL ShouldGibMonster( int iGib );
	void CallGibMonster( void );
	virtual BOOL HasHumanGibs( void );
	virtual BOOL HasAlienGibs( void );
	virtual void FadeMonster( void );	// Called instead of GibMonster() when gibs are disabled

	Vector ShootAtEnemy( const Vector &shootOrigin );
	virtual Vector BodyTarget( const Vector &posSrc ) { return Center() * 0.75 + EyePosition() * 0.25; };		// position to shoot at

	virtual	Vector GetGunPosition( void );

	virtual int TakeHealth( float flHealth, int bitsDamageType );
	virtual int TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType);
	int DeadTakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType );

	void RadiusDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType );
	void RadiusDamage( Vector vecSrc, entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType );
	virtual int IsMoving( void ) { return m_movementGoal != MOVEGOAL_NONE; }

	void RouteClear( void );
	void RouteNew( void );

	virtual void DeathSound( void ) { return; };
	virtual void AlertSound( void ) { return; };
	virtual void IdleSound( void ) { return; };
	virtual void PainSound( void ) { return; };

	virtual void StopFollowing( BOOL clearSchedule ) {}

	inline void Remember( int iMemory ) { m_afMemory |= iMemory; }
	inline void Forget( int iMemory ) { m_afMemory &= ~iMemory; }
	inline BOOL HasMemory( int iMemory ) { if ( m_afMemory & iMemory ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
	inline BOOL HasAllMemories( int iMemory ) { if ( (m_afMemory & iMemory) == iMemory ) return TRUE; return FALSE; }

	BOOL ExitScriptedSequence();
	BOOL CineCleanup();

	CBaseEntity* DropItem( const char *pszItemName, const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecAng );// drop an item.

	float m_flLastYawTime;