//++ BulliT - with ideas from http://www.planethalflife.com/whenitsdone/ #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "player.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "gamerules.h" #include "aggamerules.h" #include "agglobal.h" #include "agctf.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern int gmsgCTFSound; extern int gmsgCTFFlag; extern int gmsgCountdown; enum CTFSound { YouHaveFlag = 0, TeamHaveFlag, EnemyHaveFlag, BlueFlagReturned, RedFlagReturned, BlueScores, RedScores, BlueFlagStolen, RedFlagStolen, //not used... BlueLeads, RedLeads, TeamsTied, SuddenDeath, Stolen, Capture, }; FILE_GLOBAL int s_iTeam1Captures; FILE_GLOBAL int s_iTeam2Captures; DLL_GLOBAL bool g_bTeam1FlagStolen; DLL_GLOBAL bool g_bTeam2FlagStolen; DLL_GLOBAL bool g_bTeam1FlagLost; DLL_GLOBAL bool g_bTeam2FlagLost; FILE_GLOBAL int s_iPlayerFlag1; FILE_GLOBAL int s_iPlayerFlag2; extern int gmsgTeamScore; AgCTF::AgCTF() { m_iTeam1Captures = 0; m_iTeam2Captures = 0; s_iTeam1Captures = s_iTeam2Captures = 0; g_bTeam1FlagStolen = g_bTeam2FlagStolen = false; g_bTeam1FlagLost = g_bTeam2FlagLost = false; s_iPlayerFlag1 = 0; s_iPlayerFlag2 = 0; m_iPlayerFlag1 = 0; m_iPlayerFlag2= 0; m_fNextCountdown = 0.0; m_fMatchStart = 0.0; if (ag_ctf_roundbased.value) m_Status = Waiting; else m_Status = Playing; } AgCTF::~AgCTF() { } void AgCTF::PlayerInitHud(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgTeamScore, NULL, pPlayer->pev ); WRITE_STRING( CTF_TEAM1_NAME); WRITE_SHORT( m_iTeam1Captures ); WRITE_SHORT( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgTeamScore, NULL, pPlayer->pev ); WRITE_STRING( CTF_TEAM2_NAME); WRITE_SHORT( m_iTeam2Captures ); WRITE_SHORT( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); } bool AgCTF::CaptureLimit() { if (ag_ctf_capture_limit.value > 1 && ( s_iTeam1Captures == ag_ctf_capture_limit.value ||s_iTeam2Captures == ag_ctf_capture_limit.value)) return true; return false; } void AgCTF::SendCaptures(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgTeamScore, NULL, pPlayer->pev ); WRITE_STRING( CTF_TEAM1_NAME); WRITE_SHORT( s_iTeam1Captures ); WRITE_SHORT( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgTeamScore, NULL, pPlayer->pev ); WRITE_STRING( CTF_TEAM2_NAME); WRITE_SHORT( s_iTeam2Captures ); WRITE_SHORT( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); } void AgCTF::ResetScore(bool bResetCaptures) { m_iTeam1Captures = -1; m_iTeam2Captures = -1; s_iTeam1Captures = s_iTeam2Captures = 0; m_Status = Playing; if (bResetCaptures) ResetCaptures(); } void AgCTF::ResetCaptures() { g_bTeam1FlagStolen = g_bTeam2FlagStolen = false; //Reset flag carrier. for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop) { pPlayerLoop->m_bFlagTeam1 = false; pPlayerLoop->m_bFlagTeam2 = false; } } //Remove carried flag CBaseEntity* pEntity = NULL; pEntity = NULL; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "carried_flag_team1" )) != NULL) UTIL_Remove(pEntity); pEntity = NULL; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "carried_flag_team2" )) != NULL) UTIL_Remove(pEntity); //Remove dropped flag pEntity = NULL; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "item_flag_team1" )) != NULL) { if (((AgCTFFlag*)pEntity)->m_bDropped) UTIL_Remove(pEntity); } pEntity = NULL; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "item_flag_team2" )) != NULL) { if (((AgCTFFlag*)pEntity)->m_bDropped) UTIL_Remove(pEntity); } //Reset base flag AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM1_NAME); AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM2_NAME); } void AgCTF::Think() { if (!g_pGameRules) return; if (m_iTeam1Captures != s_iTeam1Captures ||m_iTeam2Captures != s_iTeam2Captures) { m_iTeam1Captures = s_iTeam1Captures; //Send new team score to all clients. MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgTeamScore ); WRITE_STRING( CTF_TEAM1_NAME); WRITE_SHORT( s_iTeam1Captures ); WRITE_SHORT( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); m_iTeam2Captures = s_iTeam2Captures; //Send new team score to all clients. MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgTeamScore ); WRITE_STRING( CTF_TEAM2_NAME); WRITE_SHORT( s_iTeam2Captures ); WRITE_SHORT( 0 ); MESSAGE_END(); } if (m_iPlayerFlag1 != s_iPlayerFlag1 ||m_iPlayerFlag2 != s_iPlayerFlag2) { m_iPlayerFlag1 = s_iPlayerFlag1; m_iPlayerFlag2 = s_iPlayerFlag2; //Send new flag status to all clients. MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFFlag ); WRITE_BYTE( m_iPlayerFlag1 ); WRITE_BYTE( m_iPlayerFlag2 ); MESSAGE_END(); } m_FileItemCache.Init(); RoundBasedThink(); } void AgCTF::RoundBasedThink() { //We only update status once every second. if (m_fNextCountdown > gpGlobals->time) return; m_fNextCountdown = gpGlobals->time + 1.0; //Handle the status if (Waiting == m_Status) { g_bPaused = true; m_Status = Countdown; m_fMatchStart = gpGlobals->time + 8.0; m_fNextCountdown = gpGlobals->time + 3.0; //Write waiting message MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCountdown); WRITE_BYTE( 50 ); WRITE_BYTE( 1 ); WRITE_STRING( m_sWinner.c_str() ); WRITE_STRING( "" ); MESSAGE_END(); } else if (Countdown == m_Status) { if (m_fMatchStart < gpGlobals->time) { //Clear out the map AgResetMap(); //Reset CTF items ResetCaptures(); m_Status = Spawning; m_sWinner = ""; //Time to start playing. for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop && pPlayerLoop->m_bReady) { if (!pPlayerLoop->IsSpectator()) pPlayerLoop->RespawnMatch(); } } m_Status = Playing; //Stop countdown MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCountdown); WRITE_BYTE( -1 ); WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); WRITE_STRING( "" ); WRITE_STRING( "" ); MESSAGE_END(); g_bPaused = false; } else { //Write countdown message. MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCountdown); WRITE_BYTE( (int)(m_fMatchStart - gpGlobals->time) ); WRITE_BYTE( 1 ); WRITE_STRING( "" ); WRITE_STRING( "" ); MESSAGE_END(); } } } void AgCTF::RoundOver(const char* pszWinner) { m_sWinner = pszWinner; m_Status = Waiting; } void AgCTF::ClientConnected(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; } void AgCTF::ClientDisconnected(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; PlayerDropFlag(pPlayer); } void AgCTF::PlayerKilled(CBasePlayer* pPlayer,entvars_t *pKiller) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; CBaseEntity* pKillerBE = CBaseEntity::Instance(pKiller); if (pKillerBE && CLASS_PLAYER == pKillerBE->Classify()) { CBasePlayer* pKillerPlayer = ((CBasePlayer*)pKillerBE); AddPointsForKill(pKillerPlayer,pPlayer); } bool bReturnDirectly = (0 == strcmp(STRING(pKiller->classname),"trigger_hurt")); if (bReturnDirectly) { if (pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1) { CBaseEntity* pEntity = NULL; pEntity = NULL; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "carried_flag_team1" )) != NULL) UTIL_Remove(pEntity); pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1 = false; AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM1_NAME); char szText[201]; sprintf(szText, "%s flag returned!", CTF_TEAM1_NAME); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( BlueFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } else if (pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2) { CBaseEntity* pEntity = NULL; pEntity = NULL; while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "carried_flag_team2" )) != NULL) UTIL_Remove(pEntity); pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2 = false; AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM2_NAME); char szText[201]; sprintf(szText, "%s flag returned!", CTF_TEAM2_NAME); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( RedFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } } else PlayerDropFlag(pPlayer); } void AgCTF::AddPointsForKill(CBasePlayer *pAttacker, CBasePlayer *pKilled) { if ( pAttacker != pKilled && g_pGameRules->PlayerRelationship( pAttacker, pKilled ) == GR_TEAMMATE ) return; //Killed his team m8. if( ( FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, pKilled->m_szTeamName) && pKilled->m_bFlagTeam2 ) || ( FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, pKilled->m_szTeamName) && pKilled->m_bFlagTeam1 ) ) { //He killed the flag carrier. pAttacker->AddPoints(ag_ctf_carrierkillpoints.value, TRUE); } //Check if he is 192 units within his own flag (defending) edict_t* pFind = NULL; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, pAttacker->m_szTeamName)) pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME(NULL,"item_flag_team1"); else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, pAttacker->m_szTeamName)) pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME( NULL, "item_flag_team2" ); if (pFind) { Vector vtFlag = pFind->v.origin; Vector vtPlayer = pKilled->pev->origin; float fDistance = (vtFlag - vtPlayer).Length(); if (fDistance < 192) //Add points for defending. pAttacker->AddPoints(ag_ctf_defendpoints.value, TRUE); } } void AgCTF::PlayerDropFlag(CBasePlayer* pPlayer, bool bPlayerDrop) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; //When carrying a flag, drop it! if (pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1 || pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2) { char szText [201]; CBaseEntity *pEnt = NULL; if (bPlayerDrop) UTIL_MakeVectors ( pPlayer->pev->angles ); if (pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1) { pEnt = CBaseEntity::Create( "item_flag_team1", bPlayerDrop? (pPlayer->pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 10) : pPlayer->pev->origin, pPlayer->pev->angles, pPlayer->edict() ); sprintf(szText, "%s lost the %s flag!", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), CTF_TEAM1_NAME); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); g_bTeam1FlagLost = true; } else if (pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2) { pEnt = CBaseEntity::Create( "item_flag_team2", bPlayerDrop? (pPlayer->pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 10) : pPlayer->pev->origin, pPlayer->pev->angles, pPlayer->edict() ); sprintf(szText, "%s lost the %s flag!", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), CTF_TEAM2_NAME); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); g_bTeam2FlagLost = true; } if (bPlayerDrop) { pEnt->pev->velocity = gpGlobals->v_forward * 300 + gpGlobals->v_forward * 100; pEnt->pev->angles.z = 0; } else pEnt->pev->velocity = pPlayer->pev->velocity * 1.2; pEnt->pev->angles.x = 0; AgCTFFlag *pFlag = (AgCTFFlag *)pEnt; if (bPlayerDrop) pFlag->m_fNextTouch = gpGlobals->time + 0.5; //Gotta give the flag a bit of time to fly away from player before it can be picked up again. pFlag->m_bDropped = true; pFlag->m_fNextReset = gpGlobals->time + ag_ctf_flag_resettime.value; pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1 = false; pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2 = false; } } extern int gmsgItemPickup; enum Flag_Animations { ON_GROUND = 0, NOT_CARRIED, CARRIED, WAVE_IDLE, FLAG_POSITION }; void AgCTFFlag::Spawn ( void ) { m_fNextTouch = 0; Precache( ); SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/flag.mdl"); pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; pev->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; UTIL_SetOrigin( pev, pev->origin ); UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(-16, -16, 0), Vector(16, 16, 16)); SetThink( &AgCTFFlag::Think ); SetTouch( &AgCTFFlag::FlagTouch ); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) pev->skin = 1; else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) pev->skin = 2; m_bDropped = false; pev->sequence = NOT_CARRIED; pev->framerate = 1.0; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { pev->rendercolor.x = 0; pev->rendercolor.y = 0; pev->rendercolor.z = 128; } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { pev->rendercolor.x = 128; pev->rendercolor.y = 0; pev->rendercolor.z = 0; } pev->renderamt = 50; pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; } void AgCTFFlag::Precache( void ) { PRECACHE_MODEL ("models/flag.mdl"); } void AgCTFFlag::Capture(CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const char *m_szTeamName) { char szText[201]; sprintf(szText, "%s captured the %s flag!", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), m_szTeamName); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); //Give the player the points pPlayer->AddPoints(ag_ctf_capturepoints.value, TRUE); pPlayer->AddPointsToTeam(ag_ctf_teamcapturepoints.value, TRUE); //And give the team a capture if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( RedScores ); MESSAGE_END(); s_iTeam2Captures++; UTIL_LogPrintf("Team \"%s\" triggered \"Capture\" (%s \"%d\") (%s \"%d\")\n",CTF_TEAM2_NAME,CTF_TEAM1_NAME,s_iTeam1Captures,CTF_TEAM2_NAME,s_iTeam2Captures); if (ag_ctf_roundbased.value) g_pGameRules->m_CTF.RoundOver(CTF_TEAM2_NAME); } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( BlueScores ); MESSAGE_END(); s_iTeam1Captures++; UTIL_LogPrintf("Team \"%s\" triggered \"Capture\" (%s \"%d\") (%s \"%d\")\n",CTF_TEAM1_NAME,CTF_TEAM1_NAME,s_iTeam1Captures,CTF_TEAM2_NAME,s_iTeam2Captures); if (ag_ctf_roundbased.value) g_pGameRules->m_CTF.RoundOver(CTF_TEAM1_NAME); } ResetFlag( m_szTeamName ); } void AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag() { AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag(m_szTeamName); char szText[201]; sprintf(szText, "%s flag returned!", m_szTeamName); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( BlueFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( RedFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } if (m_bDropped) UTIL_Remove( this ); } void AgCTFFlag::ResetFlag(const char *szTeamName) { edict_t *pFind; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, szTeamName)) { pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME( NULL, "item_flag_team1" ); g_bTeam1FlagStolen = false; g_bTeam1FlagLost = false; } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, szTeamName)) { pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME( NULL, "item_flag_team2" ); g_bTeam2FlagStolen = false; g_bTeam2FlagLost = false; } else return; while ( !FNullEnt( pFind ) ) { CBaseEntity *pEnt = CBaseEntity::Instance( pFind ); AgCTFFlag *pFlag = (AgCTFFlag *)pEnt; pFlag->Materialize( ); if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, szTeamName)) pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME( pFind, "item_flag_team1" ); else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, szTeamName)) pFind = FIND_ENTITY_BY_CLASSNAME( pFind, "item_flag_team2" ); } } void AgCTFFlag::FlagTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if (m_fNextTouch > gpGlobals->time) return; // if it's not a player, ignore if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() ) return; if ( !pOther->IsAlive() ) return; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pOther; if (MyTouch( pPlayer )) { SUB_UseTargets( pOther, USE_TOGGLE, 0 ); SetTouch( NULL ); SetThink( NULL ); //if it's a dropped flag, remove. Else make it invisible if (m_bDropped) UTIL_Remove( this ); else pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; } } void AgCTFFlag::Materialize( void ) { if ( pev->effects & EF_NODRAW ) { // changing from invisible state to visible. EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "items/suitchargeok1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 150 ); pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; pev->effects |= EF_MUZZLEFLASH; } SetTouch( &AgCTFFlag::FlagTouch ); SetThink( &AgCTFFlag::Think ); } BOOL AgCTFFlag::MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ) { char szText[201]; // Can only carry one flag and can not pickup own flag if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { //if client has other teams flag and it isn't a dropped flag, then there is a capture! if ( pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2 && !m_bDropped) { pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2 = false; UTIL_SendDirectorMessage( pPlayer->edict(), this->edict(), 10 | DRC_FLAG_DRAMATIC); Capture(pPlayer, CTF_TEAM2_NAME); return FALSE; } else if ( pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1 ) { return FALSE; } else if (FStrEq(pPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME)) { //if dropped, return flag if (m_bDropped) { ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM1_NAME); sprintf(szText, "%s returned the %s flag!", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), m_szTeamName); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); UTIL_Remove( this ); pPlayer->AddPoints(ag_ctf_returnpoints.value, TRUE); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( BlueFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } //but don't pick it up! return FALSE; } } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { //if client has other teams flag and it isn't a dropped flag, then there is a capture! if ( pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1 && !m_bDropped) { pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam1 = false; UTIL_SendDirectorMessage( pPlayer->edict(), this->edict(), 10 | DRC_FLAG_DRAMATIC); Capture(pPlayer, CTF_TEAM1_NAME); return FALSE; } else if ( pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2 ) { return FALSE; } else if (FStrEq(pPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME)) { //if dropped, return flag if (m_bDropped) { ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM2_NAME); sprintf(szText, "%s returned the %s flag!", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), m_szTeamName); AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); UTIL_Remove( this ); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( RedFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); pPlayer->AddPoints(ag_ctf_returnpoints.value, TRUE); } //but don't pick it up! return FALSE; } } if ( ( pPlayer->pev->weapons & (1<m_bFlagTeam1 = true; // player is now carrying the flag of team1, so give him the flag CBaseEntity *pEnt = CBaseEntity::Create( "carried_flag_team1", pev->origin, pev->angles, pPlayer->edict() ); AgCTFPlayerFlag *pCarriedFlag = (AgCTFPlayerFlag *)pEnt; pCarriedFlag->m_pOwner = pPlayer; s_iPlayerFlag1 = pPlayer->entindex(); /* //Glow blue pCarriedFlag->pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; pCarriedFlag->pev->rendercolor = Vector( 0, 0, 255 ); // RGB pCarriedFlag->pev->renderamt = 100; // Shell size */ } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { pPlayer->m_bFlagTeam2 = true; // player is now carrying the flag of team2, so give him the flag CBaseEntity *pEnt = CBaseEntity::Create( "carried_flag_team2", pev->origin, pev->angles, pPlayer->edict() ); AgCTFPlayerFlag *pCarriedFlag = (AgCTFPlayerFlag *)pEnt; pCarriedFlag->m_pOwner = pPlayer; s_iPlayerFlag2 = pPlayer->entindex(); /* //Glow red pCarriedFlag->pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; pCarriedFlag->pev->rendercolor = Vector( 255, 0, 0 ); // RGB pCarriedFlag->pev->renderamt = 100; // Shell size */ } MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgItemPickup, NULL, pPlayer->pev ); WRITE_STRING( STRING(pev->classname) ); MESSAGE_END(); //Let all players hear and read that the flag is gone if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { if (!g_bTeam1FlagLost) pPlayer->AddPoints(ag_ctf_stealpoints.value, TRUE); sprintf(szText, "%s got the %s flag!\n", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), CTF_TEAM1_NAME); } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { if (!g_bTeam2FlagLost) pPlayer->AddPoints(ag_ctf_stealpoints.value, TRUE); sprintf(szText, "%s got the %s flag!\n", STRING(pPlayer->pev->netname), CTF_TEAM2_NAME); } AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { CBasePlayer* pPlayerLoop = AgPlayerByIndex(i); if (pPlayerLoop) { if (pPlayer != pPlayerLoop) { if (pPlayerLoop->IsSpectator() || pPlayerLoop->IsProxy()) { if (!m_bDropped) { if (FStrEq(m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME)) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgCTFSound, NULL, pPlayerLoop->pev ); WRITE_BYTE(BlueFlagStolen); MESSAGE_END(); } else { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgCTFSound, NULL, pPlayerLoop->pev ); WRITE_BYTE(RedFlagStolen); MESSAGE_END(); } } } else if (FStrEq(pPlayerLoop->m_szTeamName, m_szTeamName)) { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgCTFSound, NULL, pPlayerLoop->pev ); WRITE_BYTE(EnemyHaveFlag); MESSAGE_END(); } else { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgCTFSound, NULL, pPlayerLoop->pev ); WRITE_BYTE(TeamHaveFlag); MESSAGE_END(); } } else { MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgCTFSound, NULL, pPlayerLoop->pev ); WRITE_BYTE(YouHaveFlag); MESSAGE_END(); } } } int iPowerUp = 0; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { g_bTeam1FlagStolen = true; g_bTeam1FlagLost = false; //Glow red pPlayer->pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; pPlayer->pev->rendercolor = Vector( 128, 0, 0 ); // RGB pPlayer->pev->renderamt = 50; // Shell size iPowerUp = 2; } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { g_bTeam2FlagStolen = true; g_bTeam2FlagLost = false; //Glow blue pPlayer->pev->renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell; pPlayer->pev->rendercolor = Vector( 0, 0, 128 ); // RGB pPlayer->pev->renderamt = 50; // Shell size iPowerUp = 2; } UTIL_SendDirectorMessage( pPlayer->edict(), this->edict(), 8 | DRC_FLAG_DRAMATIC); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void AgCTFFlag::Think( void ) { if (m_bDropped && m_fNextReset <= gpGlobals->time) { //Let all players know that the flag has been returned char szText[201]; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { sprintf(szText, "The %s flag has returned.\n", CTF_TEAM1_NAME); ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM1_NAME); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( BlueFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) { sprintf(szText, "The %s flag has returned.\n", CTF_TEAM2_NAME); ResetFlag(CTF_TEAM2_NAME); MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ALL, gmsgCTFSound ); WRITE_BYTE( RedFlagReturned ); MESSAGE_END(); } AgConsole(szText); UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, szText ); UTIL_Remove( this ); return; } pev->frame += pev->framerate; if (pev->frame < 0.0 || pev->frame >= 256.0) { pev->frame -= (int)(pev->frame / 256.0) * 256.0; } pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; } class AgCTFFlagTeam1 : public AgCTFFlag { void Spawn( void ) { pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("item_flag_team1"); //CCTF map compatibility hack strcpy( m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME ); AgCTFFlag::Spawn( ); } }; #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( item_flag_team1, AgCTFFlagTeam1 ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( ctf_blueflag, AgCTFFlagTeam1 ); //CCTF map compatibility hack #endif class AgCTFFlagTeam2 : public AgCTFFlag { void Spawn( void ) { pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("item_flag_team2"); //CCTF map compatibility hack strcpy( m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME ); AgCTFFlag::Spawn( ); } }; #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( item_flag_team2, AgCTFFlagTeam2 ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( ctf_redflag, AgCTFFlagTeam2 ); //CCTF map compatibility hack #endif class AgCTFFlagTeamOP4 : public AgCTFFlag { int m_iTeam; void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ) { if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "goal_no")) { m_iTeam = atoi(pkvd->szValue); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "ctf_flag")) //HLE map compatibility hack { if (1 == atoi(pkvd->szValue)) m_iTeam = 2; else if (2 == atoi(pkvd->szValue)) m_iTeam = 1; pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else AgCTFFlag::KeyValue( pkvd ); } void Spawn( void ) { if (1 == m_iTeam) { pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("item_flag_team1"); strcpy( m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME ); } else if (2 == m_iTeam) { pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("item_flag_team2"); strcpy( m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME ); } AgCTFFlag::Spawn( ); } }; #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( item_ctfflag, AgCTFFlagTeamOP4 ); //OP4CTF map compatibility hack. LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( info_flag_ctf, AgCTFFlagTeamOP4 ); //HLE map compatibility hack #endif //========================================================= // Carried Flag // // This is a complete new entity because it doesn't behave // as a flag. It just sits on the back of the player and // removes itself at the right time. (When player is gone // or death or lost the flag.) //========================================================= void AgCTFPlayerFlag ::Spawn( ) { Precache( ); SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/flag.mdl"); UTIL_SetOrigin( pev, pev->origin ); pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; //HACKHACKHACK: Overcome the attachment with no owner yet model "hop" by making it invisible pev->effects |= EF_NODRAW; pev->sequence = WAVE_IDLE; pev->framerate = 1.0; if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) pev->skin = 1; else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) pev->skin = 2; SetThink( &AgCTFPlayerFlag::Think ); pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; } void AgCTFPlayerFlag::UpdateOnRemove( void ) { if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM1_NAME, m_szTeamName)) s_iPlayerFlag1 = 0; else if (FStrEq(CTF_TEAM2_NAME, m_szTeamName)) s_iPlayerFlag2 = 0; } void AgCTFPlayerFlag::Precache( ) { PRECACHE_MODEL ("models/flag.mdl"); } void AgCTFPlayerFlag::Think( ) { //Make it visible pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; //And let if follow pev->aiment = ENT(m_pOwner->pev); pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; //Remove if owner is death if (!m_pOwner->IsAlive()) UTIL_Remove( this ); //If owner lost flag, remove if ( !m_pOwner->m_bFlagTeam1 && !m_pOwner->m_bFlagTeam2) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } else { //If owners speed is low, go in idle mode if (m_pOwner->pev->velocity.Length() <= 75 && pev->sequence != WAVE_IDLE) { pev->sequence = WAVE_IDLE; } //Else let the flag go wild else if (m_pOwner->pev->velocity.Length() >= 75 && pev->sequence != CARRIED) { pev->sequence = CARRIED; } pev->frame += pev->framerate; if (pev->frame < 0.0 || pev->frame >= 256.0) { pev->frame -= (int)(pev->frame / 256.0) * 256.0; } pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1; } } class AgCTFPlayerFlagTeam1 : public AgCTFPlayerFlag { void Spawn( void ) { strcpy( m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME ); AgCTFPlayerFlag::Spawn( ); } }; #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( carried_flag_team1, AgCTFPlayerFlagTeam1 ); #endif class AgCTFPlayerFlagTeam2 : public AgCTFPlayerFlag { void Spawn( void ) { strcpy( m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME ); AgCTFPlayerFlag::Spawn( ); } }; #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( carried_flag_team2, AgCTFPlayerFlagTeam2 ); #endif class AgCTFDetect : public CBaseEntity { void Spawn( void ) { UTIL_SetOrigin( pev, pev->origin ); pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; pev->effects = EF_NODRAW; AgString sGametype = CVAR_GET_STRING("sv_ag_gametype"); if (sGametype != "ctf") CVAR_SET_STRING("sv_ag_gamemode","ctf"); } void KeyValue( KeyValueData* pkvd) { pkvd->fHandled = FALSE; } }; #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( info_hmctfdetect, AgCTFDetect ); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( info_ctfdetect, AgCTFDetect ); //OP4 CTF detect LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( game_mode_ctf, AgCTFDetect ); //HLE CTF detect #endif /* ============ EntSelectCTFSpawnPoint