// --------------------------------------------------------------- // BubbleMod // // AUTHOR // Tyler Lund // // LICENSE // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for // any purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it // in any way, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of // use of this software, no matter how awful, even if they // arise from defects in it. // 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, // either by explicit claim or by omission. // 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and // must not be misrepresented (by explicit claim or // omission) as being the original software. // 3a. It would be nice if I got a copy of your improved // version sent to halflife@bubblemod.org. // 4. This notice must not be removed or altered. // // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Global BubbleMod Constants #ifndef BMOD_CONSTANTS_H #define BMOD_CONSTANTS_H // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Branch customizations // Information in the next three constants will be used for servers // running your mod on the BubbleWatch pages on bubblemod.org. Fill // these in with the information you would like to appear on that page. // // If you do NOT want servers running your branch to appear on the // BubbleWatch page, simply set BMOD_VERSION below to "", or run your // server with no master server reporting. // Fill this in with the title of your bubblemod branch #define BMOD_BRANCH_NAME "Custom Bubblemod" // The version of your branch #define BMOD_BRANCH_VERSION "1.0.0" // The URL of the website describing your branch #define BMOD_BRANCH_URL "http://www.bubblemod.org" // End branch customizations // --------------------------------------------------------------- #define BMOD_VERSION "2.2.3a" #ifdef _WIN32 #define BMOD_PLATFORM "WIN32" #else #define BMOD_PLATFORM "Linux" #endif #endif