/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This source code contains proprietary and confidential information of * Valve LLC and its suppliers. Access to this code is restricted to * persons who have executed a written SDK license with Valve. Any access, * use or distribution of this code by or to any unlicensed person is illegal. * ****/ #ifndef OEM_BUILD //========================================================= // Gargantua //========================================================= #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "monsters.h" #include "schedule.h" #include "customentity.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "effects.h" #include "soundent.h" #include "decals.h" #include "explode.h" #include "func_break.h" #include "scripted.h" //========================================================= // Gargantua Monster //========================================================= const float GARG_ATTACKDIST = 80.0; // Garg animation events #define GARG_AE_SLASH_LEFT 1 //#define GARG_AE_BEAM_ATTACK_RIGHT 2 // No longer used #define GARG_AE_LEFT_FOOT 3 #define GARG_AE_RIGHT_FOOT 4 #define GARG_AE_STOMP 5 #define GARG_AE_BREATHE 6 #define STOMP_FRAMETIME 0.015 // gpGlobals->frametime // Gargantua is immune to any damage but this #define GARG_DAMAGE (DMG_ENERGYBEAM|DMG_CRUSH|DMG_MORTAR|DMG_BLAST) #define GARG_EYE_SPRITE_NAME "sprites/gargeye1.spr" #define GARG_BEAM_SPRITE_NAME "sprites/xbeam3.spr" #define GARG_BEAM_SPRITE2 "sprites/xbeam3.spr" #define GARG_STOMP_SPRITE_NAME "sprites/gargeye1.spr" #define GARG_STOMP_BUZZ_SOUND "weapons/mine_charge.wav" #define GARG_FLAME_LENGTH 330 #define GARG_GIB_MODEL "models/metalplategibs.mdl" #define ATTN_GARG (ATTN_NORM) #define STOMP_SPRITE_COUNT 10 int gStompSprite = 0, gGargGibModel = 0; void SpawnExplosion( Vector center, float randomRange, float time, int magnitude ); class CSmoker; // Spiral Effect class CSpiral : public CBaseEntity { public: void Spawn( void ); void Think( void ); int ObjectCaps( void ) { return FCAP_DONT_SAVE; } static CSpiral *Create( const Vector &origin, float height, float radius, float duration ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( streak_spiral, CSpiral ) class CStomp : public CBaseEntity { public: void Spawn( void ); void Think( void ); static CStomp *StompCreate( const Vector &origin, const Vector &end, float speed ); private: // UNDONE: re-use this sprite list instead of creating new ones all the time // CSprite *m_pSprites[STOMP_SPRITE_COUNT]; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( garg_stomp, CStomp ) CStomp *CStomp::StompCreate( const Vector &origin, const Vector &end, float speed ) { CStomp *pStomp = GetClassPtr( (CStomp *)NULL ); pStomp->pev->origin = origin; Vector dir = end - origin; pStomp->pev->scale = dir.Length(); pStomp->pev->movedir = dir.Normalize(); pStomp->pev->speed = speed; pStomp->Spawn(); return pStomp; } void CStomp::Spawn( void ) { SetNextThink( 0 ); pev->classname = MAKE_STRING( "garg_stomp" ); pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time; pev->framerate = 30; pev->model = MAKE_STRING( GARG_STOMP_SPRITE_NAME ); pev->rendermode = kRenderTransTexture; pev->renderamt = 0; EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_BODY, GARG_STOMP_BUZZ_SOUND, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM * 0.55 ); } #define STOMP_INTERVAL 0.025 void CStomp::Think( void ) { TraceResult tr; SetNextThink( 0.1 ); // Do damage for this frame Vector vecStart = pev->origin; vecStart.z += 30; Vector vecEnd = vecStart + ( pev->movedir * pev->speed * STOMP_FRAMETIME ); UTIL_TraceHull( vecStart, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, ENT(pev), &tr ); if( tr.pHit && tr.pHit != pev->owner ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( tr.pHit ); entvars_t *pevOwner = pev; if( pev->owner ) pevOwner = VARS( pev->owner ); if( pEntity ) pEntity->TakeDamage( pev, pevOwner, gSkillData.gargantuaDmgStomp, DMG_SONIC ); } // Accelerate the effect pev->speed = pev->speed + ( STOMP_FRAMETIME ) * pev->framerate; pev->framerate = pev->framerate + ( STOMP_FRAMETIME ) * 1500; // Move and spawn trails while( gpGlobals->time - pev->dmgtime > STOMP_INTERVAL ) { pev->origin = pev->origin + pev->movedir * pev->speed * STOMP_INTERVAL; for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { CSprite *pSprite = CSprite::SpriteCreate( GARG_STOMP_SPRITE_NAME, pev->origin, TRUE ); if( pSprite ) { UTIL_TraceLine( pev->origin, pev->origin - Vector( 0, 0, 500 ), ignore_monsters, edict(), &tr ); pSprite->pev->origin = tr.vecEndPos; pSprite->pev->velocity = Vector( RANDOM_FLOAT( -200, 200 ), RANDOM_FLOAT( -200, 200 ), 175 ); // pSprite->AnimateAndDie( RANDOM_FLOAT( 8.0, 12.0 ) ); pSprite->SetNextThink( 0.3 ); pSprite->SetThink(&CSprite:: SUB_Remove ); pSprite->SetTransparency( kRenderTransAdd, 255, 255, 255, 255, kRenderFxFadeFast ); } } pev->dmgtime += STOMP_INTERVAL; // Scale has the "life" of this effect pev->scale -= STOMP_INTERVAL * pev->speed; if( pev->scale <= 0 ) { // Life has run out UTIL_Remove( this ); STOP_SOUND( edict(), CHAN_BODY, GARG_STOMP_BUZZ_SOUND ); } } } void StreakSplash( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int count, int speed, int velocityRange ) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_STREAK_SPLASH ); WRITE_COORD( origin.x ); // origin WRITE_COORD( origin.y ); WRITE_COORD( origin.z ); WRITE_COORD( direction.x ); // direction WRITE_COORD( direction.y ); WRITE_COORD( direction.z ); WRITE_BYTE( color ); // Streak color 6 WRITE_SHORT( count ); // count WRITE_SHORT( speed ); WRITE_SHORT( velocityRange ); // Random velocity modifier MESSAGE_END(); } class CGargantua : public CBaseMonster { public: void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void UpdateOnRemove(); void SetYawSpeed( void ); int Classify( void ); int TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ); void TraceAttack( entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType ); void HandleAnimEvent( MonsterEvent_t *pEvent ); BOOL CheckMeleeAttack1( float flDot, float flDist ); // Swipe BOOL CheckMeleeAttack2( float flDot, float flDist ); // Flames BOOL CheckRangeAttack1( float flDot, float flDist ); // Stomp attack void SetObjectCollisionBox( void ) { pev->absmin = pev->origin + Vector( -80, -80, 0 ); pev->absmax = pev->origin + Vector( 80, 80, 214 ); } Schedule_t *GetScheduleOfType( int Type ); void StartTask( Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask( Task_t *pTask ); void PrescheduleThink( void ); void Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib ); void DeathEffect( void ); void EyeOff( void ); void EyeOn( int level ); void EyeUpdate( void ); void Leap( void ); void StompAttack( void ); void FlameCreate( void ); void FlameUpdate( void ); void FlameControls( float angleX, float angleY ); void FlameDestroy( void ); inline BOOL FlameIsOn( void ) { return m_pFlame[0] != NULL; } void FlameDamage( Vector vecStart, Vector vecEnd, entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType ); virtual int Save( CSave &save ); virtual int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; CUSTOM_SCHEDULES private: static const char *pAttackHitSounds[]; static const char *pBeamAttackSounds[]; static const char *pAttackMissSounds[]; static const char *pRicSounds[]; static const char *pFootSounds[]; static const char *pIdleSounds[]; static const char *pAlertSounds[]; static const char *pPainSounds[]; static const char *pAttackSounds[]; static const char *pStompSounds[]; static const char *pBreatheSounds[]; CBaseEntity* GargantuaCheckTraceHullAttack(float flDist, int iDamage, int iDmgType); CSprite *m_pEyeGlow; // Glow around the eyes CBeam *m_pFlame[4]; // Flame beams int m_eyeBrightness; // Brightness target float m_seeTime; // Time to attack (when I see the enemy, I set this) float m_flameTime; // Time of next flame attack float m_painSoundTime; // Time of next pain sound float m_streakTime; // streak timer (don't send too many) float m_flameX; // Flame thrower aim float m_flameY; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_gargantua, CGargantua ) TYPEDESCRIPTION CGargantua::m_SaveData[] = { DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_pEyeGlow, FIELD_CLASSPTR ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_eyeBrightness, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_seeTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_flameTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_streakTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_painSoundTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_ARRAY( CGargantua, m_pFlame, FIELD_CLASSPTR, 4 ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_flameX, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( CGargantua, m_flameY, FIELD_FLOAT ), }; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE( CGargantua, CBaseMonster ) const char *CGargantua::pAttackHitSounds[] = { "zombie/claw_strike1.wav", "zombie/claw_strike2.wav", "zombie/claw_strike3.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pBeamAttackSounds[] = { "garg/gar_flameoff1.wav", "garg/gar_flameon1.wav", "garg/gar_flamerun1.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pAttackMissSounds[] = { "zombie/claw_miss1.wav", "zombie/claw_miss2.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pRicSounds[] = { #if 0 "weapons/ric1.wav", "weapons/ric2.wav", "weapons/ric3.wav", "weapons/ric4.wav", "weapons/ric5.wav", #else "debris/metal4.wav", "debris/metal6.wav", "weapons/ric4.wav", "weapons/ric5.wav", #endif }; const char *CGargantua::pFootSounds[] = { "garg/gar_step1.wav", "garg/gar_step2.