Returns the CTF entity to spawn at USES AND SETS GLOBAL g_pLastSpawn ============ */ extern CBaseEntity *g_pLastSpawn; BOOL IsSpawnPointValid( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pSpot); inline int FNullEnt( CBaseEntity *ent ) { return (ent == NULL) || FNullEnt( ent->edict() ); } edict_t *EntSelectCTFSpawnPoint( CBaseEntity *pPlayer ) { CBaseEntity *pSpot; edict_t *player; player = pPlayer->edict(); CBasePlayer *cbPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pPlayer; //we need a CBasePlayer pSpot = g_pLastSpawn; // Randomize the start spot for ( int i = RANDOM_LONG(1,5); i > 0; i-- ) { if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team1" ); else if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team2" ); else pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch" ); } if ( FNullEnt( pSpot ) ) // skip over the null point { if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team1" ); else if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team2" ); else pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch" ); } CBaseEntity *pFirstSpot = pSpot; do { if ( pSpot ) { // check if pSpot is valid if ( IsSpawnPointValid( pPlayer, pSpot ) ) { if ( pSpot->pev->origin == Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) { if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team1" ); else if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team2" ); else pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch" ); continue; } // valid pSpot, so it can be returned goto ReturnSpot; } } // increment pSpot if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM1_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team1" ); else if (FStrEq(cbPlayer->m_szTeamName, CTF_TEAM2_NAME)) pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_team2" ); else pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch" ); } while ( pSpot != pFirstSpot ); // loop if we're not back to the start // we haven't found a place to spawn yet, so kill any guy at the first spawn point and spawn there if ( !FNullEnt( pSpot ) ) { CBaseEntity *ent = NULL; while ( (ent = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( ent, pSpot->pev->origin, 128 )) != NULL ) { // if ent is a client, kill em (unless they are ourselves) if ( ent->IsPlayer() && !(ent->edict() == player) ) ent->TakeDamage( VARS(INDEXENT(0)), VARS(INDEXENT(0)), 300, DMG_GENERIC ); } goto ReturnSpot; } ReturnSpot: if ( FNullEnt( pSpot ) ) { ALERT(at_error, "PutClientInServer: no info_player_team1,info_player_team2 on level"); ClientPrint(pPlayer->pev,HUD_PRINTCENTER, "This is not a valid CTF map!" ); pSpot = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch" ); if (FNullEnt( pSpot )) return INDEXENT(0); } g_pLastSpawn = pSpot; return pSpot->edict(); } class AgCTFSpawn : public CPointEntity { int m_iTeam; public: void KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ); BOOL IsTriggered( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); void Spawn( void ); private: }; void AgCTFSpawn::KeyValue( KeyValueData *pkvd ) { if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "master")) { pev->netname = ALLOC_STRING(pkvd->szValue); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } //OP4 map compatibility else if (FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "team_no")) { m_iTeam = atoi(pkvd->szValue); pkvd->fHandled = TRUE; } else CPointEntity::KeyValue( pkvd ); } BOOL AgCTFSpawn::IsTriggered( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { BOOL master = UTIL_IsMasterTriggered( pev->netname, pEntity ); return master; } void AgCTFSpawn :: Spawn( void ) { //CCTF map compatibility if (FStrEq(STRING(pev->classname), "ctf_bluespawn")) pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("info_player_team1"); else if (FStrEq(STRING(pev->classname), "ctf_redspawn")) pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("info_player_team2"); //HLE map compatibility else if (FStrEq(STRING(pev->classname), "info_player_ctf_blue")) pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("info_player_team1"); else if (FStrEq(STRING(pev->classname), "info_player_ctf_red")) pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("info_player_team2"); //OP4 map compatibility else if (1 == m_iTeam) pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("info_player_team1"); else if (2 == m_iTeam) pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("info_player_team2"); pev->solid = SOLID_NOT; } #ifndef AG_NO_CLIENT_DLL LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_player_team1,AgCTFSpawn); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(ctf_bluespawn,AgCTFSpawn); //CCTF