#ifndef BOT_EXPORTS_H #define BOT_EXPORTS_H #ifndef SKIP_BOT_EXPORTS void InstallBotControl(); void Bot_ServerCommand(); void Bot_RegisterCvars(); #include "bot_gameevents.h" class CBotManager { public: CBotManager(); virtual ~CBotManager(){} virtual void ClientDisconnect(CBasePlayer *pPlayer) = 0; virtual BOOL ClientCommand(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *pcmd) = 0; virtual void ServerActivate() = 0; virtual void ServerDeactivate() = 0; virtual void ServerCommand(const char *pcmd) = 0; virtual void AddServerCommand(const char *cmd) = 0; virtual void AddServerCommands() = 0; virtual void RestartRound(); virtual void StartFrame(); // Events are propogated to all bots. virtual void OnEvent(GameEventType event, CBaseEntity *entity = NULL, CBaseEntity *other = NULL); // Invoked when event occurs in the game (some events have NULL entity). virtual unsigned int GetPlayerPriority(CBasePlayer *player) const = 0; // return priority of player (0 = max pri) public: const char *GetNavMapFilename() const; // return the filename for this map's "nav" file void AddGrenade(int type, CBaseEntity *grenade); // add an active grenade to the bot's awareness void RemoveGrenade(CBaseEntity *grenade); // the grenade entity in the world is going away void ValidateActiveGrenades(); // destroy any invalid active grenades void DestroyAllGrenades(); bool IsLineBlockedBySmoke(const Vector *from, const Vector *to); // return true if line intersects smoke volume bool IsInsideSmokeCloud(const Vector *pos); // return true if position is inside a smoke cloud private: // the list of active grenades the bots are aware of // ActiveGrenadeList m_activeGrenadeList; }; extern CBotManager *TheBots; #endif #endif