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pIdleSounds[] = { "garg/gar_idle1.wav", "garg/gar_idle2.wav", "garg/gar_idle3.wav", "garg/gar_idle4.wav", "garg/gar_idle5.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pAttackSounds[] = { "garg/gar_attack1.wav", "garg/gar_attack2.wav", "garg/gar_attack3.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pAlertSounds[] = { "garg/gar_alert1.wav", "garg/gar_alert2.wav", "garg/gar_alert3.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pPainSounds[] = { "garg/gar_pain1.wav", "garg/gar_pain2.wav", "garg/gar_pain3.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pStompSounds[] = { "garg/gar_stomp1.wav", }; const char *CGargantua::pBreatheSounds[] = { "garg/gar_breathe1.wav", "garg/gar_breathe2.wav", "garg/gar_breathe3.wav", }; //========================================================= // AI Schedules Specific to this monster //========================================================= #if 0 enum { SCHED_ = LAST_COMMON_SCHEDULE + 1 }; #endif enum { TASK_SOUND_ATTACK = LAST_COMMON_TASK + 1, TASK_FLAME_SWEEP }; Task_t tlGargFlame[] = { { TASK_STOP_MOVING, (float)0 }, { TASK_FACE_ENEMY, (float)0 }, { TASK_SOUND_ATTACK, (float)0 }, // { TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE, (float)ACT_SIGNAL1 }, { TASK_SET_ACTIVITY, (float)ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2 }, { TASK_FLAME_SWEEP, (float)4.5 }, { TASK_SET_ACTIVITY, (float)ACT_IDLE }, }; Schedule_t slGargFlame[] = { { tlGargFlame, ARRAYSIZE( tlGargFlame ), 0, 0, "GargFlame" }, }; // primary melee attack Task_t tlGargSwipe[] = { { TASK_STOP_MOVING, 0 }, { TASK_FACE_ENEMY, (float)0 }, { TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1, (float)0 }, }; Schedule_t slGargSwipe[] = { { tlGargSwipe, ARRAYSIZE( tlGargSwipe ), bits_COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK2, 0, "GargSwipe" }, }; DEFINE_CUSTOM_SCHEDULES( CGargantua ) { slGargFlame, slGargSwipe, }; IMPLEMENT_CUSTOM_SCHEDULES( CGargantua, CBaseMonster ) void CGargantua::EyeOn( int level ) { m_eyeBrightness = level; } void CGargantua::EyeOff( void ) { m_eyeBrightness = 0; } void CGargantua::EyeUpdate( void ) { if( m_pEyeGlow ) { m_pEyeGlow->pev->renderamt = UTIL_Approach( m_eyeBrightness, m_pEyeGlow->pev->renderamt, 26 ); if( m_pEyeGlow->pev->renderamt == 0 ) m_pEyeGlow->pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; else m_pEyeGlow->pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; UTIL_SetOrigin( m_pEyeGlow, pev->origin ); } } void CGargantua::StompAttack( void ) { TraceResult trace; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); Vector vecStart = pev->origin + Vector(0,0,60) + 35 * gpGlobals->v_forward; Vector vecAim = ShootAtEnemy( vecStart ); Vector vecEnd = (vecAim * 1024) + vecStart; UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, ignore_monsters, edict(), &trace ); CStomp::StompCreate( vecStart, trace.vecEndPos, 0 ); UTIL_ScreenShake( pev->origin, 12.0, 100.0, 2.0, 1000 ); EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, pStompSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pStompSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_GARG, 0, PITCH_NORM + RANDOM_LONG( -10, 10 ) ); UTIL_TraceLine( pev->origin, pev->origin - Vector(0,0,20), ignore_monsters, edict(), &trace ); if( trace.flFraction < 1.0 ) UTIL_DecalTrace( &trace, DECAL_GARGSTOMP1 ); } void CGargantua::FlameCreate( void ) { int i; Vector posGun, angleGun; TraceResult trace; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( i < 2 ) m_pFlame[i] = CBeam::BeamCreate( GARG_BEAM_SPRITE_NAME, 240 ); else m_pFlame[i] = CBeam::BeamCreate( GARG_BEAM_SPRITE2, 140 ); if( m_pFlame[i] ) { int attach = i%2; // attachment is 0 based in GetAttachment GetAttachment( attach + 1, posGun, angleGun ); Vector vecEnd = ( gpGlobals->v_forward * GARG_FLAME_LENGTH ) + posGun; UTIL_TraceLine( posGun, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, edict(), &trace ); m_pFlame[i]->PointEntInit( trace.vecEndPos, entindex() ); if( i < 2 ) m_pFlame[i]->SetColor( 255, 130, 90 ); else m_pFlame[i]->SetColor( 0, 120, 255 ); m_pFlame[i]->SetBrightness( 190 ); m_pFlame[i]->SetFlags( BEAM_FSHADEIN ); m_pFlame[i]->SetScrollRate( 20 ); // attachment is 1 based in SetEndAttachment m_pFlame[i]->SetEndAttachment( attach + 2 ); CSoundEnt::InsertSound( bits_SOUND_COMBAT, posGun, 384, 0.3 ); } } EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_BODY, pBeamAttackSounds[1], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, pBeamAttackSounds[2], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); } void CGargantua::FlameControls( float angleX, float angleY ) { if( angleY < -180 ) angleY += 360; else if( angleY > 180 ) angleY -= 360; if( angleY < -45 ) angleY = -45; else if( angleY > 45 ) angleY = 45; m_flameX = UTIL_ApproachAngle( angleX, m_flameX, 4 ); m_flameY = UTIL_ApproachAngle( angleY, m_flameY, 8 ); SetBoneController( 0, m_flameY ); SetBoneController( 1, m_flameX ); } void CGargantua::FlameUpdate( void ) { int i; TraceResult trace; Vector vecStart, angleGun; BOOL streaks = FALSE; for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if( m_pFlame[i] ) { Vector vecAim = pev->angles; vecAim.x += m_flameX; vecAim.y += m_flameY; UTIL_MakeVectors( vecAim ); GetAttachment( i + 1, vecStart, angleGun ); Vector vecEnd = vecStart + ( gpGlobals->v_forward * GARG_FLAME_LENGTH ); // - offset[i] * gpGlobals->v_right; UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, edict(), &trace ); m_pFlame[i]->SetStartPos( trace.vecEndPos ); m_pFlame[i+2]->SetStartPos( ( vecStart * 0.6 ) + ( trace.vecEndPos * 0.4 ) ); if( trace.flFraction != 1.0 && gpGlobals->time > m_streakTime ) { StreakSplash( trace.vecEndPos, trace.vecPlaneNormal, 6, 20, 50, 400 ); streaks = TRUE; UTIL_DecalTrace( &trace, DECAL_SMALLSCORCH1 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 2 ) ); } // RadiusDamage( trace.vecEndPos, pev, pev, gSkillData.gargantuaDmgFire, CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER, DMG_BURN ); FlameDamage( vecStart, trace.vecEndPos, pev, pev, gSkillData.gargantuaDmgFire, CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER, DMG_BURN ); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_ELIGHT ); WRITE_SHORT( entindex() + 0x1000 * ( i + 2 ) ); // entity, attachment WRITE_COORD( vecStart.x ); // origin WRITE_COORD( vecStart.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecStart.z ); WRITE_COORD( RANDOM_FLOAT( 32, 48 ) ); // radius WRITE_BYTE( 255 ); // R WRITE_BYTE( 255 ); // G WRITE_BYTE( 255 ); // B WRITE_BYTE( 2 ); // life * 10 WRITE_COORD( 0 ); // decay MESSAGE_END(); } } if( streaks ) m_streakTime = gpGlobals->time; } void CGargantua::FlameDamage( Vector vecStart, Vector vecEnd, entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int iClassIgnore, int bitsDamageType ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; TraceResult tr; float flAdjustedDamage; Vector vecSpot; Vector vecMid = ( vecStart + vecEnd ) * 0.5; float searchRadius = ( vecStart - vecMid).Length(); Vector vecAim = ( vecEnd - vecStart ).Normalize(); // iterate on all entities in the vicinity. while( ( pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pEntity, vecMid, searchRadius ) ) != NULL ) { if( pEntity->pev->takedamage != DAMAGE_NO ) { // UNDONE: this should check a damage mask, not an ignore if( iClassIgnore != CLASS_NONE && pEntity->Classify() == iClassIgnore ) { // houndeyes don't hurt other houndeyes with their attack continue; } vecSpot = pEntity->BodyTarget( vecMid ); float dist = DotProduct( vecAim, vecSpot - vecMid ); if( dist > searchRadius ) dist = searchRadius; else if( dist < -searchRadius ) dist = searchRadius; Vector vecSrc = vecMid + dist * vecAim; UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSpot, dont_ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr ); if( tr.flFraction == 1.0 || tr.pHit == pEntity->edict() ) { // the explosion can 'see' this entity, so hurt them! // decrease damage for an ent that's farther from the flame. dist = ( vecSrc - tr.vecEndPos ).Length(); if( dist > 64 ) { flAdjustedDamage = flDamage - ( dist - 64 ) * 0.4; if( flAdjustedDamage <= 0 ) continue; } else { flAdjustedDamage = flDamage; } // ALERT( at_console, "hit %s\n", STRING( pEntity->pev->classname ) ); if( tr.flFraction != 1.0 ) { ClearMultiDamage(); pEntity->TraceAttack( pevInflictor, flAdjustedDamage, ( tr.vecEndPos - vecSrc ).Normalize(), &tr, bitsDamageType ); ApplyMultiDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker ); } else { pEntity->TakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flAdjustedDamage, bitsDamageType ); } } } } } void CGargantua::FlameDestroy( void ) { int i; EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, pBeamAttackSounds[0], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( m_pFlame[i] ) { UTIL_Remove( m_pFlame[i] ); m_pFlame[i] = NULL; } } } void CGargantua::PrescheduleThink( void ) { if( !HasConditions( bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY ) ) { m_seeTime = gpGlobals->time + 5; EyeOff(); } else EyeOn( 200 ); EyeUpdate(); } //========================================================= // Classify - indicates this monster's place in the // relationship table. //========================================================= int CGargantua::Classify( void ) { return m_iClass?m_iClass:CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER; } //========================================================= // SetYawSpeed - allows each