map compatibility LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_player_team2,AgCTFSpawn); LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(ctf_redspawn,AgCTFSpawn); //CCTF map compatibility LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_ctfspawn,AgCTFSpawn); //OP4 CTF map compatibility LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_player_ctf_blue,AgCTFSpawn); //HLE CTF map compatibility LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(info_player_ctf_red,AgCTFSpawn); //HLE CTF map compatibility #endif #include "vector.h" class AgCTFFileItemCache; AgCTFFileItem::AgCTFFileItem() { m_vOrigin = Vector(0,0,0); m_vAngles = Vector(0,0,0); m_szName[0] = '\0'; } AgCTFFileItem::~AgCTFFileItem() { } void AgCTFFileItem::Show() { CLaserSpot* pSpot = CLaserSpot::CreateSpot(); UTIL_SetOrigin( pSpot->pev, m_vOrigin ); pSpot->LiveForTime(5.0); } AgCTFFileItemCache::AgCTFFileItemCache() { m_bInitDone = false; Load(); } AgCTFFileItemCache::~AgCTFFileItemCache() { //Delete all. for (AgCTFFileItemList::iterator itrFileItems = m_lstFileItems.begin() ;itrFileItems != m_lstFileItems.end(); ++itrFileItems) delete *itrFileItems; m_lstFileItems.clear(); } void AgCTFFileItemCache::Add(const AgString& sFileItem,CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; if (0 == sFileItem.size()) return; AgCTFFileItem* pFileItem = new AgCTFFileItem; strcpy(pFileItem->m_szName,sFileItem.c_str()); pFileItem->m_vOrigin = pPlayer->pev->origin; pFileItem->m_vAngles = pPlayer->pev->angles; m_lstFileItems.push_back(pFileItem); pFileItem->Show(); Save(pPlayer); AgConsole(UTIL_VarArgs("Added item %s.",(const char*)sFileItem.c_str()),pPlayer); } void AgCTFFileItemCache::Del(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; if (0 == m_lstFileItems.size()) return; AgCTFFileItem* pFileItem = m_lstFileItems.back(); AgConsole(UTIL_VarArgs("Deleted last item - %s.",pFileItem->m_szName,pPlayer)); m_lstFileItems.pop_back(); Save(pPlayer); } void AgCTFFileItemCache::List(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer); if (!pPlayer) return; ASSERT(NULL != pPlayer->pev); if (!pPlayer->pev) return; for (AgCTFFileItemList::iterator itrFileItems = m_lstFileItems.begin() ;itrFileItems != m_lstFileItems.end(); ++itrFileItems) { AgConsole(UTIL_VarArgs("%s",(const char*)(*itrFileItems)->m_szName),pPlayer); (*itrFileItems)->Show(); } } void AgCTFFileItemCache::Load(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { for (AgCTFFileItemList::iterator itrFileItems = m_lstFileItems.begin() ;itrFileItems != m_lstFileItems.end(); ++itrFileItems) delete *itrFileItems; m_lstFileItems.clear(); char szFile[MAX_PATH]; char szData[20000]; sprintf(szFile, "%s/ctf/%s.ctf", AgGetDirectory(),STRING(gpGlobals->mapname)); FILE* pFile = fopen(szFile,"r"); if (!pFile) { // file error return; } int iRead = fread(szData,sizeof(char),sizeof(szData)-2,pFile); fclose(pFile); if (0 >= iRead) return; szData[iRead] = '\0'; char* pszCTFString = strtok( szData, "\n"); while (pszCTFString != NULL) { AgCTFFileItem* pFileItem = new AgCTFFileItem; sscanf(pszCTFString,"%s %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",pFileItem->m_szName,&pFileItem->m_vOrigin.x,&pFileItem->m_vOrigin.y,&pFileItem->m_vOrigin.z,&pFileItem->m_vAngles.x,&pFileItem->m_vAngles.y,&pFileItem->m_vAngles.z); m_lstFileItems.push_back(pFileItem); pszCTFString = strtok( NULL, "\n"); } } void AgCTFFileItemCache::Save(CBasePlayer* pPlayer) { if (0 == m_lstFileItems.size()) return; char szFile[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szFile, "%s/ctf/%s.ctf", AgGetDirectory(),STRING(gpGlobals->mapname)); FILE* pFile = fopen(szFile,"wb"); if (!pFile) { // file error AgConsole(UTIL_VarArgs("Couldn't create/save FileItem file %s.",szFile),pPlayer); return; } //Loop and write the file. for (AgCTFFileItemList::iterator itrFileItems = m_lstFileItems.begin() ;itrFileItems != m_lstFileItems.end(); ++itrFileItems) { //Append. AgCTFFileItem* pFileItem = *itrFileItems; fprintf(pFile,"%s %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",pFileItem->m_szName,pFileItem->m_vOrigin.x,pFileItem->m_vOrigin.y,pFileItem->m_vOrigin.z,pFileItem->m_vAngles.x,pFileItem->m_vAngles.y,pFileItem->m_vAngles.z); } fflush(pFile); fclose(pFile); } void AgCTFFileItemCache::Init() { if (m_bInitDone) return; m_bInitDone = true; for (AgCTFFileItemList::iterator itrFileItems = m_lstFileItems.begin() ;itrFileItems != m_lstFileItems.end(); ++itrFileItems) { AgCTFFileItem* pFileItem = *itrFileItems; if (g_pGameRules->IsAllowedToSpawn(pFileItem->m_szName)) CBaseEntity::Create(pFileItem->m_szName, pFileItem->m_vOrigin, pFileItem->m_vAngles, INDEXENT(0)); } } //-- Martin Webrant