virtualBOOLIsDeathmatch(void)=0;//is this a deathmatch game?
virtualBOOLIsTeamplay(void){returnFALSE;};// is this deathmatch game being played with team rules?
virtualBOOLIsCoOp(void)=0;// is this a coop game?
virtualconstchar*GetGameDescription(void){return"Half-Life";}// this is the game name that gets seen in the server browser
virtualconstchar*GetGameDescription(void){return"Half-Life: Visitors";}// this is the game name that gets seen in the server browser
// Client connection/disconnection
virtualBOOLClientConnected(edict_t*pEntity,constchar*pszName,constchar*pszAddress,charszRejectReason[128])=0;// a client just connected to the server (player hasn't spawned yet)