sequence to have a different // turn rate associated with it. //========================================================= void CGargantua::SetYawSpeed( void ) { int ys; switch ( m_Activity ) { case ACT_IDLE: ys = 60; break; case ACT_TURN_LEFT: case ACT_TURN_RIGHT: ys = 180; break; case ACT_WALK: case ACT_RUN: ys = 60; break; default: ys = 60; break; } pev->yaw_speed = ys; } //========================================================= // Spawn //========================================================= void CGargantua::Spawn() { Precache(); if (pev->model) SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), STRING(pev->model)); //LRC else SET_MODEL( ENT( pev ), "models/garg.mdl" ); UTIL_SetSize( pev, Vector( -32, -32, 0 ), Vector( 32, 32, 64 ) ); pev->solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP; m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN; if (pev->health == 0) pev->health = gSkillData.gargantuaHealth; //pev->view_ofs = Vector ( 0, 0, 96 );// taken from mdl file m_flFieldOfView = -0.2;// width of forward view cone ( as a dotproduct result ) m_MonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_NONE; MonsterInit(); m_pEyeGlow = CSprite::SpriteCreate( GARG_EYE_SPRITE_NAME, pev->origin, FALSE ); m_pEyeGlow->SetTransparency( kRenderGlow, 255, 255, 255, 0, kRenderFxNoDissipation ); m_pEyeGlow->SetAttachment( edict(), 1 ); EyeOff(); m_seeTime = gpGlobals->time + 5; m_flameTime = gpGlobals->time + 2; } //========================================================= // Precache - precaches all resources this monster needs //========================================================= void CGargantua::Precache() { size_t i; if (pev->model) PRECACHE_MODEL(STRING(pev->model)); //LRC else PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/garg.mdl" ); PRECACHE_MODEL( GARG_EYE_SPRITE_NAME ); PRECACHE_MODEL( GARG_BEAM_SPRITE_NAME ); PRECACHE_MODEL( GARG_BEAM_SPRITE2 ); gStompSprite = PRECACHE_MODEL( GARG_STOMP_SPRITE_NAME ); gGargGibModel = PRECACHE_MODEL( GARG_GIB_MODEL ); PRECACHE_SOUND( GARG_STOMP_BUZZ_SOUND ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pAttackHitSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pAttackHitSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pBeamAttackSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pBeamAttackSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pAttackMissSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pAttackMissSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pRicSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pRicSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pFootSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pFootSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pIdleSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pIdleSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pAlertSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pAlertSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pPainSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pPainSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pAttackSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pAttackSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pStompSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pStompSounds[i] ); for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pBreatheSounds ); i++ ) PRECACHE_SOUND( pBreatheSounds[i] ); } void CGargantua::UpdateOnRemove() { CBaseEntity::UpdateOnRemove(); if( m_pEyeGlow ) { UTIL_Remove( m_pEyeGlow ); m_pEyeGlow = 0; } FlameDestroy(); } void CGargantua::TraceAttack( entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType ) { ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CGargantua::TraceAttack\n" ); if( !IsAlive() ) { CBaseMonster::TraceAttack( pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType ); return; } // UNDONE: Hit group specific damage? if( bitsDamageType & ( GARG_DAMAGE | DMG_BLAST ) ) { if( m_painSoundTime < gpGlobals->time ) { EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_VOICE, pPainSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pPainSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_GARG, 0, PITCH_NORM ); m_painSoundTime = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 2.5, 4 ); } } bitsDamageType &= GARG_DAMAGE; if( bitsDamageType == 0 ) { if( pev->dmgtime != gpGlobals->time || (RANDOM_LONG( 0, 100 ) < 20 ) ) { UTIL_Ricochet( ptr->vecEndPos, RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.5 ,1.5 ) ); pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time; //if ( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 100 ) < 25 ) // EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_BODY, pRicSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pRicSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM ); } flDamage = 0; } CBaseMonster::TraceAttack( pevAttacker, flDamage, vecDir, ptr, bitsDamageType ); } int CGargantua::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ) { ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CGargantua::TakeDamage\n" ); if( IsAlive() ) { if( !( bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE ) ) flDamage *= 0.01; if( bitsDamageType & DMG_BLAST ) SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE ); } return CBaseMonster::TakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType ); } void CGargantua::DeathEffect( void ) { int i; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); Vector deathPos = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 100; // Create a spiral of streaks CSpiral::Create( deathPos, ( pev->absmax.z - pev->absmin.z ) * 0.6, 125, 1.5 ); Vector position = pev->origin; position.z += 32; for( i = 0; i < 7; i+=2 ) { SpawnExplosion( position, 70, ( i * 0.3 ), 60 + ( i * 20 ) ); position.z += 15; } CBaseEntity *pSmoker = CBaseEntity::Create( "env_smoker", pev->origin, g_vecZero, NULL ); pSmoker->pev->health = 1; // 1 smoke balls pSmoker->pev->scale = 46; // 4.6X normal size pSmoker->pev->dmg = 0; // 0 radial distribution pSmoker->SetNextThink( 2.5 ); // Start in 2.5 seconds } void CGargantua::Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib ) { EyeOff(); UTIL_Remove( m_pEyeGlow ); m_pEyeGlow = NULL; CBaseMonster::Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_NEVER ); } //========================================================= // CheckMeleeAttack1 // Garg swipe attack // //========================================================= BOOL CGargantua::CheckMeleeAttack1( float flDot, float flDist ) { //ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CheckMelee(%f, %f)\n", flDot, flDist ); if( flDot >= 0.7 ) { if( flDist <= GARG_ATTACKDIST ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // Flame thrower madness! BOOL CGargantua::CheckMeleeAttack2( float flDot, float flDist ) { //ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CheckMelee(%f, %f)\n", flDot, flDist ); if( gpGlobals->time > m_flameTime ) { if( flDot >= 0.8 && flDist > GARG_ATTACKDIST ) { if ( flDist <= GARG_FLAME_LENGTH ) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //========================================================= // CheckRangeAttack1 // flDot is the cos of the angle of the cone within which // the attack can occur. //========================================================= // // Stomp attack // //========================================================= BOOL CGargantua::CheckRangeAttack1( float flDot, float flDist ) { if( gpGlobals->time > m_seeTime ) { if( flDot >= 0.7 && flDist > GARG_ATTACKDIST ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //========================================================= // HandleAnimEvent - catches the monster-specific messages // that occur when tagged animation frames are played. //========================================================= void CGargantua::HandleAnimEvent( MonsterEvent_t *pEvent ) { switch( pEvent->event ) { case GARG_AE_SLASH_LEFT: { // HACKHACK!!! CBaseEntity *pHurt = GargantuaCheckTraceHullAttack( GARG_ATTACKDIST + 10.0, gSkillData.gargantuaDmgSlash, DMG_SLASH ); if( pHurt ) { if( pHurt->pev->flags & ( FL_MONSTER | FL_CLIENT ) ) { pHurt->pev->punchangle.x = -30; // pitch pHurt->pev->punchangle.y = -30; // yaw pHurt->pev->punchangle.z = 30; // roll //UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); // called by CheckTraceHullAttack pHurt->pev->velocity = pHurt->pev->velocity - gpGlobals->v_right * 100; } EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, pAttackHitSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pAttackHitSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, 50 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 15 ) ); } else // Play a random attack miss sound EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, pAttackMissSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pAttackMissSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, 50 + RANDOM_LONG( 0, 15 ) ); Vector forward; UTIL_MakeVectorsPrivate( pev->angles, forward, NULL, NULL ); } break; case GARG_AE_RIGHT_FOOT: case GARG_AE_LEFT_FOOT: UTIL_ScreenShake( pev->origin, 4.0, 3.0, 1.0, 750 ); EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_BODY, pFootSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pFootSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_GARG, 0, PITCH_NORM + RANDOM_LONG( -10, 10 ) ); break; case GARG_AE_STOMP: StompAttack(); m_seeTime = gpGlobals->time + 12; break; case GARG_AE_BREATHE: if ( !(pev->spawnflags & SF_MONSTER_GAG) || m_MonsterState != MONSTERSTATE_IDLE) EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_VOICE, pBreatheSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pBreatheSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_GARG, 0, PITCH_NORM + RANDOM_LONG( -10, 10 ) ); break; default: CBaseMonster::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); break; } } //========================================================= // CheckTraceHullAttack - expects a length to trace, amount // of damage to do, and damage type. Returns a pointer to // the damaged entity in case the monster wishes to do // other stuff to the victim (punchangle, etc) // Used for many contact-range melee attacks. Bites, claws, etc. // Overridden for Gargantua because his swing starts lower as // a percentage of his height (otherwise he swings over the // players head) //========================================================= CBaseEntity* CGargantua::GargantuaCheckTraceHullAttack(float flDist, int iDamage, int iDmgType) { TraceResult tr; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); Vector vecStart = pev->origin; vecStart.z += 64; Vector vecEnd = vecStart + ( gpGlobals->v_forward * flDist ) - ( gpGlobals->v_up * flDist * 0.3 ); UTIL_TraceHull( vecStart, vecEnd, dont_ignore_monsters, head_hull, ENT( pev ), &tr ); if( tr.pHit ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( tr.pHit ); if( iDamage > 0 ) { pEntity->TakeDamage( pev, pev, iDamage, iDmgType ); } return pEntity; } return NULL; } Schedule_t *CGargantua::GetScheduleOfType( int Type ) { // HACKHACK - turn off the flames if they are on and garg goes scripted / dead if( FlameIsOn() ) FlameDestroy(); switch( Type ) { case SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK2: return slGargFlame; case SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK1: return slGargSwipe; break; } return CBaseMonster::GetScheduleOfType( Type ); } void CGargantua::StartTask( Task_t *pTask ) { switch( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_FLAME_SWEEP: FlameCreate(); m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; m_flameTime = gpGlobals->time + 6; m_flameX = 0; m_flameY = 0; break; case TASK_SOUND_ATTACK: if( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 100 ) < 30 ) EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_VOICE, pAttackSounds[RANDOM_LONG( 0, ARRAYSIZE( pAttackSounds ) - 1 )], 1.0, ATTN_GARG, 0, PITCH_NORM ); TaskComplete(); break; // allow a scripted_action to make gargantua shoot flames. case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT: if ( m_pCine->IsAction() && m_pCine->m_fAction == 3) { FlameCreate(); m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + 4.5; m_flameTime = gpGlobals->time + 6; m_flameX = 0; m_flameY = 0; } else CBaseMonster::StartTask( pTask ); break; case TASK_DIE: m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + 1.6; DeathEffect(); // FALL THROUGH default: CBaseMonster::StartTask( pTask ); break; } } //========================================================= // RunTask //========================================================= void CGargantua::RunTask( Task_t *pTask ) { switch( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_DIE: if( gpGlobals->time > m_flWaitFinished ) { pev->renderfx = kRenderFxExplode; pev->rendercolor.x = 255; pev->rendercolor.y = 0; pev->rendercolor.z = 0; StopAnimation(); SetNextThink( 0.15 ); SetThink(&CGargantua:: SUB_Remove ); int i; int parts = MODEL_FRAMES( gGargGibModel ); for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { CGib *pGib = GetClassPtr( (CGib *)NULL ); pGib->Spawn( GARG_GIB_MODEL ); int bodyPart = 0; if( parts > 1 ) bodyPart = RANDOM_LONG( 0, pev->body - 1 ); pGib->pev->body = bodyPart; pGib->m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_YELLOW; pGib->m_material = matNone; pGib->pev->origin = pev->origin; pGib->pev->velocity = UTIL_RandomBloodVector() * RANDOM_FLOAT( 300, 500 ); pGib->SetNextThink( 1.25 ); pGib->SetThink(&CGib:: SUB_FadeOut ); } MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, pev->origin ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BREAKMODEL ); // position WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.x ); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.y ); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.z ); // size WRITE_COORD( 200 ); WRITE_COORD( 200 ); WRITE_COORD( 128 ); // velocity WRITE_COORD( 0 ); WRITE_COORD( 0 ); WRITE_COORD( 0 ); // randomization WRITE_BYTE( 200 ); // Model WRITE_SHORT( gGargGibModel ); //model id# // # of shards WRITE_BYTE( 50 ); // duration WRITE_BYTE( 20 );// 3.0 seconds // flags WRITE_BYTE( BREAK_FLESH ); MESSAGE_END(); return; } else CBaseMonster::RunTask( pTask ); break; case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT: if (m_pCine->IsAction() && m_pCine->m_fAction == 3) { if (m_fSequenceFinished) { if (m_pCine->m_iRepeatsLeft > 0) CBaseMonster::RunTask( pTask ); else { FlameDestroy(); FlameControls( 0, 0 ); SetBoneController( 0, 0 ); SetBoneController( 1, 0 ); m_pCine->SequenceDone( this ); } break; } //if not finished, drop through into task_flame_sweep! } else { CBaseMonster::RunTask( pTask ); break; } case TASK_FLAME_SWEEP: if( gpGlobals->time > m_flWaitFinished ) { FlameDestroy(); TaskComplete(); FlameControls( 0, 0 ); SetBoneController( 0, 0 ); SetBoneController( 1, 0 ); } else { BOOL cancel = FALSE; Vector angles = g_vecZero; FlameUpdate(); CBaseEntity *pEnemy; if (m_pCine) // LRC- are we obeying a scripted_action? pEnemy = m_hTargetEnt; else pEnemy = m_hEnemy; if( pEnemy ) { Vector org = pev->origin; org.z += 64; Vector dir = pEnemy->BodyTarget( org ) - org; angles = UTIL_VecToAngles( dir ); angles.x = -angles.x; angles.y -= pev->angles.y; if( dir.Length() > 400 ) cancel = TRUE; } if( fabs(angles.y) > 60 ) cancel = TRUE; if( cancel ) { m_flWaitFinished -= 0.5; m_flameTime -= 0.5; } // FlameControls( angles.x + 2 * sin( gpGlobals->time * 8 ), angles.y + 28 * sin( gpGlobals->time * 8.5 ) ); FlameControls( angles.x, angles.y ); } break; default: CBaseMonster::RunTask( pTask ); break; } } class CSmoker : public CBaseEntity { public: void Spawn( void ); void Think( void ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( env_smoker, CSmoker ) void CSmoker::Spawn( void ) { pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; SetNextThink( 0 ); pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; UTIL_SetSize(pev, g_vecZero, g_vecZero ); pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; pev->angles = g_vecZero; } void CSmoker::Think( void ) { // lots of smoke MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, pev->origin ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SMOKE ); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.x + RANDOM_FLOAT( -pev->dmg, pev->dmg ) ); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.y + RANDOM_FLOAT( -pev->dmg, pev->dmg ) ); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.z); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexSmoke ); WRITE_BYTE( RANDOM_LONG(pev->scale, pev->scale * 1.1 ) ); WRITE_BYTE( RANDOM_LONG( 8, 14 ) ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); pev->health--; if( pev->health > 0 ) SetNextThink( RANDOM_FLOAT(0.1, 0.2) ); else UTIL_Remove( this ); } void CSpiral::Spawn( void ) { pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; SetNextThink( 0 ); pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; UTIL_SetSize( pev, g_vecZero, g_vecZero ); pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; pev->angles = g_vecZero; } CSpiral *CSpiral::Create( const Vector &origin, float height, float radius, float duration ) { if( duration <= 0 ) return NULL; CSpiral *pSpiral = GetClassPtr( (CSpiral *)NULL ); pSpiral->Spawn(); pSpiral->pev->dmgtime = pSpiral->m_fNextThink; pSpiral->pev->origin = origin; pSpiral->pev->scale = radius; pSpiral->pev->dmg = height; pSpiral->pev->speed = duration; pSpiral->pev->health = 0; pSpiral->pev->angles = g_vecZero; return pSpiral; } #define SPIRAL_INTERVAL 0.1 //025 void CSpiral::Think( void ) { float time = gpGlobals->time - pev->dmgtime; while( time > SPIRAL_INTERVAL ) { Vector position = pev->origin; Vector direction = Vector(0,0,1); float fraction = 1.0 / pev->speed; float radius = ( pev->scale * pev->health ) * fraction; position.z += ( pev->health * pev->dmg ) * fraction; pev->angles.y = ( pev->health * 360 * 8 ) * fraction; UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); position = position + gpGlobals->v_forward * radius; direction = ( direction + gpGlobals->v_forward ).Normalize(); StreakSplash( position, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), RANDOM_LONG( 8, 11 ), 20, RANDOM_LONG( 50, 150 ), 400 ); // Jeez, how many counters should this take ? :) pev->dmgtime += SPIRAL_INTERVAL; pev->health += SPIRAL_INTERVAL; time -= SPIRAL_INTERVAL; } SetNextThink( 0 ); if( pev->health >= pev->speed ) UTIL_Remove( this ); } // HACKHACK Cut and pasted from explode.cpp void SpawnExplosion( Vector center, float randomRange, float time, int magnitude ) { KeyValueData kvd; char buf[128]; center.x += RANDOM_FLOAT( -randomRange, randomRange ); center.y += RANDOM_FLOAT( -randomRange, randomRange ); CBaseEntity *pExplosion = CBaseEntity::Create( "env_explosion", center, g_vecZero, NULL ); sprintf( buf, "%3d", magnitude ); kvd.szKeyName = "iMagnitude"; kvd.szValue = buf; pExplosion->KeyValue( &kvd ); pExplosion->pev->spawnflags |= SF_ENVEXPLOSION_NODAMAGE; pExplosion->Spawn(); pExplosion->SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_CallUseToggle ); pExplosion->SetNextThink( time ); } #endif